Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A Political Tool - Again

Once again, the Department has become a political tool for those seeking to advance an agenda of race driven politics - even in the face of those politics being completely and utterly proven to be nonexistent. Case in point (Channel 7 reports):
  • The Chicago Police Department has launched a new campaign against racial profiling. The latest push includes more cameras in police cars and public service announcements telling drivers what they should do when they get pulled over by police.
  • There were many calls for a crackdown on racial profiling following a controversial traffic stop of state senator Rev. James Meeks last July.
We wrote a number of articles, taking the Department and Meeks to task: the Department for failing to back the supervisor immediately and thoroughly; Meeks for making an issue out of what was HIS arrogance and expectation of special treatment. The Department surprised us by ultimately backing the Sergeant, saying there was no racial profiling. Then why this push to fix a problem that doesn't exist? After all, we have this summary from the most recent FOP newsletter (no link available yet):
  • SB 2368 - Racial Profiling Legislation - That report showed that the disparity between stops of minority and non-minorities was less than 5%, well short of the level of concern that was established by the original promoters of the legislation in which they stated they would not be concerned unless the disparity rate was in the 30-35% range.
So it seems that the "Oversight Board" went in with preconceived notions of racial profiling by police departments and now they're unhappy that the results of THEIR study don't match reality. So they call a new tune and - presto! - we have a new campaign against nonexistent racial profiling. Amazing!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


And this should make our jobs easier!

5/09/2006 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

isn't everything in Chicago about race? Government, politics, assignments, promotions, policy, decisions, priorities, etc., etc.
The interesting thing about all of it, I think, is that this twisted and perverted approach only affects the bigger cities with large minority populations, like Chicago, New York, LA, Atlanta, and maybe a few others. Most (emphasize most) of the rest of the country does not support the Jesse Jackson-Al Sharpton-Bill Clinton theory of socialism/social engineering (hey, let's give everything to everybody).
The major problem: the Democrats and their liberal/fatally defective policies. As far as "racial profiling", to the average motorist, hey, pull your ass over, show your license and insurance, it's as simple as that, and it DOES NOT MATTER if you are a teacher, a bartender, a minister, or a legislator; you're subject to the law just like anyone else........

5/09/2006 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the sad reality of all this bullshit is, as all of us know, the person most likely to get pulled over due to "race" is the WHITE GUY driving anaywhere near a dope spot.
Prior to this job I was a case worker, with most of my clients living in 011 or 015.
I used to get hammered.
Not bitching about it, I never got a ticket, and I know how those 3 hours of court can add up.
But this bullshit about blacks being "profiled" in black neighborhoods is insanity.
A black thinks he was profiled while driving through the circle in 016, maybe..
A black being profiled driving at madison and pulaski? Are you kidding me?

5/09/2006 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could this be to assure Meeks created position in regards to this by none other than Blagoutbit*h? More Pols taking care of Pols/Ministers who use their pulpits for fund raising, etc. Wonder what the position will pay in State goverment for Meeks.

5/09/2006 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the sad reality of all this bullshit is, as all of us know, the person most likely to get pulled over due to "race" is the WHITE GUY driving anaywhere near a dope spot.
Prior to this job I was a case worker, with most of my clients living in 011 or 015.
I used to get hammered.
Not bitching about it, I never got a ticket, and I know how those 3 hours of court can add up.
But this bullshit about blacks being "profiled" in black neighborhoods is insanity.
A black thinks he was profiled while driving through the circle in 016, maybe..
A black being profiled driving at madison and pulaski? Are you kidding me?

5/09/2006 12:55:52 AM

And that's the point. When I worked in Englewood, back in the '70's, if I saw a white guy driving around, I stopped him because I knew he was there to buy dope. When I was working the west end of 008, if I saw a black guy driving around, I stopped him because I know he has no business there. Profiling is a law enforcement TOOL and the only jagoffs who think it shouldn't be used are the liberals and other goofs.

5/09/2006 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I learned profiling from Sesame Street...


"One of these things doesn't belong here..."

5/09/2006 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


i'll give ya $20 just for posting that.

5/09/2006 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A black thinks he was profiled while driving through the circle in 016,

An African person or whatever the buzz word today is, has no business driving anywhere within a 4 miles radius of the circle.

They are nothing but trouble and I dont want to be anywhere near them. They disgust me.

5/09/2006 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/09/2006 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree with everyone. The people who stick out the most and the ones I'm most likely to profile is the white guy. A suburban address on a license plate cruising 011 and 015. Any cop, even the biggest dog ass on the force knows what this clown is doing.

Shame on all of our white, sellout, democrat politicians!!!! U have no balls and only care about your personal gain.

As we hear all the time. The X generation of me, me, me and its not my fault have ruined this counrty. Possibly forever if things don't change soon.

5/09/2006 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a kick out of seeing the Right Reverand Meeks crying about not being invited to participate in the PSA or it's kick off party. Screw him.

5/09/2006 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do what I have been doing from the start of the cards, make evryone a white guy!!!

5/09/2006 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ad started today said as of now " The Chicago police will not allow racial profiling " We never did and have not started. Nice waste of more money

5/09/2006 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we got to protect "ourselves" anytime you see a white in a black neighborhood pull him aside fuck the blacks let them destroy their own neighborhood thats all they know how to do

5/09/2006 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The department will redouble its efforts to prevent racial profiling. Maybe even retriple and requadruple its efforts until the politicians are satisfied with this witchhunt.

5/09/2006 02:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

White guys cruising shitville? Even a dogass knows they're looking for dope? Maybe there yuppie realtors scoping out the next Depaul-Sheffield! Hey so waht if your wife is home invaded and sodomized with a Lladro. It's part of the rich urban mosaic!Nobody with any sense wants to live with Section 8 hillbillys, or Tyreese, in Edison Park. Check Bt. #1611 in CLEAR. Then follow that white guy with the lost look on his face right to the next hot real estate market. And it ain't on the northwest side. Bye now, got to get my carmel machiatto and read Crains from my balcony at 13th and St. Louis. Anybody out there know how to load an RPG?

5/09/2006 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember once back in the 70's on the southside, a nice old black fella told me this. "office, if y'all see a white guy cruisin' around out here, he's either lookin' for pussy or he be the po-leece or he's both. The gentleman was right. Used to see a whole lotta off duty po-leece.

5/09/2006 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was working the west end of 008, if I saw a black guy driving around, I stopped him because I know he has no business there.

So tell us old wise sage, why didn't the Black guy have no business there?

5/09/2006 09:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we got to protect "ourselves" anytime you see a white in a black neighborhood pull him aside fuck the blacks let them destroy their own neighborhood thats all they know how to do

5/09/2006 02:12:24 PM

can't help yourself, just got to love all of these dipshits

5/09/2006 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The truth sometimes hurts.

5/09/2006 09:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

while going around the clock..(Thats when the CPD rotated shifts for all of you short-timers, and single mommas)and after we went straight watches i use to grab the white boys on 1114. Did that mean I racial profiled? Being the white police and all?? Was like shooting fish in a barrell. Mover for probale cause then just asked them to just give me the rock or blow.

That was when i was a true believer.

5/09/2006 09:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let the shithead bitch about being pulled over- whether black or white, all it does is ensure I'm going to write them a ticket-in the least to cover my ass. If they were cool from the start & went with the routine I probably let them off. The more they bitch the greater likelihood of ticket or arrest.

5/10/2006 03:45:00 AM  

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