Monday, September 01, 2008

Two Tiers Again

That two-faced disciplinary system really sucks when it's brought out into the open:
  • Bacarella was the only officer fired by the Chicago Police Board over the last five years for violating the rule. Stiscak and two others were found not guilty and two officers resigned. The department has appealed the Stiscak decision.
  • Bruce Rottner also has a tale of two cities, but the department never filed a residency case against him.

    Rottner, the former Rogers Park District commander, was promoted this year to deputy chief of the Belmont Area.

    Rottner said he and his wife gave her parents legal custody of their two daughters in 1987 so they could attend school in nearby Lincolnwood, where his wife's parents lived.

Hmmm. The bosses get a pass. Not only a pass, there was never even an investigation. Amazing. The blue shirt gets screwed.

We've stated before, here and elsewhere, residency may have been a good idea and it was a rule when we all got hired. However, we were also guaranteed health care (remember the $2 cost everyone claimed wasn't a big deal?) and retiree health care and even a pension - how much of that changed in the middle of the game? Situations change and residency is an old and worn out holdover from patronage days.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's remember one important thing about all of these residency complaints: The beefer is almost always a co-worker/fellow copper.

Paul lost his job cause some jealous fuck in 025 dropped a dime on him. Trust no one!

9/01/2008 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...








9/01/2008 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rottner... HE GONE..................

9/01/2008 12:23:00 AM  
Blogger Rue St. Michel said...

Um, Sergeant Bacarella was given ample opportunities to move back to Chicago when the Inspectors caught him living in the burbs.

He decided to not comply and was fired for it. Who knows why he made the decision, but he made it. Maybe he didn't because he wanted to "make a point" with the city.

Well you can't fight City Hall. I don't feel sorry for him.

Personally I think he was a fool to ever let it get to the point where they'd fire you.

9/01/2008 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Residency is something that I have mentioned NUMEROUS times to the union, asking that they take it to springfield and repeal that stupid law that requires it for municipalities of 1 million people (um, only chicago. funny thing), but they keep saying that there is not any interest. HEY, THERE IS INTEREST, LETS GET THIS DONE!!!

9/01/2008 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Throw in a paid lunch also!!!!!

9/01/2008 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, we all want residency abolished, but we bitch when someone gets away with a suburban residence while also maintaining a city residence. Like, um, DUH.

Daley has always maintained residency exists in case of a 'call out'. I haven't seen a 'call out' in my entire career, and I'm KMA. It exists to maintain a TAX base. Period.

Make your case. I can get to 025 faster if I live in Oak Park, than I can if live IN the city at 111th and Western!

A radius makes sense. You can live within ten miles of the city limits. Okay. That should be half an hour, right? (So we can respond quickly in case of a 'call out', Mr. Mayor. By the way, how quick can YOU get here from the Daley compound in MICHIGAN???)

9/01/2008 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if our great mayor knows this, I mean we do have the best school system in the country according to him. How does that look a commander of Police sends his kids to a suburban school instead of a school in the city.
I envy the guy for being able to do it though.

9/01/2008 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bacarella is an idiot anyway

9/01/2008 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Residency Sucks!!!
It's archaic. Why doesn't the FOP listen to us?? Why do they never even bring this issue up? Is it b/c they all live in southwest, or northwest sides and are afraid by bringing this issue up and getting it lifted they would lose money on thier houses/nest eggs. How about looking at the big picture and all of us newer guys that can't afford to buy houses in the city and then send our kids to private schools. It's not fair!!!

9/01/2008 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in 006 on midnights and we really need one more beat car per sector... we are so damn busy and it would really help... but I guess weiss is more worried about fucking this dept. up than actually helping...

8/31/2008 05:28:00 PM

Listen PPO I will tell you again. That shit hole of a district has been fucked up before you got there it used to be a fun to work for a boss that had your back and appreciated the work you did. The little predicament you are in, well you can thank CW yes she meddled her paws in things she did't have a clue and created the great blue shirt flight. Nothing is going to change. Are you ready to lay it all on the line for that shithole with more revruns and nation of islam wannabe activists. Fuck them let the animals control each other. Get a PAR form and bid out or take it like a man 'cause nothing is going to change. GO find the hole like everyone else does.

9/01/2008 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do as I say, not as I do.

9/01/2008 01:21:00 AM  
Blogger Too Many Rectums said...

Okay boys and girls. If you're going to live out of the city, don't tell ANYONE that you're a Chicago Police Officer! Not even your wife! All it takes is one stupid little argument over who left the toilet seat up or the cap off the toothpaste and next thing you know, she's calling IAD!

9/01/2008 01:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Off Topic:

What is up with PO E.T.*19934 in 019 that writes immediate family members of the police? Why does he find it necessary to berate respectful young girls, bring them to tears, then say he doesn't care if they are related to the police, before writing them?

If you find minor traffic infractions so necessary to enforce, why don't you go over to the Lathrop Homes, where nobody has a license or insurance?

8/31/2008 05:23:00 PM

if he stops an escalade with rims, his eye level will be below the door handle.

he is not a cop, rather an armed revenue generator.

9/01/2008 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, after reading that article i just can't believe what a stupid rule that residency one is. It's just crazy to tell someone that works hard for you that b/c he chooses to LIVE some where else, you can fire him.
Any lawyers read this blog? Is there a real, viable way to take this to court and fight this rule? Maybe we could start with a petition?
Or maybe if we actually had a union that cared about what WE want and not themselves, they would fight this for us!!

9/01/2008 02:23:00 AM  
Blogger Det. Shaved Longcock said...

I can name over a dozen exempts who should of been fired for serious offenses. But when your clouted up... your just promoted not fired.

9/01/2008 02:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rottner lived in the suburbs when he was a PO in 024 in the early 80s. Where did it get him> To deputy chief

9/01/2008 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about all the alderman who maintain a residence inside the city but really live in the suburbs, just like stisak had set up. a lot of guys have this set up, using relatives address but living outside the city. the only guys who get popped are the guys without the phone call.

9/01/2008 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/01/2008 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 12:14:00 AM
After reading your post, I can see why Prieto didn't enlist you to write his term papers.

9/01/2008 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay boys and girls. If you're going to live out of the city, don't tell ANYONE that you're a Chicago Police Officer! Not even your wife! All it takes is one stupid little argument over who left the toilet seat up or the cap off the toothpaste and next thing you know, she's calling IAD!

9/01/2008 01:42:00 AM

Don't get marry, don't have kids. Live where ever you want. Problem solved.

9/01/2008 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is this P.O. E.T. #19934 of the 019th didt. name his ass if he is writing po's families.... there was another J Off there a few years ago that also did this to our families...he wrote my wife a yellow light..said he didnt give a fuck who she was married to..he was some big muscle this the same guy????

9/01/2008 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best way to hurt Daley is to take away his money......stop or limit your ticket writing. Keep laying down and he might get the picture. Saw Arnre Duncan at the Cubs game on Saturday and was wondering where he plans to send his young children to school. Something tells me that they won't step one foot into a public school.

9/01/2008 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our union doesn't listen or ask the members about what is important to them especially residency.
When most of the officers I've asked about the 10 hour days related that they wanted it, the union didn't listen. When some those officers who went on the behavioral intervention system where told they should not have been on it and where removed after they went through hell, the union again did nothing except told them to sign a release. I want to know who the union is working for and who they ask about whats important to the membership. I have never been asked anything by the union.

9/01/2008 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lefty Chakonis (God rest his soul) lived in the suburbs his entire exempt career and the Department knew it. During that period, they fired tons of coppers for the residency rule. Double standard for the bosses.

9/01/2008 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check the other big-city police departments. None require residency.

Based on the lack of affordable housing with decent neighborhoods and public schools, you don't need a course in economics to realize that Chicago reached the tipping point years ago.

