Thursday, December 03, 2020

Overused and Meaningless

The more you play the "race card," the less it actually means, and this time, it is completely worthless:

  • Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara says Mayor Lori Lightfoot and her top aides are calling the shots at the Chicago Police Department, tying the hands of Supt. David Brown and turning him into kind of a figurehead.

    “Whatever he wants to do is getting cleared through her office first or it’s not getting done. What authority does he really have? His hands are tied,” Catanzara said. “She should stay the hell out of running the police department and let Supt. Brown run it. If he falls on his face, let him fall on his own face.”

    The mayor’s office fired back that “once again, John Catanzara continues to speak without knowledge of the facts.”

    “These remarks are not only racist and blatantly disrespectful to his own boss and fellow officers but also completely irresponsible. We refuse to be a part of a race to the bottom,” said Pat Mullane, a spokesman for the mayor.

Could Mullane point out the racism in the comment? We realize he's just a moronic tool reading from a pre-printed script for a moron mayor, but how is it racist to say:

  • stay in your (political) lane;
  • let Brownie run the Department he was hired to run;
  • any failure due to his policies or missteps are his...he owns them...he actually insulates the mayor from criticism.

It's not disrespectful to point out something that your boss won't or isn't allowed to - that he isn't the one making decisions. He is (truthfully) a figurehead. But in this hyper-political town, if Brownie fails, it looks bad for Groot because she hired him, and EVERYONE knows it.

That's the trouble with micro-managers, and Groot is especially susceptible because she's a midget minority lesbian with an inferiority complex. She can't step out from behind her identity politics because then people will correctly point out that she's an incompetent manager and, as she was at the Federal level, a failure.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sup has very little say in what goes on. We have all been saying that. Just look how this summer was run, either he is the stupidest police officer and has no clue how to be the police, or someone else is calling the shots that is not the police ...

12/03/2020 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric Carter is the direct link to the mayors office. He’s a complete moron and will do anything including destroy this department just to get in good with the mayor. There is no help for us

12/03/2020 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lightfoot has brought this once great city to it’s knees.

12/03/2020 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it!!!!!

Before J-Cat who would ever tell the truth like that?

She wants to shit on our contract? Ok cool.
Well now we can take the gloves off a bit and talk about some uncomfortable truths.
If you think anything that comes from the Supe isn’t either dictated to him, or needs approval from her- you have no clue.

It’s a fact, plain and simple.
I learned long ago that when someone has been caught with their ass out, and has no logical argument or defense- they either change the subject or start the name calling.
Both tactics are an attempt to distract from the reality that you have no rational defense to the argument.

And in Chicago 2020, what more inflammatory or conversation-stopping name can you call someone besides “racist?”
Even if the guy you are going to bat for is black? That makes her look foolish.

Not racially motivated at all

12/03/2020 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There’s zero zilch nothing racist at all about any of it. They use the term racist for everything now, to deflect and distract from the truth. The mayor’s office is looking foolish and incompetent by responding that way. People aren’t taking her seriously. She’s doing incredible damage to Chicago and it’s very sad. Unfortunately the aldermen are too afraid to step in and stop her. Chicago’s police force is dying right in front of our faces.

12/03/2020 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the rule:

Whenever a white person, particularly a male white person, says anything critical
about a black person, regardless of facts or the criticism being 100% true,
the white person is a racist.

12/03/2020 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how is Catanzara's comment racist?

It a critical comment of a black by a White person.

The racism is inherent and obvious.

12/03/2020 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Groot is a success at ruining Chicago, nothing else.

Worthless Mayor. Will go down in history as the bitch that killed a once great city.


12/03/2020 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All white people are always racist in everything they say or do.

12/03/2020 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The race card can only go so far. I would think that since she's got everything going for her she would switch it up, I don't know maybe say something along the lines of "those remarks were not only homophobic but also disrespectful to his own boss". There's no doubt that this little midget needs a muzzle put on her/he/it.

12/03/2020 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely an inferiority complex right along with a napolean complex. This broad must have had some bad shit going on in her upbringing. Serioulsy and visibly disturbed.

12/03/2020 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the trouble with micro-managers, and Groot is especially susceptible because she's a midget minority lesbian with an inferiority complex. She can't step out from behind her identity politics because then people will correctly point out that she's an incompetent manager and, as she was at the Federal level, a failure.

Damn! Jaw gasping open in disbelief
as SCC drops the mic on what big balls john said. I think I got wet

12/03/2020 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Suburban teacher, 3 Beers In said...

I just love that you use all your commas in the correct places.

12/03/2020 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is the mayor suffers from hyper-activity. She gave up Copenhagen Snuff a few years ago and walks around chewing some of those bad, bad, over roasted Starbuck’s Robustos. This is one juiced woman with a pocket full of beans.

12/03/2020 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honorable mayor say she no like you no mo.

12/03/2020 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats why you cant arrest black folks, its racist. The result is more dead black folks. Makes perfect sense.

12/03/2020 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“‘We refuse to be a part of a race to the bottom,’ said Pat Mullane, a spokesman for the mayor.”

If there was such a race Chicago, via Lightfoot, has already won.

It doesn't really matter if Brown is a figurehead or not. In Chicago all the title of Police Superintendent means is you're the guy who does all the work while the mayor takes credit, or you're the guy to blame when things fail. Politics aside, given that his "300 homicides" mark has been doubled plus, it's pretty clear that he doesn't have an inkling of how Chicago works. Even if he actually was making the decisions, would they be valid in this environment? With Lightfoot at the helm, I'm surprised he still has a job, frankly.

Sadly, At the end of the day Brown will be saddled with the blame and Lightfoot will likely win another term.

Welcome to CPD 2021.


12/03/2020 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous 29 and a day said...

plus Cantazara is saying allow a black man to run the dept How is that racist?

12/03/2020 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this J-Cat fellow. I heard weeks ago, J-Cat asked the Supt hault all training except recruits. Larry is who is keeping it going (violating her own covid order). And now our families have the virus!

12/03/2020 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow... whenever you don't like the truth, scream racist

12/03/2020 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh wherever the Superintendent does falls back on the mayor especially at election time whether she hired him or not. EJ’s foolery fell back on the mayor and she had to answer although she didn’t hire him. Which part are you confused about?

12/03/2020 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh.. but WHY was she a failure at the Federal level?

Why did she leave (or forced to leave) the AUSA's Office?

Thats the million dollar question!

