Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bright Idea

And by "Bright Idea," we mean, "What idiot thought this one up?"
  • Midnights in 007 have been warned! We are going to do a new type of patrol to win the streets. Commander Carrothers has decided that burglary/home invasion is the wave of the future in crime fighting. In the CO book there is a memo that states if there is a large party at a home, the R/O's are to arrest the home owner and then to confiscate and inventory their stereo equipment (speakers, turntables, etc.). So, not only will the p.o. now be sued eventually for violation of civil rights, the ASA will actually probably approve burglary charges.

    The beat cars are also supposed to make large arrests for disorderly conduct and mob action. I thought mob action got thrown out years ago, but then again I am but a non-clouted P.O. so what would i know. Large crowd, arrest them all. Party, arrest them all. So what if 8 beat cars are down on arrests and the backlog is huge, we are here to get the numbers up so the commander can move up. So what if there is NO backup when an officer is in trouble on a crazy friday or saturday night cause cars are down on these arrests. Blueshirts don't matter. Let them get hurt. As the commander has asked midnight P.O.'s many times: "how many years you got on? 5? I got 25. You haven't done anything." Pissers, drinkers and loud music arrests are the way to go. Guns? Not a "quality of life arrest" even though i'd rather have dude point his turntable at me than a gun, but what do i know. I'm not a child of clout.
We can think of at least fifty ways this can go wrong from the coppers entering the home to confiscating private property unrelated to anything but an Ordinance complaint. We are rapidly approaching (passing?) the "Police at Your Own Risk" point.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have the 007th district men and women gotten the, "I've been the po-lice for blah blah blah years, you all ain't done shit" speech yet? Or the one, "when was the last time you made a quality arrest?

Get ready for pissers and dopws 007.

This guy struts around like a peacock in his yellow rimmed glasses. How he can actually think he commands respect from the troops with 2 federally convicted immediate family members is beyond me. Be very careful around this ballbag. It's all about him.

8/18/2010 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask anyone in vice how well this worked on eb's orders to bust up personal house parties that HE had the addresses on. Oh yea, he will watch you do it from a block away. Something rotten is up with this guy.

8/18/2010 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my GOD! This has to be a joke. There are so many problems with this crazyness. For starters, what the hell is the charge for having too many people over at one's house? And under what law can P.O.'s confiscate stero equipment? Do not do this guys! This guy is either nuts or just dumb. Remember this guy is only a commander because of who his brother is. Wish the media would dig into this one.

8/18/2010 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DANGER! DANGER! DANGER! Do not do this. Next these silly bosses will tell you to lock up people for gang/narcotics loitering in their own homes too. Anything for stats.

8/18/2010 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/18/2010 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we're already in police at your own risk mode. this bright idea is fucked up though. i can't think of any PC to enter anyone's home to confiscate property and arrest the homeowner given the scenario in the post.

8/18/2010 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!! sobbing on the inside....hahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8/18/2010 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

photocopy the memo. then print out hundreds and hand them outto your "arrestees" just like the old domestic violence info sheets. Tell the arrestee that those are the commanders orders and if they are going to complain that the complaint should be made against him. Tell the arrestee also that it would be a good idea to include a copy of the memo when they file the complaint.

8/18/2010 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take them down and get them out. Carothers was telling the troops at Bud Killagain parade. All show but no smarts. Sure boss I'll violate their rights for your gain while you chill at the command post all day. By the way how's Ike ?

8/18/2010 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what, I'm not a rat and never have been but maybe it's time to start doing things different. Every time we go to a bullshit call like this you have to worry about some little punk with a camera phone. Next thing you know you are on the news or being sued by Lovey. well It's time to show the -never done a fucking thing- bosses a taste of the medicine. We need to start using our phones to record their rants and post them here and on you tube. Let them taste a little shit sandwich!

8/18/2010 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your Law Enforcement. Know the law. If any supervisor orders you to do anything you know to be wrong with no legal standing just say no.

I have yet to see an Asa or a supervisor on any of my federal lawsuits and I have yet to have either sitting next to me at the defense table.

There is nothing more intimidating than an angry, intelligent, arrogant copper. Go radical.


8/18/2010 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say, honestly i like the ideas. It's just too bad that we really can't do that stuff under the law. And definitely wouldn't be backed by our bosses or politicians if sued or brought up on charges. So i'm sorry boss, but i like my house to much to follow these orders.

8/18/2010 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It goes to show you why we have internal problems. How come the ACLU does not jump on these idiot whiteshirts? And for a chickenshit mayor, why does he put the taxpayers asses on the line like this?

8/18/2010 01:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard from a friend When he was in 002 all he wanted was drinkers and pissers quality of life arrest. His motto was 3 cb#'s for drinking are better than 1 cb# for a CSA, Murder, or Agg Batt. He wanted quantity not quality. I couldn't believe it. I wonder what the citizens would want the police to do lock up that bum drinking or that guy trying to burglarize your home, or trying to rob you, I guess it's all about showing up to the meetings and saying my district made 2000 arrest this month but look at the type of arrest. They are all bull shit heads. Not real criminals.

8/18/2010 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carothers isn't very smart at all, which is why he needs clout to be promoted up the ladder !! At this rate he could end up sharing a cell with his Brother !

8/18/2010 03:40:00 AM  
Anonymous 29 and a day said...

holy shit This guys a commander????

I hope you all ignore this ignoramus

8/18/2010 04:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing surprises me anymore.....ok i'm lying. I thought we DO NOT want anymore coppers getting killed!Please be careful everyone

8/18/2010 05:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would think that our illustrious law department stocked with our version of Perry Mason's would be all over this and calling PPO Commander Carrothers down to HQ to explain the rule of law to him. But Weis will let him do as he wants and him and EB will cost the city millions before Shortshanks decides he fuc%ed up big time by appointing them to command spots.

8/18/2010 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's another one from 007 he's about to dump the tact LT. because he's not black and he also wants 30% more black officers on tact. I saw this coming the first time I saw this fool come to are roll call on midnights. Gold chains and rings on all his fingers ghetto piece of shit claiming he earned everything bragging about what he's done. WTF time to bid out some people like 007 but this guy is a reason to leave!!!!!

8/18/2010 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good...god, man

8/18/2010 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make about 100 copies of that order and inventory one per arrest

8/18/2010 06:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ow come the ACLU does not jump on these idiot whiteshirts?

Because he's....*whispering* black.

8/18/2010 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm, ever heard of the right to assemble?

