Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Non Story...

...but guess who gets blamed? For over a dozen pages of comments? Yes, it's the police:
  • As usual, Laura Bravo's kids let their German shepherd into their locked back yard before school this morning.

    Moments later, they heard several "pops" and looked out the window to see their 4-year-old pet, Malachi, lying in a bloody heap on the sidewalk across the street at 7:58 a.m.

This all happened way up north in Edison Park. And you have to read the nonsense in the comment sections to believe it. The headline reads "Family argues off-duty cop overreacted when fatally shot dog" but the article tells a different story. Hopefully, the cop is taking notes and acquires a few copies of the Sun Times for her attorney:
  • Bravo thinks the dog may have escaped from a side gate. [admission of fault]

  • "I understand [Malachi] is a big dog and can seem intimidating, but she overreacted," Bravo said. [admission of fault]
  • To add insult to injury, Bravo said, the responding officers ticketed her for failing to have a dog license for Malachi.

    "Like killing my dog wasn't enough?" she said angrily, holding the ticket for a fine of up to $500. "I didn't know I had to renew it every year." [ignorance of the law is no excuse]

It's amazing how many people think the police have to be beaten, bitten, shot or otherwise abused, even off-duty, before we're allowed to take action to protect ourselves. Even where we live. And how depressing is it that this woman can be completely at fault for not securing her yard, not licensing her dog and she's still given a platform from which to spout her ignorance and infect more people with anti-police bias? All for merely being a cop audacious enough to walk your own dog in your own neighborhood and expect that you won't be confronted and attacked by a 125-pound animal that we've seen tear through people's arms like so much tinfoil.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Job office!!!!!

1/12/2010 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, as a pet owner I must very respectfully disagree with you. I'm not a cop and can only imagine the type of maladjusted animals [with 4 legs]that the miscreants use for intimidation in the hood. But the cop walking the dog... of course her mutt was perfectly behaved on it's leash and didn't approach the other dog or was not on a lawn instead of the sidewalk. The cops I know have an aversion to dogs that borders on a personality disorder. Bar talk that goes along the line of boasting of the killing of pets doesn't help either. That all being said, the tags the Fibune used said it all. "Edison Park" and "Murder".

1/12/2010 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous DAC said...

"Why didn't the officer have a piece of steak to distract the dog with? Why was she carrying her gun while off duty"
Same old crap from the cop haters...

1/12/2010 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous dilligaf said...

God bless office, you and yours did not get hurt.

1/12/2010 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shooting justified.

$500 ticket is dumb. The dead dog is penalty enough. Show some common sense out there. There's 5 dogs on every block not in compliance, and you're going to ticket the woman whose dog you killed? Doesn't matter how justified the shooting was.

But cops, their antagonists, and villains all do worse things every day. Giving a $500 ticket wasn't a horrible thing. But it was a poor decision. Remember, you're there to render justice, not just to re-enforce your side in the argument.

1/12/2010 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous bratton fan said...

Bravo got a photo credit for the self-serving picture of her own dog. Next time you shoot a dog when you're off-duty, snap a picture and maybe the Sun-Times will pay you for it!

1/12/2010 01:12:00 AM  
Blogger Jocko said...

I was there on scene after the shooting and I sense a cover-up is already in the works. With no one's permission, I did an anal cavity search on the Nazi Shepard. I was unable to find anything, so the canine must have swallowed it.

Stay tuned, this is going to be bigger then the whole Abbante bar wrestlemania scandal!

1/12/2010 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck that loose, unattended dog, Fuck it's owner, Fuck the neighboors and Fuck the Sun-Times.

Cicero PD

1/12/2010 02:05:00 AM  
Blogger chicago guy said...

On the other hand. At least the cop could protect her/himself. The rest of us (serfs) aren't allowed to carry a gun. If we are attacked I guess we'd better just have a spare pound of beef ready!

Ha, Ha, I lOVE this town!

1/12/2010 04:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The officer did just fine. The officer should sue the dog owner for negligence for putting her in fear of getting torn apart by a large vicious dog. Get in front of this and stay on the attack.

The hell with these idiot people. There were comments from more idiots in the Sun-Times advocating the shooting of police officers if people feel threatened by the police or the police came too close. The officer might include the Sun-Times in that sit.