12/03/2020 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Watch your back J Cat. You got a huge target on it now: 1.) You’re one of the only high-profile public critics of Mayor Lightfoot and for that you need to be cancelled and made an example of. 2.) Now that Trump is out of the picture the wrath of the media and Far Left will move onto you. I expect a smear campaign and dirty tricks to be used. It will be a miracle if our FOP President survives another year in this Socialist cesspool of a city.

12/03/2020 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Groot will be gone and so will COVID. Two more years and we will vote Groot out :)

12/03/2020 02:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Groot looking for a Federal spot in Washington after Biden and Harris, aka Slow Joe and the Ho, take office.

12/03/2020 03:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JC, just finally tell her to STFU! Who cares what she has to say or think, we all gave up on the Bitch a while ago. We all know , including her, that she is incompetent.

12/03/2020 03:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She lashed out because the truth hurts and she has poor self esteem. She is also a cop hater. Whatever visions of grandeur she had when she took office have been swallowed up by the black hole which is her incompetence.

12/03/2020 03:26:00 AM  
Anonymous I Support Police said...

Sometimes, maybe often times, when it comes to Blacks, the word "racism" is overused. Simply put, Groot, Brown and Johnson are stupid and incompetent.

As a Black, I find the racism found in Black communities is mostly Black on Black, including crime mentioned on this very blog. Internationally, there's Black on Black racism prevalent in Nigeria, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Congo and Haiti.

12/03/2020 03:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOP President is a stand up guy this race card play is insane and well over used by this Mayor! I am African-American Officer and John's friend and will stand with him as he has always stood with me!

12/03/2020 03:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm did the same thing with McCarthy via his liaison, an attorney named Ms Roundtree, who like Rahm is long gone. And this was especially apparent during the Van Dyke shooting. All Command Exempt including McCarthy saw that video within 48 hours of the incident, including Ms Roundtree. Yet to this day NOBODY in the Media has ever asked Rahm:”When did you first see the video? And did you suppress the video to ensure a Second Term?” So as much as I loathe this incompetent Mayor; is she really any different than Rahm in terms of micro management and hatred of the Police? Rahm felt the Police were his servants, and still are since CPD still maintains two vehicles 24/7 on his Chicago residence, and still provides chauffeur service when he comes to Chicago though he works in Atlanta, DC and New York. Perhaps there is an element of bias against Lightfoot, because she is extremely unattractive in appearance, and attitude. She plays tough guy, when surrounded by her armed guards, just like Rahm. Though the Race Card is something Lightfoot herself throws down. She called the Looting of Mag Mile a “Righteous Uprising” because it was based on Race. She ignores over 700 homicide victims, all most all victims who are people of Color. And because the Two Party System died in Chicago back in 1932; Lightfoot will probably get a Second Term, because the Ruling Party will give us no option! Stay Safe. Baby “G”

12/03/2020 04:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes everything in this town revolves around identity politics. The race card trumps all in the deck. And slating of political candidates is always about race. The Dems did research and found that a candidate for a judgeship with an Irish surname would garner more votes than someone without. That’s why when you see a female who has a Polish, Italian, Asian last name but has an Irish maiden name, that maiden name is always inserted before the last name like, Mary Kathleen O’Donavan Rodriguez. How many women use their maiden name. I don’t care what ethnic group a judge is from just as long as they are Knowledgeable, honest, strict, fair and adheres to the rule of law. Remember how the City Clerk’s Office was always a Polish candidate?

You can never disagree with these socialist/Marxists Democrats because they will brand you a racist every time. You can’t even go halfway and say it’s ok to agree to disagree. They know everybody is terrified to be called a racist so that’s why they use it every time to silence you. The Democrats have nothing to show for their failed governing so they hide behind identity politics. It’s all about power with them. Let them call you a racist but keep calling them out about their corruption. Because we don’t, they will enslave us like China and North Korea.

And have you noticed the politicians who are shorter in stature (Lori, Rahm, Richie) as well as a whole slew in Congress have those power/ego problems. Everyone knows the Mayor’s Office runs the police dept. I’ll bet the Superintendent is sorry he ever came here. But he has probably signed a non disclaimer contract and can’t say anything even if he wanted to.

12/03/2020 04:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing who CROOK Co. voters will vote for.
What exactly are her credentials that she has to run the 3rd largest city in the country?
She Is BEYOND incompetent!

12/03/2020 05:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Groots an idiot. But a Black female Lesbian? How can she lose?

12/03/2020 05:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is she throwing the racist word around?

12/03/2020 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, please post. It's important for officers to know so they can make a decision on how to proceed with juveniles. The mayor's office has put lawyers for juveniles at the JISC. They have their own office there now. And the program has started. This is your tax money at work. Every arrest made is now under the microscope and your juvenile will be talked to by Lightfoot's attorneys.

12/03/2020 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not a bad idea to have a civilian run cpd?
Can't get any worse? Not hard to figure out

12/03/2020 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But can the FOP actually call him out on these comments?

12/03/2020 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i got 85k votes in the primary, pal

Lori Lovelace

12/03/2020 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Mayor calling the shots..........nothing new here

12/03/2020 06:46:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

texas no-horn is looking for the STFU payout when he gets fired.

12/03/2020 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Groot have one trait that would qualify her as a decent human being cause I haven't seen one yet

12/03/2020 06:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched the Sidney Powell-Lin Wood rally in Georgia yesterday and it was pretty inspirational. They are a good one-two punch, with Powell being the brains and Wood being the showman. But they are both brilliant lawyers.

Near the end of the rally, Wood was close to breaking down why he loved America and told the story about when he was 16 years old his mother died and his dad was in jail.
He stated he could have been a victim and given up but America wanted more from him and stated only in America could he be provided this opportunity.

That guy is a true patriot a true rag to riches story about a middle class kid from Georgia going on to do great things and representing the downtrodden in society (Richard Jewell, Nick Sandman). I am a fan.

12/03/2020 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not a cop, but i agree 100%

12/03/2020 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC you left out the best part, “ In the days after Quinn’s reassignment, Roman tried to take responsibility for the lack of communication, according to police sources. Soon after, Roman was demoted to the rank of captain and assigned to the Lincoln District on the North Side.

12/03/2020 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 governors forced old people back into nursing homes to die from COVID. The deaths total 40% of the COVID deaths in the US. Take a guess, which 5 states and what party. Ah, too easy.

12/03/2020 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The race card is being declined all over the country.

12/03/2020 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

again.... police work for the politicians.

Sheriffs work for the people.

