Saturday, March 05, 2011

Online Petition

  • Attorney General Lisa Madigan issued an opinion Tuesday stating that all the names of gun owners in Illinois are public information and should be disclosed. This decree goes against the Illinois State Police mandate that these names are private and that releasing them is a serious invasion of privacy. To help organize the fight to keep the Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card list private, the Illinois Republican Party is offering an online petition for any Illinois citizen to sign so it can be used to help convince the Democrat led legislature to pass legislation introduced by Republican State Representative Ron Stephens and Republican State Senator Kirk Dillard that would keep Illinois gun ownership private.
Let Madigan know you don't appreciate her anti-gun owner agenda.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a fucking bitch....she goes after Burge's pension and now this!

3/05/2011 12:09:00 AM  
Blogger It's McTwitter! said...

I hate her daddy. Now I hate both of them.

3/05/2011 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny no other states have the foid card but it's really needed the liberals say.

3/05/2011 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't have a computer?

3/05/2011 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

at the same time people should call for the records to be made public on the Daley nephew case. Why should they be held private?

3/05/2011 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did the FOP endorse Madigan?

3/05/2011 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/05/2011 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought u may find this interesting, Charges an appellate court overturned Sgt. John Herman's 2007 Rape Conviction,0,1572468.story

3/05/2011 03:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone will know your the Po Po. Get ready for many break ins and home invasions. FLOP Lawsuit to stop this? Shields first act as Pres??????

3/05/2011 04:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Publish the list of Illegals-They are the freeist amongst us LoL Were screwed

3/05/2011 04:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the motto of the state of Virginia?

3/05/2011 04:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will now have to rejoin the NRA

3/05/2011 04:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets make the address and phone numbers of all the politicians public record. what a goof..

3/05/2011 05:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

instead of petition to make private, how about abolish foid card? just another hoop to jump through.

3/05/2011 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is probably in collusion with the Lil Man on the 5th floor since his gun law was overturned.He's still stomping his feet and WHIIIIIIINING.Shorty is king of the WHIIIIIIIINERS.

3/05/2011 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful signing an Online Petition as they are also a matter of public record. They can figure if you signed the petition you have FOID.

3/05/2011 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder where all these Chicagoo pols get it from?? Tons of guns floating around here!

3/05/2011 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa madwoman ! What did that vicious little prick now in shitty hall promise you to start this stupidity ???

If the runt bastard hates guns so much, why is he protected by so many guns.

If you hang with assholes, look like an asshole, and act like an asshole, chances are you are an ASSHOLE.

You are responsible to the voters, not that Big/little ASSHOLE in shitcago's shitty hall.

3/05/2011 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

i don't have a computer?

3/05/2011 12:17:00 AM

dis dude's got joke.

3/05/2011 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP did endorse Madigan

3/05/2011 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Did the FOP endorse Madigan?

3/05/2011 12:33:00 AM

AHH this Lasse is another gift from old slug. Keep votin irish.

3/05/2011 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I talked to a lady in the SA office. Apparently there's an AP reporter that filed a FOI request for FOID holders. Their office's job is only to determine whether legally they feel that info is public, and they do. They told ISP that it is OK to release & ISP is going thru channels to block it. From talking to her she didn't think it was a problem as in other States (like NY) it is public info. (don't know if that's true) I said a big difference is that they have Conceal Carry & we don't. Now here's the kicker. This lady thought I was wrong & NY DIDN'T have CC. I told her that only IL & WI don't & she thought I was putting her on! THE ILLINOIS SA DOESN'T FUCKING KNOW THAT??? Give it time to wind through the Courts & one day you'll wake up to the Fibune & Scum Times merrily releasing the names. No common sense applied here, not for law abiding Citzens. And Bullshit it's all about the "law". If they were really concerned about it, half the politicians in this crummy State would be indicted or incarcarated, & this Sanctuary City crap would've stopped years ago.

3/05/2011 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What's the motto of the state of Virginia?

3/05/2011 04:10:00 AM"

It's an old Latin phrase, SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS/ Thus Always to Tyrants

Getting back to Lisa, this shit is serious it ain't no joke people could get hurt because of her using her office to further her political/personal agenda.

3/05/2011 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Bulldog Drummond said...

