Friday, August 01, 2008

Citizens Speak Out

  • Some 300 Uptown residents packed the Truman College cafeteria to talk to Chicago Police about what they say is big increase in crime in their neighborhood.

    Resident after resident took the microphone to tell police about shootings, drug dealing and auto theft in and around Uptown.

    Chicago Police Commander Kathy Bowmer says there has been an uptick in violence, particularly auto thefts, in the area but she says they are doing their best to crack down on what she says is three specific gangs. There have been 8 shootings and one homicide in Uptown this year.
We're sure the Commander is trying the best she can with whatever limited manpower she has, but these next paragraphs are ridiculous:
  • Neighbors say they want an increase in patrols and security cameras., but police say residents can't be afraid to report crime and then follow through and testify in court against suspects if needed.

    Police are pledging to increase bike patrols and even bring in the Tactical Response Unit when needed.
Increase cameras because they've done such a great job preventing and solving crime in the first place. Bike Patrols are going to be a given because we are running out of functional cars in the districts, there aren't any pool cars available and new cars are a pipe dream. And we can't remember the last time anyone told us TRU worked north of Division Street.

People are noticing and the whole rotten edifice is crumbling before our eyes.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/01/2008 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's already August and Uptown has had only one homicide this year. Big fucking deal. Sounds like Mayberry.

8/01/2008 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the crime would go down after electing shiller out of office for starters. Two get rid of all the section eight housing on racine and sunnyside. kenmore and demolishing all the bachelor aprtments and chicken wire room for rent flop house. Three... I can't give all of my secrets out all you liberals that keep supporting shiller live with it. The police try to make uptown a better place for you and you want to bashh the polic. You got what you wanted now wollow in it. My Shiller's kid should be filming all of those great outstanding citizens in uptown shooting and robbing people.

8/01/2008 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we should send the helicopter over there it works miracles from up there.hovering over crowds and what not


8/01/2008 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


manpower in district law enforcement???
Less administration!
More cops on beat!

8/01/2008 01:00:00 AM  
Blogger Det. Shaved Longcock said...

Chicago Police Commander Kathy Bowmer says there has been an "uptick" in violence....

Main Entry: up·tick
Pronunciation: \ˈəp-ˌtik\
Function: noun
Etymology: 2up + 3tick
Date: 1955
: increase, rise (an uptick in sales) (an uptick in hiring)
(Bullshiting the public instead of saying, OMG you guys are being picked dry by the scum of society - uptick in crime)

8/01/2008 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's obvious that a car in Zone10, 3/w (won't be more specific than that, but everyone knows who he is)with his dailey "libarry" checks,"open air narcotics" and "community concern" over-the-air ev# requests has all the answers... keep in mind, all of the above "on-air" requests spoken with an accent that annoys the F!@k out of me (imagine 1800's Georgia plantation)Might be a good copper, but someone pleassssseeee get him a pdt so he can get his ev#'s on there and stay off the air, his voice single-handedly sounds like it lowers the IQ of the whole PD!, like someone gave Fred Sanford a radio... If he's a good guy then take this as a meeningless observation...though annoying.

8/01/2008 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The citizens in uptown are the most radical liberals in the midwest.
they are definately not on the side of law and order.

8/01/2008 02:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean no new cars? Ald. burke just got a brand new one.

8/01/2008 02:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well i have a piece of advice for these "concerned citizens". Stop your fellow yuppie, liberal neighbors from following us around in their little green vests and clipboards making us feel like criminals for stopping some shitbag that needs to be alerted that we are watching him. If you don't want us there then say so and act like it. I will gladly put in my 8 hours writing a parker or two because you want to watch us but if you really want us to stop this nonsense, sit back, have a latte and let us do our jobs. Your choice!

8/01/2008 02:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sincerely hope this is the first of many examples of citizens getting fed up with the mess Napolean Daley has caused, and voicing their thoughts about the situation. Daley is riding a sinking ship. The stress is really showing. That photo of the midget in front of the new bridge tower that he wasted all that money on shows that he's in terrible shape. He looks like a wine head waiting for a freebie meal !! He may not be with us very much longer ? Does Daley drink ??

All of his merit command staff & J. Weis haven't got a clue how to fight crime in the "big city". They've never been the police !

Weis is a "carpetbagger" ! he's only here for the $$.

Hopefully, at some point, the "G" will start cleaning out the thiefs in City Hall & County Goverment. There should be an ordinance limiting the Term of Office for the Mayor & Aldermen of no more than 2 terms & then out !!!!!!!!

The Daley Family has become a Dynasty that answers to no one. God help us if another Daley gets into the Governors Office.

As long as Daley, and the Aldermen that are presently serving their private agenda's, are allowed to continue, we'll not have qualified leadership guiding the Chicago Police Department.

In order to enforce law in Chicago, Politics must be banned from the picture. Untill then, we're at the mercy of the theives !!

8/01/2008 02:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bike patrols!!?? Regularly most of the cars on third watch in 023 go out 99, so where is this manpower going to come from?

These idiot yuppies move into uptown and expect it to be the gold coast. Well for years that neighborhood has been shitty. It's coming around, but it takes time to get a lot of that element out. They want it to turn over night. Sorry, but that's why your condo was cheaper than downtown, wrigville, lakeview, etc.

8/01/2008 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

023 3rd watch numbers for the month of july:
Up in movers
Up in parkers
Up in curfews

From the numbers, it looks like they might be the only watch still working in this city.

8/01/2008 02:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is huge,how many coppers have been arbitarily fired for expressing an opinion? Sounds like a Civil Rights Violation, either way it looks like Mike Chasen is going to get paid.

At a June 4 hearing, now-retired Lt. Michael Chasen, who was then deputy chief of the detective division, warned the program could be cost prohibitive. A report he had written, released Thursday, said it "would be a direct detriment to the department's mission."

On Thursday, Burke asked Peterson if Chasen had been told that if he did not retire he would have been demoted to his "career service rank of lieutenant."

Peterson declined to answer, citing personnel and privacy issues, but when asked again if Chasen was told to retire or face demotion, responded, "That was not a result of this hearing."

Nevertheless, Burke suggested the Police and Fire Committee hold further hearing on Chasen's retirement to see if it was the result of retaliation for his testimony at the committee, which Burke said would be a violation of the city whistle-blower ordinance.

"Those factors would seem to raise some suspicion, and if he has indicated to other sources that he was told this action was a result of his testimony before the Police and Fire Committee, that goes to the heart of the legislative process," Burke said after the hearing.

8/01/2008 02:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



8/01/2008 03:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This weekend Lollapalooza will be held,over 100,000 people in attendance. I bet there is no gun fire,robbery,rape or homicides.

8/01/2008 03:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago weekend homicide estimate:

Any guesses, we need to start a pool.

8/01/2008 03:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont you people know that violence is part of being an urban pioneer...and maybe if that one group up there wasnt filming the police they would think about being a little more aggressive

8/01/2008 04:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The commander is 23 is a very nice lady and a good commander. The problem with the north end of 23 is that there are so many B.S calls for service. They do have aggressive officers working to include the tactical teams. There is no way you can have so much coverage to eliminate crime. I know that the officers in that area do a great job there just aren't enough of them and there never will. The area is drowning with homeless people, lunatics and crack heads. Where are these people supposed to go. There are so many shelters, section 8 housing, and low income housing. These are people to whom crime comes naturally and the people who buy the new up and comming condos are so unaware of who saturates their neighborhood.
Anyway, until they get rid of the shelters that north end of 23 will always be the same.

