Saturday, March 18, 2006

She Doesn't Get It

NOTE: Keep racial invective OUT of the comments section. This is not a rip job on Mary Mitchell because she is black - this is a rip job because she is ignorant. By the way, we read her column so YOU don't have to.

Mary asks a question in her latest column. She actually asks it a few times.
  • "Where is Jesse? Where is Farrakhan?"
  • In either case, their questions raise another: Where are today's black leaders?
She also promotes a few half truths and factual errors:
  • And isn't the Nation known for its ability to turn around the lives of wayward young black men? Haven't they stood toe-to-toe with drug dealers and gangbangers in the past?
  • Now, apparently, all black people can expect from the Nation and Farrakhan is controversy.
All ANYONE could ever expect from Farrakhan and his ilk was (and is) controversy. He thrives on it. It gives him a bogeyman to galvanize his base and gives his followers a convenient scapegoat to blame for what affects them (like the Klan and blacks; like Hitler and the Jews; like Mao and the Nationalists; like Stalin and everybody.) And we don't have to go far in our collective memories to remember when the bow-tie wearing "Nation of Islam" hoodlums would hold open project building doors for fleeing dope dealers and then bar the police entry. Toe-to-toe? They were standing shoulder-to-shoulder.

But Mary shouldn't be asking "where" the leaders are. They're out there, making their money, same as any other grifter. Mary should be realizing what most intelligent black people realized a long time ago - these aren't leaders, they're race baiters. How does one go about blaming "whitey" for the slaughter of two innocent children in a black neighborhood by black gangsters? It can't be done, so Jesse and Louis and Bobby and Haithcock just shut up and hope it'll go away. And the faster it goes away, the faster they can get back to exploiting the worries of their own community.

None of these so called "leaders" has any idea or concrete program to drag Englewood out of the morass it's in. So they generate controversy by drumming up an "issue" sure to rile up "whitey" and promote conflict by naming a street for someone who called for the killing of people who do more for a stable society than any other - police officers. And then when a real issue comes to the fore, like dead children, some call for gun control (even though the gun came from Indiana where no one here had any control over it), some call for a "cease-fire" (even though they won't point out their sons and neighbors hiding the guns and dope), and some just hope it'll go away so they can go back to what they do best - playing on the fears of their community.

PS: Mary also says "Others are only interested in rubbing my face in these horrible crimes." Do you think she might be reading the blog?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have nothing good to say about Mitchell so I won't say anything!!!

3/18/2006 06:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she is a "tool" maybe now she is becoming self -aware. some people "get it" at an early age, some its takes longer and some never get it at all...

maybe now she realized she's been getting pimped... and it doesnt feel to good to wake up one day and realize that your a whore and didnt even realize it.

lifes a bitch aint mary mitchell?

the day that these so-called black leaders, preachers turned politicians, community activists, and alleged concerned citizens of englewood start turning in the own sons, daughters, nephews, neices, cousins, grandsons, play cousins and pointing out the dope houses, and places they store the guns to the police the violence will never end.

because its all about the money, its about getting turned out by the money and power and allowing yourself to be pimped by the dope dealing gangbanger...

that innocent 10 year old girl was not only victimized by those gangmembers but by her own mother!
because she invited rival gangmembers to the freakin party, so in essence she and she alone is responsible for her own daughters death.

and all she really cared about is having her hair done for the media.
"oh i got 12 kids and now i got 11"

like oh well, too bad so sad... and the media jackels like mary mitchell eat that shit up with a spoon!

3/18/2006 07:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Mitchell will never get it!
She is nothing more than a Bigot, and a Racist with a venue. She is no different than the the KKK member who hates all minorities, but can not give you any intelligent reason why he/she has grouped a whole race of people into one stereotype. When she writes: "white people need to stay out of black peoples business" she is telling you point blank, that there is no logic, nor rhyme or reason to her diatribe...just pure and simple RACISM. All race baiters will draw an audience for a while, ie; Matthew Hale, The Black Panthers, The KKK, Hitler, just to name a few, but she is just one small closed minded, ignorant race baiter with a small audience that will hopefully see that she is only dragging them down the path of self destuction and self hatred. We, as members of this City need to offer up viable alternatives to idiots like Mary Mitchell, as opposed to being sucked into her world of hatred and ignorance which is right where she wants us to stay!
When Mary Mitchell is gone, whenever that is, you can bet that someone else will step right up and take her place to continue pulling as many people down into their cespool of stupidity as possible. There will always be people like Mary Mitchell, Jesse Jackson, Paul Jakes, Louis Farrakahn, Meeks, etc., we just have to continue to expose them for the charletons that they are until people get smarter and reject them before the obtain any real power.