Emperor ("It's for the children") Daley invariably comes up with consummate bullshit to camouflage his devious political stranglehold on plain common sense.

Under analysis, he doesn't have a leg to stand on. It's just part of his totalitarian political agenda.
This piece of shit would lose a debate with bright fifth graders. The whore media won't even challenge his asinine excuses.

For an extreme, what percentage of the SFPD actually reside in the City and County of San Francisco?

Why not residency for the SFPD?

Does Daley actually believe that the officers in Kenilworth or Aspen (CO) reside within the towns they serve?

If you don't challenge the (lack of) rationality of many of Daley's so-called arguments, I hereby pronounce you brain dead.

9/01/2008 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the ACLU will pick up a lawsuit against the city on that issue.

9/01/2008 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
Let's remember one important thing about all of these residency complaints: The beefer is almost always a co-worker/fellow copper.

Paul lost his job cause some jealous fuck in 025 dropped a dime on him. Trust no one!

9/01/2008 12:12:00 AM

A few years ago a Sgt in the Marine Unit beefed, anonymously, to IAD on another Sgt that the Sgt lived out. The Sgt did live out and bought the house only 6 months before retirement. Veteran Sgt forced to retire early under investigation.

Rat fuck Sgt who beefed now Lt at Park District. Be careful of him.

9/01/2008 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
Residency is something that I have mentioned NUMEROUS times to the union, asking that they take it to springfield and repeal that stupid law that requires it for municipalities of 1 million people (um, only chicago. funny thing), but they keep saying that there is not any interest. HEY, THERE IS INTEREST, LETS GET THIS DONE!!!

9/01/2008 12:27:00 AM

At a general meeting of FOP about a year and a half ago Donahue said they had a bill in the IL legislature to repeal the mandate that residency was not the subject of collective bargaining for cities over 1 million, that is the real hindrance.

Then we could bargain for residency like other departments. that bill quietly went away without a word from Donahue.

Want it brought up again? Write letters, lots of them, to FOP leadership, or get unit reps to circulate petitions to force the issue with FOP.

That is the only thing the City has, the labor law rule prohibiting ONLY Chicago PO's from bargaining for residency. No other rule. Repeal that piece of labor law and the City will be forced to bargain or we can take it to an arbitrator, that is how to get it done.

membership must unite and force FOP to get this done.

9/01/2008 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

However, we were also guaranteed health care and retiree health care and even a pension - how much of that changed in the middle of the game?

Welcome to what the rest of America has to deal with.

9/01/2008 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shoot, there was an entry about a Sgt. (unit omitted)living out of the city--ex IAD Sgt.

You think IAD would go after HIM? Or J-FED would?????

Even if the media followed him, still nothing would happen. If I so much as LOOKED at real estate outside the city, I'd probably have a CR #!

Is there another word for CLOUTLESS?

9/01/2008 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's funny is CW in 006, formerly of 005 still authorized to live outside the city due to the alleged threat level of her past co-workers?

9/01/2008 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The housing bubble has burst. All you sideline sitters will be able to buy a house on the cheap again soon.

9/01/2008 09:59:00 AM  
Blogger The Song Remains The Same said...

I know residency has been on the books forever, but when I came on (1986), we paid NOTHING for health insurance, retirees were taken care of as far as health insurance, and college was NOT required to come on this job or for promotion!! If the city can change these rules in the middle of the game, why can't residency change?!

9/01/2008 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abolish Mandatory Residency and give PO's the ability to escape this Godforsaken City, where we wouldn't have to deal with the animals at least during our off time!?
Afford a nice house, lower taxes, less congestion, better schools, and all that good stuff?
You Work here, Live here, and will Die here.
But FOP is sure to negotiate a raise to at least cover cost of living increase right? Tell me I'm right. Need some help here. Please tell me I'm right.

9/01/2008 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am totally confused about residency. My understanding is that if you earn your money from the city, you should live and work in the city. If that is the case, why are there so many city contracts given to companies that are not within the city? Hell, King Rich sold the Skyway to a French company and Buckingham Fountain is controlled by some company in Georgia... Could it be King Rich trying to keep you within the city and force you to vote for him or get fired for bullshit reasons? Could it be that those getting the contracts also hire Daley cronies to help them get the contracts, buy insurance from the Daley regime or just plain out bribe King Rich. The aldercreatures may have some influence, but Richie has to give the final nod. Get rid of Ritchie if you want to get rid of residency requirements. Get rid of Ritchie if you want a contract. Get rid of Ritchie if you don't want people like JFed leading our department.

9/01/2008 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this whole dept. is FUBAR.
who in the world would want to be the police here?
hey FOP, because of attrition and price, you guys will probably not sell your house to a p/o anyway.

9/01/2008 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I researched this rule myself and what I found is around the country nearly every court has ruled that residency rules can exist. The ruling is always made because of the argument, no one makes you continue to work for your employer. You have a right to find another job. The only ruling I found where they found in favor of the P.O. was the argument that the city had the right to tell the officer where to live, but not his spouse. Because of that he was allowed to live outside the city (his wife had a very good job in another city and they wanted to live about half way so they would each have a similar commute). If Daley is willing to fight tooth and nail for the ridiculous hand gun ban... rest assured he'll do the same for residency.

9/01/2008 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im trying to test the hell out of this city because it sucks so bad living in daleys shit holw

9/01/2008 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The impact of Katrine on New Orleans and the possibility of Chicago being a target for terrorist attack shows a great reason for not having a residency.

By having your first responders living in the target zone, they become first casualties like everyone else and then are not available to help.

Of course, there is the side that if the police lived in say, Orland Park and something happened, a lot would not show up.

There was one advantage of residency in that if one had a domestic incident, one could possibly look for a little professional courtesy from a responding brother officer. Those days are over. You might get a better play from the burbs.

With 25% of the CPD living in 016, those people will fight a drop in the residency because they believe that it would cause their house values to drop. Maybe true to some extent, tho in this market everything is dropping.

And the idea that the police living in the city support the tax base is sheerly ludicrous.

A public employee paying maybe $6,000 in taxes to the city while he draws a $60,000/yr paycheck is not a financially viable base.

9/01/2008 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>If you find minor traffic infractions so necessary to enforce, why don't you go over to the Lathrop Homes, where nobody has a license or insurance?<<<

Some boss should get him assigned to Lathop homes, and just wait till he has an in-car camera.

There have been people who have brought it up to the judge that this officer only seems to be stopping white females.

9/01/2008 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROTTNER has more skeletons in his closet than the HALLOWEEN STORE.

9/01/2008 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody needs to be "that guy" to just file the lawsuit and take this residency issue as far up the courts as possible. Every other major city P.D. in the country is winning this residency issue in court and arbitration and having it lifted. We all know whom ever decides to be "that guy" will most certainly never get promoted, will be fucked with for any rule infraction, etc; etc;. So we all need the person or persons who will be "that guy" to be buy the book, squeeky clean, willing to accept being a beat officer the rest of his/her career. I think we could win it, it is just gonna take somebody to get the lawsuit rolling!

9/01/2008 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny.. there once was a lt. in 014th that traveled from his '' second''home in wisconsin to work. they found him in ''home'' by irving and cumberland. the house in chicago was full of junk and you couldnt live inside it. obvious signs that he didnt live there.i m sure there are many stories like this.

9/01/2008 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROTTNER is defined by the people he associates with.His "#1 GIRL" who runs his office (M.C.) is another H.B.T. incident waiting to happen.They are joined at the hip,except when she is on the medical which in her 5 years is close 750 days!Oh yeah her mom was a bank robber in SKOKIE.Every time I hear of an inspectors beef on a WORKING POLICE OFFICER I am blown away that she also skates with her openly flaunted piercings,tattoos and history of homewrecking married bosses lifes.She has a boss on her speed dial so it all goes away,YA GOTTA WONDER HOW!

