Wednesday, April 14, 2010

No One Wants the Job

Have they run out of cannon fodder?
  • Big meeting on Weds. Apparently O'Keefe blew his top when no Lts. applied for the Command spot under Weis. Command spots will now be done by reverse seniority! You will be working 80 hours a week. You will ignore your family. You will take 26 furlough days for the privilege. It sucks to be the new guy.
Word around town is that 24 unpaid furlough days aren't enough for Shortshanks - he wants six more before the end of the year, making it an even 30 days. One-twelfth of your salary if you're unfortunate enough to have a gold star.

No wonder no one wants the spot.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't okeefe full the spot himself if he's do concerned about it?

4/14/2010 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Sarcasm meter said...

I'm incompetent enough to run this departement further into the ground. You will find this department in china. But I'm just a blue shirt with principle.

4/14/2010 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have they run out of cannon fodder?

no, just suck-asses!

4/14/2010 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds like BS. The application was looking for a Lt. to be the Commanding Officer to take the Sergeants place. It makes me think better or Lieutenants if none applied. i know Lts and Capts who applied for commander so people did apply for the commander position. This move with Roman is a total city hall deal. Why would O'Keefe be mad, he's a city hall suck up too. And besides, who cares.

4/14/2010 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Ted! Read our lips! "NO. FUCKING. WAY."

4/14/2010 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big meeting on Weds. Apparently O'Keefe blew his top when no Lts. applied for the Command spot under Weis. Command spots will now be done by reverse seniority! You will be working 80 hours a week. You will ignore your family. You will take 26 furlough days for the privilege. It sucks to be the new guy.

There may be a sliver of truth in this but the main point is BS. #1-There are enough Lts and Capts stupid enough or egotistical enough to want the job. #2-No way they can force this on anyone. Besides union/contract protection that the Lts and Capts have even the lowest IQ at 35th can see the obvious which is if you put someone in charge by reverse seniority who doesn't want it you will accomplish nothing but chaos.

It is an excellent rumor though.

4/14/2010 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do they need applicants for? They didn't need any for the last round of exempt promotions, he made those before the applications were even due. Why doesn't Weis just appoint another Trahanas or Flores as his personal Lieutenant? If those demographically correct appointees are good enough to inflict upon us they ought to be good enough handle all his scut work on a daily basis.

4/14/2010 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/14/2010 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Word around town is that 24 unpaid furlough days aren't enough for Shortshanks - he wants six more before the end of the year, making it an even 30 days. One-twelfth of your salary if you're unfortunate enough to have a gold star"


4/14/2010 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous 35th Street Birdie said...

And speaking of promotions...

Watch for the current detective and Sergeant's lists to be thrown out. That's in start from scratch.

Reasoning behind this will be to start with a clean slate in a show of good faith at the elimination of clout, nepotism, other unfair advantages, etc.

Seems way too many people in different city departments have been stepping on their dicks as of late, and most have provable ties to clout and inside information regarding testing materials, "special" study groups and so forth. Especially embarrassing has been promotions in the CPD which have resulted in monumental failure, disconnect of the troops and overall horrible morale.

The Policy Group has discussed on several occasions that the Patrolmen, being the eyes, ears and backbone of the department, MIGHT ACTUALLY HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO SAY. The powers that be are slowly starting to see that not everything they read about certain supervisors is vendetta-based, and that those in patrol have a better grasp on how to right this sinking ship called CPD than the majority of the over promoted brass.

J-Fled has been silent the last week or so while brainstorming with the Policy Group on how to rebuild his failing image. He hopes that this may be the thing to help him revive his image and secure a contract extension.

Budgetary issues regarding the development and administration of new tests for Det's. and Sgts. are a main point of contention and concern, as well as projected mass retirements and overall manpower shortages, so when the new tests are to be announced, expect "highly qualified" applicants for promotion to be heavily weighed on a combination of the following attributes: tenure, education, military experience, productivity and "peer testimonial" (THEIR words, not mine). Scores from written test materials will account for a minimal portion of an applicant's overall ranking. Kind of like a legitimate merit applicant, if that makes sense.

Expect this bombshell to be dropped right after retroactive pay is disbursed...they want to slide this in while we're all content with a decent contract and money in the bank.

Sorry for those on the short list to getting promoted, but IF this idea can be applied legitimately, I'm all for it. It actually kind of makes sense, and maybe a total departure from the norm is what we need to get out of this slump.

4/14/2010 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lt. Bob Kohnen from unit 023 to 016

Lt. Dragan Lakich From 023 to 017

Lt. Ron Sodini from 023 to 013

4/13/2010 08:42:00 AM

Man i hope the Lakich one is not true. He is absolutely a great guy to work for. He's the kind of guy that if he said we were down on anything guys would actually go out and try to get some for him. He will be sorely missed. Especially b/c that would leave us with just the ultra micro manager cap't who even rides around the district on his days off to "check up on things." Get a life already. This job was here before you got there and will be here when you leave. He's breaking the backs of the blue shirts as he try's to march up the gold star ladder.

4/14/2010 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


This is NOT rocket science!

Who wants to be literally thrown to the wolves for a few nonexistent bucks?

