Monday, August 04, 2008

More "reverend" Bright Ideas

  • Community leaders are protesting their schools' lack of funds. Another reverend is now calling on parents to pull their kids out of school. [...]

    Reverend Ira Acree is the second Chicago preacher to call for the first-day-of-school boycott. And other activists tell CBS 2 that's only one tactic they are planning to make educational funding more fair.
Tactics that aren't being considered?
  • Get jobs, act responsibly, make the community viable so that tax revenues increase and schools improve;
  • Sit down, shut up, learn.
We can see this part of the plan working brilliantly though:
  • Acree added there will be a protest on Thursday at noon in downtown Chicago about the funding issue. And after the first day boycott, ministers say they plan to hold classes in the lobbies of downtown buildings to get the business community to pay attention.

    Do they have permission for that? Sen. Meeks says no, but he added, 'they'll just have to get arrested.'
Speaking of arrests, why not have the business community head over to such stellar examples of the CPS like Crane, Bogan, Farragut and half a dozen other schools where the arrests from these schools alone would total almost 40 or 50 per day? We're sure the business community would love to see that.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Acree added there will be a protest on Thursday at noon in downtown Chicago about the funding issue.

Wait. WHO is funding those schools??

8/04/2008 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any reason at all to take off of work or school, Just plain old TYPICAL!

8/04/2008 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time you stop a kid for curfewor school absentee in these beleaguerd communties ask them for their Library Card. I could guarantee 98% don't have one even know where their local Library is, let alone ever stepped foot in one. It's the same tired victimization role the Preacher Pimps play as their flock falls farther behind & dropout rates continue to skyrocket

8/04/2008 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The schools are there. The teachers are there. Fuck these people for not taking advantage of what they already have. Double fuck those who destroy what they are given so that those who want to learn can't.

8/04/2008 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't these idiots realize that the CPS system receives its yearly funding from the state based on the attendance of classes numbers on the first day of school??? By "boycotting" opening day, they're hurting the kids' funding for the year. Jagoffs!

8/04/2008 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see that! A pack of ignorant, unruly idiots being taught by an ignorant, half edumacated, ghetto speaking idiot.

"Now class, lets me axe you da firss kweshon."

"Huh? Who me?"

Then a fight can break out and maybe after, some blunt smokin' and bangin' hoes. Oh wait, I forgot. The black gangs have to fight with the Hispanic gangs.

That will be priceless.

8/04/2008 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meeks, will you stop bothering people who work, pay taxes, and educate thier children with time and attention?

because either a person chooses to do this or not.

8/04/2008 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, so if the revs are calling for a boycott of the first day of school, why is there a need for the Bud parade?

8/04/2008 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HMMM let me see here. If a group of people enter a building to hold classes, and are asked to leave by building management/security, and are willing to sign complaints...

Sound like CTTL to me. Keeping with my current Contractless work ethic signed complaints on the adults and 20 or so JUVs? Geezz could it be possible? OT??

Im there!!

HEY REV's! SIT DOWN & SHUT-UP. Im so sick of your worthless protests that will accomplish nothing except entertaining the masses. How about first teaching you people the value of personal repsonsibility.

8/04/2008 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Works for me. Don't show up to school. We are the City of accountability, right? If the students don't show up to their respective schools, those schools loose the fundng they should have gotten if they had. I know the decent schools will have no problem because the parents and students from those schools don't listen to the Prentendrends.

Teach classes? Ha ha ha ha ha. Them gonna edumacate them peoples. Doing math. One, two, tree, fo.......

8/04/2008 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""ministers say they plan to hold classes in the lobbies of downtown buildings to get the business community to pay attention.""

Oh you bet your bottom dollar the business community, the media, and the Reverend's themselves will take notice and pay attention. Maybe after they spend a day 'teaching' the average REAL CPS student, they'll understand funding isn't necessarily the problem. Lack of participation on the 'students' and parents' perhaps play a role in this as well.

Perhaps they should minister the needs of school-aged children; like a curfew, a bedtime, and scheduled homework session. Perhaps that may be the answer to the beleaguered school system. Heck for that matter, they can start out small, let them go to the McKay grammer school, they'd be in for such a ""RUDE"" awakening.

I sure would LOVE to see this plan in action. But somehow, being that it would be bigger than life, none of the REAL 'CPS' students will be part of this process but the select few of their ministry (hand-chosen) I would bet.

I would love for any of the great and able-bodied ministers be present for a school dismissal at Tilden, Kelly HS, Curie HS, or Bogan any/every day of the week. Perhaps then they'll get the BIG picture. Wasn't busing the kids from their neighborhoods with the kids they know to alternate schools supposed to fix the problem of having a biased teaching system. We all know how effective that is ...