8/18/2010 07:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gotta say, I'm very impressed with these comments. I've had bad run ins with police (not with CPD) where stupid ordinance violations leave me without rights and the PO trying to violate more. Thanks CPD you guys (and gals) have actually restored some faith in police with this talk of not wanting to violate the rights of citizens. Honestly it's incredibly refreshing!

Keep spreading the word around your dept that selective enforcement works both ways. At some point the blue shirts in this city are going to have to decide that they will not follow the directions of those they have no confidence in, and begin targeting those VIOLENT offenders. You know, the violations of law that actually involve something other than voluntary transactions between individuals (drugs, prostitution) and really just go after those who deprive others of life and liberty. You all serve the people, not EB, Jfled, Shanks, or this Caruthers idiot.

8/18/2010 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't do shit until a supervisor orders you to do it and then get his name and star and put it in the first line of the case and arrest reports along with him ordering you to make the arrest and inventory the "offenders" shit. I agree with SCC. I would not proactively pursue this bullshit because some fucking clout baby commander wants his numbers increased.

8/18/2010 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what you get when you promote Idiots!!!

Yes Carothers is an Idiot. A triple merit Idiot. He didn't deserve Detective let alone any of the Supervisory promotions.

I feel bad for you guys and gals in 007.

Good luck!!!

8/18/2010 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT, But still Stupid Leadership.
Aunt Bea is sweating a little.

She is wondering if she will end up like Dugan.
Aunt Bea said that if there is an investigation she will tell the truth about J-Feds driver and the merit list.

Apparently J-Fed "made it clear" that he wanted a few names on the list but only after the list didn't produce what he wanted. J-Fed ordered the Merit Board to reconvene and reevaluate their rankings. The board did the right thing and sent the list back the way it was.

J-Fed was pissed!!!! He sent Aun Bea to do his dirty work and she failed.

Every single member of the board was wondering why they were reevaluating candidates without new or additional information.

J-Fed not only lost control of the Exempts he lost their respect. He is a leader who rules by FEAR.

There may not be a criminal violation here but ethically and morally he F--ked Up.

Signed; A Fly on the Wall

(No my name is not Robert Roman)

8/18/2010 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How he can actually think he commands respect from the troops with 2 federally convicted immediate family members is beyond me.

Didn't we lose a Superintendent a while back because he was friends with a convicted felon?

8/18/2010 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carothers isn't very smart at all, which is why he needs clout to be promoted up the ladder !! At this rate he could end up sharing a cell with his Brother !

Maybe his brother is still wearing the wire he used trying to save his own skin. Now THAT would be irony......sell his own brother out!

8/18/2010 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relax. We all went to the same Police Academy. Apparently some of us were sleeping the whole time and got promoted beyond their capabilities.

Know your craft and handle accordingly Here is a news flash, we've always had bosses that said stupid things. Whoever wrote "we should use our cell phones and video": you sound like the idiots we come in contact with.

The "yellow glasses" comment was funny. How can you take orders from a guy who looks like Elton John? Maybe he wants to be 'Elton Clout'. And he's not the only one with ridiculous glasses, seems to be a trend.

8/18/2010 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blow me

8/18/2010 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carothers as a Commander is the biggest joke this department has ever seen. Screw him and his convicted felon family.

8/18/2010 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Orders from a supposed leader who has never passed a promotion exam which was based on nothing but the general orders and policies of the police department and the laws of the state. Everything handed to him based on politics. What do you expect? But, when the complaints come in, he will not be the one to answer for them, you will.Imagine you having a house party in Mt. Greenwood and the police ome in and confiscate you stereo and break up the party? When I worked in Englewood, the problem was the taverns and clubs that were connected either to the politicians or the gangs. They caused all of the problems and they were protected by city hall and the brass of the department.

8/18/2010 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 0110 hrs. Your idea about zeroxing the commanders order isn't too bright. It is still the individual officer who is in legal jeopardy. Didn't you ever hear of the Nuremberg defense " yavoll I was just following orders when I sent all those people to the gas chamber". So officers ignore the order don't do it, you'll be the ones holding the bag in federal court.

8/18/2010 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep Working!

8/18/2010 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

007 has it bad enough without being put in harms way by this jagoff. " 25 years" who gives a shit? Time doesn't always equal knowledge. I have almost 29 and have done plenty of police work. Pissed off plenty of horseshit bosses too. I can hold my head up that I never needed ( nor was offered) a meritorious promotion either. What's he going to do. Dump you to 007? Following his direction may very well end you up in jail.

8/18/2010 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What law is there for having a house party with too many "guests"? What criminal violation (other than an anov) for noise disturbance?

There is none.

If any of you officers do comply, then you are an idiot. And you get what you deserve.

Officers of 007 and elsewhere, never comply with a white shirts requests to lock up so and so, do this or that if it doesn't comply with the law. When you get sued or lose your job, they won't be there.

8/18/2010 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carothers isn't very smart at all, which is why he needs clout to be promoted up the ladder !! At this rate he could end up sharing a cell with his Brother !

8/18/2010 03:40:00 AM

RDO and read your comment while having my morning coffee. Thanks. Your words evoked a pleasant thought of the Cah-rothers Bah-rothers arguing over housekeeping duties in their shared jail cell. Just 2 pos and, IMAGINE, one is an exempt member on our department, which is still unbelievable! That alone is sufficient reason to vote against DICK Daley!

Fitzgerald should leave Blago be until comes a day when he has all these pos, like the shanks, indicted and on trial. If it is good enough for Blago, it is good enough for the shanks et al.

8/18/2010 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

someone get jfled to tell all

no way did he select this guy

who's pulling jfles strings

federal monitor , start asking jfled some questions

1st watch officers in 7 , answer your radio assignments , write a case report on every crime

do not get in trouble listening to a merit political sgt lt commander
deputy chief , you get the idea
tvb this idiots and get off the street , many have no insurance or dl

8/18/2010 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is still the same tho, no manpower or equipment to properly and safely do the job. Then, if a homeowner is fined, for an out of control party, they dont pay the fine or do jail time. It just comes out of the taxpayers pockets. Its the democommiecrat way. Get a bright idea, then, in the end, guess who gets stuck paying for it?

8/18/2010 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this political hack should be audio recorded by his underlings and forward the audios to the IPRA for the confidential CR# on too many dept violations to list here, I imagine he would be retiring very quickly to end it.....mmm you know you can't rely on our command structure to drop this fool from the command position unless Daley says so. Everyday worse in CPD.

8/18/2010 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rangers its a slow night!go arrest some drinkers,tresspassers,and bud smokers!!catch up to your tac teams new thing!!HELP!!!!!!!!!!