The climate out there is definitely anti-police, protect yourselves officers.

1/12/2010 05:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you are right. This is a non story. However, we all know that if the roles had been reversed it would be a freaking media circus. You'd probably have the neighbors calling for her firing for "forgetting" to secure her yard.

I read some of the comments in the Sun-times and I just marvel at how so many people could be led down the primrose path by such a story.

I especially like the comment on the officer carrying a weapon off duty. The commentator made it sound like the officer was in the wrong for doing so.

Yet I must wonder, how many of these neighbors have come to this officer while she's off duty to complain about this issue or that issue,expecting her to do something about it?


1/12/2010 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A neighbor stated that Bravos big shephard has escaped from the yard in the past.Bravo stated the gate was broken.Bravos ex,who lives a block away,was on scene and of course was blaming the police. Then he became a bigger jagoff and stated he would contact the media and bad mouth the police. I guess he stood by what he said....Oh yeah, and he's a fireman.

1/12/2010 06:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

destroying a dangerous animal, whether it's attacking a person or another animal is what a police officer does and can do, on or off duty. leashed or not. Glad that the off duty p.o. had her gun and was able to defend herself and HER family dog.

1/12/2010 06:17:00 AM  
Blogger nrn312 said...

Giving a $500 ticket was a real nice touch.

1/12/2010 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ride the lightning Rover!

1/12/2010 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Sgt Schultz said...

Just another reason to let the good citizens fend for themselves.

1/12/2010 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the po po kilt my dawg and put a 5 bill case on me, I needs to move back to d ghetto.

1/12/2010 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Sgt. Saunders said...

I'll show this thread to my neighbor who was mauled by a 125lb. German Shepard that attacked her as she walked her dog. I wonder if she will criticize the Officer for shooting the dog.

1/12/2010 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

125 pound shepherd? Holy crap, that weighs more than my wife.

1/12/2010 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read that article last night on breaking news. Then I read the comments from the libtards that followed. I was sickened and disgusted but not surprised. People were questioning why she had her gun on at 8 a.m. and in Edison Park. They said nothing happens up here. Another suggested the p.o. should have used a taser or pepper spray. God help us! I made a comment would you believe the liber media would not post it. Fucking liberal!

1/12/2010 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just want to say to the female officer, WELL DONE! You followed your training and you did what was NECESSARY! Please know that the majority of the tax paying citizens support you!

A Citizen

1/12/2010 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If a dog acted aggressively towards me on the open street, I'd pop it in a second. That is, if I were armed, and if Shitcago didn't violate my constitutional rights to self-defense.

1/12/2010 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a great idea. Instead of not buying the scumtimes, how about not patronizing the those who advertise in this scandalous periodical full of lies and propaganda. Comments online very disturbing, but I really dont care what other people think when I know that they are wrong.

1/12/2010 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But cops, their antagonists, and villains all do worse things every day. Giving a $500 ticket wasn't a horrible thing. But it was a poor decision. Remember, you're there to render justice, not just to re-enforce your side in the argument.

1/12/2010 01:10:00 AM

The above comment has got to be the arm chair quarterbacking of someone who hasn't been sued yet. Experience will temper that remark.

Years ago when I came on, some neighborhood copper would have found a pup and brought it to the family. Now we just do things by the book and assume everything will end up in a civil trial. It usually does. Blame it on the lawyers. Blame it ALL on the lawyers. Greedy, criminally unscrupulous and without conscience.

As far as the off-duty carry: I made my best arrest off-duty . Lots of coppers did too. Not in this day and age. Blame the lawyers. 200 less coppers and no help from the off-duty guys. You really think crime is down?

1/12/2010 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

125 pound shepherd? Holy crap, that weighs more than my wife.

1/12/2010 08:27:00 AM

Oh yeah, quit bragging.

1/12/2010 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"125 pound shepherd? Holy crap, that weighs more than my wife.

1/12/2010 08:27:00 AM"

c'mon, don't ask for it so blatantly.

