Wednesday, June 05, 2024

No Election Fraud Anywhere!

The dems have been trotting this one out since the last couple stolen elections. "Nothing was ever proven in court," they cry, ignoring the fact that dem judges and bought-and-paid-for States Attorneys and DA's refuse to present cases to courts.

Explain this then:

  • A fine example of how foolish this blind trust is was found in the North Carolina statewide voter roll database. At the time the 2022 midterm was certified, a copy of this official voter list obtained via public records request contained 13,371 unique, specific registrants whose birthdates had been altered, as compared with a previously audited version. Birthdates are immutable. Can this be explained?  Is there a record of registrants requesting this correction? Who made each of the changes? 

    [...] The 13,371 changed birthdates bring into direct question the possibility someone is tampering with the voter rolls, in the absence of proof to the contrary. The fact that 12,610 of them voted in the 2022 midterm in North Carolina, a 94% turnout rate according to the official records, suggests that the person doing the tampering is not innocent. That is more than enough votes to sway most elections.

Or this:

  • In October 2021, the official New York State voter list showed 109 particular voters who apparently voted twice in the 2020 general election, through two different ballot entry points. In July 2023, the same document showed 226,000 particular voters who voted twice in the 2020 general election, through two different ballot entry points. Can there be an explanation for edits to an election certified as accurate three years prior? By raising such questions, volunteers in New York have drawn the ire of Attorney General Letitia James, who is now investigating New York Citizens Audit for alleged voter intimidation, under the Ku Klux Klan Act

Investigate those bringing the complaint? How democrat-like. 

Or this if you want something local:

  • In the Illinois 2022 midterm there appear to have been 291,234 more votes counted than voters who voted, a number obtained by comparing certified results with the statewide official list of voter registration and participation.

We haven't seen this covered in any of the local media.

Even aside from Illinois' rich history of voter fraud, the system is broken. Badly. Possibly beyond repair.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not covered by the media because it does not play to the democrats narrative.

People might think Trump was right.


6/05/2024 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voter Fraud....WHAAAAAAAT !!!!

Let's talk climate change....MAGA racism....police are the problem....

Stay on track.

and vote democrat for more.

6/05/2024 03:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Dems don't seem worried. Mr. 81,000,000 will be carried over the line by hook or by crook...

6/05/2024 05:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want to see election fraud?

Wait until the CPS Board Elections for the 11 voted on spots. Rappers and gangbangers are running, oh my.

CPS allows for LSC elections for voting by checking off thr candidates preferred by pen and paper. What could go wrong?

6/05/2024 05:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's WHO counts the votes....

6/05/2024 05:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You had me at ‘Letitia’

6/05/2024 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember when that rodent Pam Zeckman did the story in a cemetery bunch of years ago? She was next to a headstone reporting that the deceased had still been voting in elections. She did that one report and we never heard anything again

6/05/2024 07:48:00 AM  
Blogger fillmoreranger said...

Oh come on man, we all know there are more than 291234 dead people in cook county cemeteries alone are you saying just becuase they are dead they can't vote?

6/05/2024 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Even aside from Illinois' rich history of voter fraud, the system is broken. Badly. Possibly beyond repair."

Any system is only as reliable, as to the purpose it is designed for, as the persons operating by the rules of said system.

IF the system as designed is not flawed as to it's purpose, then only those who operate said system can be the source cause of it's failures.

This presumes that the purpose of said system has not been designed to deceive, as in stated purpose is not authentic unstated purpose. This presumption is not a given.

So, first to be determined is if our present system is free of any deceitful elements to it's stated function/purpose.

Once system faults, defined by conflictions with stated purpose of system, are eliminated, then only persons operating said system can be the source of said system's failures to result in stated system's purpose.

6/05/2024 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many believe the election in November will be fair and accurate?

The democraps will cheat, that's what they do. This country is fucked.

Most all republicans do nothing positive at all. The one's that do stand up and fight are scorned by both their own party and the crooked dems.

We are now the most powerful third world country in the world.

Pretty sad that when Tara Reade accused pedophile Biden of sexual assault and wouldn't shut up about it she finally had to seek refuge in Russia. Go against the Empire and they will make up charges and jail you. Good interview with her on Tucker's show on yt.

6/05/2024 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fulton county GA counted 300,000 more votes than registered voters. Had Trump won that county he's have won GA and the election.
There was numerous legitimate cases of voter fraud, the problem was finding a judge that would risk his life to take the case.

6/05/2024 08:35:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

And you won't hear about it in the media. They are complicit in the destruction of Normal People America.

6/05/2024 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

drawn the ire of Attorney General Letitia James, who is now investigating New York Citizens Audit for alleged voter intimidation, under the Ku Klux Klan Act.


