Sunday, September 22, 2024

Herbie Pinched....Again

Long time readers might remember ol' Herbie the city sticker designer that was outed as a covert tribute to the "m.l.d." gang via symbol in the artwork. The heart design, the hands throwing up crudely drawn forks, not to mention Herb's own social media posts of him throwing up the same signs, wearing the same colors, etc.

Remember the media's fawning denials that these symbols meant anything at all and that other blog with the naughty genitalia reference was the true evil, while Herb managed to rack up numerous arrests mostly for stealing cars.

Good times.

A comment say Herb is still up to his old tricks, and may have found a new one:

  • Li’l Herbie got pinched. Tried to kill himself in 025’s lock up. Allegedly.

No one stays in lockups any more thanks to Crimesha, so whatever he was being held for must have been pretty good. 

Here's to hoping Herb gets the treatment he needs so that he can spend the entirety of any future sentence in general population.



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