More Pics
An interesting perspective. It really shows Channel 7 is missing something:
We were told this is Cooter. We don't know if he's the one holding the sign or the other guy.

More as we find good ones. We have around a hundred sent to us. Possibly some movies, too.

More as we find good ones. We have around a hundred sent to us. Possibly some movies, too.
Labels: contract stuff, FOP
If anyone could pull that off COOTER COULD!!!!! Pure Genius!!!! Way to go Cooter!!!! You made my day with that pic.
Cooter is on the right ... now officially known as "Mayor Cooter"!
My God! Former Deputy Chief of Detectives Mike Chasen looks five years younger since he retired. He was on the Mike Mette Committee too. A class act!
It's called pride, passion and COJONES.
"Special K": I apologize for asking you to hold my picket sign but my dog "Boomer" was pulling down my Dockers and I foolishly came to City Hall "commando style". I'd call that a Ten-1.
"Special K" politely refused.
Damnit, that McCotter guy wouldn't hold my sign either.
I gotta go out and buy a belt.
YOU TUBE the protest........
Another reason to "F&&k YOU" Daley.
Channel 7 , 11 am news said the mayor will do something this Sunday that he has never done while make a public appearance on a Sunday (family day)! He will be out & about with the f**ig IOC.
Hey Mr Mayor, you are the lowest of the low. All those years on the 1st Sunday of May, CPD honors those who gave their lives for the citizens of Chicago, and YOU have never ever attended & shown your respect. But now, you will break your "stay home on Sunday with family" tradition to parade around with the IOC..............go to hell!
Greetings from the Sand! Great Turn out!!-0311 Semper Fi
What about setting up an SCC account on Flickr?
Daley did an outdoor rollcall at 69 Ashland today in Englewood. The Mayor stated that he was all for our contract and raise, but the FOP and not HE pulled the offer off of the table.
2 Points: a)didn't mayor daley just call us greedy?
b)he's on camera saying how he has an obligation to the taxpayers in these rough times to watch how thw money is spent during these tough times
The man is a coward. Why not say this while the media was around and thousands of us were marching? Say it in front of a couple uniformed officers, who if they say anything, are easily identified by nametag or beatcar? Just thought the people out there would be interested
All the ladies at the Pacific Garden Mission love Cooter! He has lots of girlfriends. In the Ickes too!
Among the on-camera TV "personalities", I must vouch for one good guy at Channel 7.
When weatherman JERRY TAFT was still single, (I call it his "red Ferrari nights"), we'd chase the ladies around the Lincoln Park singles bars. Really nice, down-to-earth guy whose middle name was "Party".
Sorry, Jerry. I meant "meteorologist".
Wheres Chakie?????
Saw the newscasts after I returned home. Some stated that "several HUNDRED"officers picketed. The videos were takent earlier and showed the lines with huge spaces in them. The video shots were from appx. 10:00- 10:30 hrs -before the full force arrived. They were constantly vidiotaping, They could have had video of us in full force; but did not. They wanted to minimize the prospective of us in large numbers.
Thais a great pic LMAO
and I see e brought his girlfriend with to help out.
Old 153
I worked with Cooter in the 80's. Other than a little gray, he looks the same. That's his woman. They live together on lower wacker.
looks like more than a couple of hundred to me-- shock and awe baby-- we made a statement yesterday-- i walked around city hall at least ten times and not once did i hear anything negative from people watching the festivities. fop-- you have the momentum-- run with it-- we can do it again if we have to and next time we will bring 6000.
Maybe it is Cooter, maybe it isn't, I'm not telling.
eh... looks like about a hundred... maybe a hundred fifty.
I was gonna do some shopping over the weekend... now I gotta change a couple vendors... Thanks Goudie!
Found better pricing anyway.
The guy sitting down is in fact the one and only Cooter.
Way to go Kevin!!!!
That is definitly Scooter holding the sign.
It’s not often that protesters chant personal insults at the mayor. But, Daley took it all in stride.
“This is not personal. This is negotiations. I take nothing personal in regards to any negotiations. ... It’s not personal for me or them,” the mayor said.
Police Supt. Jody Weis, a secondary target of the protesters’ anger, chided his officers for disrespecting the mayor.
“When you do something like that, it makes you look rather foolish. There’s no reason to say that. ... Adults don’t usually use that type of terminology,” he said.
Say it with me everyone one:
Imagine 3500 armed protesters in one place and no one was shot.
One disgruntled former employee of IBM in NY State and 12-14 shot dead and dozens more injured.
To SCC and FOP, nice showing, congrats.