On another political note:

I saw Lura Lynn at Nordstroms buying shoes. She told me she was going on "Dancing with the Stars" and then flicked her cigarette butt at me.

3/05/2011 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought u may find this interesting, Charges an appellate court overturned Sgt. John Herman's 2007 Rape Conviction


what he did was dumb, and it cost him his marriage and everything that he had. He did not deserve jail time. The original judge was an idiot. I defy anyone to get a conviction on anyone but a cop on that evidence.

3/05/2011 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This women has the title of Chief Long Enforcement Officer of the State of Illinois.
Question: What Criminal Cases Has She Brought Against Any Public Officers of This State, or any of It's Municipalities ?
I Suspect She was Placed In This Position, not To Prosecute, but To Protect Them.
"With All Our Rage,We Are Still, Just
Rat's, In A Cage"

3/05/2011 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few years back, the Popes had a list of where policemen lived. They were burglarizing their houses to steal their guns. This will lead to the same thing.

3/05/2011 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Join the NRA and ISRA!

3/05/2011 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She argued that it be disclosed like public licenses but a FOID card is NOT a license it is an identification card. The law clearly defines that you can not license a constitutional right. Also one right does not trump another right.

3/05/2011 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember when the FOP endorsed her? The wink and not was that her dad would get us 80% pensions in exchange for our support; she won we lost.

3/05/2011 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't we publish the names of people who have been disqualified to own a gun.

3/05/2011 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

unfortunately, a petition isn't going to do any good here. we need the courts to save us right now.

3/05/2011 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/05/2011 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to know who's on welfare, so I's can tell them, I's sick of supporting them. Next time one of them welfare peoples tells me I'm paying your salary I'm going let them know that they are not paying my salary. I'm supporting their lazy ass and their lazy ass families.


3/05/2011 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should make the Chicago Gun Registry public too then.

I'd like to see how many crimes having this thing has solved - that's how they spin it. What a waste of $20. And they wonder why people don't register (all/any) their guns.

3/05/2011 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abolish the FOID card.

3/05/2011 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did a Zaba search on Mrs. Lisa,there are 3 in the city,anybody know if one of these are the queen?Maybe we could send some letters?(:

3/05/2011 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take this for what it is. HB148, a right to carry bill, is gaining traction and has 32 co-sponsors so far. It looks like it has a good chance of passing and has momentum.

In typical dirty Shitcago politics fashion Daddy Mikie has his daughter Lisa pull this stunt and all of a sudden the pro-gun folks are playing defense instead of offense.

HB7 and SB27 are bills to keep FOID data private and Papa Mikie has the bills bottled up in committee so they can't get to the floor.

This is what you get when the state {and Shitcago and Crook County} are run by a single party and you lose the checks and balances of a two part system of government.

3/05/2011 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shields first act as Pres??????


3/05/2011 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the link to the local newspaper and my response to the article.\

1. Requiring a license to exercise a constitutional right is unconstitutional.
2. All police officers are required to have a FOID card as a condition of
employment. By opening the list to public scrutiny you will endanger EVERY
police officer engaged in covert operations. Thanks Lisa. By making a stupid
decision about an unconstitutional practice you have just endangered every cop
in Illinois!!

3/05/2011 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous 38 and Gone said...

It's the lame stream media types that want this. If I have to register to enjoy my second amendment rights then anyone who wants to enjoy their first amendment right to be a journalist should register and have their addresses released to the public. You can also add all lawyers to those lists.

3/05/2011 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Detective Ed Farley passed away early this morning after a second round of cancer that overwhelmed his body very quickly.

He kept his wicked sense of humor until the end.

3/05/2011 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess that means they will be releasing a list with names and addresses of everyone receiving public aid, food stamps, wick, section 8 vouchers etc etc....

3/05/2011 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sic Semper Tyrannis-Thus Always to tryannts ,The State of Virginia

3/05/2011 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I choose not to get an FOID card, and keep a weapon and ammunition in my home, who will prosecute me for exercising my constitutional RIGHT to keep and bear arms?

Not only should the list not be made public, but the requirement to have a card should be abolished. You don't need a card for the likes of Madigan and Daley to one day come and get you or out you to the public.

Do you want to put me on a public list for going to the church I do? How about if I speak or write publicly? Should I get a card first for permission to exercise those RIGHTS?