9/01/2008 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This illustrates teh politics of the CPD disciplianary system. One guy gets fired and another guy is never investigated,WTF???

I have seen coppers fired for politics when there wasn't enough evidence of wrongdoing to substantiate a suspension while other "clout babies" literally commit homicide and walk away scott free.

They think that the workers don't notice the disparity? Anyone on the job that extends themselves in the present era is INSANE.

Unless you want to be fired,suspended,sued,psyched,blackballed,put on a list,made a B/C,P/C or indicted; LAYLOW and collect a check.

The residents will soon understand when the city implodes.

9/01/2008 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/01/2008 12:14:00 AM

HOLY SHIT WRITE IN ENGLISH PLEASE and plaease layoff the caps.

9/01/2008 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rottner said he and his wife gave her parents legal custody of their two daughters in 1987 so they could attend school in nearby Lincolnwood, where his wife's parents lived

explains the promotions- no integrity.

9/01/2008 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC take on the serious topic of residency maybe you can make a change --we know FOP can't..

9/01/2008 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oy Vey! Ever talk to Rottner for three minutes? There's a reason he was promoted meritoriously, non-compis mentis. He's such a goof I'll have to take his side in this one. He just might not know where the the Chicago city limits end and Lincolnwood begins. Maybe if he ever spent any time in a squad car driving the streets of the city he would know.

This story, and Rottner, are emblematic of all that is wrong with promotion on this job. The clouted stupid are not bound by of the rules the rest of us are. Fire Rottner. Thanks Sun-Times and SCC.

9/01/2008 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, that residency rule sucks!

9/01/2008 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Let's remember one important thing about all of these residency complaints: The beefer is almost always a co-worker/fellow copper.

Paul lost his job cause some jealous fuck in 025 dropped a dime on him. Trust no one!

9/01/2008 12:12:00 AM

When I came on the job almost 40 (now retired) years ago I was told by a former IAD agent that over 95%of the complaints they received came from a "fellow" officer" or a wife-girlfriend, on "YELLOW PAPER"!!!! (yes Yellow paper.) In those days "leaving paper" literally meant using "YELLOW" paper)!...AND those were the days when officers and bosses,for the most part were MUCH CLOSER!!!

As the original poster said: "TRUST NO ONE"!!

9/01/2008 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We pay a lot of money to the FOP and they do not put up a fight for important issues like this. Why isn't there legal action on the memberships behalf?? Residency is outdated and just another way for the city to exercise its excessive control..,CST-NWS-residency31.article

9/01/2008 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never minded living in the city until these ghetto Section 8's came and are proceeding to ruin my neighborhood.
If Daley wants the city workers to stay in the city then he needs to build cages for the ghetto rats that are invading our area and making it difficult to live here.

9/01/2008 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told Officers years ago about the 2 dollar health care issue and was told at roll call I was a cheap fuck. I hate to say I told you so yet I did. NEVER OPEN THE DOOR>

9/01/2008 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We didn't use a phony address," Rottner said. "We had a legal way to set it up and do it. I always lived in the city. I never spent one night in that house."
Does he expect anyone to believe that???? Weak.

9/01/2008 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


One of the worst was Sgt( Skippy ) What happened in his apt. (female death) calls the CPD hours later, and handles the gun???????. Ask the ETs about this one (Catherin courts) more info please.

9/01/2008 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guide to living outside the city… Upon leaving the station have a baseball cap on and wear some aviator shades (this tip alone is golden). Make sure you didn’t park in the police lot…..park a few blocks away, our lots are not secure anyway (in most districts). Plus the extra walk gives you more of an opportunity to shake IAD. Once you have arrived at your vehicle, make sure that you have it registered under a dummy company based out of state. Drive out of the city as fast as possible but within the speed limit. Make sure that no one is tailing you. In the event that you are being tailed, pull over immediately. You will lose them. As they won’t blow their cover, just pull over so they pass you up. Continue on to your destination. Please scan your car periodically, make sure all of your security systems are up to par with the latest technology. Check that your phone isn’t tapped. Check your mail at your city residence and occasionally take out a little trash there as well. Remember you always have to be thinking outside of the “BOX”.

This is just a preview of the wealth of information that is packed in my “new and improved guide to living outside the city” this guide is not available in stores and is only available for a limited time. Plus as an added bonus you get “how to get free gas for your personal vehicle, courtesy of the City of Chicago”. Yes you too can get free gas in the city if you know how to play by the “rules” it is quite simple. Just follow my guide and in just three easy steps you can have a fellow city worker fill your tank.

About the author: He is a high ranking member of the Chicago Police Department where he has served with pride for the last nineteen years. He has also served on the city’s Department of Streets and Sanitation for four years, before joining the police department. He currently maintains a few beautiful homes in Lincolnwood, Glencoe IL, and Lake Bluff IL. Other best sellers include: “How gain a promotion without experience, yes it is possible, I did it and now you can too” and “How to win friends and influence people at city hall”

Famous quote: “IAD, you calling IAD on me??? Don’t you mean the junior police???? Ha ha ha ha ha ha …..IAD….I walk up to em and say BOO! Then watch em go run and change their soiled panties…….ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ….IAD.”

Please order now!!! Operators are standing by now!!!! Fight high gas costs, use city gas for free! Hurry won’t last long! Act fast, you have to order now! Time is running out! Supply is limited! This is so easy to use, but you have to act now, don't wast time.

All this information for only three easy payments of $29.99, plus tax.
1-800-beat the city

9/01/2008 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has been common knowledge that Rottner has lived in Skokie since he was the Neighborhood Relations Sgt in 24 (20 years ago)! He would drive his wife's car to work. It was registered to a Skokie address and had a Skokie city sticker on it. His daughter and her girlfriend lived in the two flat in Rogers Park that was his official residence. How all of those people lived in a 2 bedroom apartment is beyond me! Little Tommy Byrne is Rottners clout (HEAVY, HEAVY, HEAVY)so nothing will will ever come of this. Even J-Fed can't touch him. He probably stays up at night LAUGHING his ass off at the poor slobs who have to follow the rules. He will retire in 3 years with a Deputy Chief's pension. Now get out there and work, you ungrateful unclouted little pricks! There are exempts out there who have to pay their mortgages on their suburban homes and you are making them look bad.

9/01/2008 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Feds former chief of staff Daly, who is now some civilian deputy superintendent, lives in the western suburbs. Never moved into the city after leaving the FBI for the CPD. Uses his retired CPD brother's home address, but does not live there. Unless something has changed very recently, his handguns are still registered in the western suburbs because he could not provide any proof at gun registration of his move into the city. Because his guns were registered in the surburbs, gun registration told him to bring in a copy of utility bills, water bills, cell phone bills, anything to show proof of city residency. That was six months ago.

9/01/2008 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that in the future the FOP bring this up as a bargaining issue. I would be willing to give up a whole lot to get this. I have 2 children going into the 7th. grade and CPS is not an option. We are currently considering sending them to live with grandparents/and turn over custody where they can attend a great public school in Venice, FL. I've heard the troopers that work the Chicago area get an extra stipend for the cost of living up here. This would be something worth considering to offset the price of private school. Hey, Daley remember it's "about the children." I am willing to split up my family for the near future in order that they can better themselves. That cannot happen under the current model here.

9/01/2008 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

becareful what you wish for with the residency rule.
People can't sell their homes now, imagine if a few more thousand went on the market?
People complain about property taxes in shitcago, you better start looking at them where you think you would move.
Sure you could send your kids to public schools instead of private but that only last for 12 years, then your back to paying 2.5% on your "real" value not the 1.6% of the appraised vaule you pay now. Lest not forget paying extra for things like water, garbage pickup, etc...
We need to focus on taking care of the neighborhoods we live in, stop the Mayor and his assholes from doing this scattered site housing that is starting to fuck up decent areas. Let the FOP buy an investment property next to the mayor and then use it as a scattered site housing with section 8, let's see how that would go over with da mayor, better yet maggie.

