Sunday, December 06, 2009

Media Ignores Stories

A couple of stories that aren't covered for some reason. First up, from the comments, you have this one:
  • Get this one...Over at Hyde Park HS, the gym teacher of these animals decides that he alone has the brains to stop the gang problem. He calls in all the gangs for a "meeting", without letting the police know about it. How does it end? A gang fight, and our dear little darlings threatening to kill each other
Then from an e-mailer featured on the main page:
  • Marshall Career Incarceration Academy today - three straight days of false fire alarms, street fights, and a girl who lost her eye...
Why is it that the media won't cover these stories, but they'll run five missing reports back to back to back to back to back after Bobby Rush and J-Fed start a pissing match?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because they are afraid that the ellement will riot. When will this crap stop. These animals have no respect for human life. All they know is violence. And we have to fund their existance. There should be urine testing for evey welfare recipient. Deficet solved.

12/06/2009 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They spit to the ground at Police. They have to baby sat every where they are. and yet God forbid you use the "N" word. They use that word like its an everyday common word. Why is it so racial?

When do we stop catering to these misfits?

12/06/2009 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you all going to cover the real shit popping? O we be waitng and shit. Nothing coming down yet? O Ike and that dirty azz police board be hiring them gangsters?

12/06/2009 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did the media ignore the story about the petition drive to cut the number of aldermen in half????

We know the petitions were filed, yet not a MENTiON in the media that a brief, three week long drive netted over ten thousand signatures.

12/06/2009 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why is it that the media won't cover these stories, but they'll run five missing reports back to back to back to back to back after Bobby Rush and J-Fed start a pissing match?"

it's the flavor of the week.

12/06/2009 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am happy as fuck that I don't have any fucking kids. These kids are nuts. I worked Operation Safe Student 1 time, and they could not pay me 3 times my salary to do that shit again. They don't want us to touch them, they don't want us to do our fucking job, they just want us to protect these idiots while they run from us, act like complete idiots then ask us why they didn't get home safe. Because the morons go from corner to corner, store and restuarant to store and restaurant, hang in the street they decide they dont like each other then they fight! We are not baby sitters!

12/06/2009 02:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The State controlled media will not show public education or it's consumers in a truthful manner. True reporting about what goes on in these places would inspire a taxpayer revolt by even the densest, most guilt ridden Yuppie.

They can't fucking have that! The money spent on public education in these big cities is crucial to maintenance of the Red, leftist coalition that the Democratic party relies on.

The State media maintains the line that any criticism of the CPS is racist at heart.

The way to counter this is new media. Youtube, blogs, talk radio. Be tenacious, don't give up.

12/06/2009 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's why I don 't watch the NBA or NFL any more. It's a generation that is unlike ANYTHING we've seen in American history. We are rewarding and condoning antisocial, dangerous, behavior when we should be trying to change it. Our country is bent and about to break,and nobody is paying attention.

12/06/2009 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media ignored the story of the four murdered police officers and instead spent days on a golfer's sex life. What scumbags they are.

12/06/2009 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Media is a afraid of the reverends because all they know how to do is scream racism at everything and can't handle the truth!

The truth is their constituents can't control themselves in an adult manner!


12/06/2009 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that the media won't cover these stories, but they'll run five missing reports back to back to back to back to back after Bobby Rush and J-Fed start a pissing match?


The same reason that Tera Williams apologized to the Mayor. I give her a lot of credit for asking the question, but obviously someone straightened her ass out about any future lines of questioning she may have.

---not a cop

12/06/2009 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stupid is as stupid does.

12/06/2009 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

90% of the media is bought and sold and in daley's pocket so what do you expect. Any crimes or disorder involving black people (yeah I said the b word)has to go through a filtering process so as not to fan the flames of political disaster. Watered down news is what you hear on the news. But since crime has all but been eradicated by J-Goof
(a little tip and simple fucking math...less cops=less patrol=less arrests=less reports, crime is still here idiot), all will be solved soon. Maybe he needs one more contract and this city can be saved.

12/06/2009 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We are not baby sitters!