3/18/2006 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Mitchell is just a salesperson....her bullshit sells newspapers...she obviously isn't very bright and she is very close minded....she just puts her nonsense into prose and the liberal media eats it up.....

3/18/2006 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I dont understand Mary, is how you can put a man (fred hampton) up on a pedastol praising him, a man who openly advocated the killing of other human beings, and in the same breath call out for the leaders of the community when other humans are killed by stray bullets?
Could it be that to advocate the killing of Police Officers is ok with you, but the sensless slaughter of a "Black" person is a tragedy?
Where do you really stand on killing..Ms. Two Face, Fence Rider, Play both Sides Against the Middle, Racist piece of garbage?
Do you really think that the majority of readership of the paper you write for does not see you for the pathetic low life RACE-BAITER that you are?
Are you really that self absorbed that you can't see the irony in your own statements?

Here's a thought....Try championing higher education, tolerance for all people regardless of race, and holding up the true heroes in our society regardless of race.....and then condemn violence, killing, and criminals in general....REGARDLESS of RACE....beacuse in the end MS. Mitchell, you will be remembered for your accomplishments, and so far the only thing you have accomplished in your life is to divide people and bait them to fight each other while you sit back and commentate!!!!

3/18/2006 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But crime is the fault of the police. They are not doing their job in the ghetto. They just hang out in pawn shops looking for good deals. So it seems that the police are supporting crime by buying stolen stuff from the pawn shops. I hope the feds are watching, I would love to laugh at you all when they bust ya! HO HO HO

3/18/2006 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really Mary, why bother to ask where Jesse and louis and the other so-called Black Leaders are? You know damn well where they are.
They are hiding, because there is no controversy to sell the public about a black gangbanger gunning down a black child now is there?
Because after all, without the hype created when the ever popular race card is played, you and your sorry assed leaders have nothing left to do but search within yourselves to see that there is a messed up community killing each other over gang turf, dope selling, etc., which has absolutely nothing to do with RACE!!!
The best you and our Mayor can come up with is to blame an "Evil Gun", an object, a 7 pound peice of metal that is 100% harmless until a human being that intends to commit a crime picks it up!
You and all the Liberals that support you can't seem to realize the problems of the poor can never be solved by putting blame on an object (that needs a human to make it work) instead of where it belongs, which is on the people themselves.
People solve problems with forward thinking and making hard decisions about their lives, not pointing to a hunk of metal and calling it evil.
But then again, one cannot sell newspapers without some titillating head line or catch phrase.
The race card has been selling for years.
Im sure the Sun Times is laughing all the way to the bank!

3/18/2006 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know more than a few POs from 007 who would love to stay out of black people's business. But when the business is dealing dope, gang banging, shooting up the neighborhood and murdering kids, SOMEBODY has to jump into this business with both feet. That's us. It would be great if people would police themselves. Doesn't happen, though. Be safe!

3/18/2006 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leaders? These people aren't leaders but are wannabe's!!

When the "real deal" comes up, they're nowhere to be found. When the community truly needs help, there is NONE.

Right now, on behalf of the police memorial, I'm fighting for approx. 200 retired po's in Georgia. These men and women are collecting a police pension about $700 less per month because they weren't allowed to contribute to it a long time ago because of their color.

These are people who know the true meaning of racial discrimination: they could not change at the police station, spit at, if there was a call involving blacks, they were dispatched saying "we need a nigger on this call," etc.

Governor Perdue of Georgia went into hiding when I asked him about this, and Bush -no response.

So now I'm into round 2 butting heads with these people.

These retired officers are in their 70's and 80's still fighting for equality and having to WORK.

Do you see anyone marching for them? Rush? Jackson? Meeks? Fighting for their rights?


3/18/2006 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



To Much police , not enough police.. it can get confusing..




3/18/2006 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So long as you get a CR number for doing a good and honest job, there will be dope in Englewood.

So long as a crowd surrounds you and yells racist and anti-police rhetoric on a traffic stop, there will be guns in Englewood.

So long as there is no cooperation with the police, there will be killings in Englewood.

So long as children keep having children, there will be hopelessness in Englewood.

And there is nothing the police can do but work hard, and be blamed for what happens in an un-policeable neighborhood.

When a black leader steps up who is not a COWARD, who is willing to say that having a father around is important to children, that blaming the police for crime is what fools do, and that from this day forward if you want to live in a better place you should tell the police where that fleeing felon ran to, and who you saw shoot who on the corner, then I will not only vote for that black leader, but I will campaign for them.

