Sunday, August 03, 2008

Kass on Mette

In the Sunday Tribune. For the benefit of a couple of mentally deficient civilians who keep screeching about how Chicago cops expect to get away with breaking the law, we certainly hope you asshats read what Kass writes:
  • Mette, a good cop with a good record, was in Dubuque in 2005 when he and his brother and friends ran into two angry drunks.

    One of them attacked Mette, repeatedly, pushing and screaming, as Mette tried to get to the safety of his brother's Iowa apartment. Mette avoided the drunk, once, then twice. The third time, when the drunk punched him in the chest, Mike punched back. Once.

    And for that he was sentenced to 5 years in prison. On Sunday, he'll have been behind bars for 280 days, for the crime of self-defense, or the crime of being a Chicago cop in Iowa. The prosecutors in Dubuque whine every time I write about this, and they often exaggerate their case to their local media so it won't smell so bad. A reasonable man might think that insider politics is at play.
Go read the whole thing. Evidently, J-Fed has written a letter to the Iowa governor. We just hope it isn't a ploy so he can indict Mike on Federal civil rights charges.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon SCC, if it's true and J Fed wrote a letter to the Gov. of Iowa cut the guy a little slack ("so he can indict Mike on Federal civil rights charges."). O.K., the Cozzi thing was REALLY messed up but other than that what are the things he is to blame for screwing up? The changes in command staff? For one, I din't believe that was not his doing. Second, would it surprise ANYONE if Daley were behind all of those changes? How does a guy select 20+ new people after a little over 1 month in the Sup. spot? He cannot give us a contract. Although I wish he'd speak up on our behalf. I can't complain about the IPRA change especially as far as shootings go. Yes, he probably should have put the aldermen in their place a little better but what did you really expect? And he did call out the parents of the little boy who got shot for their "way of life". Most of the problems were inherited and the way this crappy city moves when it comes to change.....I mean did you ever think the day would come when ANYONE in patrol would even be TRAINED with rifles??? Again other than the very bad Cozzi decision I don't know how any other choice for Sup. would have done better thusfar.

8/03/2008 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jfed has plenty of federal juice. Why doesn't he use it this case? It is a just cause. Please Jfed. Help this man. Beg for him, he deserves your help.

8/03/2008 12:28:00 AM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

I filed a complaint w/the DOJ - prisoners rights. What's the update on that????

8/03/2008 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After taking on the likes of the Duff bros., those inbred,cornfed, Packer lovers are nothing for KASS!
Ya'd think, this one being a gimme,
that the recovered drunk/wifebeater
from Northlake would have took up the cause. Or perhaps he isn't really recovered/koshered........

8/03/2008 12:41:00 AM  
Blogger Too Many Rectums said...

Many of us have knocked J-Fed, but this time he did good.

8/03/2008 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless You John Kass. As for my brothers and sisters in blue. The no numbers is really hurting. Dont give in. paybacks a bitch and none of these Commanders give a rats ass about a blue shirt. The are all scared shitless about being dumped back down to a LT..

How does it feel?

8/03/2008 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Scary police shooting caught on tape. Typical animal shoots at police and is now, luckily in his cage.

8/03/2008 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the comments section on this story and you'll see why most people in Chicago do not deserve any police service other than a report. Almost makes me want to start writing a ton of movers and parkers again. Not for the city but just to fuck with these assholes.

8/03/2008 02:14:00 AM  
Blogger Det. Shaved Longcock said...

It truly is a shame that so far nothing appears to have changed this situation for Mike.

I hope and pray that something will materialize soon for him.

Good Luck Buddy!

8/03/2008 02:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Superintendent did the right thing. I hope he just doesn't write one letter like Devine did in January and do no follow-up, like Devine is doing.

8/03/2008 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We just hope it isn't a ploy so he can indict Mike on Federal civil rights charges.

The above would be funny if I didn't have a fear that it might ring true.

Do right on this, and do right for Cozzi!

8/03/2008 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until I see the text of J-Fed's alleged letter to Iowa Gov. Chet Culver, I'm not at all impressed.

John Kass' column suggests that J-Fed indicates that Mike Mette was GUILTY of a crime, his only complaint bring the severity of the penalty.

Was it forwarded on a CPD letterhead via U.S. CERTIFIED MAIL with RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED? If so, who signed for the letter in DesMoines.

What about Daley, Blagojevich, Durbin and Obama?

8/03/2008 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great article. at least we have 1 chicago media personnel on 'our side'.