1/12/2010 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They said nothing happens up here. Another suggested the p.o. should have used a taser or pepper spray. God help us! I made a comment would you believe the liber media would not post it. Fucking liberal!

post it hear and explain that it was rejected: I want to read what they refused to post. Thanks

1/12/2010 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet the family of the woman who was mauled to death by a German Shepard while jogging in Dan Ryan Woods on Chicago's southside can understand better the terror of being attacked by a large, loose and dangerous animal. Why do people not understand that it is prefferable to avoid injury and death whenever possible. If that officer had been hurt they would be singing another tune....while paying a large, well-deserved lawsuit and facing criminal charges, with the possibilty that the dog would be put down. Injury to the dog or the cop....seems like we know what they preferred. Now make that cop a child on the way to school and then it really amps up. They should be thanksful it ended up as it did. And make no mistake about it....this is the fault of no one but the owners who were not able to safely contain their animal.

1/12/2010 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the $500 seems overboard.

dog lover=liberal no other way to see it really.

1/12/2010 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, this is a rhetorical question, but SWEET JESUS are coppers the only ones that aren't completely brain dead! Between the breaking news comments on this and on the Franklin Park shooting, it is amazing!

1/12/2010 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know a guy (not in Chicago, nor even Illinois) who has a sign at the foot of the driveway on to his acreage that says, "If you shoot my dog, you better be bulletproof yourself". Just saying....

1/12/2010 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$500 ticket is dumb. The dead dog is penalty enough. Show some common sense out there.

--Agreed! That's a bit much.

1/12/2010 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why not write a ticket?her stupidity caused this..

1/12/2010 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the dog had a PSP.

1/12/2010 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bravos owner more ghetto trash!

1/12/2010 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An untethered dog attacked me while I was jogging once in Lincoln Park. I knocked the dog unconscious with one punch to the temple.(it can be done.)The yuppie owner didn't like it. I told him I would lay him out alongside the dog if he had a problem with it. Case closed. He took it and liked it. No call for police service,

1/12/2010 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About 25 years ago i was running at night along the lakefront. A lot of robberies , etc. so I carried my cocktail gun in a pouch. Around addison and the lake some female was letting her Rott roam and he proceeded to take a small bite out of my calf-- minor actually. I let go with two and actually hit him twice ( not a great shot)- and he died. Naturally, she is screaming for police, police come-- go to station- street deputy actually came out for this nonsense. no problem really
She had a condo- I sued her and her homeowners insurance--13 big ones in my pocket.

old retired guy

1/12/2010 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When was the last time you wee stopped for a traffic violation.

And when stopped when did the Officer search your vehicle, does the word never come to mind.

Any good citizen who does not have a gun under the seat for protection is nuts,

The old saying is to be judge by twelve or carried by six, guess which Im going to be.

1/12/2010 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

125 pound shepherd? Holy crap, that weighs more than my wife.

1/12/2010 08:27:00 AM

I wish.

1/12/2010 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know one case that you can CCX.

That looked like Bear.

1/12/2010 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That dog had priors: UUW, Agg Batt, Resisting, you name it. It's canines like that that give the rest of us hard working dogs a bad name.

Not a cop.

1/12/2010 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the po po kilt my dawg and put a 5 bill case on me, I needs to move back to d ghetto.

1/12/2010 07:19:00 AM


Holy shit, my computer monitor is ruined.

1/12/2010 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh come on! That dog was an honor student and a future doctor...

1/12/2010 12:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She should have used spike treads to blow out the dogs paws

1/12/2010 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

After scrolling through the comments, all we can say is...


We reckon congratulations are in order to 42 extra-short, daley inc. and the anal-whore local media... This unholy triumvirate has fully succeeded in destroying any capacity for common sense and reasoning among the majority of Chicago residents.

Here, for the citizen trollers we'll cut this into tiny bites so no one chokes.

1. Off duty walking her (presumably) small dog on a leash.

2. Off duty is armed, so damn what of it? Armed to protect herself firstly. Secondary consideration to perhaps taking the ultimate Police action should another person be in need of her intervention. We love how the retards were crying about "there were children on the way to school..." Well if you mental slouches are content to play that angle then IF someone's child was being abducted, you would have been screaming for a hanging if the Off Duty called on the cell and relegated herself to being a "professional witness" instead of "doing something" to PREVENT HARM FROM COMING TO SOMEONE'S CHILD.

3. Citizen trollers take note please. Police Officers get followed home, run off the road in their vehicles, threatened and assualted when out with their families and so on. Any Police Officer that doesn't carry off duty in these "we love to hate the Police" times is an idiot... Period.