If the police do not stand up, push back then your just a puppet.

12/03/2020 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The midget minority lesbian mayor, I love it !! I don’t think there’s another category that can be covered except liberal.

12/03/2020 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Groot has a Little Man Complex. As did her two predecessors.

12/03/2020 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To understand better the BLM/Antifa - activist group, read about the color revolution. It makes sense and a must read for everyone. Back the Blue. The enclosed link is below:

12/03/2020 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Failed racist mayor is destroying this city.

12/03/2020 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks to me like Mullane is a racist in that at the behest of the mayor, he picks on a white guy who simply is trying to support a black superintendent In his duties.
Hate has no home here in Chicago unless it is spewing from the 5th floor

12/03/2020 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that Brown is a decent man trying to do a decent job in an impossible situation. When he leaves I certainly hope that he writes a great book exposing all of the inside information of this department and tells the truth. That would be something that no former superintendent had the courage to do, most likely because they were bought off with jobs and contracts.

12/03/2020 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More Chinese connections to Dominion voting systems. It was rigged and it had foreign influence. Journalists?

12/03/2020 07:39:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

until the fucking media stops amplifying it along with the race hustlers.

the democrats will exploit it.

anybody catch the horseshit la shawn ford was hustling over the vaccine?


12/03/2020 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“These remarks are not only racist and blatantly disrespectful to his own boss and fellow officers but also completely irresponsible. We refuse to be a part of a race to the bottom,” said Pat Mullane, a spokesman for the mayor.
There is not any mention of race by Catanzara in the article. The only mention of race comes from Mullane. That in of itself shows where the racism coming,
Catanzara should demand an apology from Mullane at least for being accused of racism.
At most the rank and file should rally around Catanzara and demand that Mullane be fired for HIS bullshit ( and obvious to all ) racist remarks.

Not a cop.
Lars Pilsen

12/03/2020 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They can’t help themselves .... they drop that word as often as possible often when there’s no truth, relevance or correlation to it

If Groot wants to see a pure, unadulterated racist all she has to do is take a good long look in the mirror

12/03/2020 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the cause of death is ruled to be the traffic crash isn’t this still a double homicide? Had the offender not tried to kill the occupants of the car they would still be alive.

12/03/2020 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No wonder this asshole acts like he does, Look who he has been working for! Dick Durbin, Rahm, WGN

He is white as rice but I'm sure he is full of "White Guilt"


12/03/2020 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the only play she has in her game when things aren't going her way. No matter how unfounded, pull the tired old race card.

12/03/2020 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the trouble with micro-managers, and Groot is especially susceptible because she's a midget minority lesbian with an inferiority complex.

Less we forget that she is spiritually and morally decrepit...

12/03/2020 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Playing the race card all to common and pathetic! Everything is racist the bullshit lie that liberals believe and spread! It is getting extremely old, and tiring! Look how many companies folded under the billion dollar shakedown of blm! If black lives matter why are babies that are black being aborted rapidly for example and zero protests? Why are they not protesting err rioting around all the areas where blacks are being kilt ad shot? We all know its all about the money,and companies are cowardly and scared and fork over millions to these modern terrorist organizations!

Saying all that to say this we have a black gay mayor,black crook county states attorney,black crook county president all females who burst talking about their preferences and yet no results,the bodies keep dropping it is total incompetence! They bastardize hard working police, walk over taxpayers laugh at all of us,as they are protected 24/7 by the armed officers they despise,ultimate hypocrites! Oh and Fuck you larry and JCat please wear descent clothes you speak OK but you look like a disgraceful hillbilly dress the part, first impressions mean a lot thank you!

12/03/2020 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you interested in some of John Kerry's questionable activities, some are redacted, some leaked government documents to get the gist of how dirty this guy is and his family. The White House was a destination for a whose who for the world. click on the link below.

12/03/2020 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: Fran Spielman, Frank Main, and Sam Charles

From: Concerned Civilian

Re: Identify Racist Comments in FOP President's Statement

Please identify and then report the racist comments in FOP president John Catanzara's recent statement of mayoral interference in running the Chicago Police Department. Using your journalistic skills, you should begin by asking mayoral spokesperson Pat Mullane to point out those specific comments that the mayor feels are racist.

And at the next mayoral press conference, put the same question to Mayor Lightfoot.

You are reminded that the role of a journalist is to hold public officials accountable for their actions and their statements, otherwise you are simply extensions of their public relations departments.

This follow-up report is due as soon as possible, but no later than December 11, 2020.

12/03/2020 08:45:00 AM  
Blogger Dave64 said...

12/03/2020 08:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They claim it’s racist because they have nothing else. Because John’s right.

12/03/2020 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are facts
Not a cop - but I research audio. Never in many years have I heard CITY GOVERNMENT (1L) call and give orders on the air. Night of the skateboard incident, was the MAYORS office directing officers to pen those protesters and identify and call out targets from the sds room. SHE kept those rioters/protesters penned in. She tracked them block to block.
Almost immediately after the skateboard part - and officer was begging which way to let ppl exit!!! They wanted to leave!
All those articles and arguments about “kettling” and CPD - here lori was calling the shots FACTS!!! For about 2 hours they kept everyone contained while Lori picked off her targets.

And may 30 we all saw lori hiding at oemc. She thinks she’s the wizard of oz. I see you sis !!
Not even going to start on her house....
Never before this year have I heard any call from “city government” come over CPD air and now I hear them poking around many major incidents.

12/03/2020 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Unapologeticll for being White said...

So if White Male has an opinion or states facts that Lori disagrees with......He is a racist. John is the modern day Rosa Parks Lori.

12/03/2020 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s all the rage now, to wear your dark-colored racist glasses all the time.
Makes everything you see... racist......
Doesn’t matter what is said, nor who is saying’s racist!
If you are not on the SJW list of “approved people”, then you
are racist......doesn’t matter if you have been an exemplary person
your whole life, never uttered a derogatory racist word, been fair and
equal to all you have come in contact with, somewhere deep down you
are racist.....full of white privilege (even if you aren’t white) if you are
not in on their list of WHO is exempt......especially those who wear blue!

12/03/2020 09:17:00 AM  
Blogger Civilian CPD Devotee said...

So...If I don't like pepper, I'm a racist???

12/03/2020 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

never heard previous FOP heads talk and tell it like it is until this guy came upon the scene,Bravo John

12/03/2020 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So one knappy headed fool telling another bald fool how to do his job is racist? Both share same skin color something other than white. Just another excuse to delay or subtract from any contract offer. Will be five plus years before you see that one percent RETRO check. City is broke and the teachers are wanting combat pay for going back into schools. Who do you think will get what they are asking for. Good guess anyone but the CPD.