8/18/2010 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to see a copy if that with that jackasses name on it.

8/18/2010 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It goes to show you why we have internal problems. How come the ACLU does not jump on these idiot whiteshirts? And for a chickenshit mayor, why does he put the taxpayers asses on the line like this?

8/18/2010 01:56:00 AM
Fuck Aclu you commie.

8/18/2010 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous 013th District Copper said...

Another Fucking Retard in charge!

8/18/2010 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Missy here from the Womens Tactical Association, I don't worry about numbers, I've always been lucky like that. I just ask for a spot and get it. Train for the fight girls !!!! WoooooWeeeee !

8/18/2010 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lead by example bitches. Tell that bitch ass commander to get off his lazy fat over clouted ass and do some work!

8/18/2010 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You cannot barge into a home because of a party. DO NOT do anything unlawful!

8/18/2010 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

photocopy the memo. then print out hundreds and hand them outto your "arrestees" just like the old domestic violence info sheets

--Why bother with that? Just don't do it PERIOD!

8/18/2010 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Second City Corp Counsel says:


But don't do this!

Picture your house with wings!

8/18/2010 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For starters, what the hell is the charge for having too many people over at one's house?


Uh oh. If this spreads to other districts, I'm screwed.
We have family parties with more than 50 people at them because my spouse and I are both from big families and all our sibs have kids. NOT!

8/18/2010 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ask anyone in vice how well this worked on eb's orders to bust up personal house parties that HE had the addresses on. Oh yea, he will watch you do it from a block away. Something rotten is up with this guy.

8/18/2010 12:27:00 AM"

Hey there's nothing wrong taking the competition out, you know. So that their own social club and private party can make more money. . . . . . Che Ching! Che Ching!

8/18/2010 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, it seems like EB is running 007 district. Heard that before! Wowowee !!!!!!!

8/18/2010 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huberman is going to be the next supt............ That s what I heard dont know if it's really true or just talk.

8/18/2010 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Commander and a certain Area 1 Sgt must be related because they share the same intelligence level of policing.

8/18/2010 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 002 the drinkers were running from tact officers like the dope boys USED to. It was hilarious to see. That's the kind of policing this asshat wants.

8/18/2010 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And by "Bright Idea," we mean, "What idiot thought this one up?" - Here's a hint: EB hahahahaha! Carothers doesn't have the brain to think so he needs EB to tell him what to do. Good thinking there! Dumb and Dumber!

8/18/2010 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy doesn't know anything about policing. He was promoted because his brother didn't give up the shortpants.

8/18/2010 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This ship is beyond being's now passing the core of the Earth.

8/18/2010 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/18/2010 01:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be happy if you're fortunate to have supervisors between you and Commander Carruthers who know what the hell they are doing and have the stones to back it up. Someone should point out to AC that Freedom of Assembly is a fundamental right guaranted under the Constitution (1st Amendment), that should not be abridged. Breaking up loud parties has nothing to do with home invasions although it could possibly have something to do with driveby shootings or assaults. OTOH, you're more likely than not to start a police riot and get P.O.'s hurt for nothing. Hopefully somebody copies that memo and sends it on to Legal Affairs and the the Superintendent. He's no brainchild, but between him and Masters maybe they find a set and stop this in its tracks.

8/18/2010 01:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony, Tony, Tony. I knew you when you were a blue shirt. You are lucky I was not at your roll call.

8/18/2010 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before going in ask for a supervisor to be present. I an arrest is made preface your arrest slip narrative with the Event # then "as per orders of 700......" (you get the picture)

8/18/2010 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one should be surprised by this idiot's behavior and stupid ass orders. Carothers is a buffon.

8/18/2010 01:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How could they promote such stupid people? This makes me sick.

8/18/2010 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Carothers isn't very smart at all, which is why he needs clout to be promoted up the ladder !! At this rate he could end up sharing a cell with his Brother !

8/18/2010 03:40:00 AM
all you have to do is listen to his hibity jibity and you'll know his intelligence level.

8/18/2010 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hate to tell you but the guy who said you can lock them up and take all the stuff is right. if you bust up an illegal party you have the right to confiscate all alcohol and sound equipment if they are charging a door charge(which all ghetto parties charge at the door.) if its an illegal party in the house you have every right to go into the house. all alcohol, dj equipment, proceedes can be taken and inventoried and the organizers/home owner at the party go to jail.... if the party goes do not disperse then they go to jail for failing to obey police order. scc, do you or the author of this above thread know anything?? either you guys dont know what to do or have little to no experience doing any type of police work in the ghetto.

8/18/2010 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous U. N. Owen said...

You ask what idiot came up with this? That would be Ernie Brown, the new Deputy Superintendent of the Bureau of Patrol. It's in a memo to all Commanders in their message in boxes in I-CLEAR and currently posted in many C.O. books throught the city. I read it at roll call today. According to the memo many problems are arising from parties with underage people there after curfew and drinkers. They are instructing officers to break up these parties. What would the probable cause be to enter a private home to look for curfew violators or underage drinkers. If they're in a home how are they violating curfew? What person in their right mind would allow you to stroll into their home if there is underage drinking going on? Is he suggesting police officers do home invasions on people to break up parties?! Holy fuck is this guy goofy!

8/18/2010 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ernie was slapped with a large civil rights law suit as the commando of Public Housing after ordering his troops to arrest everybody at a gang meeting. The gangsters were actually successful doctors, lawyers and businessmen and former stateway garden residents who returned for a party. it was a huged mess, most of us learn from our mistakes, unless your an idiot.

8/18/2010 02:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to remember that this is eb's brainchild passed on to ac. These two idiots share the same brain. The I'm the police and you aint done shit comments are the same words eb says. EB ordered 192 to home invade private parties and his goons who did it MADE UP their own city ordinance violation because eb said YOU CAN.

You do not have to obey a direct order when you as a police officer know it is wrong or unlawful. Tell the boss to get a cr number on you for disobeying his order to violate civil rights. You will have no problem responding to it.

Guaranteed that memo will be removed from co book, you watch.

8/18/2010 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You boys and girls can read.

Know the law.

Read it.
Memorize it.
NEVER do anything illegal for a "boss"... or anyone else.

Most importantly, spread the word. Copy the page, post the page/s out of the chapters that pertain to illegal orders.

Don't let your fellow officers hurt themselves.

Notify a sgt or lt of the illegal
order, remember name, star, date, specifics.

Be professionals. Be smart.
Be careful

8/18/2010 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Breaking up large parties will guarauntee a large melee and IOD's.

