Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Old School in Cleveland

Interesting article in the Tribune. We just don't see why it's a big deal:
  • In other cities, a police officer who's shot 11 suspects and killed five of them might be called a menace or a vigilante. Probes would be launched. Community groups might mobilize, demanding he be taken off the streets or cashiered out of the force entirely.

    In Cleveland, he's a candidate for canonization.
Canonization? Pardon us, but it seems this writer is a bit of a cop groupie, making a big deal of the officer's exploits and attempting to create some sort of legend. What he's really creating is a target for idiots. It isn't very clear if the cop is a willing participant, but there's a reason CPD doesn't publish the names of officers involved in shootings.

The vast majority of cops almost never fire their gun in the line of duty, but some have the distinction of being in multiple shootings. Rarer still are those in double digit shootings. We know of two CPD officers we had a passing acquaintance with and in both cases, it wasn't the officer who mentioned it, it was someone else.

If any cop reading ever ends up in a shooting, we certainly hope that you're on the proper side of it, going home to your family and loved ones. We still haven't met a cop who comes to work hoping that he or she gets to shoot someone. It just isn't done, all "reverend" reports to the contrary.

UPDATE: We won't be publishing the names of coppers involved in multiple shootings unless they have passed away and can't be hounded. They didn't ask for the publicity, so why shine it on them?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

ot: Check this out. In chicago this cop would've been hung out to dry.

8/05/2008 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least the Cleveland writer was FOR and not AGAINST.

8/05/2008 04:05:00 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

In the 10 years I worked as an Armed Security Officer in the North St. Louis Housing Projects. I had to draw my weapon hundreds of time. Thank the Lord I NEVER had to fire it at another human being. However in those same 10 years I did use over 30 cannisters of Mace/Pepper Spray, destroyed 4 3 D-cell Mag-light Flashlights, broke the knuckles in my right hand twice, was stabbed in the leg with an Icepick, broke my left ring finger requiring my wedding ring to be cut off, and broke my toe when it was run over by a perp. But I made over 60 arrests, and for 3 years all the dealers and their crew called me Sgt. Psycho and when I came on duty they either left or went inside. I proud of that nickname. But I'm more proud that I never had to discharge my weapon at a human being in the line of duty, and still got the job done.

8/05/2008 04:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least the Cleveland writer was FOR and not AGAINST.

8/05/2008 04:05:00 AM

Nah, it started with a columnist (I would imagine F/1) who targeted this copper and suggested he's a vigilante. A different male columnist jumped in the fray and defended the cop, as did a lot of the community...that's the difference between Cleveland and Chicago...the community in Cleveland WANTS this type of policing.

8/05/2008 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jody would have you in Federal court in no time.

8/05/2008 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about this...If you stop acting like animals maybe you wont be treated like animals!

8/05/2008 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But I made over 60 arrests,
In 10 years??? hey at least you are honest about your lack of bringing them in

8/05/2008 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well MARK, it sounds like ya had a hell of a career!You also should be proud of the men/women that HAD to use their firearms in the line of duty.
You should re-write that post, some
where inside you there's a standup guy.(I think)

8/05/2008 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We still haven't met a cop who comes to work hoping that he or she gets to shoot someone"

Oh,I have met numerous,its their career goal.

8/05/2008 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two words-The Rib.

8/05/2008 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never really noticed until you pointed it out that the names of police involved are not published by the press. Many years ago I was involved in three in a period of as many years. each time my name and that of my partners was published in the news articles following. The calls that my family members got from distant acquaintances that came out of the woodwork with criticsms were amazing. Hopefully they will never go back to names and the people on this blog will not name them either even those long past. Out of curiosity I googled myself after reading your post and over twenty years later you can still find the news reports. I 'm sure those in my position would prefer not to have the reminders and the commenst if someone else were to do the same.

8/05/2008 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC says:

We still haven't met a cop who comes to work hoping that he or she gets to shoot someone.

I say:

Where do you work, SCC? And, who do you think you're crappin?