4. Off duty and her leashed dog are approached in an aggressive manner by a large dog. She doens't know the dog. (aparrently) DOESN'T know if the dog is current with vaccinations and doesn't have time to look under his tail (per alder-idiot burke) to determine whether it's a neutered male or a female.

The Off Duty knows sure as hell that:
A. She doesn't want to be bitten or want her dog to be bitten.

B. She doesn't want to deal with being hospitalized for stitches and possibly rabies shots.

C. In the event of A. or B. occurring, she would have to incur big unplanned out of pocket expenses.

D. The possibility of the other dog's owner (if there were one) not having any sort of liability insurance.

E. Being aggravated with the City getting needed medical time to recover and possibly being on the hook for her and her dogs medical expenses.

F. The very real possibility of death or great bodily harm to herself had she NOT resorted to her firearm.

WTF? Can it be made beyond crystal clarity?

Fuck it then...

We're sure the spleen-venters in the comments section would be more than happy to be bitten/torn to pieces hospitalized or worse by a strange dog even if they had a firearm to protect themselves.

Common sense has abdicated in this town.

One very old timer was correct when he said, "The longer you work this job, the crazier you realize people are and the less you tend to like and want to be around the crazy people you're charged with saving from themselves and each other."

We (The Police) seem to be just playing for pride now. There seems to be nothing worth salvaging. It's real, we see it in the comments and in the field. We only hope that the very few of citizens are able to see through the smoke & mirrors, bread, circuses and media manipulation of daley inc. and call it for what it is...

A sin and a shame.


The fibune site gnomes will not allow for a REAL post of reasoned affimative defense. Judging from the grammar and sentence structure of the spleen-venters, it would be an exercise in futility anyway...

Hence the long post on SCC, our apologies.

They wanted Chicago, they have it and they're ruining it. But it's all the Police's fault we reckon.

1/12/2010 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the big deal? You swat mosquitoes and set mousetraps, don't you? This is just large vermin.

Animal owners should be held criminally liable for the actions of their animals, bearing 100% responsibility and going to prison the same as if they'd torn up the victim's face themselves using a different weapon. What's the difference?

I'm sick of this remote-control mayhem, thing comes after you and everyone's the dog's lawyer. "It was just getting out of the car..." leaving out the rest of the sentence "...when it attacked you."

Large, aggressive dogs are the perfect outlet for the many bullies and cowards who own them. Little dick, big dog -- and they'll actually argue with you.

"It's not the dog's fault!"

"You're just walking around looking for trouble!"


An unarmed citizen would have been savaged, possibly killed. Good shooting, and nice work with the ticket book too!

Now sue the shit out of them for the ongoing psychological stress this triggered.

1/12/2010 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The owners deserve everything they get. "Accident," no accident, whatever. Their actions, or failures to act, resulted in a situation of multiple threats to human life -- from a vicious animal, and from the inherent hazards in discharging a firearm in a densely populated area.

Fuck 'em.

1/12/2010 01:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Now, as a pet owner I must very respectfully disagree with you. I'm not a cop and can only imagine the type of maladjusted animals [with 4 legs]that the miscreants use for intimidation in the hood. But the cop walking the dog... of course her mutt was perfectly behaved on it's leash and didn't approach the other dog or was not on a lawn instead of the sidewalk. The cops I know have an aversion to dogs that borders on a personality disorder. Bar talk that goes along the line of boasting of the killing of pets doesn't help either. That all being said, the tags the Fibune used said it all. "Edison Park" and "Murder".

1/12/2010 12:29:00 AM

Let's see, dog on leash under control of the owner; dog off leash under no control of the owner, hmmmm. Dog on leash described as a Pug that may weigh 8 lbs; a GSD off leash that weighed 125 lbs according to the article, hmmmm. Dog on leash that possibly could bark/bite the GSD; Dog off leash that possibly could bark/bite the human owner of the Pug, hmmmm.

Not Guilty!

It's a shame that the officer was subjected to this stress seeing that the owner of the GSD knew she had a gate latch that fails when it's iced up. It still is winter, right?

1/12/2010 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what ever happened to mace??

save the bullets for the REAL animals

1/12/2010 01:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too the copper all I can say is...