8/03/2008 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great article by Kass...stay strong Mike

8/03/2008 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone actually believe J-Fed is doing this for Mette? I believe he's doing it for himself as a way to sway the opinion of CPD Officers that are presently on a slow down. It's a way to bring the troops around to his side. WAKE UP, don't let him fool you.

8/03/2008 08:38:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

C'mon SCC, if it's true and J Fed wrote a letter to the Gov. of Iowa cut the guy a little slack

We cut him a shitload of slack - you should have read the first draft. The fact remains that Weis has dug a hole that is going to take way more than a single letter that none of us have laid eyes on to fill.

Sorry if we aren't ready to join the ranks of the J-Fed army. We prefer to be led by leaders, not by the nose. We've yet to see any leadership by this feeb and his appointees.

8/03/2008 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After taking on the likes of the Duff bros., those inbred,cornfed, Packer lovers are nothing for KASS!
Ya'd think, this one being a gimme,
that the recovered drunk/wifebeater
from Northlake would have took up the cause. Or perhaps he isn't really recovered/koshered........

8/03/2008 12:41:00 AM

Hey Steinberg, stay off the blog.

8/03/2008 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya'd think, this one being a gimme,
that the recovered drunk/wifebeater
from Northlake would have took up the cause. Or perhaps he isn't really recovered/koshered........

8/03/2008 12:41:00 AM

It's NorthFIELD, dumbass. NorthLAKE is where your mama works the truck stops!

8/03/2008 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fraud writing a letter is kind of like Gov. Ryan and his death penalty moratorium. You know neither of them believe in the cause. They were/are in political trouble and need some support.

8/03/2008 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On on the complete other side of the coin: That guy in Canada that cut the head off of the stranger next to him on a bus? According to police radio transmissions on scene, he was cutting chunks out of the body and EATING them! Guess what he was charged with? Second-Degree Murder. Man, Canada is a weird, weird place...

Oh yeah, someone here said something like "the offender is obviously Muslim"...his name is Weiguang Li.

8/03/2008 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mette family thanks all those that have taken the time to write letters on Mike's behalf. We really appreciate the efforts of John Kass, too bad he could not have interviewed Mike.

Hopefully Sept will be a good month for Mike. His appeal is heard on the 11th.

For those that support Mike, keep writing those letters. I know Mike appreciates the mail he gets, he will try to write you back.

For those that do not support Mike, I hope you never have an injustice happen to you.

Jen (Mike's sister)

8/03/2008 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon SCC, if it's true and J Fed wrote a letter to the Gov. of Iowa cut the guy a little slack 8/03/2008 12:22:00 AM

The depolicing is mostly not about J Fed, it's mostly about the mayor,the alderman, the rev's, , the money hungry lawyers, the media and the citizens. They are the ones who don't want us to do the job of putting ciminals in jail. They really should read the constitutional amendments and maybe, just maybe they would understand that if we don't bend the rules just a little bit to keep crime down the current conditions is what you get!!! all of the above have to decide whose side are they on, are they on the side of the police or are they on the side of the criminals!!! you can't be in the middle. If you are on the side of the police, they need to shut up and support us and only complain when crime is out of control!

8/03/2008 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Superintendent did the right thing. I hope he just doesn't write one letter like Devine did in January and do no follow-up, like Devine is doing.

8/03/2008 06:55:00 AM

Funny, Devine's follow-up letter should be: Hey motherfucker, I wrote you a letter, where's my response???

8/03/2008 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wrote the gov of Iowa a letter and the reply I recieved from his office was nothing short of patronizing. I'm glad J-Fed made the effort, I really hope he gets better results then the multutude of average people who tried and failed, simply becuase we're not important enough to take up the time of such an important man.

8/03/2008 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, if Weis wrote the letter, we all know how bullshit this whole affair is...would Weis allow Mike to have his job back?

If pardoned?

Geeez...Rostenkowski collected his congressional pension while in jail. Gov Ryan?

8/03/2008 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again other than the very bad Cozzi decision I don't know how any other choice for Sup. would have done better thusfar.

8/03/2008 12:22:00 AM

Wow, Jody! You must sit up every night just waiting to reply to SCC! But thanks for confirming what everyone already knows: You screwed up with Cozzi. You've spent your first months here licking Daley's balls and shining the reverends shoes. You bend over for the politicans. You inherited a bunch of problems that you have no clue how to handle, so you lied to everyone in patrol to make it look like you were taking charge. In short, the bills for your mouth service are coming due and you're bankrupt!
But man, that last line about finding anyone better was the best! Verrrry funny!

8/03/2008 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's change two minor descriptive terms not related to the facts of the case and see how the mainstream editorial would change.