Sgt. School from 009 told everone not to march. Among other things he said, "you don't want a 'brick' on you." Thanks to everone from 009 who did not listen to him. (He's got a year and a half as a Sgt and is already the school Sgt.)
Meanwhile, due to manpower, a Sgt in his 50's gets dumped to Midnights this period. Shame on you and do not give us advice. Don't want it from you. Most of us have more time on the job than you.
Enjoy Eugene Roy! He's the only friend you have left.
Hey C@@%er
well, we know who jfed has taken up sides with... read his comments about the protest...
Police Supt. Jody Weis, a secondary target of the protesters’ anger, chided his officers for disrespecting the mayor.
“When you do something like that, it makes you look rather foolish. There’s no reason to say that. ... Adults don’t usually use that type of terminology,” he said.
“He’s the mayor of a city. Whether you like him or not, I don’t think you should say anything like that. Not everybody has to be a fan of the mayor. But, we can respect his position. That is disrespectful. People do things out of frustration that, hopefully, they regret later on.”
Now I hear Daley said on the news that he did not pull the offer off the table, that it was the FOP who did it.
This guy needs to be committed, I believe the message was delivered by Paul Volpe, the former CFO of the City and current Chief of Staff to Mayor Richard M. Jagoff.
You think the stuttering prick is mad now? He doesnt know whether he is coming or going! The media is lighting him up today for his incoherent ramblings about who took the 16% offer off the table!!! Even Jackie (I make $172,000 a year) Heard admitted he blew it... read on!
Daley today blamed the union for the impasse in contract talks: “I did not take the 16 percent [pay raise proposal] away. The 16 percent away was taken by the union. They said, ‘That was not enough. Take it off the table.’”
After the news conference, Daley spokeswoman Jacquelyn Heard acknowledged that in fact it was the administration that had withdrawn the 16 percent offer.
was mette there? I certainly hope so after all the support from the rank and file he got... Anyone confirm if he returned the support???
Sgt. School from 009 told everone not to march. Among other things he said, "you don't want a 'brick' on you." Thanks to everone from 009 who did not listen to him. (He's got a year and a half as a Sgt and is already the school Sgt.)
Meanwhile, due to manpower, a Sgt in his 50's gets dumped to Midnights this period. Shame on you and do not give us advice. Don't want it from you. Most of us have more time on the job than you.
Enjoy Eugene Roy! He's the only friend you have left.
4/03/2009 04:17:00 PM
You mean the arrogant fuck Sgt. V who knows everything? The one who cried and cried until he got onto 2nd watch. And when bid time came around he cried and cried again when he was dumped to midnights. Magically he ended up on 2nd watch again. All with less than 2 yrs as a Sgt. and less than 15 years on the job. Not to bring negativity during a time of unity and an outstanding show-up at the protest, but guys like him are what's wrong with this job. Stay away from him and stick together with the blue shirts!!!!! Fuck you Sgt. V !!! Go to midnites like the rest of the Sgts had to until they have enough time to bid to another watch!!!!!
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooter where you at?
OT- "Chopper 7 HD" is hovering over a shooting scene at 5437 W. Division; playlot shooting during basketball game, one transported in serious condition.
Go Chalkie!
CHICAGO 2016 -- NOT!
Anyone who has Alderman Preckwinkle as their rep. remember her. While we were out there, she entered City Hall and was laughing. I wish I had said something but like our Capt. said, they want you to do something stupid. Lets remember her at election time too.
YOU TUBE the protest........
Am I missing something? All I got was a guy from the Southwest Observer who showed up after the protest to cover the protest. Some good journalism there. Why fight the crowd? Wait til it's over and then do your story.
There was a helicopter over us most of the time. What happened to all the aerial shots? They can't claim that there were only a few hundred with an aerial shot that shows thousands!!!
Just saw J-Fed on the news. J-Fed referred to an offender as a "perpetrator". You know this guy aint CPD.
Seiser aint got SHIT on Cooter!!
Sgt Drapiewski of mass transit
The news reporter may have spelled your name wrong on the tv screen but we all thank you for your strong words about the Supt and for your support of FOP. You even mentioned the Scc blogsite on the news
Thank you. 008 Dist
was mette there? I certainly hope so after all the support from the rank and file he got... Anyone confirm if he returned the support???
4/03/2009 04:50:00 PM
nope another MSF no show... what did you expect?
Go Cooter! You rock!
official on Monday... Marine unit test cancelled! To b announced early next week via pax 501... sorry all you clout babies... new test TBA at a later date...