1/12/2010 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



1/12/2010 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The $500.00 ticket was excessive and was a power play. No wonder the media jumped on this story.

1/12/2010 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The female PO is going to be on the receiving end of a CR #. No dog license aka violation of a city ordinance.

1/12/2010 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is Dog Gone!

1/12/2010 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have two German Shepards. They have never gotten out. Because we watch them in the yard, have two gates and when we walk them they are on leashes with pincher collars. Female German Shepards hate other dogs. I'm not sure about the males? When you walk them, people step aside because they are intimidating. I also walk them while I carry my pistol because I don't want my dog to get into a fight. Our female does not like other dogs. Did this officer over react? I don't know? I don't second guess other officers. But she did have the right to defend herself. But in hindsight wouldn't you rather have a German Shepard to go along with your Glock then a Pug?

1/12/2010 03:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Fuck that loose, unattended dog, Fuck it's owner, Fuck the neighboors and Fuck the Sun-Times.

Cicero PD

1/12/2010 02:05:00 AM

That about sums it all up in a nice, neat, tidy statement.

1/12/2010 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuckin' dogs should be on leashes, including those owned by us...period.

Really tired of asshole dog owners (including some of us) acting like they're as important as children....freaks.

1/12/2010 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A picture of the dog in a graduation cap and gown is currently being photo-shopped,no doubt.

1/12/2010 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not like the dog was playing fetch, roling over or playing dead....ta da!!! LOL!!!

1/12/2010 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago my brother shot a German shepard that charged at him. Also on the Nw side. The dog was owned by a P.O. but had escaped the yard. My Brother's shot was a T & T based on the recovered bullet. X-rays of the dog at the vet because the dog lived revealed another lodged bullet. Thank goodness my brother wasn't hurt.

1/12/2010 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snauseges are the answer. Dogs love em!

1/12/2010 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment left on Breaking News:

More Monday morning quarterbacking from all the libtards. The cop has a right to carry her weapon 24/7. With that being said, try standing in an officer's shoes when they encounter a dangerous situation that requires a split second decision. Most of you nay-sayers would fall on your face, but you spend hours or days standing in judgement of an officer's decision. Most of you who talk about using a taser would probably make the wrong decision on the street and your family would be planning your funeral. This world is full of dangerous animals willing to take your life, both the two and four legged kind.

1/12/2010 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Malachi he sleeps with the fishes........

1/12/2010 05:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couldn't she have just used verbal dog judo on Malachi? It's proven to work on them west side mutts.

1/12/2010 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor dog...couldn't they have just shot it in the leg?!

1/12/2010 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the after report with the supervisors, I hope you didn't forget to mention that the dog made furtive movements with its paws along its collar line making you believe that it may be concealing a dangerous weapon and therefore placing you and your dog in reasonable belief that your personal safety was in jeapordy. Good shootin Tex.

1/12/2010 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The comments on the Sun Times board are scary. People are really lug nuts now a days. The officer did the right thing by defending herself and her pet from being mauled.

Bravo works for the CFD and seems soft as shit for calling the media, especially when she was at fault to begin with.

1/12/2010 06:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media and the owner of the dog are out of their minds. First, what if that dog were to have attacked a child on the way to school (there is a school two blocks away). Second, what if that dog were to get hit by a car? They live right off Harlem ave which is very busy.
I'm glad that citizen did what she did to protect her life and property. Since the owner didn't think it was necessary one can only conclude the dog didnt have the necessary shots. Glad that officer didnt get bit and have to endure a grueling series of rabies shots. Maybe that ticket will encourage more dog owners to get the necessary shoys and tags. You cant just pick and choose what laws you follow and disregard those you feel you are above. My guess is that if the dog owner could afford to live there then she could afford the dog tags but was too CHEAP. So now she pisses and moans about the ticket. Too late you chose too disregard the law now pay the fine and next time lock your gate. This is all the dog owners fault.

1/12/2010 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1/12/2010 01:10:00 AM

I hope that you are a Social Worker Libtard and not a Patrolman...because if you are, yu are one of the reasons for so many problems in this city and this department.

1/12/2010 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shooting justified.

