Saturday, August 02, 2008

Finally, a Smart Move

$400 million budget deficit and spouting off about how he's going to fight fight fight an issue that's already been decided by the courts.
  • Mayor Daley today cracked the door open to abandoning the costly fight to uphold Chicago’s 1982 handgun freeze—if he can fashion a replacement ordinance that protects the safety of first-responders.

    Until now, Daley had emphatically promised to defend Chicago’s ordinance—all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, if need be—despite what he called the dangerous precedent set by the nation’s highest court.

Anyone who can read knows the dangerous precedent in existence (and the one proven time and time again to be true) is that municipalities with overly broad gun bans seem to have the highest rates of violent crime, including homicides.

And as for Daley's contention that he needs "a replacement ordinance that protects the safety of first-responders," this is a poorly constructed straw man argument. We've been responding to calls for years where there were illegal guns on the scene already. For the most part, people don't wave them around. They still won't. We as officers should always be aware who is in a location, what they're doing, control the tactical environment and if necessary, withdraw and get backup units to return in force. Criminals never followed the rules anyway, so why would they start following them now?

We wonder if Daley told Mara he was going to back off his ridiculous position and make her look like an idiot after going public with the asinine statements that US Supreme Court rulings only applied to federal jurisdictions and not the City of Chicago. No one is immune to being thrown under the bus.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, let me think about this...

* If the ruling only applies to Federal Juristictions (per Daley), then we shouldn't pay Federal taxes, as it's clearly NOT Feredal land.

So let's replace few words:

* If someone lives in Lake or DuPage county, and they shop in Cook county, they shouldn't pay Cook county taxes, right? Clearly, those taxes to not apply to them.

8/02/2008 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about instead he use his influence to ensure felony charges anytime someone batters the police...

8/02/2008 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since an overwhelming consensus of actual "first responders" welcomed the D.C v. Heller decision, why do you lie in our name?

Now how about moving that Children's Museum out to Garfield Park?

First you said opponents were "racists". Then your sanctimonious "it's all for the children" spiel.

When will you say the billionaire Pritzkers won't kick in otherwise? We already know you want to ultimately rename it as the "Richard M. Daley Children's Museum."

You are one arrogant, lying, thieving, totalitarian sonofabitch!

8/02/2008 03:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know about anyone else, but when I heard the city was going to fight the ruling, I called my alderman (ginger) and stated that it was a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money to keep fighting this. Maybe others called too.

8/02/2008 05:37:00 AM  
Blogger Too Many Rectums said...

Not only is Mara an idiot for saying federal laws don't apply to municipalities. She's more proof that there's Too Many Dummies. Mara, I have a question: What part of Constitutional Law didn't you understand in law school?

8/02/2008 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Mighty Midget Batman!!!

The Stuttering prick is reading your blog again. This fucker knows which way the wind blows and reverses himself all the time. Why? He just figured out how to generate more revenue off this deal by selling conceal carry licenses.

Fuck do you think he really cares about the city crime rate or handgun violence?

For all you jackass exempts out their holding on for your breathe...

Da mayor reads this blog. I am not bull shitting you. You know it too. Run scared motherfuckers cause we all hate your fuckin' guts and want you to leave quietly or kicking or screaming.

8/02/2008 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you visit the (updated) NYPD RANT, now known as "THEE RANT" (see SCC right column for link), you will find that the CPD is not alone.

The NYPD has had enough with Mayor Bloomturd and "Popeye" Kelly.
No summones, no nothing.

Sound familiar?

8/02/2008 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, maybe it could be about money. You know the gun registration fees the city could collect.

8/02/2008 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Worked at Lollapalooza last night. For the entire tour I think I heard maybe 6-7 arrests come over citywide 6. I don't know what for, just heard the calls for transport. The majority of calls were for EMS and traffic control. No battery in progress calls, no 10-1's, no calls for assist P.O.

The entire park was fenced off from LSD to Roosevelt to Columbus to Monroe. Entry is only on Columbus at Buckingham Fountain.

