Sunday, May 31, 2009

Another Tax Increase

  • The state Senate voted Saturday to raise Illinois taxes by more than $5 billion as Democrats groped for ways of generating money to reduce a massive budget deficit and avert deep cuts to government services.

    "If we don't do this, who you gonna cut? The disabled? Senior citizens?" said Sen. Rickey Hendon, D-Chicago. "Who you gonna cut? Who's going to suffer? How much pain should the people of Illinois go through?"

How about our readers tell Hendon where he can make some cuts?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hendon is the one spouting off during the Blago impeachment hearings about how he was going to introduce legislation for sweeping reforms in Illinois government. Where's it at, Rickie ? ? ? ? ?

5/31/2009 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the billions of bailout money Obama is sending home???

No, we did not forget about that!

5/31/2009 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sen. Rickey Hendon, D-Chicago. "Who you gonna cut? Who's going to suffer? How much pain should the people of Illinois go through?"


Sen. Hendon, you are as intelligent as a pine knot. When-O-when are people in this country and especially in this state, going to wake up and stop putting morons in office. It should be a requirement that each person elected to office prove they can live within a budget and know how one even functions. Then maybe they wouldn't keep taxing the shit out of everyone when they keep spending more than they take in (That Mr. Hendon, is called a deficit, can you say deficit, I knew you could). So you POS, why don't you fuckers start by freezing your pay and pensions. Next, no new projects for at least 12 months. Thousands of companies across the country are doing it. A hiring freeze. Eliminate all contractors. All state employees will use their own vehicles and be reimbursed only if it is official State business, NO COMPANY CARS! Jez, you stupid butt nugget, I can easily think of a lot of things. But I am going to be the one to suffer, because I work, and now, instead of saving a little more for retirement, because I don't have a pension (yes Mr. Hendon, not everyone is a municipal employee with a pension) I'm going to have to donate to you cock sucking, motherfucking pricks. And that's on top of what Barry just stuck up our asses. Time to head to Wisconsin. Fuck this state! I wish all you fucking politicians nothing but ill will. Now when the CPD gets a new contract, it will be for not, because their pay increase will be going towards that new state income tax increase.

5/31/2009 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about cutting the entire link card system and make the useless animals get a fucking job.

5/31/2009 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all the idiots who keep voting Democratic...keep voting for these idiots who spend, spend spend, mis-manage, and steal.

5/31/2009 02:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cut the checks that they give out in the getto for baby sitting ones own kids, or younger siblings.

5/31/2009 03:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait till you hear about the federal VAT tax.

Cap and trade...

Its just the beginning .....

5/31/2009 05:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same problem California has. Give it away with more unfunded entitlements. Stop! Time for true regime change. The more they tax the more they're gonna get used to giving away. Republicans, where are you?

5/31/2009 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Per Michael Madigan "Illinois ain't ready for reform"!

Even Hyde Park liberals like Barbara Flynn Currie and Kwame Raoul agree with him.

5/31/2009 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about if all those compassionate legislators cut their own salary 25% FIRST.

How about if we redistrict the state and cut the number of legislators by one third. How about if we eliminate the generous pensions and put all state elected officials on 401k's, like they want for all of us.

Finally, how about if we just start lining them up against a wall and shoot the crooked cock suckers. We keep shooting them until they get the idea and remember that THEY work for US.

5/31/2009 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Expecting DemocRAT politicians to not raise your taxes is like expecting a fox to not have lunch while guarding a chicken coop...

5/31/2009 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did they ever think of cutting their own salaries? Both the aldercreatures and the people down in Springfield could cut back a little bit. What if each of them cut back on their salaries 5%? Every little bit helps.

5/31/2009 07:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any proctologists out there who want to chime in here?

5/31/2009 07:33:00 AM  
Blogger Creatively Armed said...

how about they cut welfare and pensions for piece of shit politicians that make more in retired pay than some people make in their daily normal pay. Thank God I'm not a resident.

5/31/2009 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can run my business out of a PO Box. Indiana, here I come!

