Saturday, March 01, 2008

Drew Peterson Revisited

What is it about this blog that renders certain persons incapable of rational thought? We knew we were getting a number of people of a more "liberal" bent reading lately, probably from the "Chicagoist" interview. A sampling of asshats from the recent "Making Drew Rich" post:
  • MAYBE HE WOULD BE A SUBJECT OF AN ORDER OF PROTECTION IF HE HADNT KILLED HIS FUCKING WIVES!!! GET REAL SCC you really need to tone down the NRA crap no one really believes that propaganda any more. Defending Drews rights please
  • Is this for real? Guy kills one wife, disappears his most recent wife. Has the time of his life enjoying watching the suburban police (that flubbed his first case) and the ISP bounce around looking for the body.

    But what SCC thinks is the issue is that this suspected double murderer gets his FOID card revoked? Is it because he was the police, or have you really drank the NRA koolaid?
Where did we back Drew? We state in the post that we believe Drew to be guilty of a number of things. However, belief and proof are two completely different things.

We believe (and have seen) that there are thousands of people on the streets of Chicago who don't deserve to drive cars. But the law says that we cannot arbitrarily stop them, we have to have probable cause. We cannot take their licenses and revoke them, we have to write tickets and provide them with a court date at which time they are entitled to defend themselves. We cannot seize their cars and crush them into little cubes unless certain criteria are met and a court order is in place.

What we are pointing out is the Illinois State Police are treading on dangerous ground that should be particularly worrisome to anyone who thinks the Constitution and the Law mean something. ISP is supposed to enforce the laws duly passed by the elected legislature. What the ISP is doing is enforcing policy dictated by their bureaucracy or worse, acting as directed by the governor on un-legislated diktat. That is immoral, probably illegal and certainly unconstitutional.

What's more, is it reeks of totalitarianism, which isn't really surprising coming as it does from a democratic power structure. Everyone screams about the vast right wing conspiracy denying everyone their rights and due process, but when it comes to actually moving against people's rights, it's always leftists. And since Drew Peterson is a white, ex-cop, gun owner who may have committed a crime or two, his rights go out the window and no proof is needed?

Who's drinking the kool-aid now asshats?



Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/29/2008 11:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's one liberal who agrees with you on Drew Peterson.

I think he's a scumbag and I think he's probably guilty.

But I can't prove that, and while that remains true, I think he should retain his rights.

But you're full of s*** about the idea that only liberals act on their impulses to take away rights.

3/01/2008 12:10:00 AM  
Blogger Paul Huebl Crimefile News said...

Probable cause and proof beyond a reasonable doubt keep us all out of jail! You can't guess guilt and take rights and freedom away. This is about being and American and not about supporting a potential suspect.

3/01/2008 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the mush head the beefer.
Drew Peterson has not been charged nor found guilty of any crime as of this writing. You have never been a policeman, all you want to do is violate someones rights so you feel good. You have probably been told that a hundred times but your to much of a thick headed asshole to absorb this fact. But that is OK we realize that the world needs assholes too.

3/01/2008 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the innocent till proven guilty applies to everyone(especially career thugs) but this Drew; I'll settle for till charged!
How bout shoving down my throat my whole life that were willing to let 100 guilty people go free to avoid convicting 1 innocent person.
If ya got the guy, charge him!! If not,give him his f*k'n guns back!
Acusations can happen to any one of us. Legal gun ownership has always separated us from the other
If you liberal whores cant comprehend the 2nd Amend, then just leave the rural counties and the rest of the state alone; cook
belongs to you.Im not worried about POs, they have guns. If the rest of u civilians want to keep electing these whores, then your on your own.

3/01/2008 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they were right he isn't "black enough". Obama just lost the black vote. All Hillary has to do is jump on this and he's got the Nom!!!

"It's not good enough for you to say to your child, 'Do good in school,' and then when that child comes home, you got the TV set on, you got the radio on, you don't check their homework, there is not a book in the house, you've got the video game playing," said Obama while in Beaumont, in southeast Texas.