All of these communist subversives in Democrat clothes need to be thrown out for un-American, and by that I mean unconstitutional, actions. They will whittle away at your rights until they have a communist dictatorship with Daley in a Mao uniform leading his subjects in a mass formation.

Do you really believe that isn't their ultimate goal? Complete control is what they want. But if you have guns to protect against tyranny, they won't move as quickly.

3/05/2011 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Madigan is an idiot, amongst other things. Just because you have an FOID card doesn't mean you have a gun.

3/05/2011 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I signed -

-no cop here-

3/05/2011 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now what do you suppose she's doing by making this list public? Will she intimidate citizens by this and prevent more from choosing to become responsible gun owners?

What else should be make legal? How about all of the aldermen who own guns? Didn't Daley grant an "extension" on registration when one of the alderman forgot to register his multiple firearms?

They have one set of rules for themselves and another for the people they are supposed to represent.

Your day will come, you pieces of shit. Your day will come.

3/05/2011 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ot black alderperson questions why weems was suspended for 30 days ,
don't forget arrived late for work , out of uniform and then receives a merit promotion to detective ($6,000 raise ) over many hard working district beat officers that arrive for work on time , in the proper uniform

merit is nothing but clout and 100 % of captains are selected by resume merit ,most captains also merit sgt and lt

chicago ain't readfy for reform

jody couldn't stop it

3/05/2011 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have this idea that this disclosure will lead to break-ins and thefts of guns.

There can be other consequences for keeping you 2nd Amendment right.

There can be other forms of discrimination. One anti-gunner stated she would forbid her children to go to any house to play if she knew the family was gun owners. I remember years ago some medical screening asking my wife and I if we had guns in our home. We refused to answer, the person insisted and I told her no and If she wrote anything else but refused to answer I wanted to talk to her supervisor.

Could someone be denied insurance because they were cleared to own a firearm? Let's say you had a bunch of liberal nervous Nellie's in a company and they wanted to get rid of certain people who they did not like. They could demand sanctions, deny hiring or promotions to people because they were FOID card holders.

If a workplace shooting erupts, could a company be sued because they should have known the offender was trouble and an FOID holder? Could they fire all the FOID holders or demand they give up their weapons.


Get rid of the FOID card. You can still prescreen people for firearms purchases by doing it when they apply for a driver's license or state ID card. Everyone who applies for a DL or ID card, unless they opt out will undergo the same screening process and be given the status of QUALIFIED or NOT QUALIFIED. Since almost everyone will get a Dl or ID there will be no FOID per say and no difference between most gun owning and non-gun owning citizens to the State of Illinois.

About the best statement about gun ownership comes from musician Ted Nugent. Take three minutes and watch something Ms. Madigan will not.

Stay safe, and well armed and private.

3/05/2011 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Post all who are on link biatches

3/05/2011 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP should be doing something here. Don't they have attorneys?

3/05/2011 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only the good guys have legit foid and registered firearms, whats this gonna prove?

3/05/2011 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Constitution of the United States of America has a Second Amendment which states that I, as a citizen, have a right to keep and bear arms.

It does not say that I have a right to keep and bear arms only if the state gives me a card that says it's OK to do so.

Who will come for me if my card expires and I still have ammunition and weapons? Oh, that's right, the Chicago Police gun teams. They are Daley's lap dogs and traitors who violate the constitution.

We have a constitution to protect ourselves from exactly that type of behavior. The next thing you know, our private papers will be made public because you shouldn't have anything to hide if you're a good law abiding person.

How about quartering police and soldiers in our homes next? How about suppressing the right to free speech?

Daley already suppresses the press. But that's not hard to do since most of them are gutless pieces of shit anyway. They are meant to be slaves, not free men.

3/05/2011 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous An Old Sergeant said...

What's the motto of the state of Virginia?
Their motto is Sic Semper Tyranis, which translates to "This Always to Tyrants." These words were also used by John Wilkes Booth after he shot Abraham Lincoln.

Illinois'motto is State Sovereignty, National Unity--which translates to "It's good to be the king."

I prefer New Hampshire: "Live Free or Die."

3/05/2011 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone will know your the Po Po. Get ready for many break ins and home invasions. FLOP Lawsuit to stop this? Shields first act as Pres??????

Hey Blog lawyers. You are a public employee. Your information is on-line already. So even if you win your lawsuit and you won't your information would still be on-line. Legislation is the way to go. But by all means call Shields and have him waste our money.