$500 ticket is dumb. The dead dog is penalty enough. Show some common sense out there. There's 5 dogs on every block not in compliance, and you're going to ticket the woman whose dog you killed? Doesn't matter how justified the shooting was.

But cops, their antagonists, and villains all do worse things every day. Giving a $500 ticket wasn't a horrible thing. But it was a poor decision. Remember, you're there to render justice, not just to re-enforce your side in the argument.

1/12/2010 01:10:00 AM

A neighbor stated that Bravos big shephard has escaped from the yard in the past.Bravo stated the gate was broken.Bravos ex,who lives a block away,was on scene and of course was blaming the police. Then he became a bigger jagoff and stated he would contact the media and bad mouth the police. I guess he stood by what he said....Oh yeah, and he's a fireman.

1/12/2010 06:02:00 AM

Maybe the asshole ex-husband is why they issued the ticket.

1/12/2010 07:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fact:Both Bravo and the Police officer were fined the same. Funny how the daily rags do not point that out! Good shooting officer.

1/12/2010 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't Bear get out...TWICE?

1/12/2010 07:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/12/2010 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friends neice was attacked by a mutt that weighed under fifty pounds. Her twelve yr old neice weighed about eighty lbs, chunky little thing. Her face was torn apart. The poor kid has had about six surgeries already. The dog owner is 100% at fault regardless. Thank God the victim had a gun. Good job officer.

1/12/2010 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been bitten by a dog before, wasn't pleasant, some big scary 125lb shepard approaches me barking or growling, I'm gonna fillet it if necessary.

1/12/2010 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Owning big dog = guilt. Gotcha.

"It's amazing how many people think the police have to be beaten, bitten, shot or otherwise abused, even off-duty, before we're allowed to take action to protect ourselves."

Isn't that pretty much what is expected of the citizens? Hopefully we're alive to call 911 and wait 20 minutes. Maybe the rapist will have erectile dysfunction.

1/12/2010 09:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Just down the street... said...

I know the family and the dog through my kids, don't now the shooter (as far as I know). The dog was HUGE, and actually well behaved, but I can easily see it freaking someone out. I wasn't there, but I can understand the father acting up: not because he is a jerk but because the family really loved that dog. Put yourself in his place, his kids holding their dead "family member". You'd be pretty damn upset too and you all know it! I'm sure the shooter wasn't being malicious, but the family still lost a loving companion. Save all the macho bullshit for your late night, back-patting war story sessions at Tommy's!

I'm trying not to choose sides because I wasn't there, but whoever wrote that ticket should be ashamed of themselves! Vindictive and a total dick move in my opinion. Did the "victim" get a ticket for walking her dog off a leash? Did she have a license? Didn't think so...makes us all look bad.

1/12/2010 09:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12:29am..."But the cop walking the dog...of course her mutt was perfectly behaved on it's leash and didn't approach the other dog or was not on a lawn instead of the sidewalk" Question?? Were you there to see if her "mutt" was perfectly behaved??? How do you know if the Officers "mutt" approached the other dog?? Do you know that the "mutt" was on the lawn or sidewalk??? I'm guessing NO... you are just asuming...a picture you have in your little head...so you state what YOU think happened!!!! Now please tell us the other side... you know when you were there (in your little head) was the other "mutt" perfectly behaved on it's leash? Did the other "mutt" approach the other dog or a person? Was the other "mutt" on the sidewalk and not on the lawn? But of course YOU must know... because you must have been there! Please let us know!!! And of course your "NOT" a cop...I'm not ignorant enough to state a fact!!! Just a wild guess??? You have never been charged by a "mutt"

1/12/2010 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neighbor said dog is vicious and has got out of the yard before. The article states the Bravo's kids let the dog out before school and even lists the kids ages. Luckily the unlicensed dog didn't attack any students on their way to the school down the block. The older Bravo kids are old enough to make sure the gate is locked before the let the beast out. Bottom line is that the mother is responsible for her children, their actions, and she is responsible for her unlicensed pet as well. Appears Ms. Bravo failed twice. Glad no innocent children were hurt. Kudos to the responding officer who wrote the citation. Thanks for doing your job.

1/12/2010 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when Ret. Supt. Hilliard shot at a rott in his alley as he walked his dog.