"So turn off the TV set, put the video game away. Buy a little desk or put that child by the kitchen table. Watch them do their homework. If they don't know how to do it, give them help. If you don't know how to do it, call the teacher. Make them go to bed at a reasonable time. Keep them off the streets. Give ' em some breakfast. Come on. ... You know I am right."

Telling M-Fers what to do! Who does he think he is?? The President or something?!

3/01/2008 12:57:00 AM  
Blogger papa smurf said...

i keep dreaming that they will find stacy somewhere and then let the games begin. drew may be as wealthy as oprah by the time he is done suing everyone. does matt lauer get a play. how much has sgt weasel face made from his nbc today interviews.

3/01/2008 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better.
Damn the left and their holier than thou, do as I say not as I do ways. Did he do it: 99% chance yes. Proving it is another matter entirely.

3/01/2008 03:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, let not your heart be troubled by these mental defectives. Their feeble grasp of concepts such as Law, Constitutional Rights and Due Process is laughable. Their contempt for the NRA (the oldest and, arguably, the ONLY current legitimate Civil Rights organization in the USA) illustrates the folly of even attempting to educate such simpletons. The sad thing is, some of them are probably on this job. If they are actually on this job, they don't belong here. Police in the USA have no better friend and advocate than the National Rifle Association

The NRA trained a record 2,061 Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors in 2007.

Since 1960, the NRA has trained more than 50,000 such instructors and more than 12,000 NRA Certified Instructors are currently training police officers and military personnel at home and abroad.

3/01/2008 04:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sad to know that there are people that stupid alive.

I have my own opinions about Drew but until you can charge him you have to wait and see. When you are dealing with people that think Survivor and American Idol are reality you will always see comments like those.

I am a hard core conservative, (not a Republican), and a member of the NRA who believes in gun control. We have a lot of very good laws that would stop bad people from owning guns but of course they are not enforced. Why aren't these laws enforced ? Well of course it's because the "gun control" people do not want gun control, they want to disarm you, and not themselves (Rosie O'donnell et al).

So where do we go from here ? We could do what we did to Richard Jewel, remember the guy from Atlanta that found the bomb at the Olympics and saved all those lives. Yeah, the FBI and the Media,(and all the people that watch reality TV) decided that he was a loser police wanna be that planted the bomb to make himself look like a hero. What happened there ? A bunch of very private apologies and a lot of money later Mr Jewel was vindicated.

Hey, what was I thinking ? We don't need laws the TV already said Drew is guilty !!!!!

3/01/2008 04:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a divorced man myself, any man who can make money (1.6 million dollars) off his 3rd wife and her untimely death and avoid child support with his "run-a-way" fourth wife....All I can say is this man is my HERO!

His screwing with news reporters and his police sense of humor adds to his qualities!

He is a cop with bad luck with wives!

You got to love him!

3/01/2008 05:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't we learned anything since the shameless persecution of the late Richard Jewell in the bombing at Atlanta's Olympic Park?

The FBI hounded this man to an early grave when in fact he was actually a hero. All along, it was the crime of Eric Robert Rudolph.

If authorities got a case on Drew Peterson, nail him. Otherwise, let the man have his FOID and his firearms.

3/01/2008 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen SCC!!!!!!!! U hit the nail right on the head and drove it home.

I don't like Drew Peterson. I'm pretty sure he had something to do with his soon to be declared dead wife. He might have had something to do with his now deceased 3rd wife. When there is enough evidence he will charged and already be guilty in the court of public opinion.

No one has the right to violate someone else's rights. The left is doing what it does best. Take away free speech and other constitutional guarenttes when its not to their likeing.

3/01/2008 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't they revoke the FOID cards of the straw purchasers that guy guns for the gangbangers?

3/01/2008 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A new circumstantial witness has come forth. Stacy Peterson was last seen with Maria Maher.

3/01/2008 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These morons don't realize that when the 2nd Amendment is gone the rest are sure to follow. Especially with people like Stroger and Daley in power.

