Friday, May 01, 2009

Ten Questions from a Reader

Actually, a little more than 10 questions when you look at #10. Edited slightly for space:
  • As a dedicated CPD employee for 27 years, I have a few questions and since I know the Superintendent reads this Blog, maybe he can take a moment to answer the top 10 questions I have read over and over again via SCC for us, the troops, not the media.

    1. What happened with the case involving Mike Masters, your Chief of Staff, when he was questioned for more than 3 hours standing accused of interfering with an investigation?They brought up very valid points and questions didn't they?

    2. What happened to the case where he is listed on the arrest report's narrative as an arresting officer for new years eve in 007? I have a copy and it clearly states Mike Masters Chief of Staff, Sgt. Hamilton etc.

    3. What happened with the investigation into Asst. Supt. Cuello's property (condo in 008) where a search warrant was conducted, her daughter was home and that fact was never documented, assault weapons and major drugs were found? Were all guidelines followed by CPD and was a thorough follow-up investigation conducted by IAD, Problem Buildings, the City's Law Dept? What is the status of the CR#?

    4. What is the status of the investigation of sensitive items being stolen from IAD, the 5th floor, right across from your office?

    5. How is it that you keep creating specialized units and manning them with cars, supervisors and officers when NOT ONE of the high crime districts are at their manpower complement nor are they anywhere near where they should be in relationship to equipment?

    6. You found money to put a GPS in cars with over 70,000 miles, and those same cars happen to run like crap, but no money for equipment? On that same note, why is it that the specialized units and the lower crime districts get equipment first? Why was 2211A created? Last I checked, that is not where the homicides are in 022.

    7. Why are all of the good pilot projects always conducted in 001, 018, 020 and 016?

    8. Why was your Chief of Staff known to illegally carry an unregistered weapon in Chicago, allowed to have specialized training utilizing CPD resources and personnel, allowed to schedule himself for the power test and allowed to practice shooting on a CPD range and he is not a sworn member of this department nor any other police department?

    9. Why was a CR# closed that was obtained by Commander Crump Hales in 003 against an insubordinate Sergeant, whereas your Chief of Detectives witnessed and did nothing? What happened to that CR#? Did D.S. Dugan and Chief Juan Rivera have it Administratively closed?

    10. We would like to know your line of thinking......Why do you keep moving personnel around? Why is it that we have not had a solid year without major Exempt changes? Didn't you pick them in the first place? How can the Exempt do their job when they are constantly second guessed by you and your people, the non police? Who is your policy group and how were they selected? Why don't they do details? How are you leading by example? Don't your drivers all have take home cars, their own parking spaces and make overtime on a regular basis when the districts had to cut back on OT? How did you decide not to pursue Asst. Supt. Cuello, Mike Masters and Chief Byrne, but you saw fit to pursue Cozzi and all the other old cases that you have directed to have re-opened? Do you know your 3rd in Command's history? Does she have any street experience?
All legit questions. All deserving of answers.

Why can't Carol Marin ask questions like these? We guess they can't pass muster with J-Fed's people or the mayor.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/01/2009 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have 27 years on.. you should know better than to ask stupid questions that no body will ever answer.. quit being bitter, we all know it sucks here

5/01/2009 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What investigation did Masters interfere with??????

Chicago Sun-Times

5/01/2009 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who gives a shit about "high crime" districts...?? They should be renamed "low employment" districts or "non tax paying" districts! You get what you pay for and this department needs to see to it tax paying citizens get the police protection they...WE deserve! Should WE be punished and left to fend for ourselves simply because WE act civilized and do not commit crimes on a daily basis??? HELL NO!!! More police in tax paying districts!!!!!

5/01/2009 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although above has some good points he is way of on the 2211a comment. 2211 is a large ass beat and made up of tax paying citizens. Because 022 is a split district with good and bad 2211 is continually being pulled away from its bt to handle crap on the other side of the district. Add to that if they are called east and something goes wrong on 2211 and there is one of those 3 mile trains rolling down the tracks, no car can get over there.

Add to all this when the finally re-align the bts 2211 will become even larger. Also tact and gang teams are told to be on the east end of the district.

5/01/2009 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would also like to see these questions answered. I retired with 30 + years on the job. All this BS would never have been tolerated/allowed to occur.

5/01/2009 05:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a tenured detective and would have no problem asking Jody these questions to his face. Would I ever get the opportunity? KMA Club, let's join forces and request a meeting.

5/01/2009 06:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great questions. Can you provide a venue for the Superintendent to respond?

5/01/2009 06:47:00 PM  
Blogger John Northen said...

"...I know (Weis) reads this (SCC) blog..."In a prior thread on the retirement of John Farrell, I mentioned my early December, 2007 long-distance phone conversation with then SAC J.P. Weis, FBI-Philadelphia.

