Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Illegal Means Illegal

  • Hispanic aldermen are demanding to know why 59 Chicago motorists with Latino surnames have been arrested for traffic violations and other misdemeanors recently only to land in jail because somebody tipped Immigration and Customs Enforcement in violation of the city's "sanctuary" ordinance.
  • The Chicago Police Department has already investigated 30 of the recent cases and absolved police officers of responsibility. Twenty-nine other cases have yet to be investigated by Police Superintendent Jody Weis, who has assured Hispanic aldermen during private meetings that he would suspend or terminate any officer who violates the city's ordinance.
As you can see, Police are being ordered NOT to enforce the law of the land. We can only assume this is another one of those rules that Mara Georges insists doesn't apply to Chicago because:
  • US Supreme Court decisions only apply to Washington DC;
  • therefore, United States Laws only apply to Washington DC.
We certainly look forward to the day when the People's Republic of Chicago rejoins the United States of America.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 more reason to do less.

8/06/2008 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some coppers in 010 and 014 better watch out might be coming for them next.

8/06/2008 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's really funny, a former "Top G-Man" is telling Chicago Police Officers to intentionally violate United States Code.

8/06/2008 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comrade SCC-

You will inform your loyal readers that the Peoples Republic of Chicago's Polit Bureau headed by Comrade Czar Daley has decided that Comrade J-Fed should make an example of any and all Police Officers who arrest any "visitors" to our fair City.

If you have any contact with the ICE people you will be severly repremanded, and sent to the gulag aka Unit 376 until you are terminated.

More reason to do nothing especially if you come across someone who doesnt speak english.

I wonder if we could find someone to take the case. When and where does local ordinance supercede Federal Law?? Think that one would head all the way to the Supreme Court. Unless the Daley machins tenticles reach all the way to that court also.

8/06/2008 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After the seventy year woman was murdered in June by the illegal alien I wrote several of the papers with commentary. Poor African American harmless woman murdered by an illegal alien.

Upon encountering any possible illegal alien I immediately call ICE, make copies of all vital info presented along with info and mail to the Chicago office. This is my patriotic duty.....

8/06/2008 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.

8/06/2008 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting video about immigration:

8/06/2008 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, fine!
if this city would go back to ignoring the 4th amendment maybee we could get some police work done and confiscate some of those evil firearms.

8/06/2008 02:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Selected enforcement, CPD has been doing it for years.

8/06/2008 02:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not like they pay taxes or anything. Our tax dollars support them and their 8 kids. As far as I am concerned.....they need to be sent back home. I am proud to say that I have successfully deported over 5 so far!! Fuck the "sanctuary ordinance". One call to I.C.E. and it's bye, bye illegal.

8/06/2008 04:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a shit-hole city. Can't wait to retire, I'll never come back..

8/06/2008 05:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Makes perfect sense. Why enforce immigration laws in a post 9-11 world? We don't want to know if people who snuck into this country illegally are up to no good. We should keep our blinders on and not enforce federal laws because it will get politicians some extra votes.

Thank you asshats in the council and on the fifth floor. You better pray every night that nothing happens. Because when it does, you'll be held accountable. It's bad enough that the illegal workers come here and hit and run while driving drunk and/or unqualified to operate a motor vehicle on our streets where our children (won't somebody please think of the children!) play. How many deaths have been caused by this?

Anyone know the story of the Christmas DUI in 14 that caused deaths? Perhaps the media should be made aware of that. They won't report it, because that would go against the grain. But the people reading this would know, and maybe someone will want something done.

8/06/2008 05:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why i check off witha big fat zero for activity just about every day. Only do activity if you get a job and it has to be done. Screw daley, weiss and mara. Hey Jody where the F*&k is my rifle already?

8/06/2008 06:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you imagine that Mexican police afford Americans arrested in mexico the same luxury of being allowed to openly flaunt mexican immigration law?

What a fucking joke. I hammer the illegal fucks in the course of my daily routine. I love the sheepish grin and the "no tengo" when asked for a valid driver license. Then the outrage when their car or pickup truck gets towed and they get held for prints for ID purposes because of no ID and giving conflicting names.

I don't need to ask if they are citizens or not, I know. No license, no insurance and they lose the car, get printed and leave walking with a pocket full of useless movers.

8/06/2008 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True story: A woman who complained about police service was found to have a WARRANT issued by a Federal court for her immmediate extradition. CPD told NOT TO enforce a federal warrant. Go figure.

8/06/2008 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I read the Sun-Times right? Chicago Police are being investigated for ENFORCING THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES in violation of a Chicago ordinance prohibiting enforcement of US Immigration policy???

from the Sun-Times: "Hispanic aldermen are demanding to know why 59 Chicago motorists with Latino surnames have been arrested for traffic violations and other misdemeanors recently only to land in jail because somebody tipped Immigration and Customs Enforcement in violation of the city's "sanctuary" ordinance."

"We will not tolerate this in Chicago. ... We want to know where it's coming from and who is filing these reports," said Ald. Billy Ocasio (26th), chairman of the City Council's Human Relations Committee.

"At a City Council hearing Tuesday, Ald. Danny Solis (25th) was visibly moved by the testimony of a woman with two young children whose husband has been in jail for over five months."

What the hell? "We will not tolerate this in Chicago" Ald. Billy Ocasio said.

Fuck you Ald. Billy Ocasio, it is not for you to tolerate or not tolerate, it is US Law. I hope every one of your illegal countrymen get sent packing back south of the border. Who the hell are you and your fellow City Council scum to set up a de facto region immune to US Law?

I arrest illegals quite often. From now on I will give the name of Ald. Billy Ocasio when I call ICE on them.

8/06/2008 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While investigating the complaints, also investigate the aldermen that are complaining. Especially one that has a father who supplies false documents to illegal aliens.

8/06/2008 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dime Dropper says---

Yes, it was me that turned them all in. All tips and clues welcome. I will continue to follow the laws of the United States of America.

