Plan Your Days Off
The Slum Times has posted the Summer Festival calendar!
In the meantime, better start planning strategic use of your days off, Personal Days, Baby Furlough Days, etc. There will be restrictions on Time Due of course, and there are those three days that the City can declare "off limits" for any elective time off.
But Personal Days - when submitted in a timely manner - are pretty much immune from cancellation. Planning a wedding or family reunion far enough in advance (with approval from the chain of command) can maximize the effectiveness of BFDs. The truly wise veterans have already bid their furloughs in the most optimal way possible, fully utilizing the Contractual guaranteed extensions.
And not that we'd ever suggest such a thing, but that shoulder or elbow or knee that's been giving you problems these past few years? ::cough cough elective surgery cough cough::
Keep in mind, the biggest wave of retirements in three decades is here, right now. If you were missing the overtime, don't worry. You're going to be swimming in it shortly. But DO NOT forget to take care of yourself, because Conehead, Larritorious, his command staff tools and the City certainly aren't going to.
Labels: info for the police
We shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Mayor Brandon Johnson told the law makers that crime is down and all his nonsense is exactly working. Like thugs as peace keeps and thugs giving hugs to other thugs.
Allegedly the department is trying to have a policy put into effect that any major surgery you have non duty related you will have to stay a minimum of 1 year active duty after you clear the medical in order for that procedure to be covered by the insurance. If you get the surgery, stay on the medical for 11 months and then clear and retire then you will get hit with the bill and have to reimburse the city. If you don’t they will hold your time due cash out hostage and deduct from there. So you would have to get the surgery and have your medical time, then come back and stay 1 more year active until you can retire unless it’s a catastrophic duty related injury that doesn’t allow you to go back to work. They’re getting desperate. Not sure how legal it is but they do the same thing with tuition reimbursement.. you get your degree then have to stay for 3 years. If you leave early then you pay the tuition.
I left long time ago, still have. my trick knee,, also still coughing if need be.
The city paid a lot to train you, THEY MIGHT NOT USE should!
I want overtime now!!! Dinosaurs retire!!
SCC you hit it on the head once again!! Take care of yourselves is correct. This city, this department, and those bosses at the top do NOT give a flying Fuck about you or your well-being. With that said, watch over each other and take as much time off as you can.
“But Personal Days - when submitted in a timely manner - are pretty much immune from cancellation.”
Ya know what else is immune from cancellation (for now, anyway)? The medical and IOD.
Remember, kids… for every day they take from you over a suspension or deny you taking off, you take 3 back.
And if they really poke you the wrong way? Well, that’s when a new or recurring IOD comes into play. This route means extended time away from this shitshow AND your wages earned while recuperating are tax free - a win/win.
Pro Tip: when documenting your IOD, be sure to articulate how your injury was incurred while performing a job-related task that a member of the general public would NOT be able to duplicate. For example: knee injury from slipping and falling on icy stairs doing a CTA check? NOPE. Slipping on ice can happen to anyone. Wrenching your back struggling with an arrestee? YEP, all good. Document thoroughly.
Oh yeah… educate yourselves on the caveats surrounding parameters as they relate to home checks by stupidvisors, ambulatory vs. stationary status, notifications to the unit when leaving home, etcetera. Don’t ever give these motherfuckers the rope that they’ll use to try and hang you.
You’re welcome. Use the power wisely, young grasshoppers.
As much as i blame the CPD for cancelling days off I also blame Catazzara. This should have be a huge point during contract negotiations and also a huge grievance. We are not slaves. They shouldnt be allowed to tale our days off whenever they want unless its an emergency. Maybe if it was paid at triple time then would hesitate to cancel. JCat do something!
WTF do we care my boys have less than three years an LT V in tweenty five got our backs, early cars ma boy hahaha we all hate her but she got tinted windows so she on her back leg anyways hahaha
Been beating the dept for years on this issue lol. I sit down in January and enter my days for the entire year that I need off based on my DOG. I never missed an important event especially in the summer months. Fuck this dept. taking advantage of younger officers who can’t do the same. Now that I have some time on I will never let the dept be responsible for me missing something important with my family. Just be smart ladies and gentlemen try as best as possible to be organized to get the days off u need throughout the year. Stay safe and healthy.
Tac polo shirts will save the day with details 😂
Another useless leftist tool that loves criminals
POS Smelling doesn't give a shit about you just like BJ. Beijing lied to the world infront of the cameras saying he follows all laws, that cocksucker doesn't follow any law other than grifting and race hustling. 19P solves it all and answer your calls, the 6.6% approval rating gets what it gets.
I work in the burbs now, constant 16 hour shifts when people call in sick. Never know what you had until it’s gone. :(
isn't it called the ghetto shooting game ?
Conehead, Larritorious, his command staff will say....
You don't need no stink'in days off,....
The truly wise veterans have already bid their furloughs in the most optimal way possible, fully utilizing the Contractual guaranteed extensions.
Did that nine years ago and retired afterwards, life has been good ever since.
I'd say that schedule is very timid compared to what summers have been like in the past. If you didn't think you'd have to give up an occasional weekend during the busy times of one of the biggest tourist cities in the world, then you picked the wrong profession.
