Oh Dear God
OK, this is getting ridiculous:
You can order your very own at this link here. It comes in two versions - Happy and Determined.
We can hardly wait to meet the Chia-Obama at one of our Domestic Battery calls.

You can order your very own at this link here. It comes in two versions - Happy and Determined.
We can hardly wait to meet the Chia-Obama at one of our Domestic Battery calls.
Labels: we got nothing
Im getting one and then Im cutting the Mr. T reverse mohawk in it
Can I get a Chia-Fed?
This is hilarious because I just saw this today in Walgreens at Roosevelt & Homan.
The Happy Version grows Cannabis.
The Determined Version grows poppies.
After your done watering it and sunning it - you can either smoke or snort it!
So I guess it really is an Obama Chia-Pet!
It's offensive. Have a litte respect for the 'rank' if you have no respect for the person.
You wonder why people have no respect for the police? Obviously, people have no respect for ANYTHING these days.
Including themselves. Whoever came up with this is an ass.
He makes a very distinguished "Chia-Pet "
I thought it was a Huggie Bear Chia Pet.
You can grow some real good 'dro with that. Change you can believe in.
Is the Obama Chia considered a weapon if used in a domestic disturbance? Or is it a 19P?
It was only a mater of time.
are the egyptians going to build an obama sphinx-- looks like it--
Hell I remember someone made a small fortune off of "Pet Rocks", people will buy anything...
Anonymous said...
It's offensive. Have a litte respect for the 'rank' if you have no respect for the person.
You wonder why people have no respect for the police? Obviously, people have no respect for ANYTHING these days.
Including themselves. Whoever came up with this is an ass.
4/06/2009 12:41:00 AM
But the multi color sequence obama shirts are fine?
I'd hate to get hit upside the head with a Chia Obama on my next Baby's Mama Drama with her screaming "Dat muthafucka jumped on me!"
Anonymous said...
It's offensive. Have a litte respect for the 'rank' if you have no respect for the person.
You wonder why people have no respect for the police? Obviously, people have no respect for ANYTHING these days.
Including themselves. Whoever came up with this is an ass.
4/06/2009 12:41:00 AM
The makers of the Chia Pet came up with this, not us!
Here's the link:
WGN this a.m. said Walgreens are pulling it off the shelves? they didn t say why? i think i know .....tee hee hee
I agree with 12:41. I didn't vote for Barry but he is the POTUS. This Chia Barry is just goofy.
Chia Chalky
I'm going to paint the vegetation on mine red, yellow, and blue, in honor of the guy who used to hold the JOHN 3:16 signs up at sporting events.
It's offensive. Have a litte respect for the 'rank' if you have no respect for the person.
Lighten up Francis!
It's offensive. Have a litte respect for the 'rank' if you have no respect for the person.
You wonder why people have no respect for the police? Obviously, people have no respect for ANYTHING these days.
Including themselves. Whoever came up with this is an ass.
YES, it is OFFENSIVE!!!!! And I was offended when OUR FINE PRESIDENT called our country ARROGANT!!!!!!!!
YOU GET WHAT YOU YOU DESERVE! (Just like Daley and J-Fed)
I saw one at Walgreens on the north side the other day. I gotta say that someone is going to say it's racist. If you think about it, it's going to grow like an afro on Obama's head and obviously Obama is black, well at least half black. (Don't forget the white Kansas momma) An afro, get it. I think it's funny but someone somewhere is going to say it's racist. LOL!!!!
To anon. 12:41...Re: respect.You must not watch T.V. Pal!.it's on all the stations commercials..and yes, it is for real....my 10 yo son busted a belly laugh at how "THE President" could allow it! He continued on w/"I spose a green afro would be OK on St Patty's Day"..No predjudice intended.For the next commercial, he called the rest of the family in and w/tears from laughing, said Republicans would buy it just to have fun!.So lighten up on the "Cop Bashing" dude, and write to the networks that show it!
looks like the bust of lionel richie in the video "hello". but with the curls chopped off.
Lifelike. Has an empty head, no original thoughts, and is famous without ever having accomplished anything of merit.
Twenty Bucks on-line! No way!!
They're "temporarily out of stock," BTW
Why aren't the Revs marching on this one. Isn't this sort of dissing Obama? Maybe they think it's an honor to vbe a chia pet. Go figure!
