Sunday, December 30, 2007

Congratulations Officers

  • Barring a burst of violent crime over the next few days, Chicago could finish the year with its fewest homicides since 1965.

    By Saturday evening, police had tallied 438 homicides. Chicago finished 2006 with 467 homicides, after 450 in 2005.

    This would be the fourth year in a row the city has seen fewer than 500 homicides, more or less a plateau after a decade-long decline.
Last year saw a slight up tick. This year, a little downturn. At least, according to how the stats are generated. Everyone deserves a pat on the back - even some of the units that take a beating here on the blog.

Be that as it may, we're still of the opinion that we've reached a plateau of sorts. Manpower at the district level is hideously low. Units like TRU and the DOC teams that are supposed to "flood" an area following a shooting to prevent retaliation do nothing to address the chronic crime problems that CAPS was invented to solve. As soon as this "extra" manpower leaves, the same problems reoccur. So much of what the "fast reaction" units are designed to prevent could be completely eradicated by increasing the manpower allotment in the Districts on a daily basis.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The NYPD is also falling to a record low for 2007 homicides.

They're are many variables to account for this. Generally, specific speculative sources will proffer explanations that forward their own agenda.

It would be interesting to compare clearance rates by locations.

12/29/2007 11:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post is a bit off of topic. Let's start a thread naming who the first exmpt rank to be dumped by the new superintendant will be.
Perhaps a prize who can guess right.

12/29/2007 11:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

quite amazing how with the demise of SOS and the hightened surveilence of coppers crime stays low...hmmm.

12/29/2007 11:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone have information on when we will get our stars for the Crime Reduction Ribbon?

I already have a DC for writting the most mover/parkers/impounds in my area, but I really want to be proud and show everyone that since I have become a proud CPD memebr, crime has gone down AGAIN.

12/30/2007 12:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC's right; congrats POs....

In spite of a worthless,whore backstabbing media; a liberal elite(yea right)that could care less about you; a ghetto segment that breeds/fosters some of the most violent criminals in the free world;a ruling political establishment that is dumber than dirt and more corrupt than a Sicilian social club; you've managed, with everything against you, to do a great job.
The populace of this city isn't worthy of you. For whats its worth,
from what Im seeing on the public access channels, the whore print media(times/trib)is dying a painful,ugly death;hopefully soon you'll see mope-rah working Belmont/Clark on midnites w/the regular gumps.
Having worked and retiring from a big city like Chicago,carries a lot of weight w/your neighbors once you retire to the "sticks"....

12/30/2007 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job Officers and Detectives and all others.

All we ask in return is fair raises and benefits on this next contract.

12/30/2007 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this good news and where is our thanks??? We can't even get our new contract with a little raise.

12/30/2007 12:27:00 AM  
Blogger papa smurf said...

piss on all these bangers. they should have firearms courses at the ymca. most of the time these guys shoot and miss. if pookie and little c were better shots it would cull the herd a little bit and make our job easier.

12/30/2007 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That means page 10 of the scum times.

12/30/2007 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic....the following comment was on the "Payroll Screwups" thread:

"hopefully the pay check of the fat fuck liberal in 023 who thinks mumia is innocent will get lost, too!"

Is it actually possible that there is someone walking around in a police uniform who thinks that the piece of shit (Mumia) who murdered Officer Danny Faulkner of the Philly PD is innocent? Absofuckingluteyl unbelievable. Will someone from 23 who has knowledge of this please let us know? Mumia is the most guilty MF who ever walked the earth, and the fact that he is alive is a testament to our fucked up, liberal, listen to the media and movie star bullshit justice system. This case is reminiscent of that jagoff murderer who wrote "In the belly of the beast" and was paroled after Norman Mailer and a bunch of liberal hollywood types (Ed Asner) said that his "writing talents" and ability to "contribute to society" were being wasted while he was in prison. So he gets paroled, hits the celeb circuit and oh yea, kills a busboy in a restaurant because he didn't get his water served fast enough, or some such thing. Look it up. The fact is that this Mumia jagoff, who by the way turned to the Muslim name after being imprisoned, killed PO Faulkner in cold blood, in front of witnesses and was convicted, and re-convicted after that. He should have fried years ago.

Katey Kakes, if you are reading this please let our brothers and sisters on the PPD know that I know (as do many others) that PO Faulkner will be avenged, if not in this life, then in the next one.

I'll see you at Genos when the Cubs play the Phillies next summer.

"Justice For Danny Faulkner"

CPD Sgt.

12/30/2007 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does increasing manpower in the districts do when half or more of the districts manpowers in a bunch of dogs ? They certainly are not going to stop the porblem. They will continue being dogs that have their own aganda andit certainly is now working. You're an idiot.