And I must add, I truly appreciate the separation of church and state that has been taking place here.

First you let them run the media,then the police department, and now the public school system, WHAT IS NEXT?????

Where is Seiser in all of this???


8/04/2008 01:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really hope they go through with all of these crazy plans .. grab some popcorn!

8/04/2008 02:11:00 AM  
Blogger Too Many Rectums said...

SCC: I have a question for all the journalists out there that read your blog. "Is somebody from the news media going to corner our Superintendent and ask him if he'll order the arrests of these phony reverends for contributing to the delinquency of a minor?"

Just thought I'd ask....

8/04/2008 02:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me, you forgot HARPER.

8/04/2008 05:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, even the rev'runts depend upon the police.

What if NO arrests are made?

What do ya think those inconvenienced and obstructed by these planned protests might do, in reaction to their daily work routines being interfered with, with de-policing in effect?

And with our 'hard working' mayor conveniently 'out of town'?

8/04/2008 05:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another excuse for these nitwits to stay out of school and smoke another blunt!

Where's Chalkie at when you need him the most?

8/04/2008 06:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you're dealing with stupid people, rational discourse is useless.

You must whip them up to a fever pitch by shouting nonsenze to manipulate them. Face it. Most people are dumb sheep.

8/04/2008 07:35:00 AM  
Blogger pathickey said...

Truant CPS Kids celebrating diversity Winnetka, or getting behind School Choice?

8/04/2008 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all money. That is what is missing in the CPS system. Just give the board of ED more money and they will deliver highly educated people.

The good rev. on tv told us so.
The really sad part is, is that the fools that will keep peanut home on the first day of school believe this crap.

This is the society that the dumbocrats have given us. People have been taught that they get paid for doing nothing, that bad decisions have no consequences, and that if you whine and play the victim, you will receive.

Now a select demographic believe that just pushing peanut out the door to school is edumacating them. No parental involvement or support required.

It's so ironic that this community doesn't understand that this is what the dumbocrats want. To keep them dependent and electing their providers, thus keeping those providers in power. With that power, comes all the contracts and jobs that they can pass out to their friends and supporters.

This current system is leading the U.S. to becoming insignificant in the world within 100 years.

8/04/2008 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't hear anyone crying about paying the high taxes that we do in the suburbs compared to the City and most of that money goes to the school district. Now the Rev's want to boycott Chicago schools and also enroll in the suburban school systems where they don't pay taxes, oh, sorry, they don't pay taxes in Chicago either for the most part and I'm sure most have their Link Cards and use Section 8 to pay their rent. Maybe they should start paying if they want something rather than having it handed to them on a silver platter.

8/04/2008 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Rev./ Senator Meeks
After seeing your sound bites on the news, I have a couple of things I feel the need to point out to you. You state that CPS spends $10,000 per student. Yet you also state that only the students in "colored" (your words, not mine) schools are being short changed. That is why the students at "colored" schools are failing and droping out. I do not see these problems at Sauganash, Edgebrook, Ebinger, Onihan, Taft, Mather or Von Stuben. I will not include Northside Prep because student from the neighborhood do not attend for the most part. The same $10,000 per student is spent at these schools as the "colored" schools. Is the a product of money or parenting? We could spend $100,000 per student and it would not make a difference. If you do not make sure you kids go to school, study, do their homework and generally be supportive you end up with a failure and a drop out. Teachers have you children for less than 7 hours a day, you have them the other 17 hours. It is not up to the teachers to raise your children.
As for the money the suburbs spend per student, it is comes from the tax base. Living in Norwood Park I pay some of the highest property taxes in the city. How much do your "parishners" pay in taxes? How much do the constituents that you pander to pay in taxes? If you cannot carry your own weight how can you complain. Sure, some of the suburbs can spend more per student, they pay MORE IN PROPERTY TAXES. What is the average property tax paid in Englewood? Where do you expect the money to come from? Sorry, other than lottery tickets. Do you expect 35% of the population to pay for the other 65%?
Care for you children, pay your end and you will be amazed at how much better everyone will turn out.

8/04/2008 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obamas guys strike again.

8/04/2008 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what the Rev meeks will say when chalkie visits one of his protesting kids thatshould have been in school.

8/04/2008 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

typical shitheads...don't they realize the schools get more money based on 1st day let's keep kids out of school??

