"Push the Envelope"
Forwarded to us by our deep cover spy (thanks MM!):
- From: Weis, Jody P.
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 08:10
To: Jackson, James B.; Dugan Jr, Daniel F.; Peterson, Steven; Masters, Michael
Subject: Motivation
Its going to be a very nice day and evening. I want everyone on their toes and pushing the envelope. Parties, dispersals, people (victims) sitting in parked cars, parks, anything that might be a potential for violence. Let's show the city that we can meet the challenge. Front line supervisors MUST be engaged. I do not want to see a group of officers sitting on their cars when they should be patrolling. Make sure everyone is on point. JW
"Pushing the envelope"? So you have someone to throw under the bus?
"[P]eople (victims) sitting in parked cars, parks..."? Sounds like a Civil Rights violations.
"...officers sitting on their cars..."? Probably the only way they can escape the carbon monoxide fumes and non-stop heat boiling up from the engine compartment.
"...everyone is on point"? We got the point J-Fled. We got it two years ago.
"[P]eople (victims) sitting in parked cars, parks..."? Sounds like a Civil Rights violations.
"...officers sitting on their cars..."? Probably the only way they can escape the carbon monoxide fumes and non-stop heat boiling up from the engine compartment.
"...everyone is on point"? We got the point J-Fled. We got it two years ago.
Labels: silly people
is he kidding?...He's got to be kidding...no?
" I do not want to see a group of officers sitting on their cars "
We will now be carrying a set of folding beach chairs in the trunks of our cars, along with cooler, iced beverages, long guns and a lot of ammo.
Please wear a Yellow Ribbon at St. Jude's.....
Please help me keep my 300k job. I promise not to "cozzi" you if you mess up. It would mean alot to my cats and I.
Thanks, Judy P. Wuss
Its going to be a very nice day and evening. I want everyone on their toes and pushing the envelope. Parties, dispersals, people (victims) sitting in parked cars, parks, anything that might be a potential for violence. Let's show the city that we can meet the challenge. Front line supervisors MUST be engaged. I do not want to see a group of officers sitting on their cars when they should be patrolling. Make sure everyone is on point. JW
Correct me if I'm wrong, but dosent THIS ^^^ look like one HUGE Civil Rights Violation? Someone needs to call the Feds on this one!
"Push the envelope..."
TRANSLATION: Start a riot over bull shit. Get officers hurt over shit that will take care of itself and only upsets white anglo protestant types with no concept of the streets like J-Fled. Then have Daley delay paying your IOD bills and blame you for damages to the cars.
Gee, Jody, do you have any idea what not only blue shirts but white shirts and even ranking people think about what you and Daley have been doing to the Department over the years.
I wonder which textbook it came from. Jody you are a real tool and a plagiarist.
Push the what!!!!!!!!!!! If anyone does that or even comes close to that. How fast will J-fled fuck you and sick his FBI buddies on you???? My God you would have to be completely fucking mental to do that.
I work on a tac team in a very busy district and am seen as one of the "workers" and this is a complete joke.. first off j fled.. i may be on a tac team but the only thing you see from me is the drinking and pissing police with a few bags of weed here and there... why the hell am i gonna go out and "be on point" and break my neck for that felony or pistol?? no, not since its open season on the police, not since cozzie, not since numbers of officers have been indicted and then found not guilty in which hunts... I will do the bare minimum to make me look good and keep my spot. one a day keeps the boss away.. I dont care how pimpy of an arrest im making it wont contribute to your plan or the plan of the aweful exempts you have made. police work is dead in this city now... crime will skyrocket and i could care less.. you want numbers and contact cards...sure, ill bring in a piss bum a day and 5 contact cards if it keeps me where im at...let the thugs shoot it out because im not gettin involved... anyone else here who breaks thier back out there "just because" is nuts... do what you got to do to keep your spot.. dont go above and beyond for this administration or for the animals in the ghetto.
point special is a decent beer brewed in wisconsin--- we are on point ????? so when j-fled bailed on the shooting in front of all the media he was "on point".... sounds like a double standard again---
Subject motivation? Someone point out to me what part of his email is motivating. It sounds like JW believes that threatening us = motivating us.
Lets show the city we can meet the challenge? What we do out there on these streets is not a videogame ahole! No we cannot meet the challenge nor do we want to. Being a policeman in Chicago today comes down to life or death.
This email speaks volumes. It is another piece of evidence to show how clearly out of touch JW is with reality and is only thinking of himself. It also shows how the recipients of the email continue to support JW's unrealistic expectations of us and are only thinking of themselves.
I hate my job thanks to you JW and co.
"Push the Envelope"
I will fasten an envelope to the front grill of my squad car so I can push it when I drive. As ordered.
Other than that the only envelopes I will push are the ones I still use to pay bills.
Bill Cozzi pushed the envelope, where did it get him?
Pushing the envelope? What! I can't wait to make an arrest and that MEMO shows up in court. This guy is an idiot.