8/06/2008 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Superintendent Jody Weis, who has assured Hispanic aldermen during private meetings that he would suspend or terminate any officer who violates the city's ordinance.

Sounds like a great potential for a multimillion dollar lawsuit...

Who's in?

8/06/2008 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Fearless leader jody. this is why I quit making any proactive arrest, vehicle impounds or any money generating activity for you or day lil midget or any self serving aldercreature.. Maybe you can just fire us all and have the reverends police the streets. By the way, where is my rifle? You said every patrol car will ahve one? I am sure the beat car on 79th street could have used one last night. How many more days until your contract is up? There will be a big party when you leave.

8/06/2008 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Officer Michael P. Gordon, Killed in the Line of Duty 8/8/04, would still be alive today and with his family if the City didn't harbor illegals. He was killed by an illegal who had prior arrests, but was never deported. When is everyone in this Country, especially Chicago, going to wake up?

8/06/2008 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.

8/06/2008 01:15:00 AM

Is that why we swear allegiance to the United States Constitution?

8/06/2008 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will now give my full name and address to ICE every time I call. I think I have a good case!!!

The Notification and Federal Employee Anti-discrimination and Retaliation Act (No FEAR Act) Public Law 107-174

On May 15, 2002, President George W. Bush signed the Notification and Federal Employee Anti-discrimination and Retaliation Act or No FEAR Act. The Act increased accountability of Federal Departments and Agencies for acts of discrimination or reprisal against employees resulting from whistleblower complaints, and complaints before the Merit Systems Protection Board and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Under Title III of the Act, departments and agencies are required to post on their public web sites, summary statistical data relating to equal employment opportunity complaints filed against the department or agency.

Both the Department of Homeland Security and ICE will post to the respective public web sites statistical information in accordance with the No FEAR Act. This data will be updated on a quarterly basis for the current fiscal year.

For further information, please contact the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity at 202.732.7700

8/06/2008 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks to all Chicago Officers who report the illegals to ICE. The Illegals are a danger to citizens everywhere. Crime rate is already way too high, even higher cause of Illegals here.

8/06/2008 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The U.S. Congress needs to cut off not some, but ALL federal funding to Chicago and other cities that have declared themselves "sanctuary cities". This funding includes supplements for education, roadways, transportation projects, etc.

8/06/2008 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Mexico and the World Court wanted the POS rapist and double murderer in Texas to go free because his consulate was not notified upon his arrest. How are we supposed notify the consulate if we don't know they are aliens.

8/06/2008 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Officer Michael P. Gordon, Killed in the Line of Duty 8/8/04, would still be alive today and with his family if the City didn't harbor illegals. He was killed by an illegal who had prior arrests, but was never deported. When is everyone in this Country, especially Chicago, going to wake up?

8/06/2008 07:58:00 AM

The above Statement was EXACTLY what Weiss's reply should have been to the shithead aldermen, and thank you to whomever it was that wrote it.

Unfortunately, we get the same old sniveling "I'll suspend, punish and crush anyone who steps out of line, Mr. Alderman".

8/06/2008 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like aldercreature Billy Ocasio is posting on SCC!

Anonymous said...

"I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department."

8/06/2008 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Maybe Officer Michael P. Gordon, Killed in the Line of Duty 8/8/04, would still be alive today and with his family if the City didn't harbor illegals. He was killed by an illegal who had prior arrests, but was never deported. When is everyone in this Country, especially Chicago, going to wake up?"

At least Texas does it right.

Texas Executes Mexican Despite Objections
NYT August 6, 2008
James McKingley, Jr.

HOUSTON — In a case that has drawn international attention, Texas executed José E. Medellín on Tuesday night in defiance of an international court ruling and despite pleas from the Bush administration for a new hearing. The execution came just before 10 p.m. Central time, shortly after the United States Supreme Court denied a last request for a reprieve.

8/06/2008 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/06/2008 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No tiennes licensia

8/06/2008 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a question.
If I were to be terminated for this rule. Can I sue the city for not allowing me to do my job as a peace officer. For that matter could we do it anyway.
Sancutary City is it a rule or a law?
If I tell my wife about the illegal ailen that I lock up that is taking me into overtime and she calls, not me am I in trouble.

8/06/2008 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Viva Mexico! Keep voting Democratic and contributing to the Catholic Church. Both need the money to help their new members.Viva Mexico!There is nothing left for the legal citizens to do here except pay taxes and red light camera tickets!

8/06/2008 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.

8/06/2008 01:15:00 AM

Dont we assist and cooperate with other agencies all the time asshat.

8/06/2008 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.


Apparently, YOU don't get it!

You're entitled to your opinion, but at least make it relevant to the discussion at hand.

CPD does not go searching for and arresting illegals; however, in the course of investigating other criminal/non-criminal activity an officer may come in contact with an individual who may be an illegal.

Federal law, I believe, requires that those suspected of being illegal be reported. The Chicago ordinance forbids that.

The relevant discussion here is:
1. How can a city ordinance take precedence over a federal law?

2. A police officer's duty (within the law) when they come in contact with a suspected illegal.

8/06/2008 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/06/2008 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an issue that clearly shows the extent to which these Chicago vote Whores will go to stay in power, the financial and homeland security of legal Chicago (sanctuaty city) citizens be damned.

I am not anti-immigrant. I am anti-illegal immigrant.

Aside from the security vulnerability,in the world today, illegal immigrants pose an increasingly large drain on the already over taxed (in more ways then one) Police, Juducial, Medical, Educational, Welfare and other resources of our community and country.

In the high illegal immigrant States of the South/West, the sub-prime Mortgage meltdown has been exacerbated by groups of illegals mailing the keys back to the bank on single family homes in which they lived 10-15 people in a home and walked away from the Mortgage when they couldn't pay. Then they moved back to their country of origin or in groups, back in to rentals.

What did they care that they stuck the Bank, us the taxpayer, with the loan. They broke are law from the get-go entering the U.S. illegallly! They don't give a crap about their credit. The likes of Daley and the rest of his shitbird, suckhole ilk throw money at the illegal immigrants.