8/05/2008 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

However in those same 10 years I did use over 30 cannisters of Mace/Pepper Spray,
Hell...NDL in 011 does 30 in a month.....

8/05/2008 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mark, that is swell.....stf and stop comparing north St. Louis projects to our urban festival..NEVER Admit destroying a kellite...moron

8/05/2008 02:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hell...NDL in 011 does 30 in a month.....

8/05/2008 11:41:00 AM

finally someone who appreciates my fine work! thanks!

8/05/2008 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hell...NDL in 011 does 30 in a month.....

8/05/2008 11:41:00 AM

finally someone who appreciates my fine work! thanks!


Appreciates it? Did you see the paperwork involved?


8/05/2008 09:26:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

To the unpublished troll:

Maybe we just won't post your comment at all. Asshat.

8/05/2008 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
SCC says:

We still haven't met a cop who comes to work hoping that he or she gets to shoot someone.

I say:

Where do you work, SCC? And, who do you think you're crappin?

8/05/2008 10:48:00 AM

Unfortunately, SCC, I am in total agreement with the person who responded to your post. There are officers on this job who can't wait for the day they get to pull the trigger. Scary.

8/06/2008 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please comment; Det.wharej603.

All the area V.C. units want you to work Homicides. You are the best! But that B.O. has to go !

wharej603 here, but I am Chicago' finest. I have never-ever drawn my weapon, my body odor is the best defense. Please come in see me in B & A. All its bosses fear me. Just like the Bd. at F.O.P.

I am up early today checking my balance of my deferred comp. $998,012.12 and counting.

I may live in my grand-pa's tool shed, but I am rich. This weather is good for my b.o.

8/06/2008 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the 10 years I worked as an Armed Security Officer in the North St. Louis Housing Projects. I had to draw my weapon hundreds of time. Thank the Lord I NEVER had to fire it at another human being. However in those same 10 years I did use over 30 cannisters of Mace/Pepper Spray, destroyed 4 3 D-cell Mag-light Flashlights, broke the knuckles in my right hand twice, was stabbed in the leg with an Icepick, broke my left ring finger requiring my wedding ring to be cut off, and broke my toe when it was run over by a perp. But I made over 60 arrests, and for 3 years all the dealers and their crew called me Sgt. Psycho and when I came on duty they either left or went inside. I proud of that nickname. But I'm more proud that I never had to discharge my weapon at a human being in the line of duty, and still got the job done.


We can put pictures on here ? How'd you do that?

8/06/2008 03:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We still haven't met a cop who comes to work hoping that he or she gets to shoot someone"

Oh,I have met numerous,its their career goal.

It's getting worse and worse. I even hear Sgt's talk about it. Silly.

8/06/2008 03:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mark, that is swell.....stf and stop comparing north St. Louis projects to our urban festival..NEVER Admit destroying a kellite...moron


Lay off the guy tough guy. You suffered as many injuries as he did, huh?

8/06/2008 03:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seiser is jealous of "Mark". He is coming down to straigten out North St. Louis.

8/06/2008 07:52:00 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

I'm not going to respond to obvious troll posts. However I will say that for me, during my years of working, I felt that if I EVER had to fire my weapon, meant that I had screwed up somewhere. I had to talk down acid heads who were convinced I was just waiting for them to put down their weapon so I could shoot them, I dealt with dopers, gang-bangers, neo-nazi's and all the same dregs of society that most CPD Officers deal with everyday. You Officers, are P.O.S.T. Certified, I was just a lowly rent-a-cop and auxiliary officer in a small speed trap town. I made 60 felony arrests in 10 years, I won't count all the b/s misdemeanor busts and other assorted stupid stealing under, and the rest. I'm not looking down on any Officer who has had to face that choice of shoot or be shot. In fact I pray for them and hope that their shoot was good and they could get on with their lives. But I honestly do not know how I would have dealt with the fact that I had taken a life. That was the reason I thank the Lord I never had to fire my pistol in the line of duty. If some may have thought I was ignoring the fact that the situation sometimes does require deadly force, I apologize. But for me. I am thankful I never had to use it.

8/12/2008 06:40:00 PM  

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