9/01/2008 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

comment on copper writing family members.....hay schmuck come to the ghetto and get your hands dirty fuckbag

9/01/2008 01:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

23 years on and my family has lived for 12 years in a nice suburb.......

The rule DOES NOT SAY your spouse and kids can not live out of the city.

As long as you stop at "your" Chicago residence once every four days, you can not be charged with living out of the City.

You are the only one who is contractually binded to live within the corporate limits of the City of Chicago.

Ask any experienced IAD agent. If IAD places a surveillance on you for out of the city living, if you stop at least one time during 4 days at your listed city residence, they can not sustain a charge of residency violation against you.

I myself have an elderly parent in Garfield Ridge that I spend a a couple days a week with to make sure all is well. My wife and two children live in a nice suburb. I know for a fact IAD have follwed me during at least 3 different residency violation complaints. I ended up even speaking to one of the agents who I knew. And this IAD agent told me the same thing.

I have saved over $20,000.00 a year just in schooling. My backyard is three times as large as any city residence and the only police activity I have ever seen in my neighborhood is me hitting the bed!

9/01/2008 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOP needs to step up to the plate and bring this issue to the forefront as often as possible. With all the major departments with a million plus people, beginning to retract this requirement, you would think the FOP would see this as a time to strike back at the city. Hell, they should even ask for night differential pay.

9/01/2008 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Detective ShavedLongcock said...
I can name over a dozen exempts who should of been fired for serious offenses. But when your clouted up... your just promoted not fired.

9/01/2008 02:43:00 AM

I see your dozen exempts and raise you one dozen....alot of bosses should have been fired or jailed instead of being promoted

9/01/2008 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like all the clout babies beat the cases, we can have a commander living in Lincolnshire. But a lowly p/o is terminated.

How about the merit sgt with a home in Michigan and condo in Florida, who commutes to 35th street via the skyway all summer???

Why doesn't the sun times check into how the merit hacks have taken control of the University of Chicago scholarships???

Hey Frank Main how about the sister of the retired exempt that controls the movie detail. It is amazing how a merit sgt gets the movie detail as well as a free ride to the University of Chicago after using her political clout to get the child in at Leonard magnet school for grade school. Must have sucked to have paid for high school. O wait you got the tution from working the movies and the other secret details over more senoir civil service sergeants promoted before merit.

cloutless civil servants need not apply

9/01/2008 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a legislative issue. FOP please addrease the issue!!!

9/01/2008 02:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

006 SUCKS BALLS.........

9/01/2008 03:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He writes po's family cause he is a pussy. The family members don't give back any grief. The guys that write family are the biggest pimps dealing with gangbangers and other minorities.

9/01/2008 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone bring this up at union meetings? Oh, that's right. Most don't go to those. They would rather just bitch on the blog.

9/01/2008 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.o E.t #19934 in 019 is a jerk. He stop me and told me I ran a stop sign which I didn't. He was going to write me a mover until I had a supervisor come to the scene.So he write coppers also.

9/01/2008 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree. The GREATEST thing about working in 006 is the NEW tac LT Evans! Ask any tac guy or gal and they will tell you that he is crazy as fuck, but will back you up 100%.
He is the ONLY reason 006 still is a decent place to work. When he leaves....then 006 will be horrible.
-006 tac

9/01/2008 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey..If I have to live in this god damn rat infested city, so do you!!

9/01/2008 04:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

um to the best school system guy, it might be a better argument to point out that none of king richies own children went to a cps school. Who gives a flying fuck about a commander, what about dickies kids?

9/01/2008 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

regarding the post about the copper writing coppers family. I have 2 things to say about this. 1) generally those guys are afraid to stop a ghetto rat or thug and thats why u see them always stopping the dorky white guys even though we all know that no ghetto rats have a DL or Insurance and those are the ones that SHOULD be written, and 2) some coppers immediate family members can be stone cold assholes and while I NEVER write a coppers family knowingly i will say I have come across many that SHOULD be written. Dont teach your kids to think their shit dont stink. Too many coppers and parents in general let their kids think they can get away with anything. I will whoop my kids ass the day a copper brings him home for anything.

9/01/2008 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny young PPO. You think you gonna save 006 huh? Man, the majority of people you "serve and protect" hate you. Just anser your jobs...code them...leave. Forget being a worker. You ain't gonna change the 006!

9/01/2008 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's remember one important thing about all of these residency complaints: The beefer is almost always a co-worker/fellow copper.

Paul lost his job cause some jealous fuck in 025 dropped a dime on him. Trust no one!

9/01/2008 12:12:00 AM

Pretty hard when you boast almost everyday about how much you are making running construction company. He thought he was free and clear because because of some relative in 025. Mr hard charger from neighborhood relations.

9/01/2008 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its a matter of how big your phone call is.

9/01/2008 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the PPo in 006:
I feel your pain brother of the graveyard shift. I look around at many of our co-workers and ask myself do these po's really have mothers and fathers who ACTUALLY worry about their well-being? My answer to you is to bid out of 006, before you become jaded and prejudiced against the community. You can't stay neutral...sooner or later your hatred will rise.
-006 midnites

9/01/2008 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Residency is something that I have mentioned NUMEROUS times to the union, asking that they take it to Springfield and repeal that stupid law that requires it for municipalities of 1 million people (um, only Chicago. funny thing), but they keep saying that there is not any interest....


I'm sure that the FLOP means that there is no interest within the Illinois State legislature and not among members of the CPD.

Remember to change the law the legislature must be willing to screw da mayor and crook county. This is something not easily done.

9/01/2008 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to make you all aware that because of your good friend Biden's Violence against women act all your wife has to do is claim she's afraid of you (no evidence of your dangerousness required) and she can get an ex parte restraining order against you which means you CANNOT POSSESS A FIREARM. Plus have you kicked out of your house.

A perfect law to keep anyone from wanting to put on a badge...

9/01/2008 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...How does that look a commander of Police sends his kids to a suburban school instead of a school in the city. I envy the guy for being able to do it though.


You can do it too. All you need to do is buy another house in the suburb of your choice. Then have your spouse and kids live there while you continue to live within the city limits.

Obviously, NOT a tolerable situation or even affordable for most BUT it can be done.

Rottner's case is a bit special. He wants his kids to go to a good Jewish school and says there aren't any within the city. I don't know as I'm not Jewish but I'll take his word for it - for now.

And yes, he does actually live in an apartment building in 024.

9/01/2008 06:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would Deputy Chief Rottner even give a statement to the press regarding this? Throwing it in the face of the hard working patrolmen and supervisors that abide by our rules, regulations etc...Hey Superintendent, not to sharp on his behalf. Maybe it's time for Bruce to pull the pin, after all he just threw you under the bus, how does it feel?

9/01/2008 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phony divorce records are just a foolish hope. School records reveal. Utilities, tax records, neighbors at both places give you up. Often your kids brag about you as the police. They're proud and shouldn't be ashamed, or forced to lie.

You bought the whole package. Live with it. Up to $10 K for private high school. Work those extra jobs if you value the kids.

An old friend once was confronted with his problem. Told his wife they had to move back, to keep the paycheck coming. Her response was, "Who's We?" He shot himself. (If he'd dusted her, he'd have been free 20 years ago.

9/01/2008 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a PHUKIN joke ! We all know how many bosses live outside the city and pull this gaurdian transfer bullshit. How the FU*K do you transfer ownsership of your kids? I'm moving my family out of Chicago next year and renting a shithole in the ghetto for residency. Enough is enough with the BS pulled by bosses. Lead by example Bowl-lickers !