The standard B.S. is, "Oh these poor people are taken advantage of....they contribute more to the community then they consume."

Bullfucking, shit. They aren't going to brainwash me with that crap.

If it was true, Chicago, a sanctuary city, with a huge illegal immigrant population would have one of the lowest county sales taxes rather then the highest.

Vote 'em ALL out. Show them in spite of all the family members on the public teat there are still more then us then them and we are as mad as hell and were gonna knock 'em out of office one by one if need be (think Natarus).

8/06/2008 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.

8/06/2008 01:15:00 AM"

Hey!! Go Fuck Youself !!!!!

8/06/2008 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.

8/06/2008 01:15:00 AM

Hey moron are job is to protect life property and enforce federal state and local laws!

SO go report yourself for self deportation. Addios

8/06/2008 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So just who would cut our grass and serve us fast food or wash our dishes?

8/06/2008 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.

If your a cop and you wrote this, you are a disgrace to the uniform!

8/06/2008 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who do these f'n alderman think they are?

8/06/2008 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can fill a bus an hour if they decided to rejoin the U.S.A they are verywhere and just pick up the bangers, mosta re not born here either

8/06/2008 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department."

Wrong: DSO 02-05-03

8/06/2008 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.


Really? We should not enforce laws that are the purview of the federal government? Then maybe we should pull all of our officers out of the FBi and DEA Task forces. We should stop enforcing the United States Code no matter the violation? No more looking for terrorists either right? And for that matter, lets stick to ordinance violations. No State enforcement either. For that matter, lets say that if you work in 007, you can't make an arrest in 009. Oh, wait, if you are on Beat 712, no arrests on 711. Lets compartmentalize the enforcement of laws as much as possible. The person who made the above post is either an illegal alien, a lawyer for illegal aliens, or a family member of someone who got caught. Purview my balls. Our sworn duty is to enforce the laws of the City of Chicago, The State of Illinois and the United States. We take an oath about that. And the fact that some whining ethnic politician wants to protect his turf (votes) and make sure that he gets re-elected by proposing (and getting passed) some bullshit sanctuary law won't make us violate that oath. Thats called integrity. Something you and the Billy Ocasio's of the world wouldn't know if it hit you in the head.

8/06/2008 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.

8/06/2008 01:15:00 AM

I am so sick of all you bleeding heart libs and your ridiculous stance on one thing after another.

You are giving this country away with all the programs and services.

Why is it that we as the tax paying citizens, don't get to vote if this or any other, is a sanctuary city?

We are being overrun with either people who don't care about assimilating and will add NOTHING to this Country, and some of the most violent criminals to walk the face of the earth.

You will be some of the first to start screaming for the police to "Do their jobs" when these animals come to your neighborhood, but you are blind to the fact that the police can no longer do their jobs because of all the PC bullsh*t you and your's have put into play.

Look up the crime stats in any santuary city, and see when things started to go downhill.

I'll bet you'll find a direct correlation to when the "brown blizzard of liberal ideals," started to be defended and pushed by the ACLU.

One last thing, this site is not for bottom feeder lawyers so get lost.

I'm sure there is some poor misunderstood illegal that needs your help.

8/06/2008 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attention P.O.'s:

In Re:
March 29 2006 Executive Order & Approved by City Council

"Sanctuary City" non- notice of Alien Status...City Ordinance(2-173)

A member of the CPD (you) cannot detain or question any person that is NOT suspected of committing a crime OR based solely on the grounds that the person may be an illegal alien. NEVER

What if it's volunteered? The law
is questionable however only IF the "suspect / detainee for a crime makes an unsolicited or spontaneous exclamation ...such as "You're just fucking with me because I'm an illegal immigrant".

If this is the case witness and save a signed statement by the suspect. It should be kept for the officer's separation hearing as evidence of investigating a crime.

In this case the onus to notify does seem to favor the P.O.

You the P.O. cannot request, investigate,or ASSIST in any way the legality of citizenship...This includes Homeland Security.

This is important. The city can fire you. You will win in the long run but it's not worth it. They have proclaimed that they are above Federal Law in several instances and it's better not to work at all.

Another OPEN DOOR:

The ordinance does not cover NON-employees (or agents)of the City of Chicago.

If you still feel obligated to contact ICE then do it through a citizen (non police) and through a means that is secure. The only way to do this is face to face and one on one via a trusted, known individual.

By ordinance, residency is defined as Street address or location of residence in Chicago etc.

You can ask for resident address or residence location in good faith during your "suspect interview" (in good faith). If the answer is relayed indicating illegal immigration information the law is gray.Document, document document and witness.

No proof of identification at all
is also gray and should , again, be well documented, along with the probable cause for the arrest or stop.

inform yourselves, be smart, YOU are the target now and your family.

If I were still the police and not retired I think I'd befriend an ICE agent and ask him/her to set up an anonymous "signal" location
which would be checked daily.

A positive signal would indicate he / she should check arrest reports in your unit of assignment.

nothing written,computer / text/ voice mail, or face to face.

be careful

8/06/2008 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah? IIRIRA? Y'all don't know what you are talking about.

8/06/2008 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.

8/06/2008 01:15:00 AM

Chicago police swear to enforce all laws and protect the constitution. Federal laws supercede city ordinance. I would love to see the lawsuit if city tres to suspend or fire an officer for following federal law. Protecting criminals thats what Ald. Ocasio and Solis are trying to do.

8/06/2008 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone did call ICE, THANK YOU! I would love to buy you a beer. Fuck the hispanic aldercreatures. The hispanic aldercreatures are just pissed because their parents were busted selling fake ID's.

FUCK Daley and his bullshit sanctuary city. It is the LAW KING RICH, if you don't like it, move to Mexico.

8/06/2008 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.K. Amigo. My job is to enforce laws. If I see someone robbing a bank do I walk away and keep my mouth shut too? If I arrest someone who has violated the laws of my country you better be damned sure the proper agency will be notified. I could gives single solitary duck about King Daley's unlawful edicts.