8/01/2008 04:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeez, SCC. Couldn't you at least spell the Cmdrs name correctly?

8/01/2008 06:07:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

The stuff in italics is the news station misspelling. As we didn't write it, we aren't responsible for correcting it. Plus, it shows the media to be error prone

8/01/2008 06:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the best is that during the boom real estate agents were telling these people that uptown was going to be the next lincoln park !

8/01/2008 06:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What do you mean no new cars? Ald. burke just got a brand new one.

8/01/2008 02:14:00 AM

Another new car for the millionaire! Did he also get more bodyguards he already has an army!

8/01/2008 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Create an executive order to close all the Starbucks in 023.

That will force the police officers out on the street.

8/01/2008 07:16:00 AM  
Blogger IrishPirate said...

I'm a civilian and long time Uptown resident. The main reason people are upset in Uptown is just not the crime, but the fact that Alderbeast Shiller NEVER says a word about it. As she apparently states it's not "my issue".

Her feeling seems to be that any reference to crime is "racist" or "classist". The fact is that in this city a disproportionate amount of street crime is committed by black and hispanic males under the age of 30. It's no more racist to say that than it would be anti Irish to say "da mare" is corrupt and that most political crime in this city is directly or indirectly tied to him, his family or cronies. Remember, it doesn't need to be illegal to be corrupt.

Generally, I think cops in this city are good folks trying to do a difficult job with too few resources. There is also clearly a lack of leadership in the department which goes beyond the new Superintendent and directly to the verbally challenged Irish guy on the fifth floor. Ooops, there I go badmouthing an entire ethnic group. I guess I've had too many Guinness this morning. What is the plural for Guinness? Guinnesses? Guinnessi?

Anyhooooo, the folks following you around with cameras aren't necessarily residents of Uptown. Those folks are from far left groups who see the Police as a problem. Many of them are young and in college. I don't deny that there is a percentage of cops that are scum. That being said if I chose 50 cops at random or 50 alderman I'm certain the percentage of scum would be higher among our elected elite. The same could be said if I compared 50 cops to 50 accountants or teachers or bus drivers or any other category. There are scum among any group.

The people of Uptown are more "liberal" than average. In many cases it is liberal as in "libertarian". I could care less if someone is gay or even smoking weed in the privacy of their own condo. I do care if someone is firing weapons in the street, smoking crack or drinking in a public place, hooking in front of a school etc.

Alderscum Shiller's attitude is very clear. "See no evil, hear no evil, no evil". Her attorney son not only does well representing ward businesses with liquor license issues, but has sued the police department for shootings where apparently the responding cops didn't even fire their weapons. Of course perhaps there is a massive conspiracy involving CPD, the State's Attorney, FBI, CIA, the illuminati, the Queen of England, the 11th Ward Democrats, Walt Disney's head, and rogue elements of Custer's 7th Cavalry. "Garry Owen". Perhaps not.

I've read this blog before as I find it informative and often amusing. If you want to get a better idea of what is really happening in Uptown check out Uptown Update. Like this blog it is often listed as one of the best blogs in the "great city of chi caw gah".

You'll find most people there are pro police even when they have little idea of what cops actually have to deal with and the resources they have. I'll suggest they post a link to this story and perhaps some good comments will come from it.

Now as for the cops who read this blog stay safe, try to make a wee bit of a positive difference, and have some fun. Me, I'm gonna grab another Guinness.

8/01/2008 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Continue to LAY DOWN! It's working. Stay united. It's the only way to show these dirty politicians that they can't treat you like crap anymore and it's time the citizenry realizes and accepts that they need the police if they want to live free. It's time people realize that someone has to be in control and it ain't them.

Love, Mom

8/01/2008 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont you people know that violence is part of being an urban pioneer...and maybe if that one group up there wasnt filming the police they would think about being a little more aggressive

8/01/2008 04:22:00 AM

Urban pioneer. Man, that's it right there. That should be a clause in every mortgage contract. Because that's what those dummies are. Hey, let's move into a shit neighborhood. All these poor people will get the hint any move away. Like where are they going to go Mr and Ms College Educated dummy? They are going to stay right where they are and you are going to learn what it's like to live in a ghetto. Stupid starbucks fucks.

8/01/2008 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those ANTI-POLICE ASSHOLES dont need to have a meeting with the police They need to have a meeting with their DUMBASS mayor and BITCH alderhoe that they voted for!!!!!

8/01/2008 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8??? Maybe in 0011 or 007 combined. It's going to be like 90 degrees and don't forget Ladies and Germs. It's the 1ST!! Link cards are full of money thanks to all you fine citizens. I'm going to say 10 people shot tonight for Friday alone.

8/01/2008 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Jeez, SCC. Couldn't you at least spell the Cmdrs name correctly?

8/01/2008 06:07:00 AM

I'll cut this person a break IF they're new to this blog. Otherwise, it's either an issue of some people have a really BIG learning curve, or they're just stone stupid.

SCC BLOG PRIMER (not in any order of importance):

1. Everything in regular font on the dark blue screen is written by SCC.

2. If there's something in italic font and indented on the dark blue screen, it means that SCC is quoting from/utilizing something written somewhere (an article in Chicago Tribune, Sun Times, etc.). So any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors contained therein are not from SCC; they are from the original source -- which shows how half-assed the media can be in its rush to report something.

3. If there's something in regular font and indented on the dark blue screen, it means that SCC is quoting from/utilizing something written by a poster here in the white-screen section of the blog. So any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors contained therein are not from SCC; they are from the original source -- the poster.

4. Posts from/about Coldtype, OLE, bitching about TRU lunch spots, using certain language/words, and any attempts to discern who SCC may be, are banned and will not be published by SCC.

Now pay attention!

8/01/2008 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in less than 24 hours i will be on my way to the u.p. of michigan for a week of fishing, etc... no shitbirds, people are nice and say hi, you don't pre pay for gas, and everything is much cheaper. i could give two shits what happens around truman college-- remember, we didn't start the problems now faced by the police dept, they did. once again for like the sixth time in my career, no contract and nothing but excuses and no progress in sight. just a lot of bs promises and pipe dreams. that icy cold beer is going to be good along with all the walleye i plan on catching. i might not come back.

8/01/2008 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are they gonna find asses to put on those bicycle seats? we cannot even man the cars due to the manpower shortage.

8/01/2008 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey,SCC, who is the jagbag that is ripping the 019 tac or gang teams? I don't work in 019 but just as the Lt. Richie Scotchbreath nonsense got old, so does this jealous,child like BS

8/01/2008 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Big Pipe dream 024 citizens! Your better off moving to Evanston!

Unless you are a Southsider or Westsider, you can expect to see less Police patrols!

The jungle is out of control and they need all of the help they can get over there.