EVERY single person who came up to me with a question was polite, said thank you, some gave their support and said be safe.

One particular young man even stated to me that this should be the same set-up for future Taste of Chicagos, charging 10 bucks or whatever to get in, you get 5 food coupons with your fee, etc.

Why can't this idea be implemented in the future? Why is it so difficult for the powers that be to see what works for one event can work for another? I had a 20 year old kid tell me this solution for crying out loud! Good people will still pay to come and it will keep out the goofs who only come to bang.

8/02/2008 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley doesn't have a clue. He rants & raves about all the guns that will "magically" appear when his precious gun ban is over turned.

Hey Mr. Mayor the guns are here, always have been, always will be.

Nearly all the surrounding suburbs do not have gun bans, are there rampant shootings ?? Are "First Responders" getting shot up?? I think not.......

Is there a "force field" around the city limits to keep the legal suburban guns out.......?????

Daley needs to find another cause to rant about.... Or better yet just shut the **** up!!!

8/02/2008 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Daley will do anything (sexual or otherwise) to get the Olympics! He cannot get enough money and will stop at nothing to feed the beast! Privatizing the entire city by 2010! 1+ billion for gone. Airports for sale! Money will be gone! Casinos...lottery...tolls....fall through the cracks of all the alderthieves asses! We will get a raise and then turn over three days pay! Please indict somebody in this administration and then the canaries will begin to sing!

8/02/2008 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Mara, I have a question: What part of Constitutional Law didn't you understand in law school?

8/02/2008 05:59:00 AM"

Better question:

What part(s) DID she understand?

If any?

8/02/2008 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the walls are cracking in are the synchophant alderdogs.i.e. rugai,levar .pope/etal.

8/02/2008 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this issue is a total NO WIN issue for Daley.. He should just Man Up and state that he tried his best, the Supreme Court takes precedence, and that he would be wasting the taxpayers dollars to pursue a No-Win fight. What 's wrong with telling the truth for a change, some taxpayers might even start to give him a little respect for doing so for a change. Those Tax-Dollars could be used for better equipment for the Police, Fire, and other Emergency services, to save Citizens Lives down the line.

8/02/2008 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yuppies take note: Arm yourself!!

The gangbangers got their shit.

8/02/2008 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone cares the city cut your hmo eye doctor plan.. you now only get a check up every two years. Can they do that without a contract?

8/02/2008 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mara, Thrown under the bus?

Hardly, she'd gladly jump @any opportunity to show her undying adoration for the Runt. That's what makes that relationship so insiduous.

8/02/2008 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is an illegal gun???

8/02/2008 12:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Paul Heubl

Chicago Gun Owners Special Status Post Heller

Chicago—If you own an unregistered handgun, today you’re safe. If you don’t have a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card now there’s no need to worry. As long as you’re not prohibited by any other law to own firearms you will escape being convicted of anything.

There are serious issues of FIOD card applications disclosing two incriminating things. One is that you reside within the City limits of Chicago and two that you probably own a gun in violation of the city gun ban.

The state FIOD process violates Chicago handgun owner’s rights against self-incrimination. Of course you were prohibited from registering a handgun by that unconstitutional city gun ban.

As long as you live in Chicago under current laws you need not have an FIOD or worry about the gun ban.

If Chicago by a new law demands and does not block your registration of handguns you will then have to get that FIOD card for sure.

Lots of people will escape prosecution until the City of Chicago follows the law of the land.

If you find yourself arrested be sure to remind your lawyer about the Heller case and ask him to sue the City for violating your civil rights so you can make some money.

8/02/2008 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Daley will do anything (sexual or otherwise) to get the Olympics! He cannot get enough money and will stop at nothing to feed the beast! Privatizing the entire city by 2010! 1+ billion for gone. Airports for sale! Money will be gone! Casinos...lottery...tolls....fall through the cracks of all the alderthieves asses! We will get a raise and then turn over three days pay! Please indict somebody in this administration and then the canaries will begin to sing!