All the "normal" mayhem and murders would be bad enough this summer but it looks like Arizona has stirred up additional turmoil for law enforcement this year with their new Immigration Law.
With the HUGE illegal population here in Chicago because of the Daley Crime Family needing more people to steal from, we can expect the CPD to be stretched SOOOO thin that it will break. THAT is when we're going to need the National Guard!
JFED an Odinance Officer not an Infantryman Ha Ha -On Point
Sorry, I don't have any stamps.
J-Fled was NEVER and will be NEVER the Police!
Let the lawsuits for civil rights violations come on in!
Stupid bozo!
Keep working meatheads. While Weiss makes his 300,000 yr follow his orders and risk your careers with activist states attorneys and greedy civil attorneys.
All three of the above mentioned make there money and careers on the backs of blue shirts.
What an ass.
Go get'em company chooches. 2%wow .
You ever have your shit pushed in Holmes...?
This fuknut must have a Hollywood scriptwriter doing his memos.
Well, his position allows him, and the people named in the memo not to lead by any kind of an example. Terrible when the Sup can run away when he only hears gunshots from a distance, but tell me I have to violate constitutional rights. Be on point??? You do not have my back. How can you ask me to risk anything I dont have to? Consider that Mr. Weis
I am on point, your the coward running away from a rear position!!!
Motivation . . .
Here's my motivation..
I will NOT do a fucking thing . .
I'll start being somewhat motivated and on point when Daley, J-Fled and his band of clowns are gone.
Take a huge manila envelope and cram it up your ass, J-FLED.
He can't catch a killer but he's great at ripping a blueshirt for smoking a cigarette while her partner is at lunch. This mother fucker's picture appears on the $3 bill.
Too funny, SCC! I guess that narrows down the leak. Now what??
What a clueless fucking retard. "Pushing the envelope"? Is he suggesting that officers engage in conduct that skirts the line of what is legally and Departmentally acceptable? Let me consider that for a second....No, go fuck yourself.
Do you know why morale is so low, Agent Weis? Because you are an incompetent, egomaniacal police-imposter. You sit up in your little 5th floor office, surrounded and insulated by your no-time-having boot lickers and City Hall masters with no idea what "policing" actually is - let alone policing in a major city. You are a glorified accountant - an FBI licensed inspector. You're not even worthy of being called a "lawyer with a gun" or an 'investigator' like the other Feebs we've dealt with.
And you wouldn't have been such a complete and utterly ridiculous failure if you had just shut the fuck up, looked around, learned our job and then picked up your skirt, grabbed your balls, and made some good decisions. No, You cant be bothered with either learning or acting like a man. You have to act like you have the answers and bow before the King.
No one will work for you, quite frankly, because you are a self-absorbed asshole with some kind of inferiority complex. Morale improvements through more awards? Go fuck yourself. I do this job because I love it and the people beside me. Be a leader - help out the guy on the street. Instead of jamming him up.
A fucking summer detail? Open a book or an LE journal. You dont have to be the Amazing Kreskin to see that that shit has been done and done and done without affect. Crime is up because these fucking mutts know we cant do shit because a) we dont have the manpower and b) no one is going to throw away their home, familiy, or career because they 'pushed the envelope' and you fucked them on it. Take a look at the facts around a lot of these homicides - they're drug-related executions. WTF is this? 1972? Fucking detail - a bunch of people who have been pulled from one job to try to do another. Like Pac-man says, "a bunch of Tampax." What happens to the jobs these people were doing before you snatched them off? I'll tell you what - 90 days of NOTHING. You cant steal from the right hand to pay the left. You know what that makes this? A CPD shell game. It would be funny if it wasnt for the fact that you are ruining this department and risking peoples lives.
Get your head out of your ass, learn a bit about policing, and shut the fuck up until February. Then you can take the million you stole off the backs of working police and fix your odd-shaped, rat-eyed head.
Fucking hack.
it was entitles "motivation" are you feeling motivated now?
F this douche bag, I am hoping the City's streets run red with blood. This is the only way we can rid the CPD of this goof.
Push the envelope? I thought doze guys took the envelope- no questions or pushing. What is this city coming to, when you gotta force the envelope onto the officials....
Push your ass, jagoff.
i wish i would have pushed an envelope to Blago, then i would be the guy on the memo!!!!
GFU-JPUD and for the hundredth time, take off our uniform, you are not the police!!!
I think J-Fled is in store for either a wedgie,or a rear admiral !!
First line of narrative of arrest report:
"This is an on view PUSHING THE ENVELOPE arrest under enent #..."
Does this fool realize that everyone hates him, the exempts, the white shirts, the blue shirts event the station janitors hates this guy.
How does it feel to walk into a room full of people, anywhere, and know that and that even these are kissing your ass are hating your guts.
"Follow me men"...run,run, run !!!!
the only thing that JFLED can "point" to is:
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