Sunday, November 02, 2008

Amazing Thought Process

We've been accused of a lot of things this election season. We've pretty much ignored the national race and stayed away from it, mostly because many readers didn't respond positively to our take on things. And as this is a mostly reader driven blog, we stuck to Department issues this past year or so and local politics.

We've made no secret that we have right leaning tendencies. The links in the sidebar are labeled for "Right Thinking People," we support gun rights overtly, we constantly make fun of Daley, Blago, Toddler, the Machine, etc. Anyone leaving comments full of the lies, fibs and outright fabrications of the Clinton "surplus" or Iraqi body counts or any of the other leftist bugaboos have not seen their drivel in print for years which would kind of make people think we had an agenda a bit to the right.

But this takes the cake. This is going to open a can of worms in the comments that we'd rather not have to deal with, but will, just to make a point. Watch it before they take it down.

This is exactly why we hate the left. It has nothing to do with skin tone and everything to do with the insane sense of entitlement we run across each and every day in our jobs. And we'll be accused of all sorts of vile crap because we earned what we have and would like to keep it instead of paying for her shit.

Whatever, have at it. We'll delete every damn comment if it goes that way. Try to explain this one away leftists.

UPDATE: Rue had this up 2 days ago. We actually saw in our e-mail.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

VOTE MCCAIN people! We need the votes! It is gonna be close, so lets get it done! Lets shock the world!! VOTE!!

ps JETTY is getting looked into Our heads up reader that emailed us Thank you more on that later but until then VOTE MCCAIN!!!!!! And yes, we are still KEEPING AN EYE ON DAN!

11/02/2008 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If I help him, he is going to help me"...

Great...that is the Chicago way!

Let whitey work, I will just fuck, have kids, not work, and reap the benefits and when Obama comes...

"I will not have to work to pay for my gas, and I will not have to work to pay for my mortgage"

Yep, white in America, and Chicago, it just does not pay!

11/02/2008 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are people who just don't want to work for anything, yet, somehow believe they are entitled to everything.

I can understand someone not wanting to work for shit money, but, to think that one doesn't have to work at all is beyond belief.

That being said, is it any surprise that when a system is in place that rewards sloth, willful ignorance and deliberate deception, that there will be some, to many, who will avail themselves of said rewards, regardless of where those rewards originate from?

And that, having abandoned any pretense of dignity, then convince themselves that it's not their own fault for said abandonment? That, in fact, they are worthy of respect, all the while having no respect for those who supply them with that which they have not earned?

The capacity to lie to one's self has got to be near the top of the list of human faults.

11/02/2008 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even worse, where did this type of mindset come from? Who/what taught her to think like this? I was raised to work for what I want, like most of us. My stomach simply turns to knots when I try to figure out why people believe this type of thinking is acceptable. There I go, being racist. I need to stop. When this girl was asked, "What is it that you found so enlightening about the event today", rather than talking about how she would now get more shit for free, couldn't she of stated, "I'm so happy that this educated persidential nominee is here, I want to be like him, I need to educate myself." No, that would be the response of an intelligent person.

11/02/2008 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical democrat...

11/02/2008 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

????????????God help us all.

11/02/2008 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I consider myself slightly to the left, and I hate that attitude too. But remember what the esteemed Rev. Jackson said about Obama's nutsack. If these people think that an Obama presidency will change their lives at all, they and that dumb whore are mistaken. Just my opinion.

11/02/2008 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's taken out of context. She thinks that Obama will fix the economy so that she'll be able to afford her mortgage and gas. He won't and we all know it but her statement is taken totally out of context. You're better than this SCC.

11/02/2008 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gonna send you an email on this SAME mother friggin subject...
post it if you want, two of my family members were polled last week (don't live in chicagoland) and after the "who are you voting for" questions there was a list of questions they answered yes/no. the first question was (not verbatim) "do you think the government should help people who can't pay their mortgages, credit card bills, etc".


sorry about the yelling, but i am truly sick of this shit. if the dumb ass would get a job, she could pay her bills! i'm sorry her free check ain't paying for all she wants, but at least she doesn't look like she's been missing meals...

ok, for the email, i'll go do that now.

11/02/2008 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No lady, I'll have to worry about putting gas in your car and paying your mortgage... all while I'm living in the street because my taxes just doubled.


11/02/2008 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't necessarily think this woman expects the Government to pay her mortgage and gas bill. It seems just as likely she thinks Obama will be better for the economy.

Now I could be wrong. There are a variety of interpretations and she was clearly excited to be so near "The One". He is a sexy bitch. Makes me wish I was a woman or a Cubs fan to be so near him.

Give this woman the benefit of the doubt. Give Daley and Weis no benefit.

11/02/2008 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This election I think is going to boil down to 1 thing- Race.

Street stops, and vehicle stops lately I have seen people are more and more confrontational and citing that when Barry is President he will put an end to the harrassment of the black people by police.

The attitude exhibited by the woman in this video is laughable, but I fear may become common amount people.

I pray for the backlash voting from citizens who have been the silent minority. I welcome the social unrest(read rioting) that will be forthcoming in the next 96 hours.

I cant wait to see the new ribbon the dept has made for this event.

Good bye Olympics. If we can get McCain elected maybe we can get Daley unemployeed

11/02/2008 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Obama promising to bring back those helpful gas station attendants from the 1950's that would pump your gas for you with a smile?

Well that's swell!

11/02/2008 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew this day would come one day too....were so fucked

11/02/2008 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen sister! The anti-christ has arrived to save you.

Gas and the mortgage were getting expensive.

11/02/2008 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure the mutt lives in gov't housing, never paid for school, never paid taxes, has a big ol link card

11/02/2008 01:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're being silly scc. you act as if every democrat or left leaning person is like this. even you yourself can't believe all the bullshit the republican/conservatives say. this topic is just unfair and you're singling out a small majority of idiots.

11/02/2008 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy Obama has hoodwincked the masses. It goes to show that you can sell the american people stock in the brooklyn bridge. Just look how far hillary got before she was found out as a faker. Her phony "we landed under sniper fire" crap. You can sell people anything if you package it right. Go MCCAIN !

11/02/2008 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Obama is going to get her a job.

11/02/2008 02:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very one i stopped and conversed with stated that they couldn't wait for Obama to take over. They will really not have to work for the rest of their lives.

11/02/2008 02:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this video, SCC. Your "label" was right on!

11/02/2008 02:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't fuckin' believe it . God save this country. I just can't put it into words.

11/02/2008 02:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, I still like your blog better when you leave national politics out of it. All those right-leaning people listed on the right side of the page on your site cover national; you do better with CPD and local political BS. I haven't missed you covering national politics. Since we're in the thick of it nationally, though, it's hard to stay out of it.

Unlike some people who I am sure will stomp their feet, say, "I'm leaving! You're nothing but a racist pig!", and slam the door on the way out after reading and commenting on this post, though, I won't leave.

See, that's the thing. Some readers forget that we have a choice. If you don't like it, don't read it. If you don't agree with it, that's okay; everyone is entitled to their opinions.

Yes, there's a lot of BS here. Most of it is in the comments sections, posted by shit-starters. But if you're able to dig through the BS, you'll come to see that this blog is a goldmine of information. It supports the working police. It sheds light on just how broken the CPD is. It calls the media and local politicians out for their behavior. Among other things.

So thanks for the video and your comments, SCC. I look forward to more reading.

11/02/2008 04:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a Democrat. I'm pretty liberal. I read this blog religiously, and I get uncomfortable sometimes with how right-wing the comments get.

With that being said, that woman is an idiot. I have no problems with her being mocked. I like Obama a lot and hate a lot of his supporters. I think they blow things out of proportion, I think that they can get overly smug, and I kind of just want them to all shut up and just let Obama be a normal, fallible politician.

That being said, I don't see any difference between what this woman said and someone who voted for Bush because the Lord told them it was the thing to do. I am perfectly OK and respect the hell out of someone who votes Republican because of Republican ideas. I disagree with you, but I peacefully and politely disagree with you, and we should just forget about it and go have a beer.

It's this other group of people who choose a candidate--either party--because of things that are just complete and utter bullshit that blows my mind because you can't even get it in your head how you can say something so stupid and believe it. This woman falls into that category, no doubt. But so have a lot of right wingers. I think this is more the case of a person being an idiot than it is a reason to paint liberalism with a broad stroke.

11/02/2008 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once those pulling the wagon get tired, they'll stop pulling and hop in.

Of course, the society will collapse shortly after that happens.

11/02/2008 06:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barack Obama Bin-Laden says---

That video proves my point in the previous thread. Nothing else needs to be said. Praise be to Allah.