I have seen Northside Marked Police cars from 016, 017, 024, 023 squad cars in Douglas park on the Westside many days and nights assisting in 011. Let's NOT even talk about the tact teams which I see everywhere on the Southside and Westside but NOT their home North Side Districts!

Increased Police Patrols in 024, 019, 020, 023, 017 and 016! Those areas have to really go to shit before they get more Police Officers!

BWAH!! BWAH!! BWAH!!! That's the biggest joke of the day!

8/01/2008 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This weekend Lollapalooza will be held,over 100,000 people in attendance. I bet there is no gun fire,robbery,rape or homicides.

Kanye West is on the ticket.

8/01/2008 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The citizens in uptown are the most radical liberals in the midwest.
they are definately not on the side of law and order.

8/01/2008 02:11:00 AM

some citizens are legit condo owners. These people made investments and are seeing them dwindle away.

8/01/2008 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/01/2008 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there's been more homicides in 016 and 017 than 023. a lot of the people who live in uptown do support the police. the people following the police around are a group formed by the alderman's office who are trying to deflect problems away from her and try to use the "racist, abusive police" card. however uptown does have it's share of violence but it really isn't that bad. now i agree one shooting is one too many but you chose to move in to an area that has had a large homeless and gang population. they were there for decades before you moved in. uptown used to be straight up ghetto like the west side now it's actually pretty nice. the yuppies that move there come from the burbs or from out of state so ANY type of incidents which would be fairly common for born and raised chicagoans is totally foreign to them and they think they live in a war zone.

8/01/2008 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Chicago weekend homicide estimate:

Any guesses, we need to start a pool.

8/01/2008 03:29:00 AM

It's going to be a hot one this weekend so I'm going to say 16 homicides from Friday to Sunday.

8/01/2008 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fed bed . . .
Surprise. Surprise. Former Channel 5 reporter Amy Jacobson, who lost her job due to a bikini incident while chasing a story, was spotted at the FBI's 100th anniversary gala at Navy Pier last Friday.

• • Click. Click: Mayor Daley, who keynoted the gala, was treated like a rock star by federal agents and their families waiting to be photographed with Hizzoner. And newly married U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, a very private man, showed up sans wife, much to the chagrin of onlookers who were anxious to get a glimpse.

• • Bang! Bang: Daley praised the feds for devoting their lives to public service, but emphasized the need to get guns off the street

8/01/2008 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please... Look, the piss bumbs were there first... yuppies moved in there is no "uptick" in crime it's a steady pattern, it's just, as is happening city wide, the police in 023 are being even less aggressive... you reap what you sew yuppies! HAHAHAHA too bad! And not to mention 3 gangs??? Id say there are more than 3 gangs in 016 for crying out loud! Fuck them... this is what the citizens want, this is what they get NO CONTACT NO COMPLAINT!!!

8/01/2008 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shitcago is going down, glad i got the fuck out of there just in time. I'm a former CPD officer from 011, now a Fed in the east coast. I've had several conversations with people out here and everyone of them has made comments about what the fuck is going out there. I try to explain but I get frustrated and just refer them to this blog. Just recently read an article about police departments nationwide, even the small towns are short in manpower. Most departments are having trouble getting well qualified candidates let alone getting not having many applicants. Since law enforcement now these days is constantly under a microsope the younger generation are now looking at other career options. Also troops that are now serving overseas and want to be in law enforcement are getting stopped lossed, so that's taking away a large amount of prospects. Many departments are competing against each other by recruiting other veteran officers to lateral. So adding all these factors and the circus that's going on with the city things aren't looking to good for the future unless things change. Does anyone know if the city has done a census lately? I'm sure the city's population has grown significantly in the last decade and gangs have grown as well but yet the department and city want to continue operating under the est. 13,500 officers which in reality is about 9,500. Things continue to change and we must change with them. Obviously that's not happening in Chicago. They continue to be stubborn about changing the smallest things. For example: 6 days on 2 days off. That's insane for officers to work those amount of hours consecutively and then have 48 hours to rest. That causes a lot of stress on the officer at work especially dealing with the savages daily and also bosses up your ass and ispectors trying to jam you. Then you go home and have issues with your family that can add more stress on top of that. Law suits, CR's, No wonder there's so many law enforcement suicides. It's going to be tough to fix things, good luck.

8/01/2008 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well i have a piece of advice for these "concerned citizens". Stop your fellow yuppie, liberal neighbors from following us around in their little green vests and clipboards making us feel like criminals for stopping some shitbag that needs to be alerted that we are watching him. If you don't want us there then say so and act like it. I will gladly put in my 8 hours writing a parker or two because you want to watch us but if you really want us to stop this nonsense, sit back, have a latte and let us do our jobs. Your choice!

8/01/2008 02:20:00 AM
what the hell is this??? yuppies following around the police and making sure they know they are being watched??? Did this get brought up at the "meeting"??? UNREAL! Did any one explain that by making POs know that they must second guess each and every move it will make a PO less likely to put him or herself in a situation that may require action??? THAT is why we do not do our jobs anymore! That is the answer the Commander shuld have given LET US DO OUR JOBS WITHOUT FEAR OF BEING FIRED/INCARCERATED/SUED OVER THE TINIEST INFRACTION!!!

8/01/2008 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love these "urban pioneers" who thought uptown was going to be the next get rich quick real estate move only to find out shit bums dont just go away, junkies dont just go away, crack whores just dont go away, and the lazy police will always be patroling the "mean streets" of uptown! coppers dont go to 023 because they want to work! HELLO! ever look at a roll call??? I guess if you define "work" as movers parkers and Anovs then sure, 023 is rockin and rollin!

hahahahaha now the yuppies are mad because they cant turn a profit on their 600 sq ft condo with no view because it was a terrible investment to begin with and they want to blame the police??? Nice try yuppie morons you made a bad investment DEAL WITH IT!

8/01/2008 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

these will be the same assholes that will turn you in if they catch you giving a shithead a crack on the head. just remember that.

8/01/2008 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's obvious that a car in Zone10, 3/w (won't be more specific than that, but everyone knows who he is)with his dailey "libarry" checks,"open air narcotics" and "community concern" over-the-air ev# requests has all the answers... keep in mind, all of the above "on-air" requests spoken with an accent that annoys the F!@k out of me (imagine 1800's Georgia plantation)Might be a good copper, but someone pleassssseeee get him a pdt so he can get his ev#'s on there and stay off the air, his voice single-handedly sounds like it lowers the IQ of the whole PD!, like someone gave Fred Sanford a radio... If he's a good guy then take this as a meeningless observation...though annoying.

I love this blog!

But this is why I hate this blog, it's filled some nonsensical ramblings from some nancy just spouting off whatever is at the top of his mind.

Don't you have anything better to do? Tough day at work?

No girlfriend? Or the wife won't let you head out to the bar for a few pops? So you gotta vent on the blog?

He's more than a good guy!

He's one of the coolest & nicest guys I've met there. Handles his beat and knows how to talk to people.

Besides if you're looking for annoying on Zone 10 look no further than 1120!

8/01/2008 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago Police Commander Kathy Bowmer says there has been an "uptick" in violence....


8/01/2008 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

News flash for the sheeple.