Signed--35th st insider
Daley did an outdoor rollcall at 69 Ashland today in Englewood. The Mayor stated that he was all for our contract and raise, but the FOP and not HE pulled the offer off of the table.
2 Points: a)didn't mayor daley just call us greedy?
b)he's on camera saying how he has an obligation to the taxpayers in these rough times to watch how thw money is spent during these tough times
The man is a coward. Why not say this while the media was around and thousands of us were marching? Say it in front of a couple uniformed officers, who if they say anything, are easily identified by nametag or beatcar? Just thought the people out there would be interested
4/03/2009 12:15:00 PM
WHAT? Did he bring the Olympic committee with him? DALEY did an outdoor roll call? Huh?
How about backing up Mike Shields at the next Pension Board meeting? I hear he is always a lone voice...
He invited me and I will be attending. Why stop now? We have become a force to be reckoned with.
29 Apr 09/0900 hours.
I have nothing but respect for this kid!
You can only pull an offer you made. FOP couldsay no but they can't pull it. The City makes the offer it the unions can either accept it or counter offer that is theonly two choices.If Daley said FOP pulled the offer it would explain all his troubles with passing the bar exam. Didyou know his old man wanted him and his brothers to attend St. IGNATIUS but none of them were smart enough to pass the exam. The school refused to lower their standards and the Daley boys went elsewhere.
was mette there? I certainly hope so after all the support from the rank and file he got... Anyone confirm if he returned the support???
4/03/2009 04:50:00 PM
This post is so ignorant, it doesn't deserve a response. Whatever your beef with Mette is, choke it down and keep it to yourself. Unless you've been in his shoes, you don't have ANY right to talk about what he does or doesn't do.
Scc how can i send pics to u?
Would you be kind enough to endorse Rosanna Pulido I did not have the opportunity to meet her at the protest, but if she was stand up enough to march with us, we should support her.
Your endorsement of her and keeping her in the limelight on this blog for the next three days would be great.
And although I do not think she will be elected, wouldn't it be something if she did. Talk about sending a message to the machine.
I think that may cause pee to run down Shortshanks' leg.
In addition, Officers out there, would you please consider e-mailing all of your friends and relatives and asking for them to go out and vote for her. After all, she does not have ACORN support like the machine does.
Anonymous said...
Sgt. School from 009 told everone not to march. Among other things he said, "you don't want a 'brick' on you." Thanks to everone from 009 who did not listen to him. (He's got a year and a half as a Sgt and is already the school Sgt.)
Meanwhile, due to manpower, a Sgt in his 50's gets dumped to Midnights this period. Shame on you and do not give us advice. Don't want it from you. Most of us have more time on the job than you.
Enjoy Eugene Roy! He's the only friend you have left.
4/03/2009 04:17:00 PM
You mean the arrogant fuck Sgt. V who knows everything? The one who cried and cried until he got onto 2nd watch. And when bid time came around he cried and cried again when he was dumped to midnights. Magically he ended up on 2nd watch again. All with less than 2 yrs as a Sgt. and less than 15 years on the job. Not to bring negativity during a time of unity and an outstanding show-up at the protest, but guys like him are what's wrong with this job. Stay away from him and stick together with the blue shirts!!!!! Fuck you Sgt. V !!! Go to midnites like the rest of the Sgts had to until they have enough time to bid to another watch!!!!!
4/03/2009 04:54:00 PM
Sgt. V apparently wants to align himself with the much respected Eugene Roy.....bad move attaching yourself like a barnacle to a sinking ship! I just hope when the CPD day of reckoning happens (and it will) Eugene, his lacky Eric W, Sgt V, Sgt. Moof, secretary Gargelberger, Geno and the rest of his daytime incident crew all get what they deserve.
P.S. Sgt. Cogs, Unabomber Sgt K & Captain J just remember you are all better people than him and this will pass. Let's all get smashed when Eugene finally gets trashed!
Thursday was a fabulous thing!!! I was pleasantly surprised that so many actually showed up!! I was just disappointed that they rallied everyone into Daley plaza EARLY and then everyone started leaving by 12:30. Wasn't it scheduled until 1pm? Why didn't you keep walking around city hall....or over to ABC studios? I was also disappointed that people just left their signs laying around or tossed them in the garbage...these could have been used again!!! When and where is the next gathering..hopefully soon!
Daley used to march in the lead of the South Side Irish Parade, which has always been on a Sunday. The last one he marched in was the one he was pelted with a number of flying objects, and thousands of cries of "Thanks a lot Richie" all along the parade route.