12/06/2009 02:11:00 AM"

it ain't baby sitting.

more like pest control, sans the lethal measures.

you know, trap and release......

12/06/2009 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous HATER said...









12/06/2009 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



Did anyone notice the slip up in a Trib article two or so days ago?

It was in a statement reported from the MEs office in regard to the DNA testing of Homicide victims in the city.

They reported an average of 700 "Plus" homicide victims per year since 2007 are requested and rising...

Is someone fudging the truth?


killing crime with ucr numbers?

lying as usual?

what do you think Mike "numbers" Masters?

12/06/2009 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media dare not show the truth. The "reverunds" would be on every channel claiming how racist everyone is.

Their only recourse is to scream racist and send everyone running so no one questions their reality; drugs, gangs, sexual deviance, teen pregnancy, illegitimate children, 5 generations living in welfare, 22 inch spinners, alcohol, dancin' in da club wif da bub, etc.

It's better to placate them and hide the truth than to be called racist. Thanks liberals, you've accomplished step 1 in your plan to enslave them.

12/06/2009 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out this website and vote for mayor.

12/06/2009 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These F.O.P. d-bags are only looking out for themselves. They're finding ways for them to line their own pockets. These guys are in bed with Daley and the city.

12/06/2009 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard something about 100+ guns stolen from a box car in 004. Anyone got anything on this?

12/06/2009 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know one story that they did not ignore. The missing twelve year old from Englewood. They didn't ignore it because they never got it! A little birdie from 35th Street tells me that News Affairs dropped the ball and tried to blame the dicks from area one. Seems that Lt. MB really screwed up this time. Bet J-Feds investigation doen't mean crap when he finds out that it WAS human error and she is the human involved!

12/06/2009 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The police should not have to provide security at any high school. If the students get out of control, let their parents come to the school to police and babysit them. These teachers and other students will turn on you, do not even break up a fight. Let them fight, tire themselves out, and 19/P. If you put your hands on these students of course every camera in the school will catch it and all of the teachers will testify against you!

12/06/2009 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous White Shadow said...

"Get this one...Over at Hyde Park HS, the gym teacher of these animals decides that he alone has the brains to stop the gang problem. He calls in all the gangs for a "meeting", without letting the police know about it. How does it end? A gang fight, and our dear little darlings threatening to kill each other"

Maybe that was his idea of a soloution, have the bust-outs kill each other then problem gone.

12/06/2009 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the few "kids" that try to stay out of the shit that I have any "concern" for. Other wise I stopped caring if the rest kill each other long ago. Their parent doesn't care, the hood doesn't care, and fo suh the play revrunds don't care.

12/06/2009 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there are NO leaders or enough parents with morals in these communities. only apologists and finger pointers. you can talk about iraq or the taliban...but the war on the south and westsides of this city was lost a long time ago. the people and politicians have created this monster and have tied our hands..damned if you do something and damned if you dont.

12/06/2009 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because the morons go from corner to corner, store and restuarant to store and restaurant, hang in the street they decide they dont like each other then they fight! We are not baby sitters!

Unfortunately, that is exactly what we are. It is the left wing ideal of a police department. Police = Social Workers.

12/06/2009 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats prob the same gym teacher that made a burg report for 9 missing unregistered firearms including 2 shotguns one with a scope and 500 rounds of ammo. no safe no burg alarm. this guy is simply amazing

12/06/2009 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am happy as fuck that I don't have any fucking kids. These kids are nuts. I worked Operation Safe Student 1 time, and they could not pay me 3 times my salary to do that shit again. They don't want us to touch them, they don't want us to do our fucking job, they just want us to protect these idiots while they run from us, act like complete idiots then ask us why they didn't get home safe. Because the morons go from corner to corner, store and restuarant to store and restaurant, hang in the street they decide they dont like each other then they fight! We are not baby sitters!

