Saturday, February 07, 2009

Killing the Messenger

It seems some persons have trouble differentiating between what SCC writes and what commentators say.

If you go by the time stamps, we seem to have beaten the Trib's Breaking News site to the punch by mere minutes, which means this story was out there and running before we even got the calls. We had comments popping up in the early morning, but we're usually far away from computers at that point.

We didn't "drag" anybody into this story. Someone with an agenda seems to have taken it into his head that we're printing rumors, dragging in innocents and has taken to threatening us, our families, our jobs. We flush those comments as a matter of course as we do anything that begins with "SCC you [expletive deleted]..." If they happened to read the papers today, nothing we said was any different than the media aside from calling on Bea to resign. But since it seems Bea was their clout, we're to blame.

We didn't call for Bea to be charged with anything. We didn't even blame her for her daughter's obviously bad life choices. But the fact remains that her building was the subject of a positive search warrant and all indications are that it was used for dope dealing and gun sales to gangbangers. As the owner of the property, she bears peripheral responsibility for what goes on there. If her daughter was staying there rent free, the responsibility is much larger. We happened to be looking at the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics recently. There's a line in there that we remember quite well - I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all. This might be one of those times.

For that reason, we stand by the call to resign. If this was feudal Japan, there'd be a stack of resignations on Shortshanks' desk and a stack of dead bodies outside 3510 from all the seppuku taking place to restore the honor of the Chicago Police Department. But as there is no honor at Headquarters, we imagine it'll be business as usual.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago P.D. headquarters, 3510 S. Michigan Ave. has been appropriately renamed FORT FELLATIO forthwith.

2/07/2009 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to clarify, she doesn't own the building; she owns a condo in the building, according to several news reports and according to one of the first posters, who seemed to have direct knowledge of the warrant.

SCC, totally agree with you. People forget it's 'hate the message, not the messenger'. You must have had to trash a lot of hate mail, for you to write an editorial post like this. I'm sorry for that.

If people don't like what you have to say, they should find someplace else to spend their time.

2/07/2009 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it also written down somewhere that we are not to associate ourselves with convicted felons???? (Hint, Hint,,G.O.'s) As her daughters boyfriend and as owner of said property, what do you think are the chances that she knew AND met the boyfriend at one point or another!? Yet she's got clout. So let's see. J-Fed has fired how many other exempts for pettier shit than this and she's still here??
signed, I'm just saying.

2/07/2009 04:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This clueless police impersonator needs to resign, or at the very least be 390 on 1st Watch. What about those of us who always try to do the right thing? And who have raised our children to be outstanding citizens? Just asking.

2/07/2009 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, I am amazed that Bea will get away scott free on something that they would be burning the rest of us at the proverbial media bonfire for. If this were an ordinary P.O., there would have been a news conference at which we would have seen Daley, Weis, and a few of the chosen few standing before the cameras, shaking their heads in disbelief. Daley would make comments like "this by no means reflects on the rest of the department." Paramedics would be standing off stage with oxygen because Lord ShortShanks might laugh himself to death at that comment.

Weiss would parrot what Daley just said. He might even try and say something original at which point Lord Mayor would reach over and flip the switch to turn his lap dog off and declare this news conference at an end.

The paper would run with the story with full page spreads for at least 3 days. The t.v news would lead with the story for at least 2 days. The city council would hold a special session to fire the officer involved even at this early stage of the investigation to show that they are on top of things and are worth their astronomical salaries.

But this event involves an exempt. One with some obvious clout, so the only result we will see is "OK PEOPLE, MOVE ALONG. THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE HERE."

2/07/2009 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Offering ones resignation at this point would be the honorable thing to do. Honor amongst the exempts? I'll let each of you ponder that concept and let your hearts tell you the answer.

I've been told many times that decisions made by the Superintendent, ones that I totally did not concur with, were made with the "best interest of the Department." One cannot see a more obvious instance when the goals of our Department can be best served by insisting on a resignation. If a resignation is not forthcoming the Superintendent must act to maintain the integrity of our standards. One cannot be viewed differently based on their rank. Fairness must prevail. We hear accountability time and time again from our leadership. It must be a "two way" street. Exempts cannot be exempt when situations that bring discredit on the Department arise.

Superintendent Weis - take a page out of a Spike Lee theme and "Do the Right Thing." Don’t let the White Hair Knight (Alderman of the 14th Ward) run to her rescue.