This was the Parade immediately after the mayoral election in which Daley had acted as "spoiler" splitting the white vote, and Jane Byrne (19.5% raise in two years to C.P.D.) was defeated by Harold Washington
The following day, States Attorney Daley made the announcement that Sundays were now going to be used as "Family Day"
Just a bit of history from an old timer.
"Daley did an outdoor rollcall at 69 Ashland today in Englewood. The Mayor stated that he was all for our contract and raise, but the FOP and not HE pulled the offer off of the table."
REALLY? IS this true? Is the MAYOR getting desperate now?
Has anyone else ever seen the Mayor appear at a roll call in their station? It's fucking NEWS to me!
Word is, that Weis will be gone shortly. I got this from someone at the Hall. This City Hall mouse told me that Ritchie is just sick about what he sees now is a huge mistake on his part for pushing Weis through the City council, and wants to bounce this pathetic excuse for a Supt. as soon as possible. I think even Mayor Melon Head sees now that things are terrible in the CPD, much worse than even Mumbles could have ever imagined. Also heard that Masters is worried as hell about that Log# obtained by former Chief Skahill for Masters' New Year's Eve night of 'Wilding' with Rambo Ray Hamilton and the tall tart Bartuch. No way should this OTHER shortshanks have been allowed on the street with a gun!
One would assume that Hamilton and Bartuch would wind up being accused as well; how the hell could two sworn officers allow an ARMED CIVILIAN to ride with them on the street and play police?
What were they thinking? Sweeping all of these strokes out the door at 3510 can't come fast enough.
"Daley did an outdoor roll call at 69 & Ashland today in Englewood."
--4/03/2009 12:15:00 PM
Next thing you know he'll be moving into the projects for a while.
I worked with Cooter in the 80's. Other than a little gray, he looks the same.
Thats great but too bad Cooter wasnt on the job in the 80's. Nice try though!
Awsome! I saw so many people I have not seen in years. We can't let this die down. FOP when do we march again? Also, let's not forget to show up at the next Pension Board Meeting. They have some explaining to do!
I was so proud to be part of the march at City Hall and of the turnout but still disgusted at some of my fellow officers who were too tired, did not feel like going or did not want to take the day off...
So that's where my piss jug went.....
There were a few interesting showups, Chasen, Mette and Tom Sherry. I am glad these guys showed up. Excellent turnout as I hoped.
By the way SCC I believe someone should call the FOP and ask them to mail out ballots with 2 questions.
1. A vote of confidence or no confidence on Weis.
2. A vote of why morale is low, is it due to Weis or not?
The reason for this is because that idiot said if he was the reason morale is low he would leave on his own and no one would have to ask him. Now I know the percentages would slam Weis and then he would have to make good on his word or at least we could only hope. If we do it officially there is no more back pedalling, he would have the numbers in front of him. Hey FOP mail those ballots out already.
We need to keep up what we are doing (which should be no activity)it is starting to get to the upper echelon as well as King Dickie. we need to hurt them in the pockets, no tickets period.
Hey Weis do us and yourself a favor take your money and run. You are incompetent and you are a backstabbing snake.
We should never forget what you did to Cozzi and Guy.
People do things out of frustration that, hopefully, they regret later on.”
4/03/2009 04:40:00 PM
Oh yeah, it's killing me inside right now.....
First Blago now?
Hey J-fed, I was taught and then taught my recruits that you respect the rank, you DO NOT have to respect the person, so saying DALEY SUCKS is disrespecting the person and not his rank. Noone was saying mayor daley sucks, aside from the fact that it is true. Same as saying J-fed sucks, instead of Supt. J-fed sucks. Do you get it yet?
OT --
Fascinating Olympic connections
On Thursday, April 2, during Channel 9's reporting of the IOC's visit to Chicago, a large blow-up of "Michigan Avenue Magazine," featuring Mayor Daley taking up the whole cover, was displayed on an easel at the reception for the IOC.
Tonight, Friday, April 3, Channel 9's Judy Garcia did another story about the IOC's reception in the lounge atop the John Hancock. One of the Olympic boosters Garcia "interviewed" as part of this story was identified as "Suzanna Negovan of Michigan Avenue Magazine."
She is the wife of Canadian Tom Negovan, WGN-TV anchor!
Look! Look at this! It's Mayor Daley -- larger than life!
Isn't this a cozy, close-knit little group, with their special passes hanging around their special necks, sipping their special cocktails and looking out at the special lights that were put there just for them...