3/01/2008 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rights- smights. Who needs rights? Us liberals will tell you who the laws applies to. What laws can be broken and by who.
Constitution? Some more old white men trying to hold down, women, minorities, and gays.


3/01/2008 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/01/2008 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those comments are from the same liberal idiots that say anyone could be the police. Yet, actually put them out there, and they'd be running for an equiptment adjustment 5 minutes on the street.

3/01/2008 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stacy Peterson is currently living with a Sherpa family in Kathmandu, Nepal.

3/01/2008 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im not backing Drew,but I am pointing out,like SCC,the violation of State law by ISP.

Drew is NOT in violation of the FOID ACT. 430 ILCS 65.ISP broke the law.

The point is that they feel they can do whatever they want.Who are they accountable to??What agency is going to make the arrests??

3/01/2008 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to get something off my chest. I will only talk to Seiser or Northside.

3/01/2008 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Problem---some people skim, they don't actually READ the posts then shoot their ignorant mouths off about what they THINK they read.

To anyone that has been paying attention for about the last five years...the issue is, that for people who do what they are told, behave the way they are/were/raised or told to behave, pay their taxes, obey/believe the laws and play by the rules have been getting and are getting FUCKED because they do obey the rules because they were taught that rules SHOULD give you rights and apply equally to everyone.

While the useless, worthless, clouted, lazy, criminal, gangbanger, reverend, unemployed, welfare recipient, never had a real job, non compes mentis, "disabled" due to asthma or any other nose sniffle of a disease that shouldn't be a deterrent to work or the ability to support yourself, politician, politician's friends/girlfriends/boyfriends/baby daddy, (you get my drift, pick one) hire attorneys to prosecute lawsuits that have no merit and have taken over the media, workplaces and government with their cries of discrimination/gangsta pretzel logic while mainstream society is being forced to accept this as THE WAY IT IS. The media is hypnotizing the masses that this all makes sense and the very structure of our civilization is being tested and stretched because decency, honor, integrity and law as it was intended to operate is disintegrating because nobody has yet realized that we are moving into a space where "normal" is going to need an organized voice and muscle in this sea of madness.

Yes, it has gotten to the point where individuals who stand for fairness and decency are going to have to construct an advocacy group if it intends to exist. The day of standing there with your mouth open because you can't believe what is happening is coming to an end.

Everyone that stands for anything that is constructive and beneficial is going to have to speak up wherever and whenever they are confronted with anything that remotely challenges their value system. Someone pushes, it's time to push back.

And for everyone that has contributed to the pathetic environment I am being forced to live in, pay for and raise my children to overcome, I hope (Daley, Stoger, Spielman, Sun-Times, 2,5,7,9, etc. to every reporter that has allowed themself to spin something in order to sell papers or increase viewers), I hope that someday, after you got whatever it is you sold your soul for, you look in the mirror and either want to vomit in the sink or put a gun to your temple because that's what I and everyone I love or associate with thinks of you.

As of today, we are paying ten cents on every fucking dollar in Cook County in order to keep someone in their Caddy driving lifestyle while you all hump your ass without a contract.

Drew Peterson is a piece of shit, but he deserves the same due process that Aaron Peterson gets.

3/01/2008 08:29:00 AM  
Blogger rosco said...

Hmmmmm, maybe the gun teams can use this ploy to get more guns. Call the ISP, cancel their tatgets FOID card, and hit the place with a search warrant!

3/01/2008 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting that the ACLU isn't jumping on this. Oh, wait, I'm sorry, he's not a minority. Nevermind.

3/01/2008 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/01/2008 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are the same people who hold protest and support cop killers, terrorist, and murderers. Anything they can do to draw attention to themselves they will do.

3/01/2008 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what reason the ISP used as the basis for revoking Peterson's FOID card?

