Run Vallas Run!
Though we don't have a lot of respect for people who switch parties as political opportunists, this might be a very good sense of timing on the part of Vallas:
Paul Vallas, the former Chicago Public Schools chief and unsuccessful Democratic governor candidate, said Wednesday he’s exploring a run for Cook County Board president as a Republican and is counting on his new political party to help him raise money.
“I really believe that it’s almost impossible to run as an independent or as a reform candidate through the Democratic Party,” Vallas said. “At the end of the day, if you’re going to be a reform candidate, particularly in Cook County…it becomes more realistic and more practical to run as a Republican.”
And in the midst of the Toddler's monumental tax increase stacked on top of the Blago tax increase combined with the City tax increase, it becomes almost possible that a taxpayer revolt could vault a known player like Vallas into the top spot and create some "coat tails" for other Republicans to garner support. Toddler looks beatable in 2010.
Labels: county
Don't we have any LOCAL Republicans qualified for this job?
Only Seiser can unscramble an egg.
PAUL: Hello?
RICH: Paul hey its Rich how are you?
PAUL: Im good, what do you need?
RICH: I need you to be Cook County President, but there is a catch.
PAUL: Whats the catch?
RICH: You need to switch parties and become a Republican to convince the people.
PAUL: Will people in Chicago vote Republican?
RICH: I already have the ballots and they already did.
Toddler was beatable LAST time, but people were too lazy or simply didn't believe that idiot could win it, and they didn't get out and vote.
I'm signing up to help Vallas as soon as he sets up shop. It's not enough to 'not vote'. You have to get out and vote for the other guy. Like I've said before, if three million people sit back and 'don't vote' because they want to make a statement, all it takes is ONE person who does go out and vote for the idiot. The idiot still wins.
No sitting on your hands, guys. Go out and vote against that thieving s.o.b. entitlement twerp.
I hope he sends Toddler & relatives packing & searching for jobs. Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll believe it when I see it. Sounds like more Daley-generated distraction as the Olympic deadline looms. There's definitely more than meets the eye here. Is something burning? Oh, yeah...I smell RAT.
The mighty hand of Zeus will eliminate the competition and create a County similar to Athens Greece.
seems to me that Vallas is the guy: 1) he's honest, and genuine; 2) one mark of that is that the Democratic establishment doesn't want him, which in and of itself says that they don't like the guy, "he won't play ball", etc....a significant indication that he's above the fray, won't play politics as usual..get this guy in...
daley thinks to himself :
"how can i get in front of this taxpayer revolt i am causing and further consolidate my power?"
we don't really have a choice as voters.
we have the illusion of choice.
I wish he'd run for MAYOR!!!!!
Best of Luck to him in his campaign!!
Wait just a cottin' pickin' minute. Being Republican isn't just a label, it's a mindset or way of life (esp. a Conservative Republican). You can't just change labels and poof! You're suddenly a Republican. I know Ronald Reagan did it but he didn't change his mindset, he was a Conservative from the start. Why should any Republican vote for Vallas? Just to get a baseline started? Well I suppose we have to start somewhere but I'm not sure this is the way I want to do it. I want to know what he believes in first, what is truly in his heart and head.
Congratulations to SECOND CITY COP for the "insignificant" FIVE MILLION (5,000,000) visitors.
What was I thinking???
Anyone but "The Todler Stroger" would be a blessing. This guy has no business running a government. He doesn't even know the simplest things about economics. Cook county has become a complete disaster under Stroger and many leave the county to buy products including myself. They need to lower taxes, cut the BS programs and spending and put someone with knowledge on how to create prosarity in charge!
Jody P. Weis is considering running for mayor of Gettyburg, PA or Boyds, MD.
Adios, motherfucker!
OT:...Someone plese get rid of LT. K on midnights in 023! This guy should not even be a police officer let alone a boss! He can't even handle the simplest tasks as a WC. No one will work when he's the WC. Get this fool out of here PLEASE!!!
It will be nice to have a winnable candidate that will help remove these nepotistic "leaders". Vallace was ousted and shunned by his own party for previously showing his competence and independence of the daley machine. He is exactly the type of leader we should and need to rally behind.