12/30/2007 03:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Units like TRU and the DOC teams that are supposed to "flood" an area following a shooting to prevent retaliation do nothing to address the chronic crime problems that CAPS was invented to solve. As soon as this "extra" manpower leaves, the same problems reoccur. So much of what the "fast reaction" units are designed to prevent could be completely eradicated by increasing the manpower allotment in the Districts on a daily basis.


So TRU, DOC teams etc pull out and do not repsond to these hot spots? Like the animals will not notice this? Shootings will skyrocket.

And yes the problems reoccur after the extra manpower leaves. Police cannot do anything about this. The only way to stop that is for the inner-city society to change on whole.

You think by adding more PO's to beat cars, this will slow down violent crime? Wrong. The only thing that will slown down violent crime is when the minority communities decide they actually want to.

Until then, the police just try to stick our fingers in the dykes.

12/30/2007 03:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The district's need more hard working copper's to go down on those unavoidable traffic stops whenever they get a job. Their fellow officer's are just happy to get pimped by some other jogoff on the watch. Then they clear without even writing a ticket. I love the guy's that bid to 016 so that they can "retire". Take a little pride in the neighbohoods that you live in loser's.

12/30/2007 03:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look everyone, I just got my first forearm tattoo. I'll be sure to wear
short sleeves as long as my little arms can hold out, and even when it's too cold and I wear my long sleeves, I'll just roll'em up. I can't wait to get to 011. I can't go out of the academy because I have no juice. I guess I'll hope to transfer, I'll hold off on ordering my 011 hoody 'til then. I can't wait to be a Ranger. How do so many studs fit into one stable???

12/30/2007 04:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Justice For Danny Faulkner"

CPD Sgt.

12/30/2007 01:04:00 AM

Yes, Sgt. you are quite correct. You also must understand that you are speaking about a Marxist icon here. The Black Panther Party's leaders passionately espoused a radical Socialist doctrine. Make no mistake, we are talking about bona-fide Hollywood, the Academic establishment and in the Democratic party.

The greatest Evil ever visited upon the human race: Communism. In less than 100 years, Communism claimed more than 100 million lives.

These are the true believers. They shed no tears for the other 99,999,999 victims of Communism, therefore one more person's death (police officer or not) isn't going to bother them any

We must confront this Evil and defeat it. Vote Republican in 2008!

12/30/2007 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post is a bit off of topic. Let's start a thread naming who the first exmpt rank to be dumped ...

12/29/2007 11:29:00 PM

and also their staffs..sit back and enjoy the ride. Welcome to Patrol boys and girls

12/30/2007 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Name the 1st boss to get dumped by Jody and win a prize.

12/30/2007 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The simple reason there is such a dramatic reduction in homicides in Chicago is due primarily to the exportation of big city crime into the suburbs via subsidized housing. There is an increase in crime, including homicides, in the areas adjacent to Chicago. These areas now have Black Souls, MLD'S, and former Westside residents such as Tyrese shaking the life out of his girlfriends six-month-old.

Phil "May I hold Your Coat Mr. Hanhardt" Cline's strategies had little to do with any reduction in homicide. The population in Chicago is shrinking, whites are not moving back in as the politicians would have you beleive, and if you excise the few remaining white areas out of the map the remaining areas, all black and Hispanic, would show a per capita murder rate that is the highest in the nation. But at least they made me a Sergeant!!!!

12/30/2007 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Murder is down because the projects were torn down and their inhabitants scattered all over the place.

12/30/2007 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only way to cure the man-power shortage is to go to a 2 watch system...yes 12 hour days..every car would be two man....2 on 3 off...3 on 3 off...something like that. Rotate every 4'd go from working 260 days a year to around 180. I worked the 10 hour rapids in '05 and heard all the non-sense of how hard and long it is but you get to actually enjoy your 3 and 4 days off between work. It made work more enjoyable overall. One problem the dept might have lack of'd have 30+ cars for each watch plus all the tact/gang/06 cars. Thats 10+ cars per sector, we'd be tripping over each other...but it would make it safer and response times would shrink. Anything to get rid of that 6th workday....that does more harm than working 4 extra hours 2 or 3 times a week.

12/30/2007 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We did such a good job! Now pay me! Where is my raise? Where is my percent of the leadership salary? 300,000. k ? Fuck you pay me!

12/30/2007 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every one seems to forget the Projects are Gone!!
That has a big impact on the reduction in Homicides&Violent. The Predators have gone to the suburbs, their crime is skyrocketing.

So before you high 5 each other look @ the Big Picture...

12/30/2007 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC you always miss posting the fun stuff! Hostage situation at 50/King. Police Shooting in 021 with like 5 different crime scenes. 008 security guard shot someone. 10-1 014 (not sure of details) and a small scale riot in 006 at 78/racine.

12/30/2007 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THank you shitheads .... for leaving the city ......

12/30/2007 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Redistricting without the political fortitude to actually do it, that is all.

