Thursday, April 02, 2009

Goudie's Folly

Well that was some horribly half-assed reporting. Chuck left out a bunch of stuff that might have explained why Daley and Beale are attacking the police:
  • No one disputes that police and firefighters deserve to be paid as much as the taxpayers can afford. But since 1980, rank and file officers have been paid hundreds of millions of dollars more than their publicly budgeted salaries.
The Unions took those payments in return for accepting drastically reduced salaries at the time. Uniform and Duty checks were not pensionable at that time. To eliminate the City's obligation and help balance the budgets in trying economic times, the Union and the City came together and hammered out a way to give the officers extra money for uniform upkeep and expenses without saddling the City with extra pension debt.

We all see how that's worked out ever since - our pension is funded at something like 42% and dropping every year despite State law that says it must be maintained at almost double that. That would be an interesting I-Team investigation. And a more interesting Federal investigation, too.
  • The I-Team has been told by police and fire officers that these payments are common across the country. We checked New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Boston. Most pay uniform allowances that are significantly smaller than Chicago.

If other places pay it, it isn't an issue, is it Chuck? And if it's a negotiated item in a contract, then how is it the Officers' fault? Channel 7 even supplies a partial list of what is required to be bought by an Officer to be properly outfitted according to General Orders. The basic total is over $5,200. After taxes, the $1,800 Uniform allowance shrinks to under $1,200, so you won't recoup your hiring expenditures for about five years, by which time, you need a new vest, pants, shirts, shoes/boots. Now let's talk dry cleaning or even laundering expenses. Are you beginning to see the picture Chuck? Just to get hired by the CPD, you have to lay out between $5,000 to $7,000. And promotions? Or assignments to Special Units? Another $1,000 or more for BDU's, riot gear, marine and mounted specialized gear. That's out-of-pocket that you pay taxes on and cannot claim against your IRS filing until you surpass the amount granted.

How about this - weapon maintenance and proficiency. We aren't sure what other Officers do, but we like to shoot more than the 30 rounds the City makes us qualify with every year. Ammo costs have doubled in the past year. The Department is finally offering us the opportunity to carry rifles. We disagree in principle with the jumping through hoops, but what would you rather carry? A city supplied rifle that sits in the radio room collecting dust, not zeroed in to your eye, dropped, poorly maintained and pretty much treated badly? Or maybe a decent rifle, sighted in for your body, cleaned and maintained by you and touched by no one except you? That's a years worth of uniform checks to buy a tool that might save your life, your partner's life and the lives of countless citizens one day.
  • No one pays 'duty availability.' They do pay what is called 'shift differential' to compensate for overnight and weekend work. But in other cities that is paid per employee, not the entire work force.
No one else calls it "bonuses" like Chuck does in his report either. It isn't a bonus - it's a contractually negotiated item in a contract. And it's not "hidden" as Chuck so casually alleges in his report. It's on the FOP website under "Current Contract" and has been for at least six years since the CityWide Team got elected. And again, since it's negotiated, bring it to the table. Oh wait, Shortshanks took everything off the table, then cried to the media that the FOP was being "unfair" and they better "get real." And Chuck ate it up.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is going to be a HOOT of a time. lets march all the way to State and Lake and have some signs for good ole Chuck.

4/02/2009 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave it to a fucking suburban punk to bad mouth the men in blue. Goudie hasn't got the stuff to even sniff my sack!!!!!!!

4/02/2009 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said SCC...I can't believe the poor investigations done by the Chicago media. You stated more relevant facts in a couple of paragraphs than Chuck's entire investigation.

4/02/2009 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck Goudie singlehandedly did more to incite a good turnout tomorrow than any flyer could have.

Bravo, Chuck. Nothing like a few half-truths to bring out our ire in a way that few people can.

INVESTIGATIVE reporting? That must have taken a whole half hour on two different websites.

People, these aren't bonuses. These are taxed, publicly negotiated payments made to circumvent the City's obligation of having to pay into our pension fund.

And, multiplying THIS year's payment amount by twenty years (as if that was the dollar amount paid out each year), well... that's just not honest.

