Friday, January 31, 2025

Illegal Alien Crimes Stacking Up

Illegal aliens - doing the crimes that American's can't be bothered to do:

  • One of the two men Chicago police are questioning in connection with the horrific murder on Sunday of 63-year-old George Levin was arrested two weeks ago after a 13-year-old girl accused him of trying to lure her into a car on the Northwest Side.

Remember, these are the scum that Conehead and Fata$$ are willing to protect over Chicagoans.

And becoming the victims that criminals know are unlikely to report:

  • There are new, troubling developments to report in the triple shooting that left two women dead and another badly injured in the South Shore neighborhood on Tuesday morning.

    Two sources familiar with the investigation said all three women were targeted for execution-style slayings in an alley behind the 7700 block of South Oglesby. The sources said they were working leads that all three women were migrants who had been kidnapped. It is unclear if the women had been trafficked before they were killed.

So they illegally arrive here, are pretty much unemployable due to e-verify and businesses not wanting to face massive fines, so they turn to off-the-books type employment which unfortunately includes sex work. Sex workers are less likely to want to be involved with law enforcement, especially when illegally in country, and criminals know that these types are pretty much a free score - for sex, for robbery, for exploitation, and eventually, homicide.

But don't worry - Conehead and Fata$$ will just import more!



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