5/31/2009 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

henden wants every gun owener to have to get 1 mil in liability insurance,WHAT A JAG BAG!

5/31/2009 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep voting democRAT assholes.

5/31/2009 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rickey,
How about we cut that useless, ineffective, gangbanging Ceasefire!

5/31/2009 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

State legislature is the same as Shitcago.

They passed a law that says EACH AND EVERY YEAR they get a cost of living raise of 6%!

They have to vote against it inorder to NOT get it!

Thieving Pricks.

5/31/2009 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey SCC how about a post on how the elected offenders can cut the amount of tax money being spent?

1. no more busing of the "school children". it doesn't work, just moves them and the teachers around the city and suburbs. let them stay in their own neighborhoods and "learn".

oh sorry, that would f&ck up the standardized testing scores at each school and also cut down on interracial relations that is so necessary to a quality education

really it would just save millions of dollars

oh well

5/31/2009 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know exactly where you should cut, you libtard democRATS politicians.

They have people fooled into thinking that the state pension is for those who actually work. WRONG. It's to take care of their sorry asses for having been elected for even just ONE TERM.

5/31/2009 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Auto workers had to agree to cut their salaries and freeze them for six years. You think you might get the politicians, who always say they're there to help those workers, to do the same?

I guess not. DemocRATS only know how to talk a good game about helping the workers who are dumb enough to elect them so they can steal and enrich themselves on our backs.

5/31/2009 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let the Peoples Razor speak.

5/31/2009 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about link, wic and any other of those free government cheese handouts to start? As usual in this city/county/state, stick it in the ass of the taxpayer to pamper the scumbags.

5/31/2009 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the problem is....too many people on the freebie wagon and not enough people pulling it.

5/31/2009 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If we don't do this, who you gonna cut? The disabled? Senior citizens?" said Sen. Rickey Hendon, D-Chicago. "Who you gonna cut? Who's going to suffer? How much pain should the people of Illinois go through?"

Yes, cut everyone! We are supposed to treat everyone the same so when times are bad why do certain groups not have to also feel the pain. Cut Government programs, Cut Politicians salaries. Cut you own budget Rickey!

5/31/2009 10:39:00 AM  
Blogger Mad Jack said...

Cut the salaries of all elected officials. Cut the benefits of all elected officials by 75%, including pension benefits. Make these cuts retroactive.

Define the responsibilities of the local government, thus pissing off everyone equally. Remove everything and everyone that isn't directly supporting the responsibilities of the government.

Support the people actually doing the work at the cost of those whose 'job' it is to manage the people actually doing the work. I can hire a new manager anytime, but finding a good worker is tough.

Don't come to Wisconsin. You'll be disappointed.

5/31/2009 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you reassign some of those "shade-makers" I always see standing around a hole in the street while one or two guys are doing all the work. They could go to these homes and business's that haven't paid a water bill in years and cut the water at the street until they pay up.

5/31/2009 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

or...let the city go ahead and fill swimming pools. For a hefty fee.

5/31/2009 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous An inconvenient truth said...

Everyone on the public payroll should be forced to take a 5% pay cut. Like 7:29 a.m. said, every little bit helps.

5/31/2009 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How about cutting the entire link card system and make the useless animals get a fucking job."

Absolutely right. The first thing to cut is handouts to people who refuse to work.

5/31/2009 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hendon same idiot that had a habit of robbing banks and was convicted.

5/31/2009 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Did they ever think of cutting their own salaries? Both the aldercreatures and the people down in Springfield could cut back a little bit. What if each of them cut back on their salaries 5%? Every little bit helps.

5/31/2009 07:29:00 AM

Why not cut all of them in 1/2, we have way to many idiots over us in charge of spending "our" money! Will any of this money shore up "our" pension fund? How about we take fatass hauser and the rest along with moron vaneko and string them up,high noon daley (criminalinc) plaza?

5/31/2009 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ricky is my state whatever and his campaign literature is absolutely hilarious. I think it was proofread by a freshman English class at Westinghouse.