During this conversation, I also gave Weis the address of this unsanctioned SCC blog site.

Weis knew about Farrell's stellar qualifications for the #2 spot and the SCC blog long before his appointment as superintendent.

5/01/2009 07:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all minor points that jut repeat the same BS

5/01/2009 07:14:00 PM  
Anonymous old six shooter said...

Answer to question number 6; Jody had nothing to do with the GPS. The GPS unit were purchased by OEMC long before J-fed stepped in the center ring of the circus.

The CPD is one of the last city branch of government to have the devices installed into the squad cars. Oh yea, in the event you youngsters didn't know this, the Department of Fleet owns the cars that you drive that say CHICAGO POLICE all over them and OEMC owns the GPS systems.

Oh yea again...all the police stations you run in and out of, well they are owned by Department of General Services. YEP, they are, our landlords.

I think the police department owns a few dozen boxes of paper clips and pencils. Shit, we don't even own the toilet paper in the station. Bummer.

5/01/2009 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2211A was created to fill the 3mile x 3mile beat that 2211 has to handle when 2211 is in the courts or east of Vincennes.....If your point is that 2211's Beat is too large, I Agree, along with residents of Beats in 008, 016.... What's the size of a 10 Sector Beat in 007 4 Blocks x 4 Blocks??? I know, I was there. We get screwed

5/01/2009 08:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you complain about having a bt. 2211a---fuck you, jerkoff!!! bt 2211 is a huge beat. and we, the citizens of bt 2211 apologize for not acting like a bunch of savages that shoot steal and deal dope. so according to you--the non tapaying criminals deserve more police protection/service

5/01/2009 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/01/2009 09:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Add to all this when the finally re-align the bts 2211 will become even larger. Also tact and gang teams are told to be on the east end of the district.

Tact is NOT told to be on the east end of the district, and we lost gang teams to the area in JAN.

022 Tact

5/01/2009 09:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for 2211 and it's problems ...

The answer is simple: a mutual aid agreement with the nearby suburbs. It's done all the time suburb-to-suburb. If Alsip has no cars to send to an in-progress call (or more likely to back-up one of their own cars on an in-progress call), Oak Lawn or Merrionette Park will help them out.

Suggest this at the next beat meeting or budget hearing. Let's get the city's response.

5/01/2009 09:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yea, in the event you youngsters didn't know this, the Department of Fleet owns the cars that you drive that say CHICAGO POLICE all over them and OEMC owns the GPS systems.

Oh yea again...all the police stations you run in and out of, well they are owned by Department of General Services. YEP, they are, our landlords.

I think the police department owns a few dozen boxes of paper clips and pencils. Shit, we don't even own the toilet paper in the station. Bummer.

How is this relevant to the question?

5/01/2009 10:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
you complain about having a bt. 2211a---fuck you, jerkoff!!! bt 2211 is a huge beat. and we, the citizens of bt 2211 apologize for not acting like a bunch of savages that shoot steal and deal dope. so according to you--the non tapaying criminals deserve more police protection/service

5/01/2009 08:58:00 PM

You my friend are a complete idiot. Can you make a point utilizing a complete sentence and without profanity? The theory surrounding the large 2211 beat is BS. If that is the case then chop of the entire 4th District and 8th District and double all the beats. 2211A has very little crime and the officers spend most of their time at home or watching their kids in the park.

I think the officer's point was to deploy manpower where needed because the more we let the savages run rampid in all the poorer unemployed districts, the closer they will get to OUR homes. We just caught a burglary ring operating in 022 from 005 and the gang bangers that are shooting up 022, so close to Beverly in Morgan Park are from the 006th District, so keep saying the BS. The bad guys are going to be kicking in your front door!

5/01/2009 10:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Superintendent Weis, all valid questions. Please give us some respect and address some of our legitimate concerns. At this point in your career and with the state of this department and the violence in the city, YOU have to lead by example and leave! Allow us to pull together as a POLICE family so we can address crime at all levels and boost morale. You are a constant reminder of how fucked up the department and the city is. You also wore a uniform to the Lieutenants graduation. How dare you continue to mis-represent this department. We worked and earned our blues. How can you allow Assistant Superintendent Cuello to continue operating as our #3? She has totally disgraced this department and is as competent as a puppet with braided string. With the right assistance, you can seem very strong, but take that assistance away, and the true weak idiot prevails. I have allowed myself to digress, but I have no better term to use than to reference this idiot as such, an idiot, a hypocrite, a house mouse and most importantly, a total sorry excuse for a Boss. Jfed, you know she should have never been promoted beyond a Sergeant, and that is pushing it! She is a perfect Example of the Merit process at its worst, and now she is in charge of. The ULTIMATE BS!