Who will take a pay cut for title?

Who will become the hatchet man and fall guy for an administration that only uses?

Who will sell their very soul for title?

The answer is very simple, NOBODY!

4/14/2010 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell tale signs of things to come???

4/14/2010 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never in the history of the CPD has this occurred!

4/14/2010 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not even the power-hungry egomaniacal seek this grandeur.

4/14/2010 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a time when being an exempt actually meant something.

4/14/2010 01:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O'Keefe is also upset that 2 Captains and 1 Lt turned down a promotion to commander. He couldn't understand how they would not want to double their workload and decrease their pay. Shows again the nut jobs are definitely running the asylum. This may explain promoting a guy who isn't eligible to be a captain or go to OCD because he didn't have two years in grade, but it doesn't explain Flores, maybe except that she is just like them, NUTS!!!

4/14/2010 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a PO working a beat car and if they make me a Lt real fast I would apply for the job. Promise.

4/14/2010 01:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean not ONE suckup in the entire department wanted it? Not ONE!!!

4/14/2010 01:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how much the take home car makes up for the loss in pay? free gas, car washes, maintenance, insurance, free parking wherever. . . .

4/14/2010 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

COWARD J-FLED is poison to morale. Who in their right mind would want to have to deal with his treachery directly and daily?

He's like a metastasizing cancer. Cut him out and hope we can get healthy again. Now we're at Stage 4 and only Shortshanks has the chemo to rid us of this disgrace.

Cowards are stigmatized as cowards forever. He doesn't have any shame. No one respects a coward. A coward can't lead if his life depended on it. We laugh at him behind his back. He'll haunt us until he's gone.

Low profile it and wait for the 1st and the 16th. We are now in full survival mode. After he's gone, his staff will be outcasts. Only a fool would volunteer.

4/14/2010 04:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fled is now lying beneath the shower in a fetal position in his bathtub crying like a bitch. Avoid him at all costs.

4/14/2010 04:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Lt. in his/her right mind with any good years of service left would tether their name/reputation to the
SS Chickenshit. Weis is officially a lame duck Supt. with less than 10 months remaining on his 3 year deal with the devil (Shortshanks). It can't end soon enough. I can't ever remember in my 30 years with the Dept. when things have ever been this bad from a leadership standpoint.
May God save us all. Strap in and hang on, boys & girls, there's no telling where this roller coaster ride from hell is going to take us.
As for me, retiring this week, and glad to get out of this shitstorm.
Thank you Mayor Daley, for bringing the CPD to its knees.

4/14/2010 04:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, to put it mildly they guy is the asian carp of law enforcement. The FBI must be mad at him too for tarnishing what little of an image they had left as well.

What goes around comes around. Just like the Cozzi case was hardly the "worst beating he ever saw". Cozzi was a minor transgression and J-Fled is forever known as a coward. Hell just google simply the word "coward" and he comes up. That is a fate worse than death. Who wants to work in an office with that guy? 80's today he's probably kicking his cats all over the house as we speak.

4/14/2010 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....even the lowest IQ at 35th can see the obvious which is if you put someone in charge by reverse seniority who doesn't want it you will accomplish nothing but chaos.

And your point is? It's been nothing BUT CHAOS with people who have wanted a particular spot when it opened.

4/14/2010 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
No Lt. in his/her right mind with any good years of service left would tether their name/reputation to the
SS Chickenshit. Weis is officially a lame duck Supt. with less than 10 months remaining on his 3 year deal with the devil (Shortshanks). It can't end soon enough. I can't ever remember in my 30 years with the Dept. when things have ever been this bad from a leadership standpoint.
May God save us all. Strap in and hang on, boys & girls, there's no telling where this roller coaster ride from hell is going to take us.
As for me, retiring this week, and glad to get out of this shitstorm.
Thank you Mayor Daley, for bringing the CPD to its knees.

4/14/2010 04:41:00 AM

Michael Picardi will take the job, he will do anything Tony Soprano tells him to do.

4/14/2010 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jody has less than one year left on his contract and is a sure thing to be booted at the end. Who would want to be close to the treachery and recriminations at 35th Street? It would be a suicide mission because whoever follows J-Fled as Supt. will clean house. Anyone in the blast area will be collateral damage.

4/14/2010 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fled has been silent the last week or so while brainstorming with the Policy Group on how to rebuild his failing image. He hopes that this may be the thing to help him revive his image and secure a contract extension.

Sorry, but isn't there an old saying that goes something like....NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU POLISH IT, A TURD IS STILL A TURD.

About the ONLY thing J-Fled can do to improve his image is to make good on his promise. You remember that one? The one where he said that if HE was the reason for the low ( now non-existent )morale no one would have to tell him to leave, he would just leave.

4/14/2010 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderscum Smiff, you want the poleecez cleaning up the dope slingers near your office right. Well why didn't you do something about the abandon building next to the home of the 58 year old lady found stabbed to death. The neighbors were on the news saying they asked you to do something about that building months ago.

I guess you are more usless than anyone could guess. You can't even get a building boarded up.

Go back to teaching. Same results but fewer affected by your uselessness.