8/04/2008 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/04/2008 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well they already all been protesting not obeying and law and been protesting having a job for sometime also. Why not add going to school into the mix. Why waste time pretending to go to school if they don't go that will give the mayor the extra $400 mil that he won't have to pay to CPS.

8/04/2008 10:08:00 AM  
Blogger Too Many Rectums said...

"It's so ironic that this community doesn't understand that this is what the dumbocrats want. To keep them dependent and electing their providers, thus keeping those providers in power. With that power, comes all the contracts and jobs that they can pass out to their friends and supporters."
Excellent! I couldn't say it any better!

8/04/2008 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the coloreds (according to meeks)should go get jobs pay taxes obey laws and quit bitchn and wantn wantn wantn without doing any givin of thier own.

8/04/2008 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't hear anyone crying about paying the high taxes that we do in the suburbs compared to the City and most of that money goes to the school district. Now the Rev's want to boycott Chicago schools and also enroll in the suburban school systems where they don't pay taxes, oh, sorry, they don't pay taxes in Chicago either for the most part and I'm sure most have their Link Cards and use Section 8 to pay their rent. Maybe they should start paying if they want something rather than having it handed to them on a silver platter.

Stop complaining, these are the same northshore liberals that vote democratic every election, thus continuing the never-ending cycle of section 8 and link cards. Start by getting rid of ultra-liberal Jan Schakowsky and quit all the handouts.

8/04/2008 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meeks is a real dumb ass must have been a product of the public school.

8/04/2008 10:24:00 AM  
Blogger nwwghiaftc said...

Reverend Meeks will be able to visit some of his former constituents, because some of them live up here now. I wonder who will do the work that the children miss on the first day? Of course Reverend Meeks is a State Senator and they are not doing anything so maybe he can cover for the children.I wonder what Reverend Meeks will say at the Bud Biliken Parade, which encourages African-American children to attend school? Finally, another contributor to this blog noted that a boycott would make the funding problem worse because funding is based on attendance. Even Jesse Jackson figured that out.

8/04/2008 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well maybe if we didnt have houses converted into apartments but still only pay taxes as single family homes, there would be more money per student...but what do i know. now squad can I get a personal...

8/04/2008 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets get some advice from other goverments on how they handle these things. Maybe Kenya, Rhodesia,Somalia,Uganda,etc would be willing to send a staff of advisors.................

8/04/2008 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meeks, will you stop bothering people who work, pay taxes, and educate thier children with time and attention?

Well he ain't going to get it from HIS people. He gonna deal with more pressing issues like this comming Feb when all analog tv signals stop. He be leading the protest march on city hall DEMANDING that all peoples of color be givin convertor boxes for FREE and then be givin more boxes because the first ones that were givin out were directly taken to the pawn shop! HAHAHA

8/04/2008 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Care for you children, pay your end and you will be amazed at how much better everyone will turn out.

I'll have what he's smoking!

8/04/2008 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what the Rev meeks will say when chalkie visits one of his protesting kids thatshould have been in school.


Simple; "Where were the police?", "The system let him down".
Ironically, they will probably use his 8th graduation photo to plaster all over the news. If they don't have one then they can find someone who knows PhotoShop and paste a graduation cap on his sweet little head. I'm sure it's been done before.

8/04/2008 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will these pricks realize that they have segregated themselves due to not raising their children or trying to be productive members of society?

8/04/2008 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

send all of em to the burbs!!!
Give the tree huggers out there some young shithead gangsta to embrace..
It would be nice to watch all the liberals out there get violated by these young predators

8/04/2008 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why wont Meeks just admitt to the "REAL" problem.
Very few of these kids go to school and learn. CPS is a joke. Where is the parental responsibilty. Let Pookie go to school in the suburbs. THen when they are still not graduation and have a 4th grade reading level who will to to blame then?

8/04/2008 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how come all the city schools are now some sort of academy?
Should be "Criminal Carear Academy".

8/04/2008 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you want these kids to get an education, give them an incentive. Base their public aide on there grades. No more SSI without passing grades. Momma might get on their kids about homework and going to school if there is no more FREE MONEY

8/04/2008 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's so ironic that this community doesn't understand that this is what the dumbocrats want. To keep them dependent and electing their providers, thus keeping those providers in power. With that power, comes all the contracts and jobs that they can pass out to their friends and supporters."

Really? I believe Clinton passed the Welfare to Work in 96.
Contracts& Jobs you're referring to the no-bid billion dollar contracts that went to Halliburton former CEO Darth Cheneys company?
This Presidential Administration has been awash with rampant criminal cronyism. Corruption applies to both sides of the Aisle. You want to sty local? Go visit your former Repub Guv Ryan @ the Fed Pen in Wisconsin.

