Friday, March 04, 2011

Battery Offender, Harasser, Child Abuser? (UPDATED)

Once again, Henny Penny steps in shit. This has been confirmed via various sources both inside and outside of the Department:
  • Speaking of BOTCHED decisions. Looks like 011 will be getting a new commander rather soon. Fresh off her 30 day suspension, and being named on that Dump list. Seems Henny Penny has gone and stepped in it again...

    Seems that she beat her child and left enough marks that the school called The DCFS HOTLINE. Where is she gonna get locked up this time? A/3?

  • Are the rumors true that Area 3 SVU is investigating a DCFS Hotline complaint of child abuse where "Henny Penny" is the offender? Had to be moved to Area 3 because her former husband is an Area 5 detective.

  • Trahanas is at it again! Today there was a DCFS Hotline complaint filed on her for child abuse on her 16 year old daughter who alleges that previous complaints have gone nowhere because her mother and father are police officers, and her mother is obviously well connected. Her past history of slapping a certain female A5 detective (who sued and won) and cornering and physically intimidating another female detective in A5 (who is now retired) would suggest that where there is smoke, there is fire.....When is the department going to get rid of her??? She is a bad excuse for such a highly placed boss of exempt rank and an embarrassment to this department. Is anyone out there listening??????????
Given her past history of physically attacking people she works with, her history of telephone harassment, and her history of abusing anyone who runs afoul of her massively inept ego, is this really surprising?

Now in the midst of what is looking more and more like the cover-up of a murder by a Daley relative, is the Department really going to stand by a Daley/Reverend double (or triple) merit appointee who beats a child? Will someone somewhere please fire this psycho head case before she brings more discredit and ridicule to the men and women who just want to do their jobs in peace?

UPDATE: Penny Trahanas has resigned from the position of commander. It's about fucking time.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The power of prayer.

3/04/2011 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only take her gold star, but take those captains bars too. It will require a hearing for cause, but the process is in place.

3/04/2011 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait...didnt someone tell us that Trahanas was one of the "Best and the brightest"?

Now who was that idiot that said this shit....

3/04/2011 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard her talking in 007 about "disciplining" her kids. She was boasting to her little plump troll confidant about whipping them with a belt for some minor bullshit. She is a horrible, unstable witch!
Oh yeah, a shit boss too!

3/04/2011 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one noticed the detective who will get money from fellow officers due a false arrest lawsuit?

3/04/2011 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she's bringing discredit to the trahanas name. She's a jones through and through

3/04/2011 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nan nan nan na.... Hey hey...good bye.... She gone....heard Lt Andrews made the complaint!!

3/04/2011 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous SCC Fan said...

...and yet Bill Cozzi rots in a Louisiana prison.

Let's see Mary Bitchell write a Scum-Times article about all of Penny's "mishaps", and how the West Side Reverends have saved her fat ass time and time again.

Too bad Bill wasn't a Baptist...

3/04/2011 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How crazy do you have to be?

Strip this woman before she goes the rest of the way postal.

Supt. Hillard does not need this on his watch; got 'way more than enough on his plate right now.

3/04/2011 12:23:00 AM  
Blogger John Northen said...


If I can be of any help, contact me:

3/04/2011 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I bet they don't do shit about it.

3/04/2011 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something on chicago breaking news about a detective being arrested and winning a lawsuit where po's have to pay punitive damages

3/04/2011 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say its time for another promotion.
Will this hurt her chance for that Supt. job?
Earned, not given, LMFAO!

3/04/2011 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jody Weis found her not guilty and absolved her! She can do no wrong!

It's a Double Standard for the Connected friends of Revrends and Politicians.

She will probably be Promoted by our new temp. supt. Hillard!

Dumb always moves up in our city!

3/04/2011 12:45:00 AM  
Blogger John Northen said...

Henny Penny:

You know I've had your back.

No more. Time to retire or resign.

With all due respect, you are the consummate aasshole

3/04/2011 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ex-husband is a good guy....

3/04/2011 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous HATER said...