3/01/2008 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police Officer Derek Owens
Cleveland Police Department
End of Watch: Saturday, March 1, 2008

Biographical Info
Age: 36
Tour of Duty: 10 years
Badge Number: 746

Incident Details
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Date of Incident: Friday, February 29, 2008
Weapon Used: Handgun
Suspect Info: Apprehended

Officer Derek Owens was shot and killed as he and his partner chased four suspects in the city's southeast side. Officer Owens and his partner had observed the four men drinking beer in an abandoned lot and approached to speak to them. The men fled on foot as the officers pursued them.

One of the suspects produced a handgun and opened fire, striking Officer Owens once in the abdomen, below his vest.

Other officers transported Officer Owens to a local hospital in the back of a patrol car. He succumbed to his injuries shortly after midnight while undergoing surgery.

All four suspects were taken into custody following a house by house search in the area.

Officer Owens had served with the Cleveland Police Department for 10 years and was assigned to the 4th District. He is survived by his wife and two children.

Agency Contact Information
Cleveland Police Department
1300 Ontario Street
Cleveland, OH 44113

Phone: (216) 623-5000

3/01/2008 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...





3/01/2008 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/01/2008 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many cheating or useless wives have been killed by officers cleaning their guns?

3/01/2008 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So long Pie , we'll miss you!

3/01/2008 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea. These latest, new goofy liberals make leftisthebest look like a good guy.

3/01/2008 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

another jib jab

cut and paste to browser but remove any space in link

had to break it up to fit on this blog

3/01/2008 01:44:00 PM  
Blogger Federal Farmer said...

It is clear that the ISP views FOIDs as "may issue" not "shall issue."

They have already been illegally rejecting FOID applications for children under 10, thanks to that idiot writing about getting FOID for his infant.

Now they have illegally revoked Peterson's FOID.

Join the fight to end this nonsense. Come to IGOLD on March 11.

3/01/2008 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job SCC.

It's amazing... well, it used to amaze me, how hypocritical libs are. When their civil rights are violated, they scream to high heaven for protection and due process, but since this falls under two of their many agendas (gun control, anti-police), Peterson's civil rights are thrown out the window. I wonder how willing the ACLU is to help this victim of government oppression. We all know the answer to that one; the ACLU doesn't care unless you want to have sex with children, then they are all about the constitution.

I agree SCC, I have no doubt that Peterson is guilty of a few things, but his rights are just as valid as anyone who hasn't yet been convicted, or at least charged with a crime.

3/01/2008 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So turn off the TV set, put the video game away. Buy a little desk or put that child by the kitchen table. Watch them do their homework. If they don't know how to do it, give them help. If you don't know how to do it, call the teacher. Make them go to bed at a reasonable time. Keep them off the streets. Give ' em some breakfast. Come on. ... You know I am right."

Telling M-Fers what to do! Who does he think he is?? The President or something?!

3/01/2008 12:57:00 AM


I'd definately give him my vote. If I bothered to vote in the Democratic primary. Just cant get myself to vote for any of them Dems.
But if Bill Cosby ran for president, he'd get my vote in a heartbeat. Seems like he'd be all for personal accountability on all parts and away from big government taxing the shit out of the working man to give to those that wont get off their asses.
If anyone has the opportunity, pick up "Culture Warrior" by Bill O'Reilly. It explains a lot and I challenge any PO, Dem. or Rep. to refute it.

3/01/2008 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since its been going around I'll throw it on here to be sure its not continuously passed around:

Rumor - the SWAT school has been postponed because someone beefed about the testing and filed a grievance..
The Truth - the SWAT school has been postponed because the paperwork to get the PO's detailed out to attend was not put in, in enough time (the required 10 days) simple as that.

Seems its still the most legit testing the Dept has seen to date. Maybe the other testing should take some tips and clues from it.

3/01/2008 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know some people in the FOID unit at ISP and they are usually very careful. I think Drew is guilty as can be but I was stunned when I heard this news. After thinking about it, I wonder if they know something about him that we don't. Keep in mind, it's not just the FOID statute but the federal Gun Control Act at work here. Maybe some federal disqualifier is at issue. I'm surprised they aren't giving a reason.