They're very good, however, at recording your rape, murder or armed robbery. If you want to prevent crime, hire more cops.

Oh, yeah. Kiss my ass Daley.

8/01/2008 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They want more cameras because they were spoon fed by the media that they actually do something. It's the same everywhere and who is watching on the cameras? Some desk jockey calling in drinking on the public way!Or selling loose ciggs! That will fix everything.

8/01/2008 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's obvious that a car in Zone10, 3/w (won't be more specific than that, but everyone knows who he is)with his dailey "libarry" checks,"open air.....

Hahaha, O.W. is a good guy, but I know what you mean. He is very hard to understand, but a good guy none the less. What we need to do on zone 10 is get rid of that bitch dispatcher who goes crazy and loses her cool whenever there is more than one job pending, as if she personally has to answer these calls. People need to start giving the shit right back to her as others are starting to do. This is a fucking civilian and she talks to P.O.s as if she were chief of dispatchers. Don't take her denials for lunch unless a supervisor denies your lunch, this bitch can't deny you anything. Have the bitch slow down when she gives you jobs and tries to impress people by how fast she can talk. When you need to run a plate and she yells at you because you don't have an emergency even though she never said "stand by unless you have an emergency" advise her that you also have a job to do, and she is tying up the air just to give out b.s. disturbance calls. This fat bitch needs to go!!

8/01/2008 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a fairly recent Uptown resident, and wanted to ask a couple of things.

1) What should we be doing? Most of us can't stand the group (associated w/Shiller) that constantly complains about police brutality. We want police presence, we understand that the neighborhood has issues and that Shiller building a new low-income-only housing project at Wilson is going to suck hard.

2)I head past a regular lot at Lawrence and Sheridan that often has a cop of two. I'd like to offer an after hour drink at a bar to ask for some honest opinions and discussion of the area - I know that I don't know things as well as someone working the street in the area and want the benefit of the experience. Just don't want to approach someone on duty - would that be likely to annoy or be productive?

3)the Jesus People and the chicken wire flop house, etc. are being protected politically by Shiller, who considers anyone asking for more protection racist and trying to throw out poor black people. Complaints about any situation are usually replied with "you're wrong. that didn't happen. so move to lincoln park if you don't like it."

4)as it happens, received city assistance to buy my new condo. I work two jobs, and I'm higher than the income restrictions were then, but it's not like all of us looking to make it better are rolling in it or DINKs.

5)right now I wouldn't let my sister move into the area. How can I make it so that's not the case in 4 years?

Thanks, any recommendations are appreciated. Take a look at the Uptown Update blog to see what a lot of the residents are thinking.

8/01/2008 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to any law abiding citz reading this:


I might get booed down for this, but it is true. Everyone of us loves our job, no matter how bad morale is! If we did not love it we would not bitch about it. But every day we are getting beat down out there and you are feeling the reprecussions.

Video the drug dealers and get the tape to the local tac guys.

Offer your residence for surveilance.

If you see these criminal rights groups videoing us, come down and give them hell. It's your neighborhood! If they even touch you we can lock them up for battery.

Start signing complaints. The City won't let us sign complaints for you anymore.

It is not US v. YOU. It is ALL OF US v. the drug dealers, teh gangbangers, the dirty politicans, the false preachers, and the criminal rights activits.

It takes more than just going to meetings, and beefing at some upper upper managment person.

8/01/2008 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you yuppies should rise up and tell Daley that you want guns too!

The bangers have tehm why can't you?????

8/01/2008 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This weekend Lollapalooza will be held,over 100,000 people in attendance. I bet there is no gun fire,robbery,rape or homicides.

Wait! Hold up!There might actually be some problems. Guess who the main act is on Sunday night? Kanye West. No, on second thought-for any of his regular "following" to cause problems would involve them actually having to PAY for admission. PAY FOR ADMISSION. PAY for admission. What a novel concept! It sounds strangely familiar. Surely that wouldn't work at the Taste, would it? And, I really have to give credit to the Lollapalooza organizers. They put up a big 'ol covered fence around the perimeter to keep the problems out. Again, what a great, simple idea, Mr. Daley!!!! Rock on, fare-paying citizens...ROCK ON.

8/01/2008 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering if down beat cars and rapid cars with all the depleated manpower has something to do w/ crime increases?

Good thing da mayor wants to give us 3 free days.

8/01/2008 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many lawsuits does Schillers son have pending against 023 officers, he uses it as his own little cash station. Is he suing anyone who is not from 023?

8/01/2008 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eight shootings and one homicide, sound like a slow weekend to me in a ghetto southside district!

8/01/2008 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesnt someone ask commander Boehmer why she has 13 sgts on days. Maybe with more sgts things could change. Oh wait. They should ask capt McCory, he runs the district and tells her what to do anyway.

8/01/2008 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous post. Mccory tells her what to do and has so for a long time. Yamashiroya would run and hide in his office if McCory was looking for him. Did anyone tell these people that McCory is no longer married into the Moss family? His juice is long gone and so is he soon when he turns 63. Good riddance!

8/01/2008 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 homicide? YOU have to be fucking kidding. We have over 450 murders a yr in thie city and uptown wants TRU because of 1 homicide? Move if u dont like it you liberal clowns

8/01/2008 12:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a buddy and I both live on 433's beat. for the hell of it we set out on a mission. i hopped in his car and we drove around the entire beat driving down every street, a lot of alleys, in and out of every business parking lot. we saw a crazy amount of traffic violators, gang bangers playing their music real loud in their tinted out suvs, kids throwing rocks at passing cars, gang bangers throwing up gang signs at other gang bangers while in the park, several drug deals at a couple of the bars in the parking lot, a lot of loitering and drug dealing up and down Brandon and Baltimore Avenues. We took notes, documented addresses and plate numbers. We were everywhere on 433's beat for about 4 straight hours. One thing we didn't see, NOT A SINGLE SQUAD CAR in 4 whole hours. Signed - not a police officer but a tax paying citizen living on 433's beat.

8/01/2008 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im amazed that people are whining in 023, it has to be one of the top 5 slowest districts in the city. I guess if u can bitch there, u can bitch anywhere. No one is ever happy

8/01/2008 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a car in Zone10, 3/w...

Agreed! Maybe a good copper...but please keep this mumbling goof off the air.

"Liberry check at duh liberry"
"Pawk check at Duh-liss Pawk"
"Comoonity concern"

and of course...

"Ten-fo squaw"

Makes the department sound like incompetent buffoons.

8/01/2008 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More cameras yea thats the ticket! WTF! More bullshit from his freakness! Incredible this shithole city is failing fast!

8/01/2008 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't this what the citizens of chicago wanted?

8/01/2008 01:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

023 3rd watch numbers for the month of july:
Up in movers
Up in parkers
Up in curfews

From the numbers, it looks like they might be the only watch still working in this city.


how about arrests, guns, hot cars, burglars etc.. the shit that really matters. go back to your fantasy land with your movers and parkers kid.. if your satisfied with writing parkers and movers as your profession then you really need to rethink your job choice.. if you want to write movers go to the suburbs, otherwise start doing real policework and arrest shitheads for real crimes...i hope to god you have not worked in 023 your whole life... come to the west or southside and see if that mover and parker shit goes good here... guns son, its all about the guns!!

