Wednesday, January 15, 2025

More Fines!

If weed and whores won't save Chicago, Illinois (see above posts), along with Conehead borrowing another billion dollars for "housing" in a shrinking city, then fines are going to be increased:

  • No vote is a sure thing in a City Council that stared down Mayor Brandon Johnson during the marathon budget stalemate. Wednesday’s meeting could feature more of the same.

    Stalled proposals to reduce the default speed limit on Chicago streets to 25 mph and restore exceptions to the city’s Welcoming City ordinance face potentially close votes after parliamentary maneuvers to revive both.

The usual aldercreatures are on the usual sides of the fence:

  • The Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety approved it, 8 to 5, over objections from Black and Hispanic alderpersons fearing the lower speed limit could cause an avalanche of speeding tickets and provide a pretext for traffic stops targeting minority motorists.

    [...] During a hearing Tuesday on the Chicago Department of Transportation’s 2023 crash report, Carney acknowledged Chicago’s “traffic-calming” investments in pedestrian refuge islands, raised crosswalks, curb extensions and speed humps is paying off. Traffic fatalities were down 27% “from the 2021 peak,” compared to a 5% drop nationwide, Carney said.

    But, he added, “changing the speed limit has to be part of the overall tool box.”

    Ald. Daniel La Spata (1st) estimated the lower speed limit could save the lives of more than 300 Chicagoans over the next decade, and “I can’t put a price on that.”

You don't have to moron - insurance companies do that with the help of actuaries. They'll tell you exactly how much a human life is worth....and unless City of Chicago vehicles are the ones running over those three-hundred pedestrians, we don't see how it's any concern of the government, especially the $3-to-5 million to reprint all the signs city wide.



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