I guess when bosses are made from specialized do nothing units (look at the last Sgt. list) they forget ro have never dealt with this

8/18/2010 03:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said at 8/18/2010 01:56AM

And for a chickenshit mayor, why does he put the taxpayers asses on the line like this?


Shortshanks was never a legal scholar (except for those times he was cramming for the bar exams that he failed multiple times) so he probably never got into fee splitting while in his limited practice of law. Now, however, he has an opportunity for fee splitting by becoming a facilitator. e.g., do or permit stupid things, let the city get sued, quietly exert control over settlement of those law suits and collect campaign contributions or...

Have you been sleeping during the Blago trial? Do you believe in fairy tales? Do you believe Shortshanks above something like that? Bwahahahahahahaahha!

'Tis the Chicago way!

8/18/2010 04:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Home invasion in 016 on the 5600 blk of dakin. 2 male blacks knocked on and elderly womans door, she doesn't answer so they come in the back door. Shitbirds see her and run out. Keep an eye out guys. I know not to many of us coppers live on this side of 016 but it eould be great to see you guys come around.
Thanks stay safe

8/18/2010 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is this a part of Obama's stimulus plan?

The plaintiff lawyers full employment act?

8/18/2010 04:10:00 PM  
Blogger Elm Creek Smith said...

Sounds like an unlawful order. In the military, a soldier has a duty to disobey such orders and report them. Such reports can be made through chaplains if the chain of command is a problem.

This guy sounds like an idiot.


8/18/2010 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No wonder Chicago is paying out so much money on civil suits. If only one in a hundred P.O.s do this, it will cost the city huge $$$. Does anyone at the top still have an ounce of common sense left in them. Why dont one of the brass shut this assclown down??? Unfucking real!!!

8/18/2010 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, so I'm having a party, cops knock at the door and come in and take my stereo equipment? What is this, Nazi Germany?

What a complete moron. It just keeps getting worse. However, I'm looking forward to this Ernie Brown going down in flames.

And I have a feeling he's going to be taking a lot of people with him.

---not a cop

8/18/2010 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't he another qualified merit promotion to Detective, Sergeant and Lieutenant? Yeah the system is legit kids! Can't wait to see what "deserving" clout heavy sergeant gets promoted in this next class of LTs.

8/18/2010 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is it with Daley and technology? After reading this article I'm thinking the ACLU will be all over this. If you have any kind of record or negative history you're going to get "flagged" wherever you go?

This is ridiculous.

8/18/2010 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...if there is a large party at a home, the R/O's are to arrest the home owner and then to confiscate and inventory their stereo equipment (speakers, turntables, etc.)..."

Maybe when they get done they can do something about the people who are discharging powerful modern firearms on the street below my windows...

8/18/2010 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bright idea:
Mayor Richard Daley is forming a committee to study having an express train between O'Hare International Airport and downtown Chicago.
Great, an express way out of this hole....Who in their right mind would want to come in???

8/18/2010 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what the citizens would want the police to do lock up that bum drinking or that guy trying to burglarize your home, or trying to rob you, ........
8/18/2010 02:34:00 AM

Lock up the Bum...The burglary is an "inside" crime..doesn't count, esp if the victim shoots the bad guy.

8/18/2010 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carothers' first day in 007 went on and on about locking everyone up on every street corner and every drinker, pisser...etc. I love what "some" consider police work. Maybe that is the only work he did in the district because he really doesn't want to put away the real POS. Rumor also has it that he is bringing over some guys to help form an all black tact team. WOW!

8/18/2010 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

put a guy in charge w/ a 3rd grade education and this is what happens ...

8/18/2010 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone forward a copy of the memo to SCC for posting?

8/18/2010 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know. Let's just start arresting people who LOOK LIKE THEY'RE GOING TO A PARTY!!! Say brother, you are way too dress up for grocery shopping, and everyone knows there's no churches open after 10 pm on a Saturday night. You must be going to a party. YOU'RE UNDER ARREST! ... COMMANDER! COMMANDER! I GOT ME ANOTHER ONE! SOMEBODY GET THE WAGON, I SEE 5 DOWN THE BLOCK HEADING THIS WAY!

8/18/2010 06:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are not required to follow an order if it is not lawful. Unless they changed the search and seizure law while I was sleeping, you can't just walk into someone's house and confiscate their shit......Commander Dumbass(carothers) needs to go to a refresher class on search and seizure.

8/18/2010 07:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago, out in Fort Forgotten(015), Commander LeRoy O'S sent my tact team to handle a problem at an apt bldg that the Cmdr's girlfriend owned. It was really not criminal in nature, but we were basically ordered to be creative and resolve the situation. When the CR came down, LeRoy didn't remember nothin!

If its not on paper, its not official and the ONLY ONE who will go down will be Y-O-U !

Fuck these know-nothing merit hack white shirts. They will back stab you in a heartbeat.

19-Paul squad!

8/18/2010 07:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't be a problem for too much longer.

8/18/2010 07:59:00 PM  
Blogger The Wolf said...

The idea of locking up the homeowner and seizing his stereo is silly. The idea of zero tolerance however is not. We complain about taking back the streets. We need city hall and 35th street to follow New York and former Mayor Julianni and lock up every mope on the street for even raising a beer to his lips or not clearing a corner when ordered. This can only happen if there is no consequence for the officer. You want the city back Mr. Mayor, then unleash the hounds. We have been shackled for so long and the animals know it. I don't miss good old fashioned policing, I'm just not gonna give some thug my earnings. My house, my kids, another P.O.'s family, I'm all in though and I don’t care about consequences. Until we have legal backing, we cannot be effective police. Next we will be giving Latin Kings and Vice Lords "time outs" in our squads.

8/18/2010 08:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It does not matter if you have been ordered to do this bull shit by a supervisor of commander. If you do it, you own it. You are not to obey a command that is against the law, period.

8/18/2010 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the perfect example of what is wrong with the "merit" system. When you have the "best of the best", who have been sponsored through multiple promotions, where you literally had to sign your name and not answer one question correct to get promoted, how exactly do you think that they will be able to not only correctly interpret the law, but advise subordinates on the proper enforcement procedures to take in direct response. If you are not smart enough to figure out how to pass a test which relied extensively on the skills relating to making decisions and interpreting information presented to you, then you sure as hell will get some of our hardworking officers into trouble. Maybe one of the tests for the eligibility to qualify for a "merit" promotion should be a sample policy written based upon one existing statute. This would give a clue as to one, whether or not the prospective "merit" candidate actually could make sense of something written in the English language and secondly, how they not only implement policy and make decisions, but whether or not they are effective communicators. Maybe a 3rd grade spelling and comprehension test would suffice. My goldfish understands the 4th Amendment better. Speaking of the 4th Amendment, did the "mericonvictorious" commander skip that training? You want a leader, here's my advice: I would not follow any of these fucking jagoffs!!!! Don't do anything to jeopardize your job, but batten down the hatches and wait for the storm to blow through. It's coming, I can almost see the sunshine creeping along the horizon. Another couple warm weekends with the clueless in charge, and not only will the summer be over, but so may be this shit storm.