3/04/2011 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad thing is nobody will be the least bit surprised

3/04/2011 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is out genessa Lewis is in
Jarmusz is going to bomb and arson, Roy told to retire or be demoted and a LT from TRU or msf is going to 009, not sure of the name but saw what looked like sl or jl scribbled.

3/04/2011 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, Terry, but here's your first unpleasant duty. Please launch her to field lt on mids somewhere. Guaranteed, she can't handle it and she'll retire, thus the problem will FINALLY be solved.

3/04/2011 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had 2 complaints registered against me in the past year that were malicious and unwarranted by 2 separate CPD bosses. The first one came back unfounded and the 2nd one is a joke and should come back exonerated if things go the right way.

I didn't do anything wrong in either of these incidents and this Henny Penny idiot I keep hearing about commits multiple crimes while being a police commander and nothing happens to her!!! She'll probably get promoted!!

3/04/2011 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing will happen to her. In fact, she will be promoted again. What an embarrassment she is to the CPD! Great job J-Fled!

3/04/2011 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous 29 and a day said...

I spent 29 years in a blue shirt. In a day off group.

All I ever wanted was to be a Sgt Okay maybe a Lieutenant. But I would have settled for Sgt

Those cocksuckers in personnel didnt even give me a chance to take a legit test, let alone a promotion.

And this goofy bitch is a Commander?

And she aint the only one who out ranked me who probably spelled shit with 2 T's and couldnt find an egg roll in Chinatown

What a fucking joke this job is/was.

Im glad Im gone

Please stay safe out there

3/04/2011 02:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck this stupid ass! She should have been fired a long time ago.

3/04/2011 03:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little plump troll LOL. Would that be CS by chance? Has all but 5 years on and spent about 3 months on the street. Now she's in 011, in the office of course

3/04/2011 05:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC can you post this on your front landing page. This is a site operated by the Illinois Republican Party. All officers should visit site and vote.

3/04/2011 05:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Henny's child if she was a victim of child abuse by her mother should have been taken into Protective Custody and not left in the custody of her mother/offender/abuser/who has the opportunity to commit the crime again either with physical abuse or verbal abuse. This child probably is an on-going victim of Penny and has suffered much mental abuse with her mother's clout and lack of proper investigations to protect her child from further abuse. Retired SVU

3/04/2011 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck up...move the saying goes...

3/04/2011 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beale said that she should be in the running for the next Supernintendo.

Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo

3/04/2011 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is out Genessa Lewis is in

Dear God in heaven, let this b true!

3/04/2011 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, beatin' yer child? WWJD?

---not a cop

3/04/2011 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Chuck said...

ok I slapped my stepson because he was gonna hit his sister someone else hit him at school and popped his eardrum 3 days after I slapped him. he was afraid to snitch because it was a gang banger, wife was told I hit him and at the time it was no big deal, when he went to the Dr. the doc was told he had been slapped by me, DCFS was called and ole lady and step son were led hand and hand through ruining me because of a slap to the cheek, 555 w Harrison and all, cops came to get me I did not even know until they showed up, they were told about my LEGALLY bought loaded hand guns ( my 2nd amendment right) and even though the cops did not want to take my guns they had too, so after getting screwed by my Illinois bar assc. lawyer that the judge made me hire I was told my best offer was guilty with a conditional discharge, I found out later that the lawyer just took the paper from the ASA and never told the true story to the ole lady and the ASA, well the conditional discharge is worse than it sounds, i got a letter from the Illinois State police demanding my FOID stating that if I did not return it that they were gonna come and get it further saying that I was banned for life from owning a gun, now if your Penny is found resonsible for domestic battery, will she be barred from owning a gun also????? I am a civilian

3/04/2011 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put her in the ring with "Tactical Barbie" and let them go at it....

3/04/2011 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Not only take her gold star, but take those captains bars too. It will require a hearing for cause, but the process is in place.

3/04/2011 12:11:00 AM


Not true, the Superintendent can send her back to her Civil Service rank of Lieutenant. When she took Commander she resigned her rank of Captain.