4/02/2009 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck, you fell prey to the almighty dollar, shortshanks and shorthanded Chicago Investigative reporter training. Once again, you missed many points, but did you sell those commercials, the guy on the top floor wanted you to sell?
Take a lesson from John Kass, he's the only person around that has seen through Daley's Crime family.....oops, did I type that out loud???
Yes Chuckie, you missed the boat again. Take a look at City Hall, Da Mare, and his 49 alderthieves. 1 Republican excluded.
Stop voting Democrat cause your Daddy did. Why not do a piece on how Chicago and Crook County taxes have killed businesses here in the city. Or, how all this "stimulous" money will help all these poor low income families. Will it help them get out of their unfortunate position? Or keep them right where the democrats want them to keep those votes coming in. Check out the proposed distribution. Sure, all the roads will be paved....again, with substandard asphalt...again...keep those non-over-sight "minority" (clout connected) contractors in business. Let's see that piece you wuss!
Or how about this one??? Why is Daley using taxpayer money to fight what has already been decided in the U.S. Supreme Court? See D.C. vs. Heller. And remember, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
Politicians prefer unarmed subjects. Just ask Jewish survivors from Germany!

Time to retire Chuck!

4/02/2009 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goudie is owned by alderasshole beale! That punk kid has his boy "chucky" under his desk! Another example of media that needs to go! Hey chuck I hope your fired soon,and now channel 7 i am through watching fuck you chuck,how is that home in the western burbs jagoff?

4/02/2009 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say we let all the shitheads that hang out on 100th and Michigan travel a couple of blocks east and hang out at alderman Beale's place..what a real piece of garbage he is. Oh wait, he probably won't care, I doubt he actually lives there anyway!

4/02/2009 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuckie Goudie is a freaking disgrace to his profession, just repeats whatever he's told by Shortshanks. What a fool, trades "access" for "stories". No clue that he's being used/manipulated.

4/02/2009 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey alderman Beatch, I mean Beale. Good luck having anyone patrol ur piece of shit neighborhood in Rosemoor. I know no 5th district cop is gonna do it. Maybe u can get those security guards your so fond of to handle it!

4/02/2009 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there any chance that someone could educate that 'police wife' who left that recorded voicemail they used on tv?

Bitching about how she needs those checks to pay for private school sure doesn't help.

Her husband is probably paying for his thousand dollar gun,his eight hundred dollar bulletproof vest, his six pair of eighty dollar pants, practice ammo, hundred dollar sweater, twelve dollar nametags and his offender-damaged wristwatch out of his paycheck, then she's thinking the uniform check goes to tuition.

How about the other way around, ditz? You're paying for the tuition out of his salary. He's paying for the uniforms, gun, vest, etc, out of his UNIFORM check.

A little common sense goes a long way.

4/02/2009 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Chuckie, why don't you do an I-Team BS investigation into the pension board and ask why they won't turn over the documents from Daley's nephew land deal theft. Oh I forgot you love the Daley crime family. Nice timing on your distorted story! The money is not a bonus you lier!

4/02/2009 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was just like the time he "interviewed" that mobster about eating lunch.

He didnt "prove" or "uncover" anything with either stories.

It's all about the build up and anticipation in order to boost ratings.

I find it hard to believe that all chicagoland new reporters are this bad.

4/02/2009 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you think chuck goudie will try to interview donahue or Bella to get the real story out to the public?

4/02/2009 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GOUDIE looked as if he was going to explode with that ill fitted silk suit the fake sprayed on tan coupled with the shock of white and gray hair was more than my LCD HD TV could take! You sir are one of the homeliest trolls on screen. Why don't you stick to reporting on the wise guys something you probably would love to be! Spacone

4/02/2009 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, please! The citizens don't even know we have to buy our own guns! They all think it's like on tv, where the department issues you a gun and then demands it back when they're mad at you.

Guns are tremendously expensive, and we all have at least two of them. Vests are anywhere from six hundred to about twelve hundred. We go through shoes like water, and we're required to buy only APPROVED shoes, so the price is probably double what it would normally be.

Belts, holsters, star case, dress hats, baseball caps, sweaters, jackets and dress coats(at several hundred dollars apiece), at least six new shirts a year, plus both patches to go on each shirt, sweater and jacket.

Eighty dollar pants, and once they rip in the knee as you go over a fence after some offender, go buy another pair. Only the expensive, approved, flashlights and leather gear.

I have never walked out of a uniform store for less than three hundred dollars.

Jane Byrne, thank you for that bulletproof vest. I do believe it's the only thing I ever got for free, and that didn't come from the City. It came from her fundraising efforts and the generous donations of the citizens of Chicago.

My uniform allowance doesn't cover expenses, Chuck. Just think, if they made YOU buy the cameras and made YOU pay for the teleprompter. I bet you'd be asking for a uniform allowance, too. And then you'd bitch because they taxed you on it, just like they do to us.

4/02/2009 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fee-fi-fo-muck, CHUCK.