Alderscum smiff, Isn't it true that you just had another killing right down the block from your own office. Wouldn't you agree that we need some more po-lices out here? You should know more then anybody. BTW hows that tip running by your office? The locals still charging you a street tax?

4/14/2010 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fled: You want to throw the troops a bone? GET RID OF MERIT!!!

4/14/2010 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOTE TO NEWS MEDIA WHO MIGHT READ THIS BLOG: Have reporters and photographers go to Headquarters tomorrow between 0900-1200.

Between tomorrow and the same time on Friday there be over 140 Chicago Police Officers of all ranks being processed out for retirement.

Now Fran Spielman will write what a wonderful and generous gift Mayor Richard Daley is giving these folks.

Channel 7's Chuck Gaudie will have an expose of the cushy windfall these shadowy city employees are escaping with.

No one in the main stream media will say that the Shorty is shortchanging the people of Chicago on police service. That he is collecting the taxes that should be spent on police protection and diverting the money to things that make his pals rich.

No one is saying that here are about 150 good jobs that will not be filled at a time we all know America needs job.

No one will ask these retirees, (now in the K.M.A. Club), Do you believe that the police department is being well led by Jody Weis? Do you believe that there are enough police in Chicago? Do you plan to vote for Richard Daley in the future?

No one is saying that we are about to enter a bloody summer with out enough police and no hope of getting any soon.

Stay safe, Shorty and J-Fled will not be around forever. Register and Vote.

4/14/2010 07:12:00 AM  
Blogger cpdwoman said...

"peer testimonial" sounds like "clout" to me

4/14/2010 07:47:00 AM  
Blogger john said...

You left out one thing-when you go to get your gold braid pension there is no money left.

4/14/2010 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares what o'keefe says, he is not a cop and was a priest before he became a city hall suck-up.... they should have kept him in charge of the 311 center and let a real boss with street experience do his job.....

4/14/2010 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I wonder how much the take home car makes up for the loss in pay? free gas, car washes, maintenance, insurance, free parking wherever. .

If I remember correctly the court awarded Deloughery 6K/yr for the loss of the co. car when she sued for being dumped from cmdr of A5 Y/D. Thats was about ten years ago

4/14/2010 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe it that no one wants the job, and that O'Queef may have blown his top...but you can't promote someone based on reverse seniority...maybe they should try reverse señority like last time.

4/14/2010 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"No One Wants the Job"

Michael Picardi wants it. Did anyone ask him?

4/14/2010 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what lt would apply for command staff title , in less than a year jfed and mayor daley will be history . new supt and time to clean house of commanders

captains on days wouldn't apply , they have it made , hold roll call, have breakfast , go down on doc mission ,wink wink no unpaid days off 45 min a day ot

did picardi apply , maybe it should be opened up for us lowly p.o.'s , det & sgt's to apply

keatings , roman are sgt and jfled is a civilian

it's all on the square kid
look at body guard and assignments to units , send me your resume
and don't forget the phone call

4/14/2010 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the biggest reason nobody wants a gold star anymore but it isn't the only reason....

Commander and deputy Chief used to be the best jobs on the department, now they are the worst, oh, throw Tac. Lt. in there too...

4/14/2010 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sorry you could never make rank but maybe we should level the playing field and have everyone take 30 furlough days, let us know how you like YOUR wages and pension reduced because this city dosen't know how to manage. Open your eyes, were in this together, there is a reason nobody wants those spots anymore, they have families, kids, tuition etc. just like everyone else...

4/14/2010 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT ~

If you've wondered how to evaluate City Council members who'll stand for re-election early next year, be grateful. You'll learn more about your alderman's sense of ethics from this one vote than from any other single position he or she has taken.


4/14/2010 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People did put in for that spot in the Supe's office, it just wasn't anyone they wanted. Besides, that used to be a Commander's spot because it was such a shit position, you do absolutely EVERYTHING for the Supe, it is a heater spot with 12 hour days as the norm dealing with every boss, politician etc. all day long, they can have it. At least they made a Lt. spot instead so you don't have to take furlough days...

4/14/2010 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

News Flash!

J-Fed, no J-Pud, no its J-Fled actually speeding to a scene of a man shot!

Sorry it J-Fled was speeding to a scene of a injured cat!

NEVER trust a man who owns cats and NEVER NEVER trust a Fed!!!


4/14/2010 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley is trying to off set our raise by using furlough days

4/14/2010 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you need to take a test? or is this similar to the K9 oral interview? LOL ROTF

4/14/2010 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE Promotions:

Why not just promote those already on the list? Do you mean the city is going to promote only 100 (on the list) people off the last Sgt's test that cost millions to write, administer and correct? Put "MERIT" on hold and let the people who actually studied get promoted, give them a chance. The clouted already got promoted, they squeeze them in first. It's the people in the late 100's and 200's who are the regular joe-blows who are waiting to get their fair chance of being promoted. Same thing with the dics test. What's with 35th street and their brain-storming? The written exam was given in 2006 and the assessment was given in 2007. How much more time will go by for that person who scored 115 or 120 to get promoted? Especially knowing that 30% jumped over them meritoriously. Again, and they wonder why morale is so low.

