Sunday, February 11, 2007

Where Do These People Get Off?

Last week, we noted that one of Toddler Urkel's relatives was comparing herself to Jesus in an effort to stave off potential criticism of her appointment:
  • "I am qualified for this job. There will always be critics. My mother told me Jesus walked on earth and he had critics," said Donna Dunnings, Cook County chief financial officer.
We were of the opinion that this was stupidity of the highest order. That was until we saw the Drudge Report on Barack Obama's appearance on "60 Minutes" along with his wife:
  • Obama's wife also addresses the race issue when asked by Kroft whether she fears for her husband's life as a black candidate. "I don't lose sleep over it because the realities are that... as a black man... Barack can get shot going to the gas station," says Michelle Obama. "You can't make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen."
"as a black man... Barack can get shot going to the gas station"? Hey lady? Anyone can get shot going to the freaking gas station. It has nothing to do with being black. What a manipulative and completely asinine thing to say.

And then to top it all off, we made the mistake of reading Mary Mitchell again after Obama announced:
  • Frankly, it is shameful that the most insulting question about race that has swirled around Obama’s campaign is about his commitment to blacks.

    If working as an organizer in a place like Altgeld Garden to empower residents to fight against environmental pollution and lead poisoning, moving on to the Illinois General Assembly and supporting legislation that targeted racial profiling and wrongful convictions, and pushing for the earned income credit wasn’t enough to prove his commitment to African-Americans, platitudes meant to assuage those voters won’t be enough to win this race.

  • Just as his U.S. senatorial race afforded voters an opportunity to shake up the established political system, Obama’s presidential run offers the same opportunity.

    Black voters would be foolish not to take it.

So if you're black and don't support Obama, you're foolish and probably an Uncle Tom betraying the race. Incredible. An entire campaign based on everything that Martin Luther King Jr. marched against. Can anyone else smell the hypocrisy at work here?


Blogger Murphy40Pct said...

Someone should remind Michelle Obama of the races of the beltway sniper's victims (most of whom were at gas stations). Also, I don't think he's spending much time gassing up in Englewood-and Hyde park hasn't seen a gas station homicide since...since.... And yes, this man who requires us to use the race sticker on the back of those movers demands more police in black neighborhoods! More police in black neighborhoods...but if you stop too many blacks, we're all racists! And he supported Todd Stroger. Nuff said. With Obama it's all about the show- no substance.

2/10/2007 11:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looky here and what not now he done did say to wit what?

2/11/2007 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to acknowledge that all black people are trigger happy criminals. And at the same time insult your own black community.

After all, your husband, as a black man, can get shot going to the gas station.

Think about what you said lady.

Maybe Barrack should keep her mouth shut during his campaign, all we need is another Theresa Heinz.

2/11/2007 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Just as his U.S. senatorial race afforded voters an opportunity to shake up the established political system, Obama’s presidential run offers the same opportunity."

Now THERE'S a reason to vote for a particular person to be the president of our country. How does that rag justify keeping this nitwit employed?

2/11/2007 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You neoconservatives, all you do is try to find something wrong with Obama. Why don't you try finding something good with a member of your own party?

First it's because his middle name is Hussein, now it's because of some less than profound comment his wife makes.

The fact is, you, and many like you, just won't accept a black man as the leader of our nation.

You are moving closer and closer to being just another right-wing, whackjob, reactionary blog.

Vote Republican, Four More Wars!

2/11/2007 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hopefully at 5,000 feet without a parachute!!!!!!!!

2/11/2007 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the Carpenters sang in a song from the sixties - "We've Only Just Begun." The race card will be played more times then there are cards in Las Vegas. He will never, ever, be elected to the presidency. Thirteen percent of the population is not enough to carry him over the top. By the way, that's minus this Brother who is tired of paying taxes to support my fellow blacks who don't give a shit about anything but getting their monthly this-that-or the other check.

