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And if you want to act a little closer to home, CLICK HERE to register with ISRA.
It can't hurt to join both organizations. Especially in light of the push by gun grabbers to deprive you of the right NOT to be a victim.
Labels: gun issues
SCC, I hate it when you use double negatives. (See your last sentence) It makes me think too much. Please refrain from doing so in the future. Thank you.
ISRA Alert:
A pair of ammunition ban bills are up for hearing in the House Executive Committee this week. If enacted, either of these bills would effectively ban the purchase of ammunition in Illinois. The bills in question are HB 4269 sponsored by Rep. Monique Davis (D-Chicago), and HB 4349 sponsored by Rep. Naomi Jakobsson (D-Champaign).
Here is what passage of either of these bills would mean to you:
1. Ammunition manufacturers would be required to imprint a secret code on cartridge casings so that the purchaser of the ammunition could be identified.
2. When you purchase ammunition, that secret code would be registered to your name.
3. All your ammunition purchases would be registered with the Illinois State Police.
4. You would be responsible for all eternity for ammunition registered to you.
5. It would be in your best interest to destroy all expended ammunition casings because an unaccounted for empty casing could be used to frame you for a crime you did not commit.
6. You would have to surrender all unregistered ammunition you now own to the Illinois State Police.
7. Reloading would be banned.
8. The Illinois Department of Revenue would be authorized to place a tax on ammunition and raise that tax any time for any reason.
9. Taxes and increased manufacturing costs would raise the price of a box of .45 ammo to $200 or more.
10. Gun ownership would become too costly for most people.
1. Call Rep. Monique Davis’ office at (217) 782-0010 and POLITELY tell the person that answers that you are a law-abiding gun owner and you would oppose Rep. Davis’ attempt to ban ammunition.
2. Call Rep. Naomi Jakobsson’s offce at (217) 558-1009 and POLITELY tell the person that answers that you are a law-abiding gun owner and you would oppose Rep. Jakobsson’s attempt to ban ammunition.
3. Call each of the following members of the House Executive Committee and POLITELY tell whoever answers the phone that you OPPOSE HB4269 and HB4349 and that you would like them to vote against those bills in the Executive Committee. Remember, you represent the gun owners of this state, so BE POLITE:
Rep. Dan Burke (D-Chicago) (217) 782-1117
Rep Joseph Lyons (D-Chicago) (217) 782-8400
Rep. Dan Brady (R-Bloomington) (217) 782-1118
Rep. Eddie Acevedo (D-Chicago) (217) 782-2855
Rep. Maria Antonia Berrios (D-Chicago) (217) 558-1032
Rep. Bob Biggins (R-Elmhurst) (217) 782-6578
Rep Michael Bradley (D-Chicago) (217) 782-8117
Rep. Brent Hassert (R-Romeoville) (217) 782-4179
Rep. Jim Meyer (R-Naperville) (217) 782-8028
Rep. Robert Molaro (D-Chicago) (217) 782-5280
Rep. Bob Rita (D-Crestwood) (217) 558-1000
Rep. Angelo Saviano (R-River Grove) (217) 782-3374
Rep. Arthur Turner (D-Chicago) (217) 782-8116
4. Please pass this alert along to all your gun-owning friends and ask them to make calls as well.
5. Please post this alert to any and all Internet bulletin boards to which you may belong.
Remember – gun control is a disease, you are the cure!
From shore to shore let freedom ring!
I have always lived in Chicago and carried a handgun from the time I was 14 years of age. I was charged with UUW only once and that was during a hunting trip in southern Illinois. When the officer approached, I opened the slide and advised his him there was a loaded handgun in my right rear pocket.
The rest of the processing went uneventful.
Epilog: the arresting officer eventually join the CPD and two or three years later, I became a member too.
The gun and my American express card: never leave home w/o them.
Lifetime memeber for 23 years and NRA certified firearms instructor.NRA trains more shooting instructors than anyone else.
I'm a member of both!
I used to think that the politicians in Chicago & Cook County were "NUTS" with all the laws they want to inact. But now the state politicians have gone to far. To even think that this would work is crazy. The cost of ammo would go up to $200 @ box. These people must stay awake at night trying to think of the "DUMBEST" shit they can dream up. I'm so glad to be retired and living where they still have rifles hanging in the back window of pickup trucks and no one cares. Retire and move from that hell hole state.
Can these two clubs help me get an assault rifle for sport fishing?
Gun owners and prospective gun owners.Get off the pot and join,get inolved!!
They want ALL the guns,dont fall for the trap.The gun grabbers want your duck gun and your 30-30 too.
If they ban reloading. How will the law stop me from reloading?
Sound supressors are banned, right?
But they are still manufactured in basement and garage machine shops.
The ownership of military weapons is prohibited for law abiding citizens but when a RR box car full of military weapons is burglarized who do you think will come into possession of these weapons?
Chicago police raid home, arrest man for 12 unregistered guns
Associated Press - February 18, 2008 10:34 AM ET
CHICAGO (AP) - Police have arrested a 59-year-old Chicago man after a raid on his home turned up a dozen guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.
Fred Habib of the city's northwest side was arrested yesterday following a tip to police. Officers and a SWAT team recovered three handguns, three shotguns, and six rifles.
Habib was charged with 12 misdemeanor counts of failure to register a firearm. He is scheduled to appear in court on the charges on April 10th.
Just ban lead in bullets. Make the projectiles out aluminum instead. The effective range would only be about 25 yds. Penetration would be low, so people in their homes would be safe.
Proud Lifetime member of the NRA, a voter, a veteran and a copper.
Anonymous said...
Chicago police raid home, arrest man for 12 unregistered guns
Associated Press - February 18, 2008 10:34 AM ET
CHICAGO (AP) - Police have arrested a 59-year-old Chicago man after a raid on his home turned up a dozen guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.
Fred Habib of the city's northwest side was arrested yesterday following a tip to police. Officers and a SWAT team recovered three handguns, three shotguns, and six rifles.
Habib was charged with 12 misdemeanor counts of failure to register a firearm. He is scheduled to appear in court on the charges on April 10th.
2/18/2008 01:18:00 PM
The red coats are coming!!!
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Chicago police raid home, arrest man for 12 unregistered guns
Associated Press - February 18, 2008 10:34 AM ET
CHICAGO (AP) - Police have arrested a 59-year-old Chicago man after a raid on his home turned up a dozen guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.
Fred Habib of the city's northwest side was arrested yesterday following a tip to police. Officers and a SWAT team recovered three handguns, three shotguns, and six rifles.
Habib was charged with 12 misdemeanor counts of failure to register a firearm. He is scheduled to appear in court on the charges on April 10th.
2/18/2008 01:18:00 PM
Anyone know if they had a warrant??If so,how does one get one for an ord violation??
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