4/14/2010 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ 4/14/2010 01:59:00 AM

I think about $10,000 a year is a good figure for what the value of a take home car is.

Buck Naked
(not a cop)

4/14/2010 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Promote a blue shirt or detective to run the show!

4/14/2010 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to our world.

- Second City Corp. Counsel

4/14/2010 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

peer testimonial equals:


absolutely NO WAY to decide a leadership position.

case in point...Weis, he has poor "peer testimonial" by the rank and file standards yet he stays in office. Why?

His "Peers" (Daley) put him there and keep him there. He's a "Guy"

No boss has ever considered the rank and file as peer. Ever.

The peer title suggests that the rank and file are "equals" when in fact they are not.

More smoke and mirrors.

Weis is all about smoke and imaging.

4/14/2010 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous John Q. Public said...

So fucking what?! Suck it up you shit-birds. You stepped on people, threw your peers under numerous buses, lied, cheated, stole and sold your souls to the devil and now you want to bitch? The price you pay for your "sucess" is meager in comparison to what you did to get there. You would realize this if you had half a brain but then again, if you did you wouldn't have had to do all those unethical and immoral acts to gain power.

Reap what you sow shadows. I hope it ws worth it.

4/14/2010 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Richie the FTO... said...

35th Street Birdie said...
And speaking of promotions...

Watch for the current detective and Sergeant's lists to be thrown out. That's in start from scratch.

Yikes!!...reminds me of a certain Sgt. (AZ) who was numero uno on the last Lts class....until they tore it up!!

Budgetary issues regarding the development and administration of new tests for Det's. and Sgts. are a main point of contention and concern, as well as projected mass retirements and overall manpower shortages, so when the new tests are to be announced, expect "highly qualified"

highly qualified = CLOUT

applicants for promotion to be heavily weighed on a combination of the following attributes: tenure, education, military experience, productivity and "peer testimonial" (THEIR words, not mine).Scores from written test materials will account for a minimal portion of an applicant's overall ranking.

Because everyone knows certain demographics "don't test well"; stupid...

Kind of like a legitimate merit applicant, if that makes sense.

Expect this bombshell to be dropped right after retroactive pay is disbursed...they want to slide this in while we're all content with a decent contract and money in the bank.

Ain't gonna be much getting 1.5 percent for the first 3 years...

Sorry for those on the short list to getting promoted, but IF this idea can be applied legitimately, I'm all for it.

No your not, your an angry inside do nothing...Now pass me another roll...

It actually kind of makes sense, and maybe a total departure from the norm is what we need to get out of this slump.

If it makes sense, it won't be done...

4/14/2010 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Suidae of Chicago said...

35th Street Birdie said...
And speaking of promotions...

Watch for the current detective and Sergeant's lists to be thrown out. That's in start from scratch.


Your kidding, right, because if this is true, (and I know alot of what is posted on this blog is conjecture), it will truely prove that the powers that be on this department are conpletely out of their fucking minds.

Why would you toss out the results of a test, when you aren't even promoting anyone!!

I don't think this will happen, as the city is too cheap to spend the money on a new test.

On the other hand, it is just the kind of activity that would divert attention away from J-Fled and his Snagglepuss routine. Yeah, that's it, piss everyone off who worked hard and did well and are waiting patiently to be promoted...Yeah, that will pump up morale...


4/14/2010 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'J-Fled has been silent the last week or so while brainstorming with the Policy Group on how to rebuild his failing image.'

HOW can one rebuild the 'failing image' of a COWARD? It can't be done. WEISel has never enjoyed much of a reputation, but he can kiss goodbye any hope of walking away from this job with his head held high. He's a fake and a loser, and everyone knows it.
He was the same way as an FBI agent, so his character traits shouldn't really surprise anyone.
Snakes generally huddle together for comfort/warmth, so it's no surprise he's huddled up with Masters and RayRay. Their destruction of this Dept., aided by Ted O'Keefe, has caused most of the higher ranks to do nothing except hunker down and wait these assholes out when the WEISel's contract runs out early next week.

4/14/2010 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous bright red 1958 plymouth fury said...

Glad I had the presence of mind to get the company Impala towed all those years ago. Getting dumped back to Captain was the best thing that ever happened to me and my ego.

4/14/2010 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so...J-Fled is the Captain of the SS CPD (aka Titanic); the passengers warn of the impending collision with the iceberg. Capt. J-Fled says, hey, we'll have ice for our drinks!; and, by the way, doesn't the band sound nice?

4/14/2010 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-Fled has been silent the last week or so while brainstorming with the Policy Group on how to rebuild his failing image.


And that, right there, is THE problem with this department.

Every single one of the aforementioned is so out of touch with life on the street as to be laughable.

Great. Another plan handed down by the out-of-touch.

Here's a suggestion. Instead of throwing out the lt and sgt lists, why don't you throw out J-Fled and the Policy Group?

4/14/2010 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey as long as the exempts don't have to give up their knee pads for future promotions they'll survive!