"Toddler looks beatable in 2010".
That would be the understatement of the century. A complete incompetent and another laughing-stock politician.
If this is any idication of voter dissatisfaction, I'm a FORMER deomcratic voter now voting Republican.
P.S. And I'm African American. Hey zoogby pollsters, are you guys reading this?
When I retired,I moved out of crook county because of shortshanks
and the toddler.Maybe I'll come into Chicago on election day and vote for Vallas at my old precint.It's the Chicago way!
Retired......And loving it.
Mr. SouthSide---
Enough about 023. So fucking what--one bad lieutenant--boo--fucking--hoo.
If you are not smart enoug to outsmart one goofy lieutenant, you and 023 belong to each other.
Quit drinking that Starbucks coffee. It is morphing your mind.
SCC, you are kidding, right? If this isn't some kind of Daley ploy then it would ber a miracle. 1) Vallas is like Lars "America First" Daley - the proverbial candidate. He's just going to keep running for something 'til he wins.he's a nutjob. 2) He is absolutely a Daley guy. He's no Frankenstein monster turning on his creator. 3) The Repoblicans have a tremndous opening here - why wouldn't they want a "true" Republican? This is an attempt to destroy a Reublican's chances; it's a typical, albeit brilliant, Daley move.
Sorry, my instincts say, "No way."
Paul Vallas was great running the CPS. By not kowtowing to the machine, they ran him out of town.
I would love to see him win but the elections here in Chicago/Cook County are already rigged. The votes are already in and the election didn't even start yet.
OT: Why the hell do we always give money to churches when they burn down. Are they not required to have insurance??? How do I get the state to pay for my house when it burns down??
Congrats to Cook County for Vallas when he runs and wINS! We need him! I'm signing up and helping with his campaign.
I actually think he may do a good job. Had a falling out with Daley when Daley DID NOT endorse him for Gov. He may be a straw-poll however, via Terry Gainer way back when. We'll see.
Jody P. Weis is considering running for mayor of Gettyburg, PA or Boyds, MD.
Where do you get your info?? Do you just post shit because you have nothing better to do with your life
He's got my vote sight unseen. I will see to it my entire family votes for him also.
Anonymous said...
OT:...Someone plese get rid of LT. K on midnights in 023! This guy should not even be a police officer let alone a boss! He can't even handle the simplest tasks as a WC. No one will work when he's the WC. Get this fool out of here PLEASE!!!
2/05/2009 04:06:00 AM
Please also get rid of miss ellyn at the airports another morale demoralizer! you need lts so you say in districts,why not let a sgt run the small airport,her skills or lack of would better be used in a district like 003, next to her friend crump hales!
Anyone would be better than Urkel.
PAUL: Will people in Chicago vote Republican?
RICH: I already have the ballots and they already did.
2/05/2009 12:38:00 AM
Tax revolt my ass. It still breaks down that there are more taking than giving. There are more welfare mutts and illegal aliens taking than wage slaves who are paying. We the payers are in the minority and have no voice. We are losing in this bloodless revolution. Time to change tactics or lose the war. Oh and p.s. fuck Vallas he is a total insider. Republican about as much as George Ryan and Ald Doherty. You cops keep looking for a savior, there is none. You must get more active in the political process yourself. Educate your family especially childern and fight.
Don't we have any LOCAL Republicans qualified for this job?
The State Republican Party is almost non-existant. Obviously the upper echelon of the state party approves of Vallas. I think Oberweis is the only other one with any money. Do you really want to hear his name touted on the TV news each night?
Me Either.
You can't just change labels and poof! You're suddenly a Republican. .. REALLY? What's stopping anyone?
I want to know what he believes in first, what is truly in his heart and head.
2/05/2009 02:58:00 AM
In the meantime, Urkel "The Toddler" Stroger and family will walk away with YOUR tax money
Vallas?...another daley guy NOW invited back to do the master's bidding.?...hell no....need some real independence....that is all..
NEWS BULLETIN: Burglary at the weasel Daley's house!
Next years election results were stilen!