8/18/2010 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duh!!! It's a scam. Carothers intentionally will use p.o.'s to violate civil rights because when the lawsuit gets settled, the s-heads pay carothers a tax. Just like his brother and old man did making streets and sans employees pay them to work in the ward.

8/18/2010 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ask anyone in vice how well this worked on eb's orders to bust up personal house parties that HE had the addresses on. Oh yea, he will watch you do it from a block away. Something rotten is up with this guy.

8/18/2010 12:27:00 AM"

Hey there's nothing wrong taking the competition out, you know. So that their own social club and private party can make more money. . . . . . Che Ching! Che Ching!

8/18/2010 11:48:00 AM

Oh, oh...and there we have it. Simplest motive in Chicago -- the making of money.

...and in the meantime the competitions' sound gear gets all f___ed up like a car in an impound lot...

8/18/2010 09:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Home invasion in 016 on the 5600 blk of Dakin. 2 male blacks knocked on an elderly womans door, she doesn't answer so they come in the back door. Shitbirds see her and run out."

Lucky for her she didn't get her head caved in...would have been "random," of course...

Keep an eye out guys. I know not to many of us coppers live on this side of 016 but it would be great to see you guys come around.
Thanks stay safe

--8/18/2010 04:10:00 PM


8/18/2010 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't do shit until a supervisor orders you to do it and then get his name and star and put it in the first line of the case and arrest reports along with him ordering you to make the arrest and inventory the "offenders" shit. I agree with SCC. I would not proactively pursue this bullshit because some fucking clout baby commander wants his numbers increased.

8/18/2010 08:02:00 AM

And there you have it my friends. Each report should start out...Per Sgt. or Per Lt. or Per Cmdr. I was ordered to arrest or confiscate etc. Watch this shit stop proto. When they tell you to change the report refuse since its the truth anyway.

8/18/2010 09:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rumor about the all-black tact team is true. Not sure about the tact LT getting dumped but he's useless anyway and a merit hack.

8/18/2010 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget AC is a professor at Calumet College and many officers are being taught by this clown at this diploma mill clown college. For you officers enrolled in his classes, if you have any self-respect and brains you should drop out of his courses.

8/18/2010 09:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Home invasion in 016 on the 5600 blk of dakin. 2 male blacks knocked on and elderly womans door, she doesn't answer so they come in the back door. Shitbirds see her and run out. Keep an eye out guys. I know not to many of us coppers live on this side of 016 but it eould be great to see you guys come around.
Thanks stay safe

8/18/2010 04:10:00 PM

Too busy patrolling the shopping mall at Harlem and Foster.

8/18/2010 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's another one from 007 he's about to dump the tact LT. because he's not black and he also wants 30% more blacks on tact.

8/18/2010 06:29:00 AM

and replace him with who, there are no black Lts. in 007. Is he going to bring one in?-Lts. are short around the city also. And if we add 30 % more blacks on tact the tact team would be 100% black

8/18/2010 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ween,not if, Carothers pulls his racial shit like he did in 002, DOCUMENT and hire a layer and sue his ass like they did to Maryann Perry, Take pictures with your dell phone. Record his dumb ass. It is coming.

8/18/2010 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

someone check the cps records there is no way this guy finished high school. He belongs behind bars with the rest of his family.

8/18/2010 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lock up all the late night taverns in the 7th district
go on the air , request a supervisor , maybe the commander or eb will respond and lock everyone up
if ordered not to , go straight to states attorney office
englewood has many late night bars and someone is protecting them

go getem you englewood rangers
do ya have the ba--s

i want to read about it in the suntimes

8/18/2010 09:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ask anyone in vice how well this worked on eb's orders to bust up personal house parties that HE had the addresses on. Oh yea, he will watch you do it from a block away. Something rotten is up with this guy.

8/18/2010 12:27:00 AM"

And where is he getting these addresses? From bangers? And why? People dropping dimes on others and using the po-po? Someone should explore this shit.

8/18/2010 09:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you have any kind of record or negative history you're going to get 'flagged' wherever you go?"

--8/18/2010 05:33:00 PM

Oh, you already are condemned to life as a Citizen Third Class anyway -- they didn't tell you that during sentencing, did they? -- in any encounter with officialdom or quasi-officialdom; these fifty-buck eyeball-things will get it down into the hands of every prying little currency-exchange clerk and reward-seeking department-store sh__tass.

Don't expect someone in this position -- sleeping on a riverbank because they have a sex offense on their record and it's the only place in town available that's one-thousand-and-one feet from a "school" or "park" -- to ever become a productive member of society again.

There's already a most compassionate state law here stating that you do not have to rent apartments to convicted felons; after all, no place to live is the first step towards a "new start."

8/18/2010 09:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of the command in this dept. is scary. Most of the scary are the stupid who "merited" their way up the chain.

8/18/2010 09:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8/18/2010 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dumb dumb.

8/18/2010 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad I'm retired or I would be on this blog calling this Cmdr a fucking idiot' yea glad I'm retired

8/18/2010 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And by "Bright Idea," we mean, "What idiot thought this one up?"

"This is the best idea ALL OVER THE TRI STATE AREA!!!"

(Thanks to Doofenschmirtz)

8/18/2010 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hate to tell you but the guy who said you can lock them up and take all the stuff is right. if you bust up an illegal party you have the right to confiscate all alcohol and sound equipment if they are charging a door charge(which all ghetto parties charge at the door.) if its an illegal party in the house you have every right to go into the house. all alcohol, dj equipment, proceedes can be taken and inventoried and the organizers/home owner at the party go to jail.... if the party goes do not disperse then they go to jail for failing to obey police order. scc, do you or the author of this above thread know anything?? either you guys dont know what to do or have little to no experience doing any type of police work in the ghetto.

Well officer you keep this shit up looks like you will be living in the ghetto with no job. And what constitutes an illegal party? If you're talking about not having a permit/license to charge at the door, be prepared to spend your entire tour of duty and then some conducting a real investigation to prove this. Send in an undercover with recorded cpd funds to pay dude at door, to pay for booze and food, to pay for piece of ass, whatever. UCO better have good recollection of who did what when gangbusters come in and search everyone to recover recorded cpd funds. After your tact team controls and search all 150 party guests, you need to interview and name check all 150 before releasing. All names and statements have to be recorded on your report. Thats just the basics, now call asset forfeiture and licensing to get the rest.