"Get your ticket to that wheel in space
While there's time
The fix is in
You'll be a witness to that game of chance in the sky
You know we've got to win
Here at home we'll play in the city
Powered by the sun
Perfect weather for a streamlined world
There'll be spandex jackets one for everyone
"What a beautiful world this will be..."
--Steely Dan, IGY
Just Get the Arbitrator and get our contract RESOLVED. Enough is enough.....
It would be very interesting if the good alderman tried to revoke part of the collective bargaining agreement. There would be an unfair labor practice filed in about a second. If push comes to shove on raises and benefits the City will be required to open up the books to prove they can't afford the raises and benefits. Bottom line is that they will... Read More not want to do that. And this is NOT burried treasure. These items have been sitting in the budget for years. Geez, the alderman finally looked at the budget? Just wait until the union gets to dig for burried treasure in the city coffers. THAT will be fun.
retired fto from 015 pat "the cat" arens passed away today. RIP pat. lot of years of service in 015. God bless.
Re: 009 B.S.
Live by the sword and die by the sword. Sgt. School is an arrogant prick for sure but a certain Sgt. wouldn't even have been on days if it wasn't for management. Most of the Sgts. from 009 who have retired have been from midnights and over 50 years old, so much for that B.S. This job is not for an old timer any more the rookie Sgts. have cried and cried about how the districts suck, but how would they know when they haven't spent any time in the districts. Then of course why didn't Sgt. Blondie go to days too? Riddle me this?
When you are a sgt. and you have no one on your log what do you do?
a. Stay in the station and B.S. with the W.C.
b. Work a car and help out the watch.
c. Hide in the Tac office and leave early.
(hint) For you meritorious people. Wrong answer is B.
Correct answer. A, depending on who the W.C. is.
Correct answer. C, why would it make any difference if you had no one on your log you still leave early and hide in the office.
cooter enjoys fried chicken over at ms. peachez pad every weekend.
I would like to say the p.o. that was running the buses at Habetler Bowing Ally did a nice job. He was the last one to get on the busses when we headed downtown. He was also the last person on the buses when we returned. Nice job Officer.
ATTN: small business owners....your mayor was on ch 32 at 9pm from one of those exclusive dining places over looking this city. he was asked about the OIC visiting other places to tatse some of this city's most common popular dining palces while they were here (background showed our great beef sandwich places and our common people hot dog, hamburgers location. when asked by reporter if he was going to take them to visit any of them he states "they have a tight agenda"???? you support him & his taxes and he won't even acknowledge you. keep him in office and continue to pay his high taxes!!! going to keep OIC only in the better locations???
I worked with Cooter in the 80's. Other than a little gray, he looks the same. That's his woman. They live together on lower wacker.
4/03/2009 02:17:00 PM
Cooter came on the job in the 90's
Is there any truth 2 th rumor that the paintball offender who tagged the Olympics sign is the child of a clouted up CPD member who was so gracious to the officers for giving their child a break???
“When you do something like that, it makes you look rather foolish. There’s no reason to say that. ... Adults don’t usually use that type of terminology,” he said.
“He’s the mayor of a city. Whether you like him or not, I don’t think you should say anything like that. Not everybody has to be a fan of the mayor. But, we can respect his position. That is disrespectful. People do things out of frustration that, hopefully, they regret later on.”
4/03/2009 04:40:00 PM
".......... and he gave me $300,000 a year for 3 years! That's like $25,000 a month! OMG! Daley rocks. $25,000 a month! Think of how much cat food and power bars you can buy with $25,000 a month. Thanks Daley!!!!!" must be one silver tongued devil!
cooter should of had his daley decal for his sign.
Who's the white guy sitting next to Walter Jacobson?
was mette there? I certainly hope so after all the support from the rank and file he got... Anyone confirm if he returned the support???
4/03/2009 04:50:00 PM
He has pseudo celeb status... Great point we could have used his face and newfound connections to help our cause... lord knows we all helped his cause... I hope he did the right thing and makes this point moot...
yes mette was there.
but really go F^^^ yourself 4/03/2009 04:50:00 PM
(OT) Just got home, driving on cicero at 53rd st,glace over and see 2 squads with idiots out on the hood thought great! Drive down archer near mobile,and 2 more squads lights on idiots in an old red blazer on hood! HEY GUYS NO CLUE WHO YOU ARE BUT A BIG THANK YOU FOR PROTECTING THE AREA THAT PAYS THE TAXES, GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!!
lil' george said...
Daley did an outdoor rollcall at 69 Ashland today in Englewood. The Mayor stated that he was all for our contract and raise, but the FOP and not HE pulled the offer off of the table.