8/02/2008 09:54:00 AM

Mayor Daley/Sexual?

Why, that's just silly. Silly, silly, silly.

8/02/2008 04:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about htis one, you CAN now register handguns in the city. Think of how many people take the time to register their long guns, now how many of them would register their handguns. Instant revenue. Let's face it, Dumb-dumb knows people in the city are going to possess them so why not make money from it.

8/02/2008 05:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why can't this idea be implemented in the future? Why is it so difficult for the powers that be to see what works for one event can work for another? I had a 20 year old kid tell me this solution for crying out loud! Good people will still pay to come and it will keep out the goofs who only come to bang.

8/02/2008 09:17:00 AM

BECAUSE IT'S RACIST!!!!! Come on, everybody knows that.

8/02/2008 05:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like, little turtles and ducks, tiny, fuzzy little ducks, little ducky ducks, don't you?

8/02/2008 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:17, I've been there two of the last four years and its unreal how smoothly it runs with nary the sight of a uniform anywhere. You can find police if you are looking, and occasionally you will see a uniform or two walking through the fields, but generally its self contained.

There is quite a bit of dope smoking, but that's about it.

The only thing criminal that really had me thinking "grab this kid and find a uniform" was a completely stoned 14 year old male (glassy eyes and all) taking a small liquor flask out and stomping and shattering it underfoot in the middle of a crowd of 4000 watching a band. And the only reason it pissed me off was because a good number of people in the park for Lolla are walking around barefoot.

Its safe enough for yuppies to bring infants, and worry about not much more than the heat.

So yeah, the city should charge an entrance fee for anything organized in Grant Park. A lot of people would love to find something to do in the city's beautiful lakefront in the summer, and they'll pay to do it (particularly if by paying they help ensure the ghetto stays at home).

8/02/2008 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 1:22 it's FOID., not FIOD.

8/02/2008 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Daley/Sexual?

Why, that's just silly. Silly, silly, silly.

8/02/2008 04:31:00 PM

The first city licensed and taxed brothel....I'll get a job as a recruiter.

8/02/2008 11:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is the key to Daley's bullshit money crunch! And yes we all know it's BULLSHIT!

Dont fight the new gun law $ save 10s of millions. Require city registation of all guns at $100.00 anually.

Impose a $5000.00 fine to those caught and convicted of any gun laws. Make them pay and or do community servce or jail time if the cant or wont pay.

Remember the new law says that the city can not make it ilegal for a law abiding citizen to own a gun in the city. The law does not say they have the right to carry that gun on the street.

We do not need new gun laws if Crook County would inforce the laws we already have.

We need to start collecting the court costs and the fines, STOP WAIVING THEM.

Now the County and The city's so called money crunch is solved.

Go to Indiana or any other state and dont pay your fine court cost. They lock you ass up!

8/02/2008 11:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Better yet, come up with some bullshit city ordinance that requires the law firms do back up the lawsuit with an amount of money so that if the city can prove a lawsuit is complete bullshit the firm forefits the money. (Say the "victim's" allegation is a complete lie and the City can prove it's a lie because everything was caught on camera.) Maybe then Loevy will reconsider some of these shitbirds stories.

8/03/2008 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Worked at Lollapalooza last night. For the entire tour I think I heard maybe 6-7 arrests come over citywide 6. I don't know what for, just heard the calls for transport. The majority of calls were for EMS and traffic control. No battery in progress calls, no 10-1's, no calls for assist P.O.

The entire park was fenced off from LSD to Roosevelt to Columbus to Monroe. Entry is only on Columbus at Buckingham Fountain.

EVERY single person who came up to me with a question was polite, said thank you, some gave their support and said be safe.

One particular young man even stated to me that this should be the same set-up for future Taste of Chicagos, charging 10 bucks or whatever to get in, you get 5 food coupons with your fee, etc.