5/01/2009 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuckie Goofdie here,

you have no right stealing my next eye team expose.

signed chipmunk cheeks.

PS. run pammy run, run run run

5/01/2009 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what nobody cares except a small few. Everyone is used to shit being fucked up here and just puts up with it. Sad but true.

5/01/2009 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/01/2009 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay SCC, now you will definately be investigated for asking. How dare you?

5/01/2009 11:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the 10:44 post about Aunt Bea:
I completely agree with you she probably peaked at the rank of Sgt.
Supposedly she was a decent Sgt. when she was in 008 but she's been in way over her head at every rank above that! J-Fed you said you create good morale by giving a department good vehicles, equipment and good management that leads by example. Are you shitting me? We seldom have even any ratty ass pool cars available, there's frequent problems with the computers and Aunt Bea and others of your management team leave a hell of a lot to be desired. Do you call owning a building where narcotics and guns were stored and sold leading by example? Oh thats right you almost immediately decided that she couldn't possibly be culpable. Would a non clout P.O. have been given the same benefit of the doubt?
J Fed you are very responsible for the low morale so quit kidding yourself and face reality.

5/01/2009 11:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JODY WEIS, do you read this blog? Do your minions read this blog?

What the fuck don't you understand?

You and the mayor only care about the politics of the job. THERE ARE NO POLITICS WHEN A PATROLMAN ANSWERS A CALL.

I pray to God, that there is a special place in hell for you and the Mayor. What do you and the Mayor risk? Other than money, not a single fucking thing of substance.

Answer these questions, J-Fed! Even if you answer a couple of them that is a start.

What don't you get? You have clout people surrounding you. Everything is about who you know. That is such bullshit! You have been here over a year. When you first got here you should have been more willing to come to our roll calls. You should have been more willing to know the blue shirts who do this job, but you didn't and now you lost your opportunity.

Fuck the mayor and his agenda! Sadly, you have waisted way too much time in trying to gain the average cop's confidence and you went about it in your own uninformed way.

Now you will never climb out of the hole you dug. But give us some answers! Be "transparent" since that seems to be the new catchword.

I wonder if Shortshanks could spell "transparent" before he saw the word. He sure the hell does not know what that word means!

5/01/2009 11:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blog..."In a prior thread on the retirement of John Farrell, I mentioned my early December, 2007 long-distance phone conversation with then SAC J.P. Weis, FBI-Philadelphia.

Northside, your recommendation for anything is the kiss of death. Once a softball, always a softball.

5/02/2009 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7. Why are all of the good pilot projects always conducted in 001, 018, 020 and 016?

I wouldn't call the in car camera a "good" pilot program. Most cars in 016 are LUCKY to get a broken down PDT that floats constantly in/out of range.

5/02/2009 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7. Why are all of the good pilot projects always conducted in 001, 018, 020 and 016?

Yeah 016 district was real LUCKY to get the in car camera and GPS pilot program!

5/02/2009 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live on 2211. I NEVER see 2211 on patrol. I work where it is 'busier' and I see a SHITLOAD of squad cars. Is it too much to ask I get the same service as these other assholes who don't even work?

5/02/2009 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the following, Why was a CR# closed that was obtained by Commander Crump Hales in 003 against an insubordinate Sergeant.

Please explain how the Sgt. was insubordinate to a person that wasn't even in her presence troll?

5/02/2009 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what about Tobias? research and development just to hide him at 35th street. this just shows how cpd ignores one of the biggest problems.

5/02/2009 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is, well said!!

5/02/2009 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to add one question. Can jodi take a poll of all officers of any rank who work inside/desk positions and determine how long they have worked inside? Isn't it time those inside hit the street and give the eldery back hurting guys a break? We do know how to type, and we don't whine nor need a lunch work out break.

5/02/2009 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's also a 1622A.

5/02/2009 02:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 3rd in command has no street experience at all!!! Just look her up on the business/crystal. Log in to Business/Crystal and then in the "search title" box type "arrest statistics". Then type in her PC # which you could find on the Alpha Queary under personel reports on I-Clear. What you will find is that ADS Cuello has so much street experience that she has acquired (23) career arrests. Yes, thats right (23) arrests in 22 years on the job. And this bitch is our boss.
On top of her stellar street experience, this lady is the mother of a piece of shit gangbanger daughter. The same daughter that lives in an apartment that ADS Cuello owns where a recent search warrant was done where multiple guns were recovered as well as a shit load of cocaine. This is the same daughter who has been stopped numerous times over the years with ranking latin king members but has always been cut loose because the first line out of her mouth was "My mommy is the commander of
What is the most fucked up fact about this whole situation is that this lady is 3rd in charge of the second largest police department in America. WTF? It makes me embarrassed to be a Chicago Policeman.