3/04/2011 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Six po's in 011 were ordered to pay the detective $15,000 each.
Total judgement was for $200,000 but this was a PUNITIVE judgement against the 6 po's
Jury decided yesterday and it was in federal court

3/04/2011 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing the link - but unfortunately it seems to be not working? Does anybody here at have a mirror or another source?


3/04/2011 07:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It just has to catch up to her eventually. You can't be that careless, violent and stupid forever.

3/04/2011 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an SVU Detective, there are many times that a mother, father, caretaker etc, are not placed in custody for physically disciplining their child or teen.

It depends on many various factors including prior arrests for child abuse or domestic battery and the relationship between the victim and offender. Numerous questions are asked. Is this common in the household? Is alcohol involved? What type of behavior did the teen display prior to the abuse occurring? Many teen are disturbingly aggressive towards their parents, and the parents lose control of their emotions.

It is also dependent upon what the arrest would do to the family unit. Will the arrest benefit the family etc? Is the teen or child fearful of their caretaker and why?

Many offenders are apologetic and extremely remorseful for their actions. The willingness of the teen involved to testify against their mother or father comes into play also as does the extent of the injuries. You can not begin to imagine the abuse seen by us on a daily basis and the extent of injuries we see infants, toddlers, children. We do make numerous arrests if the situation warrants.

In many instances, the offenders are sternly warned about the use of excessive physical discipline and or the use of an object for discipline. 99.9% of the time, this warning is adhered to.

So give the dics in area 3 a break. As crazy as it may sound, the case needs to be handled in the same manner as all others of the same nature.

3/04/2011 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe that any of the brass, would do ANYTHING to "help out" a child beater. Jesus Christ what kind of fucking people keep her in place.

3/04/2011 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

come on a 16yr old- almost all kids at that age are punks

3/04/2011 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is the worse Commander ever.

3/04/2011 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know the ex husband, but alot of people say he's a great guy, well why the hell doesn't he take the kids away from that psycho. I'm sure that this isn't a one time episode.

3/04/2011 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was a subordinate under her years ago and hated the b+#%h. Her day will come. Not a nice person. And did I say a hater?

3/04/2011 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jarmusz is going to bomb and arson, Roy told to retire or be demoted...

3/04/2011 01:23:00 AM

couldn't happen to a nicer guy...

3/04/2011 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How in the hell did she pass the psych test?

3/04/2011 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The circus continues!

3/04/2011 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is what she is,why is anyone surprised?

3/04/2011 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You.all must be smokin da crack... hilliard will have ZERO power to make cganges... ZERO. He is just here for looks.. All current commanders will stay right where they are till May/June unfortunately... Move along now...

3/04/2011 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that's how Chicago spells


3/04/2011 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is out genessa Lewis is in
Jarmusz is going to bomb and arson, Roy told to retire or be demoted and a LT from TRU or msf is going to 009, not sure of the name but saw what looked like sl or jl scribbled.

3/04/2011 01:23:00 AM

Please let it be JL he is a great guy.

3/04/2011 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strip this woman before she goes the rest of the way postal.


I'm not worried. She rarely carries a gun, and even less frequently carries bullets.

3/04/2011 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would be in prison if I did the shit this bitch did

3/04/2011 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous HATER said...








3/04/2011 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Daley administration has covered up a lot more that just this. We have several bosses who should be gone, but were promoted instead.
The US attorney can only do so much due to the "influance" of the white house.

3/04/2011 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the allegations posted here are true, they are indeed disturbing. All I could add to this is to wait and see, and don't be so quick to judge.
I once saw a parent come into my station to pick up his teenaged daughter, who had been missing for over a month. I don't know what she said to her dad, but before anyone could stop it, he socked her a good one.
Of course, we had to arrest her father right there in the station. It was a horrible scene, and I understood completely that man's (and his wife's) anguish, worried about this rotten kid who had been out in the street for a month and showed no remorse or respect to her parents when they arrived at the station. I don't know what happened between Penny and her kid, so I'm not going to pre-judge her before an investigation is complete. I also know that Penny grew up with a mother who was very tough on her also, so I'm not surprised about the allegations; these things tend to get passed down in families. Whatever happens, it will work itself out. Just don't gloat too much here about Penny's problems, and thank God it isn't YOUR family business being outed here for the world to see, because we all know some officers who have family difficulties, don't we? We've even see a previous exempt or two demoted over 'family issues.' Thank God it isn't you, and pray for those who are dealing with it.