I,m all for Paul Vallas becoming the New Cook County Board President. But one of the obstacles
in his way is convincing the black
folks on the south and west sides
and in Maywood and the south suburbs not to vote for their
favorite son Todd Stroger".
Eventhough he is a jerk and don't
have a clue they feel obligated to
vote for him out of a misguided
loyalty to the democrook party and
the fact he looks like them.
Just reading on the fox ticker that former v.p cheney says that the obama admin. is making the U.S vulnerable to nuclear and or chemical attacks. Keep voting democratic!!
One Daley mark against another. No news here.
OT:...Someone plese get rid of LT. K on midnights in 023! This guy should not even be a police officer let alone a boss! He can't even handle the simplest tasks as a WC. No one will work when he's the WC. Get this fool out of here PLEASE!!!
So no one won't work when he's not the WC? Come on now...this is area three you're talking about...
2/05/2009 12:38:00 AM,
PAUL: Hello?
RICH: Paul?
Paul: Yeah. Who's this?
RicH: Hey, its Rich, how are you?
PAUL: Oh, it's you. Okay, I'm good. What's up?
RICH: All is forgiven. I need you to be Cook County President.
PAUL: No shit? You mean I can blow out of this shithole? I can come home? These mother fuckers down here think this place is heaven, but it's a shithole! I am ready! Your good little Democrat is ready to come home!
Rich: Uhhhhh, but there's a catch.
Paul: What's the catch?
RICH: You need to switch parties and become a Republican and convince the people your seriously no longer a Democrat.
PAUL: They voted for you, so they will believe most anything, but will your followers vote Republican?
RICH: They will do what I tell them. They always have. Besides, I already have the ballots and they already did.
PAUL: Did you get permission from Seiser?
RICH: I made an appointment. Had to wait 6 months to see him. He said, "Toddler was your mistake. Take care ot it. Now, get out!". Then I crawled back here to call you.
Paul: Okay, I'll do it for Seiser, but talk shit about me so people believe I'm serious.
Rich: That's easy. I already have!
adlercreature sharon dixon was spotted at HQ getting a copy of a police report with her attorney
I want to know what he believes in first, what is truly in his heart and head.
2/05/2009 02:58:00 AM
If this is any idication of voter dissatisfaction, I'm a FORMER deomcratic voter now voting Republican.
P.S. And I'm African American. Hey zoogby pollsters, are you guys reading this?
2/05/2009 05:48:00 AM
I live in Todds "8TH WARD" and I really hope Vallas runs, because I definitely will NOT vote for Todd. He sucked as the alderman and he is even worse as the board president. I am a life long democrat however I don't always vote along party lines and I definitely won't in this race.
PAUL: Will people in Chicago vote Republican?
RICH: I already have the ballots and they already did.
2/05/2009 12:38:00 AM
I would like to know why Paul Vallas did a commercial telling people to vote YES for the Constitution Convention last election. All Police Officers were against the Con-Con. What was the purpose of this action?
What's up with the Thornton Township Supervisor, Frank Zuccarelli?
That guy makes more from one political patronage part-time gig from the county than a lot of people make from their full time jobs.
They reported he has 3 of these types of jobs, one of them paying more than $80,000/year. When a local Fox reporter went looking for him the other day, he couldn't find this guy at any of them.
What a sham government this county is. And Township government bodies are an even bigger sham.
Anonymous said...
Anyone but "The Todler Stroger" would be a blessing. This guy has no business running a government. He doesn't even know the simplest things about economics.
You dont have to in Chicago.
I don't think Vallas is Daley patsey. I don't think there was a lot of love lost between him and Daley when he left CPS. I think Daley wanted him to leave CPS and that's when Duncan came in.
I heard him on the radio this AM and he was saying that his family lives in Palos Heights and he commutes back and forth to New Orleans. The reason he is not thinking about running for governor this time is because he still has a year on his contract in New Orleans.
He sure can't be worse than Todd Stroger. He makes me gag!!
Last time the only Republican was Tony Perica. He's almost as goofy as Stroger. I don't think any of his relative are working for the county.
Vallas was saying on the radio that he and his brother paid off all his campaign debts on their own. His brother owns a restaurant in Crestwood or Alsip called the Country House. It is a good restaurant. It's between Central Ave. and Rt. 83 on 127th Street.