This will mostly affect PPOs, 4th watch and other voluntary units.
Why do think they exempted applicant from the entry test? To get everyone they can in the door at the cheapest labor cost possible. No pay raises for you. They city will ne er pay the market price foe labor, and residency requirement,
P Days for POs can be denied if manpower shortages exist for that date
FOP sold us out on that one years ago but I believe it still exists for Sgts
Retirement and living outside of Illinois is great. Do it if you can. You won’t regret it.
I saved a wisdom tooth for 11 months to miss an unpleasant gathering.
Allegedly moves coming today! Exempts are lining up to retire with whole exempt staff of CCG retiring this year and Captain interviews are almost done.
I’m going to work as much OT as possible this summer and then hit the medical in the fall to ensure I can enjoy the NFL and NCAA football.
Don’t worry Area 3 Detective Commander Hill will allow his administration detective secretaries to have their weekends off, and still be on the sheets getting paid OT. While the floor Detectives are denied their RDO’s or utilize comp time option.
With the warm weather coming the first annual downtown feral yute Freaknik will be coming soon and conehead and loverboy Larry will be in full panic mode.
2 years for tuition, between year 1 and year 2 then you have to repay 50%
Woah woah woah don't say anything like that, some.of these dork officers can't sperate sports from politics and will accuse you of being a kneeling PO who loves BLM and the left.
Enjoy the NFL? Thug-ball? Take a knee when it comes to the NFL! They are not our friends!
You may be having a stroke. I mean wtf are you trying to say?
Wish I could
Tru Dat, Pimp!
Another NFL cuck.
100% agree. The union should’ve addressed this years ago as the #1 issue. Why didn’t they? That’s the question. Across the board every officer of every rank would agree these cancelled days off are our number one issue with the department. Why would none of the ranks unions fight this?
And that is good. Seniority should count
Occasional? Stop with your bullshit they need to ask for VOLUNTEERS idiot we know what we signed up for and need a better work life balance and we will get it
Massive protest and Demonstrations are already being planned. All tact teams get ready. Bike units look out your days, evenings and weekend's will all be taken up in the 001st and 018th districts, marches will go on all night. Pay attention to Trump Tower especially.
No idiot, it never used to be this way. Your days off used to be your days off. Untouchable. This all started to change about 8 years ago.
Makes sense to me. Lot of medical scammers do it and retire off medical. It’s a scam, there is no other way of putting it.
Collazo back down to Lt
but eyes jus love seeing those po-leese at that wonder bud billikin parade,,,,
I have 0 hours of CU on the books. Take them.
During negotiations, it was a huge point of contention. The city offered back-to-back 5% raises instead. And these raises are pensionable and cover everyone, not just those who are cancelled.
at least that new "shot spotter" works,,,, another person was found shout 4600 w. west end,,,,,, see,,, eventually those who are shot are spotted
Don't be a bitch. Take the overtime. MAX out in deferred comp AND a ROTH IRA. RETIRE early.
It would have to be negotiated. They can't agree to things in the contract and then put limitations on them afterward. Medical time has no contractual obligation to be paid back in service after use, so they can't just add it on.
Make some arrests. You'll get overtime at court.
Slaves didn't get OT. You morons really need to quit crying about being treated like slaves when you're getting paid very well. Just say it's unfair to cancel days off, or that it ruins other plans, or that it pisses you off. There's no need to pretend you're a slave when you're making thousands of dollars to do mostly nothing.
English was made the official language of the United States. Please try your best to use it.
008 2nd Watch you the man. Within 3 seconds some no mind proved your point.
I left to another department and didn’t pay back a dime.
Fuk'n DEI hire
No no no No overtime allowed in area 3 per the deputy
Make the job work for you...
💯 like always
Buck Buckshot Says:
Refuse non mandatory overtime assignments until there is Double Time pay.
FOP sold us out as far as complaint affidavits too!
It's not like this in CPD?
Let the cash register ring .. chaaa ching!
He proved his own point, because he posted that himself. Two posts made 3 seconds apart, and neither one actually showed up until they were approved, so 8:49:44 couldn't possibly know what 8:49:41 posted. I'm sure you'll say they were both just separately referencing the previous post, but it's all a bit too coincidental to actually be two different people. The next post was also probably the same person. If you guys need to justify your support of the NFL after what many players and the league as a whole did, by criticizing those who would rather not support them, feel free... but don't make some stupid point and then pretend to prove your own point as someone else. That's just sad. Gotta keep yourself entertained on days somehow I guess. I'll make a post supporting my own post right after this to show how stupid it is.
That totally different guy above me is right!
I've said it 100 times. If the union would actually negotiate like they had a clue, we could then start negotiating for other things. Remember the letter not sent by mike shields? Angelo gave stuff away for no reason, and Cantanzara initially settled for crap before johnson gave up the 5% but only because of the DNC approaching.
Should be triple pay by now.
ha. ya right. this is all new kid it had never, ever been this way 20 years ago. MAYBE on tact and gangs. and that's a maybe.
Check the money box.
Get a pair
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