8/04/2008 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IF they go through with this bullshit and skip school, first district people should go to the "classrooms" set up and write everyone of them a school absentee. Should have enough absentee forms to last the first district for the year.

8/04/2008 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meeks wants to spread the chaos all over the state. Then the west and southsides won't look as bad!!

8/04/2008 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

somehow got linked to epark forest news site...

this sounds like a certain popular country western song...

"The front passenger side tire of a vehicle parked in the first block of Apple Street was reported flattened on July 29 and the words, “GET YO OWN MAN” were scratched into the hood of the car."

life imitating art!

8/04/2008 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meeks should be arguing in Springfield to raise our property taxes to 15 and 20 thousand. That's what New Trier community pays. He is a state senator right?

8/04/2008 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meeks is asking all of his "parishioners" to contribute $200 to him so he can have a house like Reverend Wright. I shit you not.

8/04/2008 01:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's face the facts...public education is failing in large part. We need competition in education just like every other facet of American society. Close the failing schools and give ALL parents vouchers and real choice on where to educate their children. We would see new and innovative smaller private schools opening up that can implement discipline and foster better learning environments. We need to think boldly. Embracing the status quo won't bring about change.

8/04/2008 01:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The years of "entitlement" our government and the fucking media have firmly fixed in the psyche of the black community has drained every available resource from governmental agencies across the country. Although we pay outrageous real estate taxes to fund a public school system most of us would not even think of sending our children to, it still isn't enough for these assholes.
Someone should "axe" the reverends How much taxes they paid to help fund the school system.
Again the "problem" is not enough MONEY. How many more millions are we going to waste before someone finally tells the black community to "FUCK OFF" you're not getting anymore money for your bullshit programs or school funding.
It's time to tell the black community to be responsible for itself. That means getting involved in Pookie and Shamekqua's life. Teaching them right from wrong and how to be a productive member of society instead of waiting for the government to feed, cloth, and shelter them.
We should start a fucking revolution and tear this fucking government down. It is ruined beyond repair.

8/04/2008 02:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was talking to some teacher at a southeast side school not too long ago. He told me that his only "good" students, with a few exceptions, were either:
1: from really religious families
2: Nigerian

8/04/2008 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1)SPEECH: how to answer any question with "huh" or "who me?"
2)NUTRITION: how to survive on a diet of fried food, flamin hots, red pop and 40oz'ers and still be built like mr. universe
3)SEX ED: how to always have a condom in your pocket yet still have 6 kids
4)FAMILY VALUES: how to have everyone be a relative, ie cuzzin, yet not know their name but what they "go by"
5)DRIVING: how to use the turn lane as a passing lane and the center lane to turn
6)ECONOMICS: how to get an education and expensive rims without working or paying taxes
7)MAGIC: how to disappear into any alley or gangway
8)MULTI-TASKING: how to eat, talk on a cell phone and walk at the same time
9)RULES OF THE ROAD: how to cross the street when the light is red
10)PHYSICS: how a car doesn't vibrate apart from the bass in the 500 watt woofer in the trunk of car
11)TRIATHALON: how to ride a bike, shoot a pistol and then hop a 10 foot fence
12)SHOP: how to dismantle a hot water heater and copper piping

8/04/2008 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More CPS waste....the Southwest side grammar school students (Edwards, McKay, Tarkington, Twain, etc.) who had to complete summer school before being allowed to graduate are required to attend the rehearsal and the graduation at Simeon High School. Only two tickets per student for family members to attend. Not a big deal for some, but a distance of 18 miles one way. For a total of 72 miles driven, gas at $4 a gallon how much will it cost aggravated parents to see their kid graduate? Then you get to see the how the system is an all consuming money money machine. Why could this not be done in the neighborhood schools, where travel is kept to minimum, more family members can attend, and graduating from a facility which has some significance for the graduates? I have a feeling this is a political play and that the CPS is using this as a photo-op or other phony image builder for some political hack.

8/04/2008 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"ministers say they plan to hold classes in the lobbies of downtown buildings to get the business community to pay attention."

Sure, they'll get the businesses attention - their response will be, "Let's move our business out of this dumbfuck city." May all you phony reverends burn in hell.

8/04/2008 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/04/2008 04:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With Jesse Jackass and Father Pflegmer keeping a low profile, someone else had to step up. Rightz?

8/04/2008 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what the Rev meeks will say when chalkie visits one of his protesting kids thatshould have been in school.