I've heard some people say that they are worried that Drew will go ballistic and take out others (maybe his kids) if an arrest in imminent. I don't think so. He is such an arrogant ass, I'm sure he thinks he'll beat it at trial.

3/01/2008 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Color of Poopie says:
SCC, it's like the residents and some coppers from 023 got your goat. HAHA. Funny how the laws only apply to what a liberal wants them to apply too.

3/01/2008 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old boy aint got no ba-dunk- e- dunk. He a crazy cracker!

3/01/2008 02:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

t r u

3/01/2008 03:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This just in...............
Stacy Peterson has been found.
I repeat Stacy Peterson has been found.
J-Fed made her the ne 006th District Commander.

3/01/2008 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A sign of the Times:

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nearly 70 percent of Americans believe traditional journalism is out of touch, and nearly half are turning to the Internet to get their news, according to a new survey.

3/01/2008 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heads up 10 more former FBI agents taking piss tests for th ejob. Things are going to hell really quick.

And for all of you idiots that think this guy is okay because he is cleaning house you should work for the FBI not the Chicago Police.

Jfed if your reading this do us and yourself a favor take the uniform off, you didn't earn it either did your FBI cronies.

And if you do want to wear it take a ride ina beat car in July in the ghetto and answer a few domestics. Otherwise take it off you make us working guys sick.

Oh and lay off the plastic surgery or Botox your head looks like clay.

3/01/2008 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to Mark Fuhrman the case is not over.

3/01/2008 06:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drew is NOT in violation of the FOID ACT. 430 ILCS 65.ISP broke the law.

Since you brought up the FOID Act.

Sec. 8. The Department of State Police has authority to deny an application for or to revoke and seize a Firearm Owner's Identification Card previously issued under this Act only if the Department finds that the applicant or the person to whom such card was issued is or was at the time of issuance:


(f) A person whose mental condition is of such a nature that it poses a clear and present danger to the applicant, any other person or persons or the community;

For the purposes of this Section, "mental condition" means a state of mind manifested by violent, suicidal, threatening or assaultive behavior.


Now understand that Drew has no property interest in his FOID card, and has no right to a pre-deprivation hearing. He can, however, appeal the ISP's decision to the administrative board, and if he isn't happy with the decision he can appeal to a court.

By the way, in between you all calling me a liberal, a "mush head", or an all around a-hole - this same provision would ALLOW the ISP to grant a FOID card to someone who seems to be statutorily ineligible. The discretion is with the Department.

Nobody's rights were violated. Certainly no more than the SOS does everytime they suspend a license for a person exercising their rights and telling the police they won't take a BrAC test, or blood test.

3/01/2008 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know where to find the stats cause I was never a stat guy like the 35th St. people who do stats just to run around with a worthless piece of paper in their hand. Where would one find the stats of all the handgun murders committed in the city, state or the U.S. that the handguns were bought and paid for the murderer in person, that is through legit buyers. Not mentals who lied about their brain cell status or the girlfriend of the gangbanger. I don't know the answers but I bet they would be interesting.

3/01/2008 07:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm, maybe the gun teams can use this ploy to get more guns. Call the ISP, cancel their tatgets FOID card, and hit the place with a search warrant!

3/01/2008 08:50:00 AM

I wouldn't put it past those CAGE unit STROKES

3/01/2008 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't it just nice that he sent a neighbor in to find his former wife in the bathtub,DEAD! Did he
know something?
Is he guilty? I don't know,but i sure as hell wouldn't want to be living with him.
Now he is prepared to face the music psychologically (spl) based on his interview. Christ this is an Asshat of the worst kind. (prove it and I'm ready)

3/01/2008 08:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Truth - the SWAT school has been postponed because the paperwork to get the PO's detailed out to attend was not put in, in enough time (the required 10 days) simple as that.

Seems its still the most legit testing the Dept has seen to date. Maybe the other testing should take some tips and clues from it.

3/01/2008 02:41:00 PM


3/01/2008 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another hilarious Jib jab video:

except this is our F.O.P.. FUNNY!!!