12/06/2009 02:11:00 AM

...well said. They flip the POE-Leece the finger and start swearing at each other with their pants hanging off their asses. The girls are just as loud and obnoxious as the boys. I feel sorry for the very small percentage of kids who are good, go home and want to learn. Believe me, there are very few of these kids who walk with one or two friends and go straight to the el or bus, not hoopin and hollarin like the rest. The mayor and the supt. don't want us to arrest or "hassle" these thugs, just babysit. If something comes up, the poor security guard runs to the squad car and it is the three against 30-40 of these kids. There is ZERO parenting involved. ZERO. It kills me when one of the little "angels" get shot or stabbed, then once again it is EVERYONE else's fault. The schools, the police, the church...everyone except the absent parent who is then looking for the ghetto lottery.
The south and west sides are up for grabs, and pray it doesn't travel to whatever "decent" neighborhoods we have left.

12/06/2009 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they keep posting missing person stories in an attempt to hype up the Chicago police missing persons tv show they were talking about.

12/06/2009 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did one of the gangs have to make their way back to Coney Island?

12/06/2009 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally the two papers we all love to hate are finally ignoring J-Feds stupid manipulated crime statistics. Get this straight. simple fucking math, Less cops =less arrests=less tickets=less crime reports= less numbers= lower statistics.

Crime did not go anywhere but up and the only way residents can save themselves is when the handgun bann is lifted.

J-fed gfy.

12/06/2009 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This type of typical ghetto thuggery and stupid, naive actions by CPS is why I am leaving this city.

I work for another City agency and between the crazy ass violent crime, the minority of the citizens that use and abuse the taxpayer resources and cause the most problem, the "parents" of these darlings who have abdicated their parental responsibility until it is time to file a lawsuit, the patronage hiring system that finds the most incompetent, ill qualified, lazy, stupid people and then places them in leadership positions. The culture of city government now mirrors the low expectations of so many of the ghetto hoods.

Remember the 20 Ghetto Rules to live by:

Rule 1-No snitching even if concerns a crime against your own family

Rule 2-It is always somebody else fault (Hopefully its someone you can sue)

Rule 3-If pookie shoots at the 19 year old Po-Po and then gets shot, always say Pookie didn’t have a gun and was destined to cure cancer even though he read at 2nd grade level and never graduated grammar school

Rule 4-If something goes wrong in the hood, have a march with a reverend, Cease Fire and freak of nature Weiss, demand more action by the police. Immediately after the march, turn a blind eye to your own family members and neighbors who continue to rape and pillage the neighborhood

Rule 5-Protect the neighborhood gang bangers and drug dealers

Rule 6-Make sure you trash your property, break windows, air mail garbage out your front, back and side windows and then see Rule #2

Rule 7- Every chance you have to act the fool, do it and then see Rule 2

Rule 8-Attack the police and fire personnel who have risked their life to protect you from yourself then see Rule 2

Rule 9-As soon as you have a child killed by a car, 2x4, rail road tie, golf club, gun, bat or knife get on TV and calmly talk about your child and act as though you were describing a baseball game. No need for tears since you really ever knew your kid but it is important to get on TV as you prepare for Rule 2.

Rule 10-Make sure that you never have car insurance

Rule 11-Make sure that when you drive around the hood, city and suburbs that you pitch anything and everything out your car windows

Rule 12-Act like the US citizenry owes you 40 acres and a Lexus

Rule 13-Always be rude while you “be keeping it real”

Rule 14-Never take education seriously because look where it can get you - out of the hood

Rule 15-Any law, application of true non-ghetto common sense or opinion is racist if it requires me to act like a reasonable human and be accountable for my actions.

Rule 16-Use your car horn like a door bell. God forbid you get off your fat ass, get out the car and ring the front doorbell of your fellow church member. Since it is only 6:30am on Sunday morning, you really are waking up the folks who are not on State aid who worked the other 6 days of the week and are trying to get some sleep. See Rule 13.

Rule 17-Only be interested in things that you can screw, smoke or eat

Rule 18-Don’t wear a condom

Rule 19-Work hard at dumbing down society

Rule 20-Any act, law, and comment not covered under any of the above rules – see Rule 15 and Rule 2

In the end, I am tired of the politics of poverty where the individuals who are impoverished have no more interest in changing their circumstances then the reverends, alder-scum, the mayor and Stroger. The only people who are not be taken care of are the hard working taxpayers (many are city workers) who are not connected and are getting bleed dry with taxes and reduced salaries.