3/18/2006 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, I'm so glad that our "leaders" are using so much time to name a freaking street after someone who verbally advocated the killings of others and the fact that more homes in Englewood keep getting boarded up, more residents who are trying to make a decent living are getting killed, gangs running and the fact that this area looks like a damn bomb hit it.

I'm just so proud of our city "leaders."

3/18/2006 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Have you ever wonder why? My GOD have we sold our soul for a pint of wine. Cornrolls, dreads, twists and curls, extensions micros, as thin as can be, extensions bold and brazen, songs of thongs ...saggy baggy pants with exposed boxers or briefs..... Bleached white tshirts with timberlands or nike's....sports jerseys and base ball caps... Sleet Western Ave beamers and Lexus with 21% juice on the front, oversize rims, spinners and all...Loud blaring music with inaudible words, hard thumping music with chorus of vile.....walks up, drivebys and "Don't snitch on me Tshirts" blood soaked concrete...Indifference, irrelevances.... with the ball, throw the ball, bounce the ball, all summer and through the fall, dreams into screams, golden encrusted grins, 40 ounces and flavored blunts, schools are for fools and there's are few fools in schools. Diamond studs and make believed lives with practiced lies, babies with babies for babies, hootchie mamma's and pookie daddies, electronic monitoring and midnight basketballs... hating all, despising self, link cards and nextels.... Singing a song of soul..."Dreamin' of a refer ten feet long, snorting cocaine under a coconut tree, betcha ain't a soul high as me, betcha ain't a soul high as me" dedicated to those of you who have chosen to reach their goals by the roads with the least resistance..EMB 2006

3/18/2006 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when these residents of englewood and any other crime infested neighborhood get out in the streets and starts pointing on the dope house the gun house the hiding criminals, THEN and only THEN will i believe that they want change, and by God i'd march right along with em... but when your willing to accept blood money from the dope man then kindly "shut the fuck up and sit down" because frankly i dont want to hear you blame the police and the white man because even if you have JJ jr and/or meeks sitting in the mayors or governors seat theyre still gonna be sellin dope and killing yur kids. and even more so because those same dope sellin shitbags will be bankrolling the campaigns of those lyin ass creeps... remember 21st Century Vote = front for the G/D's dumbass.

3/18/2006 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe we can put that to music and mke some money!!!!!

3/18/2006 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah thats the ticket

3/18/2006 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, do you ever e-mail your opinions, like the one you just wrote, to Mitchell herself? I think you should.

3/18/2006 01:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Englewood's problems is caused by a lack of sensitivity by the police on a community problem. Most of the officers assigned here are just here for the money(drug busts,court time) They have no heart for the job. They were the barts at the end of the block that we all knew.

3/18/2006 01:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Englewood's problems is caused by a lack of sensitivity by the police on a community problem. Most of the officers assigned here are just here for the money(drug busts,court time) They have no heart for the job. They were the barts at the end of the block that we all knew.

3/18/2006 01:09:44 PM

What are you smoking?

3/18/2006 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its called incentive you jag! You go to a fast district so you can learn and work. The perks of that is arrests = court and court = $$ for you and your family cause I know that 200,000 yr salary we are getting really helps the bills! Keep dreaming...... Be quiet and go back to your sleeping hole wagon man/woman or whatever desk you crawled out from and leave us working coppers alone to do the work of those who refuse to like driving the other way when a hot call comes out or uh hold me down getting a car wash or uh hold me down on a personal or uh hold me down cause I'm an lazy dogg. I worked in 007 for 7years straight out of the academy and yeah it sucked for awhile till I learned how to be the police. I know 7years does'nt sound like much but work there for awhile and you'll see........some of the best damn police in the city are there BAR NONE at least when I was there and I'm sure they still are. You learn who the bad people and the good people are real quick both police and citizens alike. Just cause we like making dope arrests for court doesnt mean we dont care about the people......we do........we just hate every single gangbanging GD, MC, Vice lord drug dealing gun carrying waste of life including people like you who make stupid comments. From a goodhardworkingpoliceofficerjustlikeyou......(except you)

3/18/2006 02:16:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

SCC, do you ever e-mail your opinions, like the one you just wrote, to Mitchell herself? I think you should.

We have forwarded a number of our articles to writers we like, like Kass or Brown. We've had articles forwarded by other people who want media figures to see what the blog is all about and who want to cause us grief. We trust our readers to forward stuff they find interesting to those it concerns.