Why can't this idea be implemented in the future? Why is it so difficult for the powers that be to see what works for one event can work for another? I had a 20 year old kid tell me this solution for crying out loud! Good people will still pay to come and it will keep out the goofs who only come to bang.

8/02/2008 09:17:00 AM

HUH??!! Use means Iz has to PAYZ to gets in??!! SHiiiiiiiiiiiit!

8/03/2008 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The first city licensed and taxed brothel....I'll get a job as a recruiter.

8/02/2008 11:29:00 PM"

Get in line.

8/03/2008 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pass an ordinance that allows for the registration of handguns by people who adhere to strict guidelines and laws. No matter what he charged people would pay and the money would close the "deficit" he is harping about.

8/03/2008 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

--The law does not say they have the right to carry that gun on the street.--

first, its not a "new" law. Its the second amendment, written several hundred years ago.

second, its pretty clear in the Heller decision that there is a right to carry on the street. The court read an expansive right to keep AND carry weapons of the sort commonly kept and carried for self protection in this nation.

As examples, the court said the government could ban concealed carry. NOT all carry.

The court also said the government could ban carrying in "sensitive" government buildings like schools. NOT all government buildings, and sure as hell NOT the street.

The gun grabber crowd is doing its best to downplay this, but its very clear from the majority opinion in Heller that the starting point is a general right to keep and carry, and that there are limited exceptions which can be invoked for certain people, certain places, certain types of weapons, and the manner of keeping and carrying.

Some of you guys really need to spend a few hours trying to get through the decision before spouting off about it.

8/03/2008 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HUH??!! Use means Iz has to PAYZ to gets in??!! SHiiiiiiiiiiiit!

8/03/2008 12:38:00 AM

That made me really laugh out loud.

8/03/2008 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/03/2008 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first city brothel? We already have one. It's called the city council and oily eddie burke is pimp in chief.

8/03/2008 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley has had a long run with his corruption and antics.All dictators eventually fall,it just takes time.Its time.

8/03/2008 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
--The law does not say they have the right to carry that gun on the street.--

Ok retard time for a history and english lesson.

Second Amendment(Bill of Rights):

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

to keep:to possess,to own.

to bear:to have on ones person.

shall:you must;as in must not infringe on gun ownership.

Get it???

8/03/2008 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Americans are not given the right to keep and bear arms.We are born with it.

8/03/2008 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are NOT actually saying that there is someone out there that would ACTUALLY have sex with him, are you? EEEEUUUUUUUUU!!!!

8/03/2008 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evanston city counsel meeting monday,one item not advertised is the vote to repeal their handgun ban.

Daley your anti civil rights empire is crumbling.My prediction is Evanston will follow Wilmette,Moron Grove.

That leaves Oak Park and Shitcago I believe.

8/03/2008 11:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think registration is bullshit too, and should be illegal. The amount of money the city would charge would prevent people of certain economic status from self-defense, which is illegal.
Besides, can any of you cops tell me a SINGLE CRIME solved by the database of lawfully-owned guns in Chicago?

I don't like the idea of the government knowing what I have to defend myself against said government, and it's a waste of administrative personnel to implement anyway - just ask Canada.

8/04/2008 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, now lets try abondonning the costly and pointless fight against marijuana.

And then we tax it!

Bye-bye budget defecit!

8/04/2008 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Daley on Friday cracked the door open to abandoning the costly fight to uphold Chicago's 1982 handgun freeze -- if he can fashion a replacement ordinance that protects the safety of first-responders."

Simple... allow the first-responders to arm themselves.

See? Took me all of two seconds to come up with that solution. Next?

8/04/2008 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You are NOT actually saying that there is someone out there that would ACTUALLY have sex with him, are you? EEEEUUUUUUUUU!!!!"

The midget has been told so many times to Go f--- yourself that he has taken the advice to heart.

8/04/2008 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone cares the city cut your hmo eye doctor plan.. you now only get a check up every two years. Can they do that without a contract?
They may well have more leeway to unilaterally change things without a contract.

8/05/2008 01:23:00 PM  

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