To Our Readers
We're letting you guys and gals know that we've been censoring a lot of the comments being submitted for publication lately. They seem to be falling into a couple of categories:
- People using the words "savages" and "animals" in contexts that can't be construed as anything but in a derogatory manner.
- Liberals, left-tards and loonies spouting their standard tripe about "Bush lied, people died," "blood for oil," the economy is in the tank, blah blah blah, and the blanket anti police baiting
- Lately, anything by "coldtype" or someone calling themselves "Chris Morton"
We walk a pretty fine line here. We try to give everyone the ability to say what they want to on a subject at hand. We automatically censor any of the really naughty terms regarding certain races (i.e. nigger, spic, etc), certain genders (i.e. cunt, whore, etc) , certain behaviors (i.e. all of x's are this or that along with the faggot references). Recently, we're censoring a lot of stuff with the terms "savages" and "animals." We are aware that these are so-called "code words" among various groups to describe some elements of society and we are attempting to filter those out. Where the words are used generically to describe behaviors, we've been giving it a pass more often than not. Like we've said, it's a fine line and we don't know that we aren't erring on one side or the other more often than not. We do our best.
The liberal stuff, we've been filtering out because it contributes nothing to the debate, repeats lies and faulty arguments and just generally annoys us. Our blog, our rules. We've been linked by various liberal blogs as examples of the worst in the CPD. Once again, for the benefit of these tiny brains, the only people here that we know for a fact are Chicago Police Officers are the ones running the blog. Anyone else we have no idea (except for those guys using the HQ IP address - we're pretty sure they're the police, too). We have readers on SIX continents - only Antarctica has neglected to visit.
As for the last category, the poster called "coldtype" has continued to annoy us, repeating tired arguments and lies from the DU and Kos, taking contrarian positions just to provoke, and generally just being an asshat. Anything under his moniker is hereby banned for the time being. He has his own blog and readers - he can publish his nonsense there. Good luck finding it. We're sure coldtype be writing us a nasty comment that no one will ever see and will attempt to publish some stuff anonymously. Some of it might even slip through our screening. But as long as he doesn't get credit for it, we don't care.
Same goes for this "Chris Morton" character. He exists solely to rip Chicago police officers. We don't know if he got shot down by an officer he was trying to date, got locked up by us at some point, or had a relative interrogated by Burge. He is a media driven creation that believes every fiction published about the CPD and refuses to acknowledge that there are thousands of police officers here and nationwide doing a thankless job for an uncaring populace. Every little nitpicking law that the mayor and city council pass is the fault of the CPD according to this putz. Every time the media blows something out of proportion, his only chant is "Abbate, Abbate - you guys defend Abbate" while complete disregarding the fact that the vast majority of our readership advocated his firing. If we recall correctly, he too has a blog somewhere. Maybe he can get together with coldtype and they can read each other's ramblings. But you won't be reading it here anytime soon.
The liberal stuff, we've been filtering out because it contributes nothing to the debate, repeats lies and faulty arguments and just generally annoys us. Our blog, our rules. We've been linked by various liberal blogs as examples of the worst in the CPD. Once again, for the benefit of these tiny brains, the only people here that we know for a fact are Chicago Police Officers are the ones running the blog. Anyone else we have no idea (except for those guys using the HQ IP address - we're pretty sure they're the police, too). We have readers on SIX continents - only Antarctica has neglected to visit.
As for the last category, the poster called "coldtype" has continued to annoy us, repeating tired arguments and lies from the DU and Kos, taking contrarian positions just to provoke, and generally just being an asshat. Anything under his moniker is hereby banned for the time being. He has his own blog and readers - he can publish his nonsense there. Good luck finding it. We're sure coldtype be writing us a nasty comment that no one will ever see and will attempt to publish some stuff anonymously. Some of it might even slip through our screening. But as long as he doesn't get credit for it, we don't care.