5/02/2009 03:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all of you residents of 008 bitching about the lack of police in 008: GFY!....If you really cared you would bid to 008 onto whatever watch you could and try to clean up your own neighborhood. Im so fricken tired of listening to you people cry about 008 when you work at headquarters, up north, or in the ghetto. Those brothers on 812+813 3rd watch lock up every shithead in sight. Maybe if some of you cowards got out from behind the desk and bid to 008 a difference could be made. Because honestly, having worked there for 11 years and watching the shit move further west each year, the west end of 008 is not where I would want to raise a family. The shit has moved as far as naragansett and scumbags are scattered even west of there. Face the inevitable and quit making excuses. Talk all the shit about Mt. Greenwood and its hillbillies, Mt. Greenwood will still be a good neighborhood in a few years while Garfield Ridge is part of the Level 2 D.O.C. At least you can look forward to more police presence when T.R.U. and M.S.F. are deployed to your neighborhood.

5/02/2009 03:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please explain how the Sgt. was insubordinate to a person that wasn't even in her presence troll?=====

One of the Burger Queen's snitches ran and told her what the sergeant said in a closed door session with Dugan and Rivera. Burger Queen ordered another supervisor to get a CR on what was supposed to be private between the watch and the Assistant Superintendent. When asked what to get the number for, Burger Queen couldn't come up with anything, so she settled for insubordination. Supposedly Dugan ripped her a new one.

5/02/2009 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Regarding the following, Why was a CR# closed that was obtained by Commander Crump Hales in 003 against an insubordinate Sergeant.

Please explain how the Sgt. was insubordinate to a person that wasn't even in her presence troll?

5/02/2009 01:03:00 AM"

That's the point.

If it was closed discretely, that only benefited ch, by not bringing out her particular brand of 'antics' into the light of day.

5/02/2009 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Northside, your recommendation for anything is the kiss of death. Once a softball, always a softball.

5/02/2009 12:36:00 AM"

Could that be because the truth is a bitter pill to swallow for liars?

5/02/2009 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I wonder if Shortshanks could spell "transparent" before he saw the word. He sure the hell does not know what that word means!

5/01/2009 11:33:00 PM"

Sure he does.

It's the opposite of opaque.

5/02/2009 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get your facts straight. The commander of 003, had the CR initiated against herself. When it was brought to her attention that there were allegations against her, she ordered the CR naming herself as the accused. Not sure but I believe the CR is still open.

5/02/2009 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Hot Pursuit said...

J-Pud is still here....
Damn, I heard a rumor that said "if he was responsible for the moral problem he'd leave”....

5/02/2009 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there were more openings in 008 (2 open bids last order) perhaps more from the homeland would bid there.
In the meantime, everyone that works in 008 and lives on the west end 811/812 need to protect the homeland.
That is the ONLY way to keep the homeland safe.

Years ago that is what happened in the Beverly area. Unsavory types moved in and the district personnel that lived in the area kept it safe. Letting the unsavories know that unsavory behavior would not be tolerated.


5/02/2009 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weis will never publiclrespond. He is a fed and they believe in secrecy above all else.

5/02/2009 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NorthSide said...
"...I know (Weis) reads this (SCC) blog..."

5/01/2009 07:07:00 PM

If he does, his skin must be as thick as a Rhino. He takes a beating on SCC every day, (and deservedly so).

5/02/2009 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have 27 years on.. you should know better than to ask stupid questions that no body will ever answer.. quit being bitter, we all know it sucks here

5/01/2009 05:11:00 PM

But they SHOULD be answered! And the fact that the media doesn't jump on things like this says VOLUMES about the integrity of the media in Chicago.

Instead of going after pedophiles, DATELINE, NOVA, etc should start asking these questions.

What the hell is public television for if they don't find disturbing facts like these worth investigating?

---not a cop

5/02/2009 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would also like to see these questions answered. I retired with 30 + years on the job. All this BS would never have been tolerated/allowed to occur.

5/01/2009 05:59:00 PM

NOTHING like this used to occur publicly or privately because politicians and legislators had enough sense to know that taxpayers wanted the most bang for their buck and they tried to deliver it. All this in your face shit now never happened back in the day because ELECTED officials knew they would be run out of town on a rail if they didn't have the taxpayers best interests at heart. Now with the infiltration of ELECTED FELONS, gang bangers, etc in office look what it has become.

This has ALL got to change. Why the media is amused rather than alarmed completely escapes me.

5/02/2009 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous N. of Devon, W. of I-94 said...

"Talk all the shit about Mt. Greenwood and its hillbillies, Mt. Greenwood will still be a good neighborhood in a few years while Garfield Ridge is part of the Level 2 D.O.C."