4/02/2009 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watching Daley and Weiss yesterday at Nate Taylors ceremony, hearing the crickets after they both gave their best bullshit condolences and addressed how they supported him giving the ultimate sacrafice, and spouting about the rest of us as we go day in and day out preserving the peace for the residents of this great city, I felt like I was in some sort of surreal reality TV series. God what I would've given to listen to what they both had to say to their trusted consultants when they got back into their chariots driving away from what obviously made both of them cringe. I'm just sick of it all. I move to rename the "Duty availability" and "Uniform allowance" to "Dooty availabiltiy" and "Uninformed Tolerance" as the public will always only know what Goudie and all the other shitbag media souless cocksuckers portray us as.

4/02/2009 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

been telling ya all week that Chuckie boy has his own way of reporting things.....usual half-assed like himself.
chuckie go back to river grove and watch people eating. duh, you don't really think you were the only one with a camera there, do you? i'm sure the G appreciated your old stale reporting there.
climb out the mayor's ass as soon as possible. last week you had Beale where he couldn't prove his let that go though. this week your kissing his ass. shortshanks going to be thinking your chipping on him.

4/02/2009 01:19:00 AM  
Blogger Daisy said...

If the powers that be had their way, you'd all be making minimum wage and doing without half of what you already don't have as far as equipment.

I could never understand how people with power treat not just police officers, but fire fighters, medics and military like crap.

Where the hell is wrong with these people? You all go out there and put your lives on the line, not knowing if you'll get to go home at the end of your shift.

I think the whole thing sucks. You deserve better pay, better benefits, better equipment, a better pension, and God damn it, you deserve respect.

Fight for what should have had long ago.

Be safe out there.

Kate (aka Daisy)

4/02/2009 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only hidden bonus is that my wife doesn't know about it until now. Hey thanks fuck head Chuck. Does channel 7 pay you a uniform allowance too so you can fake bake?

4/02/2009 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Chuck your folly will now unite the entire CPD even more Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, Asians, Indians, Middle Easteners, women, men, gays, northsiders, southsiders, westsiders, fat, thin, tall, short and anyone else I missed now have a common cause 2011! A Sleeping Giant is AWAKE and PAYING ATTENTION!!!!!!

4/02/2009 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much does an "Investigative" Reporter get paid, to sit at a desk and make a few calls and call it an INVESTIGATION? Now there's where the scandal IS.

And perhaps he can continue into his wonderful INVESTIGATION and go review how costly the police department issued uniform pants are and how long they do not last, or perhaps a sweater that does not last, etc, etc. All I ask it that they last longer than three months.

Perhaps he can tell us why other MAJOR departments issue their weapons, maintain, clean, resight, and repair their weapons on a regular basis. Or perhaps explain why only the initial bullet proof vest is issued but all others must be purchased out of pocket.

Do some real INVESTIGATING!!!!

And have some follow through.

And THAT specific INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER works in Chicago, earns his keep in Chicago, but how much is he putting back into the City of Chicago, and where does he live, and what holidays does he work, and how many family functions does he miss yearly?

Also, how many times has he had plans and the day before he's told he cannot be granted time off, because of manpower shortages??

Guess none of my family will be watching channel 7 anymore.

4/02/2009 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck is a washed up wanna-be investigative reporter. If Chuck really wanted to do some reporting, he would ask Beale the following:
1. Why the city needs 50 aldercreatures. New York, LA get by with much less than 50. The city has 25 police districts, how about 25 aldercreatures??
2. How about asking Beale why he gets paid over $100,000/year?? What does he do to deserve that kind of money??
3. How about asking Beale for an itemized listing of what he spends his over a million dollar discretionary fund on?? That million plus dollars belongs to the taxpayers. My guess is you could fill up the next years worth of investigative reports on just his spending of taxpayer money.

SCC, I know you have asked these questions in past posts but being that Bumblin Beale decided to open his mouth, I thought it only appropriate that the questions be asked again.

4/02/2009 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whudayagunna do? Some of the reporters are in with
Da Mayor. If they weren't, he wouldn't have lasted as long as he has.

This is just some blatant shit. Way to go Goudie. You suck.

4/02/2009 02:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Chuck! Fuck - CHUCK FUCK! We have a residency rule. We are forced to live is this fucked up city. We get paid, yes we do. What price tag do you put on an employee that puts his or her life ont he line each and everyday of work. Does a school teacher, no. Does a garbage man, no. Does a man that fixes the street light, no. Does a man that cleans the sewer out, no. Does the man that trims the tree's, no. Do you see where I'm going with this.