3/05/2011 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I'm not home I've got 2 Dobermans protecting my house and guns. If any of these punks think they can outmaneuver/outrun my 2 Dobes then bring it on.

3/05/2011 11:58:00 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

how about a list of all lawyers licensed to practice law in illinois with home address attached----

3/05/2011 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous sean said...


3/05/2011 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from my cold dead hands>not a cop,former MARINE!

3/05/2011 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Barrett J. Moran said...

As the State of Illinois discloses the FOID info of each card holder (not gun owner) I demand they disclose each holder of a LINK CARD, FOOD STAMP PRECIPITANT, DRIVERS LICENCE HOLDER, CONTRIBUTOR TO POLITICAL CANDIDATES OR ORGANIZATIONS (both PRO and ANTI-American) and all real addresses of all publicly elected officials city, state and federal. They're many more that the State would like to hide but these are a few to start with.

3/05/2011 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is getting out of fuckin' control. So these dems are trying to run decent, hard-working people and businesses out of the state by taxing them to death, and now they want to chase away the police, too? WTF!?! Seriously: tell this to all the new recruits - that their address will be made public after receiving their FOID. Get that shiny new nameplate ready, probey. What's next, hand out our phone numbers, the names of loved ones/relatives, oh and do they want to know our schedule, too, so they know when we're not home?! Fuck these Illinois dems.

3/05/2011 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If that is the case, then:

Make it public record for the address of those on PUBLIC ASSISTANCE- link, section 8, medicaid

Make it public record for the address of those convicted of a crime

Make it public record for the address of those who have been ARRESTED for FIREARM VIOLATIONS

This state sucks. They don't seem to care what the criminals are doing, its just those who make an honest attempt to OBEY THE LAW who gets screwed every time...

3/05/2011 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Funny no other states have the foid card but it's really needed the liberals say.

3/05/2011 12:12:00 AM

I have yet to hear any liberal or conservative say this but OK, stay on point, focus, focus, the FOID card is not the point, the publication of people who have obtained an FOID card in order to purchase a gun is the issue at hand. Then again, maybe your right, I don't know how to read therefore I did not pick up on the "Liberal" agenda.

3/05/2011 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Madigan, daley, fitzgerald, and all the irish hacks, running this state to the ground. In the words of celo green, who sings, what should be cpd's anthem, "as if the change in my pocket, just is'nt enough, FU!

3/05/2011 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

post the site for the petition so we can sign the darn thing!

3/05/2011 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did the FOP endorse Madigan?

3/05/2011 12:33:00 AM

Why of course they did, along with all the building trades, fire department, probably the Teamsters and god only knows which other ones.
It would be real nice if the unions who claim to be always looking out for our best interest would stop supporting these same politicians that keep fucking us on a daily basis. Oh and Fuck that lessor of two evils bullshit! Start standing up to all of them

3/05/2011 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All anti-Constitution Democrats want is to take your guns so that criminals (their voting block) can prey on you with ease.

Why do anti-gun politicians always have ARMED security with them? Why do the anti-gun aldermen make laws allowing them to CARRY guns, but prohibit you from having them?

Does Shortshanks have a gun? I want to know, Lisa. Where is his FOID card? Where are the FOID cards of the aldermen?

3/05/2011 02:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Online petitions are rarely accepted as valid. Just FYI.

If you want to do something, and I suggest we should, print out the petition, get actual signatures (like we do for the the parole board) and mail them / walk them into the office of your local representative.

3/05/2011 02:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do a people search on an uncommon name on google or yahoo and you can get their home address. This is just crazy. And law enforcement is against it.

3/05/2011 03:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did the FOP endorse this bozo?

3/05/2011 03:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't we give everyone their Drivers License and Social Security numbers out to the public?

We don't because it is a safety risk, security risk and Identity Theft problem!
That's why?!

Lisa Madigan is real stupid to figure that out! DUMBOcRAT as usual!

Attorny General Lisa Madigan makes Governor Walker of Wisconsin look real smart by comparison! This is who we have to protect the people of Illinois! What a dummy!

3/05/2011 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that an enticement to send criminals to homes to steal firearms or a list for liberal employers to use to weed out undesirables in the work place?