8/04/2008 09:09:00 AM

I will tell you what that ignorant POS will say.

He'll say:


Then watch all his members at the House of Dope agree with him. Dope applies to their brains and their blunts. Not racist, just true.

8/04/2008 05:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The schools are there. The teachers are there. Fuck these people for not taking advantage of what they already have. Double fuck those who destroy what they are given so that those who want to learn can't.

8/04/2008 12:28:00 AM

Exactly, but that makes too much sense. I'm shocked that Arne Duncan has not made a public statement (I haven't heard one) or that fat ass School Board President have nothing to say. God forbid we offend the "Black Church". Children are supposed to look up to their pastors. These people are ignorant assholes who don't deserve to "serve" anyone. If this is the best these kids have as guidance, they are even more fucked than they already are.

As someone else said, get your asses to your classes. That's where they all belong. Not running the streets.

8/04/2008 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This current system is leading the U.S. to becoming insignificant in the world within 100 years.

8/04/2008 08:30:00 AM"

You're way too optimistic.

More like 10 plus or minus years. Max.

That's IF the 20 to 30 year old voters don't pull their heads out of their asses and create a sea change in politics.

And I'm NOT talking about the Obama Whama VooDoo Mumbo Jumbo.

A 3rd party, based on Truth, Honesty and Common Sense is what's needed.

Maybe the saner heads of this blog could lead the way.

There ARE citizens, both under and over 30 years of age, that actually believe in achieving the American Dream without resorting to doing so on the backs of others.

The electorate needs to have a choice, that choice being NEITHER an old school Democrat NOR an old school Republican.

No matter what Obama, or McCain, claim, they are both part and parcel of old school politics.

The responsibility for compelling changes, REAL changes, in our political mechanizations rests with the citizens, who should ALL be registered to vote, and who should ALL be voting in EVERY election.

Nothing less than the future of our Democracy is at stake.

Citizens can't just sit back and wait for the politicos to drop dead, either of disease or old age, or to miraculously transform themselves into honest human beings.

The ongoing Ponzi schemes that are our governments, local, state and federal, in cahoots with major corporate interests, are relentlessly destroying both our economy and our Democracy.

The mentality exhibited by Meeks and his ilk is akin to the puss filled sores that appear on a victim of plague.

Ugly surface indicators of a more entrenched and total body infection.

We know the disease.

It's causes have been enumerated and commonly known as the Seven Deadly Sins.

Will we be the first nation to conquer this disease, or merely one in a long history of nations to fall victim to it?

8/04/2008 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a State funding issue. Why not throw out every member of the State legislature. Why not protest the state of Illinois building. Why not sit ins outside of Emil Jones, Madigan, and Blago's Chicago office until they declare a crisis and recall the general assembly. Take it to the source of the problem, State Government, and find someone who truly cares and will demand someone with real guts introduce legislation for more funding and more promotion of the State Lottery to fund schools as it was intended.

8/04/2008 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would it be possible to post the criminal histories of these "reverends", because most of them have one.

8/04/2008 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Rev./ Senator Meeks
After seeing your sound bites on the news, I have a couple of things I feel the need to point out to you. You state that CPS spends $10,000 per student. Yet you also state that only the students in "colored" (your words, not mine) schools are being short changed. That is why the students at "colored" schools are failing and droping out. I do not see these problems at Sauganash, Edgebrook, Ebinger, Onihan, Taft, Mather or Von Stuben. I will not include Northside Prep because student from the neighborhood do not attend for the most part. The same $10,000 per student is spent at these schools as the "colored" schools. Is the a product of money or parenting? We could spend $100,000 per student and it would not make a difference. If you do not make sure you kids go to school, study, do their homework and generally be supportive you end up with a failure and a drop out. Teachers have you children for less than 7 hours a day, you have them the other 17 hours. It is not up to the teachers to raise your children.
As for the money the suburbs spend per student, it is comes from the tax base. Living in Norwood Park I pay some of the highest property taxes in the city. How much do your "parishners" pay in taxes? How much do the constituents that you pander to pay in taxes? If you cannot carry your own weight how can you complain. Sure, some of the suburbs can spend more per student, they pay MORE IN PROPERTY TAXES. What is the average property tax paid in Englewood? Where do you expect the money to come from? Sorry, other than lottery tickets. Do you expect 35% of the population to pay for the other 65%?
Care for you children, pay your end and you will be amazed at how much better everyone will turn out.

8/04/2008 09:00:00 AM

Thank you Arne, now if you only had the guts to call a news conference.

8/04/2008 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD students are going to grow up to be excellent marchers.