We cant live outside the city limits. The most expensive, costly city known to man. Thanks to shortshanks. Police cant send their kids to public school because Daley caters to the scumbags criminals families who get to send their troublesome kids to school fucking with all the legit kids wanting to educate themsleves. The highest sales tax, the highest fuel prices, the highest property taxes, the highest water bill, etc etc. I don't know about chuck (whom probably makes 2million plus a year for safely talking on a tv screen and never breaking a sweat) but we (the police) are broke. We have to work 40-50 hours a week, add in another 20 hours travel time in their, plus 2-5 court appearances each and every week, we have to work special employment and security side jobs in what little time we have left all to survive in this fucked up corrupt city called SHITGAGO. So, we're overpaid you say, I say FUCK YOU CHUCK.

4/02/2009 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much is sales tax in those OTHER CITES??????? How about an i-team report on that. How many other cities require their employees to live in said city? Come on chuck dig a little deeper. How many OTHER CITIES have 25 more alderman then they need? I have an idea take away the uniform pay and the duty avail. go ahead, but when you need your child to go to school, or your loved one(ha) removed from your house call your alderman sorry aler-person or their staff, i am sure they will come so the job doesn't go into the "red" to help you out.

we stand together or we fall apart... see you at city hall.

4/02/2009 03:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey chuck,
i guess the mayor calls the tune and you dance.
what ever happened to reporters ?
most of you have become statement readers or in your case chuck, something much worse.
if you were 20 years old again and saw what you have disgusted would you be ?

4/02/2009 03:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, SCC. I've got a list of the advertisers during the 10 o'clock news if you want it.

4/02/2009 04:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me ask the questions:

How long has Alderman Beale been in Office?

Has he ever been a Police Officer or had a close family member who was a Police Officer so he would know about those Allowances?

Was he originally elected or appointed by Daley?

Did he ever vote on the contract like all those other Aldermen over the years and know what he was voting for?

Does he know that Daley signed the contracts for those Allowances (not bonuses)?

Does he provide documentation for his "Discretionary Funds" that he spends?

Does he pay taxes on those funds if they are spent on personal use items like we pay on our Allowances?

The only thing that Chuck Goudie and this "BURIED TREASUER" dug up is that Beale is a fool and maybe we should have a uniform commissary and a real shift differential.

Since I always thought that uniform stores were ripping me off and I have worked midnights by choice (when I started I rotated for many years) I don't have a problem with that.

One thing though, I do like buying my own weapons as I do believe in the Second Amendment.

4/02/2009 05:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every half hour yesterday, WLS radio was describing our protest as "an attempt to embarrass the Mayor" during what is supposed to be it's objective news report. The implication was that the sweet innocent Mayor was the victim of the those mean police trying to scam the city and make a personal attack. So when we exercise our First Amendment rights as a last resort for a completely justified cause, it's described as some sort of abuse and unfair attack. But when others do, say immigration protesters or anti-war liberals that shut down the Loop, they are glorified as people with conviction fighting for a better life. So apparently WLS is up the Mayor's ass and/or has some vendetta against us, but more importantly this is yet another example of how EVERYONE sees us as second-class citizens who should only be seen and not heard.

4/02/2009 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Chuck Goudy of ABC 7 News, wanted to do some real I-TEAM reporting about "Buried Treasures"!

He should start with why this city NEEDS 50 Alderman! Why does this city pay alderman a six figure salary for a part-time job with benefits and a staff?

This city can easily cut in half the number of Alderman to 25 and still function efficiently without having loud mouth "idiots" like Beale, who knows nothing of what it's like to protect people like him, stealing at the trough!

What about the constant "event numbers" Officers must get to show that they are protecting Alderman's Beale home and offices! What a waste of taxpayers monies and manpower that can't be justified!

After all, the Police is run just as efficiently with 25 districts and we all know that we have way more work than any Alderman's office have you believe about their operation!

But then again, Chuck Goudy and ABC 7 News is in bed with City Hall, and Chucky has become a lackey for the Daley administration to spew half truths without seeing what it is really like on the front lines of government while Daley and his crew vote themselves a raise with a hand raise!

Chuck Goudy has been duped and is a fool just so that he can get the first scoop of every story before other news operations!

Nice job for selling your soul to the Daley machine Chuck Goudy, ABC 7 News and I-team!

4/02/2009 06:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been watching the news this morning.VERY BORING...Nothing to report. COINCIDENCE?