You're wrong, pal. Having lived in both places for a total of seventeen years (transients welcome!), I know first hand they are BOTH hellholes.

Mt. Shitwood = single-wide on a 25x125 lot, well water from Crestwood, cinder alleys, no side drives, mud front/back yards.

Garcia Ridge = double-wide on a 38x125 lot, year-round shit smell from Stickney Water Reclamation Plant sludge drying pits, gravel alleys, mud side drives, paved front AND back yards.

Either continue throwing your money away or move to the north side. Blue ice is the only thing I have to worry about.

5/02/2009 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have watched Weis on television over the course of his tenure and it is quite obvious that his entire demeanor has changed. When he started he was very confident, now he looks like he is just trying to get through the next ambush and biding his time. I believe he gets his salary whether he finishes or is asked to leave.

In other words, he has become a moot point and it shows.

5/02/2009 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supposedly Dugan ripped her a new one.


What does that mean to anyone who is over the age of 12?

Does it mean that he yelled at her. HE IS HER BOSS! SHE UNDERMINED HIS MEETING! And he yelled at her, like he would yell at a child who spilled milk on the floor?

The bottom line is the Burger Queen pissed in his face and Dugan didn't do anything.

5/02/2009 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the most fucked up fact about this whole situation is that this lady is 3rd in charge of the second largest police department in America. WTF? It makes me embarrassed to be a Chicago Policeman.

5/02/2009 03:28:00 AM

There have ALWAYS been reasons to be embarrassed for our membership in this Department. Historically though, it was all kept hidden in the shadows.

Now, with venues like SCC, the dirt is being exposed to the sunlight, and as John Kass likes to say, nothing purifies things quite like exposing it to the sunlight for all to see.

5/02/2009 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'd like to add one question... Can jodi take a poll of all officers of any rank who work inside/desk positions and determine how long they have worked inside? Isn't it time those inside hit the street and give the eldery back hurting guys a break? We do know how to type, and we don't whine nor need a lunch work out break.

5/02/2009 02:03:00 AM

FYI... used to work desk in 019. A pain in the ass. The district desks are a magnet for crazy people. CR's were gotten frequently.

Also, you couldn't get guys to bid for the desk. Too much work! I gladly went back on the street after going back full-duty. They also want to keep eliminating these inside spots, increasing the workload. Maybe inside sounds nice but it's no picnic.

I know, it's 019 ! Not a bad place to be on the street anyway !

Can't speak for inside spots at HQ.
Those probably are still nice but only for the 'special ones'.

5/02/2009 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as Questions #1, #2 & #8, M. Masters isn’t going ANYWHERE! The Mayor put him in that spot after he launched J-Puppet-Weis buddy right after J-Puppet was unable to be reached after the 4th of July debacle. Masters is the Mayors spy in the 5th floor of 35th St.

Question #3, If “Aunt Bea” hasn’t been launched yet, do you think she is going anywhere soon? Granted, she has been kept very quiet as of late, but I think she’s hare as long as the Supt is.

Question #5, Manpower, Do you honestly think anyone gives a flying fuck about the assholes in Patrol? Seriously? Really? THINK AGAIN!!!! Point of fact- In 005, there were 80 to 90 PAR Forms every period to get the hell away from our loveable, laughable, diabetic bitch of a Captain. Arrests were down, productivity went down, CR’s went UP! Compare this to 20(ish) Forms, from Districts like 003, 004, 006, 007, 010, 011, 015. Kinda hard not to notice this huge mound of paper to get out of one place, isn’t it? The decent solution to this problem would be to do something about a certain Captain, (Not promoting her to Capt would have been a good start!) but nooooo, so do you think anyone really cares? In Car Camera? Take a good look at MSF cars, TRU Cars, Any one of those have the Cameras? If anyone cares, PATROL would be staffed FIRST! Then you can make up all of these cook new units. This isn’t any slight directed at Officers, Sgts, Lt’s, Capts, and some of the Commanders in the Patrol Division in any way, cause God knows, in a few hours, I’m getting into my “Blue and White” with over 90K, and going to be answering a shitload of dumb-assed domestics. Which brings me to another Point of fact- Dumb-assed 911 calls! Once again, if someone really cared, don’t you think that this would be different? 7yo, “Dis-respectin’” me, (S)He wont give me my keys back bullshit would be coded out at OEMC! Kind of answers Question #9, too!- NO ONE GIVES A FUCK!

GPS, Well, the $$$ was there before J-Puppet Weis took over, he just signed off on it.

Command Changes, How much of that was J-Puppets doing? You actually think he did that on his own? He got his orders from the one pulling the strings.

5/02/2009 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only should Mike Masters have been charged with Impersonating the Police, but so should the arresting Sergeant and P.O. sanctioned for writing up that BS. The Watch Commander who approved the report has to be the biggest fool in the world.