9/01/2008 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Residency Sucks!!!
It's archaic. Why doesn't the FOP listen to us?? Why do they never even bring this issue up? Is it b/c they all live in southwest, or northwest sides and are afraid by bringing this issue up and getting it lifted they would lose money on their houses/nest eggs. How about looking at the big picture and all of us newer guys that can't afford to buy houses in the city and then send our kids to private schools. It's not fair!!!


Yes, I agree that the residency law is archaic and needs to be changed.
And it IS a law BTW not simply a contract issue. It can only become a contract issue once the law is repealed. Until then, we are all stuck living in $hitcago.

Who's going to sponsor the repeal of this law? Got anyone in mind? You have to remember that whomever it is, will have to openly defy Daley and the Cook County Board. There are not too many people willing to do that. Even if they are, you still need to convince enough of the legislature to vote in favor of the law's repeal — no easy task.

When there is enough political pressure and the right political environment, laws only affecting Chicago employees can be changed or repealed. That's how we were able to get the FOP and PBPA to represent members of the CPD.

The timing must be right and we need friends within the State legislature. So you can put the blame on the FLOP all you want, but in the end it still boils down to what I've already said — who's going to sponsor the repeal of the law?

As far as the FLOP members trying to protect property values, well that's just plain ludicrous! You suffer from an over-active imagination!

If you are in a situation where you can't afford to buy a house, I'm sorry. But you are not alone. I'd like to own a house of my own as well but I'm stuck living in an apartment until I've saved enough for a down payment.

It's not fair!!!—My god! Who ever told you life was fair? The only heaven or hell there is, IS the one you make for yourself on this earth. What do you think, that the people that own homes in $hitcago were just given them?

The argument is that residency exits for a quick response in case there is need for a mandatory call back. Though that possibility exits today (9-11, Oklahoma City, etc...) more than ever, I don't remember it happening within the last 25 years. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Not only that, but how many officers live far south but work far north — or the reverse?

Probably the biggest factor affecting the residency law, in my opinion, is the significant loss of revenue to $hitcago should city employees be allowed to live outside the city. Granted, proportionally the number of city employees vs. the city population would be fairly small. Even so, I believe that the resulting revenue losses would be huge.

It's not going to change anytime soon.

9/01/2008 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Is there another word for CLOUTLESS?

9/01/2008 09:55:00 AM"

Yes. Several.







9/01/2008 07:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/01/2008 10:58:00 AM"

Might the letters B & J have some significance?

9/01/2008 07:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless you want to be fired,suspended,sued,psyched,blackballed,put on a list,made a B/C,P/C or indicted; LAYLOW and collect a check.

Thank you

9/01/2008 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rottner's case is a bit special. He wants his kids to go to a good Jewish school and says there aren't any within the city. I don't know as I'm not Jewish but I'll take his word for it - for now.

And yes, he does actually live in an apartment building in 024.

And yes he is a fat pig Bully.

9/01/2008 07:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I myself have an elderly parent in Garfield Ridge that I spend a a couple days a week with to make sure all is well. My wife and two children live in a nice suburb. I know for a fact IAD have follwed me during at least 3 different residency violation complaints. I ended up even speaking to one of the agents who I knew. And this IAD agent told me the same thing.

I have saved over $20,000.00 a year just in schooling. My backyard is three times as large as any city residence and the only police activity I have ever seen in my neighborhood is me hitting the bed!

9/01/2008 01:38:00 PM


is that you John L???????

9/01/2008 07:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think somebody posted Detroit doesn't have a residency req'ment but I think they do. All the coppers & firemen live in what they call "Copper Canyon," the last part of the city where anybody lives.

The rest of Detroit is boarded up.

But I AM jealous of the city--their mayor got locked up, and supposedly has made an offer to the pros he will plead guilt to two felonies if he is spared jail time. His mother is a State Rep or something like that...think he'll get it?

9/01/2008 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did any of you FNGs read the fine print when you took this job? You act like you just discovered that you have to live here to work here.

Quit whining. If you've got it so bad, fill out a PAR form, check the resigned box, sign it and turn it in.

That will never happen though because then you might have to work a real job; something many of you couldn't handle.

9/01/2008 08:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lefty was a Park Ridge resident in the twilight of his career.The Greeks always get a couple of command spots.

9/01/2008 08:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the FOP listen to us??

Well unit reps used to send petitions around the district. Now they don't do shit! Get a petition going & send it to FOP

9/01/2008 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:50pm hit is right on the head.

Try finding something affordable within an hour drive of anywhere in the city. The taxes out of the city are higher and you get nickeled and dimed worse than here.

9/01/2008 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

becareful what you wish for with the residency rule.
People can't sell their homes now, imagine if a few more thousand went on the market?

***I'll chance it. I don't want to live here. I'll pay the extra tax for the property that comes along with it. It's worth it.

9/01/2008 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1130A.M. states Fire Rottner.Say what you will about him, but he has over 30 years and is 60 years old.He will get an exempt pension.How the fuck can they hurt him?

9/01/2008 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rottner actually lives in Lincolnwood,not Skokie,I could give you his address but he aint a bad guy.

9/01/2008 08:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I divorced my wife and my kid graduated form Hoffman Estates!

FUCK YOU Chicago!

9/01/2008 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many times per year do you have to shit into a toilet within the city limits to have the dwelling unit within which that toilet is located considered your personal residence?

9/01/2008 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a civilian, I'm glad for the rule. If my tax dollars are paying you, you should live in the city. CPS does have some good schools. Try Edgebrook, Wildwood, Sauganash, Oriole Park, etc. The more involved we are in schools, the better they will be.

9/01/2008 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are two bills in the Illinois State General Assembly right now. One is a House Bill (HB0992) introduced by Rep. Dan Brady on 08Feb07. Second is a Senate Bill (SB0449) introduced by Sen. John J. Millner on the same day. Both are summarized by the following synopsis: Amends the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act. In the case of peace officers, expands the scope of arbitration to include residency requirements in municipalities of 1,000,000 or more. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective immediately. The Chicago Firefighters have a simialr bill filed also (SB1528). As well as the public school teachers. You can go to to read the bills in their entirety. The bills are struck in rules committees as we speak. Anyone familiar with a bill becoming a law (or in this case, rescinding a law) you need help. You need lobbyists, rallies, big voices in congress, money, news media assistance, and calls to your congressmen, senators, other politicians. Who can organize all this? Because just putting a bill out there and not following it through will not get it done. Anyone who remembers the old “I’m just a bill” cartoon knows that.
Personally, I think we have a better chance amending the law rather than rescinding the whole thing. Amend it to reflect say a population of 4 million or so. Since Chicago only has around three, we would be free to live wherever we want.

9/01/2008 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This residency rule is B.S. New York, Miami, and San Francisco don't have one, so why do we? Because we are the only ones that will buy our city stickers and pay these high property taxes. The Mayor says, if you work in the city you should live in the city. Yeah but we don't make what you do. If i can afford to live downtown and have 24hour security, sure. Then you have to pay for your kids to go to private school because if you send them to a public school they may get shot. Ask Daley what schools did his children attend? I'm sure it wasn't CPS. As long as i can get to work on time, it shouldn't matter where i live. This rule is fucked up, FOP ain't doing shit about it, so we are fucked up.

9/01/2008 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"As a civilian, I'm glad for the rule. If my tax dollars are paying you, you should live in the city. CPS does have some good schools. Try Edgebrook, Wildwood, Sauganash, Oriole Park, etc. The more involved we are in schools, the better they will be.

9/01/2008 09:18:00 PM"

I take it you don't really live in the city.

9/01/2008 10:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Try finding something affordable within an hour drive of anywhere in the city. The taxes out of the city are higher and you get nickeled and dimed worse than here.