1. Omit that the "offender" is a Chicago Police Officer

2. Change the "offender" from white to black

With these two changes everyone would be saying how the racist system is railroading a minority. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and every other "Man of God" would be having a field day and Mette would have been freed long ago. Every comment on the tribune message board would change into how horrible this is and how the system is broken...they would be right, in THIS case, it is.

8/03/2008 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

[...]"We just hope it isn't a ploy so he can indict Mike on Federal civil rights charges."

SCC, I took this tongue in cheek.
However, I think it was uncalled for in this thread. On the one hand you give the [...]"mentally deficient civilians"[...] a prompt to base their opinions on Kass' article.
Yet you don't give J-Fed the benefit of the doubt regarding his letter. I think this will just cause those, "mentally deficient civilians," confusion in forming a informed opinion.

Now in the future if Mr. Fed's letter proves to be lip service to the rank and file, the let the hounds loose.

8/03/2008 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the comments section on this story and you'll see why most people in Chicago do not deserve any police service other than a report. Almost makes me want to start writing a ton of movers and parkers again. Not for the city but just to fuck with these assholes.

8/03/2008 02:14:00 AM

To all that call for a complete cessation of tickets, I say this,
sometimes people just need to be written a ticket.

8/03/2008 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC can't we try to organize a march. Hell if only 500 of us marched down Michiagan ave we can get media attention. The more media we have on Mette's situation the better. I believe in this case thier is no such thing as bad publicity.

8/03/2008 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel so bad for mike and his family and couldn't imagine just how frustrating this is for them. Society doesn't see or hear about all the times we as police officers use a little thing called "commonsense" when handling our jobs and for commonsense to have slipped all the way through the court process is beyond me. This is someone who has dedicated his life, and at times risked it, for society and this is the payment he receives...sickning!

8/03/2008 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Kass is the only column i read online. He is the last of his kind, telling it like it is. He goes after the corruption in this city like no other. thanks for the support John!

8/03/2008 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OTT: I just bought me a new psp for the car. Instead of doing police work and things that will jam me up i got me a new PSP, (with a car charger too!!) just another sucess story of being "De-policed" yesterday was my 1st day and it went rather well.

8/03/2008 12:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Mette did not even commit a crime, as he retreated from a drunken attacker and only took action when the attacker again threatened and menaced Mike. The attacker is the one who should have gone to jail, not Mike. This is indeed a travesty of Justice. The whole thing is ridiculous, and hopefully Mike walks soon, with a giant Civil-Rights suit against those responsible, and wins enough in the settlement so he NEVER has to come back to the CPD or Iowa, or Shit-cago. I am totally ashamed of the F[L]OP, Chicago, County, State, and Federal Politicians, and our Command and the States Attorney, who have all done ZIP meaningful to help out Mike. The FEEBS should be investigating this as a Civil Rights Violation, but they are pussies too. If MIke was a minority heroin-head career felon, they'd all be going off along with the Liberal Media to get him out of prison. A B.S. fistfight with a drunk and our officer is in prison in Iowa. What a country. But what can you expect from a Country who allows a draft-dodger [CLINTON] to sleep in the White House, while some U.S. Armed Forces Veterans sleep on the streets in cardboard boxes. We need O'Reilly or Hannity to do a full exposee on this entire episode of Justice Gone Wild.

8/03/2008 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From an outsider's point of view, it seems that you are a bunch of whining babies. First you criticize the Supt. for not taking any action and helping Mette out but, now that he has you still criticize him. I guess there really is no winning, damn if you do damned if you don't.

8/03/2008 01:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like officers need E&E training.

8/03/2008 01:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Culver never responded, how do we know that this letter was even sent by Supt. Weis.

What did this letter say, verbatim?

Until proven to the contrary, WEIS is a WEASEL.

8/03/2008 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard there is an appellate court hearing set on or about 11 Sept 08 for Mike Mette. Anyone having any info please publish.

And to J-Fed, thank you for any effort you can make.

8/03/2008 01:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you to whoever posted this. This is exactly why the police are not being proactive anymore. These people are just looking to hit the ghetto lottery. They provoke you to arrest them, hit them, harrass them, just so they can turn around and try to sue you and the city when it's caught on tape. Sorry, but these people are getting the policing they deserve.... NONE.

OT: Please post SCC

Watch yourself out there boys and girls!! they are filming and taunting us!! here is a video of derekoff16th with camera.

8/03/2008 08:22:00 AM

8/03/2008 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the gov in iowa must be related to blago. he totally disregards every effort we try to get him to understand.

lets keep trying to help mike as much as possible!!

hats off to j-fed for his efforts.

8/03/2008 02:05:00 PM  
Blogger Det. Shaved Longcock said...