Change you will be forced to believe in.

11/02/2008 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The slippery slope of socialism.
As the workers see their earnings diminish to pay for the entitlements of others the benefits of joining them increase.
Soon no one is working, innovating or motivated to do much of anything. Alcoholism, suicide and crime flurish while hope collapses.
See any parallels in the CPD ?

11/02/2008 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gonna pay. They will push for an increase on their Link cards. There will be government insurance for their cars. Free medical too.And its all the fault of the greedy middle class.

11/02/2008 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Explain what away? A woman's point of view on how things are going to be for her? A video snippet without the entire statement?

No need for explanation here, those are her thoughts. Unfortunately, most of the right wing seems to think that those of us who support the left wing and Obama think we are going to be entitled to something .........WRONG!! I still will have to go out everyday and pay my taxes, to pay my mortgage, to have food, to drive etc etc blah blah. Just like everyone else. I don't think that the goverment should take care of me, I should be able to maintain for me and my family. That is what an adult, no matter of race, color or political orientation should do.

I also like you would like to see my paycheck go farther. Is that the government's responsibility....some, but the greater responsibility is mine. To manage my funds in a decent manner, to make smart investments, to save in a smart way.

I have not voted for DALEY EVER! Blago once and when he ran for re-election I voted against him. I don't follow Meeks at all (I personally think he is in this for personal gain and the ability to show out). And Todd Stroger, I HANG MY HEAD IN SHAME! I voted for him, yes I did....I am so sorry now that I ever punched the hole next to his name and won't make that mistake again either!

I don't believe in government handouts, but people fall on hardtimes and should be able to go to the government for help for a time .......not for a way of life.

I would not vote for McCain if for one reason alone, his pick for V.P. He had many other more qualified choices than her. She may be a contender in a few years but right now, I am terribly afraid. I also wouldn't vote for him because of his track record in voting with Bush as he has allowed this country to collapse into ruin.

The one thing that is to be said about this upcoming election is whomever wins is stepping into a heap of cow manure and it will take 4yrs for them to figure out just how deep the dung really goes.

Finally, I say again, that is just one black woman's opinion of what is going to happen and these are my opinions as an independent and this time a left wing voter.

11/02/2008 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you hit the nail on the head; "un-fucking believable"

nothing else to say...

11/02/2008 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This video is priceless!
Yes America, this is what you have done to over half of your fellow citizens, you have made them slaves to the Washington massa.
Redistribution of wealth, welfare programs et al breed this sort of hand-out mentality.
Here is the sad truth, it was Reagan, God bless him, who took the bottom 1/3 of Americans off the tax roles. This was a very stupid thing to do, because once they get Govt benefits without paying in anything, the end result is an Obama marxist.
The best thing that could happen to America is a flat tax, across the board, say 10%, with NO deductions for anything. No execptions!
The Red States should start thinking about secession if B.O. goes to Washington.
Just think, a country with no affirmative action, no welfare, no social security, no liberal democrats, a pro business climate, low taxes, no stupid gun conrol, an active death penalty for shit heads, tort reform.
All the mooches would move to blue state america for their freebies and hand outs, the contrast would be like that of East and West Germany during the communist era...nice dream.

11/02/2008 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with the upper middle class dems., is that they don't realize that they are not exempt from the leveling of the playing field.

They are too Peter, and will also be robed to pay Paul.

11/02/2008 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tales of the PARASITE!!

11/02/2008 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11/02/2008 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

workers are the new slaves.

11/02/2008 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John McCain has been on the government dole his entire life. Grandfather was an admiral,father was an admiral;he was accepted into the naval academy based on his family connections. Always lived in base housing,mess hall meals. Then after graduating 854 out of 859 he was allowed to fly jets. Affirmative Action.

11/02/2008 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It's taken out of context. She thinks that Obama will fix the economy so that she'll be able to afford her mortgage and gas. He won't and we all know it but her statement is taken totally out of context. You're better than this SCC.

11/02/2008 01:04:00 AM

Now you're making an assumption. Given the fact that the vast percentage of single black females with children have recieved a Lions share of assitance she could have just as easliy been talking about more free shit.

PS: If she's Peggy the Plumber, where's the baby daddy at? Odds of Jamal the Junkie is out doing his thing making more babies for us to pay for.

11/02/2008 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Obama a lot and hate a lot of his supporters. I think they blow things out of proportion, I think that they can get overly smug, and I kind of just want them to all shut up and just let Obama be a normal, fallible politician.

What will happen when Obama cannot provide mana from heaven? Will the democratic voting underclass just shrug? The pressure is on. He had better produce for them.

11/02/2008 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's taken out of context. She thinks that Obama will fix the economy so that she'll be able to afford her mortgage and gas. He won't and we all know it but her statement is taken totally out of context. You're better than this SCC.

11/02/2008 01:04:00 AM

Any context and its wrong. That seems to be the slogan used for every commi thing that Biden and Obama have said "out of context" then sprinkle a lil Bush in there and wala a victory. Wake up people the free train is coming to town and you are the trax

11/02/2008 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having those babies was not the most memorable event in her life. Listening to that Harvard used car salesman promise everything was? Two words....Public Edemecation

11/02/2008 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wow! The other guys portraying himself as a modern day robin hood just to get votes.

11/02/2008 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what did the democrat get for christmas? my kids bike.

old joke....same principle applies here.

11/02/2008 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You never worried about that anyway. Line up scumbags and suck on the tit of society until it is dry!!

11/02/2008 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure the reason "King Richie" is throwing the "Obamarama" is to suck up(aka bribe)him. He will get "Brother Bill" in Barry's cabinet and the first thing they will do is dump U.S Atty Fitzgerald. End of investigating this this fuckin corrupt city. All will be back to "normal" in the Kingdom of Shortshanks.

11/02/2008 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Batman!!!

The liberal's ultimate goal and objective is governmental socialism as the answer to solving everyone's needs.

As police officers we learn quickly that you can never solve a dysfunctional human's needs. You learn this fundamental principle when you attend your first job.

These anti socialists who choose to sell drugs and gang bang for money, sex and power because they can't or don't want to make a better way of life. Think about how much money they make selling dope vs working or owning a business.

The academics for the last sixty years still haven't figured out how to solve the problem.

The current solution is to redesign public housing and integrate this population into suburbia. All they did is bring the seller closer to the buyer. Crime has increased in the suburbs and was decreasing in the city because of this failed policy.

Crime in Chicago was down until J-fed took control of the CPD. Now violent crime is trending upward "out-of-control." Everyday the politico whores refused to correct the leadership of the dept.

Adolf Hitler's earlier years started out on a socialist platform. If you do a little research on the subject you will discover how this bull shit artist promised everyone a government solution. Same circumstances fear, poor economy, unemployment, Haves vs Have nots.

The government is the true evil serpent. Lack of government is real freedom. Throughout human history it reminds us how the government's "power" has always been the determining factor in corruption and suppression of human freedom.

Corporations are manipulating our politic system and have corrupted our politicians who rely too much on their contributions to get re-elected.

11/02/2008 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's taken out of context. She thinks that Obama will fix the economy so that she'll be able to afford her mortgage and gas. He won't and we all know it but her statement is taken totally out of context. You're better than this SCC.

Wrong, completely in context, she said it and she meant it, that is their belief, if a black man becomes President, unreal the way they think..

11/02/2008 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you take their free housing away:

I like the shut up white boy statement. Oh yea there is no such thing as reverse racism.

11/02/2008 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe you misinterpreted her statement. I don't think she actually expects the government to pay for her gas or mortgage. I believe she was merely trying to allude that our economy will be in a better state than it is now. In other words, lower gas prices, and people will be able to find employmnot to avoid foreclosure on their homes.

11/02/2008 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two comments posted here need a reply:

First, "I would not vote for McCain if for one reason alone, his pick for V.P."

You gotta be kidding! Your reasoning is unsound when you compare her to the insider Joe Biden. His own party would not even nominate him for President - multiple times.

Second, "It's taken out of context. She thinks that Obama will fix the economy so that she'll be able to afford her mortgage and gas. He won't and we all know it but her statement is taken totally out of context. You're better than this SCC."

You're wrong house mouse. Anyone working the street the last two years has heard Pookie mumble from the back seat, "When my man Obama gets elected things is gonna change!" The Mama in the clip is saying, Obama fixing the economy means more freebies and cradle-to-grave welfare!

11/02/2008 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Me thinks that Freud would like to have a chat with you--"small MAJORITY of idiots".