I bet this asshole wears a Uniform tomorrow also. Totally disgracing this department and the Gold Star Families. You do NOT represent us.

How do you have a Chief of Staff that has never been the Police ANYWHERE! What is he advising you on? He never lived in the inner city, he never went to school around or with any street level criminal element, or is the fact that he studied at Harvard reason enough to over look that? HELL NO!

You have a Superintendent that has never been the police, you have a Chief of Staff that has never been the police, you have your second in Command who is just a nice guy that at least is the police, but you allow Aunt Bea and others to go around him on a daily basis, you have a 3rd in Command that has NEVER been promoted off of any test, has worked inside her entire career and who wears that uniform and represents us when she had a gang member with assault weapons and major narcotics living in one of her properties? Now, she is 3rd in Command and she had no KNOWLEDGE. WTF Give me a fucking break.

Jfed, get ready for a bloody summer. We have the commitment from all 25 Districts. We are not doing shit! You or the Mayor won't listen to us, lets see how you fair with the citizens, the ministers and the media when this shit ends up in their back yard!

5/02/2009 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Hassan Bin Sober said...

Many local gov. units budget for a certain headcount but never fill all the jobs. The money is used for OT.
Water Reclaimation does this all over, the persons working in a job class never match all the slots.

5/02/2009 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jfed, get ready for a bloody summer. We have the commitment from all 25 Districts. We are not doing shit! You or the Mayor won't listen to us, lets see how you fair with the citizens, the ministers and the media when this shit ends up in their back yard!

5/02/2009 12:36:00 PM

This is unfortunate but true. No matter how many MARS meetings and CAR meetings you have, no matter how many good bosses you send us, no matter how much you hold the captains and lieutenants accountable, no matter how many notices you put in the CO Book, no matter how many SPARS we get, we are not doing anything but the bare minimum! It has nothing to do with the Commanders, even if we like them or not, we still normally do our job. Not now Superintendent Weis. The sad thing is kids have to continue to die to make a point. Now, some are shit heads, but the majority are not.

The Mayor lives in his well protected quarters and so does the Superintendent. Why don't you all live amongst the element that you represent? Afraid huh?

By the way Media, Mike Masters coached a sergeant on what to say regarding an incident (that should really be a criminal investigation) that occurred in a restaurant downtown that included some really heavy P.O.'s and the Sergeant. The dumb ass Sergeant admitted Mike Masters' involvement.

5/02/2009 11:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you complain about having a bt. 2211a---fuck you, jerkoff!!! bt 2211 is a huge beat. and we, the citizens of bt 2211 apologize for not acting like a bunch of savages that shoot steal and deal dope. so according to you--the non tapaying criminals deserve more police protection/service

5/01/2009 08:58:00 PM

You my friend are a complete idiot. Can you make a point utilizing a complete sentence and without profanity? The theory surrounding the large 2211 beat is BS. If that is the case then chop of the entire 4th District and 8th District and double all the beats. 2211A has very little crime and the officers spend most of their time at home or watching their kids in the park.

I think the officer's point was to deploy manpower where needed because the more we let the savages run rampid in all the poorer unemployed districts, the closer they will get to OUR homes. We just caught a burglary ring operating in 022 from 005 and the gang bangers that are shooting up 022, so close to Beverly in Morgan Park are from the 006th District, so keep saying the BS. The bad guys are going to be kicking in your front door!

5/01/2009 10:35:00 PM

you, sir, are a FUCKN idiot---yes i use profanity. i realize manpower is needed where the shootings are, but let's not deplete all manpower from 2211. there is nothing but dogasses on mids in 022 who either sleep or wont drive west of western ave. so fuckn what if there are no shootings in 2211. 2211 should not suffer because assholes in the 20 and 30 sectors of 022 or the 005, 006 and 004 districts are all savages

5/02/2009 11:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news CPD. One of your few media supporters is putting together a story utilizing 2 ex Superintendents and 4 bosses that were forced to retire. They will be allowed to talk about points as these live! Yes LIVE! They will also interview 3 current Captains/Lieutenants who once lead the city as an Exempt member. They will be allowed to talk regarding specifics and on how they were asked to leave. They will talk about how their input was never solicited, though they ran the major aspects of your department. They will have the opportunity to point out specific incidents and tactics. I am hearing that they will do a follow-up story if Jodi Weis decides to respond, but I cannot see the Mayor holding his head up nor the Olympic Committee overlooking this one. They will also talk about how CPD is NOT prepared for any major incident and talk about the specific new and altered units of your department and the true impact on Chicago's crime. Lastly, they are looking at the Superintendent's total disdain towards IPRA and members of IAD who would not reflect investigations as the Superintendent requested. Documents have already been filtered to our media partners and to the Mayor's office. The best part is your recently unveiled incident that has not hit the open media as of yet will be unveiled.

