Thursday, August 04, 2005

Info for street cops

Cell phones can record many many minutes, even hours of conversations. In light of this story out of 014 and the Meeks incident, more of us ought to be aware of this. Of course, everyone should conduct themselves professionally during a stop, after a stop and during processing. That being said, we've never let someone keep a cell phone if they are arrested. If they are with someone, give them the phone. If they have a car that isn't being towed, lock it in the car. It isn't that you are trying to be an asshole (most of the time), but we've heard of people calling from the back of a wagon and having their buddies meet them at the station and have their buddies take their impounded car before the tow truck gets to the location of tow. This seems farfetched, but suppose you grabbed someone important or dangerous on a BS traffic charge, and he calls his accomplices to ambush you? It's happened in South America and Europe. We want our prisoners going into the lockup and on to the County with as little hassle as possible and as little stuff that could possibly be used as weapons, escape devices or means of communication. They can use the phone in the lockup to contact their lawyers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN!!! Why would you let a prisoner keep a cell phone in his/her possession while you're processing them? And for those officers who have said they didn't know they had one, then learn how to search.

8/04/2005 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P/O's in 022 bring in a suspect to the hospital after he has beaten his wife with a pipe. Detective walks in to emergency room bed to talk to him and he's on the phone with the victim telling her to drop charges. When detective asks the sergeant, who was there with her officers, what is going on, why does the bad guy is on she says to the detective he has a right to make as many calls as he wants.

8/04/2005 02:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

third watch caper

8/04/2005 03:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ignorance of many officers as to just what "rights" prisoners have is enormous. Too many police officers, don't seem to understand just what the words "police custody" mean. They confuse their own opinions with what the law says and think that because something is their opinion that it must be the law. NOTE: The only rights an arrestee has are those contained in Miranda and the state and federal constitutions. Don't think you'll find anything in there about unfettered use of their cell phones. Dah!!!!!!!!!

8/04/2005 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's another:

P/O's from 003 bring in a murder suspect to Area 2. Detective goes into question him about the murder and he's on cell phone. The detective checks and sees the murder suspect made five calls since he was brought up.

Guess what?

Guy had four "alibi" witnesses. He's cut loose when ASA refuses charges.

8/04/2005 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PO's handling BS traffic accident where driver hit a parked car. Driver had no license and was arrested and put into the back of a squad car. He called his backup jagoffs to the scene which ultimately turned into a 10-1 with a battery to PO. Think officers.

8/04/2005 04:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any dick worth his salt would take the phone, downlad the directories, figure out what company is involved and get a subpoena for the bill. Now you have a whole bunch of tomatos to squeze for juice to help you with your case!

8/04/2005 08:27:00 PM  

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