As for what they should cut, how about one of the Houses from the General Assembly. We should switch to a Unicameral state legislature like they have in Nebraska. I think that could save some money in salaries and wasteful spending.

5/31/2009 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats, make cuts, what a joke. Lucky if they can cut their own steak (or prime rib on our dime).

5/31/2009 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if you are aware of this or really want to post it, but are you aware that Mike Masters requests a number be generated everytime his name is mentioned on this blog? These numbers are being investigated by a Sgt in IAD confidential who is none too happy about being given the cases. This Sgt has pulled court cases that show nothing can be done yet Masters still demands the numbers.

5/31/2009 04:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get your PO Box in Nevada. I did. You can do it right on-line.

5/31/2009 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Can't Take It Anymore said...

If you reside in Chicago, Cook Co., IL, you have the distinction of having:

(1) the highest tax rate in the United States, and

(2) the most corrupt politicians, bar none, and

(3) no significant reform legislation pending in the city, county and state.

When will the electorate demand?:

(1) a recall referendum initiative

(2) term limits

(3) campaign contribution reforms, and

(4) transparent public access to all govt. transactions and documents.

5/31/2009 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/31/2009 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make taking a random drug test a prerequisite to obtaining any type of public assistance.

I'll support a tax increase if that is in the legislation.

But, of course, it discriminates.

5/31/2009 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about cutting the entire link card system and make the useless animals get a fucking job.


Nice thought but who would hire em? Not me!

5/31/2009 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/31/2009 01:25:00 AM

becuz dat be racist Joe.

5/31/2009 07:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



No school, no medical care, no food stamps, no nothing. Police to initiate deportation on contact.

No more baby-chain-immigration, rushing across the line to drop a kid as an anchor to pull in the rest of the 57-member extended family for unlimited benefits.

Better that they should feel like an outcast in my country than I should feel like an outcast in my country.

Charity begins at home.

5/31/2009 08:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We serve true enemies of the Constitution. We violate our oath everyday.

5/31/2009 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you stupid fucks thought Blago was bad-and he was- Quinn and Madigan are 1000 times worse. Wait til Lisa becomes queen.

5/31/2009 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""or...let the city go ahead and fill swimming pools. For a hefty fee.
5/31/2009 10:58:00 AM""

This is a great idea! Say pay the fire dept $500 to come out and fill your pool. Then we'll charge you per 100 gallons, just like your 'metered' water bill. But first, you will have to buy a 'pool tax' sticker for $250 signifying you have a 1 million dollar liability policy in case anyone drowns. If no sticker is on the pool, it better not be filled, otherwise a $250 ANOV will be issued to the owner of record. Enforcement will be handled by the xx07'P' car in all districts. Of course, there will be waivers in certain districts.. For instance if the cost would be a hardship for the homeowner, hydrant keys will be provided at no charge.

5/31/2009 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When us lowly citizens make money, it goes into a bank (or a safe) and we have to budget it - the bills need to get paid, food needs to be bought, and anything else needs to be tended to. When a job is lost or money somehow is not coming in as much as we'd like, we manage better. We make cuts, and live with less..and yet? We survive. We still work - somewhere.

And then these motherfucks have the nerve to tell us we need to pay more. How about this: we trust you shitsticks with OUR money to provide the NECESSARY services to our society. This doesn't include handouts to the lazy, patronage jobs, or pie-in-the-sky ideals like the Olympics. It includes emergency response (police, fire, EMT) service, infrastructure, consumer awareness, and to some degree - education. The government is not a nanny, a charity, a parent, or your healthcare provider. It's not your grief counselor, tuberculosis doctor or your unlimited supply of water or oversight on property taxes.

The answer is to stop spending money like it's limitless. That's OUR money you're wasting, and we're getting pissed off. Because Hellinois is full of know-nothing retards to a degree, there's a lot for conservative voters to contend with. Remember those minorities that get so many social services? Well they are on their way to a majority - voting won't matter then.