Lastly, 2 of your current soon to retire bosses will also take part! This will be a good one! I cannot wait!!! I have to agree with you guys, this Superintendent and Mayor will go down as the worst in history!

5/02/2009 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Yawn said...

"there is nothing but dogasses on mids in 022 who either sleep or wont drive west of western ave."

That's not fair. I need my sleep so I can work my second job. And why should I have to deal with your alcohol-induced rants in person?

"2211 should not suffer because assholes in the 20 and 30 sectors of 022 or the 005, 006 and 004 districts are all savages"

Since I don't reside on the holy ground that is 2211's beat but rather live in 005, I'll take a page from your playbook: who cares what happens to you and your fellow "non-savages" in Mt. Shitwood.

Semper Fidelis and have a blessed day!

5/03/2009 02:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If someone thinks that masters would need to coach a veteran sgt with 28 years experience especially when he didn't do anything wrong youre an idiot. I hope its true that he tried.

5/03/2009 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lastly, 2 of your current soon to retire bosses will also take part! This will be a good one! I cannot wait!!! I have to agree with you guys, this Superintendent and Mayor will go down as the worst in history!

5/02/2009 11:46:00 PM

...I'm betting all of the reitred ones did not bounce back with a high paying "civilian spot" on Team Daley. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they are ranting.

5/03/2009 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you, sir, are a FUCKN idiot---yes i use profanity. i realize manpower is needed where the shootings are, but let's not deplete all manpower from 2211. there is nothing but dogasses on mids in 022 who either sleep or wont drive west of western ave. so fuckn what if there are no shootings in 2211. 2211 should not suffer because assholes in the 20 and 30 sectors of 022 or the 005, 006 and 004 districts are all savages

5/02/2009 11:33:00 PM

Keep that attitude. Don't worry, they have already started to come into our neighborhood. I just hope that get your fucking house before they get mine! Fucking asswipe!

5/03/2009 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tenured detective?

None of us have tenure you goof-look it up in the dictionary before you call yourself tenured!

5/03/2009 08:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chief of Staff of the Chicago Police Department is deputized. He/she can carry a weapon, make arrests, etc. Not sure how that little tidbit of info was forgotten along the way.

5/03/2009 08:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Outstanding! I wish we had more questions like these raised daily.

5/03/2009 10:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only an exempt would write this...who else would care? Sounds like someone is unhappy with masters and aunt bea. maybe they didnt help them get promoted? got them dumped? who could it be...

5/03/2009 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ODE to the New CPD:

A man I know just came from Tennesee oh ....

He smiled because I did not understand

And then he held out some MOONSHINE WHISKEY oh oh

He said it was the best in all the land....

and I said NO NO NO NO I don't drink it no more I am tired of waking up on the floor....

no thank you please because Jody makes me PEE and then it makes it hard to find the door...

5/03/2009 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The 3rd in command has no street experience at all!!! Just look her up on the business/crystal. Log in to Business/Crystal and then in the "search title" box type "arrest statistics". Then type in her PC # which you could find on the Alpha Queary under personel reports on I-Clear. What you will find is that ADS Cuello has so much street experience that she has acquired (23) career arrests. Yes, thats right (23) arrests in 22 years on the job. And this bitch is our boss.
On top of her stellar street experience, this lady is the mother of a piece of shit gangbanger daughter. The same daughter that lives in an apartment that ADS Cuello owns where a recent search warrant was done where multiple guns were recovered as well as a shit load of cocaine. This is the same daughter who has been stopped numerous times over the years with ranking latin king members but has always been cut loose because the first line out of her mouth was "My mommy is the commander of
What is the most fucked up fact about this whole situation is that this lady is 3rd in charge of the second largest police department in America. WTF? It makes me embarrassed to be a Chicago Policeman.

5/02/2009 03:28:00 AM
She saved a p.o.'s life while working in 008 while WORKING ON THE STREET and she has two daughters, 15 years apart. Neither of them are gang bangers, you fucking moron.
Have you ever even had to fire your weapon?
I don't imagine so, considering you can't even get your facts straight, how would you be able to handle having someone's back.

5/04/2009 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have media supporters???

Is John Kass putting together the show? He's the only media supporter I can think of, and he's tied to a sinking stinking newspaper.

5/04/2009 02:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She saved a p.o.'s life while working in 008 while WORKING ON THE STREET and she has two daughters, 15 years apart. Neither of them are gang bangers, you fucking moron.
Have you ever even had to fire your weapon?
I don't imagine so, considering you can't even get your facts straight, how would you be able to handle having someone's back.