Same goes for this "Chris Morton" character. He exists solely to rip Chicago police officers. We don't know if he got shot down by an officer he was trying to date, got locked up by us at some point, or had a relative interrogated by Burge. He is a media driven creation that believes every fiction published about the CPD and refuses to acknowledge that there are thousands of police officers here and nationwide doing a thankless job for an uncaring populace. Every little nitpicking law that the mayor and city council pass is the fault of the CPD according to this putz. Every time the media blows something out of proportion, his only chant is "Abbate, Abbate - you guys defend Abbate" while complete disregarding the fact that the vast majority of our readership advocated his firing. If we recall correctly, he too has a blog somewhere. Maybe he can get together with coldtype and they can read each other's ramblings. But you won't be reading it here anytime soon.
Labels: blogging
Chris Morton and Coldtype are savage liberals....
(savage in the sense that they have not developed the mental capacity to listen to both sides of an issue, let alone realize that there ARE two sides to an issue. And liberal, last time I checked, is a word that is embraced by 9 1/2 out of 10 people, unfortunately, as a positive moniker for someone that I consider a drooling, dangerous, dopey disciple of dick daley) God, I'm hammered. Good night.
SCC, can I still question the professionalism of our supervisors?
Today 1120 (3rd Watch) got lippy with the dispatchers on Zone 10, who just happens to sounds like Frasier from Cheers. He made some comment about the dispatcher being deaf, something totally rude
"Eleven....(very long pause)....twenty...can you blah blah blah some BS...
Dude, don't you have a PDT?! Stop being such a stroke & treat coppers & dispatchers with some respect!
- Glad to not work in Fill'mo!
Off Topic: Can anyone give me more information on the Memorial Foundation? Phil is now in charge of it, is it a paid position? Are the workers paid or volunteers? Now that the memorial is built, where is all the payroll deductions going? I understand that they help coppers in need, but what is done with the surplus? Anybody?
I agree totally SCC's Blog- SCC's rules! Keep up the good work.
To those who read this and have a fervent dislike for the Chicago Police Department. Remember that Police Departments in this nation are a direct reflection of society. So what ever society has from thieves, drunks, crazies, lazies, gay, straight, family types, strong work ethic types, etc. You will find that represented in your police Departments also.
Sad but true, and we are held to a higher standard than the everyday citizen. So why are you suprised that when every once in a while one is brought to the publics attention? If your seeing him or her on TV unemployment is usually in their not to distant future.
I for one am proud to be associated with 99 percent of my fellow officers. So when you see the Police Officers just say "Thank You" because they do a job that is THANKLESS
Thanks to all of you who can honestly look at yourselves in the mirror and know you did a good job on your last tour of duty.
I saw Charliw Williams on the news giving a press confrence with the west side rev's. I had to ask myself is it really nessescary to have a blue tooth hanging out the side of your head. YOU LOOK LIKE A MORON!!! I did not know the Borg had taken you prisoner and were trying to add you to their westside collective (stg reference)HOW SAD. You disappointed me with your apperance, it is like the partrol division, your police appearance is suppose to command respect, sadly you command ridicule with your appearance.
did I just log onto the caps web site???? come on scc be real
Chris Morton and Coldtype are savage liberals....
Speaking of savage liberals...i was wondering where Leftisbest has been? Just wondering?
An actual conversation heard in the 008th district station.......
Early morning and Dana Starks walks into the 008th district and is greeted by a P.O.
(PO) Good Morning Sir.
(STARKS) Hibbity....(pause)
The PO unsure on what to make of his statement uneased, but respectfully responds.......
(PO) Thankyou sir, I'll take you to the commanders office.
To which Starks responds......
(STARKS) Hibbity bibbity..flobbity flibbity (excited yet mumbled voice)
Po looks at Starks in a confused manner to which Starks responds...
(STARKS) Flibb-flabb-flim-hibbity-hibbity!!!!!!!!
Po looks at him with amazement and wonders how this person made it up the ranks, talking like he has a boat load of shit in his mouth, but none the less still remains respectful and points towards the commanders office stating "have a nice day...uh...sir". To which Starks is heard replying while walking towards the office shaking his head......
(STARKS) Hibbity....Jibbity..Jibbity Hibbity Flobbity Flibbity.....Hib Jibb Flibb..........Hibbity Jibb!
while thinking....
(STARKS) why cant anyone understand me?
(PO) How the hell can anyone understand this guy?????? How the hell can he even understand himself??
as PO walks away shaking his head in disgust back towards the processing area in his short-handed undermanned unbelievably backlogged district.
