40,000 visitors!
Sometime in the next three hours or so, most likely well before noon today, we will have our 40,000th visitor. Just thought you'd like to know. Thanks.
UPDATE: Got it just before noon!
UPDATE: Got it just before noon!
Sarcasm and Silliness from a Windy City Cop
It was me!
Welcome to SOX-TOBER-FEST!
What's your PREDICTION for the Series? QUICKLY!!!
(I'll show my CUBBY foolishness and say SOX in FIVE! Jinx?!?! ;-> )
Put it on the the board...! Here or on BLUEinYourFACE.Blogspot.com
Would you quit advertising your blog on this blog. They linked to it already on the front page. Annoying those of us who don't want to view your silliness won't get you any new readers/posters. At last count you had a grand total of 6 comments- 2 autoposts by other blogs- one by yourself- and three others. Get the hint already. Go play in traffic or something.
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