8/01/2008 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tjo the communist enclave of Uptown:

I would suggest that you Democratic voters (far left wing) to out and elect Obama so he can call his boy-friend Farakhan to send his F.O.I. (Fruits of Islam) security mens to 023 so they can whip the citizens back to when there was acually no crime in Uptown.

THe Fruits of Islam did such a great job when some Democrat gave them a security contract at the projects.

A better idea, don't call the police!!! and your crime rate will go down!!!

8/01/2008 02:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THe commander of 23 is a nice lady but I got a kick out of "an uptick in crime" that was real cute and Im sure her audience understood. I thought wee were talking of the stock market.

WIth an uptick in crime on a steady basis where can I invest.

8/01/2008 02:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

North End of 23 is three ring circus (Irving to Lawrence/Clark to Lakefront). When the police try to be proactive and stop the nonsense they are told by the populous, don't be so mean to the people, stop picking on the criminals. Now, it doesn't compare to the likes of 7, 15, 5, but it does have its share of criminal activity. I'm not sure who's worse, Schiller, or Mary Ann Smith who's areas cover part of it. Both left wing nut jobs, who believe Uptown is a utopia of love and peace and the Police are just Storn troopers taking away the rights of their constituents. Either way, the people that live there, got what they wanted. And, believe it or not the coppers up there do a great job and work their butts off. And the commander is a good boss.

The trend is this, and its been said before, You can only beat the police down so much, in the end they will just hold their hands up and raise the white flag.

Let me the police take the gloves off, and take care of business, and Shitcago will be a great city once again.

8/01/2008 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy whoever wrote the statement about Capt. McCory and him running 023. You are so correct. Every commander is afraid of him. What's up with that?

8/01/2008 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This weekend Lollapalooza will be held,over 100,000 people in attendance. I bet there is no gun fire,robbery,rape or homicides.

Obama will show up and claim that the people are there to see him, just like he did in Europe.

8/01/2008 03:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all it's the TARGETED resonse unit, not tactical response unit. Secondly, if we went that far north I think most of us would be lost and get a nose bleed from the altitude. Besides, it would be too hard to get a DOPW in that neighborhood.

8/01/2008 04:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember Uptown when it was the WORST place on the northside. The new residents have been buying condos there for at least 15 years and counting. Its a hell of a lot better than it was, BUT there are still thugs living there and lunatics on the street. You can't clean all this problem in one CAPS meeting or two. The police do get numerous calls for the mentals and properly deal with them by taking transporting them to the hospital intake for treatment. The federal government that controls HUD housing is not going to relocate the existing housing somewhere else, so get used to it OK. As a Chicago Cop for a number of years in the area, we answer all of our calls and patrol the streets with dilligence and limited manpower-we cannot transform this area into a quiet suburban community. That is the God's truth.

8/01/2008 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are so many shelters, section 8 housing, and low income housing. These are people to whom crime comes naturally and the people who buy the new up and comming condos are so unaware of who saturates their neighborhood.
Anyway, until they get rid of the shelters that north end of 23 will always be the same.

8/01/2008 04:33:00 AM


How did those shelters and section 8 apartments get there? Were the liberal lakefronters out in force to close those project?


They were out in force pushing for more and more police investigations for 30 year-old cases, more restrictions on police, more discipline for police, more lawsuits against police. This liberal power section of the city has granted every want to their south and westside pets.

Now the pets have come home and, surprise, they want more. They want what is in the pockets and the pants of the lakefront joggers.

Higher crime? Tell them to live with it. Tell them to love it. Tell them it's their future.

Be afraid people of 023. Be very afraid.

8/01/2008 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nevertheless, Burke suggested the Police and Fire Committee hold further hearing on Chasen's retirement to see if it was the result of retaliation for his testimony at the committee, which Burke said would be a violation of the city whistle-blower ordinance."

Oh that's rich. This weasel retires w/ADS Pay & City Council is inquiring if he was somehow maligned in the process?

Chasen was retalitory towards many underneath his Command and they suffered reprisals.Where was Burke then??
Good Bye& Good Riddance Mikey

8/01/2008 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's Kathy Bowmer??
Another 35th Ghost that flew under the Radar until now?

Just asking?

8/01/2008 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...the yuppies that move there come from the burbs or from out of state so ANY type of incidents which would be fairly common for born and raised chicagoans is totally foreign to them and they think they live in a war zone.

8/01/2008 09:00:00 AM"

Ain't that the truth.

8/01/2008 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure the city's population has grown significantly in the last decade and gangs have grown as well but yet the department and city want to continue operating under the est. 13,500 officers which in reality is about 9,500. 8/01/2008 09:34:00 AM

When I came on a decade ago we were told by the Dept that there were 40,000 gang members. I'm not sure of the City population but the FBI now estimates that there are almost 100,000 gang members living in Chicago. Any way you look at it I don't see the numbers in our favor!!!

8/01/2008 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey,SCC, who is the jagbag that is ripping the 019 tac or gang teams? I don't work in 019 but just as the Lt. Richie Scotchbreath nonsense got old, so does this jealous,child like BS

8/01/2008 08:28:00 AM

theyre not knocking all tact/gang from 019 per se... just DH what a fucking stroke! Unless dropping your gun into an offenders lap is now considered tactically sound this DH is a real stroke! dangerous too

8/01/2008 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This weekend Lollapalooza will be held,over 100,000 people in attendance. I bet there is no gun fire,robbery,rape or homicides.

Kanye West is on the ticket.


The people have to pay to get into this concert, which is the main reason why the first poster is correct.

8/01/2008 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what I'd say to taxpayers.DUMMY'S WAKE UP!First of all morons,look where you live,if you buy in a bad neighborhood it is YOUR FAULT.Second look how your TAX DOLLARS ARE PISSED AWAY,we have no police on the street to catch bad guys.Just because you see cameras and useless bicycle homoerotic retatds on mountain bikes don't assume you are safe.THE REASON THEY ARE ON BIKES IS THAT THEY DON'T LIKE CATCHING BAD GUYS THEY JUST WRITE YOUR STUPID ASSES TICKETS!Third VOTE OUT the scumbag ALDERMAN who blow smoke up your ass,but turn on the police for votes.HELEN SCHILLER & Joe MOORE are closer to the bad guys than the police or civilized society.Fourth LET THE POLICE DO THEIR JOB,which means occasionally having to slap the snot out of JUNEBUG & BAY-BAY.Finally VOTE REPUBLICAN because todays DOPE DEALER could be tommorrows SUPREME COURT JUSTICE if OBAMA wins.

8/01/2008 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

REALITY CHECK LIBERALS.You asked for it you got it!It's amazing how Conservative a Liberal becomes when their Loft Condo or gay V-W BEETLE gets it window smashed and some "dude" named RED-DAWG steals their sissy COLDPLAY & BEN HARPER C.D.'S.When you are disgusted by the NAZI-POLICE shagging RED-DAWG off your front stairs 3 days in a row,we are doing it for a purpose.