Pease explain how Bush "let this country collapse into ruin" What policy caused this?

11/02/2008 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, every thang gonna be free at last!

11/02/2008 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, they're all going to be pretty pissed off if it don't end up being that way, aren't they?

11/02/2008 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The capacity to lie to one's self has got to be near the top of the list of human faults.

11/02/2008 12:26:00 AM

Very well said. But the thing's not free. You and I are paying the bill and yet, if we can do it, why don't they realize that they can too? Too easy to sit on one's ass is why. And government let's them.

11/02/2008 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's taken out of context. She thinks that Obama will fix the economy so that she'll be able to afford her mortgage and gas. He won't and we all know it but her statement is taken totally out of context. You're better than this SCC.

11/02/2008 01:04:00 AM

You must be an "urban translator." Because that's not what I heard at all.

11/02/2008 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have alreday early voted for McCain/Palin it is "our" future! More stupid liberal ideas! Maybe obama will pump her gas, after all when he loses maybe he could get a job pumping fuel! Hey mayor could you please toss more freebies to shit like this! Hey mayor violate more federal laws allow more illegals, do they still wash your fleet of 30 cars at 31st and canal?

11/02/2008 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Several years ago on the Donohue talk show there was a black woman welfare queen. She stated that she was the mother of 9 children. She said she was adding people to the countries population and she was entitled to a home provided by the government. She believed that just because she could get preqnant and pop out kids she was a good citizen and should be rewarded.

I worked a case on the west side and became involved with a family that had been given a home by Oprah. The home was brand new and they had been in it for approx. one year. They had turned it into a drug house and my involvement was one of the sons was pinched for murder. These liberal morons, even when their own money is involved, do not check out the people they are helping. They are completely clueless.

God help us when these liberal morons are fully in charge of our every day lives. We will be lucky to survive their nonsense.

Old retired guy.

11/02/2008 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give me ........give me .......give me

11/02/2008 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

you're being silly scc. you act as if every democrat or left leaning person is like this. even you yourself can't believe all the bullshit the republican/conservatives say. this topic is just unfair and you're singling out a small majority of idiots.

11/02/2008 01:30:00 AM

Statistically speaking, you might be right about that; those idiots are small in numbers when compared to national numbers. Unfortunately most of us that work in law enforcement, be it on the street or in the lockup like myself, are surrounded by this "small majority of idiots". Perhaps this is the first time you have heard something like this and want to dismiss it.

It's hard for most of us to dismiss a woman like this because we hear it on a daily basis.

I was told the other day by a prisoner that I sound republican because I was talking to my partner about the federal ruling on homeless people registering their park bench so they can vote.

I've been told dozens of times that, "when my man Obama gets elected you'll see what's gonna happen".

I've had a decade of hearing variations of the same conspiracies that whitey is rich, they are poor and being kept from being successful and are entitled to what everyone else has without ever having to work for it.

I wasn't always so jaded, but when you are exposed to this day after day; when you are called a racist and honky day after day; when you see them destroy their lives and blame everyone else, and all you ever wanted to do was to make a change, you become a little callous. Liberals may look at this as a curse, or that I am narcissistic, yet it's a skin that will inevitably save my life because I refuse to feel guilt for what I have.

I've seen first hand what liberalism does to society. I've seen first hand what Chicago bred democrats do to their city, county and state. And I've had enough of it.

11/02/2008 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't necessarily think this woman expects the Government to pay her mortgage and gas bill. It seems just as likely she thinks Obama will be better for the economy.

Now I could be wrong. There are a variety of interpretations and she was clearly excited to be so near "The One". He is a sexy bitch. Makes me wish I was a woman or a Cubs fan to be so near him.

Give this woman the benefit of the doubt. Give Daley and Weis no benefit.

11/02/2008 01:24:00 AM

thank you sooo much for this comment. I was waiting for all the ignorant comments. I guess I was wrong to think that people would have understood the comment like I did. dumb assess.

11/02/2008 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

keeping an eye on dan said...
VOTE MCCAIN people! We need the votes! It is gonna be close, so lets get it done! Lets shock the world!! VOTE!!

ps JETTY is getting looked into Our heads up reader that emailed us Thank you more on that later but until then VOTE MCCAIN!!!!!! And yes, we are still KEEPING AN EYE ON DAN!

11/02/2008 12:16:00 AM

Hello Psycho. What is your problem? Please explain exactly why you feel the need to attack Dan. He is a cop that stood up for all of us when he led the City Hall protest to Daley's door in '02 and when he helped expose the Huberman pension grab last month. He is kind hearted and honest as well. What have you ever done except occasionally change your dirty tampons?

This blog is a great place for exposing City/Department corruption and malfeasance of bosses. But when anonymous posters like "keeping an eye on dan" post complete bullshit about a co-worker, then this blog becomes the embarrassment that Father Nangle so aptly described. So, Mr. I Am My Brother's Keeper, please reveal yourself. That way, a good man (Dan) can properly defend himself from your cowardice. Maybe you'll also get an ass-kicking too. Who knows? I can dream...can't I?

11/02/2008 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they think barrack obama is amazingly going to stop the black community from selling packs on the block. shooting each other for stepping on my new kicks,accidentally bumping into dice on a throw, last piece of chicken. black folk think just because he's black that the police wont interact with the community anymore. here is the fact you violate the law, the police will enforce it. barrack obama is not the answer to any of the problems in the black community. he was abandoned by his black father. how much do you think he really cares? remember people abraham lincoln freed the slaves. and only 10% of the black community even knows he was a republican. vote john mccain on tuesday folks

11/02/2008 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is again the result of generations of these people existing on welfare handouts. Generations.

Welfare to work programs with limits on the amount you can receive and for what LIMITED duration is LONG overdue in this country. Now how is asking people to go to work for the money they're getting somehow racist?

11/02/2008 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you think that the this junior state senator lackey is going to control the federal government, then you are as dumb as this woman in the clip.

The people who run the government are people who make more than 250K per year. It doesn't matter who is president.

Obama will protect his local pals in Chicago, give billons to mortgage company buddies that supported him, and become a professional college graduate speaker in four years. Move on.

11/02/2008 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop professing this BS belief that somehow people who think like this are getting over on you. They are not. They are slaves in the 21st century. Perhaps the last, certainly the largest, slave colony in the world. Their lives are miserable.

Their mindset leads them to sit around and do nothing with their lives.

They neglect education. They eat crap and ignore their health. They ignore their childrens' education and health. They have no concept of self-respect, let alone respect for others. They and their family members spend a good portion of their lives in jail, or court, or police stations, or hospitals. They bury their own children and grandchildren murdered in a street in front of neighbors, who did nothing to help or seek justice. They live the rest of their lives talking with the same neighbors and to avoid confronting their neighbor's abhorrent inhumanity, they just pretend it never happened. Then, they turn a blind eye when their neighbor's family members are murdered, becoming just as inhuman as their neighbor.

They surrendered control of their destiny to a miniscule federal paycheck.

They are the dogs of society. They take only what society is willing to throw away. Then, they just sit beside the table and beg for more.

Stop professing the montra that people who do this are somehow winning. They are not. They are losing and their lives are only getting worse. And it is all very sad. And their is nothing that anyone can do to help them.

11/02/2008 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes lets get it done. i made sure i voted early, because last time my vote was challenged. i live in the 11th ward need i say more. when i went to vote at nativity of our lord church after work, in uniform proceeded to turn my vote sheet in, i was told they were going to challenge my vote. when i asked why, i was told maybe i forgot to vote in the primary, or maybe someone else tried to use my name. yeah right! i told the 11th ward kiss asses i have never missed a primary and asked if it was because i am a republican. they told oh no thats not why,we have a right to challenge votes. ok so what happened to my vote. it sat in box somewhere and was only going to be used if there was a tie, at least thats what i was told. i will curious as to how many die hard daleyites will be voting for john mccain? i think alot since i dont see one obama poster or yard card anywhere. hmmm strange since i couldnt avoid the kerry signs in 2004. take a quick drive around and tell me if im wrong. all i see are cop hating anita alvarez signs. but i am proud to say i will be escorting my nephew to the church where he will be voting for the first time. i only hope his vote isnt challenged. I Love My Country but i sure dont like some of her citizens. So much for freedom of choice1

11/02/2008 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy is so flawed, its pathetic, yet the mindless idiots chant "yes we can" with visions of free shit dancing in their heads. And thats not a race thing. The wine and cheese white liberal types are just as gullible. They can't wait for their free healthcare; as if the money they spend now is going to be refunded. Ha! Think the doctor is expensive now? Wait until its free!