Had Mike ran the Truck for Hire rip-off or funneled a bunch of cash to an elected official via governmental contract...

He would not only be out of jail but hired again by the city at a bigger salary he was previously making.

The system is a joke. I have had convicted felons with guns and people who have shot others get less time than this.

Look at all the people that have either plead or were found guilty involving city hall scandals, most got between 14-36 months in a federal country club for stealing MILLIONS of DOLLARS!

8/03/2008 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...





8/03/2008 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to respond to previous posts about Mike Mette's situation. Yes, I fucking believe that if Steve Wilkos and J-Fed went to bat for Mike....he'd be a free man.
Wilkos eats with Oprah for God's sake! He'll tell you himself that he owns the key to the City thanks to Jerry and Oprah. Give the man a chance to do his politicking and rest assured Mette will be a free soul.
-friend of Wilkos

8/03/2008 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that the Superintendent did more than 99% of you hypocrites. I wrote a letter to the Governor and to Mette. How many of you have? If you havn't then don't cal yourself a police officer who cares.

At least the Superintendent sent a letter. Why don't you all get off your asses and do the same.

8/03/2008 04:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

--But what can you expect from a Country who allows a draft-dodger [CLINTON] to sleep in the White House, while some U.S. Armed Forces Veterans sleep on the streets in cardboard boxes.--

Nice. What can you expect in a country where the "conservative" presidential nominee would, if elected, be the first cheese eating surrender monkey ever to lead this country. And in a time of war no less. A war where almost no American soldier ever taken prisoner has turned up alive. Great example for the boys, huh?

Oh, and while we're at it, aside from Gates, the 3 most recent top leaders of our military have been Bush II, Cheney, and Rumsfeld.

Remember Rummy, signing condolence letters with a mechanical pen? Guess his hand got tired after the first thousand or two AFTER the Bush had declared Mission Accomplished.

But whatever, I'm not pushing dems here either. I'm just saying, the whole leadership of this country is devoid of humanity, responsibility or leadership ability, and that's both republicans and democrats.

We need a third party. Badly.

8/03/2008 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike would probably be out by now if his name was Ruben (Hurricane) Carter.

8/03/2008 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard there is an appellate court hearing set on or about 11 Sept 08 for Mike Mette. Anyone having any info please publish.

And to J-Fed, thank you for any effort you can make.

8/03/2008 01:52:00 PM

Yes, there is a hearing for the oral arguments set for Sept 11, 2008. Mike does not attend and the whole thing lasts about 30 minutes. Our family will be in attendance. A decision could still take months.

Jen (Mike's sister)

8/03/2008 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


This time you are wrong. We've been screaming for the Supt. to do something and now he has. Now you make the comment you made that you hope it's not so he can indict Mike. You know, if we get to the point that he can do nothing right, no matter what he does, then we are acting like a bunch of rotten little kids. I love your work SCC but this time you should really retract that statement...

8/03/2008 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an open plea to Supt J. Weiss and Mayor Daley.

1. Free Mike Mette!!!!!!! This horror story has done alot to ruin the morale on this dept. Call in what favors you have to. Get Mette released now!!!!!! Get Mette's hearing heard!!!!! This travesty has gone on long enough. I can tell you if you want coppers to work. Seeing Mette released would bring some relief to officers. The overturing of his convinction would get me generating revenue!!!

2. End the joke of a prosecution of Bill Cozzi!!!!!!!!! Let this man go and let him get on with his life. Admit your mistake J. Weiss. Give this man his job back. There are far worse officers working on the dept who are clout hacks (J. Breimon and Powers) that did far worse deeds.

I tell you Weiss and Daley these two acts will give you some of the working police back. Some officers will never come back others are getting the itch to work and the above mentioned issues are thorns in their sides that won't go away.

I fully supported the hiring of Weiss. Weiss you can get the troops back with these two things. Take a look in the mirror Mr Supt. A little egg on your face won't sting when the police start policing again!!!

8/03/2008 04:55:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...


This time you are wrong. We've been screaming for the Supt. to do something and now he has. Now you make the comment you made that you hope it's not so he can indict Mike. You know, if we get to the point that he can do nothing right, no matter what he does, then we are acting like a bunch of rotten little kids. I love your work SCC but this time you should really retract that statement...

See our above comment at 8/03/2008 08:53:00 AM

We remain unimpressed that he has to be coached into writing a letter by the rank-and-file and John Kass.

8/03/2008 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone actually believe J-Fed is doing this for Mette? I believe he's doing it for himself as a way to sway the opinion of CPD Officers that are presently on a slow down. It's a way to bring the troops around to his side. WAKE UP, don't let him fool you.