2 Points: a)didn't mayor daley just call us greedy?
b)he's on camera saying how he has an obligation to the taxpayers in these rough times to watch how thw money is spent during these tough times
The man is a coward. Why not say this while the media was around and thousands of us were marching? Say it in front of a couple uniformed officers, who if they say anything, are easily identified by nametag or beatcar? Just thought the people out there would be interested
4/03/2009 12:15:00 PM
daley little man is running scared what a pos! How about daley and weis resign in disgrace NOW!!
4/03/2009 04:50:00 PM
Im certain Mike was there... right? After all the support going out, I can assure you he was there! If anyone can dispute that, I would be surprised
Apparently I should have called a head. But for those of you I did not get a chance to walk in front of or next to on Thursday, I apologize. But yes I was there. I was there to support my bretheren. I could not be happier with the show of support from the rest of our people who came out to show the city how we as police officers can and will stick together.
official on Monday... Marine unit test cancelled! To b announced early next week via pax 501... sorry all you clout babies... new test TBA at a later date...
Signed--35th st insider
hey..insider that's old news. All tests were cancelled last week during The mayors tirade
How about backing up Mike Shields at the next Pension Board meeting? I hear he is always a lone voice...
He invited me and I will be attending. Why stop now? We have become a force to be reckoned with.
let's do it. I'm in.
let's get our pension under control, let's use some of our new found power.
4/3 at 4:50, 5:53 and 11:25 PM
If any of you bitches actually participated in the City Hall picketing, you would know the whereabouts of Mike Mette and other unnamed members of the Mobile Strike Force.
He looked great. After I gave him a bear hug, he coldcocked me. Satisfied?
If ANYONE has a problem with Michael (or any other member of the CPD) exercising his protected First Amendment rights and attempts to intimidate, retaliate or generally fuck over officers through disparate treatment, pretextual discipline, dual motive, et al., please advise:
Based on my own personal experience, the City of Chicago beast understands only one response: FEDERAL LITIGATION.
While I'm not an attorney, I could write up a Section 1983 complaint in a few hours. It's fun!
"Daley did an outdoor roll call at 69 & Ashland today in Englewood."
--4/03/2009 12:15:00 PM
Next thing you know he'll be moving into the projects for a while.
H doesn't have the 'nads to do that. Jane Byrne was more of a man than this mush.
that is cooter
".......... and he gave me $300,000 a year for 3 years! That's like $25,000 a month! OMG! Daley rocks. $25,000 a month! Think of how much cat food and power bars you can buy with $25,000 a month. Thanks Daley!!!!!"
4/03/2009 10:43:00 PM
You forgot the amount of steroids he could buy!!
"The Tall Tart." LMAO!
"I was so proud to be part of the march at City Hall and of the turnout but still disgusted at some of my fellow officers who were too tired, did not feel like going or did not want to take the day off...
4/03/2009 08:46:00 PM"
Don't see this as a once in a lifetime opportunity, because it's not.
Informational picketing is never a 'one shot - one kill' experience.
Informational picketing is more akin to 'water boarding'.
Everyone will get the chance to pour the water.
"Next thing you know he'll be moving into the projects for a while.
4/03/2009 08:21:00 PM"
There aren't enough midget sized adult diapers for that to happen.
Just had a brain fart:
What if:
1) there a far too many pols, state and federal, of both parties, who:
a) fear what short biggy could say, were he to be indicted and
b) would like to rid themselves of his ever increasing, senile dementia induced, insanity?
Thus, is it possible that:
2) Weis's function has been to specifically stimulate, and encourage the growth of, the already existing justifiable resentments and outrages felt by the rank and file, with the hope that said rank and file will:
a) be inspired to, finally, say, by their words and deeds, or lack thereof, 'enough is enough, this short biggy shit has got to end',
which, then, hopefully, leads to
b) the citizens, finally, being no longer able to ignore the long history of short biggy bullshit, and
c) being encouraged, by the words and deeds of the rank and file, finally realize that
d) short biggy can be voted/booted out of office, along with a substantial number of his city council puppets, in 2011.
For the many state and federal pols who fear what the shankster would do, were he to be blagoized, the failure of short dick to be reelected would be the least perilous means to rid themselves of his feral influences.
And the only way the mumbler can not be reelected is for two things to happen:
a) Citizens are, in large numbers, inspired with confidence that he, the wet farted one, can be defeated in the next Democratic mayoral primary, because
b) there is a candidate in that contest who is acceptable enough to all the various citizen interests to successfully get on the ballot and who, when compared to the stinkster, is, at the very least, considered to be both competent and honest, to those citizens seeking a competent and honest mayor, and the 'lessor of two evils', to those citizens seeking someone not completely honest as their mayor.