But something else hits close to home for us guys and gals on the front lines.

barry Obama has never been a friend to law enforcement. Hell, he decided we were all racist when he wrote the racial profilihng data colection law in Illinois as a guilty til proven innocent program.

Now this comes along:

The Messiah spake thusly from a burning bush:

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.”

I can't read anything else into it other than we may get something we have never had, and I don't mean law enforcement at the federal level...but how about national police?

And "just as strong, and just as well funded?" as the military? Huh? Do we need something as powerful as the US military at home? What are you enforcing?

During Clinton the feds decided they had a better way, and threw money at "community policing". It doesn't matter that the feds don't do that sort of enforcement. (J-fed is ample proof.) they know it all and there was MONEY in it. So law enforcement goes politically correct. We get CAPS. We all know this kinder, gentler hug-a-thug strategy brought us the crime free utopia we enjoy today. Right?

During Clinton the Justice Departmant all but took over several large departments. Can you say consent decrees?

OK, maybe I'm just a bitter, working po who is clinging to his bible and a gun. Maybe I'm paranoid. But...

barry Obama is Clinton's it-takes-a-village liberalism on steroids. How long before the Feds just take over policing? Federal Security sounds so much more professional. We want everyone doing it the same. End the racism. End hate speech. (as we define it) Its for the children, you know.

I wonder if the new National Security force will wear brown shirts?

Keep your heads down during the Obama Riots, kids.

And if Barry wins...buckle in for the next 4 years. Wait! Before you get comfortable hand the democrats your wallet. And your rights. Its for the children.

11/02/2008 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

100,000.00 i guess i better quit working my ass off for my family.gee i guess my mom and dad were wrong work hard earn what you have and if its not enought go out and get another job to get what you want. yeah right pop thats why you and mom dont quailify for shit, while all your lazy friends get everything for free. and pop how does it feel being a world war II vet and korea reserveist when you go to the jesse brown va and have to pay. while these dope smoking alcoholics get their treatment for free. what is wrong with this picture. the harder you work the more you have to give to lazy stupid people. on second thought maybe we are the stupid ones!

11/02/2008 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know, SCC, but I think that woman expressed the sentiments of whole bunch of middle class working people who aren't black as well.

Lots of non-colored folk are losing homes and are being forced out. If you truly believe that woman was only speaking for black people, then you've obviously been drinking the 35th st. Kool aid.

11/02/2008 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's taken out of context. She thinks that Obama will fix the economy so that she'll be able to afford her mortgage and gas. He won't and we all know it but her statement is taken totally out of context. You're better than this SCC."

I would have to agree with this post, except for the last sentence, SCC. I find that most of the time, YOU are the main race baiter here in print. It's your blog, and you can publish as you wish, I just wish you'd be more responsible with what sees print here instead of using your common "hey, it's our blog" blanket excuse for some serious racial issues you (singular or plural) obviously have.

11/02/2008 12:54:00 PM  
Blogger The North Coast said...

How is John McCain any better than the Demogogues on the matter of entitlements for people who did not earn them?

McCain has stated loudly and boldly that he wants to authorize buying up all failing mortgages so as to "keep people in their homes".

THEIR homes? Make me laugh.

I don't see how Republicans and Democrats differ on the matter of Entitlement, except that Republicans want to direct our taxes to bailing out Wall St crooks and liars who set us up for this- out of the $700 Billion bailout money, $70 Billion is being spent on Wall St bonuses and salaries, so that the scum who tricked our financial system to collapse can continue to live like Saudi Oil Sheiks.

I don't care if a welfare recipient is some pig like the woman in this video, who thinks that people like you and me exist to keep her supplied with gas and rent so she can sit on her butt and breed like a rat- or if the welfare recipient is the CEO of a failing financial firm who helped engineer the biggest financial debacle in world history and who will continue to live in his $40 Million Hamptons mansion on our dime.

Both political parties in this country are absolute failures. The Republicans want to turn this country into a religious-fascist theocracy while providing socialism for the super-rich, and the Dummycrats want to enable the common dummies in their notion that the world exist to support their kids and provide them with resources to waste.

The whole country has a lot of lessons to learn in price-paying and taking responsibility, and I have a feeling we will get the lessons rammed down our throats by reality over the next few years. And I have a feeling that reality will NOT provide that woman with gas for her car.

11/02/2008 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

back when some of the projects in Chicago were being torn down, the news media liked to interview people who lived there. a fair number had lived there all their life and considered it a right to continue living there.

we have several generations of underclass that have never actually worked for a living and probably couldn't if they had to. they still get to vote.

11/02/2008 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

even you yourself can't believe all the bullshit the republican/conservatives say. this topic is just unfair and you're singling out a small majority of idiots.
I would at LEAST like to hear what the conservatives may put out there, we never get any of their points of view unfiltered .... ALL WE GET IS THE LIBERAL point of view. EACH DAY I HATE liberals and the news media more. It is SO unbelievably biased...

11/02/2008 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11/02/2008 01:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suprise Suprise...

Vote for OBAMA and and give to the poor, lazy, pregnant, dope dealing, police hating, contingency.

F@#king morons

What I earn is mine fu@#k the derelicts.

11/02/2008 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This kind of thinking is more common than anyone thinks. My pasty white brother in crazy California (wish it would fall off into the ocean already) thinks that Obama is the Messiah and is the ONLY ONE THAT CAN SAVE THIS COUNTRY.

He called me racist because I said I would never vote for Obama because he is a Chicago Politician. All of a sudden I'm a racist that shops at Walmart & buys all that Chinese crap put together by small Chinese children & I don't have to worry about my health because I have city insurance. Go figure, Obama is not a black man. 1/8th I believe, does this make me a reverse racist?

This woman on the video, type casts most of the uneducated people in this country. They think a man that looks black, plays the I was a poor child card & omits his white mother & grandmother until it makes him look good is the Messiah. Sounds like Chicago politics to me. Say whatever you think the group you are speaking to wants to hear. Change your mind constantly. Speak the bull shit language, Chicago style.

What is going to happen when they can't get into the Grant Park rally Tuesday night? (Say goodbye to Michigan Avenue.) I'd hate to be a store owner down there.

What is going to happen when their Messiah doesn't save them & give them all that they want? Their free gas & their free mortgages.

Maybe they'll join the others in their free housing, with their free health care & their free food stamps that they can sell for drug & booze money, and keep criticizing the working class of this city & country. (I am not talking about only black people there are plenty of lazy white & Hispanic getting free everything from our taxes.)

Have a great day & any police officer out there Tuesday night, please be careful. Do not play hero & risk your life for this city & Obama. We need you alive. Let Weis & his cronies do some pro active police work.
(Ok .. so I'm in a dream world..Weis work.. ha ha)

Be careful out there.

11/02/2008 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: It's taken out of context. She thinks that Obama will fix the economy so that she'll be able to afford her mortgage and gas. He won't and we all know it but her statement is taken totally out of context. You're better than this SCC.


11/02/2008 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard a newscaster the other day say that we should be hearing from Osama Bin Laden soon. What on earth did she mean? Think about it.

11/02/2008 02:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a 50ish, Caucasian female civilian (proud relative to a PO) that has been working since 16 years of age while still going to high school. My mother raised 5 of us on her own and she worked 2 jobs to do so. We ate macaroni/cheese, baloney sandwiches or whatever my mother could put on the table. She and we NEVER complained and we NEVER thought to ask anyone, most of all the government, to help us pay for what we wanted or needed. Hard work was instilled in all of my family members.

"It seems just as likely she thinks Obama will be better for the economy". Then why didn't she say just that? No, she meant what she said and totally believes it. And why? Because she locks onto one thing that will benefit "me" and does not become fully informed about her candidate (what is his position on abortion, guns, our nation's security, etc, how did he vote in the Senate, his beliefs, his associates and so much more).

"I don't believe in government handouts, but people fall on hard times and should be able to go to the government for help for a time .......not for a way of life". But you know that it doesn't work that way. Many people get used to being on welfare or disability. Why should they get up at 6:00 AM, 7:00 AM to get to work at 8:00 AM and put in a hard day's work, when they can sleep in and wait for the post office to bring their money. No answering to anyone, no sweat. That's the reality.

I know many people feel the same way but just don't say it because it's not politically correct to do so. Hopefully their vote will be politically correct.

P.S. CPD, God bless and stay safe on Tuesday night.

11/02/2008 02:05:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

I don't know, SCC, but I think that woman expressed the sentiments of whole bunch of middle class working people who aren't black as well.

Lots of non-colored folk are losing homes and are being forced out. If you truly believe that woman was only speaking for black people, then you've obviously been drinking the 35th st. Kool aid.

