Saturday, September 03, 2005

Burying the "Blame Bush" rhetoric

Just to put a final nail in the "Blame Bush" coffin, the Louisiana National Guard is an arm of the STATE government and are mobilized by the governor. The Feds supply them with most of their equipment in case they are called up for national service, but for "internal" emergencies (i.e. hurricanes) the GOVERNOR MUST ASK the Feds for assistance. The Feds cannot unilaterally "invade" a sovereign state. Only once in history has a sitting president ever federalized state troops in peacetime - Eisenhower did it to enforce the court decree to desegregate Arkansas schools. Can you imagine the uproar from the left if Bush took control of the Louisiana National Guard (a state run by democrats since the Reconstruction) and sent them into New Orleans (the bluest of blue cities)? They'd say he was a grandstanding glory hog trying to steal a "Giuliani moment" from the local mayor and governor.

So Bush stayed out of their way. The mayor let over 300 buses sit idle though he had 48 hours to evacuate. The mayor transported tens of thousands of poor citizens to the Superdome and Convention Center, with no water, no food, no fuel, inadequate plumbing and no way to get them out should the worst occur (which in accordance with Murphy's Law, it did). Now comes word that the pumps used to keep the water out of New Orleans had been failing for YEARS, the city failed to maintain them and didn't replace them as they failed. Heavy rains were beginning to cause minor levee failures all over the city and still the mayor did nothing. And when Katrina hit, the mayor was hiding in Baton Rouge. Kind of hard to be Giuliani when you aren't even in the city.

The governor also bears alot of blame for this. She had Guard Units stationed 30 miles from New Orleans. Not a bad place, but she had no eyes or ears in the city. The levee breaks were reported by news media helicopters, not Guard choppers. She couldn't have the Guard react fast enough. She only directed a formal request for military help on Thursday 01 September. Her initial request didn't even cover military aid - just jobs, money and housing assistance. FEMA was NEVER approached by Louisiana authorities with any sort of disaster plan. IT DIDN'T EXIST! And why wasn't the Guard delivering food and water as soon as the rain and wind died down? Because it WASN'T THERE! No stockpiles of any supplies on hand anywhere. This is Bush's fault how?

The 4th Infantry Division is now active in New Orleans. Supply convoys are getting to New Orleans because FEMA managed (in 48 hours no less) to scrounge up 475 buses from neighboring states and municipalities while the mayor's 364 school buses drowned. The only reason ANY relief is getting to the Big Easy is BECAUSE of George Bush and FEMA and the US Military. You watch. As the situation calms down and cooler heads prevail, the whole "blame Bush" thing will turn out to be complete BS, especially as more documents like the one's cited above become uncovered. Ted Koppel is actually asking hardball questions of local democrats who can't answer his questions! The one's screaming the loudest are going to be the one's who bear the most blame.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Associated Press is reporting that U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist has died.

9/03/2005 10:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

R.I.P. Supposedly was head-to-head with O'Connor at the top of the same class at Stanford. Or maybe I'm confused. Anyway, he set a great example for this country by working til he was 80. As many of you I'm sure would agree, he would have died soon after his wife if he didn't have something to keep him alive, and bringing the court around was his medicine.

He'll be replaced with a like-minded conservative, so not much gain to expect for us. The balance will shift when Stevens moves on, but you will see the batle to end all battles between screeching liberals and the other 90% of the country when that happens.

9/03/2005 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Psycho Pat Robertson's earlier prayers were finally answered... Hugo Chavez just started doing a little bloody chicken santeria in hope of forestalling his "headshot" from "God"...

9/03/2005 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone blaming our President. Let's not forget about this guy.

"Dear God" by XTC from 1985

Dear God, hope you got the letter, and...
I pray you can make it better down here.
I don't mean a big reduction in the price of beer
but all the people that you made in your image,
'cause they don't get enough to eat from God,
I can't believe in you

Dear God, sorry to disturb you, but...
I feel that I should be heard loud and clear.
We all need a big reduction in amount of tears
and all the people that you made in your image,
'cause they can't make opinions meet about God,
I can't believe in you

Did you make Disease, and the diamond blue?
Dear God, don't know if you noticed, but...
your name is on a lot of quotes in this BOOK,
and us CRAZY HUMANS wrote it, you should take a look,
and all the people that you made in your image
still believing that JUNK is true.
Well I KNOW IT AIN'T, and so do YOU, DEAR GOD,
I can't believe in
I don't believe in

I won't believe in heaven and hell.
No saints, no sinners, no devil as well.
No pearly gates, no thorny crown.
You're ALWAYS letting us humans down.
The WARS you bring, the babes you drown.
and it's the same the whole world 'round.
The hurt I see helps to compound
that Father, Son and Holy Ghost
is just somebody's unholy HOAX,
and if you're up there you'd perceive
that my heart's here upon my sleeve.
If there's one thing I don't believe in

9/04/2005 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOLA = sodem and gomorrah
instead of fire, he used water

9/04/2005 05:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Bill Clinton did not have sexual relations with that women. Amen Brother. From sitting like a zombie for 7 minutes on 9/11 to waiting three days to cut short his month long vacation. He's the best president everrrrrrrrr!!!!!