Another salient point needs to raised in regards to this incident. I contend that Monique Bond is no better than a 1980’s version Lake Street Lady. Each has the moral turpitude of a toad. The Chicago Public School system is an ideal place for this feckless fool. Ignorance in the mist of ignorance – what a match. She will finally be in a position to “axe” a question and the assemblage will be as clueless as she with her grammatical inadequacies. Good riddance.

PS: my heartfelt condolences to Ed O’Donnell. I’ve known Ed for many years and found him to be an honorable man. My Dad worked with and for him prior to his retirement. In this mans opinon he cannot be held accountable for the actions, or lack of any true oversight by Bea, of the daughter. She screwed up not him. Leave Eddie out of the argument.

2/07/2009 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call me crazy, but it seems to me to be a perfect time for a happy, gold braid couple, who have their time in, to get on with their retirement. I don't mean to be snide, either. How much more stress do they need? I've been retired for a few years now, and believe me, it's a beautiful thing !

Sell the condo where the daughter lives and make her grow up... or if you still insist on coddling her, at least buy a condo downtown or near north where she'll be exposed to fewer convicted felons and drug dealers and may potentially find her own guy to sponge off of.

Retire to a warm climate and get to know each other again without all of the police trappings on their belts. Get a place with a pool and sip Margaritas out in the hot tub, and forget you ever were the police, and don't even look back. Concentrate on hobbies or take a class or two and just enjoy. You've earned it !

2/07/2009 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She should resign. She has the time on the job and the age to retire. If she doesn't know that there's gang activity in her condo, who knows what else she doesn't know about. I agree with the other posters, she was promoted well beyond her abilities.

2/07/2009 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, there is no need for you to apologize or explain yourself to this obvious piece of shit who puts any culpability toward you or the blog. As you stated this individual, who is most likely another hispanic clout baby trying to justify this atrocity.

Bea should at the worst resign immediately and at least show herself and explain to the rank and file that don't harbor piece of shit ,felon, dope dealing, gun sellling garbage in their homes--.

This BOSS gave yet another blAck eye to our faltering department and makes me sick to have to tell others I am affiliated with it. How can something like this get the old CPD brush under the rug, Oh that's right she's a female , minority, clout heavy, boss. What a fucking disgrace to those still out there doing what we are supposed to. Last I checked Matt Rodriguez got fucked for a lot less. PISSED AS HELL.

2/07/2009 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




28 FEB 2009

2/07/2009 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago P.D. headquarters, 3510 S. Michigan Ave. has been appropriately renamed FORT FELLATIO forthwith.

2/07/2009 01:07:00 AM

That's good, but I still like "The Vagina Village" better!

2/07/2009 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN SCC-I run name checks on any swingin' dick that wants to even date my less shack up with them and sling dope and guns in a condo that I own...Shame on you B .....What if it was a blue shirt???

2/07/2009 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, why do you refuse to publish my comments about the Laurino crime family? Remember Marge was appointed by Daley after her father, Tony, was forced to retire because of the numerous federal criminal indictments being placed against him. The Chicago Way, replace a criminal with a criminal's daughter. Maybe the CPD should hire Cuello's daughter so we could watch her work her way up through the ranks, the Chicago Way, meritoriously.

2/07/2009 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to clarify, she doesn't own the building; she owns a condo in the building, according to several news reports and according to one of the first posters, who seemed to have direct knowledge of the warrant.

SCC, totally agree with you. People forget it's 'hate the message, not the messenger'. You must have had to trash a lot of hate mail, for you to write an editorial post like this. I'm sorry for that.

If people don't like what you have to say, they should find someplace else to spend their time.

2/07/2009 01:10:00 AM

Agreed. The hatred is just a testament to the power, accuracy and ultimate honor of this blog. Long live SCC.

2/07/2009 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It used to be that exempts upon attaining their rank would as a matter of course submit an undated resignation to the superintend-ent. This would be passed on to succeeding supers and if the exempt ever stepped in the poop, there was the ready made resignation. I guess j-dope didn't have enough sense to get them from all the clout babies he made.

2/07/2009 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with an earlier post in that they should see who has been looking at Casey Crawford's records. Aunt Bea should drug test her daughter too. Its a line of crap that she didn't know or even suspect what was going on in her condo or with her daughter! It is a lie that the daughter didn't know what was going on in that condo or what her lowlife boyfriend was up to. If she honestly didn't know then she has to be pretty darn stupid. What was allowed to take place in that condo not only put the other condo residents in danger but also the police officers who had to perform the raid on the condo and the police officers who might have had to come in contact with the guns this lowlife was selling on the street! I think Aunt Bea should be held to a higher standard and what took place in her condo is inexcusable. How can anyone working for her have any respect for her? She can't set an example for the officers she is responsible for, she plays dumb with respect to what she knows or doesn't know about the situation and you have to wonder about the kind of kid she raised who would get involved with a lowlife criminal! She gets a pass but a po would be hung out to dry! God I hate double standards! What ever happened to honesty, integrity and respect for the law? They obviously are not going to fire her but if she had an once of integrity she would resign! I don't blame the po s for feeling the way they do when they are held to a higher standard than the exempts.