QUICK, ASSHAT! Point out one instance where we said "black people." Come on now, do it!

We're waiting...

Still waiting...


You couldn't do it, could you? So who's the racist now you miserable piece of leftist shit? Fuck you very much dumbass.

11/02/2008 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

scc said...
I don't know, SCC, but I think that woman expressed the sentiments of whole bunch of middle class working people who aren't black as well.

Lots of non-colored folk are losing homes and are being forced out. If you truly believe that woman was only speaking for black people, then you've obviously been drinking the 35th st. Kool aid.

QUICK, ASSHAT! Point out one instance where we said "black people." Come on now, do it!

We're waiting...

Still waiting...


You couldn't do it, could you? So who's the racist now you miserable piece of leftist shit? Fuck you very much dumbass.

11/02/2008 02:12:00 PM

Pretty touchy, aren't you, SCC? I mean, considering the poster never called you a racist and his words hardly make a reasonable person consider him a leftist. But I guess it's okay (as usual) for you to make these assumptions (jump to conclusions) about everyone else. It's your blog and you can do what you want. But for those of us who consider ourselves middle-grounders, this blog is a space where thinly-veiled racism often permeates. Like contrived stories that P.O.'s make to cover their butts, a reasonable person doesn't have to see a rat to smell one and know it's around.

11/02/2008 02:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sprinkle a lil Bush in there and wala a victory.

When did "voila" become "wala?"

11/02/2008 03:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget what the Obama camp did in attempts to destroy "Joe the Plumber", who simply asked Obama a question in which Obama responded about the redistribution of wealth. "Send out the army, someone has questioned the "Holy One".

11/02/2008 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when i went to vote at nativity of our lord church after work, in uniform proceeded to turn my vote sheet in...

Why in the hell would you vote in an uncovered uniform so that anyone working the polls could see your address/where you live along with what you do for a living.

11/02/2008 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This is again the result of generations of these people existing on welfare handouts. Generations.

Welfare to work programs with limits on the amount you can receive and for what LIMITED duration is LONG overdue in this country. Now how is asking people to go to work for the money they're getting somehow racist?

11/02/2008 11:43:00 AM"

It's not.

In fact, every benefit handed out by governments, be they city, county, state or federal, (being the tax dollars paid by working members of society), should be worked for, and, thus, earned.

Every benefit.

First, however, one must define what is an unearned government benefit and what is an earned government benefit, which can then determine who is currently receiving unearned benefits and who is currently receiving earned benefits.

I have my own ideas on the above, but I'd like to hear the opinions of others prior to posting them.

11/02/2008 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/02 6:07 am Ill never sit and have a beer with a socalist . I hate you , hate is not too strong of a word.You are a threat to my children.

11/02/2008 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm sure the mutt lives in gov't housing, never paid for school, never paid taxes, has a big ol link card

11/02/2008 01:20:00 AM

Would you be willing to trade places? That means:
no summer cottage;
no college for the kids;
no second and third car;
no boat and a Harley;
no vacations;
should I continue, dumbnuts? or will you accept your chosen place in the socio-economic ladder and stop complaining about the lazy AND derived.

11/02/2008 03:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
John McCain has been on the government dole his entire life. Grandfather was an admiral,father was an admiral;he was accepted into the naval academy based on his family connections. Always lived in base housing,mess hall meals. Then after graduating 854 out of 859 he was allowed to fly jets. Affirmative Action.

11/02/2008 08:19:00 AM

More of the same with john McSame.
Coddled and protected all his life, his fatherly connections got him a gov't job,married wealthy, got another gov't job, now he is unhappy and now wants another gov't job but can't deliver because all he can promise is more of the same from McCain.

11/02/2008 03:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama is a product of the Chicago Democratic Machine. Unless you are part of that Machine, not much will change for you.
At least that's what I'm Hoping.
I mean; Can the average working slob, get hurt much more?
Someone tell me its going to be alright, after next Tuesday!!!
Will it help if I go to His Celebration?

11/02/2008 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know, SCC, but I think that woman expressed the sentiments of whole bunch of middle class working people who aren't black as well.

Lots of non-colored folk are losing homes and are being forced out. If you truly believe that woman was only speaking for black people, then you've obviously been drinking the 35th st. Kool aid.

QUICK, ASSHAT! Point out one instance where we said "black people." Come on now, do it!

We're waiting...

Still waiting...


You couldn't do it, could you? So who's the racist now you miserable piece of leftist shit? Fuck you very much dumbass.

11/02/2008 02:12:00 PM

I don't think you are racist at all. But don't you think that McCain has also contributed to the sense of entitlement by vowing to have the government buy and "renegotiate" mortgages for people that can't pay them? That's freakin ridiculous. Both sides are guilty of creating the "entitled" attitude.

11/02/2008 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, as long as I don't have to work for it. I have no guilt about living on working peoples tax-dollars, cause I'm a Lazy F-n DOG, Woof,Woof,Woof. If I run low on other peoples money, I'll just sell dope, cause I don't give a fu*k, I'm a Lazy F-n DOG, Woof, Woof, Woof

11/02/2008 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

democrats: daley is a prime example of the future: he is investing in a $200,000 street & sans truck that will require only a driver supposedly picking up garbage cans automatically ELIMINATING JOBS! hourly tmas, hourly cta drivers, hourly meter maids, hourly janitorial, etc. PEOLPE WHO ARE LOSING THEIR JOBS AND PROBABLY THEIR HOMES ETC. HOW CAN ANYONE AFFORD TO LIVE IN CHICAGO?

Automated parking lots, automated red lights, ELIMINATING JOBS!

hourly privitazation contracts BENEFITING ONLY THE CONTRACTOR.

Go shopping, look at tags where items are made, everything is made in china, thailand, taiwan, mexico...THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES LIVING IN UTTER POVERTY. WHO IS PROFITING FROM THIS?

My escrow account for mortgage requires at least $800 monthly for taxes with the yearly threat of rising again.

consumer items 10.75%
peoples gas
com ed
cell phone
water bills


11/02/2008 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have two days left until election day and I have not heard a whole lot of chatter about a race that effects us as police probably more than any other election. I'm talking about the race for Cook County State's Atty. In my opinion if you cast a vote for Alvarez you are getting Daley's lackey. A vote for Parieca is one that I may have cast a few weeks back before I saw him posturing with all the revs and so called victims accusing Burge of abuse. I think we all saw which side he will gravitate towards. I will be casting my vote for Tom O'Brien, the Green Party candidate. He has 20 yrs experience as a prosecutor for Cook County and he's no ones waterboy. I actually know Tom's brother and have spoken with Tom. He is on our side. He is not a politician. Please cast your vote for Tom O'Brien on Nov 4. Thanks, a 12 year vet from 012 3rd watch

11/02/2008 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John McCain has been on the government dole his entire life. Grandfather was an admiral,father was an admiral;he was accepted into the naval academy based on his family connections. Always lived in base housing,mess hall meals. Then after graduating 854 out of 859 he was allowed to fly jets. Affirmative Action.

11/02/2008 08:19:00 AM

WRONG. He was 854 out of 200 million, which was the population of the United States at the time. That's a whole shitload of people behind him. The 199,999,146 people behind him didn't and couldn't even get into Annapolis. And his service to his country in many different forums proves he is a great AmeriCAIN Hero.

Whether McCain wins or loses the presidency, McCain's true hero status drives you liberals crazy because OBAMA is not a hero on any level, and nothing you or he can do will make him a hero. Obama is a product of the corrupt Chicago Democratic machine politics, and he carries the skewed ideals and corrupt taint of the Chicago Democratic machine with him wherever he travels and to any political office he occupies.

11/02/2008 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, when you think about the real options an Obama presidency has, there's very little he will really be able to do. He will try, and mean well as he sees fit, but if he wins, you will see how quickly his moves will be checked by reality. Same happened with JFK.

Instead, watch as he fails to please his rabid electorate. They will quickly be disappointed in the failure to deliver new Lexuses and LCD TVs to the jects, to open the purses of the middle class, to make everyone a rap star. They will be most highly disappointed. He ain't gonna be able to help a brutha like the brutha wants to be 'helped'.

11/02/2008 04:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't necessarily think this woman expects the Government to pay her mortgage and gas bill. It seems just as likely she thinks Obama will be better for the economy.

Now I could be wrong. There are a variety of interpretations and she was clearly excited to be so near "The One". He is a sexy bitch. Makes me wish I was a woman or a Cubs fan to be so near him.