Illinois, land of Lincoln, how far it has fallen.


3/05/2011 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is running the website with the petition?

3/05/2011 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

post the site for the petition so we can sign the darn thing!

You see that set of BLUE words at the top of the post? The ones that light up when you run the mouse over them? Try clicking there.

3/05/2011 04:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this something like your vehicle registration where you can use 3510 S Michigan as your address?

3/05/2011 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is her address?

3/05/2011 04:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The democrats give everything to the ghetto inhabitants and illegal aliens knowing that their vote is sure to be for the dems. And don't think illegals aren't voting either, why haven' t they sealed the boarder?
This is the big push to destroy the middle class. All middle class citizens, no matter what race you are, must begin to drag their asses to the polling place and vote for conservative candidates before there is nothing left to save of this country.

3/05/2011 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you imagine?

Here’s the part Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Border Patrol management are trying to hide: Border Patrol Agent Terry and the BORTAC team were under standing orders to always use (“non-lethal”) bean-bag rounds first before using live ammunition.

3/05/2011 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Associated Press asked for F.O.I.D. information to be released. That should be proof to everyone that the press IS just another arm of the Democratic party.

3/05/2011 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Below is a comment I found on the George Hinz Crain's Blog
Posted at 3/3/2011 12:24 PM CST /section/blogs

John S. wrote:
Of course the names of FOID card holders should be made public. Then law enforcemnt officers could cross reference names of FOID card owners with those of known gang members and know which of the gang members own firearms.
3/3/2011 3:29 PM CST

This is what law enforcement is up against.

3/05/2011 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah...what the city should do is make everyone pay for a gun registration sticker that you put in your window.

This will save time and reduce errors by eliminating the need to look-up in the daley database to tell whether or not there is a gun in the house.

We make one window sticker for the gun owners that has a handgun picture with a circle around it and another for the non gun owners that is exactly the same except the circle has a line thru it. This way it's has international meaning and if you're an illegal immigrant you don't have to worry about reading and understanding English.

The money for the stickers can go towards the $80 BILLION dollars that the politicians stole from the states pension plans with their broken promises and lies.

Any funds that are leftover can be used to fight FOIA request for political elite family members when they fuck-up and need to keep their names out of the press and bury the investigation reports.

Oh and I almost forgot. We should protect the rights of those illegal immigrants too making sure their information and citizenship status is kept private so they don't become the victims of racial profiling and the like.

Heh, have you EVER seen this city...state, country as screwed up as it is right now? EVER?

3/05/2011 05:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....the FOID card is not the point, the publication of people who have obtained an FOID card in order to purchase a gun is the issue at hand. Then again, maybe your right, I don't know how to read therefore I did not pick up on the "Liberal" agenda.

3/05/2011 12:31:00 PM

if there were no foid card, there would be no point to make, no issue at hand and no need for you to learn to read.

3/05/2011 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about a list of all lawyers licensed to practice law in illinois with home address attached----

3/05/2011 12:00:00 PM

you really want to cut into my free time, don't you?


3/05/2011 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful signing an Online Petition as they are also a matter of public record. They can figure if you signed the petition you have FOID.

3/05/2011 06:39:00 AM

Oh yeah, well they know where the hell we live anyway. Now they want to let the public know so you better do something.

I'm very public in my opinions that criminal democrats can't trample on the US Constitution. Are you?

3/05/2011 06:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the NRA will spank Illinois like it spanked Daley and Chicago for his unconstitutional gun ban.

Bring it on, bitches. The more you try to convince America that your communist ways are good, the more you will lose. I look forward to sending the NRA more money to fight these assholes with.

3/05/2011 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would it be wrong if 11,000. officers put Lisa Madigan's address down on their FOID card applications?
According to appellet board for Rahm you only have to "intend" on living somewhere for you to claim it as residence plus my taxes pay the bills so my claim is just as valid as Rahm.

3/05/2011 06:29:00 PM  
Blogger Chuckles said...

"I did a Zaba search on Mrs. Lisa,there are 3 in the city,anybody know if one of these are the queen?Maybe we could send some letters?"

Mikie's Daughter kept her maiden name but her husband is Patrick Byrnes, a cartoonist. If you do a zabasearch and/or a search through for both names you will find one common address on N. Rockwell for both.