4/02/2009 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The MEDIA is dead !!!!
They wonder why newspapers are going bankrupt... It's because the silent majority sees through the B.S. !!!!!
How long did it take to put this piece together??? 20 mins TOPS
- 10 mins to interview the Aldercreature
- 5 mins to put together file footage
- 5 mins to interview the Police
The only thing that took any thought was the timing of the piece!!!!!

I wish my job was that easy !!!!!!

4/02/2009 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish father Nangle defended us like Pfleager defends his flock.

4/02/2009 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mcnulty and his buddy Ryan hate the MSF because it works. MSF has great young officers and top notch leadership.

4/02/2009 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't stop the media from bad journalism, I understand that BUT what bothered me the most was how they showed the star ceremony for P.O. Taylor and then when into how we are overpaid!! Give me a break Chuck!!

4/02/2009 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/02/2009 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goudie doesn't have the balls to put our uniform on his body. see you at the march my fraternal brothers and sisters.

4/02/2009 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duty availability did not even cover what my husband went through when "off-duty", unarmed he stopped an armed robbery in progress and was shot.

See you downtown, A wife.

4/02/2009 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't duty availability originally shift differential until politicians and exempts found their friends and family would not receive the differential because they all worked days?

4/02/2009 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/02/2009 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you should send this article to the media. Now that would make sense. It is written well and tells the truth.

4/02/2009 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave Adl. Beal and his salary alone. Crack is was up too !!!!

4/02/2009 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/02/2009 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like that the number of officers hit 18,000 too. That number grows like Pinochio's nose.

4/02/2009 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A company with ties to Bridgeport trucking magnate Fred Barbara and the Hispanic Democratic Organization has been awarded a three-year, $17.6 million contract to supply the giant garbage bins that helped Mayor Daley abolish the scandal-ridden Hired Truck Program.

Have ya had enough? Why don't you media goofs expose what is really going on here? No money for us.

4/02/2009 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Goudie even live in Chicago?

4/02/2009 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck did an interview with Beale questioning his 73,000 no questions asked expense account where several of the lists of expenses are left blank and then rang up in December to squeeze them in before the new year. Then he goes and talks to him about the Police!!

4/02/2009 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will tell you why we are the police, fire or military, because we would rather die next to our brother than live next to the best politcian. Be Safe

4/02/2009 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there any chance that someone could educate that 'police wife' who left that recorded voicemail they used on tv?

Bitching about how she needs those checks to pay for private school sure doesn't help.

Her husband is probably paying for his thousand dollar gun,his eight hundred dollar bulletproof vest, his six pair of eighty dollar pants, practice ammo, hundred dollar sweater, twelve dollar nametags and his offender-damaged wristwatch out of his paycheck, then she's thinking the uniform check goes to tuition.

How about the other way around, ditz? You're paying for the tuition out of his salary. He's paying for the uniforms, gun, vest, etc, out of his UNIFORM check.

A little common sense goes a long way.

4/02/2009 12:38:00 AM

As a PO wife, my mouth dropped when I heard this!! 100% of that uniform allowance goes toward my husband's job expenes. I actually feel that it is not enough. My husband has to decide each year what he can afford to buy to update his uniform and all the equipment. I am constantly sewing his ripped pants and shirts because the uniforms are so expensive. Think of how many times your cell phones have been broken or lost or your uniforms have been ripped because of encounters on the job. How about how many times the dept. changes what you are able to wear, or a boss wants you to wear a black t-shirts under your uniform. This year we have to make the decision which is more important a new vest or rifle. This is my husband's life at risk and this piece of shit alderman is questioning it!!! Don't even get me started on the duty availabilty with all the missed holidays, birthday parties, kids games that my husband has missed.
However, as I continued to watch and listen I started to question how real that phone call was. Maybe, this was not a PO wife, but just some stupid liberal bitch who just left a message with Alderman Beale's to make the police look stupid. Maybe it was Goudie's wife trying to sweeten up his bullshit story. Think about it, that could have been anyone calling and leaving that message!!
I am now getting ready to go drop off my husband at the blue line, so he can proudly join you all today. Good luck to you all!!!

4/02/2009 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I will tell you why we are the police, fire or military, because we would rather die next to our brother than live next to the best politcian. Be Safe

4/02/2009 09:40:00 AM


4/02/2009 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think about it, if 2000 guys show up, thats 25% of the police department!!!
Now if we could only start running our own political canidates.