No ladies and gents, pretty soon it'll be timed for an armed revolution. One can only hope that when the bullets start to fly, the government gets the point and stops fucking around because if they don't, so much will hang in the balance. I know violence isn't the best answer, but it's looking more and more like it's going to be the only answer when the government stops looking and listening to those who are paying the bills (and their salaries).

5/31/2009 09:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok "everyone"!

Now hear my comment on TERM-LIMIT's for every elected official in the City, County, State, and yes, the Federal positions as well.

The voters of this State & City should vote to limit the Term on everyone running for office to two four year terms just the way they do the President of these United States.

Further, that when an Elected-Official become's the subject of a Federal Grand Jury and later Indicted, the voters should have the right to do a re-call, not the State-Rep's & Senate while making up their own set of rule's.

This will apply both to Democrats & Republicans, regardless of what party they come from or claim to be.

Also everyone should go to their polling place on election day and vote out the Elected Officials who are the subject of any criminal or civil investigation that later determine's that the Public-Trust has been violated.

When are we going to say, "enough is enough!" and take a stand to vote these people out of office. Remember they are there because we voted them in and can vote them out. WE ARE THE PEOPLE of this great Nation/Country and therefor have the power to put and remove whom ever violate's our trust!!

Let's now send a strong message to our elected officials and let them know that we are not going to take this anymore.

WE THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, AND BY THE PEOPLE, will now take our place and make the changes that will benefit our children, our grand children, and our families. Now is the time to set things straight and clean up this mess.

Remember, It is our responsibility to everyone concerned including our families.

So please hear my concerns and let's do this once and for all.

Yours Truly, RS

5/31/2009 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Masters, Mike Masters, Mike Masters, Mike Masters, Mike Masters, Mike Masters, Mike Masters, Mike Masters, Mike Masters, Mike Masters, Mike Masters, Mike Masters, Mike Masters, Mike Masters, Mike Masters, Mike Masters makes muck out of municipal matters monthly, say that fast five times, Mike Masters, Mike Masters, Mike Masters

5/31/2009 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May I suggest that every tax paying citizen who is tired of being taxed to death start a boycott. What boycott you may ask, how about we boycott every venue this summer at the lake? The Taste, the Blues Fest, Air & Water Show, etc... Shit the Lake Front is not Family friendly anymore. Just to spend a nice day at the lake with your family cost a lot of money. I remember when you fed the meter 3 quarters and you were good for the day and use to love to watch the planes land at Migs Field. Show the little prick we can hurt him back, boycott the lakefront this summer!!!

5/31/2009 11:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a great idea! Say pay the fire dept $500 to come out and fill your pool. Then we'll charge you per 100 gallons, just like your 'metered' water bill. But first, you will have to buy a 'pool tax' sticker for $250 signifying you have a 1 million dollar liability policy in case anyone drowns. If no sticker is on the pool, it better not be filled, otherwise a $250 ANOV will be issued to the owner of record. Enforcement will be handled by the xx07'P' car in all districts. Of course, there will be waivers in certain districts.. For instance if the cost would be a hardship for the homeowner, hydrant keys will be provided at no charge.

5/31/2009 08:58:00 PM

This was hilarious...thanks for the lemonade that nearly came out of my nose.

6/01/2009 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I don't know if you are aware of this or really want to post it, but are you aware that Mike Masters requests a number be generated everytime his name is mentioned on this blog? These numbers are being investigated by a Sgt in IAD confidential who is none too happy about being given the cases. This Sgt has pulled court cases that show nothing can be done yet Masters still demands the numbers.

5/31/2009 04:43:00 PM"

Extensive documentation of evidence of paranoid schizophrenia is not a bad thing.

6/01/2009 03:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Absolutely right. The first thing to cut is handouts to people who refuse to work.

5/31/2009 01:46:00 PM"

You know that you're talking about our elected or appointed government officials, don't you?

6/01/2009 03:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was watching CNN over the week-end, there was a news story about a young 29 year old male black in Tennesee that fathered 21 children with 11 women.