12/03/2020 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cant' wait to vote this incompetent moron out!

12/03/2020 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone explain her high approval rating?

12/03/2020 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez. Don't be going all ghetto on us now!

12/03/2020 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Racist: prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

Clown Mayor is ignorant, race batting, dictator that the media needs to call her out on. Yet the sheep will let her say and do whatever she likes just sad!

12/03/2020 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just an absolutely savage truthful comment on Groot in the last paragraph.

12/03/2020 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In no way am I defending Brownie but let's look at it from his point of view. I'll bet a paycheck on it that he doesn't sleep good at night knowing that in the morning (or even before that) he's going to have to account to the creature for anything that happened. if he is a true cop then deep down he wants us all to succeed. he wants us to have the equipment and training we need. now from the other side of that he knows that he has to placate that bitch to keep her happy and off his turn that puts us and the citizens of this city at a disadvantage.

and it goes down the line. next to Eric cooter, then to the stooges below him and all the way down to the poor sergeants that get that phone call. I've seen it first hand many times. nothing blows more than being told to take someone out of handcuffs because they're connected. what you see now is just an intensified version of the way this city works. hell, ask the people that work for the county how it works over there

12/03/2020 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SHORTSHANKS: "I bankrupted Chicago."

TINY DANCER: "I destroyed Chicago's neighborhoods."

GROOT: "Hold my beer, bitches!!!"

12/03/2020 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t know of any Superintendent who’s puppet strings haven’t been controlled by the mayor. The names change and that’s about it.

12/03/2020 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if I say Eddie Johnson is a drunken, philandering, underwear burning moron...I am a racist. The truth, if certain people don't like it, is now racist.

12/03/2020 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The racist here is Groot and her mouth piece. 80% of people shot and killed in Chicago are black and 94% happen to be male. Guess that means Groot has an overt dislike of black men.

Is it their skin color or is it their gender she can't stomach? She's either a racist or a bigot.

12/03/2020 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The term "disrespect" is a ghettoism that has no place in civilized official public discourse - it's the language of the new Thugocracy.

12/03/2020 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“...Catanzara continues to speak without knowledge of the facts.”,
We Choose Truth over Facts™️
Flashback: recall on or about 03 Nov, some CTU agitator trying to rile up Larri (btw,easy to do) in public by saying she (LightLoafer) shouldn’t support Judge Toomin or his retention after Prickwrinkle didn’t slate him. Larri fired back with her pointing the sausage finger at the agitated CTU demonstrator stating the very same phrase (something like)...” you don’t know the facts...your union doesn’t know the facts”. Got her so irked the führervalet detail had to intervene. Larri called a lid for the rest of the week.

Dee’s nuts is tied, so what else is new. Easily fix’t by replacing Hushed Browns with a historic first...real soon too. Then Larri’s bonehead can claim a couple more labels off the reading list.
Quick and ight out of the playbook too. These people can’t even think on their own, back them into a corner and the first response is racism.
“Pat” Mullane gave his/her/they opinions, carte blanch since he passed the rhetoric exam Larri had given to applicants for all her over-budgeted public relations staff. Stool pigeon will probably be ousted anyway.

Hushed Brown is a bigger idiot than what he makes himself out to be. Taking the job and expecting full control was never an option, foot-in-the-door opportunity doesn’t work here. Absolutely being beanbagged by the angry toad and has to direct “Who’s that-It’s Pat” speak and defend the honor on his behalf.
BTW, doesn’t Hushed Browns have a spokesperson to rebut that or are they not allowed?


“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”
― Carl Sandburg

12/03/2020 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are not allowed to question your New World Order masters.....

12/03/2020 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Cantazara is saying allow a black man to run the dept How is that racist?"

Because it's spoken in a negative context - he might fall on his face. Just like a movie that contains no positive black characters is racist. It's not enough to be merely neutral, either - you must have unremitting positivity.

12/03/2020 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MML (midget minority lesbian) I like that. Mayor MML. Groot getting passé.

12/03/2020 10:30:00 AM  
Blogger Just a guy said...

Just remember that racial epithets and slurs (or labeling someone as racist, homophobic, sexist, etc)are like crops.
You have to rotate them, lest they lose their effectiveness.
Carry on...

12/03/2020 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That's the trouble with micro-managers, and Groot is especially susceptible because she's a midget minority lesbian with an inferiority complex. She can't step out from behind her identity politics because then people will correctly point out that she's an incompetent manager and, as she was at the Federal level, a failure."

SCC hits a home run.

12/03/2020 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have we all forgotten that Groot’s fictional fellow guardian of the planet is none other than Rocket Raccoon.
But he too followed Groot’s orders. Any similarities here?

12/03/2020 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When ctu bashed her she said it was racist so now fop is racist also just for bashing her?

12/03/2020 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like Foxx she will win another term. There is no silent majority, as we saw in this past election. We are seen as the enemy. The people have spoken and its not for laws nor for law enforcement.

12/03/2020 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So a white straight guy tells a black female lesbian to leave a black straight man alone to do his job and run the department as he sees fit. That's racist??? This is very telling because now they are scrapping the bottom of the barrel for shit to sling at an opposing voice in the progressive echo chamber. Calling someone "racist" is the left's stock response when they have no real counter-argument and they are left with nothing else to defend their exposed bullshit antics. JCat told the uncomfortable truth and now they will call him every name in the book to discredit him. Don't allow them to distract from the real issue; stay on topic.

12/03/2020 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Sister in blue said...

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Watch your back J Cat. You got a huge target on it now: 1.) You’re one of the only high-profile public critics of Mayor Lightfoot and for that you need to be cancelled and made an example of. 2.) Now that Trump is out of the picture the wrath of the media and Far Left will move onto you. I expect a smear campaign and dirty tricks to be used. It will be a miracle if our FOP President survives another year in this Socialist cesspool of a city.

12/03/2020 02:12:00 AM

JOHN - I for one will stand for/with you just as I did with each ballot I cast for you in the election and subsequent runoff. I hope the rest of us can do the same.
Just say when/where/how.

12/03/2020 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s also quite interesting how the story in the scum-times disappeared within a few hours, if that!!!!

12/03/2020 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I swiped your Race Card and it's declined from overuse and lack of funds... Do you have any other Card to pull?"