9/01/2008 08:37:00 PM"

One word: Indiana

9/01/2008 10:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few years ago, a lot of Catholic churches were closing and selling off the real estate. One copper bought a former convent and rented out the rooms to other coppers. Some of the renters were single guys who needed a place to sleep. Others were coppers who really lived in Tinley Park or Oak Forest. Every time the IAD sat on the place, somebody called in a "suspicious auto with occupant(s)." As far as I know, the place is still going. F$%k the IAD. They couldn't catch a crook in the 011th District lockup.

9/01/2008 10:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know guys, nothing is going to change. Just answer your calls and collect your check on the 1st and 16th.fu*k em

9/01/2008 10:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are going to lead a large organization, especially a military or quasi-military organization like the CPD is [or Was] you can only sucessfully lead by example, integrity, and fairness, or you are doomed to fail. Your troops will never have respect for any Supervision if they [supervisors]are spared when they violate rules and regulations, while underlings are thrown under the bus eveery time. This is the recipe for disaster that the Daley Administration has practiced for decades and it has finally caught up with the CPD. I believe that very few Supervisors on the job get full respect from our officers, and those few that do get it from being honest, fair, impartial, intelligent, lead by example, and are appreciative of their officers when they do a good job. Just the first hour of work in a busy southside district is usually rougher than the entire shift of a slow, relatively clean, low crime northside district. But at the Judes parade, we see the northside kids with more award ribbons and in better Units than the old tired grizzled veterans of decades of work in the most busiest districts and units in the City, then wonder why they are so bitter and grouchy and don't want to do much. This is a supervisory/leadership citywide problem, that like numerous other issues, could be resolved with correct leadership, but won't be here. Not much makes any sense anymore, but thats our over-educated, lacking common sense leadership in action. Anyway, I believe we are doomed for failure due to the Daley dictatorship running the CPD, and their hack patronage/merit appointed Supervisors, who can't hold a candle to real professional supervisors.

9/01/2008 10:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Residency is a Violation of Civil Rights. Why have Federal Authorities pushed this under the carpet for decades. Who is paying them off? Is Chicago not part of the United States or is it not?

9/01/2008 10:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we are waiting for Donahue and the FLOP to do anything about residency, we will be waiting till after your grandsons kid graduates college. This will have to be done by the rank and file somehow. Time to start picketing Shitty-Hall for Contract and Residency , otherwise it will just be ignored. Like the cry-baby teachers and protesters, yes, we too must pick up signs like morons and get on television/media to get our point across. Just the way it is here, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, especially here in the land of the Slippery.

9/01/2008 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a civilian, I'm glad for the rule. If my tax dollars are paying you, you should live in the city. CPS does have some good schools. Try Edgebrook, Wildwood, Sauganash, Oriole Park, etc. The more involved we are in schools, the better they will be.

9/01/2008 09:18:00 PM

You may buy my services for eight and a half hours a day with your taxes, but you don't own my LIFE, goof. You don't get to say where I live, who I live with, what I do inside my home, etc, etc, etc.

By the way, I pay taxes, too, so I pay my OWN salary in a twisted sort of way - - - and I believe I should be able to live outside the city if I choose to.

9/01/2008 11:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/02/2008 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:04 PM

I just spoke with a couple of our DPD brothers. I offered to trade the Stuttering Prick for Kwame Kilpatrick after the Wayne Co. prosecutor gets through with his ass.

The Detroit P.D. officers do NOT have a residency rule. When their tour ends, most drive north of 8-Mile Road. Fact is that aside from Daleyville, no major big-city police dept. in the nation has a residency rule.

Hell, if I had to work in that shithole, I'd live across the river in Canada (Windsor, Ontario). Actually, some DPD guys do it on the sly.

I don't know of any location in North America where you can merely cross a half-mile long (Ambassador) bridge (or the tunnel) and the chaotic violence of savages turns into utter tranquility among civilized human beings.

Try it sometime--a genuine mindfuck.

It's surreal staring at Motown across the Detroit River from that little park in Windsor.
Fire up a fine Cuban cigar and ask yourself why our once great nation is going to Hell in a handbasket.

8:09 PM

Dynamics change things. We must adjust. If you can't offer an intelligent argument in support of residency, I suggest that you just shut the fuck up.

9/02/2008 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a civilian, I'm glad for the rule. If my tax dollars are paying you, you should live in the city. CPS does have some good schools. Try Edgebrook, Wildwood, Sauganash, Oriole Park, etc. The more involved we are in schools, the better they will be.


Uhem, your tax dollars DON'T pay for CPD. Read your bills. Chicago Police generate their own revenue for their budget - and we all pay into that revenue. It is not a tax. Get off this site civilian.

9/02/2008 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Detroit P.D. has no residency requirement. Our counterpart to SCC and the NYPD RANT can be found at:

Our brotherhood is strong.

9/02/2008 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

chicago is the only city in IL with gun registration so his guns were not REGISTERED in the burbs.
i know the schools in sauganash, orile, edgebrook etc.... are good schools. the only problem is i only make 70,000/yr and those houses start around 400,000.00.
guess i will have to try living in englewood. you are out of touch.

9/02/2008 02:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
As a civilian, I'm glad for the rule. If my tax dollars are paying you, you should live in the city. CPS does have some good schools. Try Edgebrook, Wildwood, Sauganash, Oriole Park, etc. The more involved we are in schools, the better they will be.

9/01/2008 09:18:00 PM
Who can afford to live in Sauganash, Wildwood, Edgebrook on the salary of a blue shirt? Those homes sell for over $600,000. Try public schools on the south side dear civilian. Have you ever been south of Roosevelt Rd? Afraid dear civilian? You have no idea what happens in public schools on south and west side. In fact dear civilian, stand out side of Schurz and Steinmetz High Schools, two northwest side schools. You will have complete culture shock. Now, go hide in the far NW side of the city.

9/02/2008 05:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Residency should not be a factor in contract negotiations. It's long overdue in Chicago.

If no other big-city police departmentt has it, how can the City possibly justify it? They can't!

An officer, particularly with a spouse and kids, can no longer afford to live in a decent neighborhood in this town.

It's a no-brainer. Aside from that power-hungry wacko Daley, what's the problem?

9/02/2008 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When we have a mayor who is the ultimate pathological control freak, we will continue to suffer.

May the Good Lord reserve a special place in hell for "our King".

9/02/2008 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Residency is something that I have mentioned NUMEROUS times to the union, asking that they take it to springfield and repeal that stupid law that requires it for municipalities of 1 million people (um, only chicago. funny thing), but they keep saying that there is not any interest. HEY, THERE IS INTEREST, LETS GET THIS DONE!!!

WTF you talking about loads of suburbs also require that you live in their cities......So quit the whining and do your job.....You knew what was required when hired.

9/02/2008 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Dynamics change things. We must adjust. If you can't offer an intelligent argument in support of residency, I suggest that you just shut the fuck up.

9/02/2008 12:14:00 AM"

What would be intelligent about supporting the residency requirement?

And, no, you don't HAVE TO shut the fuck up, but it would be nice if you did.

9/02/2008 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" the land of the Slippery.

9/01/2008 11:05:00 PM"

It's the Land of the Greased Pig Anus, the pigs being the politicians.

9/02/2008 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"9/01/2008 10:38:00 PM"


And economically feasible.

Gotta love that entrepreneurial spirit.

9/02/2008 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Might the letters B & J have some significance?

9/01/2008 07:40:00 PM"

Not sure. Thought you knew.

9/02/2008 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of you people are idiots. Why do you keep bad mouthing people when you know nothing of the story or of that person? Every one of us has skeletons in the closet.
Also the residency rule has a BIG loophole you morons, as long as you show you live in your city residence for 4 days out of the week, they can not do anything to you! Read your shit and get some fucking knowledge before you all go running off at the mouth.

9/02/2008 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If no large city police in the USA have residency, why doesn't FOP tell us.

Could it be that they're in bed with Lord Shortshanks?