True be the judge
Daddy how am I going to get my Lieutenant bar now that you got fired?
Mattie Cline
Who is this "Chris Morton" does anybody know?
Thanks for saving us from the drivel. You put in a ton of effort for what is essentially a hobby. It's much nicer to read the blog without having to navigate around the dumb-dumbs.
Well if that 1st posting is indicative of what you're trying to censor, either it's you personally typing that drivel or your espousing a do as I say not as I do.
Back it up SCC ,Back it up.
Then again the author is claiming he's inebriated. @ 120am you're already that tanked? You really need to end your posts with I'm a lightweight candy ass coward so anything I type lacks any merit whatsoever...
We haven't "banned" the words savage and animal. Read what we wrote for pete's sake. We only censor them when they're used as a substitute for words like the aforementioned examples. If you can't convey the message, even sarcastically, using the English language that you want to convey, then work a little harder. We've made the entire readership aware of our disgust of the actions of the police brass, the west side reverends, numerous other assholes without ever once using racial invective, codewords or other nonsense. We consider ourselves quite skillful at it. Keep trying.
The Keesing Bandit says---
Maybe Chris Morton is the guy who just stood by like a little girl and let Abbate assault the bartender.
I do NOT want that fool to kees me!!!
To Chris Morton:
The ban stands for now.
We're proud of everything we write too. Fortunately, the consequences of you speaking out don't follow you to Ohio. Not so for us.
If the mayor and his cronies found out who we were, we'll either be fired, suspended, assigned to a foot post 30 miles from home and put on days so we have fight traffic coming and going. No thanks.
That hibbity jibbity shit is funny as hell. The only time I have laughed at a post in a long time on the blog. Usually I feel hatred, anger and frustration about the Department and the race war that is brewing. Thanks for the laugh.
SCC, I can understand the racist or sexiest comments, Yet Please allow us to debate any administration be it the government or Iraq along with The economy along with the cost of this war. I understand this is your baby however debate is to discuss. If my views differ from your own and you censor me there would be no debate. Part of living in America is that we as Americans give each other the opportunity to discuss, dispute and engage each other. Insofar as this is your game and if you don't like the way another persons plays????
I saw Charliw Williams on the news giving a press confrence with the west side rev's. I had to ask myself is it really nessescary to have a blue tooth hanging out the side of your head. YOU LOOK LIKE A MORON!!! I did not know the Borg had taken you prisoner and were trying to add you to their westside collective (stg reference)HOW SAD. You disappointed me with your apperance, it is like the partrol division, your police appearance is suppose to command respect, sadly you command ridicule with your appearance.
8/10/2007 01:58:00 AM
last i looked in the g.o. you are not allowed to wear them while in uniform so take it out. if you think it makes you look impotent it doesn't you and anyone else that wears it looks like a moron
Off Topic: Can anyone give me more information on the Memorial Foundation? Phil is now in charge of it, is it a paid position? Are the workers paid or volunteers? Now that the memorial is built, where is all the payroll deductions going? I understand that they help coppers in need, but what is done with the surplus? Anybody?
Police officer with juice will get help, those who have no juice will see none of the dollars they raise the fund will pick and choose. If you do not agree with this logic then don't give any more money. Airhart never received any benefits as Hillard and the boys would like him to go away.
Why not listen to what others have to say, discussion is healthy we all benefit from haveing an open mind.
I know this Chris Morton, personally. He's no liberal. He just grew up black in Chicago in the 60's and 70's. Can't say I wouldn't feel the same way if it were me.
He does tend to rain on people's parades. But because of what he witnessed, the burden of proof in regards the CPD would rest squarely on the shoulders of its defenders.
That might seem unfair, but so is life.
Why don't you want to talk about the economy? You bring it up when it's good. Why not bad? Not to be harp, but this policy acts as a dis-service to your readers and other cops that might be invested in the many facets of the world economy. Good news is better, but bad news needs to be heard also!
Can you ban Leo Memorial too????
The laptop I'm using now is used by somewhere between 7 and 12 po's. Many times more then one person is using the same laptop. 10-4
did I just log onto the caps web site???? come on scc be real
I agree! to sensor and keep us from discussing the government. THAT Aint Right Brother!