And yes Malcolm's Little Brother, I am black and been that way for 59 years. And yes I would vote for a black man who isn't in favor of keeping our people down by not forcing them to assimilate into society through hard work and determination. The race monguring of Jesse, Al, Mary Mitchell, and now Barrack's wife will not serve our people well.

2/11/2007 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Mrs. Obama your husband can get shot going to the gas station. The only problem with your comment is that is almost 99% sure he would be in a black area, shot by a black man. Check the FBI crime statistics before you make statements like that.

PS: Mrs. Obama your husband is not black. He is mixed race. His mother, the one who raised him after his black father left, is white. Just in case you didn't know.

2/11/2007 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The county board is like our city counsel. They should cut the fat right at the top.

2/11/2007 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Any man, north of Texas that dont vote for obama oughta be hung!!!"

2/11/2007 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical race card crap...if its not racist then its sweet Jesus and God. Get a job, brush your teeth and quit all this po black crap.

2/11/2007 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't he half white?

2/11/2007 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention that Barak Osama Obama A.K.A. "Black Jesus" addmitted to Marjuana and Cocaine use and He also smokes cigarette's. (But he's currently trying to Quit) When Bush addmitted his cocaine use the media went nuts for weeks and month's and now because "Black Jesus" is running I dont hear shit about it. Maybe they'll find some more dirt on him. Maybe he smoked Crack but then he'll say He did'nt inhale. Sound Familliar?

2/11/2007 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard some guy on T.V. say that Obama makes Hillary look like a conservative. True?

2/11/2007 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS: Mrs. Obama your husband is not black. He is mixed race. His mother, the one who raised him after his black father left, is white. Just in case you didn't know.

2/11/2007 07:16:00 AM

I wonder if Obama was walking through Bridgeport late one summer night, would the locals think of him as Black or mixed raced, would they firgue out his Black father left and his white mother raised what's the point?

2/11/2007 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact is, you, and many like you, just won't accept a black man as the leader of our nation.

"WRONG" I will never vote for an Illinois/Chicago/Crook County,democrat no matter what their race/sex is!Obama is a card carrying member of the most corrupt
political party this country has ever seen,and he wants to be president?
Be afraid,be "VERY AFRAID"!

2/11/2007 01:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley, Stroger, Obama, Durbin, all members of the most corrupt political organization in the US>

The democRAT party.

2/11/2007 01:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An admitted felon; a coke smoking, bribe taking (remember the free fence)liberal, accidental senator who supports the moron stroger and the crook Daley.

Now that's what we should be looking for in a President!

2/11/2007 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He jumped the gun, the Clintons are too savvy and ruthless. He presidential campaign will falter and his role in Illinois will crumble.

2/11/2007 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/11/2007 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote Rudy Giuliani for and firefighter

2/11/2007 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Any man, north of Texas that dont vote for obama oughta be hung!!!"

2/11/2007 08:05:00 AM

hmmm.... you mean black people are that stupid that they would vote for obama just because he is half black?

And i gave blacks much more credit for being smarter than that. At least alot of the ones I know are not that superficial

2/11/2007 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


A lot of your post are racially tinged. Do you have an obsession with folks who aren't white or what?

How about some topics that really addressed the plight of police officers in this nation?

Just a thought from someone who is tired of the "race" issue. Let's stop saying that we are all Americans when it suits us and start acting like it.

When I was in Vietnam, I could care less the race of the man that was protecting my white ass - and many of them were black.

I worked with some of the finest black cops and met very nice black people.

Let's move on.

2/11/2007 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC you extrude much common sense. Let's hope this common sense is contagious.


2/11/2007 05:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/11/2007 06:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
PS: Mrs. Obama your husband is not black. He is mixed race. His mother, the one who raised him after his black father left, is white. Just in case you didn't know.

2/11/2007 07:16:00 AM

I wonder if Obama was walking through Bridgeport late one summer night, would the locals think of him as Black or mixed raced, would they firgue out his Black father left and his white mother raised what's the point?