In the end, I took a huge pay cut and will be getting the hell out of Chicago, Crook County and even the surrounding suburbs. Being in the surrounding suburbs is no longer a possibility with the thugs who have moved out of the ghetto to enjoy the availability of new section 8 housing. Daley and his friends have screwed the city residents and now have franchised the ghetto.

Feel free to add to the rules!

12/06/2009 03:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BECAUSE THE MEDIA ARE AFRAID OF ALL THE STORE FRONT REVS CALLING THEM RACISTS!!!!! THEY ARE SCARED TO DEATH OF THEM!!! HEY, TO ALL YOU MEDIA SCUM (and we ALL know you read this) GROW SOME BALLS!!! HELL, FOX EVEN CLAIMS THEY "ASK THE TOUGH QUESTIONS" BULL-FUCKING-SHIT!!! BUNCH OF NO BALLS PUSSY MEDIA IN THIS TOWN!!! sorry about the all caps, scc, but I am so tired of these fucking panzies getting away with acting like they ask all the tough questions, or are responsible for ending corruption! Fuck you Chicago media! EVERYONE knows you are a bunch of fucking 2-bit cowards with a bias the size of Texas! And Im talking regular people, not us in blue... OF COURSE WE HATE YOUR ASSES but I talk to the regular people every day... guess what? THEY ARENT BUYING YOUR SHIT EITHER!! The media here is the worst, and since there is no one to make sure they are doing right, they will only get worse!

12/06/2009 05:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rule xx. Solve all problems with violence.

12/06/2009 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Addendum to Rule 17. ... and steal, if none of these can be done then break it.

12/06/2009 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember the 20 Ghetto Rules to live by:

And don't forget this rule:
Always vote Democratic so this dysfunctional society will continue forever.

12/06/2009 07:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

behavior of cps honor student
they want some money from feds like fenger high received

12/06/2009 07:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's also a believer in do-it-yourself surgery.

12/06/2009 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is only ONE rule in the ghetto, which encompasses all other rules mentioned heretofor: FUCK IT.

12/06/2009 09:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was listening to former city clerk Lasky who hosted a radio show on WGN saturday afternoon. I was amazed! He was talking about this blog and asking for someone to send him some petitions to cut the number of aldermen. He was actually speaking from experience telling stories about the aldermen and ripping the ones who were calling for "skin in the game". Wonder what his angle is? He's a convicted felon so he can't run for office...Yet. Selling a book? Just sounded good to actually hear someone taking up the Police and Fire cause against the mayor. He seemed to be a good talk show host...

12/06/2009 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous leomemorial said...

How about what seems like an excessively high number of Chicago Police Officers and how supposedly the Dept is rushing to get them back on the streets before they're properly healed?

Where's that story exactly?

12/06/2009 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the end, I took a huge pay cut and will be getting the hell out of Chicago, Crook County and even the surrounding suburbs. Being in the surrounding suburbs is no longer a possibility with the thugs who have moved out of the ghetto to enjoy the availability of new section 8 housing. Daley and his friends have screwed the city residents and now have franchised the ghetto.

Feel free to add to the rules!

Well fuckin said!
Let's not forget their car sound stomping, letting everyone know (ghetto friends and hood-rats) that you just arrived in the scum-hood

12/06/2009 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Clarification Re: Rule XVII

If it can't be eaten, fucked, smoked or drunk then it is stolen. If none of the aforementioned can occur after it (whatever it may be) is stolen then it's broken, burned, or fucked up beyond any and all salvaging or repair.

Corollary to Rules II, XII and XV

The current leftist/liberal Trotskyite politcal structure will continue to provide material aid and sustenance in tax dollars disproportionate to the amount contributed in order to maintain a cadre of loyal yet disposable constituents for as long as the current political structure is in power in order to subvert and obstruct the expressed desires of the majority for truly effective, fiscally responsible, clear-eyed governance.

Let The Police Run It...