3/01/2008 10:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drew didn't use guns to get rid of those wives of his. The one found in the bathtub had head trauma, the other one is ??. I doubt if he used a gun on her, but I bet he strangled her or did some blunt trauma to her as well.

3/01/2008 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is in the blue plastic barrel in the police parking lot at o'hare airport?

3/01/2008 11:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yea, thanks, I just spit my "FORTISSIMO" all over the screen/keyboard!!!!LMFAO
Im sure that one PAISANO(Cap)had to hold his nose while learning that "jig"!!!!!

3/02/2008 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nobody's rights were violated. Certainly no more than the SOS does everytime they suspend a license for a person exercising their rights and telling the police they won't take a BrAC test, or blood test.

3/01/2008 06:51:00 PM"

Point taken.

Which also brings up the essential unconstitutionality of several state and federal laws, regardless of how often the Supreme Court of our nation has, unconstitutionally, upheld said unconstitutional laws.

Ultimately, this exposes the one central weakness inherent in our Constitutional Democracy, that weakness being the absolute dependency upon the Federal Supreme Court to be authentically free from political influence, given that the decisions of said Supreme Court can only be altered by same.

When a majority of the members of this court fail in their duty to uphold both the letter and the spirit of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, we experience the diminishment of those Rights.

When the members of this Court are, unavoidably, politically appointed by the Executive Branch, even with the vetting of same by the Legislative Branch, there is still no assurance of them being committed to upholding our nation's Constitution, nor the individual Rights and Freedoms that flow therefrom.

As the saying goes, 'Nobody's perfect'.

It's just that some are more imperfect than others and those same more imperfect someone's are regularly, and successfully, gaining the authorities of all three branches of our governments, city, county, state and federal, and keeping these authorities election after election after election.

Truly no longer governments of the people, by the people and for the people.

3/02/2008 04:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you lost it? No way would they do this without some reason. they are just not saying. ISP has atty's. This Peterson case is in the news all over the country. ISP isn't stupid. Every time Peterson opens his mouth, it makes me want to scream, shut up pollock. and I like the polish. My favorite Uncle Wally is Polish, but he doesn't talk like Peterson.

3/02/2008 04:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody's rights were violated. Certainly no more than the SOS does everytime they suspend a license for a person exercising their rights and telling the police they won't take a BrAC test, or blood test.


Apples and oranges. Your argument is nonsense. Driving is not a right. It's a privilege, and the revocation procedures to exercising your right not to self incriminate are well outlined in the law. ISP is not following any written law.

3/02/2008 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God Drew is back in the news.

Without my daily dose of Drew news, I was declining into a deep depression.

3/02/2008 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Have you lost it? No way would they do this without some reason. they are just not saying. ISP has atty's. This Peterson case is in the news all over the country. ISP isn't stupid. Every time Peterson opens his mouth, it makes me want to scream, shut up pollock. and I like the polish. My favorite Uncle Wally is Polish, but he doesn't talk like Peterson.

3/02/2008 04:18:00 AM

#1Would they do this without a reason??yeah,they just did,thats the point genius.

#2 ISP has Attorneys.And your point is??That makes them correct?Your that soft?

#3 ISP isnt stupid.Please,they are traffic nazis that play police.

Folks in the know caught all this because they are concerned at the way Illinios runs things(CORRUPTION).Folks like you are soft as puppy shit upstairs.

3/02/2008 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ISP used the same reasoning to revolk Drews FOID that they used when they arbitrarily decided to stop issuing the cards to your children. Publicity, not legislation or cause. When do we move to get rid of the FOID. It is not needed and the federal instant check system is in place.