Give this woman the benefit of the doubt. Give Daley and Weis no benefit.

Better? As in, "I won't have to put gas in my car" "I won't have to pay my mortgage"

How in the FUCK does she even have a mortgage?
Or, does she rent and think that they are the same thing?

11/02/2008 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It does seem a little out of context. I agree with the others that it appears more that she is saying that they won't be the struggle that they are now. She is wrong of course but nonethe less...

11/02/2008 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop professing the montra that people who do this are somehow winning. They are not. They are losing and their lives are only getting worse. And it is all very sad. And their is nothing that anyone can do to help them.

11/02/2008 12:09:00 PM

Oh please, cry me a fucking river you LIB POS. They COULD help themselves if they got a job. Well guess what, MY life is getting worse because we have to pay for these loads, and now we'll have to pay more. We already pay for their food, utilities, housing, medical, after school care, after school programs, etc., etc., and we are damn sick and tired of it.

11/02/2008 06:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This video should be title "THE AUDACITY OF MOPE".

11/02/2008 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This woman highlights the key to Obama's success. All Con Men know that they do not have to prove their skeptics wrong - they only have to provide enough trinkets so those gullible followers who want to believe can keep on believing. It doesn't have to make sense to us - as long as she believes it Obama doesn't care. (And it won't be a problem until about 6 months from now when she realizes her life is still shit....)

11/02/2008 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why, I don't care if I have to wait in line 6 hours to vote Tuesday, I will.

11/02/2008 06:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in health care. When I started, I was very liberal. very into equality. equal healthcare. but after seeing the constant differences in the demands and expectations of the different races. White don't want to bother you and make reasonable demands.

Hispanics only come to the hospital when extremely sick and bring family to help translate or provide care to their family member. They will fly family in from mexico to help care for terminal ill family members even if in hospice.

the other(i will let you figure it out) will make demand after demand. they expect you to figure out how they going to pay for their meds, They drop of grandma only to visit for ten minutes to complain about her care and make more demands while complaining your racist(even though i as working in a mostly black hospital in the south side needless to say I left shortly). They won't answer your calls or provide the wrong phone number to they don't get billed. They won't pick up their relative. Your insurance if they actual have some medicare/medicaid must foot the bill to get their relative home. they make demands for equipment that the hospitals pay for just to get rid of the patient. it costs them more to keep them.

Their sense of entitlement flows through out their lives generation to generation. I am needless to say after five years in healthcare now a republican and now believe no not everyone deserves the same healthcare for not working a day in their life.

11/02/2008 06:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Ms. 50ish,You can't make that leap because you don't know her. It was a sound bite. We do not know how much money that lady makes. Maybe she believes that Obama as president will turn the economy around.

11/02/2008 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I would not vote for McCain if for one reason alone, his pick for V.P."

Are you fucken kidding me???

You say she has no experience. She was elected the mayor of a big city and the elected Govenor of the largest state in the union.

Her state borders THREE foren cou tries including RUSSIA and she has to deal with big oil companies every day. Could she have more experience sure, but it is what it is.

Now lets talk about the massive amount of experience Obama has,
143 days in the Senate.

I ask you would you let a doctor perform surgery on you with of 143 days experience as a doctor?

Would you hire a Principal at your childs school with only 143 days experience as a teacher?

Would you let an electrition wire your house with only 143 days under his belt.

But OBAMA is Qualified to be president of the US and Leader of the free world with only 143 days as a senator!

You sir are a fucken MUSH...

11/02/2008 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The North Coast said...
How is John McCain any better than the Demogogues on the matter of entitlements for people who did not earn them?

McCain has stated loudly and boldly that he wants to authorize buying up all failing mortgages so as to "keep people in their homes".

THEIR homes? Make me laugh.

BULLSEYE!!!!! So called republicans living check to check believe they have something in common with Donald Trump. McCain wants to buy bad mortgages,isn't that a redistribution of wealth? Why won't he buy off my mortgage? Americans better wake up because we are being divided and definitely conquered.

11/02/2008 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY SCC Can you please post something on the site to encourage/inform all Officers to vote "NO" to the Constitutional Convention...Dont let the government steal our pension...Thank You

11/02/2008 07:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Stop professing this BS belief that somehow people who think like this are getting over on you. They are not. They are slaves in the 21st century. Perhaps the last, certainly the largest, slave colony in the world. Their lives are miserable.

Their mindset leads them to sit around and do nothing with their lives.


11/02/2008 07:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats why i voted early. got this country will be ruined if Obama wins.


11/02/2008 07:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The African American community just isn't getting this!! You are being fooled! The more the government gives you the more they are enabling you--don't you see!! If you are handed everything then you feel like you don't have to work for anything--thereby, you don't have to become educated. The government entitlements actually makes your community inferior, because then you do not become educated and you do not work or strive for anything!!! Wake Up! Do you honestly think that welfare works? It hurts you!

11/02/2008 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether McCain wins or loses the presidency, McCain's true hero status drives you liberals crazy because OBAMA is not a hero on any level, and nothing you or he can do will make him a hero. Obama is a product of the corrupt Chicago Democratic machine politics, and he carries the skewed ideals and corrupt taint of the Chicago Democratic machine with him wherever he travels and to any political office he occupies.

11/02/2008 04:16:00 PM

Well said!!! Thanks for speaking out.......

11/02/2008 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all you liberal jagoffs nutsacks.

Go fuck yourselves. All your crying, bitching, complaining, and especially mooching will never overshadow the fact of the actual description of liberalism and what every one of you stand for.


How dare you all compare that affirmative action nominee with a true American hero who served his nation and risked his life day after day.

Can't wait to see your experienced 143 day senator in the big seat with his side kick Shemp (Biden) and the female version of Larry (Pelosi). You could fit all the legislation Jesus (Hussein) has sponsored on the back of a Bazooka bubble gum wrapper.

And for all you dumbfucks that think the democrat in the video is being taken out of context. The democrat in the video has the definitive democratic mindset. GIMME GIMME GIMME GOD DAMN IT.

Oh by the way, read the college thesis written by his wife the HATER. Oh thats rite. It's been taken off the internet. I wonder why.. HAHAHAHAHA

Bunch of DUMBFUCKS. But I really will enjoy his presidency for it's comedic value. 143 days..HAHAHAHA

You have to love the idiocy of it all these morons.

11/02/2008 07:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm sure the mutt lives in gov't housing, never paid for school, never paid taxes, has a big ol link card

11/02/2008 01:20:00 AM

Would you be willing to trade places? That means:
no summer cottage;
no college for the kids;
no second and third car;
no boat and a Harley;
no vacations;
should I continue, dumbnuts? or will you accept your chosen place in the socio-economic ladder and stop complaining about the lazy AND derived.

11/02/2008 03:20:00 PM

Oh, fuuuuuuuuuuuck you, pal. I didn't write the original post but what the are you talking about? You stupid bastard. People shouldn't have things because they fucking work for it? Or they should feel guilty for what they have? Being a broke ass useless welfare rat is a fucking CHOICE. Get it? Tell me, who is keeping anyone down now? What? Nothing. Not a Goddamn thing.

My kid has minority friends who all got scholarships to college just because they were black or brown. NOT ONE of those kids finished college. NOT ONE. They fucked around, did everything but their schoolwork and either dropped out completely or ended up at a community college. Simple fact is, you don't appreciate anything unless you work for it and some people just don't fucking seem to understand that.

Gotta have some skin in the game. Got to.

Go fuck yourself you stupid bastard asshole.

11/02/2008 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

way off topic but guys check out the link.

NO Chalkies in Miami


11/02/2008 08:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waaaaay back when, before The Holy Chosen One, the Messiah of Messiahs was anointed by the media and Oprah, I said he will win. I still hope I'm wrong.

No big surprise. Any criticism of The Mighty B.O will be immediately attacked as racism. Oh, yeah, toss in a few thinly veiled threats of bloodshed from your lackeys if you don't win.

No one (other than a few whack jobs in white sheets)wants to be labeled a racist. This election has never been about the issues. Just the steady sound of the heartbeat of the media and Hollywood nitwits engaged in a love fest that that future generations will view with puzzlement and disgust.

McCain is not the perfect candidate, but a socialist man chirping appeasement and class warfare is the last thing we need. Not to mention that The One will owe a lot of favors to those that have done his dirty work.

If people actually listened or read up on this stuff instead of getting their political info from Moprah, Leno and Letterman, this wouldn't even be close.

As for you guys coming in here crying racism: Well, leave here, and go on and bow to the One's poster. Your duty as the thought police is done for today. Wrap yourself in the One's greatness. Then, respectfully, I ask that you lube up, and go fuck yourself.