There's no shortage of talent, imagination, integrity and just plain hard eyed, bare-knuckle grit within the ranks of the "peed on peons" in Patrol.

Or is that precisely what Daley Inc. fears the most? The decaying alive cabal of alderthieves, big money contributors, (worthless, funky-assed bastards) and running-dog rev'runs. (beyond worthless, funky-assed bastards, liars and preachers of false doctrine and hate)

Especially complicit is
the local media. They are as bereft of sight and hearing on reporting/exposing the misdeeds of Daley Inc. as a grinning skull with mud caked eye sockets laying in a vacant lot.

Let The Police Run It...

This city is overdue for a harsh purgative anyway.

12/06/2009 11:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know one story that they did not ignore. The missing twelve year old from Englewood. They didn't ignore it because they never got it! A little birdie from 35th Street tells me that News Affairs dropped the ball and tried to blame the dicks from area one. Seems that Lt. MB really screwed up this time. Bet J-Feds investigation doen't mean crap when he finds out that it WAS human error and she is the human involved!

12/06/2009 10:38:00 AM

GEE! don't wet in your pant, must be just awful waiting on something to go wrong....MEDIA will pick and choose whatever story that they want or deem news worthy, unfortunately a 12 year old Black girl missing isn't at the top of their cirulation list, they muffed it and when the parents ramped it up their original copies had already been placed in their round they do the next best thing blame the cops, it works in DA HOOD!

12/06/2009 11:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was in a statement reported from the MEs office in regard to the DNA testing of Homicide victims in the city.

They reported an average of 700 "Plus" homicide victims per year since 2007 are requested and rising...

Is someone fudging the truth?


killing crime with ucr numbers?

lying as usual?

what do you think Mike "numbers" Masters?


Or maybe the Cook County Medical Examiner is reporting homicide stats for Cook County and someone is too stupid to understand the difference between the city and the county?

12/06/2009 11:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what s the diffence between public schools-juvi dention-any jail? steel bars?

12/07/2009 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Let The Police Run It...

This city is overdue for a harsh purgative anyway.

12/06/2009 11:10:00 PM"

Blue Party Ticket

12/07/2009 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it can't be eaten, fucked, smoked or drunk then it is stolen. If none of the aforementioned can occur after it (whatever it may be) is stolen then it's broken, burned, or fucked up beyond any and all salvaging or repair.


A true, appropriate and accurate metaphor of the ghetto and those who dwell there. Across the board. You'd think they must teach it in school because they are all so proficient at it.

12/07/2009 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay safe out there.

Police Officer Shot Dead Outside Pa. Home

Monday , December 07, 2009

A police officer responding to a domestic disturbance was shot dead as he sat in his patrol car outside a suburban Pittsburgh home where another man had been killed, authorities said.

Penn Hills Chief Howard Burton said officer Michael Crawshaw, 32, was the first to respond to a 911 call made about 8:20 p.m. Sunday, in which gunshots and screaming were heard.

Crawshaw was advised to wait in his patrol car until backup arrived when the suspect approached his car and opened fire, Burton said. Based on the number and type of cartridges found, the weapon appeared to be an assault rifle, he said.

Police were searching for a suspect on Monday morning and were seeking another man for questioning, though that man was not a suspect, Burton said.

The car was shot several times, including twice through the windshield, he said. Crawshaw was taken to UPMC Presbyterian Hospital where he was pronounced dead at 8:56 p.m.

12/07/2009 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Illinois Anti Gun Law For Gangmembers Probably Won't Work... For One Reason You Won't Think Of

A big reason it won't work is because many of the charges under this law will just be dismissed as part of an overall plea bargain package. It will simply be plea bargained away.

12/07/2009 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Added to number 9.

Rule 9- As soon as you have a child killed by a car, 2x4, rail road tie, golf club, gun, bat or knife get on TV and number 1 do the ghetto dance while screaming and falling down; then number 2 calmly talk about your child and act as though you were describing a baseball game. No need for tears since you really ever knew your kid but it is important to get on TV as you prepare for Rule 2.

12/07/2009 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

more like pest control, sans the
lethal measures.

you know, trap and release......