12/30/2007 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does increasing manpower in the districts do when half or more of the districts manpowers in a bunch of dogs ? They certainly are not going to stop the porblem. They will continue being dogs that have their own aganda andit certainly is now working. You're an idiot.

12/30/2007 03:08:00 AM.....

Come on now, I'm not the spelling Police, but what the fuck? I guess it is possible to slur the written word and piss your pants at the same time while typing. Run it past WORD spellcheck next time. This is really embarassing. Or do you have a 2 year degree from Citywide Colleges?

12/30/2007 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) What brilliant female white shirt on the 2nd watch in 019 left her gun in the glovebox of a marked squad car, and then totally forgets about it?
2) What was her weapon doing in the glovebox to begin with?
3) Why wasn't it on her person?
4) Why wasn't a CR number initiated for not securing a weapon properly?

HINT: She loves to file suits against the Department so she could get promoted. She always uses the excuse that she has a kid at home, so it's mandatory that she works days. She harasses women to the point that they have to bid out to other districts. And she loves to flirt with Hispanic men. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, she made it on her own.

1) Capt. De
2) Only God knows.
3) It was too cumbersome.
4) Because she's a boss.

12/30/2007 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Backstabbing media" ?

The whiners on this blog do more backstabbing in a day than the media does in a week.

12/30/2007 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC:"Chicago could finish the year with its fewest homicides since 1965."

its amazing what creative writing can accomplish.

12/30/2007 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Flagg and Finnegan are off the streets.

12/30/2007 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah,that female in lincoln park probably fell on the knife.I feel safer already.

12/30/2007 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hire Executive Outcomes,they know how to solve problems.

12/30/2007 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almost no projects makes less homicides....oh my wait i meant to say P.O.D. cameras along with the D.O.C. and all its orders are saving the city. Go CPD

12/30/2007 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My god 9:13 a.m. crime will go down only when the community wants it to? no bullshit that is probably the most novel idea since sliced bread. Glad you said it, now if we can only get someone besides bill cosby to agree...

12/30/2007 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until then, the police just try to stick our fingers in the dykes.


be careful, sometimes those dykes can get testy.

12/30/2007 12:52:00 PM  
Blogger Rue St. Michel said...

On Topic: Now if we could get all the Agg Battery w/handgun reports upgraded to Attempt Murder, that would be more realistic. But I guess Mr. JoeBlow Citizen doesn't need to know that everytime someone shoots at another, it is an attempt at killing that person.

Off Topic on Mumia: Hey Sergeant - you are right on. Call out the name of the the POS in 023 who's shilling for that cop-killer turned King Mumia (aka Wesley Cook). He is absolutely guilty and it is fucking sick and twisted that the LibTards are fawning all over him. He even has his own radio show over at All coppers should go out and buy Murdered by Mumia, by Daniel Faulkner's wife. SHE was the one sentenced to a life of pain, loss and grief.

*F* Mumia - fry baby!!!

God bless all Police officers and their families in 2008. May the new year be a safe and enjoyable one for you all.

12/30/2007 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are the figures for agg batt by firearm? Seems they are on the same level.

One reason for the lower homicide rates is the number of guys saved at the trauma centers like Christ of Northwestern. I bet a few dozen, at the least.

12/30/2007 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While the CPD is doing a tremendous job, I feel that the main reason for the drop in homicides is the fact that medical treatments have advanced and are saving people who even 5 years ago would have died. The animal is still the animal.

12/30/2007 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC you are full of "it."

Police are not responsible when homicides go up; therefore, police cannot take credit when they go down.

A person does not forgo shooting someone because he thinks the police might be nearby.

The first reason that homicides have declined is because large numbers of would be homicide offenders have been moved out of town by CHA teardowns, vouchers, etc...

The second reason is because of the superior medical care in 2007 as compared to 2000 or 1990 or 1965. Less people who are shot end up dead.

The final reason that homicides are down is because of longer sentences. Criminals have been racking up more and more narcotics arrest over the past ten years and their sentences have gone from probation to 5-10 years and in some cases even longer. For that matter, armed robbers, rapists, and murderers get longer sentences today than they did in 1965.

12/30/2007 01:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's the new contract for the reduction in crime and all the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ we generate from impoundments, anovs, movers and parkers

12/30/2007 01:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do all coppers complain? We all took the test to get on this job. It's not always great and most of the time good police work goes unrewarded, the media against us but again we all agreed to come on this job! New guys ,old guys all bitch let just do our job what ever it may be locking up bangers or writing parkers,whatever it is lets just do it. Be Safe fellow Cops!

12/30/2007 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pakistan is just like Chicago!

Big time polititian gets killed and guess who gets her gig.....

Her 19 year old son!!!!

Does the Daley Crime Family extend all the way to Pakistan?

12/30/2007 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey whats wrong with a Sicilian Social Club goddammit?