Clearly indicates to me she knows the cheaters are blacks.

6/05/2024 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There’s only voter fraud when the Dummies lose

6/05/2024 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ever since the "mail in ballot" voter fraud has seemed out of control. Americans have become too fat and lazy to go and vote in person.

The state I now live in automatically mails you a mail in ballot before every election which you bring to the polls and turn in when you vote. I deface every page in that ballot before I do so with a sharpie so that I can't be counted among the voters who "vote twice"

6/05/2024 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Election fraud is old school. Their new play book is "lawfare" to tie Trump up in court and are now able to call him a "convicted felon." Fumy how the democratics don't use the phrase "justice impacted individual" when describing Trump. Strange the MSM ignores the fact that the lead Trump prosecutor was a high ranking official in the Biden DOJ and did work for the DNC. Don't want to connect the dots I guess.

6/05/2024 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For a senile guy, Biden does a pretty good job of running a nationwide conspiracy with hundreds of co-conspirators.

Trump, the "stable genius," couldn't even pay off a porn star without getting caught.

6/05/2024 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only immediate decision made by any court after the “Biden Landslide” of 2020 was that the voters of Texas had no standing to question the election results in Pennsylvania. No one sees Illinois voter rolls - must go to Springfield during business hours and have an acceptable reason to view them. I often wonder if my name is still active at Dawes School. Mail out ballots to everyone on the rolls and let unionized mail carriers handle the ballots for those area or this mortal realm. Mail carriers have good citizenship as their lead card.

6/05/2024 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For a senile guy, Biden does a pretty good job of running a nationwide conspiracy with hundreds of co-conspirators.

Trump, the "stable genius," couldn't even pay off a porn star without getting caught.

6/05/2024 10:47:00 AM

Ahhhhhh, diversity, brought into the light by the good
gracious host of this blog.

Well now, what have we here.....

- senile poopy pants puppet being danced around, wet fartings included, by the puppeteers.

- getting caught, eh? Well, that's a new definition for being:

Trick bagged by cohen, the scumster

Prosecuted/persecuted by scum democrats, to no avail to their intended purpose

Fraudulently blackmailed by the whore

Mega fraudulently libeled by a ton of shit progs

Not quite senile enough, yet, scammer, so far avoiding being held to the consequences of his and his family's schemes, scams and other assorted crimes

(A shout out to hunter seems appropriate at this point)

And the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and.....

So, prog commenter......


6/05/2024 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fake news; ISBE reports for the 2022 election there were 8,107,797 registered voters, with 1,757,872 votes cast. 2024 was much the same: 7,965,287 registered, with 1,518,856 votes cast. (Also, note the number of registered voters and votes cast declining from 2022-2024).

Now, is there vote fraud? Yes, and not just in Illinois. But the continued fake news story of hundreds of thousands of fake votes is simply fake news. Even the Heritage Foundations vote fraud website shows very minimal fraud compared to all the claimed fraud.

6/05/2024 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
For a senile guy, Biden does a pretty good job of running a nationwide conspiracy with hundreds of co-conspirators.

FJB isn’t senile he is pulling the old mobster trick of acting senile to avoid prosecution. He used it already in the Robert Hur investigation of his handling of classified documents, where he was deemed incompetent. How can he run the country if an investigation determined he was incompetent?
He will use it again to avoid prosecution of other crimes.

Trump, the "stable genius," couldn't even pay off a porn star without getting caught.

6/05/2024 10:47:00 AM

Just like Willie Jeff “the wonder from Hope Arkansas” Clit00n paid off Paula Jones?
How does that work that he wasn’t tried for that and Trump was?

You leftists are so disingenuous.

6/05/2024 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Sarr Kasem said...

Oh come on man, we all know there are more than 291234 dead people in cook county cemeteries alone are you saying just becuase they are dead they can't vote?

6/05/2024 07:51:00 AM

Why shouldn't the dead be allowed to vote? We allow people who move away to vote, people who will not go to a polling station to vote, people who go on vacation during an election to vote can mail in a vote?

6/05/2024 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell all you have to do is sit outside an early voting site , As bus loads of voters are brought in to vote with NO ID and that do not speak English, BUT the election judge jus happens to speak Chinese . AND just like that 2500 votes are cast in a local election that was forced into A runoff by a 128 votes just months earlier.

6/06/2024 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You want to see election fraud?

Wait until the CPS Board Elections for the 11 voted on spots. Rappers and gangbangers are running, oh my.

CPS allows for LSC elections for voting by checking off thr candidates preferred by pen and paper. What could go wrong?

6/05/2024 05:11:00 AM

I hope those meetings are streamed although I doubt they'll be able to get them to be on time, or even show up, if they win.

6/09/2024 09:59:00 AM  

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