2/07/2009 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/07/2009 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...In this mans opinon he cannot be held accountable for the actions, or lack of any true oversight by Bea, of the daughter. She screwed up not him. Leave Eddie out of the argument.

2/07/2009 07:55:00 AM


2/07/2009 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exempt Members should be held to an even HIGHER standard than a P.O; as they are the top leadership of the Dept. If you don't know what's going on with your own family, or something very Serious going on within the property you own, than how can you be fit to keep tabs on 12,000 or so employees? A husband on the job, in a top rank, who also knows nothing? Do they ALL take lessons from Sgt. Schultz on the old Hogan's Heros show? Wonder what kind of place this is? A prime example. This going on and much other serious stuff, while the top Brass has everyone running around checking I.D.'s of the police officers they have been working in the same building with for over 10 years, to see if they are still the Police like they were yesterday.. Thank you, Mad-Man Daley, and your incompetent, corrupt, Staff of politically correct Goof-Balls. You are all truely Idiots. And the Olympic Committee suspends Michael Phelps over smoking a bong? Sure, it's wrong, but wait till the Olympic Committee sees this place if they make the mistake of having the Olympics here. The Feds should have taken this place over fully years ago. The fact that they didn't shows their lack of full concern, being part of the problem, underlieing unk. reasons, they are just as screwed up as CPD, or someone was paid off, via favors or $$$, thru our corupt DemocRAT politicians. Great, Just Great. Proud to be a Chicagoan. Illinois License plates should read, Land of Lies, not Land of Lincoln.

2/07/2009 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Step It Up in Stepping Down B! Batman!!!

She's got to go. Hide her somewhere in the Auto pound, CPD Warehouse or detach her services to somewhere in the arctic circle.

2/07/2009 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am disgusted with Weis and his assortment of clowns running the Chicago Police Department. It is time for them all to go; quit, retire and take that eternal leave of absence.


2/07/2009 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

flat out hypocritical, double standard clout BS!!!!!!! btw the fort fellatio comment made me laugh out loud...nice!!!!

2/07/2009 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the poster who said to retire and go sip margaritas. She has been in way over her head for a long time. Why put up with this nonsense after 22 years? Walk away. She obviously is not part of the solution.....

2/07/2009 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will be interesting for TBIT (trouble buildings) as when you have a "major incident" or "one Hitter" if the owner has no knowledge (allegedly) thats fine, they won't take the property HOWEVER, here is the big one, NOW that the owner has knowledge they should have an abatement measure that the "offender" will be immediately evicted from the premises. AS they are a nuisance to the neighbors and neighborhood. Question, this should include Bea's daughter since we all know she had knowledge the shit head in protecting her. Lets see how this plays out, watch out TBIT handle it right!!

2/07/2009 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, If both Bea and Eddie have met the gangbanger before they can't play innocent. Have IAD check whether or not their pc's ran him to see what's up with him. I'm sure MOST parents would like to know who their daughter is sleeping with. They can both be in trouble. Is this the daughter that has a baby? They often babysit the baby dont they? Just asking

2/07/2009 02:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its good to see so many PO's kids are properly raised and never get in any kind of trouble. Fucking Hypocrites!!! I don't know Cuello personally and probably never will meet her face to face but to hold her responsible for what her 30 something old daughter does, is fucking ridiculous. I do want to pose one question to everyone that is calling for her resignation, including you SCC.....Who was the last PO to get stripped or fired solely on what his/her child had been involved in??? SCC, you seem to have some good connections when it comes to history and info. Can you please supply that answer?

2/07/2009 03:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I agree with the other posters, she was promoted well beyond her abilities."

What makes you so qualified to pick who is and who is not qualified for various supervisory positions?

Let me guess, you are a P.O. in a district.

Congratulations, its a shame no one has realized your abilities yet. Idiot.

2/07/2009 03:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very true SCC business as usual.

Anonymous said...
Again, I am amazed that Bea will get away scott free on something that they would be burning the rest of us at the proverbial media bonfire for. If this were an ordinary P.O., there would have been a news conference at which we would have seen Daley, Weis, and a few of the chosen few standing before the cameras, shaking their heads in disbelief. Daley would make comments like "this by no means reflects on the rest of the department." Paramedics would be standing off stage with oxygen because Lord ShortShanks might laugh himself to death at that comment.

