Monday, March 03, 2025

Where Did He Go??

Another one of Dart's / Prickwrinkle's / Evan's success stories:

  • A convenience store clerk convicted in January of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old runaway boy in the Loop has disappeared after the judge refused a prosecution request to keep him in jail to await sentencing.

    A jury needed less than 90 minutes to find Bharath Simha, 22, guilty of criminal sexual assault during the commission of a felony and two counts of kidnapping in connection with the December 2023 attack at 7-Eleven, 4 East Jackson.

    But Judge Peggy Chiampas denied the state’s request to revoke Simha’s electronic monitoring status and have him jailed so he didn’t flee to escape prison time, according to court records.

Great job there Chiampas.

And here's a similar story that anyone who has arrested a parolee ought to be familiar with:

  • Meticulous work by Chicago police detectives resulted in the arrest last week of a 12-time convicted burglar suspected of breaking into over two dozen businesses across the city’s North and Northwest Sides.

    But, even though 31-year-old Devon Lawery is currently on parole for four of his 12 previous convictions, the Illinois Department of Corrections decided not to revoke his parole after cops arrested him on the new burglary charges last week, a CPD report said.

    As if that weren’t enough, Lawery failed to show up for his first court date on Friday, prompting a judge to sign off on a failure to appear arrest warrant.

We've asked this before, but what exactly is the point of IDOC people except to release criminals back into society and then fail to hold them to the conditions they were released under?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chiampas is usually good. Pro LE & more strict than most judges . Where did he go? probably South East Asia somewhere

3/03/2025 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Frank Furillo said...

If police arrest someone with dozens of arrests and convictions, only for the courts or corrections people to turn them loose then why even bother doing "meticulous work" to arrest that individual again?

Every arrest of a violent and/or multiple felon carries risk of injury, death or lawsuit. How could anyone blame officers for not bothering if the leftists who control everything don't take the public safety threat these individuals pose seriously?

3/03/2025 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"IDOC decided not to revoke his parole.."

WTF do they even get to make such a decision? It ought to be "Ya'll violated your parole by committing a crime, and now you're going back to jail".

Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200. JAIL.

Oh wait, my mistake. Democrats. I forgot where I was for a second.

3/03/2025 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some day that POS will pick the wrong place to burglarize and will immediately and irrevocably develop a sudden case of lead poisoning resulting in the demise of the POS. Ghetto mama will then sue claiming that if her son had been locked up he would be alive instead of being maggot food.

3/03/2025 01:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surprised about Chiampas, she’s normally very good and always more than fair with us.

3/03/2025 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illinois department of corruption more useless than a used condrum

3/03/2025 04:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love calling IDOC when a parolee is arrests on a new charge. You call and make notifications and they put you on hold. Within 30 seconds they’re back on the line advising that we will not be issuing a warrant . Ha ha ha… on parole and charged with a new felony and no violation. Can I get that tracer number to document this notification?

3/03/2025 05:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They serve the people at the direction of the governor.
Yes this one belongs to Pritzker! Democrat at large, extra

3/03/2025 05:43:00 AM  
Blogger Jack Trumpblood said...

Hide and seek champions.

3/03/2025 06:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't you worry,,,, as we speak the liberal news In Chicago is doing an in-depth investigation into exactly how many criminals are out there committing more crimes after being released with no bond,,(sarcasm)

3/03/2025 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only 12 burglary convictions and on parole for 4 of them. Catches new cases and gets no parole hold and out on EHM and now has an arrest warrant after blowing off court. This is all made possible by that big fat slob down in Springfield and his Safe-T-Act. As Ayn Rand once famously wrote, "ignoring reality has consequences."

3/03/2025 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PC was a great defender of the Police at one time. Haven't seen her in a while. Sad to see she would be so reckless. IDOC has been terrible long before the very unsafe t act. They won't hold anyone unless the new charge is violent. How many civilians and officers have been hurt or worse because of this idiotic policy??????? I have for starters!

3/03/2025 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judge Chiampas is pro police. Was always available to sign search warrants for me. True professional.

3/03/2025 07:37:00 AM  

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