4/14/2010 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let's be honest
last round of promotions were hispanic , one demoted and later repromoted

not one black , white , asian , arabic worthy of a command exempt position

you don't have to be a lt. or captain to be exempt
look around at all the civilians , some sgts and wasn't huberman a p.o.

jody select an exempt from police officer or detective rank
many are more qualified than your triple , can't pass a test , sworn command staff
assign a hispanic to a black district , a black to awhite district and a white to a hispanic district

you are the boss , aren't you?

4/14/2010 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

exempts were always connected
now all captains have to be connected , soon it will be resume only to be promoted to lt.

how many lts applied for captain

it's total bs , mr mayor want to save the cpd pension , get rid of captain rank and gold braid pension bill

promote some po's to exempt staff
you have many qualified police officers that would take commander job without the gold braid bill

if we don't work out demote us back to a police officer , det or sgt . many po's actually passed sgt test and are now working for triple promoted exempts

it's not to late to correct your mistakes , promoting people that never passed a test to commander is a joke

where's that federal monitor???

4/14/2010 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Word around town is that 24 unpaid furlough days aren't enough for Shortshanks - he wants six more before the end of the year, making it an even 30 days. One-twelfth of your salary if you're unfortunate enough to have a gold star"


4/14/2010 12:51:00 AM
Anonymous 35th Street Birdie said...

And speaking of promotions...

Watch for the current detective and Sergeant's lists to be thrown out. That's in start from scratch.

Reasoning behind this will be to start with a clean slate in a show of good faith at the elimination of clout, nepotism, other unfair advantages, etc.

Seems way too many people in different city departments have been stepping on their dicks as of late, and most have provable ties to clout and inside information regarding testing materials, "special" study groups and so forth. Especially embarrassing has been promotions in the CPD which have resulted in monumental failure, disconnect of the troops and overall horrible morale.

The Policy Group has discussed on several occasions that the Patrolmen, being the eyes, ears and backbone of the department, MIGHT ACTUALLY HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO SAY. The powers that be are slowly starting to see that not everything they read about certain supervisors is vendetta-based, and that those in patrol have a better grasp on how to right this sinking ship called CPD than the majority of the over promoted brass.

J-Fled has been silent the last week or so while brainstorming with the Policy Group on how to rebuild his failing image. He hopes that this may be the thing to help him revive his image and secure a contract extension.

Budgetary issues regarding the development and administration of new tests for Det's. and Sgts. are a main point of contention and concern, as well as projected mass retirements and overall manpower shortages, so when the new tests are to be announced, expect "highly qualified" applicants for promotion to be heavily weighed on a combination of the following attributes: tenure, education, military experience, productivity and "peer testimonial" (THEIR words, not mine). Scores from written test materials will account for a minimal portion of an applicant's overall ranking. Kind of like a legitimate merit applicant, if that makes sense.

Expect this bombshell to be dropped right after retroactive pay is disbursed...they want to slide this in while we're all content with a decent contract and money in the bank.

Sorry for those on the short list to getting promoted, but IF this idea can be applied legitimately, I'm all for it. It actually kind of makes sense, and maybe a total departure from the norm is what we need to get out of this slump.

4/14/2010 01:01:00 AM

I hope that this is true but I won't hold my breath. I would love to have people guess what percentage of actual promotions could be considered merit after you factor in secret study groups (or after flat out being given the answers). I'd venture a guess that of the first 200 people promoted after each test 55-60% of those people were either merit or had the answers.

4/14/2010 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/14/2010 12:51:00 AM

You are an ASS!!! You forget that those of us who are City employees that are non-union also will have to take those 30 unpaid days. And, most of us don't even earn 70k yr without the unpaid days. All (or most) of the employees in Environment, Compliance, Finance, Law, Procurement, Inspector Generals Office, Ethics and more have to take all of those unpaid days. And - most of them do not make over 70k a year, and NONE of them hae ever been allowed to get overtime pay!!! So don't be so igorant to your fellow City employees!!!

4/14/2010 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please tell 35th st. Birdie is lying his/her ass off with the Det's and Sgt's list being taken down just to improve J-Fled's image. They haven't made a Det's class in how long, 2 yrs? A lot of people who studied hard and gave up time with their families to do well on those tests are still on those lists. I would guess that most P.O.'s from both lists who are in-line to get promoted in the next couple classes are the one's who worked hard.(ranked 100-300). The clout is never going to end, even if a new test is administered, as long as Daley is in office and the aldermen and Brass still have a say on who gets promoted based on "merit". Please don't punish the people who did well legitimately, hell, the Sgt list only promoted 112 so far after almost 5 yrs. What good is it to spend the money on a new test if they don't plan on promoting anyone?

4/14/2010 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word around town is that 24 unpaid furlough days aren't enough for Shortshanks - he wants six more before the end of the year, making it an even 30 days. One-twelfth of your salary if you're unfortunate enough to have a gold star.

Word is starting to go around that Shortshanks is asking for ALL other unions to OK a 4 day work week next year starting January 1st. That would be a total of 52 (count them) unpaid days off for 2011. The implosion is imminent.

4/14/2010 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FUCK O'Keefe!

He is a political hack DICKHEAD!

19-Paul Squad

Da Pelon

4/14/2010 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why doesn't okeefe full the spot himself if he's do concerned about it?