8/01/2008 06:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many of these nitwits will be pumping their limp wrists in the air at LOLLAPOLOOZA and worshiping shit balls like RAGE-AGAINST-THE-MACHINE.Society asks for it,they are getting it.When they are badmouthing authority,why don't they march their milky white asses to BUD BILLIKEN next weekend after dark.You can't buy rebellion at ABERCROMBIE & FITCH.

8/01/2008 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't do anything. these people bitch and moan yet do nothing to help our officers let alone vote for idiots in office (if they even bother to vote).

in the meantime, don't do shit. in fact, the officers in my area can bring a grill and we can BBQ, play volleyball, horseshoes, etc. let these goofs burn down themselves and our city for all i care anymore.

- Civilian
Hibbity Dibbity

8/01/2008 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought that was a mole on HELEN SCHILLERS face until I got up close and realized she purchased HAROLD WASHINGTON'S package on E-BAY and glued it to her face.That way when she spins her face back and forth she can taste a legend,and floss her teeth at the same time.

8/01/2008 06:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To every single yuppy out there.


8/01/2008 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now as for the cops who read this blog stay safe, try to make a wee bit of a positive difference, and have some fun. Me, I'm gonna grab another Guinness.

8/01/2008 07:21:00 AM

Thanks for the kind words and I'd like to have a Guinness with you but we have been made painfully aware that we can't be intoxicated on or OFF duty and their definition of intoxicated is much lower than the law, .08. As a matter of fact, I have no idea what their definition of being intoxicated is and I really don't think they have any idea either.Civil Rights be damned, because "They" said so.Just another in a long line of reasons to be disgruntled, thank God we aren't mailmen, Eh'.

8/01/2008 07:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC said...
The stuff in italics is the news station misspelling. As we didn't write it, we aren't responsible for correcting it. Plus, it shows the media to be error prone

8/01/2008 06:10:00 AM

WBBM classified auto theft as a violent crime and got TRU's name, in addition to the spelling of the Commander's name, wrong-----so much for accuracy.

8/01/2008 08:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Create an executive order to close all the Starbucks in 023.

That will force the police officers out on the street.

8/01/2008 07:16:00 AM

Hey punk, put your time in and someday you too can work in a district that has a Starbucks.

Now go handle the baby-mama-drama call.

8/01/2008 09:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: former 011 dist CPD now east coast fed.

Forget a census for the city, we need a census at HQ to determine exactly how many do nothing house cats there are.

8/01/2008 09:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This weekend Lollapalooza will be held,over 100,000 people in attendance. I bet there is no gun fire,robbery,rape or homicides.

Kanye West is on the ticket.


It doesn't matter who plays, they are charging admission, around $100.00 for a weekend pass. There will be no big violence numbers because the admission fee will keep out all of the troublemakers. Pot will get smoked, beer will be consumed and music will be heard. No 10-1's, no stabbings, no shots fired. Can I get an event number for 100,000 people having fun?

8/01/2008 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The citizens in uptown are the most radical liberals in the midwest.
they are definately not on the side of law and order.

8/01/2008 02:11:00 AM

some citizens are legit condo owners. These people made investments and are seeing them dwindle away.

8/01/2008 08:43:00 AM

Oh boo-hoo!!! You finally got the warm fuzzy police you've always wanted now live with it.

8/01/2008 09:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BUMPKISS-PALOOZA,that is what you're gonna get from me.

8/01/2008 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.K. I saw J-FED on t.v. in uniform and he was looking very smart,but WOW DID HE LOOK LIKE A MODEL FROM A POLICE CATALOG.Did the Mayor actually just order him and if he did is there a female we could get to be SUPERINTENDRESS?

8/01/2008 10:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in less than 24 hours i will be on my way to the u.p. of michigan for a week of fishing, etc... no shitbirds, people are nice and say hi, you don't pre pay for gas, and everything is much cheaper.

Isn't it amazing? I know exactely what you are talking about and I am jealous that I will not be going up to Michigan as well. It is a totaly different world. Initially when I get up there I am leary of people because they are nice and say hello to each other. Then, I soon realize, that this is how normal, everyday, working people act toward each other. Retirement can't come soon enough.

8/01/2008 10:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy L I S A Batman!!!

Attorney General Lisa Madigan. She too is going to ask for your vote.

It is Lisa’s responsibility to direct the withdraw of the city’s illegal handgun ordinance. What is she waiting for? Wilmette and Morton Grove dropped their illegal handgun bans. Da mayor is just going to waste millions of taxpayer money to defend an un-defendable law suit da mayor ain’t going to win.

It is also Lisa’s duty to protect U.S. Citizens from being victimized by illegal immigrants who commit felonies upon them. Sanctuary cities like Chicago are just waiting to get sued by citizens who get killed or maimed by illegal felons protected by da mayor’s political agenda. Sue da mayor personally.

8/01/2008 11:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are these the same residents in 023 calling for service and video taping the police?

8/01/2008 11:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesnt someone ask commander Boehmer why she has 13 sgts on days. Maybe with more sgts things could change. Oh wait. They should ask capt McCory, he runs the district and tells her what to do anyway.

Patrol attempted to move some sgts. but they cried and so did mccory, so they all stayed!

8/01/2008 11:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am confused,everybody is working.You answer your calls ,if you see crime you intercede ,if a complaint is signed you arrest.Some officers choose not to write tickets, which is not police work anyway.What we do not do is violate some poor souls rights by dragging him out of his car and looking through it just because he LOOKS like a shit bag,go to a disturbance call at someones home and tear it apart looking for grampas gun for stupid number.Whats right is right fuck Jodys numbers life is not about numbers.

8/02/2008 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
To every single yuppy out there.


8/01/2008 07:10:00 PM

Take it easy Francis...

8/02/2008 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen, I know UPTOWN is relatively crime free but, some shit does happen. The BIGGEST problem in 023 is CAPTAIN AMERICA AKA TL 3rd Watch. He tells PO's and Supervisors how they are going to prison, going to get indicted when they come in with dope pinches. The word is out , do not bring anything iffy to Capt. TL ( who formerly wanted PO'S to waive the contaqctual rights). Just do what you gotta do when he is around.

8/02/2008 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess with these "crazy" yuppies and camera carrying liberals, you just cant knock it down in 023 like you used to.

What next, the whole block empties out on you and yell Shakesperian quotes at you! Oh deary, what is a boy to do!

8/02/2008 04:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..."Hey punk, put in your time and you too can work in a district that has a Starbucks..."

23 years is a lot of time. I could go anywhere, but I would rather work in the ghetto and handle baby mama drama than go to 023 and deal with idiot people that hug and kiss Ronnie Woo-Woo.

Starbucks coffee sucks anyway. Get yours at 7-11. Habib knows coffee!!

8/02/2008 07:36:00 AM  
Blogger Big Daddy said...

To 8/01/2008 at 6:15 PM-
That was one of the best,funniest and most accurate posts I've ever read.

8/02/2008 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nevertheless, Burke suggested the Police and Fire Committee hold further hearing on Chasen's retirement to see if it was the result of retaliation for his testimony at the committee, which Burke said would be a violation of the city whistle-blower ordinance."

Read the whistleblower law, has nothing to do with what happened. Shows you what a dumbfuck the "alderman" is.