Of course I would not advocate doing to her what she does to the other millions of innocent people in Illinois. That's because I am not a liberal dummycrat.

3/05/2011 06:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Shortshanks have a gun? I want to know, Lisa. Where is his FOID card? Where are the FOID cards of the aldermen?


3/05/2011 06:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Publish all the non foid cardholders ie clouted or offenders

3/05/2011 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
A few years back, the Popes had a list of where policemen lived. They were burglarizing their houses to steal their guns. This will lead to the same thing.

3/05/2011 08:42:00 AM

Crosset Hamilton's punk kids.

3/05/2011 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why was Weems protected?

3/05/2011 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will not vote for her or her old man.

3/05/2011 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she has a massive detail all detail cops are lackys and not the police

3/05/2011 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuckles said...

"I did a Zaba search on Mrs. Lisa,there are 3 in the city,anybody know if one of these are the queen?Maybe we could send some letters?"

Mikie's Daughter kept her maiden name but her husband is Patrick Byrnes, a cartoonist. If you do a zabasearch and/or a search through for both names you will find one common address on N. Rockwell for both.

Of course I would not advocate doing to her what she does to the other millions of innocent people in Illinois. That's because I am not a liberal dummycrat.

3/05/2011 06:48:00 PM

The house on N Rockwell is in her husband's name, Pat Byrnes.

Do a search on him. You'll find it.

3/05/2011 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, from a guy who's none too fond of handguns in the city, this is still an awful invasion of privacy, and an all-around bad idea.

3/05/2011 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why should aldermen be allowed to CARRY FIREARMS with NO TRAINING while citizens were prohibited from even being able to purchase one?

Why, Lisa? Why the double standard? Do they have more rights than ordinary citizens? Are there any other constitutional rights you want to prohibit in this state?

You already have Daley spying on the public with his cameras on every corner. How much longer before the Gestapo agents come out to do the spying for you?

Only slaves vote for democrats. They want to be led and told how to live. Free men want liberty and to see tyrants crushed.

3/05/2011 08:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Lisa madigan wants to have all this information made public, how about she release all the information that the daley Family Crime Family has kept hidden from the public ? His son is a great "Batter", so was Tony Accardo. This Vanecko punk is so well protected by daley you would think he was a saint. The daley "Press Corps" keeps all daley family members names out of the news because they control the Shitcago media in all forms. Wishing for a slow and painful death for the daley family !!!!!!!!!! The daley Center will be renamed and people will piss on your graves once the truth is finally revealed.

The fed prosecutor & Taxi-Cab ears willrot in Hell !!

FUCK YOU All !!!!!!!!!!!!!

3/05/2011 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever they tell you, "This is just for your own good," or, "this is just a minor little thing," you should really start to worry.

The "temporary" toll road taxes, the "temporary" income tax increases and the FOID that puts a step between you and your Constitutional rights are all tools of these tyrannical thieves.


3/05/2011 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is absolutely no reason private information like this needs to be out. Once again this scum just wants to mess with the honest people of Illinois. What possible reason could Lisa want this to be public? There is no other reason than to just screw with people and give the bad guys info. on who has the guns. The system is just fine now the way it is. FUCK YOU LISA!!!!

3/05/2011 08:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Democrat. It's easier than working!"

3/05/2011 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Join the NRA NOW and help protect the rights of honest citizens. And now we need to be protected from LISA MADIGAN also. Join the NRA it's only $35 and well worth it. Send a F-U to LISA. Go to

3/05/2011 08:54:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Be careful signing an Online Petition as they are also a matter of public record. They can figure if you signed the petition you have FOID
that's what I was thinking!
Signed, a Female citizen who thinks they'll be knocking on our doors to collect our guns........

3/05/2011 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If FOID is public info then surely Social Security numbers are too. I'm requesting to see who is collecting SS and who will be in the future. Names, numbers, etc should be made public including Madigan's. Put that out there and I bet this all goes away.

3/05/2011 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Below is a comment I found on the George Hinz Crain's Blog
Posted at 3/3/2011 12:24 PM CST /section/blogs
John S. wrote:
Of course the names of FOID card holders should be made public. Then law enforcemnt officers could cross reference names of FOID card owners with those of known gang members and know which of the gang members own firearms.
3/3/2011 3:29 PM CST

Is this guy for real? GANG BANGERS HAVE ILLEGAL GUNS, AND DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT HAVE FOID CARDS. What are you smoking dickhead?