Yeah, but: You're not allowed to
release the vermin a long, long way
from where they were caught in order
to prevent their return...

I hear Minnesota farm country is
really nice in the winter.

Just sayin'

12/07/2009 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


To respondent:
12/06/2009 @ 11:56:00 PM


maybe it's true and YOU are a little too defensive

12/07/2009 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

more like pest control, sans the
lethal measures.

you know, trap and release......

Yeah, but: You're not allowed to
release the vermin a long, long way
from where they were caught in order
to prevent their return...

I hear Minnesota farm country is
really nice in the winter.

Just sayin'
The Minneapolis and St. Paul Police Departments won't think this is a good plan as they are dealing with a lot of ghetto people who moved up to Minnesota from Chicago and Detroit to "escape" their problems. Instead, they brought them all with.

12/07/2009 09:19:00 AM  
Blogger Caprice_Classic said...

The police should not have to provide security at any high school. If the students get out of control, let their parents come to the school to police and babysit them.

I went to public school. Back then if your parent had to come up and see the teacher you got a GOOD SMACK for not listening or doing what your teacher told you to. In fifth grade we watched as a classmate got smart with his mother and our teacher Mrs. Rulac slapped him for not respecting his mother. She put everyone in line and we did truly love her. She was tuff but we knew she cared. Oh and yes I too felt her wrath once and only once. Thanks Mrs. Rulac you are and always be my very favorite teacher!

12/07/2009 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Every now and then, someone gets it...

12/07/2009 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A true, appropriate and accurate metaphor of the ghetto and those who dwell there. Across the board. You'd think they must teach it in school because they are all so proficient at it.

12/07/2009 07:04:00 AM"

edumacation truly does begin in the home?

12/07/2009 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The war on cops
By Michelle Malkin • December 4, 2009 09:22 AM

Maurice Clemmons had many enablers — starting in Arkansas with clemency-crazy Mike Huckabee and stretching to Washington state where he was surrounded by people who witnessed his threats against law enforcement and did nothing to stop the Lakewood PD massacre. This week, police charged four family and friends with aiding him and plan to indict two more. My column today steps back and looks at the past year of violence against police officers and the cultural war that has been waged against them for the past several decades. The Left has a popular mantra: “Stop the hate.” Why don’t they start applying it to the men and women who protect and serve?..

12/07/2009 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caprice_Classic said...

The police should not have to provide security at any high school. If the students get out of control, let their parents come to the school to police and babysit them.

I went to public school. Back then if your parent had to come up and see the teacher you got a GOOD SMACK for not listening or doing what your teacher told you to. In fifth grade we watched as a classmate got smart with his mother and our teacher Mrs. Rulac slapped him for not respecting his mother. She put everyone in line and we did truly love her. She was tuff but we knew she cared. Oh and yes I too felt her wrath once and only once. Thanks Mrs. Rulac you are and always be my very favorite teacher!

12/07/2009 10:27:00 AM

No teacher ever slapped me, but students were always invited to participate in parent/teacher conferences at my private catholic grade school. My parents flat-out told them to smack me if I got out of line. They weren't kidding. That fear alone kept me honest many times.

Lack of parental responsibility..hell, no societal responsibility is the reason these animals can't get ahead in life. I say we give them motivation by taking their food and police and first-responders away. It's not like they pay for them anyway, so really, what's the difference?

12/08/2009 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Charlie Rich plays 1349 Wells said...

Every now and then, someone gets it..."

I see what you mean. The sexy white dude in the purple boa no doubt be gettin' "it" from the rappin' hunk...HOT!

My baby makes me proud. Lord,
don't s(he) make me proud ...

12/08/2009 12:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all the real journalists work for indie papers in chicago anymore.

12/08/2009 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

...Let The Police Run It.

There is no way things can be more pissed at, shit on, fucked up and left for dead than they already are.


Keep agitating... Policemen are the jagged thumbnail of truth being rotated in the asshole of criminal malfeasance in this town. Now the good citizens and media outlets (other than local) are noticing what's REALLY going on.

12/08/2009 08:30:00 PM  

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