9/04/2005 05:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The president is never on vacation and congress has been on vacation longer than Bush. They simply pack up the essential business and move it to Crawford. Big freaking deal! Clinton waited 5 days to acknowledge the biggest set of f5 tornadoes to ever hit this country before he put on an appearance.

Stop showing off your ignorance and read the post Moderator put up. The Guard is part of the STATE government. Local authorities dropped the ball here.

9/04/2005 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What amazes me is....the cost of gasoline goes up because of T/S Katrina. Yet our gasoline is coming from Canada? As much as I hate to say it, I should of voted democratic. At least the free give aways would of stayed here in the states, and not be given to a bunch a bomb exploding idiots.

Economy was better with the Dems. I guess a cigar in the clam is not as bad as Texas boot in your ass! Makes me wanna launch.

Now the only person I despise as much as daley is our other midget small man syndrome politician, prez GWB.

9/04/2005 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean the economy was better with the dems? Are you smoking crack? Clinton presided over the stock market bubble bursting leading to the last recession. Bush has presided over 14 consecutive quarters of growth and last week, the unemployment numbers hit 4.9%! Thats lower than just about every year clinton was in office. The economy is fine, the media just isn't reporting it. They'd rather spend time ripping Bush for not doing the Louisiana democrats jobs for them.

9/04/2005 03:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Above was me. And what do you mean our gasoline comes from Canada? Since when? Point me at some documents because I was under the impresion that the barges carrying gas come up from New Orleans. Document it one way or the other please.

9/04/2005 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon @ 9:47am

W is 5'11" to 6'. I wouldn't call that short. It makes him taller than every marine reservist I've met on this job (except Bryan Holy; all the respect that he's earned to the Master Gunny).

9/04/2005 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GWB is an UXB (unexpoded bomb- tick-tock, tick-tock)- He's the reverse Midas- SIDAM!! Everything he touches turns to shit! But he's just so darn cute- like a bad little doggie who you just don't have the heart to get rid of... if he only had the chutzpah to break his bizarre blind loyalty feedback loop and get rid of the criminals, traitors and chicken-hawk warmongers that hold him in thrall (including Dick "The Invisible Girlie-Man" Cheney) ...if he surrounded himself with honest decent CLEAN Republicans cut from the classic mold he could still be the "uniter" "and compassionate conservative" he gave lip service to oh so long ago... but it's like the Wages of Sin... clawed white-knuckled mitts glued to the wheel... going over these spindly bridged chasms... each more dangerous than the next... with a shitload of nitro in the back... and driving as if he was in a `66 Mustang convertible without a care in the world! Will our "S.O.S." ever get through to our Lost in America Chance the Gardener... oh please pray for this mini-miracle Pat Robertson, Jerry Fallwell and Benny Hinn!

9/04/2005 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over the past six years Canada has ben the leading supplier of oil to the US...Including both crude and refined oil products....(google leading supplier of oil to the US)

9/05/2005 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a conservative. Bush is still an idiot. Conservatives are starting to model themselves after liberals in the fact that they justify and support every action taken by members of the party. Turn off Rush and Sean and think for yourselves. I support our troops 110%, but why are we in Iraq? War on terrorism my ass. Sadam was so happy to just dictate to his own people and his greedy ass wasn't about to divert any of his $ anywhere. But the war did get everyone's mind off the real terrorist....Bin Laden, who is still a giant threat. That being said' just because bush is a goof doesn't mean that he is responsible for N.O. People have got to realize that the government can't control everything. They can't control the weather. They can't control the actions of others. 9-11 should have been a wake up for everyone. Bad stuff can happen here. As cruel as it sounds what is happening down there is natural selection. The people with the greatest ability to survive, did. Of course someone needs to be blamed, and that someone has got to be a white male. No one else can be held responsible for anything negative, its just not p.c.

9/05/2005 11:23:00 AM  

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