8/03/2008 08:38:00 AM

Who gives a hoot about intentions, if it helps Mette out, who really cares.

8/03/2008 05:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the support from our "brother" police officers in Iowa?

8/03/2008 05:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Writing a letter after how many months? BULLSHIT. He's taken his fucking time to write some kind of bland bullshit letter that doesn't condemn Iowa for bullshit, but kisses their ass and mildly questions the punishment?

BULLSHIT. It's taken him this long to see how many are behind Mike's fiasco so he can attempt to salvage a single shred of appreciation by this Dept.

It ain't gonna work stonehead! Any letter you write this long after Mike's sentencing is nothing but BULLSHIT polital positioning to try and save your career in Chicago.

He know's full well that the backbone of this Dept. can sink his fucking career here if they choose to. Sure, he might get his contract pay, but to have us in patrol run his ass outta Chicago doesn't sell as many books as if he'd made it through 3 years.

Eat shit J-Fed, and take your federal prosecution of a blue shirt found cleared to the grave with you, you punk.

8/03/2008 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IDEA..Could Mike sue the state of Iowa for violation of civil rights.

Maybe even with the help of the American Criminal Liberties Union.

Why not?

8/03/2008 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may be Kass's best aricle ever and for it I truely thank him.

To Da Mayor and J-Fed read his words below. 66 words that sum it up in a nutshell how we feel:

Chicago cops understand politicians, how somebody's somebody gets pinched with a gun and drugs and gets walked out of the station by an alderman, while a cop just puts his toe over the line and gets crushed. They know about lack of support from the politicians who show up at their funerals with the bagpipes and the teary speeches, and then betray them, again and again.

The Revolver Police

8/03/2008 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always thought Mike was a good/nice guy. But I know now he really is..I have not seen ONE negative word about him.

Good luck,


8/03/2008 06:25:00 PM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

I'd like to respond to previous posts about Mike Mette's situation. Yes, I fucking believe that if Steve Wilkos and J-Fed went to bat for Mike....he'd be a free man.
Wilkos eats with Oprah for God's sake! He'll tell you himself that he owns the key to the City thanks to Jerry and Oprah. Give the man a chance to do his politicking and rest assured Mette will be a free soul.
-friend of Wilkos


Michael has been in prison for uh, over 8 months now. I have seen nothing on his show.

8/03/2008 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow mr. kass if they could only be like you

8/03/2008 06:45:00 PM  
Blogger John Northen said...

TO: "Anonymous" at 12:22, 12:46 & 6:55 AM; 1:09, 4:38 & 4:50 PM

For purposes of arguendo, we will assume that in his official capacity, CPD Supt. Jody P. Weis wrote a letter to Iowa Gov. Chet Culver, purportedly on behalf of Mike Mette and said letter was actually read by Culver who later responded in writing over his signature.

Unless and until we can read the unexpurgated actual text of this letter and Culver's written response, Weis will remain a carpetbagging, phony piece of shit who condones Daley's clout and political corruption.


(Perhaps Weis implied that while Mette was "guilty" of a felony, he should only serve 3 years rather than 5 years). The fact is that Mette was acting in justifiable self-defense and should not even faced a misdemeanor charge. If you opy to argue that the equivalent of disorderly conduct be filed, then Jacob GOTHARD was the instigator, not Mette.

Based on your comments, you expect the rank-and-file to give Weis a standing ovation. For what? Merely writing a letter, contents unknown.

You guys are either too gullible or members of Weis' family or inner circle; perhaps even Weis himself.

* * * * * * * *

Off topic: According to the THEE RANT (see right column of SCC), the NYPD is also ignoring parking tickets, pissers, DOPW, one-baggers and other revenue-generating bullshit.

Fuck Daley, Weis, Bloomberg and Ray Kelly.

CPD & NYPD hang tough and DEMAND the respect and benefits to which you are so deservedly entitled. NO TOLERANCE FOR SCABS!

8/03/2008 06:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
OTT: I just bought me a new psp for the car. Instead of doing police work and things that will jam me up i got me a new PSP, (with a car charger too!!) just another sucess story of being "De-policed" yesterday was my 1st day and it went rather well.

8/03/2008 12:48:00 PM

LOL...Chalkie loves it

8/03/2008 07:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are we so easily bought that a single letter possibly written by Jody will make everything right? I surely hope not.

If, indeed, he wrote the letter, he did only what was right. Do we think he did it in order to save a fellow police officer? Um, no; he's never BEEN a police officer. Do we think he did it because he knows Mike's a stand-up guy and he feels strongly that he was judged unfairly? Um, no; he hasn't made any effort to actually get to know the people on this Department.