Shortshanks hasn't managed to remain in power because he lacks the skills to govern honestly, but precisely because he has the skills to govern dishonestly, and to do so in ways that provide just enough dishonestly gained benefits to just enough of the many citizens to whom dishonestly gained benefits are their bread and butter.
Whether we like it or not, democracy, as a system of government, serves both the honest citizen's interests and the dishonest citizen's interests.
Because both the honest citizen and the dishonest citizen can vote.
It's just a question of whether or not there are, in any given election, more honest citizens voting for honest candidates than there are dishonest citizens voting for dishonest incumbents.
Blue Party Ticket.
I was at Mike Mette's Fund raiser. What a nice guy. I saw him at St Baldricks. What a nice guy. He is humble and never acted like a celebrity or anything other than a regular coppers cop.
Why send crap like this on the board about him. Mike is a stand up guy as far as I am concerned. Could you of made it through his nightmare. I couldnt of.
"nonymous said...
well, we know who jfed has taken up sides with... read his comments about the protest...
Police Supt. Jody Weis, a secondary target of the protesters’ anger, chided his officers for disrespecting the mayor.
“When you do something like that, it makes you look rather foolish. There’s no reason to say that. ... Adults don’t usually use that type of terminology,” he said.
“He’s the mayor of a city. Whether you like him or not, I don’t think you should say anything like that. Not everybody has to be a fan of the mayor. But, we can respect his position. That is disrespectful. People do things out of frustration that, hopefully, they regret later on.”
4/03/2009 04:40:00 PM"
RESPECT is never "deserved" ! You earn peoples respect !!! Weis & shortshanks haven't "earned" anything but UTTER CONTEMPT !!!
If daley lives to be an old man, he'll always remember Jody as "The Million Dollar Blowjob"
Anonymous said...
was mette there? I certainly hope so after all the support from the rank and file he got... Anyone confirm if he returned the support???
4/03/2009 04:50:00 PM
nope another MSF no show... what did you expect?
4/03/2009 05:53:00 PM
apparently you don't know what mette looks like because he walked right past me in the march, get a life you dumb ass MSF reject
Had a interaction with Jay Levine at the march. he asked for a comment
I asked where Chuck Gowdie was.
He said he didn't work for ABC
I said he was part of the media.
He asked if I support crooked cops, and stated he was here to cover our march.
I rolled my eyes and kept marching.
As I thought about I thought maybe I was out of line, but as I watched the "coverage" of hundreds of Cops I felt a lot better.
I hope we get the chance to continue our exchange of views Jay.
Anonymous said...
was mette there? I certainly hope so after all the support from the rank and file he got... Anyone confirm if he returned the support???
4/03/2009 04:50:00 PM
He has pseudo celeb status... Great point we could have used his face and newfound connections to help our cause... lord knows we all helped his cause... I hope he did the right thing and makes this point moot...
4/03/2009 11:25:00 PM
Celeb status? What a complete asshole. Try walking in his shoes. Convicted of a crime he did not commit and spent almost a year in prison. Horrible medical care from a botch operation. That is considered celeb? WOW! I really wish I knew who you were. He was there. You are a total embarassment to this department. What a complete asshole!
He asked if I support crooked cops, and stated he was here to cover our march.
hey... at least Levine admits Goudie is crooked!!!
Now j fed has a investigation on cooter for being at protest with that sign.also he puts it on his truck.jfed is pissed .he called the 1st dist for his name and record.keep safe cooter
what MORON keeps referring to the International Olympic Committee as the OIC??? IT IS I.O.C. YOU DYSLEXIC CLOWN! I.O.C. stop making us look like a bunch of uneducated douche bags!
8:35 AM
WEIS = Daley's "Million Dollar Blowjob"
Please. My keyboard and I beg you. Not while I'm drinking my morning coffee.
Ten points on the next "promotional" and free beers.
Oh, by the way. While unregistered, the sarcastic and eloquent 1:27 AM post is by none other than the REAL (off-duty) Michael METTE.
Cooter you so crazy!
Dat my girl Joe!!!
153(years ago)
To 4/03/2009 05:53:00 PM
Karma is a bitch
"Could you of made it through his nightmare. I couldnt of.
4/04/2009 08:20:00 AM"
Yes, you could have.
You never know just how strong you are, until you're tested.
If you are a cop, you have been tested before, you will be tested again and you will find that you are strong enough.