12/30/2007 03:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think crime reduction is due to more hairgel and micheal jackson gloves...

12/30/2007 03:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is due to the great work of the TRU officers. We will be doing even more next year warrant missons, parole checks and a seat belt missions. Without us crime would be much higher. We are even going to get a ribbon for the work we have done this year.

12/30/2007 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New York has had a much better crime reduction rate than we have. In a city with almost three times the population that Chicago has, their reduction in murders has been much greater. Maybe it is because they hold their exempt bosses accountable, and demote them when they don't make the grade, unlike here where they get laterally moved to better spots, allowed to retire, or kicked upstairs to do nothing ADS or Deputy Chief jobs.

12/30/2007 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A correction is necessary SCC, the offical 2006 stats are 471, allow me to explain, a small number of homicides are calculated into the year after our honorable Officers investigate the M.E.'s findings concerning death investigations. Additionally, before the Sherlocks of the Dept. share their two cents if a person is shot in 07 but dies in 08 it will be counted when the person died. I could continue with the education of the blog masses but why?

12/30/2007 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with 12/29/2007 11:29:00
How about a thread naming the first exempts to be dumped.

12/30/2007 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The district's need more hard working copper's to go down on those unavoidable traffic stops whenever they get a job. Their fellow officer's are just happy to get pimped by some other jogoff on the watch. Then they clear without even writing a ticket. I love the guy's that bid to 016 so that they can "retire". Take a little pride in the neighbohoods that you live in loser's.

12/30/2007 03:28:00 AM
HEY DICKHEAD...not everyone that bids to 016 is there to retire. There are plenty of people that are sick of cleaning up the messes on the west side and want to help protect the homefront. Lemme are the best of the best and think that you can do no wrong ? Come to 016 and find a few burglars and us how it's done. My 10 year old could find dope on the westside, so you are not the superstar that you think. At least I would respect you a little if you said that you work the westside to make numerous dope pinches and be in court a few days a week for the money or time. Then you would be honest. Otherwise, come to 016 and help with the cause or shut-the-fuck-up douchebag !!!!!

12/30/2007 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you pull up all homicide UCR codes for 2007 in Chicago, it stands more around 560ish. What's the deal?

12/30/2007 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The numbers are down because the area det. divisions are directed to list all suspicious deaths as death investigations!! I have personally known of a woman in area 3 that was stabbed and dead with the body going to the medical examiner's office as a DEATH INVESTIGATION. What a joke!!!

12/30/2007 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC you are full of "it."

Police are not responsible when homicides go up; therefore, police cannot take credit when they go down.

A person does not forgo shooting someone because he thinks the police might be nearby.

Right. Keep dreaming.

12/30/2007 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The numbers are down c\;cause they play with the's like "cooking the books" so they look favorable.

12/30/2007 07:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the exempts losing jobs. Please remember that da Mayor is in charge and nearly all exempts are promoted by politicians who answer to da Mayor. Some 300K new boss is NOT going to make any moves without da Mayors approval to do so. The CPD will not change much with the new boss. We will always be political unless we cut the head of the sanke off.

12/30/2007 07:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You think by adding more PO's to beat cars, this will slow down violent crime? Wrong. The only thing that will slown down violent crime is when the minority communities decide they actually want to.

Until then, the police just try to stick our fingers in the dykes.

Well, then I guess you'll have to admit that minority community decided in the last decade that they wanted to be a lot less violent. Because the rate of violence HAS gone way down. Or maybe you're just another one of the guys who was part of the problem. If you don't think you can do the job, get out of the way.

12/30/2007 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Federal Judge William Yohn over-turned Wesley Cook's (Mumia Abu-Jamal) sentence in 2001. He confirmed the jurys guilty verdict, but said the jury didn't understand the sentencing instructions. This is now under appeal. This is absolute BULLSHIT. Once again a Judge(lawyer in a black robe) makes a decision based on MEDIA hype. This is truely a travesty of justice for Daniel Faulkner's family, Law Enforcement, and law abiding society.

Don't forget we have our own Cop killer supporters right here.

According to a Oct. 27, 2003 Sun-Times article several politicians appealed for Ronnie (Mad Dog) Carrasquillo's release to the Prisoner Review Board. This gang leader killed Officer Terrence Loftus on Oct. 10,1976. Carrasquillo was sentenced to 200-600 years in prison.
His supporters, according to the Sun-Times, include Luis Gutierrez(D-ILL), state Rep.William Delgado(D-Chgo), Cynthia Soto (D-Chgo), Ald. Billy Ocasio (D-26th)and Cook County Board Commissioner Roberto Maldonado (Dumbocrat).

Remember these scumbags. They are not friends of law enforcement. They want a gangbanger back out on the streets. They don't give a shit about our sacrifice or law abiding citizens.

It does not suprise me that some CPD members would believe Wesley Cook is innocent. It is disgusting none the less.