Anonymous said...
If this is any idication of voter dissatisfaction, I'm a FORMER deomcratic voter now voting Republican.
P.S. And I'm African American. Hey zoogby pollsters, are you guys reading this?
2/05/2009 05:48:00 AM
No they aren't. They don't poll people like us.
I have NEVER been polled.....except by this Dept. yuk yuk
"Toddler looks beatable in 2010".
That would be the understatement of the century. A complete incompetent and another laughing-stock politician
And, OJ was guilty beyond a doubt. You never know with the idiots they allow to vote around here.
FYI, Paul Vallas would be governor today except for one thing, he was leading in the Democratic primary in 2002, running against Rod Blagojevich and the "boys" didn't want this to happen; the election of Vallas who just might be a little bit honest, no, it mustn't happen, something had to be done.
The "boys" in the backroom, the cigar chompers, the deal makers, used one of their oldest tricks, they stuck in a ringer to siphon votes away from the guy who might beat their guy.
And who did they stick in there to siphon votes away from their guy, Blagojevich? Why none other than Roland Burris! At the time Roland insisted his candidacy was for real, that he was a serious candidate and not a shill to siphon enough black votes away from Vallas so the guy the guys wanted to win the primary would win the primary.
And that guy Blagojevich won the primary and then the general election after the Republicans self-destructed.
And thus was begotten Rod Blagojevich the Innocent.
And so was this debt repaid in full and thus was begotten Senator Roland Burris the Trailblazer.
Look for another shill to suddenly declare himself a Republican and run against Vallas to do the same thing. No Roland Burris this time. Roland the Trailblazer is busy learning how to spell S E N A T O R.
Vallas is nothing but a tool of the 19th ward Rugai, Joyce, Sheahan & Co. Good old Regular Democratic Organization people
If you buy that he is still not part of the Daley machine then u believe jodi when he says the strike force is keeping the murder rate down.
How about running for Mayor?
Vallas is just another Shitcago Liberal tool of Daley's. Get a REAL CONSERVATIVE to run, and maybe this time the Suburbanites will have Wized Up and will vote him or her in.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You can't just change labels and poof! You're suddenly a Republican. .. REALLY? What's stopping anyone?
I want to know what he believes in first, what is truly in his heart and head.
2/05/2009 02:58:00 AM
In the meantime, Urkel "The Toddler" Stroger and family will walk away with YOUR tax money
2/05/2009 08:57:00 AM
Did you read and understand my original post? I spelled it out quite clearly.
Don't forget the .08 a gallon gas tax!
It's almost a given that Toddler will be challenged in the Democratic primary by Forrest Claypool. Prominent AA's in my union are not supporting Stroger. Not a good sign for him.
Claypool vs. bet is on the democrat in a countywide race.
Vallas is a tool. Don't be fooled!!
vallas is a good man
blago knows where the bones are buried , let's hope he shares information with the feds
Hahahahahahahhahahahaha Daley created him and now he's going to eat Daley.
I hope that one month before the next mayoral election contenders must claim. SCC identifies him/herself, announces the intention to run for office and kicks ass! Let's face it, we would equally have clout with SCC. Favoritism? Yes, but equal and fair.
I'm glad some people hear actually know that Vallas is nothing more than a Sheahan/Joyce/Dart front. He used to live in the 19th ward, and Skinny Sheahan ran his campaign for governor...another case of Daley playing both sides.
He is just another proxy for the machine, which really means they are scared if Claypool wins the primary.
From what I hear, there is no love lost between Claypool and ugly fuck John Daley. They hate each other.
11:03 PM I bet you also believe that our stuttering Mayor is a democrat????? His party is listed as NONPARTISAN. You will also find the the following Democrats are also saying their NONPARTISAN : Anita Alvarez ( She Hates the police) Forrest Claypool Miguel Del Valle Luis Gutierrez and Yes..Jesse Jackson Jr. Nonpartisan- based on, influenced by, affiliated with, or supporting the interests or policies of no single political party.Leave it to democrat's to pretend their independant.
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