4/02/2009 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With regards to the weapons:

just a suggestion,
If the weapon is within the General Order Guide lines then by all means carry it.IE Sig S/W Beretta. As far as the M-4 Rifle is concerned,if the department allows if the use of the rifle then the Officer should be allowed to purchase and carry the rifle. Using what the department ISSUES you is unsafe,unwise,and foolish.I dont see why one would have to be able to "lift a bus" in order to fire a rifle.That makes NO sense to me. I have seen women that could be termed 'frail', score upper 90's and 100's with AR-15's and I could pick them up and toss them across the range with one hand. Most of the barrels on the m-4 rifles that the City owns are burnt out from over use,improper load,and poor to non existent care.While its a nice jesture,no thanks Ill carry my AR-15 in .308.

If you need more weapon information,tips,care hints,tweeking and tuning,sights,grips and more please feel free to contact me.

HINT: Blue handle Beretta.
Take care and GIVE EM HELL

4/02/2009 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is only so much money left after the crooks at city hall steal their part, and pass out the no-bid contracts to their cronies.

There are plenty of places you can go work that will better reward you financially. If you are unwilling to leave, what incentive is there for the city to pay you any more?

Start saying to yourself "It is only a job", and then start believing it. Your wallet and your mental health will both benefit.

4/02/2009 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guns are tremendously expensive, and we all have at least two of them. Vests are anywhere from six hundred to about twelve hundred. We go through shoes like water, and we're required to buy only APPROVED shoes, so the price is probably double what it would normally be.

Belts, holsters, star case, dress hats, baseball caps, sweaters, jackets and dress coats(at several hundred dollars apiece), at least six new shirts a year, plus both patches to go on each shirt, sweater and jacket.

Eighty dollar pants, and once they rip in the knee as you go over a fence after some offender, go buy another pair. Only the expensive, approved, flashlights and leather gear.

Not to sound Jewish (I am by the way)I can name you at least 10 places OUTSIDE CHICAGO and mail order with NEXT DAY FREE DELIVERY for FAR LESS than Advance,Kale,Chicago Uniform are raping you with. Example: Safariland Retention holster for S/W M&P 45 with sentry lock in plain leather NEW IN THE BAG for 105 and change. Left or right handed.Im leftie so you KNOW the issues I face buying gear. Duty Belts by Smith and Wesson for 40 dollars in all sizes INCLUDING the wagon guy size(kidding) Boston leather keepers 2 for a dollar.
Guns........well if you buy them OUTSIDE cook county you will save money and dealers are very CPD friendly. Best bet is to buy outside Illinois (indiana,Kentucky,Missouri)
Thanks SCC for letting me go on about this, I just HATE to see people waste money like that.

Almost at retirement.

4/02/2009 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is Daley using taxpayer money to fight what has already been decided in the U.S. Supreme Court? See D.C. vs. Heller.

Lets not also forget Hayworth V Chicago. Also remember in the Island of Chicago where Little Fat Greasy is the supreme overlord,there IS no SUPREME COURT. (Except when he gets indicted and needs to appeal there to keep his slimy greasy money hoarding ass out of Prison)

PLease correct me if Im wrong here but if the USC rules on something isnt that the FINAL WORD?
How is it that the BULLSHIT money based HOME RULE can supersede a
Supreme Court Ruling??? In actuality,the Home Rule is violating constitutional rights. Maybe the reason Daley is so anti gun is that Daddy(rest his soul) didnt let him play with them when he was a little greasy asshole.Now that Hitler has grown up HE HAS ASSUMED CONTROL...........


4/02/2009 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the first day in a "long time" that I'm proud to be the chicago police again so thanks to all my brothers and sisters in blue who joined me at the protest

4/02/2009 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish father Nangle defended us like Pfleager defends his flock.

4/02/2009 07:33:00 AM

"Oh ye of little faith, ye brother weary from battle,fatigued by stress and worn out from patrol,bow your head and seek His help. The hand upon your shoulder in your time of need is Mine.Never shall you be "99" for I am with you" Thy Sig and Thy OC shalt comfort you for all of your days. Lo whilst the Crown Vic may fail and leave you to foot be ye not downtrodden Brother for help is with you always.May the light shining on you be from PH-1,and may the sweet sound of other units coming to your aid be solace to your weary soul." And if God Forbid,you are taken from us in battle,rest easy knowing you have a place always in Heaven.Barring that Ill save you a stool at the bar after work"

"Blessed are the Peacekeeper"
Travel Easy Brother

4/02/2009 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the guy who bashed FR. Nangle, FYI he was at the rally....apologize office

4/02/2009 02:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Duyt availabilty first surfaced it was meant to be for people in a rotating group, that worked midnights and afternoons. Somehow the day dollies that work inside managed to get it also... this is wrong

4/02/2009 02:22:00 PM  
Anonymous a little birdie said...