P.T. Barnum said their was a sucker born every minute.

For all you, "coppers cops" just remember who our friends really are.

Sincerely, a Gold Star Family Member and CPD Officer.

12/30/2007 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The simple reason there is such a dramatic reduction in homicides in Chicago is due primarily to the exportation of big city crime into the suburbs via subsidized housing. There is an increase in crime, including homicides, in the areas adjacent to Chicago.

Asshat, the murder rate in suburban Cook County has held absolutely constant at about 100/year for the last 5 years, as the city rate went into a downward spiral.

The only explanation for anyone writing idiocy like yours is that they're a disgusting racist.

I mean, at least try to find a racist theory that actually follows the facts!!

As I said to the last guy, if you're one of those old men with a 70's attitude "we can't do nuttin' about it," resign and get the hell out of the way. One problem with this city doesn't need is ignorant cops like you.

12/30/2007 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every one seems to forget the Projects are Gone!!
That has a big impact on the reduction in Homicides&Violent. The Predators have gone to the suburbs, their crime is skyrocketing.

Another a$$ who couldn't bother to look up the stats before posting his racist opinion.

And people wonder why this department gets such bad press. In the immortal words of Chumley "gee, Tennessee, i done know."

12/30/2007 07:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buried on the bottom of Page 30 of the Dec. 27th Sun-Times under a story about biodegradable coffins...

" 2007 a deadly year for cops

WASHINGTON - a record number of fatal traffic incidents and a double diget
spike in shooting deaths led to one of the deadliest years for law enforcement
officers in more than a decade, according to two Washington groups. AP"

Stay Safe

12/30/2007 08:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its a good thing murders are down because the clearance rate is also at an all time low. Detectives have to advise witnesses that they are free to leave after a 2 or 3 hours. So they don't snitch and walk out the door while Joe sits mum on the video in the interview room. Great city. Great country.

12/30/2007 08:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post is a bit off of topic. Let's start a thread naming who the first exmpt rank to be dumped by the new superintendant will be.
Perhaps a prize who can guess right.

12/29/2007 11:29:00 PM

Hopefully Mike Cronin at OCD and John Schmidt will get shown the door for good.

12/30/2007 08:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to bid to 016 to etire, but it's too far to drive to work there. Guess I'll just keep being a southside burnout of 26 years in the real police, till it's time to split this joint.

12/30/2007 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




12/30/2007 08:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From a former det. supervisor...let's educate: CPD counts only murders, code 0110. They don't count cases of vehicular homicide, manslaughter, etc. If a case is classified that way, it's not a murder. And by the way...rumor is Area3 is pushing for the female in Lncoln Park, a doctor no less, committing suicide by stabbing herself in the chess. Did someone earlier mention creative writing?

12/30/2007 08:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TRU......The only reason crime is down! It sure didnt go down because of all you dog-asses doing nothing working beat cars in all of the districts in area 2.

12/30/2007 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

03:28 is making a great case for residency requirements. Living in the neighborhood makes for more attentive policing.

Why make this argument on a public blog?

12/30/2007 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at districts like 002, 012, 014, and 018. All of them used to easily get 25+ homicides a year. The projects are gone in 002, 012, and 018. And hipsters made it fashionable to live in 014 making the yuppies interested in building and moving there. 014 had 16 homicides in 2006 and I think they're down to only 6 or 7 this year. That is a dramatic reduction!

It has very little to do with us and has everything to do with gentrification. Those that don't think there is a trend of reverse white flight you're sadly mistaken. They're coming back.

12/30/2007 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Homicides are down because of one man..

Who you say?

Lt. Richie Scotchbreath that's who.

12/30/2007 09:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Medical advances? If you saw the details for agg batts w firearms you would see that most are GSWs to legs and ass. So medical advances are not saving them, their injuries are not life threatening. I believe that the dissolving of public housing is a key factor. Just look at New Orleans and what it's impact has been on Houston's crime rate with the relocation of New Orlean's criminals to Texas.

12/30/2007 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we see the stats for all of Crook county?

12/30/2007 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is due to the great work of the TRU officers. We will be doing even more next year warrant missons, parole checks and a seat belt missions. Without us crime would be much higher. We are even going to get a ribbon for the work we have done this year.

Shut up dickhead, you aren't from TRU, enough already....

12/30/2007 10:54:00 PM  
Blogger papa smurf said...

to the guy talking about capt de who left her strap in glove box. we used to have her in 017. we threw a party when you got her. shaky jake and useless. couldn't find a bunch of flies on a pile of dog shit in her back yard. always has been known as a big shopper on compay time. also queeen ducker who keeps confusing a full tour of duty as being 6 hours. her old man was a legendary capt. on southside though. have to give him his props.

12/30/2007 11:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of 4 dudes that just got shot at 81/Halsted had 16 holes in him (from a tec9), and still talkin' at least for now.