3/05/2011 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the poster who suggested the following should be provided:

"A list of all lawyers licensed to practice law in Illinois with home address attached."

Information on every lawyer registered to practice law can be found on the Illinois ARDC's website. You can obtain: name, year of birth, office address, telephone number, and e-mail address (although, truth be told, the information usually does not include a home address, unless the lawyer has elected to provide it).

That's more information that I can easily obtain on any peace officer.

Wanna kill a lawyer? Just show up at his/her office address between 7a.m. and, say, 10:00 p.m. on any given day. Lawyers are prone to working late, and on weekends, too, so that they can properly attend to their client's needs. In fact, lawyers might be easier picking when they are working on Saturdays and Sundays, when the administrative staff is not around and the Loop is fairly empty of people.

I know everyone hates lawyers, as I have been one for a long time. But keep this in in mind - most lawyers are not bad people, and:


In a weird way, it is kind of like being a cop.

3/05/2011 10:13:00 PM  
Blogger Pete said...

Anonymous said...
Be careful signing an Online Petition as they are also a matter of public record. They can figure if you signed the petition you have FOID.

3/05/2011 06:39:00 AM


3/05/2011 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why was Weems protected?

3/05/2011 07:45:00 PM

ask him.

3/05/2011 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here’s the part Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Border Patrol management are trying to hide: Border Patrol Agent Terry and the BORTAC team were under standing orders to always use (“non-lethal”) bean-bag rounds first before using live ammunition.

3/05/2011 04:50:00 PM

are they using organic beans only?

3/05/2011 10:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't own a gun, and still think this stinks. Exactly what sort of public good is being served by this?

3/05/2011 11:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All F.O.I.D. cards get registered to the nearest police station. People feel safe and the state makes ten bucks a pop for every address change. The F.O.I.D. card belongs to the individual and not the family.

3/05/2011 11:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Down South said...

Anonymous said...
Funny no other states have the foid card but it's really needed the liberals say.

3/05/2011 12:12:00 AM

Actually other states have licenses and such, they just don't call them foid cards. Some of the southern states that allow concealed carry and have "liberal" gun laws have pretty stringent hoops to jump thru in order to get the licenses. Fingerprinting, extensive proof of identification, judges signature, and back ground checks have been going on down there for years. But of course that is needed if you are going to let Joe Citizen walk into a high school football game with a 45 on his hip and Susie Q is packing the 38 in her purse!!

Yet this city where no one but the police have handguns has the highest murder rate in the country.
That's sarcasm, in case you were wondering.

3/06/2011 01:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

What is her address?

3/05/2011 04:33:00 PM

4252 N Rockwell

3/06/2011 02:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I no longer live at the address I used on my FOID. What will Lisa Madigan do about that?

When it comes time to renew I will be spending my pension in another state with the motto "Live Free or Die" and no longer paying into anything in Illinois.

3/06/2011 02:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

post the site for the petition so we can sign the darn thing!

You see that set of BLUE words at the top of the post? The ones that light up when you run the mouse over them? Try clicking there.

3/05/2011 04:07:00 PM


3/06/2011 02:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

What is her address?

3/05/2011 04:33:00 PM

4252 N Rockwell

3/06/2011 02:45:00 AM

mistake, 4152 N rockwell

3/06/2011 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something gives me the heebee geebeez about filling out that online form too. Name, address, phone and email telling them yeah I have a gun but I don't want anyone to know. You sure that site isn't secretly ran by Madmartigan?

3/06/2011 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did a Zaba search on Mrs. Lisa,there are 3 in the city,anybody know if one of these are the queen?Maybe we could send some letters?(:


On Rockwell just north of Irving

3/06/2011 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Madigan claims its a public safety isssue to release the names of FOID card owners. If its for public safety, they should release the arrest histories of everyone.

3/06/2011 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lisa was endorsed By none other then pres. Mark along with blogo.

3/06/2011 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One has to ask what the purpose of the FOID Card is in the first place. Any gun purchase, except private individual to individual transactions, must be done only after a name check on the purchaser is done by the seller. That kind of negates the need for the FOID.