3/04/2011 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ref. promotions/demotions. She may burn for this and should. But any routine promotions/demotions won't happen until a new supe is in place. Hillard told that to the exempts. Now, if more fuck up like she did, then . . .

3/04/2011 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emil won't let her get dumped.

3/04/2011 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, can we now limit the extra bites from the Merit Apple? This twit as well as many of JFeds top picks are an embarrassment, although not his fault entirely, she and others were brought up by clout years ago and it has to stop. Many good district patrol officers have seen careers waste away waiting for a promotion when scoring at the top of the list.

3/04/2011 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Sparta you can beat your children

3/04/2011 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Mazl-tov tsu dayn geburtstog! said...

-Mazl-tov tsu dayn geburtstog!
***HAPPY BIRTHDAY "29 & a Day"***
Soon you're gonna have more years alive than "time on da job";=) HERE'S to year "56" (& to 560 MORE hard-EARNED Pension Check$!) Ch-a-a-a-Ching-ggg! ***ATTN: "Notify da Watch Commanders"- RETIRE before ya's CROAK & miss those fat checks & golden years!***

3/04/2011 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this crazy out of place boss is not only in the police dept.

there are so many goofy boss's in other dept's your head would spin.

i didn't vote for RAHM, but i hope he cleans house city wide.

3/04/2011 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had 2 complaints registered against me in the past year that were malicious and unwarranted by 2 separate CPD bosses. The first one came back unfounded and the 2nd one is a joke and should come back exonerated if things go the right way..........

Commander Trahanas???? Is this you???

3/04/2011 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's all on the square kids only the best and brightest are promoted to caotain and commander

how about taking away all her merit promotions , that would be very interesting

3/04/2011 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like Rahm has had it with the controversy surrounding his bodyguard detail choices. HG 023 and his goofy band buddy are going to get dumped. The guy has open CRs, sexual harassment complaints, and is a total dog. HG did volounteer work for Rahm and then was chosen for the detail. So much for giving everyone a fair shot at going to units. Right Rahm? CPD MOTTO: GIVEN, NEVER EARNED.

3/04/2011 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Im glad that JH case was overturned. He fucked up big time . but he should have never been convicted. Fired from job maybe but no jail time.

3/04/2011 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what this job has become, Double and triple promoted hacks. Please Mayor Rham you are talking about reform please bring some of that here. Qualified people in every rank are tired of sending resumes in for positions that are already filed by clout and it is just a formality to make it look legit. Does anyone even read the applications for positions or promotions like, Captain or Command Staff positions? Or better yet verify the info? I doubt it by the results that inhabit these positions. We Need Real Change Now. Here is your chance Mr. Mayor Elect to get the rank and file who you yourself call the backbone of this department on your side. Or you can become Shorter Shanks.

3/04/2011 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this is true it is Ehibit A as an example of the type of people he promoted. Any success achieved during his tenure was IN SPITE of his leadership - not becaue of it. There are dozens more like this. How would you like working for a person like this?

3/04/2011 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something on chicago breaking news about a detective being arrested and winning a lawsuit where po's have to pay punitive damages

3/04/2011 12:39:00 AM

Read the story and am surprised I never heard about this one. Sounds fucked up all around. But it sounds like the Dic was being an ass on scene. I've bumped into a couple P.O.'s myself in "not so good neighborhoods" and it's always the same fucking thing.

"What you stopping me fo' ", or "Why you harassing me" and the best "you know who I am" then they decide to tell you they are the police after they mother fuck you a couple of times. But the P.O.'s gotta pay out of pocket?! That's fucked up.

3/04/2011 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ex-husband is a great guy.