3/02/2008 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regretfully your comments re ISP command are generally roaddogs get stuck carrying out a lot of silliness that we're not happy seatbelt paper...pure crap,but you're in deep doo-doo if you don't write 'em..our former director retired and is now IDOT seatbelt czar...pays a premium to the command on outside contracts to administer the the FOID's run by attorneys,some of which are deputized....with no police training or experience so the recieve our sworn benefits...they will support anything the command directs from the Gov's office...which includes such things as pulling FOIDs from police officers who report depression-not suicide,just depression.... and many mental health records are computerized and held in Il human services...our plainclothes side have also takin upon themselves[the command] to monitor gun we do a lot of crap we're not interested in doing at the direction of the gov thru his appointees....good luck with the FBI

3/02/2008 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Problem---some people skim, they don't actually READ the posts then shoot their ignorant mouths off about what they THINK they read.
WEll said Sir or Ma'am and quite intelligent! I AM WITH YOU.

3/02/2008 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apples and oranges. Your argument is nonsense. Driving is not a right. It's a privilege, and the revocation procedures to exercising your right not to self incriminate are well outlined in the law. ISP is not following any written law.

First off, they are following the provisions of the FOID Act - you just disagree with their decision.

Secondly, it is not "apples and oranges", it is pretty much the same thing. Due process only requires a pre-deprivation hearing in certain situations. This is not one of them, much like the 11-501.1 actions.

Finally, the breathalyzer does not involve your 5th Amendment right against self incrimination (blowing into a tube, giving blood, and the buccal swab are all non-testimonial). If it did, then the entire Summary Suspension law would be out the window. What it does involve is the 4th Amendment's search and seizure principles. Different animal entirely.

And my argument is only nonsense because it bothers you - I didn't actually make an argument - I just told you what the law was.

3/02/2008 02:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/01/2008 09:00:00 PM


Where have you been? They announced it in roll calls, in the daily bulletin, it was open to everyone on the dept with 3 years on and a decent CR history (decent, not spotless). Not only did they have inspectors at every stage of the testing, but the inventoried every target shot, every situp and pushup done, and every lap time on the run.
They even posted the scores on the dept intranet under employee #'s. If that isnt legit, I dont know what else could be. It was a real "put your money where your mouth is" test, open to everybody.
Dont hate... just get off your ass sometime.

3/02/2008 03:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that due process is extended to Drew Peterson,but so many people have a problem with George Ryan's pardoning individuals cleared by DNA evidence.

3/02/2008 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Thanks to Mark Fuhrman the case is not over.

3/01/2008 06:11:00


3/02/2008 04:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Nobody's rights were violated. Certainly no more than the SOS does everytime they suspend a license for a person exercising their rights and telling the police they won't take a BrAC test, or blood test.

You cannot be that stupid as a P.O. Have you ever read IVC law or 11.501A? Suspension is administrative law not criminal law you idiot. Take a DUI refresher course. It scares me the amount of ignorance on the street.

3/02/2008 05:37:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

Why is it that due process is extended to Drew Peterson,but so many people have a problem with George Ryan's pardoning individuals cleared by DNA evidence.

Great, another asshat,

Due process implies that the law was followed - it wasn't. ISP has provided NO explanation for revoking the FOID card. As a taxpayer, we're on the hook for the ISP's missteps. As an American, a law enforcement agency acting without legislative authority should be very worrisome to all of us.

And no one has a problem with George Ryan pardoning people who were cleared by DNA evidence. There weren't that many. What everyone has a problem with is Ryan emptying out Death Row based on evidence he claims to have seen, yet he has NEVER provided that evidence to anyone to justify pardoning and granting clemency to assorted murderers and cop killers.

Ask yourself why the media won't cover that little tidbit.

3/02/2008 08:12:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

To the second commentator who said "But you're full of s*** about the idea that only liberals act on their impulses to take away rights."

You're welcome to refute us with real life examples. But let us rule out a few liberal favorites right away - Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini were all left wing socialists.

3/02/2008 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You cannot be that stupid as a P.O. Have you ever read IVC law or 11.501A? Suspension is administrative law not criminal law you idiot. Take a DUI refresher course. It scares me the amount of ignorance on the street.

And yet I am not that stupid. You see revoking a FOID card IS an administrative act.

I won't call you a name. I'll just wave.