12/30/2007 11:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Every one seems to forget the Projects are Gone!!
That has a big impact on the reduction in Homicides&Violent. The Predators have gone to the suburbs, their crime is skyrocketing.

Another a$$ who couldn't bother to look up the stats before posting his racist opinion."

That's a statement of fact and has nothing to do with Racism.
Sorry white shirt apologist, if you've become so detached from reality singing Kumbaya & spouting party line lies to the community. The only Ass on this blog is the one you see in the Mirror each morning...

12/30/2007 11:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"As I said to the last guy, if you're one of those old men with a 70's attitude "we can't do nuttin' about it," resign and get the hell out of the way. One problem with this city doesn't need is ignorant cops like you.

12/30/2007 07:44:00 PM"

Is that what your learned in Management 101 @ Lake Forest College whiteshirt?
Apparently The solution is have more moron supervisors like yourself pass out the Koolaid & so everyone toes line.


12/30/2007 11:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, then I guess you'll have to admit that minority community decided in the last decade that they wanted to be a lot less violent. Because the rate of violence HAS gone way down. Or maybe you're just another one of the guys who was part of the problem. If you don't think you can do the job, get out of the way.

12/30/2007 07:38:00 PM

not only are you a obvious troll(despite your pathetic use of police jargo, i.e, "asshat"), but your also a moron. watch the 3rd season of the wire, sometime. Thats how violent crime is down across the nation-reclassification. now comes the part, where you call me a racist and tell me to get out of the way. Well, riddle me this yuppie? who's going to fill my shoes, you? I didn't think so. SCC block this race baiting trolls ip address!

12/31/2007 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are the heroin overdoses (drug-induced homicide) counted in this year's total?

12/31/2007 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY DICKHEAD...not everyone that bids to 016 is there to retire. There are plenty of people that are sick of cleaning up the messes on the west side and want to help protect the homefront. Lemme are the best of the best and think that you can do no wrong ? Come to 016 and find a few burglars and us how it's done. My 10 year old could find dope on the westside, so you are not the superstar that you think. At least I would respect you a little if you said that you work the westside to make numerous dope pinches and be in court a few days a week for the money or time. Then you would be honest. Otherwise, come to 016 and help with the cause or shut-the-fuck-up douchebag !!!!!

12/30/2007 04:58:00 PM

You are right. There are some working coppers in 016. They work when they write parking tickets to others officer's. Then they run and hide to avoid facing the officer to answer questions about the pimpy parking ticket. Sorry, I've known too too many dogs on the job who bid to 016 to "retire".
I wish there were a few guys there who actually handled there jobs and made an arrest when necessary.
We wouldn't have west side gangbangers hanging around our parks if someone in 016 would get off their lazy ass and do a little police work. When my partner had west side jagoffs hanging out in the school yard across from his house his brother (who was at his house) called 911 to report it. We were working and switched over to zone-1 to monitor the job. The call was dispatched, soon after the assigned car came clear with a big 19-p. But guess what, they never showed up at the job. The little jerk's were still there. Great work! Keep it up Jackass your doing a fine job up there.

12/31/2007 02:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First EXEMPT who should be dumped ,Dpty Chief Steve C. always was afraid of the beast. Would not lock up a bad guy for his life. The shit heads on the street knew he was afraid of them. One of Clines protege's, PATHETIC!!!!!! He never and I repeat never worked a Ghetto District. This chump fucked over his own partner. If he is the future WE ARE FUCKED!!!!!! Hey Steve, what do YOU see when YOU look in the Mirror???????
Thought so....................coward

12/31/2007 02:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen I bid t 016 to do work in my neighborhood and keep the savage out. I came to 016 to chew bubble gum and kick ass and when I arrived I was all out of bubble gum. I wanted to be a TEAM player but Price didn't want me on the team so I left. So fuck you Ralph, and here's to my new district where I can defeat the element. Ralph you r your own worst enemy. Oh yea, tell Enid I want to buy 1 dozen elotes from her push cart. Thats the only thing shes good at.
Ralph you still practice law at work on the comapny dime????

12/31/2007 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6th District is out of fucking control lately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12/31/2007 03:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean we get another bullshit ribbon?

12/31/2007 05:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny to see house mouses wearing the only ribbon "earned" in 10 years or more on the job. They wear it proud too!

12/31/2007 05:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right. There are some working coppers in 016. They work when they write parking tickets to others officer's. Then they run and hide to avoid facing the officer to answer questions about the pimpy parking ticket. Sorry, I've known too too many dogs on the job who bid to 016 to "retire".
I wish there were a few guys there who actually handled there jobs and made an arrest when necessary.
We wouldn't have west side gangbangers hanging around our parks if someone in 016 would get off their lazy ass and do a little police work. When my partner had west side jagoffs hanging out in the school yard across from his house his brother (who was at his house) called 911 to report it. We were working and switched over to zone-1 to monitor the job. The call was dispatched, soon after the assigned car came clear with a big 19-p. But guess what, they never showed up at the job. The little jerk's were still there. Great work! Keep it up Jackass your doing a fine job up there.