He had this smirk on his face, and seemed quite "proud" of his accomplishments. When asked about it by the interviewer, he replied, "It just happened."

Oh yeah, he works a minimum wage job. His wages are garnished and after being split among all those woman and children, he is disappointed that he only gets to keep 1/2 his earnings. One of his offspring gets a whopping $1.89 in support, others get various amounts.

An attorney familiar with the case said the judge in the case can only sanction and fine this loser, BUT is powerless to prevent this guy from fathering more kids.

What a great Country!

6/01/2009 03:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
May I suggest that every tax paying citizen who is tired of being taxed to death start a boycott. What boycott you may ask, how about we boycott every venue this summer at the lake? The Taste, the Blues Fest, Air & Water Show, etc... Shit the Lake Front is not Family friendly anymore. Just to spend a nice day at the lake with your family cost a lot of money. I remember when you fed the meter 3 quarters and you were good for the day and use to love to watch the planes land at Migs Field. Show the little prick we can hurt him back, boycott the lakefront this summer!!!

5/31/2009 11:49:00 PM

Plus all the animals "wilding" and the taste of crime jul 3rd last year! It is way to expensive let all of daleys illegals inhabit the shitfront!

6/01/2009 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
""or...let the city go ahead and fill swimming pools. For a hefty fee.
5/31/2009 10:58:00 AM""

This is a great idea! Say pay the fire dept $500 to come out and fill your pool. Then we'll charge you per 100 gallons, just like your 'metered' water bill. But first, you will have to buy a 'pool tax' sticker for $250 signifying you have a 1 million dollar liability policy in case anyone drowns. If no sticker is on the pool, it better not be filled, otherwise a $250 ANOV will be issued to the owner of record. Enforcement will be handled by the xx07'P' car in all districts. Of course, there will be waivers in certain districts.. For instance if the cost would be a hardship for the homeowner, hydrant keys will be provided at no charge.

5/31/2009 08:58:00 PM

Unless your dave "pool boy" ochoa then you put your inground pool in,without permits,flood your neighbors yards and your daleys boy! You get moved from avaiation and daley and rosie andolino (D) victor reyes gets you a new 100K plus job!

6/01/2009 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll say it again......every fuckin' time a Democrat gets into office (does matter which one), your taxes go up! But these same morons keep votin' em in!! How fuckin' stupid are they?!! Every time a Democrat gets in, he raises taxes to support their programs. Its much easier to raise the taxes, then lets say......create a tax base with creating a job base. That my friend is much too work for them to do. The Democrats should just shut down the ATM's for all those who have their hands extended for free shit. Have them work for their "Links" card, all of their other freebies. I am getting sick and tired of supporting the same people that do absolutely nothing and get paid!! Go ahead you motherfuckers!!.....raise those fuckin' taxes. Soon there will be a revolution that you will not be able to stop!! Listen to the people!! They ALL are saying the same thing.over and over! If we must live within OUR means, then the state and the country for that matter too!! There is way too much government. Way too much!! Think about it...the 2nd amendment is constantly being challenged, the 4th, 1st and the 5th. The Democrats are starting on the 4th and so on. Why? Because of..they want that control over the people. Don't believe me?........look around and see your taxes keep going up for what?......for someone who doesn't want to work for it. Well, he doesn't have to anymore. Why? The government is paying him. He doesn't even know it, but the government is controlling him. As long as this continues, he's happy. He'll be ok even if some of his rights are taken away. Yeah..a revolution is a coming........

6/02/2009 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya see how much easier it is to raise the fuckin' taxes?!! Instead of creating jobs, raise the taxes. Instead of KEEPING the company in state or in country, raise the taxes. Ya see.....that was easy!! Yeah...keep votin those fuck holes in every so many years. Every time they raise your taxes, they control you some more. Those liberal motherfuckers do that every time they get into office. Doesn't matter which office either. Yeah..keep votin' those motherfuckers in, you dopes. Me? I'm in Montana very soon!!

6/02/2009 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On his wrists.

6/04/2009 01:53:00 PM  

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