Also heard that Masters is worried as hell about that Log# obtained by former Chief Skahill for Masters' New Year's Eve night of 'Wilding' with Rambo Ray Hamilton and the tall tart Bartuch. No way should this OTHER shortshanks have been allowed on the street with a gun!
One would assume that Hamilton and Bartuch would wind up being accused as well; how the hell could two sworn officers allow an ARMED CIVILIAN to ride with them on the street and play police?
What were they thinking? Sweeping all of these strokes out the door at 3510 can't come fast enough.
4/03/2009 08:09:00 PM
This is one of the reasons Skahill isnt the Chief of IAD anymore. They want to dictate how the investigation goes, and she was not having that, so they promptly removed her.
Cooter, where u at?
Hey Cooter, Once that asthma kicks in, u got 'em!
Anyone who has Alderman Preckwinkle as their rep. remember her. While we were out there, she entered City Hall and was laughing. I wish I had said something but like our Capt. said, they want you to do something stupid. Lets remember her at election time too.
4/03/2009 05:07:00 PM
Is she the one who looks like a man?
There was a helicopter over us most of the time. What happened to all the aerial shots? They can't claim that there were only a few hundred with an aerial shot that shows thousands!!!
4/03/2009 05:11:00 PM
Channel 7 had their copter up and it showed a GREAT aerial shot around 1130hrs, right at the time they went into their 'headline' reiteration (I guess for people who don't turn the eleven a.m. news on until 11:30 - duh).
The shot was amazing, showing two sides of City Hall, with WALL to CURB police, almost unable to move forward, because there were so many people there. I was waiting for more, but that was the only aerial shot and, since I taped it, I know there were no others after that.
They probably left once they realized there wasn't going to be an 'incident'. If it doesn't bleed, it doesn't lead. News-cretins.
And poor Linda Yu. She had reported half an hour earlier that there were more than a thousand police out there at 11:00. She looked pained and irritated when she had to say 'hundreds' after 11:30. It was SO obvious she was disgusted with the new, revised version of the numbers.
Is that Shane with Cooter?
"what MORON keeps referring to the International Olympic Committee as the OIC??? IT IS I.O.C. YOU DYSLEXIC CLOWN! I.O.C. stop making us look like a bunch of uneducated douche bags!
4/04/2009 11:04:00 AM"
Will you stop making yourself look like an over educated, under dicked, nit picking, puckered ass asshole?
Anonymous said...
Anyone who has Alderman Preckwinkle as their rep. remember her. While we were out there, she entered City Hall and was laughing. I wish I had said something but like our Capt. said, they want you to do something stupid. Lets remember her at election time too.
4/03/2009 05:07:00 PM
Is she the one who looks like a man?
4/04/2009 03:48:00 PM
Oh that one,who cannot even keep the garbage cans empty by obamas house? Her ward is a pigpen, just a reflection of bad management!
"Had a interaction with Jay Levine at the march. he asked for a comment
I asked where Chuck Gowdie was.
He said he didn't work for ABC
I said he was part of the media.
He asked if I support crooked cops, and stated he was here to cover our march.
I rolled my eyes and kept marching.
As I thought about I thought maybe I was out of line, but as I watched the "coverage" of hundreds of Cops I felt a lot better.
I hope we get the chance to continue our exchange of views Jay."
You should have asked if Jay Levine supported wife beating drunken journalists? Neil Steinberg
or....Drunk Driving Newscasters? Walter Jacobsen
or....bikini clad wearing newscaster swimming with husband of missing Lisa Stebic? Amy Jacobson
or....Substance Abusing Newscasters? Hosea Sanders
or....Convicted Felon for Indecent Solicitation of a Minor? Robert Goldman
F Jay Levine. I'm sure he doesn't have the balls to answer those questions. Maybe his wife does....
For Dog's sake leave him alone!
Anonymous said...
was mette there? I certainly hope so after all the support from the rank and file he got... Anyone confirm if he returned the support???
4/03/2009 04:50:00 PM
I'm speechless... Yes, he was there... he even took some pics for me from a good vantage point...
Also... were YOU on the bus to support his appeal?
Were YOU at his fundraiser? White Eagle, end of Aug 2007?
Way to call someone you don't even know out... someone who got dealt a shitty hand and came out with a positive outlook...
I feel so sorry for you throwing others under a bus when you prob didn't even go yourself.
It's pathetic; someone trying to talk badly about someone who SPENT A YEAR IN PRISON AND WAS THEN EXONERATED when I would bet my next ten checks you weren't on the bus, at any fundraiser (there were several), or contributed in any way, but are condemning people who weren't.
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