Friday, May 01, 2009

This is Reporting?

This is complete and utter horseshit by any means.

NBC 5 titles their story as follows:
The subtitle is:
  • Judge rules cops not guilty of assault if you use 'em
And the link?
How is this reporting? How is this anything but a slam on cops? No where in the entire ruling does the judge even imply that cops can run around on or off duty pounding on people. We can't find it anywhere.

We do see where he says that if people pick fights, they better be prepared to lose. And evidently, these brothers have a habit of picking fights when they're drunk. And losing. And suing when they lose fights. They're assholes. And they picked the wrong shoving match that night because we didn't see anything that rose to the level of an actual "fight." Especially with the injuries not being reported or treated until 4 days later.

But back to NBC. It seems they're taking their marching orders from Shortshanks, too. Same as See-BS's Pam Zekman with her little "expose" about parking "courtesy" and parking tickets. Jackie Heard must be threatening to cut off a whole bunch of access if they don't play ball. Access to a whole bunch of corruption and crooked dealings that would have real reporters salivating.

How's that taste NBC? Mmmmmm, good?



Blogger Too Many Rectums said...

A long time ago when I first stepped in a bar, I learned two rules:
(1). Don't act like an asshole.

(2). If you do and get your ass kicked, don't complain.

5/01/2009 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


So I guess the answer is keep your fucking mouth shut....asshole.

5/01/2009 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The other day my father and I were talking about being a police officer when I said I don't know why anyone would want to be a policemen these days. My father, a retired 30 year veteran of the CPD got mad and sad it is an honorable profession. I told him, Pop, I did not say it wasn't an honorable profession, it's just that there is no respect for the law any more or those who enforce it. The good guy is the bad guy. With that, he thought for a minute, and said it was Hollywood's fault. They are the ones who make the bad guys the good guys and make law enforcement look like the villains.

My father always told me that the worst part of the job was man's inhumanity to man. As a son of a former officer, I have experienced in my 50 years, the sadness and shock of member in blue committing suicide due to the stress, or the excessive drinking, trying to escape, which caused them to sometimes spiral out of control. They are a tight knit group that keep to themselves and take care of each other. Most people don't realize the things officers go through or the things they see. My father made sure I understood those things when I was a young man so that I would better understand his friends. They were all good, no, great people. I always felt special when I was surrounded by them. I have some great memories. God, they were great people.

Now that I got that off my chest, my problem with the media or the public for that matter, is that they have no clue to what officers deal with (wonder how they would deal with being shot at in the middle of the night in a dark gangway). These clowns in the bar were probably the yuppie type, that think that they are privileged and they can do what they want, and that the law only applies when they think it does. Can't tell you how glad I am of the judge tossing this out. I can't even imagine the mayhem in the city if it weren't for you guys. Sorry about being long winded!

You guys rock and so does this web site. I know it's hard doing a good job when you are dealing with the BS (labor contracts, short shanks, J-Fed, media, etc.) that
you are currently dealing with, but despite that, keep up the good work.

5/01/2009 09:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

leave CPD alone, we have as much right as anyone to walk into a tavern and have beer if we want to. Who the fuck are you liberal nazi'news-media types to criticize ANYONE, much less us? I really do hope the system does break down totally and you all get yours, soon, you fuckin parasites.

5/01/2009 09:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Hot Pursuit said...

As far as NBC goes, they don't report anymore, they just push an agenda...

As far as Pam goes, well just look at her "shoot first ask questions later" reporting job she did on a State DCI Detective on the murder of attorney Mahoney in Carpentersville some years back... class act

As far as, you want know what really happened....
Like I’ve said, come here

5/02/2009 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear media...who will keep the animals and assholes of society ''in check''? yes this city is full of them. walking away from them only makes them bolder. the criminals get worse and the assholes push even further.

5/03/2009 01:10:00 AM  

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