I think it was a purely political move. I don't think (you'll correct me if I'm wrong) he's worn the uniform since Rick's funeral. So, now he's written a letter to protest the severity of Mette's sentence. Not for a minute do I believe these things have happened because he's suddenly had a personality transplant. I just think he's seen the handwriting on the wall and realizes he doesn't live in a vacuum, so if he wants to preserve that $310,000/yr and his precarious reputation (which is supposed to catapult him into a Federal position after his tenure here), then he'd better start to find a couple of ways to mollify the troops.

I am NOT mollified. And I do not believe he would let Mike come back to the job under any circumstances. (Maybe the next superintendent can do that.)

That being said, anything that gets Mike Mette out of jail when he doesn't belong there, is a good thing. Thanks primarily go to John Kass.

8/03/2008 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"From an outsider's point of view, it seems that you are a bunch of whining babies. First you criticize the Supt. for not taking any action and helping Mette out but, now that he has you still criticize him. I guess there really is no winning, damn if you do damned if you don't.

8/03/2008 01:09:00 PM"

You are correct.

You are an outsider.

Go fuck yourself.

Is that whining enough for you?

8/03/2008 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"8/03/2008 11:57:00 AM"

Hell, just change his skin color.

That would be all it would take.

8/03/2008 08:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

any word on the copper from 011 that got jammed for writing a 12yo female curfew?

8/03/2008 08:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the Mette hearing at 1111 E. Court St. in Des Moines?

8/03/2008 08:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Since there is a tentative Boycott on returning to school, shouldn't that mean Bud Billikin is moot??



Realistically..its not like its difficult to keep these little assholes from going to school anyway..they are just trying to justify the truancy.

8/03/2008 10:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 838 saying j fed is only doing it to get in the good graces of cpd and doesn't care about us.. Guess what i don't care why he may be doing it, if it gets done that is all that matters, stop being selfish.

8/03/2008 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can somebody post a copy of J-Fed's letter? Did the Iowa governor reply?

8/03/2008 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pussy J-Fed talks the talk but he won't walk the walk.

8/03/2008 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless John Kass. He is a warrior.

8/03/2008 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone should pass on the Mike Mette information to Lou Dobbs @ CNN ! He was the one that helped to establish the legal defense fund for the Border Patrol Agents who were locked up for shooting at the idiot with all the weed. That too, is a travesty because they gave the weed toting illegal immigrant immunity for testifying and he has since broken that agreement by getting caught doing what? Coming across the border again with drugs~ GO FIGURE! Lou Dobbs has been a champion of these guys and has gone after the prosecutor as well and now there's an investigation of the States Attorney's Office that cut the deal and prosecuted these agents.
It's worth a try!

8/03/2008 11:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"SCC can't we try to organize a march. Hell if only 500 of us marched down Michiagan ave we can get media attention. The more media we have on Mette's situation the better. I believe in this case thier is no such thing as bad publicity."

This is what I'm talking about right here. If the damn storefront revs can do it, I say we do it too.

Look, I'm not police, but I'm the son of police, a long line of police, who are still currently on, and I'm a member of the Illinois National Guard, and I've been so pissed about this case I think it's time to do something.

So I've been thinking...

Would it be that crazy, that difficult, if WE marched over THERE. I'm talking a damn march/protest, whatever, in Des Moines, their capital, on like a Saturday or something, with as many of us as we can muster.

It's only like a 5 1/2 hour drive there from Chicago, so I mean, it's not that unfathomable for us to organize on like a Saturday or Sunday, let's say even 100 of us, and march down there. We'll be sure to contact the media, send out a press release, and even document it ourselves.

All this letter writing is fine and dandy, but let's show up in THEIR BACKYARD and let them know that WE WON'T JUST GO AWAY.

So I am saying, I am willing to organize this, if we can maybe raise a few bucks, we can even rent out a school bus or two, and drive us all down there, and march and protest and let them know. THAT WILL GET THE GOVERNORS ATTENTION.

If we show up once, and say we are committed to keep on showing up, they won't want that. It will make national headlines, and then, hopefully, action will be taken and this wrong will be righted.

Who is with me?

I say we should shoot for sometime in late September, giving us enough time to organize and take a day off. We can be back on the same day. If we left at 6am, and were down there by noon, we march, we can be back by midnight in Chicago.


I work in Marketing/PR currently and want nothing more then to help out with saving Mike, and will be sure to make this march known to all media outlets. This whole thing makes me sick.