Funny how eb wanted no anovs and everyone cb'd when he first was ocd chief. Now he wants vehicles impounded and more anovs. $$$$$ for mayor = superintendent cap

8/18/2010 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this AC that intellectually impaired that he would ask the officers in 07 to risk more than they already have? The 07th District has suffered the loss of too many of our latest hero officers,slain by the beasts who reside there. Now this merit ass is asking our officers to enter the dens of these animals unecessarily? Please young officers, do not take this risk, whether it is legal or not. If they kill eachother in their own homes, so what? Easy to solve for the detectives anyway. Commander George Jefferson doesn't impress me.

8/18/2010 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's another one from 007 he's about to dump the tact LT. because he's not black and he also wants 30% more blacks on tact.

8/18/2010 06:29:00 AM

and replace him with who, there are no black Lts. in 007. Is he going to bring one in?-Lts. are short around the city also. And if we add 30 % more blacks on tact the tact team would be 100% black


8/18/2010 10:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

parties (on private property) v. "illegal" parties...can anyone elaborate and define?...then, entry onto private property (w/o consent, ostensibly to effect an arrest for a city ordinance) What about the legality of seizing private property (music equipment, etc., not within the immediate presence of the Will Carothers put his name on orders like this?....lawsuits? personal liability and punitive damages?

8/18/2010 10:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: photocopy the memo:

In addition to handing them out to arrestees, mail some to all newspapers and television stations.

Also, make sure Fox News gets a copy.

This could be fun.

8/18/2010 10:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

put the dumb ass commander as box one and on the narrative start it with, R/O was ordered by bt 700 to enter premises of ..... and place same under arrest and subsequently confiscate loud sound emitting equipment because 700 ordered r/o. get his court key and have him appear. the reverends will have his back and then again maybe he doesn't want to be left out and wants to join his brother and and live up to his pappy's reputation.hahahaha

8/18/2010 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
hate to tell you but the guy who said you can lock them up and take all the stuff is right. if you bust up an illegal party you have the right to confiscate all alcohol and sound equipment if they are charging a door charge(which all ghetto parties charge at the door.) if its an illegal party in the house you have every right to go into the house. all alcohol, dj equipment, proceedes can be taken and inventoried and the organizers/home owner at the party go to jail.... if the party goes do not disperse then they go to jail for failing to obey police order. scc, do you or the author of this above thread know anything?? either you guys dont know what to do or have little to no experience doing any type of police work in the ghetto.

Well officer you keep this shit up looks like you will be living in the ghetto with no job. And what constitutes an illegal party? If you're talking about not having a permit/license to charge at the door, be prepared to spend your entire tour of duty and then some conducting a real investigation to prove this. Send in an undercover with recorded cpd funds to pay dude at door, to pay for booze and food, to pay for piece of ass, whatever. UCO better have good recollection of who did what when gangbusters come in and search everyone to recover recorded cpd funds. After your tact team controls and search all 150 party guests, you need to interview and name check all 150 before releasing. All names and statements have to be recorded on your report. Thats just the basics, now call asset forfeiture and licensing to get the rest.

Funny how eb wanted no anovs and everyone cb'd when he first was ocd chief. Now he wants vehicles impounded and more anovs. $$$$$ for mayor = superintendent cap

8/18/2010 10:18:00 PM

The last response to this is right. Who the fuck wants to lay their ass out on the line for some boss and ungrateful city. Just aint worth it.

8/18/2010 11:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW glad I dont work in 007 for that mr.t wannabee merit hack,work for a Prince in 008,good luck to the rangers and please do the right the thing,stay safe

8/18/2010 11:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Wolf said...
The idea of locking up the homeowner and seizing his stereo is silly. The idea of zero tolerance however is not. We complain about taking back the streets. We need city hall and 35th street to follow New York and former Mayor Julianni and lock up every mope on the street for even raising a beer to his lips or not clearing a corner when ordered. This can only happen if there is no consequence for the officer. You want the city back Mr. Mayor, then unleash the hounds. We have been shackled for so long and the animals know it. I don't miss good old fashioned policing, I'm just not gonna give some thug my earnings. My house, my kids, another P.O.'s family, I'm all in though and I don’t care about consequences. Until we have legal backing, we cannot be effective police. Next we will be giving Latin Kings and Vice Lords "time outs" in our squads.

8/18/2010 08:01:00 PM

The idea of hammering the shit head is great, but we have no support or backing at all. We are all alone and the clouted will walk away and pretend they never said a thing. Ask the guys that were fired or at call back. Never trust them. Put them on all paper ordering you to generate stats. Tell them that you have to put them on paper ordering you to arrest the bag guy.

8/18/2010 11:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OFF for thought


The opinion acknowledges that the constitution creates a contractual agreement between the workers and the state's employee pension funds. But it concludes that neither the constitution nor the law say the state is a guarantor of that obligation.

The Sidley opinion argued that the state can become a guarantor only under section 2l2-403 of the Illinois Pension Code. That provision states that if a state pension fund runs out of assets "(a)ny pension payable under any law . . . shall not be construed to be a legal obligation or debt of the State . . . but shall be held to be solely an obligation of such pension fund, unless otherwise specifically provided in the law creating such fund."

So, does any law creating the pension funds "specifically provide" that the state would become the guarantor? Sidley examined the laws creating the five state pension funds and concluded that while each contains an "obligation of state" provision, none guarantees that the state will step in and pay the funds if they run out of money.

In simple language, that means if the pension funds run short of cash, public workers face the same sort of uncertainties that most workers in the private sector do.

8/18/2010 11:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony will be out of commission by tomorrow. He has some huge problems ahead of him. The Feds don't take orders from the revrends.

8/18/2010 11:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Here's another one from 007 he's about to dump the tact LT. because he's not black and he also wants 30% more black officers on tact.'

Like him or hate him, he's the new Cmdr., and he has the right to have a tact Lt. of his choice in that seat. Chambers has been there a long, time, so it might be that a change is good for the district and Chambers. Rumor had it a while back that Chambers was going to get 008 and the Fat Man there was going to be laterally what happened?