Great job SCC! Please keep up the good work. I'm sure I'll be getting sent to the westside again soon for one last operation safe summer. I've got to get mentally prepared.
Abbatte is not being fired?
Why didn't Cline do it before he left??
1. Chris Morton is a fool. I know.
2. Its his website/blog, SCC can do what he wants.
3. U don't like it, start your own.
4. Be safe everybody.
Thank You
Chris Morton and Coldtype.....
Chris Morton and Coldtype are savage liberals....
Why not hear the other side of the coin. I don't care for the Bush Administration yet I don't stick my head in the sand I want to know what the fuck is going on. WE CAN AGREE TO DISAGREE.
SCC I'm disappointed in you. Our government has spent over a Trillion dollars in Iraq, Our sons and daughters are their and we who have loved ones in harms way are concerned with this Administration. We should be able to discuss what our elected officials are up to. to sensor is not the American way.
"SCC, can I still question the professionalism of our supervisors?
Today 1120 (3rd Watch) got lippy with the dispatchers on Zone 10, who just happens to sounds like Frasier from Cheers. He made some comment about the dispatcher being deaf, something totally rude
"Eleven....(very long pause)....twenty...can you blah blah blah some BS...
Dude, don't you have a PDT?! Stop being such a stroke & treat coppers & dispatchers with some respect!"
Hey! By any chance are you refering to nutjob Sgt. A.Z.?
Hello SCC,
Non-cop, mostly liberal guy here.
I think your site is a great service to the community. I wish more people would read it, because I think it would really help if the average person knew more about what it's actually like to do police work, as opposed to the melodramatic or disrespectful stuff that gets shown on TV.
A lot of the "animals" references that you've chosen to start banning from comments - those are just really sad.
Sometimes I wonder if a typical Chicago cop realizes the racial minefield he/she is about to walk when signing on for the job.
The last major (2000) census for the City Of Chicago shows that almost 38% of city residents are black.
It makes no practical sense for racists to take this job. So I would like to believe that a lot of the more racist-sounding commenters here are not actually working police in the city.
We all have our choice of jobs, and in a free country such as ours, an individual can also choose to change jobs, if he/she puts some work into it.
Speaking of animals, if you were severely allergic to cats, would you go work at as a veterinarian?
We should all hope not.
And if you feel that poorly-educated, poorly-behaving Black folks are "animals", that is to say, sub-human, then you should not be working police in a city where it's almost 40% Black!
We could wish and wish that things were better in "our" town.
And we could wish ourselves all the way back in time and wish that slaves had never been imported into America to do hard labor.
And wish that the Industries had not recruited poor blacks from the deep South to work in their factories back in the early/mid 20th century.
But that's just wishing.
Unfortunately, we have to focus and deal with [b]what we actually have,[/b] which is a city with a HUGE underclass, with poor access to services, and the ignorance and bad attitudes that go with the territory.
The big picture is not pretty, but it is reality, and those who can't deal should seek out a better work situation.
Thanks to SCC and working police for keeping things safe and sane as possible!
Oh, and don't worry, most of us casual viewers can immediately see right thru the B.S. that they show on Fox local news.
Thanks again.
The answer to the problems in the Harrison District is plain and simple:
I'm thinking of introducing CAPS to my fellow residents of DuPage County.
Celebrate diversity, vote Democratic, hold hands and sing Kumbaya, yada, yada, yada...
SCC said...
We haven't "banned" the words savage and animal. Read what we wrote for pete's sake. We only censor them when they're used as a substitute for words like the aforementioned examples. If you can't convey the message, even sarcastically, using the English language that you want to convey, then work a little harder. We've made the entire readership aware of our disgust of the actions of the police brass, the west side reverends, numerous other assholes without ever once using racial invective, codewords or other nonsense. We consider ourselves quite skillful at it. Keep trying.
8/10/2007 09:03:00 AM
SCC, SCC. Certainly you give too much credit to the minions.
As visitors to the NYPD RANT site may agree, I take exception to SCC's view on the use of the terms "animals" and "savages" as racial stereotypes or "code words".