4/14/2010 12:09:00 AM

Ok you High School drop-out. May I suggest you type your shit on a "Word" document and cut and paste it before you attempt to criticize someone. With that said good point.

4/14/2010 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor babies.

4/14/2010 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody know or have contact with O'Keefe when he was wearing the cossack?

The rumor mill says he was assigned to a parish in 008 or 009 and he was a real ass to the police.

If true, we have another police hater in a position of authority within our own department.

Previous examples of haters within our midst: John Harris, Barbara McDonald, Robert Molloy, Barbara Hemmerling, Vance Henry, Monique Bond and the list goes on.

4/14/2010 03:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll do it! They can have the 24 days as long as I can keep the car and they cut me in on a Taser, camera, or segway contract........

4/14/2010 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Lieutenant...

I do not want that job...

I work nights in the ghetto...

I work with good officerrs I can trust...

I would not want to work in that snake pit for even a substantial raise and a Rolls Royce take home car...

The only way I might think of taking that job is to pull an Operation Valkyrie (and do it right) or be a Deep Throat mole(maybe someone already is)...

Jody, everybody hates you, time to go...

4/14/2010 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MANY reasons not to advance in this cess pool anymore...

The blame game, being hung out to dry, scapegoat, thrown under the bus, wolves in sheeps clothing, burnout, stress, broken promises,

Just to name a few....

I think I ll just play another game of solitaire and watch the blog and laugh in between running to the vending machines and getting coffee!

If they want me they can find me and ASK ME if they actually need me...otherwise...where that crossword puzzle at...?

3 bars

4/14/2010 05:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the daley Crime Family will continue to rob the City blind. Fuck you rich !

4/14/2010 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One large law enforcement agency had a chief who put all Lieutenants on the midnight patrol shift to convince them to retire and be replaced by his cronies. .

4/14/2010 05:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for having to work for J-Fled I would apply. The position is ripe (lucrative) for a wise commander with a sharp Tac Lt....One commander retired a millionaire through a variety of business investments, inside information trades, commodities, and a few favor$.

Give me Dugie for Supt. and I'll take the job pro-bono.

4/14/2010 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give the sergeants a chance.

4/14/2010 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
J-Fled is now lying beneath the shower in a fetal position in his bathtub crying like a bitch. Avoid him at all costs.

4/14/2010 04:21:00 AM

His girlfriend says he is incapable of "morning wood".

This has really affected him. OMG!

4/14/2010 06:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry you could never make rank but maybe we should level the playing field and have everyone take 30 furlough days, let us know how you like YOUR wages and pension reduced because this city dosen't know how to manage. Open your eyes, were in this together, there is a reason nobody wants those spots anymore, they have families, kids, tuition etc. just like everyone else...

4/14/2010 08:45:00 AM

and exactly since when are the bosses in it with us?

4/14/2010 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly the court awarded Deloughery 6K/yr for the loss of the co. car when she sued for being dumped from cmdr of A5 Y/D. Thats was about ten years ago

4/14/2010 08:14:00 AM

That girl has nothing but lawsuits. That's what she is known for. Sued to get sgt. in 1988 and its been like that ever since.

4/14/2010 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

get rid of dicks list and sgts list screw that. my partner studied her ass off and earned her spot on that list. you think things will change your crazy they never will. it will be the same ole same ole.

4/14/2010 06:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous said...
so...J-Fled is the Captain of the SS CPD (aka Titanic); the passengers warn of the impending collision with the iceberg. Capt. J-Fled says, hey, we'll have ice for our drinks!; and, by the way, doesn't the band sound nice?

4/14/2010 10:59:00 AM<<<

Captain Smith at least came up through the ranks of the White Star Line and was well respected.

J-Fled took command of a man-o-war, something he knew nothing about, left a dead sailor (Airhardt) on the gangplank, left the dock without enough fuel food or ammo, has been flogging the crew mercilessly, forcing others over the side, silenced the good command officers in the ward room and has turned off the radar and has the lookouts in the crows nest looking only at the crew.

J-Fled would never get far enough at sea to hit an iceberg or face the enemy and Shortshanks has sold off the lifeboats.

That's more like it. Jody don't go to see those retirees off, I heard some of them are likely to tell you off.

4/14/2010 06:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the guy that studied hard sacrificing family time trying to get promoted " LIFE AIN"T FEAR"

4/14/2010 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep dogging each other. You forget that what he does to them he will try to do to us. They are not listening to us and can care less what we think. Also keep in mind that the Mayor is about to appoint an Alderman to Chair the Police and Fire Commission who HATES the police. He is the same person that fought to take our Shift Differential. The Mayor is setting us to loose you guys! Start registering and vote him OUT!

Let me point this out again, this is all by design, on down to them trying to have our represented kicked off of the Pension Board! They are making this convenient for legislatures to take our benefits and our pensions, while the Aldermen make over $100,000.00 for a part time job. Lets not talk about State Representatives and Stae Senators!!

It is not a badge of honor to have the Gold star anymore. Any idiot can have one. Look at JFled, Mike Masters, Beatrice Cuello and the Federal crew. They come as easy as 123. Look at the above Cracker Jack Box crew. I got mine from the box too and I love it!