Weiss would parrot what Daley just said. He might even try and say something original at which point Lord Mayor would reach over and flip the switch to turn his lap dog off and declare this news conference at an end.

The paper would run with the story with full page spreads for at least 3 days. The t.v news would lead with the story for at least 2 days. The city council would hold a special session to fire the officer involved even at this early stage of the investigation to show that they are on top of things and are worth their astronomical salaries.

But this event involves an exempt. One with some obvious clout, so the only result we will see is "OK PEOPLE, MOVE ALONG. THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE HERE."

2/07/2009 06:58:00 AM

How about it!!!!! This is unreal bull shit. We would be getting dragged through the coals over this.

2/07/2009 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like certain elites are pissed cause they can't control the information flow to the public. Not like the BS that gets released from the 'spokesperson" or the pile of BS handed to the news media....

Unrelated, but their's some heat about to come down on another department just over the border to the NW, so as much as the midget wants an exclusive on how high it can pile up, it can't have it all.

2/07/2009 04:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ANGRY PIG said...
I never met Bea and know nothing about her so I can't comment on what she knew or didn't know.What I want to know is why, when drugs and money are in the open in her kid's residence, the kid is proclaimed innocent.Bullshit,everybody in the dope house would go,she got a play cause of mom that's the real issue.

2/06/2009 11:17:00 PM

And following your reasoning, didn't the 008th District guys leave themselves open to some heavy ridicule or potentially much worse by NOT locking her up ? ? ?

What if there WERE a review by the FEDS ? Is there justification for NOT making the arrest ?

Just like the coppers in 024 who had the Alderdrunk come upon them, it seems that this can only end badly... (unless the search warrant team just made the meritorious promotional lists !).

2/07/2009 12:33:00 AM

2/07/2009 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"cpd h/q = fort fellatio..."

good one! i wonder if harrison & kedzie is still living up to one of it's early/mid 90's epithets... fort fuck you which if i remember came about when there was a little noise about the 011th getting a pat on the back from downtown during a good year or two of actual crime reduction... it seemed like everybody was humping and the watches were more or less pretty stable (except for the random sprinkling of knuckle-heads for flavor as always), especially 1st watch (dahlberg was a a true gentleman, he made working in a shit-hole bearable). i think some kind of unit meritorious award was in the works but word trickled through that one of the gold stars stuck a knife in that idea saying "fuck 'em, we don't give awards like that to those pukes in patrol," but i can't help wondering if that police hating POS "claudell the clown" had a hand in it... didn't someone find a drawer or three full of honorables and other awards that were never submitted when he retired? hmmm... couldn't have the ghetto azz police actually being recognized. whoops! except for baby cline & co. but hey, i digress.

2/07/2009 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago P.D. headquarters, 3510 S. Michigan Ave. has been appropriately renamed FORT FELLATIO forthwith.

Yes, I want this nickname to sticki. Let's give it legs.

2/07/2009 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only decision JPUD could do in the best interests of the Department would be to resign. This guy is either (a) too stupid to know he has failed, or (b) too arrogant to admit he has failed. JPUD if you choose choice (b) you would be a bigger man than I thought you were.

2/07/2009 07:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the shock or amazement over this. Are you that naive to think that things are any different on this department. If you got a phone call you are good if you dont and step in shit you are fucked. Queen Bea got the call end of story.

2/07/2009 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to disgrace Bea's commander husband in this, but he too should have been smart enough to convince his wife that's its not a good idea to allow the troubled daughter and her gangster boyfriend to live in her condo. Come on, between the two of them neither of them thought this just might be a bad idea? Bottom line is either they are both absolutely incompetent and stupid, or they are both so arrogant to think they can do anything they want-without worry.

Whats worse is that Bea is in a position to select and vote on meritorious promotions. Does Weis really still think she is of sound mind and a good judge of character?

We're all so done with this department and this city. FU Weis and all of you exempt who keep cashing the check and playing his game and wearing two faces. You exempt criminals keep sticking together and covering things up for each other, like you always have. The thousands of us will stick together too, in our own way.

Citizens have always accused us of having the code of blue, and only all of us know there has never been a code of blue, it has always been a code of white with a touch of gold.

2/07/2009 11:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC it was nice of you to post your feelings, but you don't have to defend yourself to anyone. YOU didn't do anything wrong. Everyone I spoke to at work is on the same page=she should resign or at least step down to a lt in a district. I think we can safely say 95 percent of the department feels this way.