If you're interested in going to Des Moines and letting them know that we won't forget this, email:


And hopefully like I said, we can go sometime in September.

Hey look, it won't be in vain, every little thing helps, and if you really want to help get Mike out, come out for a day and let's show them that we won't stand for this.

8/03/2008 11:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the support from our "brother" police officers in Iowa?

8/03/2008 05:06:00 PM


Do not expect it, they could care less about anyone from a big city.

8/04/2008 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to beat a dead horse but I will anyway. In the 60s and 70s the FOP was nothing more than a social organization with picnics and little social gatherings. Hell their vehicle stickers were hardly used by anyone. The IPA (Illinois Police Association) sticker was the one to have on your windshield. Even the suburban police all belonged to the IPA. After Jayne Byrne let us have collective bargaining and FOP was elected as the agent is when all had to join. As a result of becoming the bargaining agent for the CPD, Lodge 7, more or less, put the FOP on the map in Illinois and nationally. I may have missed something but I have not seen one thing in writing from the FOP locally or nationally about the METTE Case. WHY NOT? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE “BROTHERHOOD” Ya I know, fairness in Social Security, Policeman’s Bill of Rights etc. BULL SHIT. IF THEY LET IT HAPPEN TO ONE, THEY WILL LET IT HAPPEN TO ALL OF US. Time to take a long look at this so called “brotherhood” and let them go back to their picnics

8/04/2008 01:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve Wilkos is a warrior. He is a true Marine. IF anybody could get national media coverage on Mette it's Steve.
Call 1(888)STEVE07 and tell him about a good topic for his show...the injustice of Mike Mette.

Now, that's a show we coppers could all enjoy!
-014 copper/friend of Wilkos

8/04/2008 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"THE PUNISHMENT DOESNT FIT THE CRIME"?.j-fed thinks self defense is a crime?.WTF!
Once a fed always a fed.
All you j-fed kiss asses on this post can go fuck yourselves.....

8/04/2008 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the support from our "brother" police officers in Iowa?

8/03/2008 05:06:00 PM

they "supported" Mike to the back of the squad and then to the station.

8/04/2008 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sort of feel bad for him, but I also have to believe in the criminal justice system. It seems unlikely a jury is going to convict anyone for anything if the facts as stated are actually the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

The whole case sort of baffles me, unless it is something where the reputation of the CPD came back to bite one of its own. Not fair maybe, but a fairly typical tactic used by prosecutors all the time.

8/04/2008 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go to the NYPD RANT and check the thread by "Ole Gravy Leg" entitled "My Demise as a New York City Police Officer." It already has over 25,000 viewers.

8/04/2008 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve Wilkos is a warrior. He is a true Marine. IF anybody could get national media coverage on Mette it's Steve.
Call 1(888)STEVE07 and tell him about a good topic for his show...the injustice of Mike Mette.

Now, that's a show we coppers could all enjoy!
-014 copper/friend of Wilkos

8/04/2008 07:16:00 AM

Wouldn't his "friend" calling Steve be more effective than some random asshole?
You do have have his number right "friend"?
Dude your a fucking adult, and your pretending to be Steve's friend. You are a SSSTTTRRRRROOKKKEEEEE.

8/04/2008 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sort of feel bad for him, but I also have to believe in the criminal justice system. It seems unlikely a jury is going to convict anyone for anything if the facts as stated are actually the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


Jury trial? Though I am not absolutely certain (I wasn't there), the judge's ruling gives me the impression that this was a bench-trial. Someone, please correct me if I'm wrong.

The judge's ruling (pdf file) can be read here:

Mette Ruling

8/04/2008 02:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Mette did not even commit a crime, as he retreated from a drunken attacker and only took action when the attacker again threatened and menaced Mike. The attacker is the one who should have gone to jail, not Mike. This is indeed a travesty of Justice. The whole thing is ridiculous,
I had a chat about this with some guys on an Iowa gun board. Only one of them had even heard of the case. He did say he thought he had heard the guy that got beat up by the Chicago cop was the son of a guy with some serious clout in the area.

If indeed a real travesty of justice occurred, you maybe need to get some coverage and sympathy in Iowa where it can do some good.

It is doubtful that anyone in Illinois has a whole lot of influence in Iowa.

8/04/2008 03:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch yourself out there boys and girls!! they are filming and taunting us!! here is a video of derekoff16th with camera.
If you got nothing to hide, why are you worried about being video'd?

I just don't see a crime. Except maybe eavesdropping. I seem to recall it is a felony to record a conversation without the permission of all parties.