If "knowledge is power", such a revelation would paint Daley into a corner with no logical way out. Not that logic has anything to do with "the CHICAGO WAY"

Instead of golf outings, fishing contests and other absolute B.S., FOP should put working condition comparisons with other city P.D.'s in their newsletter.

To do otherwise proves that FOP can not be trusted. Hidden agendas?

9/02/2008 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Detroit P.D. (12:11 & 12:20 AM)

Thanks, our blue brothers.

If you're in our 'hood and you need courtesy or directions, check in with us.

Kwame for Daley? You're on. We'll even throw in a family size bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos and a carton of Kools or Newports.

9/02/2008 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay boys and girls. If you're going to live out of the city, don't tell ANYONE that you're a Chicago Police Officer! Not even your wife! All it takes is one stupid little argument over who left the toilet seat up or the cap off the toothpaste and next thing you know, she's calling IAD!

9/01/2008 01:42:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Off Topic:

What is up with PO E.T.*19934 in 019 that writes immediate family members of the police? Why does he find it necessary to berate respectful young girls, bring them to tears, then say he doesn't care if they are related to the police, before writing them?

If you find minor traffic infractions so necessary to enforce, why don't you go over to the Lathrop Homes, where nobody has a license or insurance?


Because I'm a big pussy! Why do you think I work in 019. Black people scare me.

Have your daughter get a cr on me.

9/02/2008 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To those stating that there are good schools up in 016 sure there are but the problem is Section 8. When the reidents formerly lived in C.H.A. property the C.P.S. would bus them all over the city. Busing was cut back and the schools up here got much better, but now we have these ghetto dogs living in the district on Mayor Daleys city wide housing /Section 8 plan ruining the only decent neighborhood schools and it will eventually turn the Northwest Side into the 8th District and 22nd District (sorry to you out in 008 and 022). Crime trends and demographics do not lie. Look at 008 and 022 10 to 20 years ago. Bottom line we are screwed. I have met the enemy and he is... Daley.

9/02/2008 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Residency should not be a factor in contract negotiations. It's long overdue in Chicago.

If no other big-city police departmentt has it, how can the City possibly justify it? They can't!

An officer, particularly with a spouse and kids, can no longer afford to live in a decent neighborhood in this town.

It's a no-brainer. Aside from that power-hungry wacko Daley, what's the problem?

9/02/2008 07:34:00 AM

residency is old, and needs to change! Why are we forced to live here mayor dummy when your old double standard the teachers who should live here to watch the kids they teach grow up to see the end results of their great job! Why not cta? The city has many ironworkers making over $275,000 per year with all the overtime as they sleep on the cities dimes, and majority live in INDIANA! WTF! Come on mayor your phenomally stupid if you don't know this!

9/02/2008 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did any of you FNGs read the fine print when you took this job? You act like you just discovered that you have to live here to work here.

Quit whining. If you've got it so bad, fill out a PAR form, check the resigned box, sign it and turn it in.

That will never happen though because then you might have to work a real job; something many of you couldn't handle.

9/01/2008 08:09:00 PM

AMEN!!! This is nothing new and to bitch about it is ridiculous. Live in your mom's basement another year or two, don't go out after work every night, save some money and buy a house in a nice neighborhood. It worked for...oh wait, he still lives at home.


9/02/2008 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One word: Indiana

9/01/2008 10:35:00 PM

Indiana and Wisconsin tax your pension. Illinois and Michigan do not. Best bet is mid to southern Illinois.

9/02/2008 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1130A.M. states Fire Rottner.Say what you will about him, but he has over 30 years and is 60 years old.He will get an exempt pension.How the fuck can they hurt him?

9/01/2008 08:49:00 PM

The hurt comes from him not being able to tear himself away from this job. It is his identity. He cannot give it up. Why else would you stay and continue to pay the pension contributions when, if you retired, the pension would be paying you. Financially, it does not make sense.

If he was forced to go, even with a nice exempt pension, it would be like a knife to his heart. Some guys just cannot walk away, even when it is the wisest move.

And do not listen to the bullshit if he says he is trying to bump up his pension. Taking all into consideration, such as continued pension contributions and continuing to contribute the valuable days of your life, the wisest choice is to walk away and enjoy your life.

9/02/2008 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm the civilian who wrote before. I do live in the city -- yes, on the far north side, where I have many CPD and CFD great people as neighbors. I do think CPD should be living in the city, but believe me I think your salaries should be twice what they are, too. But what can regular residents do to stand up for CPD and help them get the money and respect they deserve? Thanks for all you do, CPD. My family appreciates you...for whatever that is worth.

9/02/2008 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

23 years on and my family has lived for 12 years in a nice suburb.......

The rule DOES NOT SAY your spouse and kids can not live out of the city.

As long as you stop at "your" Chicago residence once every four days, you can not be charged with living out of the City.

You are the only one who is contractually binded to live within the corporate limits of the City of Chicago.

Ask any experienced IAD agent. If IAD places a surveillance on you for out of the city living, if you stop at least one time during 4 days at your listed city residence, they can not sustain a charge of residency violation against you.

I myself have an elderly parent in Garfield Ridge that I spend a a couple days a week with to make sure all is well. My wife and two children live in a nice suburb. I know for a fact IAD have follwed me during at least 3 different residency violation complaints. I ended up even speaking to one of the agents who I knew. And this IAD agent told me the same thing.

I have saved over $20,000.00 a year just in schooling. My backyard is three times as large as any city residence and the only police activity I have ever seen in my neighborhood is me hitting the bed!

9/01/2008 01:38:00 PM

It is unfair of you to post this bullshit. And if your story is true, you are the exception, not the rule.

IAD and the city accept residency as four of seven, which is where you physically reside on four of the seven days of the week. If you can truly reside away from the wife and kids for 4 of 7, then you have it made.

Also, a divorce or legal seperation is advised, else, it is evidence of your scam. Also, the suburban residence should be in the wife's name alone.

Now to do these things, you have to really trust your mate because if the mate chooses to move on from the relationship, you are screwed.

True story. Years ago, mid 80's, a northside copper did all of the above and the on-paper ex-wife and their kids resided in Wisconsin. He would alternate working special on his days off and staying in the city, with taking one on the front and one on the back of his days off to spend four or five days in Wisconsin with the ex-wife and kids. Worked well until the wife fell in love with the guy hired by the copper to put new siding on the house. The copper became a divorced lonely guy with a long ride to see his kids, and no place to stay while in Wisconsin. Eventually he remarried, retired and moved out of the city, but his life was hell for a good bit.

So, is it worth it? It is an individual decision.

9/02/2008 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Try finding something affordable within an hour drive of anywhere in the city. The taxes out of the city are higher and you get nickeled and dimed worse than here.

**It may be more expensive, but depending which suburb/county you choose, crime is much much lower. You pay extra for the land that your house sits on. You are able to use public schools. You are able to take your kids to the park. Gangs problems are low. You can walk down the street without worrying about being robbed, beaten or shot. Homes, stores, restaurants are clean and maintained. These are the things that you cannot enjoy in Chicago. I think it's worth the price!

9/02/2008 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Phat Phil" knew that Rottner lived outside the City.

After confering with Tommy "the backstabber" Byrne he told the IAD to sit on it.

This was one of the many instances that he had contempt for the disciplinary system and the rules and regulations of CPD.

If Kirby had balls instead of ambition she would of stood up too him!

That is why we are now stuck with J-Fed!

9/02/2008 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You may buy my services for eight and a half hours a day with your taxes, but you don't own my LIFE, goof. You don't get to say where I live, who I live with, what I do inside my home, etc, etc, etc.

By the way, I pay taxes, too, so I pay my OWN salary in a twisted sort of way - - - and I believe I should be able to live outside the city if I choose to.

9/01/2008 11:40:00 PM

I think the bottom line is that when you apply for the job, you sign a form saying that you understand that as a condition of your employment, you are required to live in the City. If you don't want to live in the City, quitting is a viable option. Other Departments are hiring all around the country.