The more they fuck over the Exempts, the more disgruntled they are going to be, just like us. How exactly does that benefit anyone? Then they have to sit back and watch this moron get $300,000.00 plus while all of his personal friends get a Federal pension and police salary.

Last I checked I am still fighting for mine! Watch and see what the Arbitrator comes back with, same old shit, different day! Our raise will not even cover inflation!

Unfucking Believable!

4/14/2010 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous HATER said...





4/14/2010 08:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I wonder how much the take home car makes up for the loss in pay? free gas, car washes, maintenance, insurance, free parking wherever. .

If I remember correctly the court awarded Deloughery 6K/yr for the loss of the co. car when she sued for being dumped from cmdr of A5 Y/D. Thats was about ten years ago

4/14/2010 08:14:00 AM
You just promoted her. She was commanding officer, not commander.

And so well-thought of, that the area boss would call the property crimes lieutenant in from home, for overtime, when there was a shooting, even though she was at work.

4/14/2010 08:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

O'Keefe is also upset that 2 Captains and 1 Lt turned down a promotion to commander. He couldn't understand how they would not want to double their workload and decrease their pay. Shows again the nut jobs are definitely running the asylum. This may explain promoting a guy who isn't eligible to be a captain or go to OCD because he didn't have two years in grade, but it doesn't explain Flores, maybe except that she is just like them, NUTS!!!

4/14/2010 01:37:00 AM

na, she is f-cking a very clout heavy judge

4/14/2010 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Expect this bombshell to be dropped right after retroactive pay is disbursed...they want to slide this in while we're all content with a decent contract and money in the bank.

Sorry for those on the short list to getting promoted, but IF this idea can be applied legitimately, I'm all for it. It actually kind of makes sense, and maybe a total departure from the norm is what we need to get out of this slump.

4/14/2010 01:01:00 AM

I hope that this is true but I won't hold my breath. I would love to have people guess what percentage of actual promotions could be considered merit after you factor in secret study groups (or after flat out being given the answers). I'd venture a guess that of the first 200 people promoted after each test 55-60% of those people were either merit or had the answers.

4/14/2010 12:29:00 PM

If the above is true, it is due to the policy group being ineligible for Sgt or Det promotion since they were not able to take the test way back when because they didn't have the time. Now they can be "merited" by JFed. As far as the Sgt test is concerned, they promoted only 100 off that list. Why spend so many millions of dollars to promote only 100? If they take the test down, those who missed promotion because of the 30 merited should sue the department.

4/14/2010 08:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT, but important stuff.

This is what our leaders think of U.S. workers, I guess.

From Kovel's Antiques, of all places: "A dealer just asked me if I had read the latest issue of Glass Shards, the newsletter of the National American Glass Club. There is an article about Steuben Glass, the company’s problems and need to lay off workers because they have lost so much business in the economic down turn.

On the next page is an article about Orrefors, the Swedish glass company. They were chosen for a $5.4 million contract from the U. S. State Department to make glasses for 400 American Embassies. Each glass will be engraved with the seal of the United States.

Critics are furious that the government did not keep the jobs at home with a company founded in 1903. We just learned that the U.S. Senator from New York has asked that the glass contract be rebid so that a U.S. company will be considered. But there is also another reason to to have U.S. made products used. Our embassies, as representatives of our country, should be furnished with the best the United States can produce—a way to brag about the quality of U.S. products."

Maybe we could all drop an email to our Senators and remind them we'd like our embassies to represent the USA, not Sweden. And we'd like American workers to have jobs. Now, there's novel thought.

4/14/2010 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(AZ 011) is my hero. He should make Lt. then Cmdr. in 011.

Watch crime fall to nil. He is a cops-cop.

4/14/2010 08:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/14/2010 12:51:00 AM

You are an ASS!!! You forget that those of us who are City employees that are non-union also will have to take those 30 unpaid days. And, most of us don't even earn 70k yr without the unpaid days. All (or most) of the employees in Environment, Compliance, Finance, Law, Procurement, Inspector Generals Office, Ethics and more have to take all of those unpaid days. And - most of them do not make over 70k a year, and NONE of them hae ever been allowed to get overtime pay!!! So don't be so igorant to your fellow City employees!!!


Get your own blog. I promise not to read it.

Who works for the city without the perk of a union?

4/14/2010 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just heard that over 50+ Lt's and 20+ Captains going with the early 55 and over health retirement option. WOW!!!!

190+ P.O.'s already signed up + all those bosses.
Looks lika a MASS EXODUS COMING!!!!

4/14/2010 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't need all the chiefs!
We need more Indians!!!

4/14/2010 10:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It costs millions to develop a new promotion test and administer it!!!
Years too. Promotion tests stay up typically 5-6 years.
You want a police dept with less officers? You need more Sgts!!!
What ever happened to actually creating a MERIT standard???
Merit is clout!!! Plain and simple!!!

4/14/2010 10:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nashville PD offers promotional exams every two years like clockwork. You don't make it? You know there's another exam in 2 years. Keeps everyone sharp because they're prepping for next test. They always get the top candidates. And the exams are legit, they bring in oral board assessors from other departments. Ironically, including Chicago. That's the way to do it.