We Are All Replaceable

12/03/2020 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Blacks can't be racist!"

- Jesse

12/03/2020 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
JC, just finally tell her to STFU! Who cares what she has to say or think, we all gave up on the Bitch a while ago. We all know , including her, that she is incompetent.

12/03/2020 03:13:00 AM

Yes! Just stop bantering with her. She’s unprofessional with everyone she deals with. Just ask the aldermen. There’s no sense in even mentioning her name. Just take everything to arbitration or court. Many of us just wish you didn’t trust her to negotiate a reasonable monetary contract. She was never going to do that even if the FOP asked for zero %. She’s just mean and hell bent on destroying the police department morale.

12/03/2020 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the ammo and gun shortages. Why those boxes of 9mm I bought for $15 are going for $50 now...

12/03/2020 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop making excuses for Brown. He allowed himself to be castrated. He chose not to fight back so this is ALL on him. There was a reason the DPD were happy to see him go. Turns out he is all hat and no cattle.

12/03/2020 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Groot will be gone and so will COVID. Two more years and we will vote Groot out :)

12/03/2020 02:20:00 AM

Two years is too long. Look at the damage she has done to Chicago in less than two years! It’s scary. As a citizen many of us voted for her because she wasn’t a forever Chicago politician like preckwinkle. We thought she would turn the sinking ship around. That she would be different and maybe have some business sense and anti-crime because she was a supposed prosecutor. But she turned out to just the opposite and a total disaster and just very abrasive and unprofessional. Oh yeah. Total hypocrite dictator too.

12/03/2020 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We refuse to be a part of a race to the bottom,” said Pat Mullane, a spokesman for the mayor."

Boy, you could have fooled us all these years.


12/03/2020 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Definitely an inferiority complex right along with a napolean complex. This broad must have had some bad shit going on in her upbringing. Serioulsy and visibly disturbed.

12/03/2020 12:32:00 AM
She's had the same life as any other troll, plucked from under a bridge by a family, raised as their own, destroys everything in their wake as soon as they have the power to do it. She's done everything the democratic party asked of her. Now she's right on track for that White House appointment to some ambassadorship to some country we don't care about. Remember Carol Mosley-Braun? She ended up Ambassador to New Zealand.

12/03/2020 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 29 and a day said...
plus Cantazara is saying allow a black man to run the dept How is that racist?

12/03/2020 01:19:00 AM

He never said anything about the Supt race. The word black was never said. It wouldn’t matter if it was but it wasn’t. This is the problem with Lightfoot. She’s not balanced mentally.

12/03/2020 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That’s the thing to say nowadays if they don’t agree with you and you’re white you’re racist if you say something that’s true but they don’t want the truth to come out you’re racist if your same things that show them out that make them look bad you’re racist and you haven’t said one thing that’s racist you haven’t made one comment that’s racist if you were police T-shirt that says I back the blue you’re racist it’s ridiculous I’m tired of it I hate this fucking town town And I am an African American

12/03/2020 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These days, when somebody calls you a “racist”, all it means is “I don’t agree with you”.

For that matter, anybody whose politics are to the right of Bernie Sanders is being called a “white supremacist”, even if they’re black...

It’s all part of the Progressive goal to make language so limited that people won’t have the words to express “improper” ideas.

12/03/2020 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The race card is more powerful than ever, even if a dunce like Lightfoot doesn't know how to use it.

12/03/2020 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unclassified documents that the US govt. used Dominion voting systems to rig elections in the Phillipines and Haiti (under Clinton regime)

Share and spread the word on this fraud.

12/03/2020 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Ald. Matt o'shea for everything you did to help Lightfoot get elected.

12/03/2020 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

U.S. Supports Aid to North Korea for Fighting the Coronavirus

Feb. 14, 2020 SEOUL, South Korea — "The United States said it would approve humanitarian assistance to North Korea to help international aid agencies fight the coronavirus there, amid fears that the impoverished country may be hiding an outbreak..."

Cyber hackers target Covid vaccine 'cold chain' distribution firms in 'global campaign with hallmarks of a nation state', IBM says

"The US tech giant said it had uncovered a 'global phishing campaign' it believes started in September, targeting those associated with the 'cold chain' for storing and transporting vaccines at the right temperature.

"It comes after suspected North Korean hackers targeted the British coronavirus vaccine producer AstraZeneca with multiple attempts to access staff computers..."

12/03/2020 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Racial identity politics is very strong in this state, county, city. There are elected and appointed positions that are now considered, " black slots" and if a white person or an asian is even considered all hell breaks loose. In Chicago with multiple police districts and neighborhoods, why can't a black be appointed commander of a majority white district and vice versa? Lets have real integration in this department. Why are the office staffs of black districts primarily, and in some cases, all black officers and civilians and vice versa for the white districts? Brown has the power to do this, if he wants to that is.

12/03/2020 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the only deflection she has. Everyone knows she's total out of her league as mayor running a major city. So how else can she cope, playing the race card. It truly shows not only her incompetence, but her absolute ignorance.
I wish (and it is a pipe dream) we had more reporting than the Contrarian and CWB. As great as they are, it would be incredible to see two once good newspapers, grow a pair and not just be lap dogs like they are today.

12/03/2020 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The documents submitted by Trump lawyers to the Georgia legislature about Dominion voting system. This goes deep into the Deep State, Soros, Clinton Foundation, CCP, etc., This is the head of the snake and unless there is a civil war this will never get overturned at the state level. Big money involved and nobody will touch it out of fear for their lives. Sad but true, this country has been bought and sold for decades and now we become their slaves. Source document at the link.

12/03/2020 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Rahm did the same thing with McCarthy via his liaison, an attorney named Ms Roundtree, who like Rahm is long gone. And this was especially apparent during the Van Dyke shooting. All Command Exempt including McCarthy saw that video within 48 hours of the incident, including Ms Roundtree. Yet to this day NOBODY in the Media has ever asked Rahm:”When did you first see the video? And did you suppress the video to ensure a Second Term?” So as much as I loathe this incompetent Mayor; is she really any different than Rahm in terms of micro management and hatred of the Police? Rahm felt the Police were his servants, and still are since CPD still maintains two vehicles 24/7 on his Chicago residence, and still provides chauffeur service when he comes to Chicago though he works in Atlanta, DC and New York. Perhaps there is an element of bias against Lightfoot, because she is extremely unattractive in appearance, and attitude. She plays tough guy, when surrounded by her armed guards, just like Rahm. Though the Race Card is something Lightfoot herself throws down. She called the Looting of Mag Mile a “Righteous Uprising” because it was based on Race. She ignores over 700 homicide victims, all most all victims who are people of Color. And because the Two Party System died in Chicago back in 1932; Lightfoot will probably get a Second Term, because the Ruling Party will give us no option! Stay Safe. Baby “G”

Correction, you mean the Van Dyke Murder, not shooting. Now carry on...