And this qualifies her to be the 3rd in command of the second largest police force in the United States how?

5/04/2009 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If someone thinks that masters would need to coach a veteran sgt with 28 years experience especially when he didn't do anything wrong youre an idiot. I hope its true that he tried.

5/03/2009 10:15:00 AM

A veteran Sergeant? You mean a fucking idiot!

5/04/2009 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The chief of staff is not deputized you moron, he is a civilian and it is against the law for him to be armed!

5/05/2009 02:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...I know (Weis) reads this (SCC) blog..."In a prior thread on the retirement of John Farrell, I mentioned my early December, 2007 long-distance phone conversation with then SAC J.P. Weis, FBI-Philadelphia.

During this conversation, I also gave Weis the address of this unsanctioned SCC blog site.

Weis knew about Farrell's stellar qualifications for the #2 spot and the SCC blog long before his appointment as superintendent.

Northen, I'm sure many of your friends on this Job have pointed this out, but your comments tend to either (1) border the extreme, or (2) cross that border completely, which is probably why
(c) Farrell never was in consideration for the 1st Deputy job (not that he would have wanted it anyway....Farrell isn't the kind of guy to sell his soul, or sell out the troops, to anyone).
At times, your comments are right on the money, but at others, if you were still on the Job, you would have been psyched a loooong time ago, my friend...

5/05/2009 11:17:00 AM  
Blogger John Northen said...

11:17 AM

A recently retired friend of 40 years suggested that I not even dignify your comments with a response. I will make this exception.

Due to technical problems beyond the control of SCC, Internet site generated errors in spacing and quotation marks can occasionally confuse the SCC reader. Ergo, a post can be taken out of its intended context. Such was the case at the beginning of my 5/1 post at 7:07 PM.

Read the first paragraph of the original thread in which SCC quotes the anonymous "ten questions" poster: ("...since I know the Superintendent reads this Blog...")

I did NOT say that. I do know that I gave Weis the SCC site address in December, 2007. I also recommended John Farrell. I refuse to speculate on whether Weis has ever actually read the SCC blog.

Finally, your "border the extreme" and "psyched" comments are nothing more than than oblique insults with no basis in fact.

Your insinuation that I gave Farrell's career "the kiss of death" is patently absurd (see your earlier "softball" comment on 5/2; 12:36 AM). Specifically, give your definition of "softball".

We may only agree on this: After 42 years of exemplary service, the CPD has lost a gentleman of honor, integrity and courage. With his wisdom and experience and in the finest tradition of "Chicago's Finest" , Farrell is "blue to the bone".

Meanwhile, aside from disliking me, what is your point?

Assuming you're not just a jealous coward talking smack and that you sincerely wish to discuss this further, you can contact me confidentially and directly at

Considering your acerbic tone and refusal to identify yourself, I will not hold my breath waiting for your response.

Don't punish yourself because of your apparently low self esteem. Directing your unsubstantiated ad hominem attack at me will only exacerbate your personal issues.

Good night, "my friend".

5/05/2009 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great answer Northside. Looks like 1117 pm was trying to sneak in a late jab.

5/06/2009 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

an attack on the king's man is the same as an attack on the king himself.

5/06/2009 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And this qualifies her to be the 3rd in command of the second largest police force in the United States how?

5/04/2009 04:47:00 PM"
wtf said anything about it qualifying her as 3rd, I simply corrected an ignorant comment. What qualifies you to judge ANYONE anyways? Perfection, I assume? RIGHT

5/06/2009 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who ever is the one on this thread sticking up for ADS Cuello is a complete fool. Just because she got you a desk job at 35th Street doesnt mean that you have to come here and defend your clout. Cuello is a joke.
You sound like a shithead parent on the news with that "My kid aint no gang banger" bullshit. Her daughter has consistently associated herself with gangbangers (even lived with a ranking latin king) until their front door got booted in with that search warrant. Ask any copper in 008 and they will tell you that the daughter is and has always been a piece of shit.
ADS Cuello is an embarassment to every working copper out there.

Cuello doesnt deserve to even be in the same building as people like Dugan and Farrell. REAL BOSSES who deserve to be running this department. Cuello is a prime example of how the merit system is screwed up.

5/07/2009 04:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:17 am is a clout baby John.

5/07/2009 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Only an exempt would write this...who else would care? Sounds like someone is unhappy with masters and aunt bea. maybe they didnt help them get promoted? got them dumped? who could it be...

5/03/2009 11:05:00 PM

I am NOT an Exempt. I am a P.O. with legitimate questions. I am proud to be a Police Officer and so was/does 11 members of my family. The plight with the current Superintendent, Policy Group, Chief of Staff and especially the 3rd in Command, is sickening.

5/08/2009 08:01:00 AM  

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