8/06/2008 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/06/2008 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to see a blatant disreguard for traffic laws come to the 010th dist on the weekend where you will be assigned several traffic accidents with illegals questioning you and telling you that the person with a valid drivers licence is at fault.

8/06/2008 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.

Your Wrong!!!!!! Read our oath, it is to uphold the United States Constitution... Besides, the vast majority of Illegals are driving without licenses or insurance. They account for a significant portion of identity theft in this country, and they take what was a high paying union job and water it down by working for peanuts..
You left where you came from because it was FUCKED UP. You came to the United States to have a better life. But you refuse to do away with your old ways, which you call your culture. And now you want to cram that very same fucked up culture down our throats. It's like when you take over a neighborhood, you still let you kids be Kings, La Raza, 26ers, whatever and you fuck up the new neighborhood you moved to, to get away from the shit you fled from. Are you stuck on stupid or what??????? If you want change you HAVE TO BE WILLING TO CHANGE MORE THEN YOUR ADDRESS..Your country's founding fathers did not envision the freest, greatest country on earth, ours did. If you embrace being an American then you belong to "our" but if you insist on just coming here to suck resources just as you did in the hell hole country you came from then you are not an American and you need to get the FUCK OUT!!!!!!!! If your way is so great then why did you leave??? And Mister Mayor, when you pick and choose which laws you enforce and which you don't you really cloud the water. I understand we don't want anyone, illegals or not, to be voiceless victims of crimes. It's simple but you politicians always fuck shit up by complicating everything. No police can ask a VICTIM their immigration status. Only ARRESTEES can be asked their immigration status....Now is that so fucking hard?????? Geez...

8/06/2008 12:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of you people need to do your research before writing on here. Billy Ocasio is Puerto Rican! You can't send him and his people back south of the border. Unless you mean south of Division where I believe his Ward ends.

8/06/2008 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on J-fed..There is another one for your fed boys..How much illicit money is Ald. Billy Ocasio and others making from Illegals???? Any one of you hard hitting news journalist want to tackle that one?????? Do you honestly think you can get fraudulent IDs and/or a job without kissing the ring of your alderman first.. Oh sure they play the part really well but in the back rooms they are stealing from the little bit these people already have... And how do they hold you back from investigating????? One simple word, RACIST!!!!!! We Americans have allowed this one single word screw up our entire nation. For fear of this one word we have let welfare spiral out of control, we have allowed illegals to flood our cities. For fear of this one word we have thrown up the white flag of surrender (added that last part so people didn't think "white flag" was a white thing.. Don't want to be called racist). I'll bet the Russians are kicking themselves everyday.. After bankrupting their country spending billions and billions on Nuclear Bombs to defeat us all it took was one word..I can see Putin now, "Somebody give me a word!!!!!"

8/06/2008 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chicago Police Department has already investigated 30 of the recent cases and absolved police officers of responsibility. Twenty-nine other cases have yet to be investigated by Police Superintendent Jody Weis, who has assured Hispanic aldermen during private meetings that he would suspend or terminate any officer who violates the city's ordinance.


8/06/2008 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far back as I can remember, I took the oath of office which also included .....I swear to defend the Consititution of the United States, from enemies both foreign and domestic .....that would include illegal aliens. so fuck off with the whining that they deserve to be here.

8/06/2008 01:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.

8/06/2008 01:15:00 AM

Our obligation is to uphold the laws of the United States. We are also required to follow any order, written or verbal, EXCEPT WHEN IT VIOLATES THE LAW. Then, we're obligated to the law above all else. I don't believe it's legal to direct the police to ignore a Federal law.

Isn't Burke going to bat for Chasen because of the Federal whistleblower protections? So, why would we not be protected in the very same way?

I agree; I'm not against LEGAL immigration. I AM against felons who violate our laws to come here and drain our system and then demand their 'rights'. What rights? Citizenship conveys rights, not getting away with a felony (because our short-sighted mayor wants your vote just as soon as Luis Gutierrez figures out how to fast-track your pardon and swearing-in as a citizen).

8/06/2008 01:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First reason 59 hispanic drivers were arrested is they are SHIT drivers, no license, no insurance, no anything.

8/06/2008 01:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you arrest them would you confiscate there cars also. That way there would be 59 less cars on my block.

8/06/2008 01:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

R.I.P. Mike said...
Maybe Officer Michael P. Gordon, Killed in the Line of Duty 8/8/04, would still be alive today and with his family if the City didn't harbor illegals. He was killed by an illegal who had prior arrests, but was never deported. When is everyone in this Country, especially Chicago, going to wake up?

8/06/2008 07:58:00 AM

The above Statement was EXACTLY what Weiss's reply should have been to the shithead aldermen, and thank you to whomever it was that wrote it.

Unfortunately, we get the same old sniveling "I'll suspend, punish and crush anyone who steps out of line, Mr. Alderman".

8/06/2008 08:54:00 AM

This might just be J-Fed's offical undoing. It's one thing to Double Jeopardy Cozzi, it is another thing to trample on the grave of one of our dead!

Bye Bye J-Fed you are done.

8/06/2008 01:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From "Illegal Immigrants Are Voting in American Elections" by Hans A. von Spakovsky, August 4th 2008

"In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that up to 3 percent of the 30,000 individuals called for jury duty from voter registration rolls over a two-year period in just one U.S. district court were not U.S. citizens. While that may not seem like many, just 3 percent of registered voters would have been more than enough to provide the winning presidential vote margin in Florida in 2000. Indeed, the Census Bureau estimates that there are over a million illegal aliens in Florida, and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has prosecuted more non-citizen voting cases in Florida than in any other state."
Ald Solis and Ocasio are just trying to protect there illegal in more ways than one voting block

8/06/2008 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the fathead who wants us to enforce only selective laws, you sir are an idiot.

Go ahead and tell us to keep locking up legit citizens who legeally carry guns, tell us to keep locking up coppers for bullshit but don't tell us to not lock up hose A and hose B for sneaking into this country.