Or grow a brain, experience some free will and rethink. Time is short.

I'm just telling the truth and I endorse this message.

11/02/2008 08:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Latina for McCain and Palin!!!

11/02/2008 09:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey idiot.

No, not you the other idiot.

If you are going to rant about Obama, which is your right, get your facts correct. He entered the US Senate in January 2005. Not 100+ days as you mention.

Also what 3 foreign countries does Alaska border?

1. Canada

2. Sorta close to Russia if you count water: "Alaska's territorial waters touch Russia's territorial waters in the Bering Strait, though the Russian and Alaskan islands are almost 3 miles apart."

3. ??? Perhaps Dumbfuckistan? How many meritorious promotions have you had genius?

Also Wasilla Alaska has about 8000 people. Hardly a major city. Some of the beats on the north lakefront have nearly that many people. Some high schools in the burbs approach 5000 students.

Now if you think Sarah Palin is qualified to be President that is your opinion and I hope you vote accordingly. I find her to be an embarrassment to the GOP of old.

McCain should have picked Tom Ridge or Joe Lieberman and told the religious right to take their wide stance "conswervatism" back to their churches.

Somewhere Barry Goldwater and Bill Buckley are not smiling.

11/02/2008 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More of the same with john McSame.
Coddled and protected all his life, his fatherly connections got him a gov't job,married wealthy, got another gov't job, now he is unhappy and now wants another gov't job but can't deliver because all he can promise is more of the same from McCain.

11/02/2008 03:26:00 PM

You are dumber than dirt. John McCain, a true AmeriCAIN hero, was not coddled or protected when he was shot down over Hanoi and during his subsequent 5 1/2 years as a POW in a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp, nicknamed the Hanoi Hilton.

As a matter of fact, he was repeatedly beaten and brutalized. He suffers from the resulting injuries to this day. He cannot lift his arms above his shoulders because of the beatings.

You are so dumb you must think he was on vacation while at the Hanoi Hilton. You are an idiot.

11/02/2008 09:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just one of millions of parasites draining our hard-earned tax dollars.

If Obama wins, pull the plug on "the American Dream". You will be witnessing the downfall of a great nation.

11/02/2008 09:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do we vote for the war hero or the Hyde Park liberal non-hero?

11/02/2008 10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is the problem in a nut shell. Taking Kids out of school. It goes from one generation to the next, over and over again.

11/02/2008 10:18:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

a reasonable person doesn't have to see a rat to smell one and know it's around.

So a reasonable person would assume that since the original commentator injected race into the discussion (black, non-colored, black again), the smell he brought with was, in fact, a charge of racism?

Touche! Hanged by your own argument.

11/02/2008 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy to be like I am said...
Anonymous said...
I'm sure the mutt lives in gov't housing, never paid for school, never paid taxes, has a big ol link card

11/02/2008 01:20:00 AM

Would you be willing to trade places? That means:
no summer cottage;
no college for the kids;
no second and third car;
no boat and a Harley;
no vacations;
should I continue, dumbnuts? or will you accept the place you chose in the socio-economic ladder and stop complaining about the lazy AND deprived.

11/02/2008 03:20:00 PM

The truth has set me free!

11/02/2008 10:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a reasonable person doesn't have to see a rat to smell one and know it's around.
scc said...
So a reasonable person would assume that since the original commentator injected race into the discussion (black, non-colored, black again), the smell he brought with was, in fact, a charge of racism?

Touche! Hanged by your own argument.

11/02/2008 10:21:00 PM

Sorry, scc, but you brought it up first so maybe the poster was just responding to that. In your original post, you wrote "It has nothing to do with skin tone and everything to do with..." So it appears you felt the need to deny that your piece was somehow racially motivated before the print even saw the light of day. And why respond in such an over-the-top manner to such a mild-mannered poster as 12:51:00 PM?

11/02/2008 11:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know who this Peggy Joseph is, but she could very well be a working-class mom swept away in the moment, and not the welfare lifer that most have made her out to be.

11/02/2008 11:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I tell you!



11/02/2008 11:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess nobody is really looking at the whole picture, for those who may be lost in the messiah, I'll go slow, if you have Bama in along with Reed and Pelosi pushing every far left socialist agenda, where is the safety valve??? Right, there is none. Then when they wave their magic wand and 30 million illegals are "alledged citezins" who do you think is going to be working??? OK so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see if you flood the job markets with all these new workers, where's the black and white workers going to get their new jobs?? Think about it, specially you brothers out there, if your lucky enough to be on the job, you'll be OK, what about the rest of your family? When the tooth paste is outa the tube, how do you get the shit back in????

11/02/2008 11:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WRONG. He was 854 out of 200 million, which was the population of the United States at the time. That's a whole shitload of people behind him. The 199,999,146 people behind him didn't and couldn't even get into Annapolis.

11/02/2008 04:16:00 PM

Pretty LIBERAL with your statistics. So the entire population of the U.S...including ineligible children, elderly, & disabled...were "behind him?"

If someone had graduated 155 out of 700 in some other college's class around that same time...would you be arguing that there were 199,999,845 people behind him, instead of 555, just to make some skewered ass point?

There have been some good ass points on McCain's side about the hell that Democrats in office cause...but don't make a point of accusing Democrats of putting bullshit leans on stats/facts to justify their beliefs...

Then turn around & do the exact same.

11/02/2008 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need another 8 years of Bush. Oh Man I loved that guy.

11/02/2008 11:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all the liberals that are bemoaning Bush, think of this:

On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked in an act of war by a group of fanatical homicidal psychotics that hate us so much that they are willing and ready to die to kill us.

Bush took the fight to them. And since then we have not had an attack on U.S. soil in over 7 years.

Biden is warning that Barack "will be tested" What does this mean? That we may be attacked because they are no longer afraid to do so?

The fanatics are still out there. I am afraid that they will be coming, whether we like it or not.

11/02/2008 11:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCain ain't looking to good to put it bluntly.

The American people have had enough.

11/03/2008 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Obama is going to get her a job.

11/02/2008 02:15:00 AM

Job? She don't want no job!

11/03/2008 12:14:00 AM  
Blogger Southern IL said...

happy to be like i am said...
Anonymous said...
I'm sure the mutt lives in gov't housing, never paid for school, never paid taxes, has a big ol link card
11/02/2008 01:20:00 AM

Would you be willing to trade places? That means:
no summer cottage;
no college for the kids;
no second and third car;
no boat and a Harley;
no vacations;
should I continue, dumbnuts? or will you accept your chosen place in the socio-economic ladder and stop complaining about the lazy AND derived.

11/02/2008 03:20:00 PM
To You, 03:20:00 PM.......

Summer Cottage?
AND WHEN IN THE HELL HAVE I EVER... EVER, BEEN ABLE TO AFFORD A REAL VACATION FOR MY SON AND I, IN 22 YEARS??????? Your statements are not only laughable they are downright ignorant!!
I have worked since I was 17 years old, put myself through college with NO help from ANYONE, NOT MY PARENTS, NOT THE GOVERNMENT, NO ONE, and raised my ONE child with NO OUTSIDE financial SUPPORT!!!!! HOW DID I DO IT??? Through pride, determination, and a deep desire to make a better life for he and I! It's called a WORK ETHIC, passed on to me by my mother and father. Not in my wildest dreams would I have WANTED OR EXPECTED the government to pay my way through life. Sure, it has been a struggle, and certainly still is, but what little I DO have, I have the satisfaction of knowing that I EARNED it! Who do you think you are, that gives you the RIGHT to actually criticize someone like me, who has worked, and WORKED HARD, for what I have???? And you want me to just hand it over to someone who complains because they don't have a car to drive to the post office to pick up a government check??
When I see these people cut up their link cards, move out of their section 8 housing, stop piling up children that they cannot support financially, emotionally, OR morally, and proudly state, "I WILL NO LONGER REMAIN ENTRENCHED IN THIS WAY OF LIFE", then perhaps I will be willing to "Share the Wealth" with them that I have spent a lifetime of hard work, building. Until that time, I will hold on to what little I have.


Now go back to your fairyland and leave the rest of us hard working, responsible, tax paying members of society alone!!!!
McCain/Palin '08'

11/03/2008 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

_ _ _ _ _ _
"People who annoy you?"

11/03/2008 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Their sense of entitlement flows through out their lives generation to generation. I am needless to say after five years in healthcare now a republican and now believe no not everyone deserves the same healthcare for not working a day in their life.