1/12/2010 09:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too have a german shep....the best dog ever....but guess what??? Shes an "ANIMAL" & I can never totally trust her, no one can ever guess what an animal will do!!! I also take my gun with me when I walk my dog...If a dog is gonna attack..it's a fighter and yes I will shoot it, to protect myself, my dog and anyone else!!! But most important...I always carry because of the 2 legged DOG!!!

1/12/2010 09:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm the biggest dog lover...but Officer you had to do what you had to do at a split second....I could not even believe the ignorant comments in the paper...all second guessers...never had to deal w/this, all would be screaming if this happened to them and they knew you were the police and walked away!!!! UNREAL!

1/12/2010 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have done the same thing! I have a very good large house dog...Not aggresive at all, but I have to watch when she is outside, because of the 2 pitbulls across the alley, the "outside" dog across the street that is always left out all day & night (barks 24/7) and the Rott. that jumps the fence & attacks (owner says not to worry...has never bitten anyone!! (just seems mean) and I live in a very nice area!!!! Good job Officer, I know you are hurting!!!

1/12/2010 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$500.00 ticket??? Should have been alot more.....if this dog mauled a person how much would the medical bill have been???? HUGE lawsuit...this goofball is lucky that all it is....i'd pay it and shut he hell up!!!

1/12/2010 10:11:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...


Dumbfuck of the Month of January:

Owning big dog = guilt. Gotcha.

Point out where we said that you blithering idiot. What we pointed out (and what you seem to have missed) is that owning a dog means you are responsible for the dog - that means making sure you have a secure yard, a fence that works, proper licensing, shots, insurance, etc.

"It's amazing how many people think the police have to be beaten, bitten, shot or otherwise abused, even off-duty, before we're allowed to take action to protect ourselves."

Isn't that pretty much what is expected of the citizens? Hopefully we're alive to call 911 and wait 20 minutes. Maybe the rapist will have erectile dysfunction.

And welcome to the wonderful world of self-defense and concealed carry you dumbass. If you've read this blog for any length of time, you'd be aware that we are advocates of citizens being able to defend themselves, be it with a club, knife or gun. We have berated Illinois politicians for allowing our state to be one of only two states that don't allow their citizens the right to self defense for years now. Maybe you've noticed our tagline at the bottom of the right side column?

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

Your beef is with the politician who disarm you, not the police who are so undermanned that we are rapidly being reduced to being mere report takers who only document crime after it happens and can do little or nothing to prevent it. Yet you come here and act like a complete asshole by claiming we say things we didn't say and that we advocate a position that is 180 degrees from anything we've ever typed, written or said?

Wear your award proudly Asshat.

1/12/2010 10:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try taking a walk around beverly or Mt G and within 2 blocks you will have some mutt with his nose up your crotch and some asshole telling you "Oh, don't worry, He doesn't bite." Well If he does moron, you will pay your fn dues.

1/12/2010 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly..... honestly here...C'mon....

Ok, this is a classic case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time....

I offer sympathy up for the family who just lost their dog. I really do, it's terrible.

I offer a greater sympathy for the police officer who is going through this right now. Being challenged by the media for protecting yourself just illustrates how flipped our society can be sometimes. We've got terrorists trying to take down our country and we're beating up a member of the CPD for protecting herself from a dog. Add that up for me.... Oh wait, it doesn't add up...

I bet the 125 beast would not have been shot if it were a 35 lb normal "city dog".

A german shepherd has no place in Edison Park, where the lots of land are still on a "city" size spread. If you want to have a dog that is comparable to a pony, then move out the the country and have a couple of acres of land for him/her to run around.

I am not a cop and I am a dog owner.

Cops, thank you for putting your neck out there and dealing with the trash on the west side of Chicago on a day to day basis.

Dog Owners - Use your head, maybe that breed is a bit to big for such a densely populated area. To say he's a gentle giant and afraid of his own shadow does not take away from the fact that he had the ability to lay down some intense intimidation. Wrong place, wrong time. Intimidated the wrong person. Moreover, keep an eye on your dog, it's not fair to the community or your dog to have him able to sneak out of the yard and be roaming the streets alone.

Leave the cop alone...


1/12/2010 11:58:00 PM  
Blogger sentit comu said...

First of all. What self respecting cop would own a pug? Not a tough dog. Shepheard would take it. Fuck both parties!! They are idiots!!