8/02/2008 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in a good district with good bosses. The W/C comes to roll call and says "downtown says we need 350 curfews this month"
This is the problem. This worship at the atlar of numbers, meaningless numbers. When you have no management skills, and no ability to motivate, then numbers is the last refuge of a clout hack.

8/02/2008 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing we didn't see, NOT A SINGLE SQUAD CAR in 4 whole hours. Signed - not a police officer but a tax paying citizen living on 433's beat.
If you have been reading this site you would know that we are short out here. Why don't you start a citizens patrol and start filming these criminals. If you call 911, please be patient. The 30 sector cars are assisting on the north end.

8/02/2008 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My how things have changed,I can remember when Uptown was considered one of the toughest neighborhoods in the nation!Poor native Americans,poor Southern whites,poor PR's,poor negroes,and a sprinkling of certified lunatics,all jammed together and on top of each other in once grand but now cut up and substandard housing,made for an intresting stew.Throw in some booze and drugs and a score of sleazy bars,Holy Handjob,duck and cover.Tough Titties,YuppieScum.

8/02/2008 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey punk, put your time in and someday you too can work in a district that has a Starbucks.

Now go handle the baby-mama-drama call.

011/010 share a Starbucks that is slated to close in the coming months.

What am I gonna do?

I used to find a quiet refuge in Starbucks on Roosevelt, sitting in the lush armchairs, reading extremely intelligently written "North Lawndale News" and trying to stay away from any sort of drama. I'd turn down my radio as to not hear 1120's mindless dribble, sip my drink & RELAX!

I guess it's time to bid up north!

How's 019?

I think I'd fit in with the tact guys, they seem like some cool dudes!

8/02/2008 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in less than 24 hours i will be on my way to the u.p. of michigan for a week of fishing, etc... no shitbirds, people are nice and say hi, you don't pre pay for gas, and everything is much cheaper.

Isn't it amazing? I know exactely what you are talking about and I am jealous that I will not be going up to Michigan as well. It is a totaly different world. Initially when I get up there I am leary of people because they are nice and say hello to each other. Then, I soon realize, that this is how normal, everyday, working people act toward each other. Retirement can't come soon enough.

8/01/2008 10:27:00 PM

The other day someone who loves to travel and has done so for many many years said that nowhere in the United States do you see African Americans act the way they do in Chicago, urban areas of California and New York. Nowhere.

Aren't we lucky?

8/02/2008 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

North End of 23 is three ring circus (Irving to Lawrence/Clark to Lakefront). When the police try to be proactive and stop the nonsense they are told by the populous, don't be so mean to the people, stop picking on the criminals. Now, it doesn't compare to the likes of 7, 15, 5, but it does have its share of criminal activity. I'm not sure who's worse, Schiller, or Mary Ann Smith who's areas cover part of it. Both left wing nut jobs, who believe Uptown is a utopia of love and peace and the Police are just Storn troopers taking away the rights of their constituents. Either way, the people that live there, got what they wanted. And, believe it or not the coppers up there do a great job and work their butts off. And the commander is a good boss.

The trend is this, and its been said before, You can only beat the police down so much, in the end they will just hold their hands up and raise the white flag.

Let me the police take the gloves off, and take care of business, and Shitcago will be a great city once again.

8/01/2008 02:47:00 PM

whatever Ive seen the coppers in uptown and most mind their own business, while others try to play real police... guess what... YOURE NOT! So stop making up words, stop acting like uptown is the worst of the worst, stop pretending you "were there when it was a real shit hole" and stop pretending you are a well experienced PO you just are not! Im in 020 now and I see it every day on our south end... I dont even stop any more when I see your tac/gang clowns stopping the same 3 shit heads that are STILL not doing anything wrong... just like they werent doing anything yesterday or the day before or the day before... So with my 22 years on this job, 18 in 015 PLEASE stop pretending there is anything more than pissers and DOPW in 023 THERE JUST ISNT! To quote from an early post... 1 shooting through July? Sounds like Mayberry!

8/02/2008 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They do have aggressive officers working to include the tactical teams.
Besides, it would be too hard to get a DOPW in that neighborhood.

I took these from 2 posts, both are soooooo funny!!

Aggressive tact teams in 023, yeah if you count DOPW and pissin', look at the log at the desk in 019, every pinch from 023 is one or the other!!

And TRU could make a killing there unless you're saying the 023 tac teams are making these pinches up? Wait, there can't be that many people drinking and pissing in 023 can there?? hmmmmmmm.......

8/02/2008 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hellen Schiller once gave me the stink eye because I had the audacity to make her show me an ID to enter CPS HQ.Next time that happens,I'm gonna flip her a quarter,and ask her to "have a rat naw that thing off your face".Still one of my favorite John Candy lines.

8/02/2008 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This weekend Lollapalooza will be held,over 100,000 people in attendance. I bet there is no gun fire,robbery,rape or homicides.

Kanye West is on the ticket.


The people have to pay to get into this concert, which is the main reason why the first poster is correct.

8/01/2008 05:57:00 PM

I disagree. The savage knows where to find a victim. The periphery of this overly advertised event will suit him if he cannot afford to buy his way into the festivities. He'll just wait and hang out and wander, more like wilding, then strike when the time is right. It's like the shark on the outside of a school of fish. Feeding time is about to begin. We'll see after Liberalapalooza is over, but I will bet there is a notable stickup, or criminal sexual assault, or maybe a shots fired or shots successful, with a liberal suburbanite victim and a resident of Chicago offender. We'll see.

8/02/2008 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Uptown!!!

8/02/2008 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

UPTOWN is one of the strangest places on our planet. There are mentally disturbed everywhere and some gangs and punks. Yes it has improved over the last 20 years, but it is still UPTOWN. That's right. It has that flavor still after millions in renovation and new construction. Lock your doors and gates, set your alarms, lock your bikes, close your windows and lock them, get motion detectors and call 911 when you observe something bad. Thats all from UPTOWN, Illinois

8/02/2008 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing against Chasen, but personally, I would have been embarrassed to show up at City Hall Hearing on that stupid "gun offender registry" amendment that Ald. Burke had the audacity to propose, and to sit there and say that you were uninformed about the ordinance (and what it proposed), and that you showed up at this hearing in a totally uninformed state only because you were ordered to do so. I think when you commit yourself publicly to such an asinine statement such as that, your sorry ass should be told to pack & leave, and quickly. Not one of your best moments, Chasen, and certainly, after 39 and half years, even worse to go out being remembered for those silly, silly words you uttered. What a pitiful legacy....

8/02/2008 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree. The savage knows where to find a victim. The periphery of this overly advertised event will suit him if he cannot afford to buy his way into the festivities. He'll just wait and hang out and wander, more like wilding, then strike when the time is right. It's like the shark on the outside of a school of fish. Feeding time is about to begin. We'll see after Liberalapalooza is over, but I will bet there is a notable stickup, or criminal sexual assault, or maybe a shots fired or shots successful, with a liberal suburbanite victim and a resident of Chicago offender. We'll see.

8/02/2008 12:37:00 PM
WOW! your a goofball, you should turn this into a spooky novel because that is what it sounds like. go play on lake shore drive ok asshat!!!