3/02/2008 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Due process implies that the law was followed - it wasn't. ISP has provided NO explanation for revoking the FOID card. As a taxpayer, we're on the hook for the ISP's missteps. As an American, a law enforcement agency acting without legislative authority should be very worrisome to all of us.

SCC, I normally agree with you, but here you are overreacting. 1st - the ISP only owed DP an explanation. 2nd - He gets multiple appeals. 3rd - The taxpayer isn't exposed on this, since it is a discretionary act (I cited the law in a previous post).

I know guns are a touchy subject, but this really isn't the issue you are making it. If you want to get riled up about gun rights - start a thread about the USSC case about whether the 2nd Amendment is a personal right.

Oh, and this liberal asshat thinks you are absolutly right about Ryan.

3/02/2008 09:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only did they have inspectors at every stage of the testing, but the inventoried every target shot, every situp and pushup done, and every lap time on the run.
How do you inventory a situp?

3/02/2008 11:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" ....Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini were all left wing socialists.

3/02/2008 08:15:00 PM"

Actually, their actions showed that they were common dictators, masquerading as 'left wing socialists'.

Dictators can be recognized by the fact that they dictate, said dictating being accomplished by the use of lethal force.

Any government that dictates, requiring that country's citizens to accept being dictated to or be imprisoned/executed, without due process of law, said due process being Constitutionally based and so similar to our nation's Constitution and Bill of Rights as to be substantially the same, is a dictatorship, no matter what other form of government it pretends to be.

To understand any form of government, one must avoid being fooled by those dictatorships masquerading as anything other than what they are.

3/03/2008 02:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you inventory a situp?

3/02/2008 11:10:00 PM



I tried once but the desk seargant kicked it back. Since he couldnt do one he said they dont exist.

Had to laugh out loud at that one.
I believe he was referring to the forms that they filled out documenting the situps and pushups and run times. After you were done you had to sign off on the numbers they wrote down and they filed all those papers away as well as inventoried the targets that got shot during that phase. Everything was signed and recorded in duplicate, the applicant got a copy and a copy was inventoried. They even taped the oral interviews just in case someone wanted to grieve that part of the process.
It was as legit as they come.

3/03/2008 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To understand any form of government, one must avoid being fooled by those dictatorships masquerading as anything other than what they are.

3/03/2008 02:24:00 AM


They were socialist dictators. In any efficient socialist society, Dictatorship has been the means of enforcing the code of conduct since Socialism means big government is going to redistribute personal property from the 'haves' to the 'have nots'. Its very egalatarian, however, since most of the 'have nots' have absolutely no motivation to work hard since theyre getting a free ride, they continue to bleed the government and the hard working 'haves' either pick up the slack and get screwed even harder, or they realize that no matter how hard they work, the government is not going to allow them to make a better life for themselves. They are just going to take more and more and give it to the lazy. Usually leads to a stagnant economy since the workers decide that work is for suckers, and then the country goes to a totalitarian dictatorship, which is of course pleasant for us PO's since we're the governments attack dogs.
If I didnt belive in our founding fathers and the American way, Id jump right on board with the socialist left wing view. We could go back to stealing like our grand daddies did when they made shit for a salary.
And dont forget about the governmental control of the media. If the leftists get their way, we also wont have to worry about any media backlash for on or off duty incidents! (hmmm.. maybe I WILL vote for Hilary.)

3/03/2008 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truly no longer governments of the people, by the people and for the people.

3/02/2008 04:17:00 AM


3/03/2008 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Windbags can be recognized by the fact that they bag wind, said wind bagging being accomplished by the use of excessive verbosity.

To understand any form of windbagging, one must avoid being fooled by those windbaggers masquerading as anything other than what they are.

3/03/2008 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"To understand any form of windbagging, one must avoid being fooled by those windbaggers masquerading as anything other than what they are.

3/03/2008 01:47:00 PM"

....said the expert, professional bagger of wind.

Now, if only I'd built that windmill, I'd be able to go off the grid....

3/03/2008 10:34:00 PM  

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