11/02/2008 06:57:00 PM

And its a drain on the system,
an abuse of the system. They call the ambulance when they run out of medications, go to the hospital to get their refills for free

11/03/2008 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's taken out of context. She thinks that Obama will fix the economy so that she'll be able to afford her mortgage and gas. He won't and we all know it but her statement is taken totally out of context. You're better than this SCC.
This is sooo Obamanesque. They say something and then expect someone with a scintilla of brain matter to explain their assinine comments. Next we will be throwing voluntary confessions out of court because the offender giving the confession didn't have someone there clarifying their remarks. Maybe this asshole can find her missing link...the father of he brood living in her home that we are going to wind up paying for. This whole mess was created by the DemocRATS. Fuck them! Let the shitheads burn their neighborhoods down.

11/03/2008 02:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"John McCain, a true AmeriCAIN hero, was not coddled or protected when he was shot down over Hanoi and during his subsequent 5 1/2 years as a POW in a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp, nicknamed the Hanoi Hilton.

As a matter of fact, he was repeatedly beaten and brutalized. He suffers from the resulting injuries to this day. He cannot lift his arms above his shoulders because of the beatings."

I agree! McCain is an american hero. Remember, so was Bob Dole when he ran against Bill Clinton. McCain is ridiculed for his war injuries in the liberal media, as was Bob Dole.

11/03/2008 03:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This woman is delusional. Yesterday, it was revealed that Obama's auntie was living in a project as an illegal alien. If this guy won't help the auntie he wrote about in his book, what makes this lady think, "If I help him, he will help me". Ma'am, he didn't even help his relative, he could care less about you. You and all the Obamaniacs are in for a rude awakening. Unfortunately, the rest of us are also going to have to suffer through four years of Marxism.

11/03/2008 07:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see how Republicans and Democrats differ on the matter of Entitlement, except that Republicans want to direct our taxes to bailing out Wall St crooks and liars who set us up for this- out of the $700 Billion bailout money, $70 Billion is being spent on Wall St bonuses and salaries, so that the scum who tricked our financial system to collapse can continue to live like Saudi Oil Sheiks.

Are you really that out of touch? The bailout was pushed by Democrats to cover their policies of the last 20 years. Gee, who did Freddie and Fannie donate huge money to? Who is OsamaObama's financial pundit, likely in line for cabinet post? Heads of these agencies!! You look stupid when you ignore the facts. Instead, go cluck cluck over the racist republicans with your police killing Hyde Park buddies, jagoff.

11/03/2008 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are going to rant about Obama, which is your right, get your facts correct. He entered the US Senate in January 2005. Not 100+ days as you mention.

Hey liberal and not too fucking bright jagoff.

There were 143 days while the Senate was in session from the time the annointed one got his affirmative action promotion until he announced he was qualified to be the President of the United States, formed his committee and began ignoring the duties he had sworn to perform in the Senate to try to score a better gig.

I hate every fucking one of you people that are doing this to the country I love. All of you Al Franken Hollywood worshipping self-hating pathetic communist wanna-be fucks...I hope years from now you are proud to see you helped take those first steps to formal socialism, reparations and racial division the likes of which have never been seen.

11/03/2008 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, I'm going to throw this out -- it might come off as a correction of the second of, as of now, 137 posts on the subject, but I'd rather be seen as an interpretation.

Where the second post suggests she said, "I will not have to work to pay for my gas, and I will not have to work to pay for my mortgage," I heard (and I listened three times) "I will not have to worry about putting gas in my car, and I will not have to worry about paying my mortgage."

To be sure, there is a sense in her remarks that things are going to get better for her with Obama in office, though I think it might be stretching things to say that she doesn't expect to have to work to pay for gas and housing. But her remarks do reflect a degree of expectation, a presumption that the government will help me above and beyond what I can or will do for myself. And it's seeing this presumption, all too often bred deep in generations of some, that push people toward the right side of thinking with an angry sense of "they get something and I get nothing."

The fundamental element to liberal thought, I think, is that those in need should get a little bit more, perhaps at the expense of those who have a little bit more. The flip side, the conservative side, follows the fundamental idea that the world is what it is, so get out of the way and let me get mine, winning or losing on my own. Liberal thought holds that the losers in this equation can only be allowed to fall so far before society is truly damaged. Conservative thought, meanwhile, holds that the losers lose to the extent they fall and the winners win to the extent they climb, and trying to insert into the equation additional factors only serves to truly damage the economic fundamental.

Speaking just for myself, and not trying to convince anyone, I lean just a hair to the liberal side, because I think that letting to losers fall out of civilization is a mistake, because they're going to be uncivilized while existing in our own civilization...and we've all seen the extent to which some people will go once they decide to be uncivilized. I'm not a borderline liberal because I want these people to be happy and safe -- I'm a borderline liberal because I want myself and my family to be happy and safe. Removing the safety net all at once would turn our cities to furnances of anger and rage, so we need to dial the net down over decades and pray that every day, a few more people on grimmer side of reality will decide the hard work works and that pride means earning a paycheck, not defending your corner with gunfire.

11/03/2008 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous from Ms. 50ish

"You can't make that leap because you don't know her. It was a sound bite. We do not know how much money that lady makes. Maybe she believes that Obama as president will turn the economy around"

I personally don't think it's a leap and just posting my comment as "I" see it. If your opinion is that she may think Obama as President will turn the economy around then fine. That's your opinion and your assumption but that's not the way I and many of the posters here see it. We agree to disagree.

11/03/2008 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11/03/2008 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somewhere Barry Goldwater and Bill Buckley are not smiling.

Nixon is laughing his ass off.

11/03/2008 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what if McCain graduated in the last ten of his class at Annapolis.

Key word is "graduated".

He then "graduated" into fighting for his country and spending five and one-half years in a NV prison camp when he could have been released earlier. He stuck with is friends and colleagues.

Obama "graduated" in the top of his law school class, went on to hate America and threw all of his friends and colleagues under the bus when they became political liabilities.

11/03/2008 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...If I am going to help his he will help me..."

As soon as he gets elected, he will not even know that you are alive and will care even less.

11/03/2008 06:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I hate every fucking one of you people that are doing this to the country I love. All of you Al Franken Hollywood worshipping self-hating pathetic communist wanna-be fucks...I hope years from now you are proud to see you helped take those first steps to formal socialism, reparations and racial division the likes of which have never been seen.

11/03/2008 08:25:00 AM"

There goes the God-Fearing Love thy Neighbors Christian again. There's a solution my friend.

11/03/2008 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shame on you SCC for falling into this insane, over-the-top, right-wing paranoia. You are taking her words completely out of context.

Are there people out there who think Obama is going to make their lives easier? Of course there are. But most of them know it won't be by re-instituting welfare programs or other giveaways.

What Obama does is, to borrow his stump lines, to offer people a sense of Hope and a sense that there is an opportunity for equitable treatment in America.

Its kind of like the O.J. verdict. Everyone from every culture understood he was guilty; Black, White, Brown, Yellow, Purple; Black People were celebrating because they saw a Black man with money and celebrity get the same kind of equitable treatment that a White man with money and celebrity would.

Much like O.J., Obama will most likely have very little use for the Black community once he gets elected. His cabinet will be diverse, but mostly White. His policies will be more Clintonesque than Strogeresque. He'll have one term and when the economy is still in the crapper, he'll be beaten by Michael Bloomberg in 2012.

Regardless, don't look for shit that isn't there. That wasn't a welfare queen so don't make her out to be one.

11/03/2008 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I hate every fucking one of you people that are doing this to the country I love. All of you Al Franken Hollywood worshipping self-hating pathetic communist wanna-be fucks...I hope years from now you are proud to see you helped take those first steps to formal socialism, reparations and racial division the likes of which have never been seen.

11/03/2008 08:25:00 AM"

There goes the God-Fearing Love thy Neighbors Christian again. There's a solution my friend.

11/03/2008 09:11:00 PM


11/03/2008 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2. Sorta close to Russia if you count water: "Alaska's territorial waters touch Russia's territorial waters in the Bering Strait, though the Russian and Alaskan islands are almost 3 miles apart."

Are you insane? 3 miles between Alaska and Russia? it's more than that to drive downtown from O'Hare everyday, they are a communist enemy on our doorstep, wake up already will ya...

11/04/2008 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There goes the God-Fearing Love thy Neighbors Christian again. There's a solution my friend.

11/03/2008 09:11:00 PM


GFY Commie. Just like the left, trying to paint all with the religious right brush. Well, asshole, I'm right as can be, but not religious. And you are right, there is a solution. But I most certainly am not your "friend".

11/04/2008 08:05:00 AM  

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