8/18/2010 11:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wtf he's a college professor and couldn't pass a sgt and lt test

that's the best one i heard yet

get your degree , but get involved in politics to be promoted

who hired him at the college
another phone call

this city is a joke

a federal agent in charge and nothing changed

jfled our leader - gotta run
left my vest at headquarters

8/18/2010 11:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Carothers' first day in 007 went on and on about locking everyone up on every street corner and every drinker, pisser...etc. I love what "some" consider police work. Maybe that is the only work he did in the district because he really doesn't want to put away the real POS. Rumor also has it that he is bringing over some guys to help form an all black tact team. WOW!'

Wow...white cops in 007 already playing a 'PRE-race card?' Has anyone ANYWHERE seen an all-black tact team in any district? I can't recall such an event either.
Especially since few black officers want anything to do with tact. Too many hours, and as all you hard chargers know, too many CRs, which could affect your chances of advancement or promotion
(everyone knows that no one can get into those specialized units with a lot of CR baggage, unless you are one HEAVY MOFO). I can understand people being skeptical of Carothers (probably with good reason), but chill out on the panic button racial panic BS, will you? And if he gets rid of Chambers, he will be doing what just about every new Cmdr (black, white, whatever) does when they move into their new command: surround themselves with people they trust. It's doubtful that Carothers will move another Tact Lt. into 007 until after the new Lts. are made. And truth be told, being the Tact Lt. isn't the glory/gravy job it once was.

8/19/2010 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Punitive damages. Remember those two words.
Declare every last thing you and YOUR FAMILY own.
Welcome to "police work" in Shitcago 2010, compliments
Of your mayor and the Reverands who hold the power
of the almighty vote in their hands.

Wake up! Don't give Loevy another penny! Signed complaints or GTFO!

8/19/2010 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the peaople who bitch and moan about locking up drinkers, pissers and bus smokers?

What do you think the gang-banging shooters are doing all day long?

Drinking and smoking, ever think of trying to get them off the street before they shoot somebody?

8/19/2010 02:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This guy is either nuts or just dumb."

Or both. And a maniac is driving this bus, don't forget, never was the police, taking orders from an inbred moron drunk.

8/19/2010 03:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

photocopy the memo. then print out hundreds and hand them outto your "arrestees" just like the old domestic violence info sheets. Tell the arrestee that those are the commanders orders and if they are going to complain that the complaint should be made against him. Tell the arrestee also that it would be a good idea to include a copy of the memo when they file the complaint.

8/18/2010 01:10:00 AM

Might as well print the name & phone number of Loevy & Loevy on there too along with your name, maybe you can get a finder's fee for the referral.

8/19/2010 03:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

How he can actually think he commands respect from the troops with 2 federally convicted immediate family members is beyond me.

Didn't we lose a Superintendent a while back because he was friends with a convicted felon?

8/18/2010 08:45:00 AM

No big loss really. His picture was on the wall of an 18th District joint along with some dees, dem and dose guys whose names all ended in vowels.

The 18th District W/C got a rush call one afternoon to send a car over there and get the supe's picture off the wall before the reporters got there. True story.

Not the first CPD sworn to consort with people with "convicted felon" on their rap sheet.

8/19/2010 03:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Carothers as a Commander is the biggest joke this department has ever seen. Screw him and his convicted felon family.

8/18/2010 09:14:00 AM

Hey, come on now, he is jody's pick of the best and the brightest.

Earned not given, remember.

8/19/2010 03:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing is certain. jodypweis will be getting subpoenas for lawsuits for years after he leaves the employ of the CPD. Ask any retired boss from the inner circle. They still get those pesky demands for depositions and still find their names on pieces of paper that result in repeated visits to federal court. jodypweis will be commuting back here for a long time dealing with the lawsuits he is generating now.

8/19/2010 04:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The rumor about the all-black tact team is true. Not sure about the tact LT getting dumped but he's useless anyway and a merit hack.

8/18/2010 09:14:00 PM

Anyone remember when Fred Rice got here and dumped loads of non-black officers from high places at 1121 S State? There were some who drove new Cadillacs courtesy of Superintendent Rice after that debacle.

8/19/2010 04:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony will be out of commission by tomorrow. He has some huge problems ahead of him. The Feds don't take orders from the revrends.

8/18/2010 11:37:00 PM

Since when?

8/19/2010 06:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drinking and smoking, ever think of trying to get them off the street before they shoot somebody?
You are not the police, that is painfully evident.

A little info here, you lock someone for drinking or smoking they are out in 3-4 go right back to the hood doin what they been doin

In the mean time,two officers are off the street for 1-2 hours processing...that's two less officers to handle jobs or catch the shitbirds real dirty.

A simple talking to, name check or even a ticket is the better solution.

There used to be a day not too long ago that just knowing the popo know you be out there was enough to keep the corners clear.

They didnt want to heat up the block...bad for business

Now they could give a shit

8/19/2010 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous HATER said...







8/19/2010 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Here's another one from 007 he's about to dump the tact LT. because he's not black and he also wants 30% more black officers on tact.'

Like him or hate him, he's the new Cmdr., and he has the right to have a tact Lt. of his choice in that seat. Chambers has been there a long, time, so it might be that a change is good for the district and Chambers. Rumor had it a while back that Chambers was going to get 008 and the Fat Man there was going to be laterally what happened?

8/18/2010 11:43:00 PM
Take race out of it and what you have in Chambers is (Worked the desk as a P.O. Then as a Sgt. Never worked Tact! Dumb as a box of rocks) That would be a good reason to get rid of his ass!
The only person in that building that hid behind mommy's skirt much as Chambers was Calloway!
The only way either made an arrest while on the job was calling 911

8/19/2010 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...

How he can actually think he commands respect from the troops with 2 federally convicted immediate family members is beyond me.

Didn't we lose a Superintendent a while back because he was friends with a convicted felon?

8/18/2010 08:45:00 AM

No big loss really. His picture was on the wall of an 18th District joint along with some dees, dem and dose guys whose names all ended in vowels.

The 18th District W/C got a rush call one afternoon to send a car over there and get the supe's picture off the wall before the reporters got there. True story.

Not the first CPD sworn to consort with people with "convicted felon" on their rap sheet.

8/19/2010 03:57:00 AM

And the funny part is matts driver moved on to next supt, then to santos and now to the treasurer stephanie neely the same tresurer who is suing Mike Shields and "our" pension board for telling the truth about her getting paid off for votes! Ahh LAPA does well with the head of her police detail all D-3 pay and 7 coppers that is excessive for a do nothing detail!

8/19/2010 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask yourself, if I go to prison will Carothers visit me?

8/19/2010 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

007th DC, to be indicted by 12 Oct 2010. You read it here first.