9/02/2008 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree with residency, I prefer we didn't have it! BUT! When I and everyone else took this job, we knew it was a requirement. If it was an absolute no go for you, you should have applied in the suburbs! I took this job willing to give up my right to live elsewhere, and I really don't appreciate people who violate the rules.... any of the rules. I will never rat anyone out for anything, but it is very frustrating when you work with people who think rules are for OTHER people!

By the way, wasn't Bruce ROTNER an inspector? I believe so!

9/02/2008 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Residency = Tax base
No residency = No tax base
No tax base = No raise
No raise = No extra $$$ in your pocket.

The residency issue is a double edged sword. It would be great to live outside of the city; but as another poster wrote, you'll have to pay for everything. (garbage removal, water service, higher land taxes in nicer villages, etc.)
We are our own worst enemy. We want more for less, but don't want to work hard for it. Instead of beefing about residency, start investing in your own future by buying land and lots of it outside of this city, county and state. Preferably some place you'll like to live after retirement. Rent it out if you want to make the renter pay the mortgage. You'll have plenty of time to pay down the mortgage on the property before you retire. Then take your deferred comp, the sale of your home/condo and pay off the loan.

The only way the residency rule will be "amended" is after Da mare is gone.

9/02/2008 07:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One word: Indiana
9/01/2008 10:35:00 PM

I have a full set of teeth and no bad facial hair, they won't let me live there.

9/02/2008 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I disagree with residency, I prefer we didn't have it! BUT! When I and everyone else took this job, we knew it was a requirement. If it was an absolute no go for you, you should have applied in the suburbs! I took this job willing to give up my right to live elsewhere, and I really don't appreciate people who violate the rules.... any of the rules. I will never rat anyone out for anything, but it is very frustrating when you work with people who think rules are for OTHER people!

By the way, wasn't Bruce ROTNER an inspector? I believe so!

9/02/2008 06:30:00 PM

I agree 100% and yes, he was. He's a nice guy, never hammered anybody as an Inspector and he caught me twice doing stuff and just gave me the eye.....unlike BigFuckingBird who'd write up his own family for a head.

9/02/2008 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the bottom line is that when you apply for the job, you sign a form saying that you understand that as a condition of your employment, you are required to live in the City. If you don't want to live in the City, quitting is a viable option. Other Departments are hiring all around the country.

9/02/2008 05:37:00 PM

Yes, I signed that paper. However, it doesn't mean I liked it any more then than I do now.

Just because something has 'always been done that way' doesn't mean it's right. It just means people have been too complacent to change it. What we're talking about here is the need to CHANGE IT.

9/02/2008 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Not sure. Thought you knew.

9/02/2008 09:40:00 AM"

You're never sure of anything.

You must be a lawyer.

9/03/2008 03:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The spouces and children of city workers should file a class action law suit, they are not bound by this directive. Daley Vs women and children, that would be great comedy

9/03/2008 04:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the bottom line is that when you apply for the job, you sign a form saying that you understand that as a condition of your employment, you are required to live in the City. If you don't want to live in the City,

(When I applied for the job!)

I came on in 1982 and was told I would have health care for the rest of my life as parts of my employment. SO what's your point. Company man

9/03/2008 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quit crying, thats whats wrong with this blog and the children on this job now. Whine whine, he's getting something im not. boo hoo grow up. Who cares, get a life and shut the fuck up!
I took this job , I live in the city. I dont give a damn of the few that cheat the system. Just like the cry babys are the dogs on this job. Quit and move out of the city and shut up. become a suburban cop and save the tuition you whine about. Oh whats that, you cant quit because you make more money here, grow up.

9/03/2008 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Residency Sucks!!!
It's archaic. Why doesn't the FOP listen to us?? Why do they never even bring this issue up?


9/03/2008 10:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a civilian, I'm glad for the rule. If my tax dollars are paying you,

Bitch I pay for myself. your couple of dollars adds up to nothing.

9/03/2008 10:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of you people are idiots. Why do you keep bad mouthing people when you know nothing of the story or of that person? Every one of us has skeletons in the closet.
Also the residency rule has a BIG loophole you morons, as long as you show you live in your city residence for 4 days out of the week, they can not do anything to you! Read your shit and get some fucking knowledge before you all go running off at the mouth.


9/03/2008 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did any of you FNGs read the fine print when you took this job? You act like you just discovered that you have to live here to work here.

Quit whining. If you've got it so bad, fill out a PAR form, check the resigned box, sign it and turn it in.

That will never happen though because then you might have to work a real job; something many of you couldn't handle.

....You are so right, its all the new guys whining. The same whining we have to listen to from the idiot yuppies we deal with, you are no better, grow up.

9/03/2008 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is the Chicago P.D. the only big-city police department in the nation that requires residency?

9/04/2008 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget about that snake sgt. (tax evader) who follows him around!!!!!

9/04/2008 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROTTNER is defined by the people he associates with.His "#1 GIRL" who runs his office (M.C.) is another H.B.T. incident waiting to happen.

Just glad she's out of 024!

9/05/2008 06:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rottner's case is a bit special. He wants his kids to go to a good Jewish school and says there aren't any within the city. I don't know as I'm not Jewish but I'll take his word for it - for now.

And yes, he does actually live in an apartment building in 024.

Define "good" Jewish school. 024 has plenty of them. Could the real reason he never wanted to send his kids was because it costs $$$$?

Oh and his city residence on Sheridan RD. I wonder how many of his so called neighbors have seen him in the last 6 months???

9/05/2008 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Throwing it in the face of the hard working patrolmen and supervisors that abide by our rules, regulations etc...Hey Superintendent, not to sharp on his behalf.

Gee, I wonder what the Jewish community of Rogers Park has to say about this? No "good" Jewish schools? Now they know what it feels like to have a merit promoted, never worked the street scumbag like Rottner stab you in the back.

9/05/2008 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rottner actually lives in Lincolnwood,not Skokie,I could give you his address but he aint a bad guy.

Ever work for him?

9/05/2008 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a civilian, I'm glad for the rule. If my tax dollars are paying you, you should live in the city.

And you should have a City of Chicago vehicle sticker on your window. Oh, what's that you say? It's a company car? The company is in the burbs but you live in Chicago?? Or how about your plates? Gee, when I ran them they came back in your name but to a suburban address. Maybe I should call the number on your Insurance card you just handed me and inquire. I'm sure it's just an over sight. I'm sure your insurance company would be more than happy to restructure your rate once they know your primary residence is within the Chicago city limits and not Lincolnwood or Skokie where the vehicle stickers don't cost $75 and the insurance rates are MUCH lower.

Just a thought.

9/05/2008 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree 100% and yes, he was. He's a nice guy, never hammered anybody as an Inspector and he caught me twice doing stuff and just gave me the eye.....unlike BigFuckingBird who'd write up his own family for a head.


Not quite true. He pretty much gave 024 a pass when he was an Inspector but I've talked to other P.O.'s who stated that he was another Big Bird.

9/05/2008 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of you people are idiots. Why do you keep bad mouthing people when you know nothing of the story or of that person? Every one of us has skeletons in the closet.
Also the residency rule has a BIG loophole you morons, as long as you show you live in your city residence for 4 days out of the week, they can not do anything to you! Read your shit and get some fucking knowledge before you all go running off at the mouth.


Is it fair to comment on your own postings? LOL

9/05/2008 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're never sure of anything.

You must be a lawyer.

9/03/2008 03:54:00 AM

How can you be sure unless you are a lawyer?

9/09/2008 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How can you be sure unless you are a lawyer?

9/09/2008 09:24:00 PM"

I'm sure because I'm not a lawyer.

9/10/2008 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure because I'm not a lawyer.

9/10/2008 12:22:00 AM

Are you sure?

9/10/2008 09:03:00 AM  

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