12/03/2020 12:53:00 PM  
Blogger Carryforlife said...

You can always count on the race card being played when common sense gets too real what a shit show.

12/03/2020 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lori....we're now up to 735.

12/03/2020 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pat Mullane is the obvious racist in this scenario. What a racist scumbag.

12/03/2020 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JCat is a leader. Groot is a loser.
JCat is courageous and charismatic. Groot is dull and lackluster.
JCat is righteous. Groot is racist.
JCat is bold and decisive. Groot is balding and destructive.
JCat is strong. Groot is threatening, vindictive and weak.
JCat is ambitious and faithful. Groot is lazy and deceptive.
JCat is principled and never quits. Groot is dogmatic and punishing.


12/03/2020 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So when someone suggests that a person of color should be allowed to make their own decisions and not be forced with decisions by another person of color, that is considered a racist statement? Maybe PJ4 will address this? Pull my finger...

12/03/2020 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Covid at academy still wiping through

12/03/2020 03:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely stunning testimony in Georgia, fake water main break, kick everyone out, and then wheel out suitcases hidden under a table and start counting for hours with no poll watchers. But they forgot the multiple security cameras in the room. Busted.

They should actually do a real recount and broadcast it live to the world and expose these criminals. This is worst than 3rd countries because you have state representatives actually hostile to the whistleblowers, making them spell out their names on live television, so they can be harassed and doxxed by the mob.

This is a travesty of justice and people should be going to jail. Awful.

12/03/2020 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Race cards have no expiration date and have unlimited usage. The race card slogan is "Use it often".

12/03/2020 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blue that racist?

12/03/2020 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about these pos teachers underused and meaning less:

CPS will reopen next month even if only a fraction of students opt in — and most teachers will be required to return, CEO says

so wait the children will decide if they want to go back to scool?:

“We will educate any student who wants an in-person option. There is no threshold that we have to meet,” Jackson said, adding: “If 15% of the kids ... decide that they’re gonna return at any given school, we will educate that 15% in-person

#Where are the adults? Kids cannot even decide if they want to be a boy or girl, and why not 100% of the tax sucking lazy teachers back? Fuck you cowardly larry your such a pathetic wuss!

12/03/2020 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only fault I have with him is not having the balls to step up and tell her “either I run this department with my 30+ years of experience or I resign.”

12/03/2020 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why the Superintendent should not be a mayoral appointee nor should she have the power to fire him/her. It should not be a politicized position. Law Enforcement shouldn’t be politicized in any way by any party. We are in existence to uphold the law and protect the constitutional rights of every citizen. Once you politicize us, we are living in a police state.

12/03/2020 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired fireman shot and killed in a carjacking 118th/Western. the usual suspects.

12/03/2020 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lightfoot was the same in OPS
The same on the Police Board

And now our fearless leader!

Get ready to eat a big shit sandwich when she starts shutting units down!
Mark my words!

12/03/2020 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: 118th and Western another murder? Mount Greenwood has gone to shit!

12/03/2020 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Demosthenes said...

Delousing of Chicago (next mayor) will require coordination with Trump's people-like the Mike Flynns- in the President's new term. Can't do this on our own. Too many barriers like the mine fields set out by saboteurs on 6th floor at 69 W. Washington.It all starts there.

12/03/2020 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shes also a failure in the black community with 735 murders and counting. Go chalkie go. Tell me how black lives matter again.

12/03/2020 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT Retired CFD murdered shot by four carjackers/thugs @ 118th & Western.

12/03/2020 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just a ploy to put your clown JC in his place so she has the upper hand in the contract negations. that song, clown to the left and jokers on the right is the perfect description of your FOP team. Sorry but after over 3 1/2 years you are back to square one. actually worse off than square one, back then city was healthy. Now not so much. Good luck!

12/03/2020 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Get ready to eat a big shit sandwich when she starts shutting units down!
Mark my words!"

The only "unit" she, or any other police department, needs is patrol.
Every other "unit" is a luxury.

12/03/2020 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey folks Trump is long one! Your going to be dealing with a cop hating Federal government from now on. Get used to that idea for at least the next 8 years, one year or less of slo Joe then 7 or so of the Commie bitch. Now that know how to rig elections the Republic is done, unless!

12/03/2020 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only fault I have with him is not having the balls to step up and tell her “either I run this department with my 30+ years of experience or I resign.”

12/03/2020 04:22:00 PM

He WILL NOT interrupt his gravy train. He will do what his handler says to do. Puppet

12/03/2020 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe that is why Mayor Lightweight does not get criticism for the shit hole Chicago is becoming, from the media.

They know Mayor Lightweight will accuse them of being racist.

12/03/2020 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any see Texas Brownie this week ?

12/03/2020 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
OT: 118th and Western another murder? Mount Greenwood has gone to shit!

12/03/2020 05:11:00 PM

Not Mount Greenwood.

12/03/2020 06:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus, Can't we find an island to exile that racist little short shit to like they did to Napoleon? How about the Water Shed?

12/03/2020 07:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only fault I have with him is not having the balls to step up and tell her “either I run this department with my 30+ years of experience or I resign.”

12/03/2020 04:22:00 PM

If he had any stones he would not have ever applied. He knew the score from the jump. EVERBODY with half of a brain knew the score.

12/03/2020 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Retired fireman shot and killed in a carjacking 118th/Western. the usual suspects.

Guess he was a carry concealed and returned fire. Hopefully he hit a few of them

12/03/2020 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only fault I have with him is not having the balls to step up and tell her “either I run this department with my 30+ years of experience or I resign.”

12/03/2020 04:22:00 PM


12/03/2020 08:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry Lightfoot runs CPD !!!!!!

12/03/2020 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I predict Lightfoot will WIN again if she runs for Chicago mayor!!!!

12/03/2020 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you watched the testimony in the Georgia voter fraud case yet where the woke Karen says all this evidence has been debunked, referring to the surveillance video from the TDC center in Atlanta.

Woke Karen: All of this evidence has been debunked already!!! (shaking and sweating)

Guilliani: (cool and calm) Debunked? We just got it last night at 11pm and it is 14 hours long. It has never been shown to anyone before.

