Friday, January 17, 2025

Federal Indictments Coming?

That federal lawsuit against Dart and the sheriff's office might be getting legs. Here's a little deeper dive into the brewing scandal over at the Cook County Record site:

  • Sheriff's Office staff were allegedly "committing theft of" Covid relief funds;

    - "Three months of schedules had been falsified" for members of an "emergency response team" to receive hazard pay through the Federal Cares Act;

    - Sheriff's Office employees' "personal dogs" were being trained "with Cook County Sheriff's Office staff and County resources;" 

    - A Sheriff's Office executive "had an electronic signature for (Dart) that could be used to forge his signature on any documents," allegedly including payroll records;

    - "... Employees doing political work for (Dart's) re-election campaign in 2022," including time-off requests allegedly approved after the fact and cell phone and computer records showing county devices and paid time were used to work on Dart's campaign;

    - Executives within the Sheriff's Office were allegedly "manipulating job postings" and taking other actions to ensure their relatives and friends were hired for certain positions within the Sheriff's Office, among other allegations.

We can't post the entire lawsuit - it's over fifty pages - but there are a couple free sites that will allow you to download it if you register an email address with them. Here's one of them. There might be more if you search for Case Number 24 CV 13320.

As the plaintiff brought progress reports to Crimesha's office (who expressed no interest in rocking the Prickwrinkle boat that employed her and Dart) this scandal might spread farther than intended, especially if the new Administration wants to shake up things.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn’t Dart hire a few of wives and other lowlife relatives in the Sheriff’s office to keep the positive news on his side. I’ll bet they will squeal like a pig when they get whistled in. About time.

1/17/2025 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If those allegations are true, that is corrupt even for Crook County. The media has truly disgraced itself here. No MSM coverage. It's has ghostpayrolling, racism, FBI investigations, Covid fraud, inmates dying during covid as unit was allegedly ghosting. What do we even have press for?

1/17/2025 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't their allegations Dart had employees on clock in previous campaigns, then allegedly does it again. Arrogant prick

1/17/2025 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the clink, where the tough guys reside,
Sat Tommy, with nowhere to hide.
His hairpiece, a fashion faux pas,
Had been confiscated, alas!
The inmates all stared, a bewildered array,
At the dome so bald, come what may.
"Hey Tommy," they jeered, with a mischievous grin,
"Your hairdo's in jail, where your party begins!"

1/17/2025 12:53:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

I pray that Toupee Tommy gets caught up in all this. He’s always been a smarmy son of a bitch who fancies himself the smartest person in the room.

I can see it now… Dart sentenced to a jail term and he suggests the DOC Admin allow him and other inmates to have pizza parties like he authorized when he ran County.

When his request is denied, he flies into a fit of rage, using his rug to clog the toilet in his cell so he can flood his tier and those below 😂😂

1/17/2025 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope they all spend time in Cook County Jail as prisoners.

1/17/2025 02:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....yet...thee ring leader,
Lil Richie "mumbles or Da Drooler" Daley escapes justice, just like his corrupt Daddy....

Lock him up to...

1/17/2025 03:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would rather see sheriff ricochet, rabbit, bing, bing, bing being in charge

1/17/2025 03:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another car chase. Another crash. Officers injured. Desperately trying to cover it up and make it look right. Classic night for the south side of Chicago.

1/17/2025 04:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miss Cleo here...

Baby, ...NOTHING ! ...going to happen to Tommy toupee...
...He has so much in his pocket...he jingles...
Know what I mean...He knows things on people, Folks too

More from Miss Cleo....just watch SCC and you SEE too !

1/17/2025 04:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How sweet it is another corrupt organization in crook county hellinois hard to believe

1/17/2025 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biden pardoned 2500 more criminals yesterday. With more to come before Monday.

1/17/2025 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All we can do is hope and pray that President Trump sent his department of justice in here and guts the Democratic Party

1/17/2025 06:16:00 AM  

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