4/15/2010 01:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"NONE of them hae ever been allowed to get overtime pay!!! So don't be so igorant to your fellow City employees!!!"


4/15/2010 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why waste the money on giving a new test. Just eliminate the merit system and promote off the list only.

Sure we all know that there are atleast 100 people who did well on that list because of who they know and the answers they were given. But, 100 is alot better then 30 percent plus the 100 cheaters. It is a hell of alot cheaper then spending millions on some new test.

If they create a new test they will still have the 100 or more cheaters guaranteed. This is the city of chicago.

But, if Weiss can step up and be a real leader for once, all he has to do is stop the merit promotions. Then promote strictly off of the list only. This will not stop every single clout promotion, but it sure will eliminate quite a few of the bs clout promotions. 30 percent is a crazy amount of clout promotions.

Now is the time Weiss step up and be a real leader and put an end to the cities bs patronage hiring.

Weiss is the only person who can do this because he doesn't owe the machine a thing and he should already know that his contract will not be renewed.

So, be a real leader and put an end to the 30 percent merit.

You only deserve merit if you are shot or stabbed or severly injured during the perfomance of your job.

Merit should only be used for those reasons and no other reason. The bs merit has only been used for patronage since the early 90's.

If records are checked I will bet that there are many officers who have been shot, stabbed of seriously hurt while performing thier job and they still have not been promoted because they do not have the clout needed with this current merit system.

Step up Weiss and do the right thing.

4/15/2010 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sorry for those on the short list to getting promoted, but IF this idea can be applied legitimately, I'm all for it. It actually kind of makes sense, and maybe a total departure from the norm is what we need to get out of this slump.

4/14/2010 01:01:00 AM"

4/15/2010 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just heard that over 50+ Lt's and 20+ Captains going with the early 55 and over health retirement option. WOW!!!!

190+ P.O.'s already signed up + all those bosses.
Looks lika a MASS EXODUS COMING!!!!

4/14/2010 09:49:00 PM

If those Lts. and Captains are going anytime before Nov.01, 2010 they won't be eligible for the early over 55 insurance..

4/15/2010 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...were in this together, there is a reason nobody wants those spots anymore, they have families, kids, tuition etc. just like everyone else..."

OK, we're in this what are -YOU- -DOING- ABOUT THIS?

4/15/2010 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are an ASS!!! You forget that those of us who are City employees that are non-union also will have to take those 30 unpaid days. And, most of us don't even earn 70k yr without the unpaid days. All (or most) of the employees in Environment, Compliance, Finance, Law, Procurement, Inspector Generals Office, Ethics and more have to take all of those unpaid days. A

Do not compare my Duties as a police officer working the street response to criminal activity, To any paper pushing job, Ive had both- (Never a paper cut) As the police I have been Injured numerous times, Believe me those injuries are hell. Try becoming a real police officer see what we do every day. Anyone can do your job. Few can do my job. Your welcome to try.

4/15/2010 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There have been so many procedural changes since those tests were given that they no longer are indicative of job knowledge

4/15/2010 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for those on the short list to getting promoted, but IF this idea can be applied legitimately, I'm all for it. It actually kind of makes sense, and maybe a total departure from the norm is what we need to get out of this slump.

The only way to fix this mess is to have a total departure of shortshanks and jfled!

4/15/2010 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
OT, but important stuff. ...

...This is what our leaders think of U.S. workers, I guess. ...

...On the next page is an article about Orrefors, the Swedish glass company. They were chosen for a $5.4 million contract from the U. S. State Department to make glasses for 400 American Embassies. Each glass will be engraved with the seal of the United States.

Critics are furious that the government did not keep the jobs at home with a company founded in 1903. We just learned that the U.S. Senator from New York has asked that the glass contract be rebid so that a U.S. company will be considered. ...

...we'd like American workers to have jobs. Now, there's novel thought.

4/14/2010 08:32:00 PM"

Did you also hear that all the promotional stuff like T-shirts, pennants, baseball caps to promote the U.S. Census cam from Bangladesh and Haiti. Oh, the officials claim they were bought from American companies. How many were just hole-in-wall offices that only employed a secretary, a computer, phone and a fax machine.

Why were these companies even considered? It's like electing our president from Kenya or Indonesia for crying out loud.
Richie Daley said years ago when he and the alderthieves got a big raises and the rest of us working stiff got next to nothing, "If he doesn't like what we are offering let him quit. We had 40,000 sign up to take the firfighters exam and he can be easily replaced."

I am sure the Evil Little
Man still thinks that.

Register and Vote.

4/15/2010 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It costs millions to develop a new promotion test and administer it!!!
Years too. Promotion tests stay up typically 5-6 years.
You want a police dept with less officers? You need more Sgts!!!
What ever happened to actually creating a MERIT standard???
Merit is clout!!! Plain and simple!!!

4/14/2010 10:33:00 PM

who needs tests, im all for clout if it wasnt for my clout i wouldn; be the ex 14th dist commander that got dumped to the deuce on midnights. they call me lucy martinez

4/15/2010 05:43:00 PM  

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