2/08/2009 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it also written down somewhere that we are not to associate ourselves with convicted felons???? (Hint, Hint,,G.O.'s) As her daughters boyfriend and as owner of said property, what do you think are the chances that she knew AND met the boyfriend at one point or another!? Yet she's got clout. So let's see. J-Fed has fired how many other exempts for pettier shit than this and she's still here??
signed, I'm just saying


get your facts right. he is not a convicted felon. he got a dope case that was a felony but plead out in court to a misdemenor...thats the reason that he was not charged with uuw by felon for the arrests with the gun. please people, if your gonna give an opinion and try to pass it off as fact, make sure you know what your talking about first.. it just makes you look dumb in the end.... signed, just sayin

2/08/2009 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are correct scc. I was someone who knew about this incident and was watching the internet closely that morning. It was on the news sites before you posted that morning.

2/08/2009 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only impersonators are the ones running this circus!

2/08/2009 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...Retire to a warm climate and get to know each other again without all of the police trappings on their belts. Get a place with a pool and sip Margaritas out in the hot tub, and forget you ever were the police, and don't even look back. Concentrate on hobbies or take a class or two and just enjoy. You've earned it !

2/07/2009 07:57:00 AM
This is one of the best passages I have ever seen on this blog. I could retire in a few years, but I waver back and forth now and then. This solidified my desire to retire.
I'm going to print this passage out, laminate it, and keep it with me.
Whoever wrote this take a bow. Well done.
On the Cuello thing, she has her faults but she always treated me decently in our limited interactions. It's not in me to call for her resignation or demotion.
Weis, on the other hand, please pack your bags sir... and do the right thing.
One way flight to Philly leaves on the hour.

2/08/2009 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"claudell the clown" had a hand in it... didn't someone find a drawer or three full of honorables and other awards that were never submitted when he retired?
I worked ther when this incident was discovered and the Honerables were found in a box in his bathroom!

2/08/2009 02:41:00 PM  
Blogger Reverend Al said...

"I agree with the other posters, she was promoted well beyond her abilities."

What makes you so qualified to pick who is and who is not qualified for various supervisory positions?

Let me guess, you are a P.O. in a district.

Congratulations, its a shame no one has realized your abilities yet. Idiot.

2/07/2009 03:09:00 PM

And let me guess. Are you a clout baby, or did you rise to some exalted rank completely and strictly on your own "merit?"

Ha. Too easy, fool.

2/08/2009 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...honorables found in a box in his bathroom"

wtf? was "claudell the clown" wiping his ass with them or using them as a starting block to elevate his feet for proper bowel evacuation?

well, speaking of the old scripture quoting devil, he was seen a couple of years ago working security at the united center... went there for a bulls preseason game with a couple more grumpy old alumni of "fort fuckyou"... that old, decayed-ass, skeletal, police hating pos recognized us... pretty funny when a potential target realizes he's caught in the open.

may he get all he has coming for the coppers he stroked over...

2/09/2009 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so shocked . . . NOT

2/09/2009 04:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean we won't be getting the Mo-Pods?

2/09/2009 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're not the messenger you mental patient .. you're the poster. Did you or did you not post the following:

UPDATE: We have nuisance laws in this town. If criminal activity is going on in your building, you are subject to criminal penalties and civil forfeiture of the property. It happens constantly. There's even a "Problem Building" unit that works with the Building Department, Corp Counsel, Housing Court and others to seize property. You are responsible for your building.

We have red light cameras in this town. If your car is photographed by a red light camera, the driver doesn't get a ticket - the owner of the the car gets the $100 hit. "You are responsible for your car" is the argument. And if you attempt to appeal it, you go before a Hearing Officer who's only purpose is to generate revenue for the City administratively, and you will lose.

Reading the above two paragraphs, it's amusing to see the cover up beginning and the media playing along:


You called for Cuello's condo to be "nuisance abated" so to speak ... you may be right and you may be wrong ... but YOU wrote this opinion did you not SCC? You ain't no "messenger" ... GOOF

2/10/2009 06:14:00 AM  
Blogger SCC said...

You called for Cuello's condo to be "nuisance abated" so to speak ... you may be right and you may be wrong ... but YOU wrote this opinion did you not SCC? You ain't no "messenger" ... GOOF

And if you had passed third-grade Reading Comprehension, you'd see that we weren't referring to those paragraphs that we wrote. We were referring to the flushed comments.

So once again, you demonstrate your idiocy.


2/10/2009 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it me or aren't like a lot of cops' kids usually the most screwed up. Go figure.

2/10/2009 04:59:00 PM  

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