In my opinion, such terminology is merely a succinct term for SADISTIC, BLOODTHIRSTY, SOCIOPATHIC RECIDIVISTS, regardless of their race or ethnic background.
sav·age /ˈsævɪdʒ/ adjective, noun, verb, -aged, -ag·ing
7. an uncivilized human being.
8. a fierce, brutal, or cruel person.
9. a rude, boorish person.
10. a member of a preliterate society.
Did you see the Rev Al on Ch. 9 tonight . preachin' his "BULLSHIT" WTF ! He has to be the "BIGGEST" asshole in the entire world . What a race baitin' MF. Why doesn't he go back to NY and pull his shit there . He will start a riot sooner or later. Rev. Al eat shit & die.
To 8/10/2007 4:57PM
What services could you possibly be referring? It is cradle to the grave that society pays for many, many of the people that you inference. These neighborhoods have been and will continue to be bad until the family unit is strengthened and government is weakened. Please name the society that has advanced itself with the government increasing social services.
People in these areas who continue to manufacture children outside of the family unit and without being able to support these kids, doom these neighborhoods into the urban wastelands that they have become. I forgot: which agency of government was supposed to make up for this. Where do you volunteer to do these jobs that government should do?
Attitude, attitude, are fucking kidding me? What could you possibly mean attitude? I didn't pay you enough to not have kids that you couldn't afford or that Ididn't do enough for nyou once you failed at your responsibility in raising these children.
The underclass that you mention perpetuates itself in spite of government doing everything from paying for everything from food,rent school, healthcare and job training.
If there is more that you think can be done--feel free, but please, please leave me and my family out of it. Oh, and go live there with the attitude and make it better before you tell the rest of society you sanctimonious jackass.
Oh, and don't worry, most of us casual viewers can immediately see right thru the B.S. that they show on Fox local news.
Thanks again.
8/10/2007 04:57:00 PM
Sounds like you need to take a reality ride along in maybe 011. How does tomorrow work for you? You could stay on for oh about 4 or 5 days in a row. Then, when you get home and break out of the fetal position, you can wipe your tears and walk over to your computer and THEN tell us how we should think ok? Sound good to you?
SAVAGE = a piece of shit disgusting, reckless, ignorant, lazy, dirty, non-law abiding person no matter what the race. As the saying goes "If the shoe fits, where it".
I am the farthest left-leaning, liberal,bi-racial homosexual man you will ever meet.
I am so thrilled with your decision to ban such racial banter. It hurts me so deeply to read that policemen think bad things about my fellow human beings. If only people would be sensitize like me. I know that there is a softside to the rough and tuff policemens. I have met some that are very friendly at my local waterholes in Lakeview.
I mean be real,for real. If the government and society would just give these poor oppressed peoples a handup things would be so much better.
We need better social service programs,more money,better schools,more CAPS,more water parks,more LINK cards,more SSI,more subsidized housing,more religious men making things better. Honestly,Al Sharpton came to Chicago to help us,can't you see his devotion as a man of God?
I would even happily pay more property taxes,city useage fees/taxes,higher income taxes and excise taxes. I am more than willing to let the oppressed underclass have more police services,city services and the like. Why shouldn't I? I mean just because I was born in privilege and wealthy doesn't mean I shouldn't give back. Hell,less police in my neighborhood doesn't mean more crime,I really don't mind the additional waiting time for the police to come or the slight increase in burglaries. I am a progressive and I know I am helping the poor African Americans with my selfishlessness,if only more people would see the world the way I do.
Don't people realize what a UTOPIA we could live in if we would just collectively devote our resources to the cause? I mean we could have blacks and whites,homosexual and heterosexuals,brown and yellow all living together in peace and love. Oh,the dream is coming so much closer. Things are so promising now. Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama convey the way I feel so well and they will win.
The Democrats are finally in power and helping us to become better. I am so excited,Chicago is so progressive.
I even saw that the police leadership is sensitive now,that sexy man,Charles Williams. He seems so genuine and caring to the poor oppressed African Americans. I hope that they keep making more leaders like that.
You boys be careful out there and remember that we love you. You look so cute in your lil blue outfits.
SCC, how can we ban words?!