12/31/2007 02:41:00 AM

I feel you pain! just like the westend of 008, you know the people that actually pay their taxes and need services to keep the area from going to shit! Come on Ric Flair maybe you could send some of your officers that are pumped up like your WWE friends out to the westend to lock up the assholes driving around,and the tagging gang banger punks! thnaks in advance leo! Did you ever remember who you sold your gym to, the story in the daily southtown from not long ago?

12/31/2007 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Price is a vindictive, coward who was picked on all his life. He is not capable of leading anyone or anything. He was only promoted due to his newly found Polish heritage. He does not like the working police and would take a shitheads word over yours. He is a former IAD rat.

12/31/2007 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12/30/2007 07:44:00 PM,

Hey Dickwad,

Anyone who calls it like as it is is a "racist"? You must be a Chicago Public School teacher, or a nun from St. Gregory's!

They are the problem. They have destroyed neighborhoods and cities since time in memoriem and subsidized housing is spreading their carnage as far away as quaint Evansville, WI and Carmel, IN. And violent crime has doubled in areas such as Aurora, Rolling Meadows, Des Plaines, and Chicago Heights.

Oh, and it isn't the Polish bricklayer, Romanian floor re-finisher, or Filipino X-ray technician responsible for these crimes. It's those from the other racial and ethnic groups that continue to suck the economy dry with the welfare and housing benefits they recieve (that ensures their continued unswerving allegience to the Democrats!). And I'll not leaave so soon-they'll make me a Lt. in two more classes!!!

12/31/2007 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's the new contract for the reduction in crime and all the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ we generate from impoundments, anovs, movers and parkers

If we all stopped and only answered our calls then maybe the mayor would speed things up?

12/31/2007 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every one seems to forget the Projects are Gone!!
That has a big impact on the reduction in Homicides&Violent. The Predators have gone to the suburbs, their crime is skyrocketing.

Another a$$ who couldn't bother to look up the stats before posting his racist opinion.

Why is it when its pointed out its racism? When is an apple an apple with you people?

12/31/2007 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From a former det. supervisor...let's educate: CPD counts only murders, code 0110. They don't count cases of vehicular homicide, manslaughter, etc. If a case is classified that way, it's not a murder. And by the way...rumor is Area3 is pushing for the female in Lncoln Park, a doctor no less, committing suicide by stabbing herself in the chess. Did someone earlier mention creative writing?

12/30/2007 08:31:00 PM

Raise your hand if you've ever made a case report for manslaughter.

.....I thought so.

12/31/2007 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isnt it about time for a new contract. Crimes down All the other city workers got there contracts months ago where is the FOP Imean FLOP. FUCK this city I want a contract.

12/31/2007 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crime is up in all the "good" neighgorhoods that we can barely afford to live in. This is ridiculous. Why would the city continue to make us live here, tax the shit out of us, out price us for any descent realestate and then expect us to police our own fucking neighborhoods? I want to spend time with my family when I get home, not play police. I don't want my wife and kids targets when I am not at home. I don't want my kids especially targeted when they go to school.

Then the moment we make a move in our own neighborhood, we are on the news as a rogue in our neighborhood.

Why doesn't the council interview the police who are being punished for being the police in this fucking city?

12/31/2007 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, 12/30/2007 09:48:00 AM.
The small riot you are referring to happened at 76 and racine. It always starts there and branches out for a couple blocks.
It should not be newsworthy because the place goes up for grabs about 3-5 times a year.
Usually, the parents of the kids that are there are the instigators.
I'm just sayin'

12/31/2007 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The district's need more hard working copper's to go down on those unavoidable traffic stops whenever they get a job. Their fellow officer's are just happy to get pimped by some other jogoff on the watch. Then they clear without even writing a ticket. I love the guy's that bid to 016 so that they can "retire". Take a little pride in the neighbohoods that you live in loser's.

12/30/2007 03:28:00 AM

I work in 016th dist..and for your information the last 20-people that bid into 16 have less than 8yrs on the job and they are the biggest do nothings in the district.they came here to OUR NEIGHBOR HOOD WHERE ARE MOTHERS,FATHERS,SISTERS AND BROTHERS LIVE,EAT,AND SLEEP AND THEY DONT DO A FUCKING THING...FUCK ALL THESE NEW KIDS..FROM A OLD TIMER.

12/31/2007 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that what your learned in Management 101 @ Lake Forest College whiteshirt?
Apparently The solution is have more moron supervisors like yourself pass out the Koolaid & so everyone toes line.