8/04/2008 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/04/2008 09:00:00 AM

When I heard Meeks talking about "colored" this and "colored" that I wanted to vomit. And the "congregation" nodding and fanning themselves. Are you fucking serious?

This is 2008 not 1928. But keep on keepin' on Meeks. Keep the lies out there. Keep them people down so you can make lots a money. You jagoff.

Ain't nobody keeping anyone down but themselves.

8/04/2008 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't the very rev, holy Meeks a state senator? Can't he demand his boss Emil Jones do something for the schools like Jones does for Chicago (Jones)State College?
Jones sees that they are well endowed every session.
If it is a matter of money that will educate folks some of them would not learn if you put their desks in Fort Knox with free access.

8/04/2008 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I propose the students of New Trier and the students of Simeon switch schools for one year. Leave the teachers and the facilities in place.

After one year, Simeon would become the most acclaimed public high school in the state. New Trier would have to be torn down.

What the revs don't seem to understand is that THEY are the problem. The whole reason that New Trier exists was so parents could get their kids away from Simeon-like parents/children.

All this reverend cryin because whitey no like them. Never once do they ax themselves why.

8/04/2008 05:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we be totally honest? I mean, what the fuck is there really anything to "protest" anymore? Nothing. Jesse et al are a bunch of fucking dinosaurs. You talk to college students about this kind of shit and they look at you like to have two heads. They don't see it. They don't feel it. They are out there taking advantage of the opportunities. They don't have time to wallow in self-pity like these reverends want them to.

It's fucking over. The civil rights movement is over. It accomplished what it was supposed to accomplish and then some. Affirmative action is a joke now. If it continues, it should be based on need. Tell me how I have to pay for a college education for my kids because I make too much money but an African American student who has a physician for a father and a psychologist for a mother gets a free ride scholarship just because she is black. That's bullshit. Quit crying racism. These jerkoff revs need to retire or find another angle to scam because a new day has dawned.

Sorry for the rant.

8/04/2008 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i attended farragut in the 90's and there was a stabbing or a shooting once a week. media never covered it, nor anyone seemed to care. when columbine happened the media cared so much about it they covered it intensively. everyone knows nobody gives a shit about minorities or people who are poor. i was a student who did my best in high school yet it was so bad that even the teachers would let the students get high in back of the classroom. kids and teachers didnt care about being there and that was the mentality everyone had in that school. it going to take more than just funding to help the public schools. its going to take teachers, parents, and students to make it work. meeks is a dumbfuck who doesnt give a shit about anyone but himself. every politician knows how bad these public schools are but nothing is going to be done about it.

8/04/2008 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really hope they go through with all of these crazy plans .. grab some popcorn!

8/04/2008 02:11:00 AM

Consider it free entertainment.

8/04/2008 05:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inner city rev's "Bright" ???

Errraaa, NOT !!!!!

8/04/2008 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you expect 35% of the population to pay for the other 65%?
Care for you children, pay your end and you will be amazed at how much better everyone will turn out.

8/04/2008 09:00:00 AM

Hells yeah, fool! I expex you to pays fo me! You owes me! And don't be talkin' down to me bout my childrenz neithuh. Yo seed gots to run the streets to learn, you feel me?

8/04/2008 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as always people WANT WANT WANT, never will they EARN EARN EARN. everything needs to be handed to them, they will always take out of the pot and use up all the funds and take take take, when do these people EVER give anything back. heres a hint. they don't. and thats why i don't feel sorry for them

8/04/2008 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Thank you Arne, now if you only had the guts to call a news conference.

8/04/2008 05:20:00 PM"

Not Arne Duncan.

He's no where near honest enough, bright enough or informed enough to have thought this, let alone written it.

8/04/2008 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This stupid idea! Does it make any sense to go disrupt the first day of school at New Trier with this bullshit? How fucking arrogant. Or to go disrupt a business for a day with these little assholes holding class in their lobby? I hope the NT parents organize themselves to protest against outsiders from coming into their neighborhood just for the sake of disrupting the peace. The businesses and NT need to shut this shit down before it even happens.

Until this Reverend Wright fiasco I thought the "black church" was the respectable cornerstone of the black community. Now I realize it is nothing more than a hotbed of racism and these reverends are not even smart enough to know how stupid they are.

8/04/2008 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will these pricks realize that they have segregated themselves due to not raising their children or trying to be productive members of society?

8/04/2008 12:11:00 PM

Thank you. They move in. We move out.

8/04/2008 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"8/04/2008 05:17:00 PM"

It's not a funding issue at all.