3/04/2011 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But how is the FOP vote legit when nobody had to show a picture ID to vote? Oh, wait......this is still SHITCAGO and everything's legit, move along, nothing to see here....

3/04/2011 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What has happened to this department when we sue each other because our feelings are hurt? That detective should go hide in a shell. Don't we have enough problems with the citizens? I am sure the detective was not without fault.

3/04/2011 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...






3/04/2011 01:13:00 AM

The case isn't 'shopped'. It's POLICY to move a police-involved case to another area. An area where the party involved DOESN'T work.

Unfortunately, it landed in the area that kowtows the most to politicians and pressure. The bosses here quake in their boots, afraid to lose their 'spot'.

3/04/2011 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys we will soon find out just how much clout the revruns have with the new mayor. I kind of think it will not be a lot. Daley always listened to the rev's because they endorsed him and got their flock to get out and vote for him. So in turn he always owed them.
Well Rahm didn't go after the endorsments from the rev's. He had very few on his side. So it will be interesting to see just how much power they will have under the new administration.

Only time will tell.

3/04/2011 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Hillard will do the right thing and fire her ass.

3/04/2011 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Hillards first victim said...

Update on the Update. Hillard called her in this morning and forced her to do so. Didnt take much time for him to crack the whip.

3/04/2011 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

29 and a day said... I spent 29 years in a blue shirt. In a day off
group. All I ever wanted was to be a Sgt Okay maybe a Lieutenant. But I would have settled for Sgt Those cocksuckers in personnel didnt even
give me a chance to take a legit test, let
alone a promotion. And this goofy bitch is a Commander? And she aint the only one who out ranked me.

You never got the same opportunities because you didn't have the "Juice".
This will be the case for 95% of the people on this job. Only the connected get the choice spots and merit promotion after merit promotion.
"It's the Chicago Way" At least you will leave here with some of your dignity intact, and so will I. I refuse to kiss these peoples asses, so a blue shirt it will be. For what it's worth, I respect you more than I ever will them.

3/04/2011 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those cocksuckers in personnel didnt even give me a chance to take a legit test, let alone a promotion.

Bullshit. Plenty of us made it without help. Sour grapes.

3/04/2011 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I've had 2 complaints registered against me in the past year that were malicious and unwarranted by 2 separate CPD bosses."

Hmmmm....two bosses?? Someone has some issues.

3/04/2011 12:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

simple battery kid, 0460 and 1330hrs for the paper.

have a good day

3/04/2011 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her punk ass better be in call back if not suspended pending termination.

3/04/2011 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one noticed the detective who will get money from fellow officers due a false arrest lawsuit?

3/04/2011 12:16:00 AM

This is the danger when you only kind of know what your doing. As simple as it is, too many cops fuck up their paper because they watch too much TV and they only understand the law by using some run down legal phrases.

For example,
He was cuffed for his protection and my protection.

He was brought to the station "for investigation."

He was held until I could verify his identity.

I stopped him when he was loitering in an area known for narcotics sales and/or gang activity.

All of these phrases are used every day and each and every one of them is completely illegal.

People can only be stopped if there is a reason why you believe they are, have, or will break the law. Loitering in a bad place is no reason to stop someone.

Seeing someone with a gun is a good reason to stop someone, but the minute you realize he did not break the law, you must let him go.

People are either under arrest or they are free to go. Once you move a person from one place to another, they have been arrested.

The thirty minute dope investigation, while you search for the pack is completely illegal.

The arrested asshole cop was definitely the cause of this nonsense, but if you can't legally explain what you are doing, then why the hell are you doing it. The officers couldn't explain why he was brought to the station because there is no legal reason for bringing him to station.

Here is how this should have been handled. They should have let him go when they found his identification. They should have contact carded felon A, B, and C who were with him. They should have called the sergeant to the scene and they should have obtained a CR number for his failure to properly identify himself, for not cooperating with an investigation, and for probably hanging out with felons.

But cops are not satisfied with simply getting a CR number on an ass who fronted them off, so they tried to lock him up and now they're out 15 grand each.