Hey Chucky, Is your no good son still burglarizing homes in Hillside, Hinsdale and other western suburbs, or did he OD yet?

You must be very proud......

4/02/2009 03:52:00 PM  
Blogger Elm Creek Smith said...

"And we have newspaper people on the payroll, don't we, Tom?" - Michael Corleone, The Godfather

Or was that Little Dick Shortshanks?


4/02/2009 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turn ABC 7 off. Do NOT buy from their sponsors. Do NOT go to ABC 7s web site, they want the hits.

4/02/2009 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The two main differences between the police and the media...Honor and courage!

4/02/2009 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mention of the protest on ABC 7 website but they have the shitty piece by Chuckie "Daley boy" Goudie!

CBS 2 website has it as a primary link on theirs!

Makes you wonder who is in bed with Scum Daley!

4/02/2009 04:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Goudie even live in Chicago?

4/02/2009 09:33:00 AM
He's got five kids. Doubtful.

If he was born in 1956, there's a zaba listing for a Charles Goudie in Hindale.

4/02/2009 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Jane Byrne, thank you for that bulletproof vest. I do believe it's the only thing I ever got for free, and that didn't come from the City. It came from her fundraising efforts and the generous donations of the citizens of Chicago. <<<

Yes, Thank-you Jane Byrne, I'd love it if she ran again just to dump Daley like he ran to split the white vote that gave us Harold Washington. All things considered, Harold was not all that bad compared to Shortshanks.

But, something we were given, by contract, is the first issue of those STINGER Flashlights. The ones that don't last a whole tour. I miss my Mag-light, I miss my contract, I miss Jane Byrne.

4/02/2009 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great turnout! It took us 40 minutes to circle the block. Some funny signs too. No doubt a message was sent. Keep the heat on boys and girls, maybe CFD will start to crank it up. We're in this thing together.

4/02/2009 05:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very Simple-Fuck Chuck

4/02/2009 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FUCK CHUCK! And Daley, and Weiss~el...

4/02/2009 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to sound Jewish (I am by the way)I can name you at least 10 places OUTSIDE CHICAGO and mail order with NEXT DAY FREE DELIVERY for FAR LESS than Advance,Kale,Chicago Uniform are raping you with.

4/02/2009 01:56:00 PM
So, NAME them, already.

4/02/2009 07:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fhuck Chuck

4/02/2009 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Now if we could only start running our own political canidates.

4/02/2009 12:58:00 PM"

Why not?

Blue Party Ticket.

4/02/2009 10:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to sound Jewish (I am by the way)I can name you at least 10 places OUTSIDE CHICAGO and mail order with NEXT DAY FREE DELIVERY for FAR LESS than Advance,Kale,Chicago Uniform are raping you with.

4/02/2009 01:56:00 PM
So, NAME them, already.

4/02/2009 07:15:00 PM

Gall's (Galls, cheap? HA!)
LA Police Gear
G&T Distributors
OMB Police Supply
Chief's Supply

BTW, be glad you don't have issue weapons. Every issue gun my department has ever had, maintenance was done by a retarded monkey. The day we sent the 1033 M-16s back to the Army and bought our own rifles individually was the best day of my life.

4/02/2009 11:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will tell you why we are the police, fire or military, because we would rather die next to our brother than live next to the best politcian.

and THAT boys and girls sums it all up. Now Saddle up and lets do this thing......

4/03/2009 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can also find "inspection grade" clothing on line at a company in Albany NY. VERY CHEAP.

Tip: To extend the life of your leather,A: Use Kiwi Leather dye MAKE SURE YOU ALLOW IT TO DRY 24 HOURS before using. To Replace that "factory shine" to holsters,keepers,mag pouches and other leather things,(I know its gonna sound insane but I use it and it works EVERY TIME) buy TREWAX premium High Gloss Finish for vinyl and no wax floors Gold Label Sealer Wax. 32 oz bottle for about 6 bucks. Apply with a cotton ball allow to dry(usually in about 20 minutes) and Im tellin ya it will make your stuff look like new.It even adds protection to the elements if you get out in the rain. Unless youre a MSF person and live to spit polish.(joking)But this method DOES work and preserves youre leather. More:

4/03/2009 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

continuing(if SCC allows)

With regards to the Safariland retention holster and the "sentry device"....To insure that this and the other safety work EVERY time,add one or two drops of gun oil on a q tip and coat the metal sleeve of the primary holster safety. With the Same q tip coat the part of the "sentry" that engages the primary safety(the part that slides under the primary safety)This will insure flawless operation and in most cases faster release of the weapon.