It's a 'what are we getting for our tax dollars' issue, with the disparity in outcomes having nothing to do with the amounts of funds expended.

Garbage In, Garbage Out.

That's the problem.

Filter out the Garbage.

Total Voucher System is the solution, with each and every currently public school being a privatized private contractor.

When the parents have to decide where to spend their voucher, they'll then have no one to blame but themselves if they pick a shitty school.

And they'll be motivated to actively participate in the school they do pick.

Government controlled and operated schools have failed to ensure either quality teachers or quality students.

Not every child is presently fit to attend school, either in temperament, attitude or capacity to learn.

Grade placement by age, rather than capability, subject matter being general and not talent/aptitude specific, and the routine disciplinary problems of some 'students' creates and maintains an ineffective and unhealthy environment in certain obvious schools.

A Free Market Voucher System will do more to reform and improve the opportunities for those who want to avail themselves of an authentic education than pouring more and more taxpayer dollars, from whatever sources, down the proverbial drain.

And for those who fear, and complain, that this would mean the end of educational opportunities for their chillin', it will not.

What it will mean is the requirement of each and every parent to be an active and thoughtful part in the raising and education of their children.

That may very well be a scary thing for some.

It shouldn't be.

8/04/2008 07:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will these pricks realize that they have segregated themselves due to not raising their children or trying to be productive members of society?

8/04/2008 12:11:00 PM

We have Section 8 housing in a small area of our suburb. Cops there all the fucking time now. They walk down our side street casing our yards. Took over the park. And residents are using social services nobody ever used before. They hang out in the middle of the street disrespecting people. Nothing but fucking trouble.

I am not ashamed to say it, they don't behave like me, live like me, work like me. Fuck them. The only thing they know how to produce is more ignorant useless chirrin.

8/04/2008 07:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is Bud Billikin is he from the west side or Englewood the name sounds familiar?

8/04/2008 09:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If 80% births are baby momma and no family structure, there will no chance EVER of any society virtue in the community. Housing doesn't matter. Schools do not matter. Its just beggars and paupers. There is no hope, no furture, no nothing. So just forget about it and lock em up when the opportunity arises. The situation quite frankly in one word; hopeless.

8/04/2008 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey MEEKS, why don't you take all the CPS students to Iowa, ya dopy dwarf.
P.S. Get a real job, lazy Mo-Jo...

8/04/2008 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't someone in the Black community tell this Rev Meeeeeeks to shut up? He's not doing the kids any favors by keeping them out of school the first day. Of course, I sure it will be only the gang bangers and kids who's parents don't give a shit that will skip school, 'cause "da rev meeks says so". duh.

8/04/2008 09:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and these reverends are not even smart enough to know how stupid they are.

8/04/2008 07:13:00 PM

....great line.

8/04/2008 09:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HMMM let me see here. If a group of people enter a building to hold classes, and are asked to leave by building management/security, and are willing to sign complaints...

Sound like CTTL to me. Keeping with my current Contractless work ethic signed complaints on the adults and 20 or so JUVs? Geezz could it be possible? OT??

No complaints needed on the juvies. Also, plenty of OT, since you have to contact the parent or guardian of each one and get them to come to the district to claim their honor roll student.

8/04/2008 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's so ironic that this community doesn't understand that this is what the dumbocrats want. To keep them dependent and electing their providers, thus keeping those providers in power. With that power, comes all the contracts and jobs that they can pass out to their friends and supporters."

Really? I believe Clinton passed the Welfare to Work in 96.
Contracts& Jobs you're referring to the no-bid billion dollar contracts that went to Halliburton former CEO Darth Cheneys company?
This Presidential Administration has been awash with rampant criminal cronyism. Corruption applies to both sides of the Aisle. You want to sty local? Go visit your former Repub Guv Ryan @ the Fed Pen in Wisconsin.

I agree this guy was making some great points until he started his bull. Both parties are guilty of Criminal behavior. However Bush/Chaney Have pissed away the USA, sold us to Communist China. Yet we are dying for Freedom it would be funny if it were not so sad. SICKENING

8/04/2008 10:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Half of the kids don't show up the first day anyway, who's he kidding!

8/04/2008 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical Meeks/Jackson bullshit:

Blame your shortcomings on everyone else.

Both of them make a very good living by telling their people that they are deprived.

8/05/2008 02:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Public Housing
Aid to Dependent Children
Free Lunches
Cut Rate Utility Bills
Food Stamps
Energy Credits
Grants for Education

Just a few of the "freebees" the brothers and sisters are getting already. Now this racist pig Reverend wants more of my money.