8/19/2010 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget AC is a professor at Calumet College and many officers are being taught by this clown at this diploma mill clown college. For you officers enrolled in his classes, if you have any self-respect and brains you should drop out of his courses.

Yup, sure, I'm gonna push back getting my degree even further because you don't agree with a teacher. You go to any college/university and their instructors are way more liberal than this guy. Please! I'm approaching my second decade on this job, married, raising a family, struggling to get that piece of paper (diploma). I don't care what college name is on it.

8/19/2010 02:55:00 PM  
Anonymous 7 Ranger said...

Indicted by October 2010, Thank God!

8/19/2010 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

007th DC, to be indicted by 12 Oct 2010. You read it here first.

8/19/2010 12:31:00 PM

Any details or just more speculation to stir the pot of shit?

8/19/2010 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This new MERIT prick is just like Wysinger . . .

They call out people and tell them how great they are.

Why can't these "superstar cops" pass a fucking test legit???

8/19/2010 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, sure, I'm gonna push back getting my degree even further because you don't agree with a teacher. You go to any college/university and their instructors are way more liberal than this guy. Please! I'm approaching my second decade on this job, married, raising a family, struggling to get that piece of paper (diploma). I don't care what college name is on it.

8/19/2010 02:55:00 PM

Well don't get your hopes high on getting a decent job after this one other than a $10 an hour security gig at the mall. This college and whatever degrees they offer are a joke to most employers. Who knows, maybe you've got clout like AC and are able to land a government job with the shity or crook county with your basketweaving degree. Let me know who hires you with that clown college on your resume so I can go and apply too.

8/19/2010 10:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take race out of it and what you have in Chambers is (Worked the desk as a P.O. Then as a Sgt. Never worked Tact! Dumb as a box of rocks) That would be a good reason to get rid of his ass!
The only person in that building that hid behind mommy's skirt much as Chambers was Calloway!
The only way either made an arrest while on the job was calling 911

8/19/2010 11:15:00 AM

LOL so true! You forgot, Calloway = 100% company man.

8/19/2010 10:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: photocopy the memo:

In addition to handing them out to arrestees, mail some to all newspapers and television stations.

Also, make sure Fox News gets a copy.

This could be fun.

8/18/2010 10:52:00 PM

Fuck you Fox News you phony investigative police hating hacks!
Fuck you and Larry Smellin Yellin!
Get your own info!

8/20/2010 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DO NOTHING CARROTHERS TELLS YOU TO DO!! His brother (former chairman of the police committee on city council) is a convicted federal felon on his way to prison. His father was an alderman who also went to federal prison. And now this hater gets promoted!

DO not do anything that is illegal, even if a supervisor tells you to do it. I'd rather face a CR number than a criminal complaint or a lawsuit. Also, LEARN the laws. They are your weapons against the ineptitude of those who think they "supervise" us.

Do NOT sign complaints for Disorderly Conduct. The Illinois Supreme Court ruled that officers cannot sign complaints for disorderly conduct on the public way. You will get sued and you may have to pay out of your pocket if the case is not settled.

Carrothers will be worse than Maurice Ford (former commander of 007). Carrothers is only looking out for himself.

8/20/2010 03:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carrothers doesn't care about the police in 007. If you had any clout you wouldn't be in 007. So when he tells you to violate people's rights, and you get sued, or criminally charged, it's no big loss to the clouted class.

Watch yourself. The supt says he has your back but there is a big cliff with a big fall in front of you if you do Carrothers bidding.

8/20/2010 03:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for that dang eavesdropping law, somebody should record that goof at roll call.

8/20/2010 03:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

... raising a family, struggling to get that piece of paper (diploma). I don't care what college name is on it.

8/19/2010 02:55:00 PM

You can pretty much guarantee that a diploma from the University of Phoenix will land you a job as fry cook at a greasy spoon while one from the University of Chicago is generally worth a bit more.

It does make a difference and if you don't know what that difference is then you better go to the University of Phoenix.

8/20/2010 05:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the 007th District, if you have never worked there, most of these parties take place on the street. Individuals pass out flyers to promote the parties, and sometimes, we get lucky and get our hands on one, getting an advance notice of the impending mayhem, and sometimes we are not. These parties have lead to MANY shootings, as they are mostly sponsored by the many different gangs that vary from block to block in Englewood. They have become the hotbed of driveby/walkup shootings, and pose a great hazard to the officers who are unlucky enough to work that particular beat. Any real policemen know that when groups of 20-100+ people gather for a party sponsored by gang members, the likelyhood of someone getting killed, and/or a policeman getting hurt, skyrockets! I was present when the commander spoke of this issue, and totally understood it. I am reading comments that suggest that an officer should ignore it? Go in and write a tvb? 007 has a LOT of young officers who are FULL of zeal for crimefighting, and don't always make the best decisions when confronting large groups of drunken, marijuana and ecstacy using idiots, and I'd rathen stand by their side shutting the thugs ganster/vice lord/blackstone/BD party down, than to be on the inside processing a traffic violator. You all spoke of "quality arrests", but realize that you find pistols, dope, and all sort of felony contraband at these places where they have a "right to assemble". If you hate the man, hate the man. This is a piss poor attempt to discredit an individual with two weeks on the job as a Commander. As long as he is promoting something that could throw a monkey wrench in the plans of this sick, demonic scum on the streets of Englewood, I am going to give him my support. ANYTHING that makes the job of my fellow officer easier, and less stressful when dealing with these thugs, is a NUMBER ONE priority, with me.

As far a the tact lt is concerned, why would he (Com. Caruthers) get ready somebody who troops ROUTINELY pick up people playing basketball at the lowrises with their friends for "Criminal Tresspass to state supported land", and who set back and pick off the dope fiends coming FROM the spot, instead of getting the actual gang bangers, if the commander was so concerned numbers?

This uneffective lt has alienated most of the real police with his "in your face", way of scolding and "discipling" officers who are hardworking, and is one major part of the reason why a district that had standing room only roll calls, has become a literal ghost town. If he was orange, red, yellow, or green, he's still be the same incompent individual that has passed over MANY senior, experienced, and VERY good working officers who ventured off to other districts to have an opportunity to problem solve as the police, without being tied down to the radio. They should send him and his officers to the fueling unit, or somewhere else where they would be be moved out of the way of the real police.

I also hope that he continues to "strut around" this godforsaken district so that he can find out more about the cancer that has grown to epic porportions causing the morale in our district to be dismal at best. GOD BLESS the working police, and a Commander that actually listens to them, and ACTS upon their information for a change.

8/26/2010 03:14:00 AM  

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