Would be interesting to get that law into court and see if it applies in such an obvious public setting. Maybe some of you guys could bust the camera guy and charge him with eavesdropping and see. :)

8/04/2008 03:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We remain unimpressed that he has to be coached into writing a letter by the rank-and-file and John Kass.
could it be that he has other things on his mind and just did not know about the case other than just vaguely? he certainly had to know when the CPD fired a cop that got convicted of a felony, but he may not have realized the circumstances behind the conviction.

8/04/2008 03:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all that call for a complete cessation of tickets, I say this,
sometimes people just need to be written a ticket.

8/03/2008 12:12:00 PM

Negative Office, until the contract is settled.

Then we'll double time it.

8/04/2008 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Negative Office, until the contract is settled.

Then we'll double time it.

8/04/2008 04:28:00 PM"

What, you don't have the tenacity and commitment to continue until the midget and his merry aldermen/women are ousted?

8/04/2008 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"could it be that he has other things on his mind....

8/04/2008 03:30:00 PM"

You mean like that 300 large he's getting for fucking up on a regular basis?

8/04/2008 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I just don't see a crime. Except maybe eavesdropping. I seem to recall it is a felony to record a conversation without the permission of all parties.

Would be interesting to get that law into court and see if it applies in such an obvious public setting. Maybe some of you guys could bust the camera guy and charge him with eavesdropping and see. :)

8/04/2008 03:26:00 PM"

With your head jammed deep up your own ass, how can you see anything other than the insides of your shit filled intestines?


8/04/2008 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I sort of feel bad for him, but I also have to believe in the criminal justice system. It seems unlikely a jury is going to convict anyone for anything if the facts as stated are actually the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

The whole case sort of baffles me, unless it is something where the reputation of the CPD came back to bite one of its own. Not fair maybe, but a fairly typical tactic used by prosecutors all the time.

8/04/2008 08:50:00 AM"

Your faith is sorely misplaced.

You obviously have never been on the receiving end of the criminal justice system.

And if you've ever served on a jury, you are likely part of the problem.

Trials, whether criminal or civil, have lost their primary purpose of determining the TRUTH.

You acknowledge as much in your closing paragraph.

So, what, exactly, is it that you 'believe in the criminal justice system'?

8/04/2008 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the National FOP get involved? They throw a lot of weight in the country.

8/04/2008 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One small thing we can all do is boycott Culvers and tell everyone you know to never spend a penny there. Governor Culver owns the Culvers chain.

8/05/2008 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iowa legal system:Mike Mette is an innocent man.

8/05/2008 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your faith is sorely misplaced.

You obviously have never been on the receiving end of the criminal justice system.

And if you've ever served on a jury, you are likely part of the problem.

Trials, whether criminal or civil, have lost their primary purpose of determining the TRUTH.

You acknowledge as much in your closing paragraph.

So, what, exactly, is it that you 'believe in the criminal justice system'?
while it is slow and ponderous, the system generally gets it right.

I don't know that it ever was a search for the truth. If that was the case, the rules of evidence would be a lot different.

Its never a fair fight. The state has essentially infinite resources it can put up to convict someone and very few people can afford the caliber of defense necessary to get a fair trial if the state really wants to go after you. Even if the state does not care, the system is heavily stacked against the defendant in a criminal trial. If it was not for the fact that most people who are brought to trial actually are guilty, a lot more people who are not guilty would end up in prison.

8/05/2008 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I don't know that it ever was a search for the truth. If that was the case, the rules of evidence would be a lot different."

Do you pull this shit out of your ass or are you really that ignorant of the history of our civil and criminal justice system?

Try doing a bit more research, other than watching reruns of 'Law and Order'.

You'll be surprised at how the 'rules of evidence' have been regularly manipulated, perverted and deformed throughout our country's history.

The definition of justice requires that truth, above all else, be determined as accurately as possible.

You know, 'Just the facts, Mame.'.

8/05/2008 10:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, it's "while it is slow and ponderous, the system generally gets it right."

Then it's "If it was not for the fact that most people who are brought to trial actually are guilty, a lot more people who are not guilty would end up in prison."

You don't know whether you're coming or going, do you?

By any chance do you also have trouble chewing gum and walking at the same time?

8/05/2008 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Do you pull this shit out of your ass or are you really that ignorant of the history of our civil and criminal justice system?"

I pulled it out of your ass when you weren't looking.

8/06/2008 10:41:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

To the Iowa softball posting, when you begin your entire argument with a lie and demonstratively false statement, we'll flush your comment just like we flush all turds.

8/08/2008 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"8/06/2008 10:41:00 AM"

Sounds like sexual assault to me.

8/09/2008 02:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope for Mike Mette?

8/10/2008 11:05:00 AM  

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