Woke Karen: This hasn't been shown to the media.

Guilliani: No, you are the first to see it. (along with 1 million on Youtube and Georgia news networks)

I hope all these psychotic liberals get locked up when this is done. She is in on it.

Her face is priceless when she looks away as says "Oh shit."

What a rollercoaster ride. Georgia cannot stand. Wisconsin and Nevada, who were only allowed a 100 ballot audit, finds 3 ballots that should have went for Trump, so the game continues. Tomorrow, 10,000, Saturday, 25,000, and then Trump begins to fulfill the promise that got him elected, "Drain the Swamp." What a rollercoaster ride and hopefully it ends on a good note.

12/03/2020 08:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good news officers. Some hackers at have accessed the raw data from Illinois and they are getting together some reports that will reveal massive fraud in Illinois that will remove Foxx and O'Brien and Oberweis are in. After the Big 4 states are done, Illinois is next on the list.

for updates go to

12/03/2020 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

118th and Western is Morgan Park.

12/03/2020 08:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Eric Carter is the direct link to the mayors office. He’s a complete moron and will do anything including destroy this department just to get in good with the mayor. There is no help for us

12/03/2020 12:13:00 AM

Carter has made it clear to his inner circle that he intends to torpedo Supt. Brown in the hopes of getting the Supt. canned and then taking the job himself.

12/03/2020 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


CPD CFD Put their Lives on the line each and everyday to keep this city safe

12/03/2020 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JCAT Keep Fighting!

12/03/2020 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now Lori. 118th and Western. A fine respected retired fire lieutenant killed by your thugs! What are you going to do now? People have had enough!

12/03/2020 09:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrats never know how low they can get.

Stealing the elderly and mentally disabled vote is a well-documented and fraudulent election practice taking place across the nation. Specifically, voting “handlers” have been known to register to vote on behalf of these vulnerable citizens or force them to vote for the candidate they are representing.

On November 2, 2020, in Otsego, Minnesota, a retired construction worker, developer, and land investor made one such declaration. In a sworn affidavit, this person witnessed “a busload of Severely Mentally Handicapped People who were forced by handlers to vote for Joe Biden.” In great detail, the witness describes being at the Sherburne County Office and standing right next to a line of severely mentally handicapped people who were there for early voting, and watching them being taken, one by one, up to vote, with someone else (caretaker/handler) holding their hand and forcing them to make voting choices. The witness notes that “the caretakers were the ones making the voting choices for these handicapped people.”

They literally held the handicapped person’s hand in theirs and marked the ballot for them. The witness was close enough to see they were forced to vote for Joe Biden, and indicated that many of them could not even hold a pen by themselves and appeared unable to make voting decisions.

There is no shame in their game. One lobbyist group you do not want to F@!k with is the well connected parents of the disabled. They get things done and they legislation done faster than any other slick lobbyist group. Wrong group to disrespect.

Cmon man, let's have a little respect when were stealin' Some bad Democrats in this world.

12/03/2020 09:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officer Tatum went ballistic on fake Democrats and their COVID edict hypocrisy hypocrisy and just lit up Groot. Really funny, Officer Brandom Tatum does it like no other.

12/03/2020 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know where we can actually find these inflated death rates in Illinois. Averaging about 170 a day, maybe everyone is too busy watching the fraud being exposed live on television every night and we have not been paying attention. This is fraud, if anyone dies, it's COVID.

12/03/2020 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All those celebrities, Politicians, and fake journalists have been real quiet about this election. Haven't seen Hillary and Obama much lately have we? Might be moving some money around and making sure Sidney and Lin are not getting too close to the Clinton Foundation and Acorn. You can run, but you can't hide.

Can't wait until Trump declassifies all the dirty laundry of the CIA and FBI. He is going to drop the bomb soon and grant pardons to Snowden and Assauge and they are probably tossing a few nuggets his way to get him interested.

I wonder if Ghissel Maxwell is coming to her senses yet? That would be made for TV to say the least.

12/03/2020 09:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing the Democrats have left is COVID. They rode that wave as long as they could and it is time to flatten that curve and kick these rats out of office. Once Trump gets back in the White House, those chants of "lock em up" might be more than a chant this time. Back the Blue

12/03/2020 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
just a ploy to put your clown JC in his place so she has the upper hand in the contract negations. that song, clown to the left and jokers on the right is the perfect description of your FOP team. Sorry but after over 3 1/2 years you are back to square one. actually worse off than square one, back then city was healthy. Now not so much. Good luck!

12/03/2020 06:19:00 PM

Previous FOP office holders are the one who sold us out. Shit contracts and lost benefits have all occurred during their tenure. Lets see what JC can accomplish, if he is like the previous FOP clowns, then have at it, and I'll join in too. Until then, STFU.

12/03/2020 09:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW, this is what the Mayor has resorted to throwing around the race card when someone calls her out. She hired the Superintendent of The Chicago Police Department to run the Chicago Police Department YET he can not run the department without her (in her eyes).President Cantazara is 110 percent right and did not say or even imply ANYTHING racist but she throws that out there to see if anyone will bite. Well we have news for you Mayor you just lost a ton of respect by even trying to attempt to do what you did. You want to try to redeem yourself even a little bit apologize to President Cantazara and the citizens which you represent and were ELECTED by. Admit your wrong when you are wrong. Let the Superintendent do the Job that he was hired to do by YOU.

President Catanzara keep up the good work the citizens of this city support you.

12/03/2020 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The communist invasion has been taking place for some time. We need to get these out of our state.

Bobby Rush (D-IL) Former leader of the Maoist-leaning Black Panther Party. Has worked closely with Communist Party USA and Democratic Socialists of America. Has traveled to Cuba twice.

Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (D-IL) Has worked closely with the Communist Party USA for nearly 40 years.

Danny Davis (D-IL) Was a member of Democratic Socialists of America in the mid 2000s. Has worked closely with the Communist Party USA since the 1980s. Also close to Committees of Correspondence in the 1990s.

Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) Was a member of Democratic Socialists of America in the 1980s and has continued to work closely with the organization. Has also worked closely with some Communist Party USA members.

and then we go after

Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) Has been endorsed by Democratic Socialists of America. Worked with Freedom Road Socialist Organization front groups and with the pro-Beijing Chinese Progressive Association in Boston.

Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) Democratic Socialists of America member.

Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Supported by Democratic Socialists of America- controlled groups Our Revolution and National Nurses United. Reportedly a self-described “Democratic Socialist.”