Walgreens by me has taken it off the shelf ...
We had to hear 8 yrs of "We Hate Bush" from the left. Now whenever someone doesn't bow in awe of the messiah...it's offensive...you are racist...etc. The Chia-Obama is someone's light hearted attempt to make some money and have some fun doing it. Lighten up !!!
It's offensive. Have a litte respect for the 'rank' if you have no respect for the person.
You wonder why people have no respect for the police? Obviously, people have no respect for ANYTHING these days.
Including themselves. Whoever came up with this is an ass.
It's offensive. Have a litte respect for the 'rank' if you have no respect for the person.
You wonder why people have no respect for the police? Obviously, people have no respect for ANYTHING these days.
Including themselves. Whoever came up with this is an ass.
4/06/2009 12:41:00 AM
You were probably one of the asses talking shit about Bush. Now they are creating busts of your fake messiah and you get your panties on a knot.
I'd rather face a Chia-Obama at a domestic violence call than an AK-47.
Just a heads up here...
Hope to God it don't happen to him.
This may never see the TV news here in Chicago, for obvious reasons.
April 6, 2009 11:02 AM
Saudis Report Plot To Assassinate Obama
The Saudi Arabian newspaper al-Watan reported today that Turkish security services have arrested a man of Syrian origins Friday in connection with a plot to assassinate President Barack Obama during his current visit to Turkey.
The man, who was carrying an Al-Jazeera TV ID card in the name of M.G., confessed after his arrest that he was planning on stabbing the U.S. president with a knife during the Alliance of Civilizations summit held in Istanbul, adding that he had three other accomplices to help him execute his plan.
According to the paper, Turkish investigators were trying to verify whether the Qatari-based Arab TV channel has truly issued the ID card produced by the man, or if it’s a forged copy.
The suspect, a permanent resident of Istanbul, has been regularly attending all conferences and events relating to the Middle East held in the city.
Next Chia will be Daley.. OMG!!!
hey democunt commander in chief is not a rank.you must be some merit bitch.let me guess 8th ward?
Whoever came up with this is an ass.
4/06/2009 12:41:00 AM
The makers of the Chia Pet came up with this, not us!
Here's the link:
4/06/2009 09:01:00 AM
Uh, yeah. No one said or intimated that a police officer came up with the idea. (Touchy, aren't you?)
But the person who came up with this is an ass.
Just wait until this kooks want the messiah carved into Mt Rushmore.
Turn the tide, elect Rosanna Pulido to Congress!
Barry Obama didn't have much presidential dignity since he came out of the Chicago Daley machine. And he lost whatever little he had when he went on Letterman.
..and passed a multi-trillion dollar spending package that was too big to read before passing with 9,000 special spending earmarks.
...and groveled and sniveled while apologizing to the French about arrogant Americans.
... and dealing away American independence and sovereignty by agreeing to allow US banks and corporations to be monitored by an international committee.
...by putting future generations in unmanageable national debt.
I'll put it next to my Scooby Doo Chia head!!!!
"I'd hate to get hit upside the head with a Chia Obama on my next Baby's Mama Drama with her screaming "Dat muthafucka jumped on me!"
--4/06/2009 08:50:00 AM
"Do you mean your husband, Ma'am?"
"Well, no...
"But he live here!"
"It's offensive. Have a litte respect for the 'rank' if you have no respect for the person.
"You wonder why people have no respect for the police? Obviously, people have no respect for ANYTHING these days.
"Including themselves. Whoever came up with this is an ass."
--4/06/2009 12:41:00 AM
"No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public." -- H.L. Mencken
The one I still want is the ceramic bust of John F. Kennedy with the wind-up clock in the forehead. I think Walgreens must have been selling those too, back in the day, along with the transparent plastic sheets to "convert your black-and-white TV to color. They were sky-blue at the top third, clear in the middle, and green at the bottom. Only $2.99.
Now the Chia-Michelle, that I don't know about. Two expressions -- Outraged or Going To Be.
I'm just painting it and adding beads to look like a cornrow braids.
He gonna be my Kitchen Mo-Jo!
The mole is certainly a nice touch.
Man! I gots to have it! It'll go in my collection with my Barry dining plates, cuff links, bobble head and assorted t-shirts my cousins sells at the off ramp at sacramento & van buren.
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