3/06/2011 11:27:00 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

police officers have never been required to have an foi card--- HOWEVER, if you are involved in a shooting and your gun is inventoried at erps, you will need a valid foi card to retrieve your weapon at the conclusion of the investigation---- it is a department order, so you might as well go get one--- most have one anyway.....

3/06/2011 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ALL of these politicians need to be strung up on trees!!!!!!!!!!!!!pieces of shit that they are.

3/06/2011 01:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like other commenters have said, I would like to see all the names and addresses of: Link card leeches, Welfare Loafers, Attorneys who sue government agencies and known gang members. Lets see baby Lisa (Am I governor yet, Daddy?) make that information public.

3/06/2011 01:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...Anonymous said...
I talked to a lady in the SA office. Apparently there's an AP reporter that filed a FOI request for FOID holders. ..

Who is it AP reporter?

What can be published about him or her. All the juicy details...
Does this person have an FOID? a DL? a professional license of any kind? a registered Democrat? A registered anything? Any tax problems? All the public records...

Can I demand that this person does not get my information unless he/she gets my permission? And I get his/or hers?

3/06/2011 02:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't the City Council, as an example and a show of leadership, side with Mayor Daley and surrender their handguns?

I mean, this is and anti-gun city, isn't it? Doesn't it seem just a little bit hypocritical for there to have been an BAN on handguns, but an ORDINANCE ALLOWING ALDERMEN TO CARRY FIREARMS?

How about it, aldermen? Just give them up like you want the people you claim to represent to do. I mean there's no double standard here, is there? You can have armed guards with you if you need it, so why do you need to carry a handgun?

3/06/2011 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something gives me the heebee geebeez about filling out that online form too. Name, address, phone and email telling them yeah I have a gun but I don't want anyone to know. You sure that site isn't secretly ran by Madmartigan?

3/06/2011 08:47:00 AM

Yeah, the first thing I thought was that Madigan was running the Republican website just to get my IP address when I complained about publishing my FOID information.

No wonder we keep voting these idiots in. Idiots are too afraid to speak their minds like free men and women or to take action to defend themselves against tyrants.

Go crawl back into your hole and await orders from your master, you fucking slave. Don't exercise your First Amendment rights and let them take your Second Amendment rights. Wussy.

3/06/2011 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
She argued that it be disclosed like public licenses but a FOID card is NOT a license it is an identification card. The law clearly defines that you can not license a constitutional right. Also one right does not trump another right.

3/05/2011 08:45:00 AM

Anonymous said...
Why don't we publish the names of people who have been disqualified to own a gun.

3/05/2011 09:24:00 AM

These are two of the best posts on the subject of FOID cards.

3/06/2011 05:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Ro said...

Anonymous said...
Madigan claims its a public safety isssue to release the names of FOID card owners. If its for public safety, they should release the arrest histories of everyone.

3/06/2011 09:44:00 AM

Releasing names of Peace Officers is not responsible or even remotely safe for anyone. On the contrary, she is putting our lives and those retired in danger.

3/06/2011 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did a Zaba search on Mrs. Lisa,there are 3 in the city,anybody know if one of these are the queen?Maybe we could send some letters?(:


On Rockwell just north of Irving

3/06/2011 08:50:00 AM


That's her....

I saw her walking in
Horner Park once at California and Irving Park Rd.

3/06/2011 08:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our names, addresses and how much we make are already out there because we are City employees. Hell, Sun Times has it linked! All these search engines can fill in the blanks.

I think it sucks, but releasing the FOID info of coppers is kind of like spitting into the ocean.

3/06/2011 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 3/06/2011 08:47:00 AM:

"Well, it stinks! This whole thing stinks!"

3/06/2011 09:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4152 N Rockwell, the house with the security camera on the front. 2nd from the corner of Berteau & Rockwell. It's a public safety issue.

3/07/2011 03:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

police officers have never been required to have an foi card--- HOWEVER, if you are involved in a shooting and your gun is inventoried at erps, you will need a valid foi card to retrieve your weapon at the conclusion of the investigation---- it is a department order, so you might as well go get one--- most have one anyway.....

3/06/2011 11:40:00 AM

If you re going to post something, make sure it is the correct information.

3/07/2011 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous deadman1075 said...

I don't why anyone would be surprised by the daughter of the King of Madiganistan would want this to be public knowledge. Both she and her 'dad' are intransigent dolts.

3/09/2011 08:37:00 PM  

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