8/06/2008 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So just who would cut our grass and serve us fast food or wash our dishes?
8/06/2008 10:10:00 AM


Certainly not any person or family that makes a living leeching off of the welfare system. Why bother working when you can have a handout?

8/06/2008 02:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.

8/06/2008 01:15:00 AM
Look ..Chicago Police nabbed an illegal without a Driver's license.. that means this illegal doesn;t have auto insurance either guess that means fuck all the honest people of Chicago and let the illegals take over..

8/06/2008 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Viva Mexico! and keep ticketing Americans and dont enforce our sactury in this city. We rule-U fools keep voting for Daley and Crew and we will take over this city and this country.Just keep paying ur taxes for Us Viva Mexico

8/06/2008 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department."
I don't know if the civilain posters get it, but your responsibility is to have some grasp of jusrisdictional issues of laws as they apply to Chicago. You do NOT, and you parade your ignorance openly, and with a smarmy tone worthy of a liberal know it all. Hence, your title, MORON. If you would like to defend
illegals, go to law school and try to prevent the deportation all you want. The enforcement of all laws is the purview of the federal government, and the Chicago Police Department, regardless of primary jurisdiction."
By your logic, Osama bin Laden should be let go because he only has federal paper on him. AND he would be an illegal.

End of argument.

8/06/2008 02:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didnt I oathe to support the State and US Constitution and all laws that are embodied in them? Keep enforcing the law and report to ICE. The Bosses cant touch U!! Period. Federal lawsuit for sure and U will win. They-Daley&Aldercreatures want U to be afraid and do nothing.Just like the gun ban, Daley cant enforce his own set of rules. Stay strong remember our kids and their future. By doing this it is another way to bring down this BS Chicago system that we have here.
U are either a warrior or a sheep kissass do nothing
Semper FI

8/06/2008 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didnt some Aldercreature have a dad that was taking illegal IDs for illegals? Was protection involved?????? F these people Make copies for urself of the arrest and mail it USPS to ICE Dont use Dept fax. ICE Agents are more than happy to recieve this info. Rmemebr there is a terrorits threat here too. Not all illegals are just from mexico. Many have ties to gangs and drugs. A Serious Serious threat to our Families and way of life.

8/06/2008 02:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Chicago U dont even have to be a US Citizen to be the police. Come on FOP Stand Up for America and BE an American. Put that in the contract that one has to be a Fullfledged US Citizen to be a Chicago Cop. U know if all FOP memebers wrote this Anonymously to FOP maybe so action would get done. Thanks wounded war veteran 0332

8/06/2008 02:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Viva Mexico! Keep voting Democratic and contributing to the Catholic Church.

You guys are nuts! John Mccain is in support of the Dream act, He wants Illegals in this country for Big Business and cheap labor, This is killing the Middle class repubiclowns are indeed pushing for the Illegals. You are nuts or your unable to read.

8/06/2008 03:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So just who would cut our grass and serve us fast food or wash our dishes?

Big Business and the Republicans will have to pay a living wage. and not pocket the money. They pay these guys 4-5 dollars an hour and no benefits, yet the Tax payer pays as they use your emergency rooms as a doctors office. Along numerous other government giveaways. 10years ago the ceo would make 50 times what the average Joe make, but today they make 300 hundred times that amount, yet who pays YOU do boys and girls. Vote them all out I say.

8/06/2008 03:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Chicago calls itself a "Safe Haven" for illegal immigrants.

That's funny tho, a safe haven for someone breaking federal laws.

Exactly how the fuck does THAT get justified?

I hereby proclaim my block to be a safe haven for 18-25 year old female illegal immigrants, who are between 5'5 and 6'0 with 36-26-34 figures, who have been disease tested, sport brazillian trim jobs, and are willing to never leave my house.

I figure I got the same right to proclaim that as dickhead Daley does.

8/06/2008 04:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.

8/06/2008 01:15:00 AM

Hey dipshit, when a BAN is proclaimed against assisting Federal agents in their job of finding criminals, there's a problem.

When it basically becomes ILLEGAL to inform the federal government that someone is breaking the law, the game is pretty much over.

You think it's acceptable for Daley to proclaim there's a BAN on arresting people for possession of heroin by Chicago Police officers? Because telling a law enforcement officer to NOT enforce, or assist others in THEIR job of enforcement is the same thing as aiding and abetting a federal criminal.


8/06/2008 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope someone in Daley's family gets gangbanged by a truckfull of illegal immigrants he's let stay within the city walls.

Maybe he'd snap his head outta his ass for once?

8/06/2008 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you read in the SCUM TIMES that J-FUCK said he would suspend or terminate any officer that he found in violation of the order . Way to Jody, your really a stand up muthafucker . That's why no one wants to do anything and the morale is below the gutter. Fuck you J-WAD !!!!!

8/06/2008 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't need to ask if they are citizens or not, I know. No license, no insurance and they lose the car, get printed and leave walking with a pocket full of useless movers.

8/06/2008 06:36:00 AM

and don't forget, go out and buy another 200 dollar shitbox until we tow THAT one.

Most you can do is slow them down for a couple hours and make them save for a month to go in 4 ways on a shit car. Of course they can always beat you to it by wrapping it around a tree or light pole on Saturday night after the cock fights and a case of miller lite.

8/06/2008 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for an American citizen arrested in Chicago to use this precedent to invalidate his arrest. If we are selective about the laws we enforce, can't an argument be made that no laws are enforceable in Chicago due to that precedent?

8/06/2008 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/06/2008 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the "boss" troll crying about oaths:

Did J-Fed take an oath to up hold the law? Or do aldermen's opinions take precednce? Or does that what "exempt" mean???