3/18/2006 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Englewood's problems is caused by a lack of sensitivity by the police on a community problem. Most of the officers assigned here are just here for the money(drug busts,court time) They have no heart for the job. They were the barts at the end of the block that we all knew.

3/18/2006 01:09:44 PM

This person is OBVIOUSLTEnglewood's problems is caused by a lack of sensitivity by the police on a community problem. Most of the officers assigned here are just here for the money(drug busts,court time) They have no heart for the job. They were the barts at the end of the block that we all knew.

3/18/2006 01:09:44 PM

This person is OBVIOUSLY .....

Brothers and sisters, do not fall victim the the ignorant civillian baiting that is going on here. Remember, John Q can access this site also.

Stay safe

3/18/2006 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Englewood's problems is caused by a lack of sensitivity by the police on a community problem. Most of the officers assigned here are just here for the money(drug busts,court time) They have no heart for the job. They were the barts at the end of the block that we all knew.

3/18/2006 01:09:44 PM

Sounds like you really have a grasp of the problem at hand! So why havent you solved it yet?
When was the last time you starpped on a sidearm and "Busted" somebody?
Why dont you enlighten us as to your chosen profession, because you are definately not the Police, and once we know what your profession is then we can sit back and trash talk you and tell you how lousy you are at your job!
I hate to quote movie lines, but i must tell you: I prefer that you just thank me for the protection I provide you, unless you prefer to pick up a rifle and stand a post, either way it doesnt matter because I will always be there providing a security blanket for you so you can sit back and bitch about something you know nothing about!
CPD forever!!!!!!!

3/18/2006 09:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spoken well Brian!

3/18/2006 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/18/2006 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's she gonna do? Sue him? Ha!

3/18/2006 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary mitchelle has never been on the scene where we have had a dead kid! What kind of kid? it doesn't matter!!I don't care about Mary Mitchelle and neither should the rest of you!

3/19/2006 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how Mary feels about the fact that the Nation of Islam, a hate group ( see Southern Poverty Law Center's's website on ALL the nincompoops in America ), actually represents a VERY VERY tiny % of Blacks , not only in Chicago and Illinois, but in America in general because of their hatefilled racist beliefs?..............Hmmmmmm?

3/19/2006 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cut and paste.

3/19/2006 10:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't her hubby a white dude? Wonder how he feels about all this B.S. she' stirring up?

3/19/2006 10:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're thinking of the other black, ahem, female.

The one with the gecko eyeballs, Laura Washington.

3/20/2006 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"SCC, do you ever e-mail your opinions, like the one you just wrote, to Mitchell herself? I think you should.

3/18/2006 01:09:25 PM"

I personally have.


She responded with her typical self-important, all-knowing, bullshit ass rhetoric. Basically I'm an idiot & a sell-out because I'm a black male who called her on the racist/sexist/overall unfair views she spews in the Sun-Times weekly & DARED to disagree with her & challenge her "omniscience."


Fuck her.

She's as bad as the KKK, as Aryans, as "male chauvinists," any other negative-ist lump-them-all-into-the-same-pile group you can think of.

3/20/2006 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Leave Mary alone, donch ya knew dat it's the snakes growin' outta her haid maken her crazzayy! Please someone get dem snakes offa her!!!!

3/20/2006 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like SCC says, he reads it so we don't have to. Let him.

Let's just remember everyone...Without readers she'd be another racist mope. Half of what she writes is just to piss people off and keep 'em reading.

3/21/2006 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not baiting, but...
Why is an AFRICAN-AMERICAN more American than a white. Do blacks do more for America than whites? And if this is true, why do all the other races (Mexican-American, Asian-American etc) get to hyphenate their races, while the whites are still just whites?
Answer...because we let it happen. It seems to me that there are liberals out there who would rather be insulted 24/7, than stand up and identify the inequalities.

3/21/2006 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I am not baiting, but...
Why is an AFRICAN-AMERICAN more American than a white. Do blacks do more for America than whites? And if this is true, why do all the other races (Mexican-American, Asian-American etc) get to hyphenate their races, while the whites are still just whites?
Answer...because we let it happen. It seems to me that there are liberals out there who would rather be insulted 24/7, than stand up and identify the inequalities.

3/21/2006 08:33:07 AM

What the fuck are you talking about, idiot?

I've heard plenty of whites calling themselves, "irish-american," "german-american," "polish-american," etc., etc.

Grow the fuck up and offer a well though-out argument.

3/21/2006 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proof for the fucking idiot:

3/21/2006 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


That shut him the fuck up!

3/21/2006 04:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck all of you. (especially Malcolm on this one)


3/21/2006 07:44:00 PM  

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