8/02/2008 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 8/01/2008 05:30:00 PM

She's an uptown girl, living in an uptown world.

8/02/2008 06:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Rogers Park and we face similar issues. I thought the below comment made alot of sense. In the city you have to co-exist with all types of people. I have learned to tolerate some things, but there are times when one gets weary of that. And it certainly doesn't help when the local Alderman just denies the problem ("Crime is down!"). I think the police in my beat 2431 do a pretty good job generally. I wish they would get rid of the drug dealing on Morse though! And clean up Howard- that would be good.

Comment follows:
The federal government that controls HUD housing is not going to relocate the existing housing somewhere else, so get used to it OK. As a Chicago Cop for a number of years in the area, we answer all of our calls and patrol the streets with dilligence and limited manpower-we cannot transform this area into a quiet suburban community. That is the God's truth.

8/02/2008 08:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Find out who shiller is related to and you'll have the answers you're looking for. She is extremely wealthy.

8/03/2008 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear SCC;
The unofficial count for the weekend that you requested is as follows:
7 homicides
23 agg batts
5 people in very grave condition. (not expected to live)


8/03/2008 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Signed - not a police officer but a tax paying citizen living on 433's beat.

8/01/2008 12:23:00 PM

Tell your aldercreature. Tell the mayor. Not 433's fault. They're probably detailed elsewhere.

8/03/2008 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all it's the TARGETED resonse unit, not tactical response unit. Secondly, if we went that far north I think most of us would be lost and get a nose bleed from the altitude. Besides, it would be too hard to get a DOPW in that neighborhood.

8/01/2008 04:17:00 PM

Yeah, you'd definitely get lost. The reason they keep you south is because the streets there are numbered, so you don't have to remember actual names.

8/03/2008 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They do have aggressive officers working to include the tactical teams.
Besides, it would be too hard to get a DOPW in that neighborhood.

I took these from 2 posts, both are soooooo funny!!

Aggressive tact teams in 023, yeah if you count DOPW and pissin', look at the log at the desk in 019, every pinch from 023 is one or the other!!

And TRU could make a killing there unless you're saying the 023 tac teams are making these pinches up? Wait, there can't be that many people drinking and pissing in 023 can there?? hmmmmmmm.......

8/02/2008 11:01:00 AM

you are a moron supercop wannabe. Why don't you transfer to 023 and solve all the big crimes maybe you can find Hoffa. Asshat

8/03/2008 02:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree. The savage knows where to find a victim. The periphery of this overly advertised event will suit him if he cannot afford to buy his way into the festivities. He'll just wait and hang out and wander, more like wilding, then strike when the time is right. It's like the shark on the outside of a school of fish. Feeding time is about to begin. We'll see after Liberalapalooza is over, but I will bet there is a notable stickup, or criminal sexual assault, or maybe a shots fired or shots successful, with a liberal suburbanite victim and a resident of Chicago offender. We'll see.

8/02/2008 12:37:00 PM
WOW! your a goofball, you should turn this into a spooky novel because that is what it sounds like. go play on lake shore drive ok asshat!!!

8/02/2008 06:27:00 PM

It's you're, not your, idiot. And it is apparent, you do not know the savage. Now carry on, and be a victim, soon I hope!

8/03/2008 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
..."Hey punk, put in your time and you too can work in a district that has a Starbucks..."

23 years is a lot of time. I could go anywhere, but I would rather work in the ghetto and handle baby mama drama than go to 023 and deal with idiot people that hug and kiss Ronnie Woo-Woo.

Starbucks coffee sucks anyway. Get yours at 7-11. Habib knows coffee!!

8/02/2008 07:36:00 AM

You are an asshat that intoxicating pungent aroma coming from your coffee is probably piss. That coffe sucks. Your better off drinking sanka. Stay in the ghetto god forbid you enjoy the talent in the nice neighborhoods. Here's a chi latte in your eye kid. Muaw!!

8/03/2008 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree. The savage knows where to find a victim. The periphery of this overly advertised event will suit him if he cannot afford to buy his way into the festivities. He'll just wait and hang out and wander, more like wilding, then strike when the time is right. It's like the shark on the outside of a school of fish. Feeding time is about to begin. We'll see after Liberalapalooza is over, but I will bet there is a notable stickup, or criminal sexual assault, or maybe a shots fired or shots successful, with a liberal suburbanite victim and a resident of Chicago offender. We'll see.

8/02/2008 12:37:00 PM
WOW! your a goofball, you should turn this into a spooky novel because that is what it sounds like. go play on lake shore drive ok asshat!!!

8/02/2008 06:27:00 PM

We'll see after Sunday evening and Kanye West.

8/03/2008 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is also Lisa’s duty to protect U.S. Citizens from being victimized by illegal immigrants who commit felonies upon them. Sanctuary cities like Chicago are just waiting to get sued by citizens who get killed or maimed by illegal felons protected by da mayor’s political agenda. Sue da mayor personally.

I agree

8/03/2008 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When has a Madigan ever done right by either the letter of the law or the spirit of same?

The only duty Lisa knows is to her political career, via her 'loving' step father's examples.

It truly is amazing how only a thin veneer of attractiveness covering the most ambitious and venal creatures is enough to fool the electorate.

If these professional liars were to have chosen an honest line of work, like, say, sexual prostitution, they'd be wealthier than they are now.

8/09/2008 02:31:00 AM  
Blogger JACK said...

Wow, you have to love how everyone's preconceptions prevent progress in Uptown.

The Shiller crowd thinks condo owners are evil and hate the poor and that police are storm troopers and so they work to block any progress in the neighborhood.

Others here cynically complain how crime is worse elsewhere and Uptown used to be really bad, so stop complaining, as if that's the answer. Yeah, what's your point? You want it to revert to what it was? Will that make your jobs easier?

Anyone who spends a a few actual minutes in Uptown knows that it has nowhere near the problems of the Southside or Westside, but since when do those neighborhoods set the standard for what is acceptable and what is not?

And stop tossing around that b.s. statistic of only 1 homicide this year. Everyone knows that the statistics cited about Uptown by officials is based on arrests. There's a shooting here about every three days. But for most there never is an arrest and so it is as if it doesn't exist.

Uptown has a growing population of people who want to improve the neighborhood. Some are new, some have been here for decades. They aren't naive condo flippers from white suburbia as most here would like to assume. Frankly, they are pretty aware and savvy. They seriously would like to help, but they get pissed on by all, police and alderman alike. It boils down to this: many have written off this neighborhood; they haven't.

The neighborhood knows what's happening around it. They laugh when things like a camera gets put at Lawrence and Winthrop, instead of Sheridan and Lawrence like it should have been. We get asked things like "Wow, why are there so many of you at this CAPS meeting" as if we are idiots and actually have to say "probably the fact that gangbangers have been using the strip mall half a block up from here as their personal retaliation zone all summer". Yes, there are bums who seem set on making the lives of the police hell to win some ideological victory that only exists in their own screwed up head, but to focus on them is to look for an excuse to dismiss Uptown's issues as not worthy of addressing.

9/02/2008 04:38:00 PM  

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