Friday, August 10, 2007

Things the Media Won't Report

Just a few little tidbits for all the reporters reading this site. And believe us, we know there are dozens:
  • If you run around with an unregistered handgun in the city, you are an OFFENDER. If you get shot by the police for displaying that unregistered handgun in the city, you are still an OFFENDER. We might not agree with the gun control policies of this city and state, and we work in our own way to change them, but under existing law, Aaron Harrison was an OFFENDER.
  • The dead offender was a self admitted unknown vice lord. We're sure there are reporters out there with tame cops on speed dial. But a word of warning to officers - the Department can and will track people pulling up the arrest reports and IR photos of this dead offender. Those media pictures of the dead offender from many years ago don't compare to his recent arrest photos. Amazing what a few felony arrests can turn you into.
  • The dead offender was also the nephew of a very big chief of the vice lords. The offenders arrested during the "protest" were all self admitted vice lords with upwards of 100 arrests and numerous gun crimes among them. The "reverends" leading the protests are siding with the vice lords. Publish THAT you candy asses.
  • This "shot in the back" meme making the rounds is pure bullshit. According to the reports we've read, the wound is consistent with the offender having carried/pointed a gun across his body at pursuing officers. We could tell a few stories from personal experience (and dozens more from war stories) of offenders having pointed guns backwards over their shoulders while firing at other gang bangers while running away! These jagoffs don't have wild west stand-up versions of shootouts face to face - they fire at each other while running away all the time! The dead offender had the misfortune of dealing with an officer who was much better trained than he was and took a round which exited his neck. Too bad, so sad. It's actually amazing more innocents aren't killed by these bangers.
  • And this crap making the rounds here about the 011 District locking the doors? Go read up on your station security protocols - it's Standard Operating Procedure for station security during civil unrest. It isn't anyones fault that they were ordered to secure the premises.
Just things to keep in mind while reading or listening to the media BS.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put a stop to the picketing at 11 dist...if the crowd is so loud that the office's inside cannot even conduct a telephone conversation with a citizen attempting to request emergency police service, and citizens cannot enter the station because they are intimidated by the mob of schmoes outside, then that, my friends, is disorderly conduct.

8/10/2007 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

word on the street is that 4 corners are going to kill a cop in retaliation. But this kid was a hiphop dancer not a gangster! Abc Nbc, Cbs, Suntimes, Trib report the news you biased F$%&Ks. If a cop gets killed he or she is a super hero otherwies coppers are dirty. Report about how the a$$hole gangsters pissed about one of their own being killed by the police. Jag OFF was a gangster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8/10/2007 03:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we all know that the media will never report th official version because it just doesnt make the front page. i hope to GOD that one of these fucking reporters gets robbed, or car jacked, and if we get lucky maybe accidentally shot by these soon to be high school graduates. im black and im a police officer and ill tell you, these west side animals embarras me and my race. hope the media publishes this comment, let the truth be told.

8/10/2007 04:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Question to all of the Cline Supporters.

How would Superintendent Phil Cline have responded to the recent SOS shooting in 011? Would he have attended Al Sharpton's "MB" Church and hugged and kissed Fat Al and made everything alright?

The truth is that Phat Phil would have capitulated to the reverends alot faster than Dana Starks.

I guarantee you Phat Phil may have stripped the SOS PO's and used them as sacrificial martyrs to be paraded in shame to the media. You guys kill me,look at Cline's history of handling any media pressure. Cline folds and runs,throwing any unconnected PO to the wolves to fend for him/herself.

Dana Starks was the Commander of 011 and did a reasonably decent job there. WHITE officers liked him and he treated people fairly, unlike Cline. Dana would not have cut and run, he isn't afraid of the streets. Charlie Williams is afraid and loves to revert back to what he knows,IAD, and screwing working PO's over.

Be very happy Charlie didn't get the nod. Charlie proved himself again on Monday night by letting the working police face assault and then being ordered to backdown and retreat. That is fact,Dana may not be perfect but he isn't bad,give the man a chance.

I respect a man with balls who treats people fairly and from what I have seen Dana does just that.

8/10/2007 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

citizens cannot enter the station because they are intimidated by the mob of schmoes outside, then that, my friends, is disorderly conduct.

8/10/2007 01:25:00 AM

On top of that the crowd, 10 -15 morons in the middle of the day(Guess their shift on the tip isn't til the evening?) enter the station & refuse to leave after being given an order you have criminal trespass. You could almost guarantee once in the station & the processing begins 1/3 of them have active criminal warrants.

But when you have the blu toof wearng white shirt placater calling the shots then the citizen folk are allowed to run roughshod. This is one of the finalists for Supe.? There's your Poster Child for the 21st Department& Leadership, take a Good look because that's it for the rest of your careers....

8/10/2007 06:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

forget the city registration issue,what about being 21 to own a handgun,no foid,aggravated assault with a handgun,felony uuw,etc...

Just mere minor indiscrepancies of youth though,the future Olympic marksman was just playing...

Breaking the law on the westside is just part of normal life.

8/10/2007 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media is so absolutely ridulous,did you know there are only 24 homeless people in the loop?

8/10/2007 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish you all didnt speak about unregistered handguns. Below are two example of the start of registration in Chicago, starting in 1968.

Government in Chicago, uses the law to disarm the law abiding citizen. Which caused many to flee the city, for the burbs.

You all need to stop disarming good folks, and support CCW.

8/10/2007 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are facts from the city of Chicago Website.

Murder stats from 2005.

Victims/ Offenders of Murder by Race
76% Black
18.4% Hisp.
5.6% White

77.4% Black
17.3% Hisp.
5.3% White.