The RAPTOR Holsters: Warning,the index finger release along the side of the holster MUST BE METICULOUSLY CLEANED ON A REGULAR BASIS or it will fail causing non release of weapon or non locking of the weapon when it is returned to the holster. The holster will function HOWEVER pay close attention to this area.

Just keepin ya safe out there.


4/03/2009 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let us Boycot channel 7 and demand they fire GOUDIE.

Picket this station.

Learn from J.J. and Big Al Sharp-mouth, boycott and picket.

Jesse would call for him to go if he dissed a member of PUSH.

4/03/2009 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mcnulty and his buddy Ryan hate the MSF because it works. MSF has great young officers and top notch leadership.

4/02/2009 07:46:00 AM

Will you people please quit talking about these units like they are the best workers the city has. Give me a break, there are good workers in every district in this city.

There is no reason why any one should even be in those units in the first place. The problem with cops is the fact they are all worried about there own little circle.

Look at the bigger picture. If no one tries to go to these special little units then the city will not be able to work around the contract.

I know this will never happen, but everyone should request to go back to a district and work the beat car. No one should work tac or gang teams.

I am not saying for ever, just for a few months and see how the brass and city hall will change their tune. If no one is on tac/gang or outside units voluntarily the city will not be able to work around the contract by changing start times and rotating shifts and days off.

The city will need these spots filled eventually, but they will not be able to fill them with volunteers. So, that means they will have to make each of these assignments work with in the quidelines of the contract. No more bs. I believe we are all adults, we can all make do by working in a blue and white for a few months just to prove our point.

I know people depend on the money, but no one should work special for 1 month and this would let the city know that we are tired of taking the bs they throw at us.

4/03/2009 04:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will tell you why we are the police, fire or military, because we would rather die next to our brother than live next to the best politcian.
Personally, I would just as soon none of you die. I understand the statement is mostly hyperbole, but if your mental health is that poor, you need professional health.

ITS JUST A JOB. Don't let it become you. And don't let it kill you.

4/03/2009 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MR Goudie. why aren't you investigating all the ilegal doings of our mayor? His bullshit goes back to the 1960's. You could start with his phoney military service in the reserves.

4/03/2009 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Now if we could only start running our own political canidates.

4/02/2009 12:58:00 PM"

I have said it many times...

Now is the time for Officer Ward to run against Alderman DUI-Disrepsect-the-police-use-city-funds-to fix-her-house-Dixon!

4/03/2009 08:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no problem with having a uniform commissary.

Question, will it be open 24/7, or at least part of all three watches?

If we have to go on our own time, that should be O-T, like a court assignment. Right, being paid to shop? I'd love that!

4/03/2009 08:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no problem with having a uniform commissary.

Question, will it be open 24/7, or at least part of all three watches?

If we have to go on our own time, that should be O-T, like a court assignment. Right, being paid to shop? I'd love that!

Not a damn bad idea. Id be willing to take orders for replacement equipment that ACTUALLY lasts. Aside from that I would like (if SCC allows) to post areas where you Find Upstanding men and women can save a few bucks and retain quality. Im not gaining a dime here,and only recommend articles of equipment that I have either worn to death or tested in the field myself. But remember it isnt how shiny the belt is or how crisp the seams,its the Officer underneath that counts most.
Suggestions on that commissary? Where to open it? Delivery/pick up? Hey what ever i can find thats inexpensive for you so that you have more for your family Ill be happy to post if da boss (scc) allows.

4/04/2009 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commissary? PLEASE, it would be operated by a Daley hack who would reap millions.

4/04/2009 07:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commissary? PLEASE, it would be operated by a Daley hack who would reap millions.

4/04/2009 07:41:00 PM

I think your missing the point. it would be run by US profits going to the Survivors or some other fund. Nominal loot for those running it.After all gotta be FAIR to those giving their time to run it. Now HOW BOUT IT? It can be run out of a truck at the Hall after meetings. Or a Station to Station thing. Why should we be chained to a few hacks that get rich off us. Time to fend for ourselves. This wouldnt have a damn thing to do with that Little Fat Greasy Bastard or his cronies. By us and for us. Get the point now? If the city has issue with it FUCK THEM we can run this OUTSIDE the City and I know of a few non card carrying people that would be HAPPY to do this for us. Thoughts please.

4/05/2009 11:47:00 AM  

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