12/03/2020 09:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Trump locks up this criminal Governor Kemp in Georgia. He is panicking and now he is calling for a signature audit to prevent becoming inmate Kemp. The walls are coming down.

12/03/2020 09:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These Democrats are really dumb, they think they are pulling off an "Oceans Eleven" scam but it is more like Dog Day Afternoon. These dopes can't even add. Check out the link below: (so busted)

12/03/2020 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is with these democrats and pedophilia? Another ped bites the dust in California. Now you know why they passed these pedophilia laws? Twisted bunch. Check out the breaking story from Politico

SAN FRANCISCO — Prominent California Democratic strategist Nathan Ballard — a longtime friend and adviser to Gov. Gavin Newsom — was arrested and jailed on two felony domestic violence charges in Napa that include an allegation of attempting to suffocate a four-year-old child with a pillow.

Ballard, 51, was booked on Oct. 18 on two felony charges of willful cruelty to a child with possible injury and death, and domestic violence, according to documents on file with the Napa County Sheriff's Office, shared with POLITICO. He will be formally charged Thursday, according to Napa County Assistant District Attorney Paul Gero.

I hope you burn in hell.

12/03/2020 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Now Lori. 118th and Western. A fine respected retired fire lieutenant killed by your thugs! What are you going to do now? People have had enough!

12/03/2020 09:08:00 PM

Dont worry! The Youth Commander will take care of these youths! She will make sure they are shielded from all responsibility because its not their faults. If they go to the JISC they will get immediate counseling and a lawyer. The deputy chief will ask does her hair look ok? and the Commander will say here try mine on.

12/03/2020 10:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the Mayor tries to redeem herself by saying that it was Mullane that said this and not her and she did not know Mullane was going to publish this then he should be fired immediately. If a Cpd boss did something similar he would be demoted immediately but yeah different rules for different fools huh? If she wants to take the heat for it then she SHOULD apologize to JC that’s the only RIGHT thing to do.

In a world where the media created this racial divide Mullane OR the Mayor is TRYING to fuel it. That’s not right and I know in the Mayors heart she knows it too.

Shame on you

12/03/2020 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that mullane related to the c.o.of 050?

12/03/2020 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If the cause of death is ruled to be the traffic crash isn’t this still a double homicide? Had the offender not tried to kill the occupants of the car they would still be alive.

Not if your killing crime statistics.

12/03/2020 11:37:00 PM  
Blogger ejhickey said...

"We refuse to be a part of a race to the bottom,” said Pat Mullane, a spokesman for the mayor."

You have already won the race to the bottom. Now you're digging it deeper

12/03/2020 11:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catanzara told the truth.
Trump will be reelected.
Napolitino will be shamed by the ghost of Christopher Columbus the next election.

12/04/2020 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"just a ploy to put your clown JC in his place so she has the upper hand in the contract negations. that song, clown to the left and jokers on the right is the perfect description of your FOP team. Sorry but after over 3 1/2 years you are back to square one. actually worse off than square one, back then city was healthy. Now not so much. Good luck!

12/03/2020 06:19:00 PM

Are you just uninformed, or just stupid?

12/04/2020 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get your balls out of her manbag or get the fu$% out of here. This place is looking like 1970's NYC. Be a Leader and do what needs to be done or be a Man and tell her to stick up her a$$ and leave.

12/04/2020 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1,000 murders by December 31st. and brownie puss from Texas thinks under 400....... HA HA HA HA. And this guy makes more than 4 more times than the street cop!

12/04/2020 02:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya wanna know when you're winning against an Democrat?..When they throw down the race card..Well,that card has been used so many times that it's been declined..

12/04/2020 02:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good news officers. Some hackers at have accessed the raw data from Illinois and they are getting together some reports that will reveal massive fraud in Illinois that will remove Foxx and O'Brien and Oberweis are in. After the Big 4 states are done, Illinois is next on the list.

for updates go to

12/03/2020 08:27:00 PM

Why don't you link the post. That website is chaotic as fuck and post move position every second. Spent 20 minutes and couldn't find anything related to what you are talking about.

12/04/2020 03:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The racist here is Groot and her mouth piece. 80% of people shot and killed in Chicago are black and 94% happen to be male. Guess that means Groot has an overt dislike of black men.

Is it their skin color or is it their gender she can't stomach? She's either a racist or a bigot.

12/03/2020 10:09:00 AM

There is more truth here than you realize. Groot definitely hates all men. But she really, really hates black men.
She also never had a black friend or black secretary or black colleague all her years in Chicago.
Not until she became mayor. Why?
It's like Groot suddenly realized she's black? Or could it be she is the racist and used the whites to get where she is today.
Signed someone who knows Groot

12/04/2020 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only racist one in this whole thing is that little racist troll mayor. She is an asshat ! Fuck you stupid bitch!

12/04/2020 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wanna BET when they catch the dogs that shot and killed the CFD retiree that Kim from the jects gets them off??

12/04/2020 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

racist? ya, ok racist

12/04/2020 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing racist about that statement but when it comes from a White person, then its racist. I could care less about being called a racist because I know Im not and its just bullshit used by assholes trying to cover their bad behavior or actions.

12/04/2020 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you say USELESS POS!!!!
There is absolutely nothing racist about the comment!
But when all else fail its racist!
She is a complete utter failure at anything she does. I cannot believe she is a mayor.
McDonald's would not even hire that USELESS POS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12/04/2020 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Officer Tatum went ballistic on fake Democrats and their COVID edict hypocrisy hypocrisy and just lit up Groot. Really funny, Officer Brandom Tatum does it like no other.

12/03/2020 09:29:00 PM

I love this guy! One of my favorite people. Wait, he’s black and I’m white. How is it possible for me to like him? I’m supposed to be a systemic racist. Hmmmm

12/04/2020 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry Lightfoot runs CPD !!!!!

12/04/2020 04:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't remember hearing about looting, rampant crime, high murder rates, financial insolvency, high taxes, corruption and graft, in the town where they elected a cat as mayor. Just sayin.

12/04/2020 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the asshole repeatedly posting shit about j c and calling him a clown is the inbred, lazy useless, greedy ctu troll formally known as rahms missing asshole. enjoy your 16% chump when the city collapses due to ctu greed. socialist pig !

12/05/2020 02:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when Larry was a Fed prosecutor we hear she wasn't a very good one never prepared and other prosecutors couldn't stand her

12/05/2020 06:21:00 PM  

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