Prior arrest history of victims;
75.9% yes
24.1% no

Prior arrest history of offenders;
87.8% yes
12.2% no.

Race breakdown in city from 2000 census

41.97% white
36.77% black
21.26% Everything else

So what does this mean?

8/10/2007 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it would be nice if the security cameras were up to date with a dvr.

i love seeing desk guys in riot uniform doin miisin cell phone reports.

8/10/2007 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loudspeakers needed outside 011- play country western music until their achey breaky hearts go away.

8/10/2007 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wrong asshole, Phil would not have stripped the SOS officer protecting his life and partners lives. He would have called them numerous times and made sure they were o.k. There have been two other SOS shootings this year, and the same was done. Phil was the police...

8/10/2007 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You however are right about Charlie Williams. He is a huge coward, and actually sounds like a woman when he speaks. Puberty should be a prerequisite for being Supt. He would be the worst possible choice for both the city and department.

8/10/2007 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/10/2007 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the media is a weapon far more powerfull than anything hurling a projectile. useing the media one can influence the thinking of the masses and steer a society.

8/10/2007 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bush administration is going to crack down on employers who hire Illegals. I ask will Mayor Daley be fined? All of the custodial workers (janitors) working for the Chicago Police dept are Illegal. I have never understand how this Administration (Daley) allowed these people to have access to records. Tell me about it

8/10/2007 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, after the shooting they did that protest at 011.

Well, the protesters were in the street & the cops were lined up across the entrance of the station.

Behind the cops you still had all those smelly homeless still sleeping on the concrete!


8/10/2007 03:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Race breakdown in city from 2000 census

41.97% white
36.77% black
21.26% Everything else

These numbers are off 2007

38.9% black
33.1% White
22.5% hisp
4.5% other

8/10/2007 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wrong asshole, Phil would not have stripped the SOS officer protecting his life and partners lives. He would have called them numerous times and made sure they were o.k. There have been two other SOS shootings this year, and the same was done. Phil was the police...

Not he wasn't terrible, but is was a company man push came to shove your under the bus guy.

8/10/2007 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




8/10/2007 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"The media is so absolutely ridulous,did you know there are only 24 homeless people in the looP?" ___________________________________
That's an easy one! Because the brunt of the responsibility layed upon the police to get the census done. It was given to all the Community Policing Offices in the 025 Districts, then they passed the buck to the Beat Guys. Being low on manpower in the City is bad enough, add the low moral, and oh boy, what kind of search did they think they were going to get? But hey, the department had no problem creating all these worthless units depleting district manpower just for the sake of placing some clout baby in charge, and the clout baby underlings. WHAT A WASTE!

Why do we the Police have to hunt down these homesless people and do somone elses job, did you know a private co. was hired to do the census? I wondered what the city paid, and what organization won that bid?

The reality is this! Why aren't our Alderman and their staff taken this responsibility? They seem to find and hunt down all the voters when they need them votes. Hell, they'll even send a van,car, ricshaw to the house to come and get you! Alderman and their staff have an accurate list of home owners, voters, person living in the community and neighborhoods. Where the hell are they with their list knocking on doors to check on these elderly, or out their in "THIER COMMUNITIES" looking for the HOMELESS?

That's why all the Aldermen were all opposed of the CAPS Program and CAPS service request that Policemen could complete at a citizens request for ANY City Service. The Kicker? The average Joe no longer had to go to the Alderman, they could just Call the Station, Call 311, (They Suck!), or stop a policman on the street and ask for that new garbage can, pot hole repair, abandoned vehicle, tree trimmed, etc...
In the Past you had to ask your Alderman or Precinct Capt for all these things; if they didn't like you, or found out that you didn't vote, well guess what kind of service you're going to get?

8/10/2007 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Growing up on the west side of Chicago i saw the savagery inflicted on the weaker people in the community,westsiders think they should have the freedom to do whatever they want to whomever they want,that is one of the reasons why i became a police officer. they know the police hold them accountable for those actions that's why the westsiders don't like the police. For all the police haters out there "REMEMBER THIS" The police is the only thing keeping this city from falling into all out chaos,not the sherriffs(who never leave there squad cars when they ride through the neighberhood),not homeland security,not the state police DEA or any other agency out there."THE CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT" has some of the bravest police in the country. Coming from one of chicago's finest,stay safe and watch each other's back because no one else will. To the police haters and the media i envite you to put on a chicago police uniform and patrol the west side of chicago for a week i can gaurantee you will change that attitude. quickly.

8/10/2007 09:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Loudspeakers needed outside 011- play country western music until their achey breaky hearts go away.
Snethen say's, the above post is why I will ALWAY'S miss this job!!!

8/10/2007 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't the good reverends and journalists come to the Academy and we can put them through a scenario with Simmunitions (that's a training round consisting of low velocity marking rounds made of soap and plastic). For the scenario you play the role of the police officer and you can only wear a short sleeve shirt and no eye protection. We will play the bad guy with a gun and will run away with our backs to you the whole time, refusing your verbal commands. After you get your face welted up from repeated shots with backs still toward you, which I guarantee will happen, maybe you will come to understand why an armed offender can be just as much of a threat with his back turned to the officer.

The Education and Training Division opened its doors to several reverends last month and 1/4 of the ones that confirmed they were coming actually showed up. At the end of the day, one reverend was candid enough to admit that the others do not want their views changed.

8/10/2007 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How in God's Name is Jesse allowing Al to set up a competing 'race-baiting' business?

8/11/2007 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loudspeakers needed outside 011- play country western music until their achey breaky hearts go away.

Also, pour bleach on the sidewalk and area out front, the smell of it will keep them away. Lysol, the concentrate works too.

8/11/2007 11:21:00 PM  

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