What are you smoking, did you read the post? it's obviously written by someone who is not the police, it is obvious you have white shirt envy, study hard next time and maybe you'll make it.

12/31/2007 02:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brought a tear to my eye, knowing that my Closed Market 1 day a week made a difference...........

12/31/2007 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fewest Murders? WHAT A FUCKING LIE!

Lincoln Park, resident Dr. found lying on the ground with a knife in her chest.

Death Investigation?

It's MURDER! Ordo you need to get hit in the head with a 2 x 4.

Are we trying to keep it off the books for 2007 and how often does this happeh through the whole year.

Matt Rodriguez had his flunkies kill the murders each and every year.


12/31/2007 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey northshore college boy whiteshirt ignorant shithead. I'm one of those old men with a 60's attitude. I went through the westside riots and convention before I was 22. I learned to be a policeman, make decesions and use common sense. I realize that I carried these aquired qualities into this new age, maybe that's why I along with my fellow "old guys" stand out as conpaired with the brain dead college educated clowns.

Here is a hint college boy, SHOW SOME BALLS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YOUR LIFE, that is if you can find a pair.

Thank You,
The old man from the west side.
(Happy New Year)

12/31/2007 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I replied to your inquriy regarding the mumia supporter working in 023. The post, however, fell victim yet again to SCC censorship. So, if you want to know who this tard is look for the tall fat irish guy with glasses who works days in 023. Maybe this will find life as a post!

12/31/2007 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You 016 coppers are dogs and you know it. Just admit you're a dog and be happy.

12/31/2007 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

are the heroin overdoses (drug-induced homicide) counted in this year's total?

12/31/2007 01:37:00 AM


12/31/2007 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crime is up in all the "good" neighgorhoods that we can barely afford to live in. This is ridiculous. Why would the city continue to make us live here, tax the shit out of us, out price us for any descent realestate and then expect us to police our own fucking neighborhoods? I want to spend time with my family when I get home, not play police. I don't want my wife and kids targets when I am not at home. I don't want my kids especially targeted when they go to school.

Then the moment we make a move in our own neighborhood, we are on the news as a rogue in our neighborhood.

Why doesn't the council interview the police who are being punished for being the police in this fucking city?


Then go get another job. No one is forcing you to stay on this one. Its a big world out there you putz.

Get some balls!!! Try making it in the real world, but my guess is you only thrive when you get a paycheck without actually having to do anything.

12/31/2007 06:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are the figures for agg batt by firearm? Seems they are on the same level.

One reason for the lower homicide rates is the number of guys saved at the trauma centers like Christ of Northwestern. I bet a few dozen, at the least.

12/30/2007 12:56:00 PM

it evens out. you still have the westside ambulances driving people shot to behany and the one from 016 couple days ago the friends drove him to olr south, all they can treat is a headache

12/31/2007 09:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

45 minutes left for pookie to open fire over a chicken wing.

12/31/2007 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contrary to popular opinion,flamin hot cheese puffs and grape soda do not increase ballistic protection.

12/31/2007 11:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...So, if you want to know who this tard is look for the tall fat irish guy with glasses who works days in 023...

Gottsa be Shady!!!!

1/01/2008 03:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call him O'Shady if you will.

1/01/2008 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice rumor, to bad there is a federal law that mandates that a certain number of promotions have to be made off each promotion list. I am not sure the exact number, but I am pretty sure that it is more than 35 and less than 500. The city can still drop a list, as we know they seem to do whatever they want no matter what law is out there, but they would get sued, lose, and than have to promote off the old list and pay back pay as well.
Also, do you really think the city will throw a million dollars more in to another test, no they won't.

1/01/2008 04:57:00 AM

Maybe we will get another shitty ribbon! How about a decent contract? how about 10 hour days 4 on 4 off? How about a mayor who is finally indicted? How about exempt ranks that have some knowledge? How about reining in all the new free cars given out to the clouted? How about cars with mileage below 200K? How about a repair division that is actually able to fix vehicles? How about moral support for officers? How about Seiser head of FOP? How about I shut up?

1/01/2008 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then go get another job. No one is forcing you to stay on this one. Its a big world out there you putz.

Get some balls!!! Try making it in the real world, but my guess is you only thrive when you get a paycheck without actually having to do anything.

12/31/2007 06:11:00 PM

iss that what collage taught U smert guys!

1/01/2008 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What are you smoking, did you read the post? it's obviously written by someone who is not the police, it is obvious you have white shirt envy, study hard next time and maybe you'll make it.

12/31/2007 02:36:00 PM"

Or take your approach to promotion, get underneath the desk of my alderscum of choice train my jaw to unlock& get to work.

It's called integrity, perhaps your children will learn that life lesson from someone with true character.

1/02/2008 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of Socialists, there's Hillary Clinton for President.

1/02/2008 06:23:00 PM  

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