For instance:
How will I explain to my children why I'm locking the car doors when certain people are crossing the street?
How will I explain it?!
the liberal non-cop has a valid point:
when you became a cop, did you know you were working in a liberal city with many minorities and all the problems like 011? if you did, then did you expect it to get better? why did you take the job? was this the best you could do for yourself?
if you did not know what goes on out there, then you still had the choice to leave.
we can bitch and moan all we want about the liberals and the "savages". do you think it is going to change?
so you have a choice to stay or go. let the liberals and minorities police the city and see how they like it!
(STARKS) Hibbity....Jibbity..Jibbity Hibbity Flobbity Flibbity.....Hib Jibb Flibb..........Hibbity Jibb!
thats great LMAO
As far as seeing Exempts with bluetooths, get used to it. It's actually helpful. The Blackberrys they carry aren't very loud. Many times, you can't even hear them ringing. And when the Mayor or someone higher up the chain calls, those calls are expected to be answered. In a situatuon like has been described here in 011, anyone carrying that model Blackberry would never have heard the thing ringing, and even if they did, would likely not have been able to hear the conversation due to the high level of noise around him or her. In these types of disturbances, you are likely to see more people who are assigned Dept. Blackberrys to wear bluetooths in the future.
Anonymous said...
"SCC, can I still question the professionalism of our supervisors?
Today 1120 (3rd Watch) got lippy with the dispatchers on Zone 10, who just happens to sounds like Frasier from Cheers. He made some comment about the dispatcher being deaf, something totally rude
"Eleven....(very long pause)....twenty...can you blah blah blah some BS...
Dude, don't you have a PDT?! Stop being such a stroke & treat coppers & dispatchers with some respect!"
Hey! By any chance are you refering to nutjob Sgt. A.Z.?
8/10/2007 04:45:00 PM
They have one of those "Nut Job" Supervisors you speak of in 021 all the Dispatchers cant stand her, and she treats the Officers on the watch like they're 12 years old. When you mentioned this, we thought you were refering to Sgt. P.S. one of the 2nd watch SGTS in 021.
"As far as seeing Exempts with bluetooths, get used to it. It's actually helpful. The Blackberrys they carry aren't very loud. Many times, you can't even hear them ringing. And when the Mayor or someone higher up the chain calls, those calls are expected to be answered. In a situatuon like has been described here in 011, anyone carrying that model Blackberry would never have heard the thing ringing, and even if they did, would likely not have been able to hear the conversation due to the high level of noise around him or her. In these types of disturbances, you are likely to see more people who are assigned Dept. Blackberrys to wear bluetooths in the future.'
Man, That's rich. That is the one constant in this Department that never loses it's spot or momentum no matter what.
The suckhole spineless stonejag excuse of a human being let alone Policeman that continually justifies& makes excuses for Bosses on a neverending basis.
I've been in the Military& the private sector before joining CPD. The suckhole factor exhibited here is in a class all by itself. AMAZING...
Man, That's rich. That is the one constant in this Department that never loses it's spot or momentum no matter what.
The suckhole spineless stonejag excuse of a human being let alone Policeman that continually justifies& makes excuses for Bosses on a neverending basis.
I've been in the Military& the private sector before joining CPD. The suckhole factor exhibited here is in a class all by itself. AMAZING...
8/11/2007 10:43:00 PM
Excellent post office....I give you a Reverend Al "Amen to that shit"
8/11/2007 08:54:00 AM
Can't wait until you experience the westside animal up close,get a clue you freak.
To: Non-cop, mostly liberal guy
SUBJECT: Act like an animal, get called an animal.
"As far as seeing Exempts with bluetooths, get used to it. It's actually helpful. The Blackberrys they carry aren't very loud. Many times, you can't even hear them ringing. And when the Mayor or someone higher up the chain calls, those calls are expected to be answered. In a situatuon like has been described here in 011, anyone carrying that model Blackberry would never have heard the thing ringing, and even if they did, would likely not have been able to hear the conversation due to the high level of noise around him or her. In these types of disturbances, you are likely to see more people who are assigned Dept. Blackberrys to wear bluetooths in the future.'
thats why they have vibrate so don't try to blow smoke up are asses.
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