8/06/2008 05:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Concerned citizen here, I was rear ended by an hispanic female a couple of months ago on 33rd and Kedzie, neck and back felt tingly, as well as my 100% mexican step son felt the same, we pulled over and started exchanging info, she did not speak very good english, but her 10 year old son did, she gave me an insurance card and I wrote down the info, I asked for her DL and she said she did not have it with her, so I called 911, officer showed up in less than 10 minutes (imagine that) he got her info because he was hispanic and spoke her language, well the info she gave him and the info she gave me did not match (imagine that) she was arrested and her vehicle impounded, as the officer was giving my step son her court date he said " I do not know why you called the police, you could have just went to her house and she would have paid for any damages " well officer she gave us WRONG information to avoid paying lucky for her we did not hurt the next morning, well I guess lucky for us, I hope she was profiled and deported because if I had been the one to hit her my insurance would have had to pay her and my rates would go up

8/06/2008 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

any of you 8th district officers out there a older white Irish crackhead named Martin Mcandrews is an illegal alien also if you stop him call ICE equal opportunity policing

8/06/2008 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FUCK the racist aldermen...Do the right thing CALL ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8/06/2008 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...










8/06/2008 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.

8/06/2008 01:15:00 AM

hey IDIOT!!!!

From what you're saying I suppose the CPD should not enforce any state laws either.

Example's for the idiot are:
1. mandatory auto insurance violations
2. any felony (as it is a state statute that is being violated)

The above examples are merely given so as the idiot may see that if he/she had his/her way the members of the CPD would probably be much happier, as there would be MUCH less to do. The public however would probably be very unhappy, as chaos would be the order of the day.

8/06/2008 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like aldercreature Billy Ocasio is posting on SCC!

Anonymous said...

"I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department."

8/06/2008 08:56:00 AM

Personally, I don't like anyone who uses the word "purview".

8/06/2008 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calling an illegal immigrant an "undocumented alien" is like calling a dope dealer and "unlicensed pharmacist"

8/06/2008 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.

You're lets leave the enforcement of the "ILLINOIS Compiled Statutes" to the ILLINOIS State Police, one less thing for us to worry about. You're an ignorant jagoff.

8/06/2008 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still don't understand, how can a local jurisdiction decide to not enforce federal law...I mean, how does that happen, and...why doesn't the federal gov't withhold all federal monies from the jurisdiction that refuses to enforce federal law?...

8/06/2008 08:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People's Republic of Chicago....

nice one.

That means Daley should have a huge picture of his face in Tiannamen Square , er Daley Center and every morning all city workers have to line up in neat rows and bow to him.

He's probably taking notes while in China.

8/06/2008 08:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If f*ckhead commmits a crime, misd or felony, f*ckhead gets arrested, legal or illegal. F*ck you alderf*cks.

That means if illegal f*ckhead gets stopped for a misd traffic citation and has no license or no insurance (state law - IVC) f*ckhead gets tickets and gets his vehicle towed. F*ckhead has no license or insurance, so he can't drive, get it??? Now go f*ck yourself asshole liberal f*cks.

8/06/2008 09:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So just who would cut our grass and serve us fast food or wash our dishes?

8/06/2008 10:10:00 AM


Answer to the stupid above question:

the a$$holes on welfare, SSI, section 8, and LINK card leeches. Go out and work for your money....lessen the welfare roles and give them just enough supplements to get by along with their min wage. Min wage was NEVER set up to support families. Hs Education, GED or drop out and that's what you get. Stop demanding more, take the low-wage paying jobs and be grateful..You want something better, work harder or get a college degree.

8/06/2008 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need new leadership everywhere in this city, county and state.

I agree, pick 'em off one, by one, but you have to start dismanteling the machine and that is with Daley & Co. and then all the alderf*cks. WE don't need so many, should be cut in 1/2.

8/06/2008 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God, I love this web site. For years I thought I was the only American left in this city. Go CPD!

8/06/2008 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/06/2008 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.

Then explain to me why we work cases with the DEA, Why do we have different agencies including the FBI in the Fusion Center, What about the Anti Terrorism Task Force, I could go on and on about this You are 100% wrong.

8/06/2008 10:45:00 PM  
Blogger Kevin Robinson said...

It's not like they pay taxes or anything.

Except they do. Income taxes, city sticker taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, etc.

Makes perfect sense. Why enforce immigration laws in a post 9-11 world? ... You better pray every night that nothing happens.

Right. Because the Mexicans (working covertly with Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction) are the ones responsible for flying two airplanes into the World Trade Center. It's the Arabs that are mowing lawns and washing dishes, duh!

I like your blog, but sometimes you guys make it hard to support cops.

8/06/2008 11:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/06/2008 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I.C.E. hotline toll free 1-866-347-2423

8/06/2008 11:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

any of you 8th district officers out there a older white Irish crackhead named Martin Mcandrews is an illegal alien also if you stop him call ICE equal opportunity policing..

I'm Irish and I have no problem with that. Deport him just as we should any illegal. Do you think it really makes a difference. Probably the only difference is he tries to blend in and doesn't try to make us all speak Gaelic...But yes, deport his turkey ass...

South Side Irish..

8/06/2008 11:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.


Really? We should not enforce laws that are the purview of the federal government? Then maybe we should pull all of our officers out of the FBi and DEA Task forces.

No, idiot, drugs are illegal in the city of Chicago. It is codified in the ILCS. So keep arresting drug dealers.

We should stop enforcing the United States Code no matter the violation? No more looking for terrorists either right?

There is a law against terrorism in the ILCS, so again, keep looking for them and arrest them when you see them. Did you pass through the academy?

And for that matter, lets stick to ordinance violations. No State enforcement either.

Crimes as codified in ILCS are within the CPD's authority to enforce, they are local and left to you to enforce.

For that matter, lets say that if you work in 007, you can't make an arrest in 009. Oh, wait, if you are on Beat 712, no arrests on 711. Lets compartmentalize the enforcement of laws as much as possible.

That is a stupid statement and not the slightest bit germane to your anger over not being able to deport illegals.

The person who made the above post is either an illegal alien, a lawyer for illegal aliens, or a family member of someone who got caught.

Sorry, none of the above. I am an American, whose family came to this country, legally, so that we may enjoy freedom and opportunity. Not facism and stupidity, as evidenced by the many misinformed, ignorant, and profanity laced replies to my original post.