2/11/2007 11:52:00 AM

The point is he was not raised as a black person. His father who was black left him and his white mother had to pick up the slack. There is a surprise. Now that he is running for president he and his family are going to play the race card. He is not who he claims to be and if he will lie and cheat about this he is no better than any other politician. Those who will vote for him because he is black, like most blacks do, are idiots. Keep voting Democratic people. You deserve what you get.

2/11/2007 06:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Memo to 2/11/2007 11:52:00 AM

The point was just an effort to remind the esteemed Mrs. Obama that there is more than black in her children. Oh the shame she must live with thinking there is the evil "whitey" gene buried somewhere in their little hearts.

And by the way asshole the last racialy moviated homicide in Bridgeport was about 5 years ago when a black man killed a white man along 35th Street near the 009th District.

So now please, "GO F YOURSELF YOU POS".

2/11/2007 07:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC your post is full of racsim and subjectiveness. I've agreed with you on several occassions when you've taken the media to task for being one sided but in this case you are absolutely wrong. If you would have taken time out to watch the Senator's entire interview on 60 Minutes you would have heard him state that he has no expectation that African-Americans will vote for him. He also stated that it is an insult to believe that all of the African American electorate will vote for him just because he is African American. African American's will and can analyze all of the candidates to determine for whom they will vote. I agree with you on your points concerning Mary Mitchell and for the most part agree that she has a "hard-on" for the police. However do yourself and everybody else a favor and let's start dealing with some facts. You'll be hearing from me some more. I've hesitated long enough.

2/11/2007 10:36:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

First of all, point out the racism? You can't because it isn't there. So you make a baseless charge in an effort to stifle our legitimate opinions and arguments. Nice trick, but we've been there before.

As to the subjectiveness, guilty as charged. We are Conservative to a fault. We have definite opinions on politics and well defined positions on policy. Just because you disagree doesn't make us wrong. Or racist. Or anything else you care to attempt to label us.

Obama is tired old liberal ideas wrapped up in a palatable minority package. He's actually to the left of Ted Kennedy, and that's saying something. We didn't bring race into it - Obama and his wife did. And 60 minutes did. And Mitchell will continue to. MLK Jr would be appalled.

2/11/2007 11:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would gladly vote for a "black" candidate, and wanted to, but colin powell refused to run for president.

2/12/2007 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin Roy on Channel 7 News, 6:00AM, Sunday, 11 February 2007:

"Sen. Barack Obama announced he is running for president in 2008. Some say he is too liberal, too inexperienced, too naive and, well, too different."

About sums it up, doesn't it?

2/12/2007 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seig Heil, ya racist.

2/12/2007 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



2/12/2007 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CORRECTION; Prsident Bush has never admitted the use of cocaine.

2/12/2007 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asshole Obama said in a speech today that the 300 soldiers killed in Iran "had died in vain"

Of course this piece of shit refused to serve in the military and now he insults those that died for their country.

Low life democRAT

2/12/2007 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch the entire 60 minutes? How can any person with an ounce of sense stand to watch 60 seconds of that far left dribble?


2/12/2007 06:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asshole Obama said in a speech today that the 300 soldiers killed in Iran "had died in vain"

Of course this piece of shit refused to serve in the military and now he insults those that died for their country.

Low life democRAT

2/12/2007 06:15:00 PM

Well then most of the United States has "refused" to serve in the military because they never volunteered. Also, last time I checked there were about 3100 US KIAs in Iraq. Saying that these deaths were a waste is an absolute truth. They were never given a clear mission to accomplish. Even one American life given for no reason is a waste.

2/12/2007 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think that if I compared myself to Jesus in response to my next CR, that they'd accept that? Seems to be working elsewhere.

2/13/2007 02:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Memo to

Memo to 2/11/2007 10:36:00 PM

How f-ing naïve can you be? The black electorate would,and will, pull the lever for a twice-convicted child molesting, coke snorting, car thieving, home invading, brother before they would pull the lever for a qualified white candidate. Bobby Rush – Dorothy Tillman – Harold “the fag” Washington, et al, need I say more. Screw You.

2/15/2007 07:40:00 PM  

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