1/13/2010 02:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that dog. Sure he had some problems in the past but he was really turning his life around. He got his GED, bought his baby some shoes, and was really thinking hard about becoming a certified minister off the internet. This is a tragedy yo! One love Malachi. Gone but not forgotten. I'm gonna show my grief by getting a photo of Malachi airbrushed on my t-shirt. Maybe even a tat on my forearm right next to the one of my own name.

1/13/2010 03:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Try taking a walk around beverly or Mt G and within 2 blocks you will have some mutt with his nose up your crotch and some asshole telling you "Oh, don't worry, He doesn't bite." Well If he does moron, you will pay your fn dues.

1/12/2010 10:48:00 PM"

are you referring to the 2 legged mutts as well as the 4 legged kind?

1/13/2010 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous bratton fan said...

>More Monday morning quarterbacking from all the libtards.

I'm a liberal who commented saying she was right to shoot the dog. Don't work so hard to antagonize potential friends.

1/13/2010 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Chicago Guy, at least an officer can defend their family and selves with a firearm.
We the great unwashed taxpayer simply keep paying and paying with money, flesh and blood. Yet are denied firearm self-defense by our 'betters' in government.

1/13/2010 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Try taking a walk around beverly or Mt G and within 2 blocks you will have some mutt with his nose up your crotch...

1/12/2010 10:48:00 PM

Even if he isn't with his dog!

1/13/2010 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the thing, no problem with shooting an unleashed aggressive dog however if you decide to ticket one party you better make sure the officers dog is licensed. Hate to say it but either write none or write both because guess what? Not only is there going to be a CR on the officer involved but most likely on the responding officers for failure to perform their duty. It's a damn shame but true.

1/13/2010 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A cat -RIP- attacked me once...

Careful, they're tenacious and can take quite a beating...

1/13/2010 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger sentit comu said...

First of all. What self respecting cop would own a pug? Not a tough dog. Shepheard would take it. Fuck both parties!! They are idiots!!

The Panda has a pug, they make a cute couple!

1/13/2010 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What soft-serve would WILLINGLY get bitten/attacked by a dog and they have the means to protect themselves? Oh but they love dogs and would rather get bitten in the ass and contract God knows what?

You people in Chicago have lost your damn minds!

Judging by the comments in the papers, no small wonder cops want to interact with the public as little as possible. Whatever happened to self preservation and common sense? Has Daley dumbed the public down that badly?

1/13/2010 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous MISSY said...

Hi People, Very Sad Missy here.

I am so sad because of the 4 legged fur baby getting shot. I will not fault the female P.O. I bet she is hurting because she had no other choice. The P.O.lady is a fur baby lover too people.

I am glad her fur baby was not hurt. But I can just imagine that her fur baby is having PTSD.

So all you four legged lovers. Watch your babies, and most important get that license. Yes people, you can get a big ticket for not obeying the law of the land. Check your MCC people.

You people should check people who walk their babies withour proper registration & tags. Write them up, you will also help our beloved mayor with revenue.

When I get back to work, I will be looking for those un-tagged fur babies and write I will ! That will be a big fine and rev. for the city.

I had to give up my 7 cats when Ira sold our Bucktown home and left me without a dime.

So people, I am still at my ex-husband Ira, mother home in Palm Springs. My double hip replacement is still hurting and I might have to get a loose bolt fixed in my right hip. Yes people, under the knife again. Ira' mom, Monica is swell and takes good care of me. She hates what Ira did to me.

I have to go and eat now in Sunny Ca. Monica is grilling me some liver to build me up. But I miss Chicago and cannot wait to come back and write a ton of parkers for our beloved hero mayor. He is such a good man.

Missy-IOD/001 district

1/14/2010 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck it! It's over. Officer's safe, dog's dead. RIP dog. Can't unring the bell.

1/14/2010 02:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
what ever happened to mace??

save the bullets for the REAL animals

1/12/2010 01:41:00 PM

Not too many coppers wear the duty belt while off-duty---but don't let that stop you.

1/14/2010 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you referring to the 2 legged mutts as well as the 4 legged kind?

1/13/2010 10:01:00 AM


1/14/2010 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know the Officer and have always seen her walking the dog with a leash.

1/17/2010 02:20:00 PM  

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