Purview my balls. Our sworn duty is to enforce the laws of the City of Chicago, The State of Illinois and the United States. We take an oath about that.

Enforce them, no one is telling you not to do your job, except of course your whiny brothers who tell you not to do your job without a contract. You are getting paid, correct? You all want to live in the big bad United States and you pride yourselves being American. Then you go crying to your union, which is about as anti-American as you can get. Unions, and you call me a liberal. I am far from liberal.

And the fact that some whining ethnic politician wants to protect his turf (votes) and make sure that he gets re-elected by proposing (and getting passed) some bullshit sanctuary law won't make us violate that oath. Thats called integrity.
Something you and the Billy Ocasio's of the world wouldn't know if it hit you in the head.

Integrity. Let's see, Webster defines it as, firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values. So, riddle me this, is your integrity what keeps you doing your job to the fullest without a contract and with a crappy boss that you all are always complaining about? I am just curious.

Don't get me wrong, 85% of you guys do your job right and to the fullest. It is the other 15% of you who do it half-assed because of all your gripes who have to look in the mirror before picking on illegals because it is easy.

8/07/2008 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin Robinson said...
It's not like they pay taxes or anything.

Except they do. Income taxes, city sticker taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, etc.

Makes perfect sense. Why enforce immigration laws in a post 9-11 world? ... You better pray every night that nothing happens.

Right. Because the Mexicans (working covertly with Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction) are the ones responsible for flying two airplanes into the World Trade Center. It's the Arabs that are mowing lawns and washing dishes, duh!

I like your blog, but sometimes you guys make it hard to support cops.

8/06/2008 11:26:00 PM

Hey, Kevin, the real world just isn't like that.

Illegals commit a FELONY just be coming here illegally. They aren't terribly concerned with that deadline date for city stickers, since their car has a bogus license plate expiration sticker, they have no US driver's license and they sure as heck don't have auto insurance.

They skate and scam and cost YOU, the responsible taxpayer a fortune in school lunch and breakfast programs, extra teachers and administrators, medical care, lost social security and income tax revenues, wear and tear on parks and public facilities, additional social programs...not to mention bringing along a social 'morality' that includes gangs, an alternate, underground economy that doesn't include sales tax or business licenses, gambling and illegal trafficking.

People like us defend the laws so people like you can be liberals and try to generously give it all away.

Oh, and this blog doesn't exist because we want or need you to like us, 'difficult' though it may be for you to do so. It exists so we have a safe place to vent and discuss issues important to us. SCC is pretty decent to let EVERYBODY read and post here, but it doesn't have to be that way, you know.

8/07/2008 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if the police get it, but your responsibility is to enforce the laws as they apply to Chicago. Hence, your title, Chicago Police Officer. If you would like to deport illegals go get a job with ICE and deport all you want. The enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the federal government, not the Chicago Police Department.

Then explain to me why we work cases with the DEA, Why do we have different agencies including the FBI in the Fusion Center, What about the Anti Terrorism Task Force, I could go on and on about this You are 100% wrong.

You work cases with the DEA because drugs and terrorism are illegal in Illinois, Chicago, Cook County, and the United States.

Illegal status is not a crime, it is simply not having permission to be here. You have all bought into the liberal media's tag of calling undocumented people illegal, and you have not stopped to think about the word or it's implication. What are the sentencing guidelines for convicting an illegal alien?

8/07/2008 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Calling an illegal immigrant an "undocumented alien" is like calling a dope dealer and "unlicensed pharmacist"

8/06/2008 06:07:00 PM

Gotta love "Political Correctness."

*Political Correctness* : is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical liberal minority, and rapidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

8/07/2008 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fed should have told the mexican council alder-wipeass that if they continue to interfer with police matters that he will unlease the Feds on them

8/07/2008 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

re: 8/07/2008 12:48:00 AM

I'll try and make this as simple as possible, just for you:

1. So you think that you, an offspring of a legal immigrant, thoroughly understand what it means to be an American, yet, clearly, you do not, since you support others avoiding the very obligations that actual Americans must fulfill.

2. Your ignorance concerning unions is astounding.
To characterize unions as being un-American exhibits one facet of your ignorance.
Unions function as a check and balance against economic fascism. Were the working citizens to be denied the leverage that unionization provides, the minority who possess vast wealth, primarily through inheritance, and use that wealth directly, and/or indirectly, to manipulate our so-called free markets to their sole advantage, would turn our country into another China.
Viewing labor as just another market commodity, to be used to increase their wealth and the power to control, this minority understandably derides the unionizing of said labor force.
Take a hard look at China. Dictatorships disguise themselves in many ways. Some under cover of an ideology, ie., communism, patriotism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism, etc., but the end goal is always the same: wealth, and the power to control that wealth provides.

3. As for integrity, you wouldn't know it if it bit you on your ass.
It's always amusing, when those who lack integrity use the word to try to criticize those who have integrity.
Thus, you amuse me.

4. As for your assessment, since it's source is your gross ignorance, it's value is nil.

Humility is also in Webster's.

Try looking it up and taking a long, hard look in the mirror yourself.

8/07/2008 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drop a dime to ICE and use one of the Latino alderman's name as the caller's. That should start some shit. More fun everyday!

8/07/2008 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the Hell! CPD hires non citizens as police officers. That should change TODAY!

8/07/2008 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out the hook while my dj revolves it.....ICE ICE BABY!!!!
Vanilla Ice couldn't of said it better!!!

8/07/2008 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said....
You work cases with the DEA because drugs and terrorism are illegal in Illinois, Chicago, Cook County, and the United States.
-----------------------------------So are people that come here illegally and fail to follow the rules about living in our great USA. Also by what you are saying, that if something is illegal and in violation of the law whether it is Illinois, Chicago, Cook County or the United Staes it is ok to make an arrest? Isn't that against what the original poster said? We are cooperating with Federal Agencies like the DEA and involved in enforcing Federal laws. That is exactly what our relationship should be with ICE and illegal immigrants that commit, thats C O M M I T crimes. We should be cooperating with them to enforce the federal laws.