Take your Salem Baptist Church and stick it up your substanial - no wait a minute - jam it in your mouth. We all know that your bullshit spewing, racist commenting, total assinine rants, coming out of that hole of yours is big enough to encompass the Grand Canyon.

Go FUCK YOURSELF you alledged Man of God. Just another of a long line of Chicago Poverty Pimps. Plain and Simple - nothing more and you sure are a lot less.

8/05/2008 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go ahead, leave. I can see test scores citywide going up already. Don't attend school or go to the suburbs. If you do not have a high school diploma then public aide should be cut off. If your child/ren does not get his/her diploma, then the parents public aide should be cut off.You are given an opportunity to get an education on the taxpayers backs and you do not take advantage of it. The problems within the problemed schools and the "honor" students produced there are home based. Gangs,lack of respect, guns, drugs, pregnancy and parents not taking an active roll in their childrens education are not taught in schools, it is taught at home. The taxpayers provide teachers, a building,books, heating, and meals. Stop handing over money to people who have no interest in bettering themselves and expect to be handed everything based on the color of their skin. The entitlement mentality needs to end. If the good rev'ends are out there to better their flock, attend these problem schools(who in your eyes don't spend enough money on) everyday for a school year. Where do children of these rev'ends send their kids to school???

8/05/2008 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This asshole's idea is not near as funny as when je$$e was backing ebonics to be taught in the schools.

8/05/2008 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree completely with 8/04/2008 07:21:00 PM. Like she said so forcefully, it's about time WE used the worst fears of OUR community to OUR advantage.

One critical component my good friend 8/04/2008 07:21:00 PM left out of her thesis on education reform is that for a voucher system to work, a reliable state-sponsored funding source is needed, which is something we don't currently have.

What better way to ensure the financial success of a voucher system than to proclaim by law the establishment of legal "Vice Zones" in such thriving communities as Englewood, Lawndale, Mt. Greenwood, and Edison Park. Thus, happy, community-oriented individuals from all over the metro area could safely and securely take part in regulated, state-sponsored and police-protected whoring, gambling, and controlled-substance abuse, while at the same selflessly adding to the tax dollars all Chicagoans can spend on their kid's private or public educations.

In addition, the creation by law of a "Vice Zone Magnet Academy" at Taft High School must take place to guarantee a renewable source of properly trained employees and victims for the "Vice Zones." Public and private school youth from all neighborhoods and backgrounds will compete here to learn the necessary skills to thrive in what can only become a new and exciting Post-Olympic City of the Future!

The thought of paying for our children's educations with a legal "Vice Zone" in Englewood or Edison Park may very well be a scary thing for some.

It shouldn't be.

8/05/2008 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have Section 8 housing in a small area of our suburb. Cops there all the fucking time now. They walk down our side street casing our yards. Took over the park. And residents are using social services nobody ever used before. They hang out in the middle of the street disrespecting people. Nothing but fucking trouble.

I am not ashamed to say it, they don't behave like me, live like me, work like me. Fuck them. The only thing they know how to produce is more ignorant useless chirrin.

8/04/2008 07:24:00 PM
Same crap in Glenview apts near central and milwaukee..the animals they are.

8/05/2008 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just read this post and laughed. Unless you are the police, you just won't get how right on this list is. Very good.

8/05/2008 07:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"One critical component my good friend 8/04/2008 07:21:00 PM left out of her thesis on education reform is that for a voucher system to work, a reliable state-sponsored funding source is needed, which is something we don't currently have."

Why is it, again, that we pay property taxes?

8/05/2008 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just heard Meeks on the radio is it me or does he sound just like the honorable Clay Davis from "The Wire"?... SHEEEEEEEEIIIT.

8/06/2008 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why is it, again, that we pay property taxes?

8/05/2008 10:48:00 PM"

So we can, again, give play money to your political whore brethren?

I thought you'd agree.

8/06/2008 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So we can, again, give play money to your political whore brethren?

I thought you'd agree.

8/06/2008 10:38:00 AM"

You mean YOUR 'political whore brethren'.

8/06/2008 05:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just saw Meeks on TV. Never paid much attention before, that is one UGGGGG-LLLLY DUDE.

8/06/2008 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You mean YOUR 'political whore brethren'.

8/06/2008 05:59:00 PM"

Right, I mean your political whore brethren. Congrats on learning to read.

8/07/2008 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"8/07/2008 09:41:00 AM"

Thank you, Pee Wee, for your timely response.

8/08/2008 11:54:00 AM  

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