Suggestions Needed
Back in the days of GMac, when he was trying to institute a strict version of CompStat with which to beat and bully the exempt staff, a certain supervisor decided to "borrow" an idea from New York and started a CompStat Bingo game (click for larger version):
We think this is the CPD CompStat get the idea.You might also be aware of a drinking game where people watch a TV show or speech or debate and take a shot every time a certain word of phrase is spoken, and that gave us an idea.
Conehead is going to appear before Congress on 05 March. What we need is a bingo card, hopefully 5x5, with certain words of phrases Conehead uses and can be checked off during his testimony. We've got a basic idea for a few:
- racism
- teachers/CTU
- black wife and 3 black children
- DEI (or individually diversity, equity, inclusion)
- community (fill in the blank)
- west side
- Sparklefarts / Obama
- progressive
- immigrants
Ideally, there would be a couple versions of this Bingo card.
Unfortunately, people would have to watch CSPAN for a few hours to play properly and win.
Maybe it's a bad idea, but we'll take suggestions in the comments for Conehead Words and Phrases.
UPDATE: How did we forget "raggedy"???
Labels: sarcasm AND silliness
Are those also the answers to the upcoming Captain interviews? I hear you to be a previous meritorious selection to get an interview.
Lest we forget Raggedy
More questions than answers
White people
Institutional racism
Need federal funding
- …a better, stronger, safer Chicago.
This is outlandish
DEI... Didn't Earn It
Now with the DOJ Law Suit, I don't think he's going to show up. Maybe DJT and Bondi should have waited until after his testimony. You know "Thanks for coming Mister Mayor and here is your souvenir to take back to Chicago" which is a copy of the law suit filed while you were testifying. Would have made for a great flight back home. Flight attendants are trained in handling panic attacks...aren't they.
You'd have to include non-verbal items on the list, like a deer in headlights look, random stammering, and "falling out." That brainless coward won't say much. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll have a heart attack and die.
Whole of government
Elected me to do
Greatest frickin city in the world
(Blank stare)
Black man
You forgot reparations.
Bigger, better, safer Chicago
don't forget "victimology" and "systemic racism" = more ways to blame the victims
Other talking points
+ black liberation
+ reparations
+ willis wagons
+ investing in people
It all goes back to Nixon.
Down with the struggle. Dindu nuthins. Word.
The center square should read "I am incompetent".
Dat bees raggedy and I don’t do raggedy
Retired in Texas……
“Unburdened “…………
Oh wait……sorry…..thats the other imbecile……
Back each other up out there!!!!!!!
Doo Doo hairstyle for the win...
Grandma Urethra Johnson
Speaking of shit head , I mean Conehead , I saw a video of him at the Chinese New Year celebration and someone gave him the finger and told him to fuck off. It was a really awesome video. Please post if you come across it.
Demonized youth
“Investing in people.”
You forgot reparations!
Dog whistle
“Investing” in peoples
Do you really think he OR Fat Azz will actually show up? I. Don’t. Think. So. BUT if they do, it will only be to blame Trump for all the problems. We need a “recall option” on the next ballot. (For the bingo card, don’t forget “It’s for the children”)
Add "Ya'll", and "Raggedy" to the scorecard and I'll play!...I'm betting I'll be drunk in the first 20 minutes....
Dont forget "Undocumented" and "Non Demonizing" and ""Yutes"... Im in! Give me three cards please...
Demonize do
Stole my thunder
Not Chicago, nor Leo, but thanks for making my phlegm come up and helping clear a horrid cold! SCC: if you were never an Officer, you might have been a one-man comedy show! Well done!
Wow! You just put some bad juju on yourself!
"Our most vulnerable populations"
You beat me to it.
"Y'all bee racists and shit.."
Blago cooperating /corroborating witness with the Feds. Prixter, Obama, other Dems,tik tok ???
He won't testify. THe CTU will pick that week to strike to help him out,
Ani't gots time fur dis shiit....
Think I'm blufffing...
Acting for drama....He'll start crying talking about...families torn apart....
How about these for the head of cone. My other baby momma stays in suburbs. I bees da mayor. Ain’t got to pay no water bills or parking tickets hunky.
Deer in the headlights standing there with a dumb ass look on his face. Only thing that comes to his pea brain is racist and ctu. What a fucked up piece of shit. Conehead say huh
Know Tom Dart is next for prison. Feds coming Tommy. Yikes. This is going to be GREAT! Reliable source. Heard it here first SCC
dindus evading incarceration = dei
Lil capones
"I dindu nuffin"...
Unify, leadership, My mission, navigate the crisis, Chicago's future, confident in my ability,
Need 'mo money fo' dem programs
Conehead's not going to appear in DC. It was a request, not a subpeona.
Frustrated jailguard…
If wishing heart attacks on shitheads put "bad juju" on me, I must be immune, because I've been doing so heart attack free for over 30 years.
You guys all hated that program but that guy got in the face of a lot of retards and assholes embarrassing them publicly. Say what you want about his character but this is true.
...just wait
Rusty dusty
He's arrogant enough...and stupid enough...
Wait what, another 30 years? I'll just stick to not believing in "bad juju" like a normal adult. You think if I have a heart attack, it'll be because I wished a heart attack on someone else? That's just not how the world works. There's no juju or karma. You can stop rubbing your crystals and burning sage, weirdo.
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