8/07/2008 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some genius said:

Illegal status is not a crime, it is simply not having permission to be here

So, criminal trespass is not a crime, just not having permission to be there....

Your in such a tizzy to be a liberal apologist you make an ass of yourself.

Entering the country by circumvention of the proper immigration channels is a crime, plain and simple, and one with serious ramifications to us all.

8/07/2008 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you imagine that Mexican police afford Americans arrested in mexico the same luxury of being allowed to openly flaunt mexican immigration law?

no. but they usually let you go after they empty your pockets of your loot.

8/07/2008 11:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/07/2008 11:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/07/2008 11:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll try and make this as simple as possible, just for you:

Why do you have to make it simple, have I failed to follow an argument posted? Or is your disclaimer to provide cover for the flawed argument that follows?

1. So you think that you, an offspring of a legal immigrant, thoroughly understand what it means to be an American, yet, clearly, you do not, since you support others avoiding the very obligations that actual Americans must fulfill.

What obligations are those? I know I follow every obligation spelled out in the Constitution. I don't understand what obligation you think I am avoiding. Many officers have stated they swear an oath of allegiance to the Constitution, where in that fine document does it obligate me, as an American, to turn in illegal aliens? Show me where and I will stand corrected.

2. Your ignorance concerning unions is astounding.
To characterize unions as being un-American exhibits one facet of your ignorance.
Unions function as a check and balance against economic fascism. Were the working citizens to be denied the leverage that unionization provides, the minority who possess vast wealth, primarily through inheritance, and use that wealth directly, and/or indirectly, to manipulate our so-called free markets to their sole advantage, would turn our country into another China.
Viewing labor as just another market commodity, to be used to increase their wealth and the power to control, this minority understandably derides the unionizing of said labor force.
Take a hard look at China. Dictatorships disguise themselves in many ways. Some under cover of an ideology, ie., communism, patriotism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism, etc., but the end goal is always the same: wealth, and the power to control that wealth provides.

Okay, using five dollar words does not make an argument valid. This country was founded in 1776, unions did not come into existence until almost 100 years later. This country was founded on the economic principals espoused in Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. Again, please show me where in that tome you find the virtue of unions. Your argument is valid, as an economic principle all of the variables fit. That does not make it an American ideal.

3. As for integrity, you wouldn't know it if it bit you on your ass.
It's always amusing, when those who lack integrity use the word to try to criticize those who have integrity.
Thus, you amuse me.

I am similarly amused, however, I still will criticize all of the police on this blog who use Jody Weiss or the lack of a contract to stop doing work. Those who do lack the integrity you accuse me of lacking. I get up every day and I do my job without worrying about how I will avoid said job due to outside factors that bother me.

4. As for your assessment, since it's source is your gross ignorance, it's value is nil.

My assessment is backed up with facts and not just grand words. The value of your reply leaves this 1st generation American with much to desire.

Humility is also in Webster's.

Try looking it up and taking a long, hard look in the mirror yourself.

I don't think that stating facts is hubris. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a humble man, who does not suffer fools gladly.

8/08/2008 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cruzando cerros y arroyos:
I don't care either way but some coppers are just scared to hunt the savage and just settle for a safe migrant worker to stop.Which is fine if your a traffic car but many times these coppers purposely stay in the barrio and won't cross to the dark side to make a pinch.Granted alot of coppers use common sense, plenty of hispanic districts know who the cowards are on the watch.Throw in a gun pinch or a dope pinch between those boring tvb's your crime reduction ribbon might get some

8/08/2008 04:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"8/08/2008 12:05:00 AM"

Please define what you believe to be 'doing your job'.

And describe what, exactly, those that you believe are not doing their jobs are, in fact, not doing.

Perhaps then we could avoid misunderstanding each other.

8/09/2008 02:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a cop but I cant support the logic of the way some of the department officials think. Consider this: Education is free as long as you are on the department, why not take a class on Latino Studies? You will then learn to be diverse and understand the culture. I as a latina took classes in Japanese, Arabic studies, Jewish studies and African Studies at Northwestern University. I learn to appreciate all cultures and diversity. I don't discriminate.

Five Feet

8/09/2008 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cruzando cerros y arroyos:
I don't care either way but some coppers are just scared to hunt the savage and just settle for a safe migrant worker to stop.Which is fine if your a traffic car but many times these coppers purposely stay in the barrio and won't cross to the dark side to make a pinch.Granted alot of coppers use common sense, plenty of hispanic districts know who the cowards are on the watch.Throw in a gun pinch or a dope pinch between those boring tvb's your crime reduction ribbon might get some

Have another taco, eat it around the filth of 26th street. Nasty people, when you go into the house you need to wipe your feet on the way out, long live the Roach/

8/10/2008 03:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have another taco, eat it around the filth of 26th street. Nasty people, when you go into the house you need to wipe your feet on the way out, long live the Roach/

Idiot, you walk into the houses of criminals or people with a domestic beef. I can guarantee you have not been in the houses of law abiding Hispanic citizens along 26th street or any other part of this city from Winnetka to Olympia Fields. I bet if I were to walk into a meth addicts trailer, I would not see the best that white people have to offer.

You are an idiot for making these mass generalizations, as is the idiot who alluded to gangs being part of the culture. These things have been part of the immigrant experience since the dawn of this country. Ask the Irish drunks who would line up and vote for a shot of whiskey, or the Brown Derbies that Daley I was proud to join. Hoodlums who kept anyone not Irish out of Brigdeport. Ask the Italians with the Outfit thugs that would terrorize the tenements in Little Italy at the turn of the century.

You sir are an idiot. Do Hispanics have issues, yes they do. Will time erase all of that? You bet and you will increasingly see things like tacos become a staple of American food culture, replacing hamburgers as the All-American food. Burger King, eat em while you got em. Mass immigration of Hispanics is a recent phenomenom, the vast majority are assimilated into this insipid culture and make it better by the third generation.

8/12/2008 11:05:00 AM  

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