The lesson is to stop trying to dig up arrests in the ghetto through bogus "gang meeting stops.". Stop grabbing dude because you think "he's dirty.". Nobody gives a shit. Of course he's dirty, he lives in the ghetto, he's hanging out with other dirty scoundrels. Who cares?

Just stop people who you see breaking the law, then arrest or ticket them for the law they broke. Search people who are under arrest. Stop one rock patdowns for "loiterers".

All this scrounging around for guns and dope, all the questionable legal positions you put yourself in looking for this shit, all these long searches through garbaged filled lots. Just stop it.

You'll find out over time that it's not only not worth it, it's beneath you.

3/04/2011 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Resigned? Terry is the consummate gentleman. He must have strongly advised her to 'resign' her position.

So, just what does a former police commander DO on this job?

3/04/2011 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But how is the FOP vote legit when nobody had to show a picture ID to vote? Oh, wait......this is still SHITCAGO and everything's legit, move along, nothing to see here....

3/04/2011 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, I thought she was a full time Christian and a part time preacher? Who is guided by the good hand of the Lord?

What a goof...

3/04/2011 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is out genessa Lewis is in
Jarmusz is going to bomb and arson, Roy told to retire or be demoted and a LT from TRU or msf is going to 009, not sure of the name but saw what looked like sl or jl scribbled.

3/04/2011 01:23:00 AM

For a dumping or promo? If its for a promotion then SL, a dumping then JL.

3/04/2011 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Penny Jones needs to be fired. Does she have to shoot someone before she gets a pink slip ???? Perhaps mellonhead will take her with him to "Dumber than a Rockville".

3/04/2011 01:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/04/2011 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HMMMMMM do you think the resignation was voluntary?

3/04/2011 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm hearing she QUIT??!!

3/04/2011 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Punch her name in you tube. Her preaching video is back.

3/04/2011 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a complete joke she is.

3/04/2011 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She needs to be given 30 pending separation--and thrown into jail! beating up her own child---Can you imagine what her kid has gone through all these years? and the Chicago Police Department never protected her---how shameful! The Chicago Police Department created that monster!!

3/04/2011 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things are beginning to look up for the CPD. Don't fuck it up now Rahm.

3/04/2011 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Penny gone

3/04/2011 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great pick scram!

3/04/2011 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BILL COZZIE GETS 3yrs for slapping a shithead... penny gets to be commander! I hope she is at least in call back now... event if it is just an alligation for now; ANY PO WOULD BE STRIPPED!!

3/04/2011 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Resigned" my ass.

3/04/2011 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never laid a Goddamn hand on those kids!---Joan Crawford.

3/04/2011 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, uh, this is all a BIG misunderstanding. God spit, and Penny was speakin' in tongues and it just LOOKED LIKE she beat that po' baby. She was just wipin' off that spit is all. Yes she was.

3/04/2011 01:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at the bright side. She gets fired for beating her child, she can always become an ordained minister reverend preacher woman.

Praise Jesus.

3/04/2011 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Signed, Penney's ex-mother in law.

3/04/2011 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is some BOOOLSHIT here is what that is.

3/04/2011 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If a blue shirt would have been fired and even jailed years ago

3/04/2011 01:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Resigned or asked to step down?

3/04/2011 01:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nelson said, "Ha Ha!"

3/04/2011 01:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First Judy Weis now Henny, this is some bullshit man!!! We need these types of leaders. We will be marching tuesday at city hall. Please check the Fop web site for details.

3/04/2011 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if she was merit lt and merit sgt bust her back to a police officer
we don't want her as a watch commander in a district

3/04/2011 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She should be sent to call back with a couple of 30 pending.

3/04/2011 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She stepped down as commander, why didn't hillard hold a press conference and tell the good citizen's of Chicago that he demoted her, and would no stand for that kind of conduct. Just don't let her step down proudly...I/f

3/04/2011 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't she the one preaching in that YOU-TUBE video. A person who believes in Jesus and treats people and her kid's this way is very un-christian. What would Jesus say? Typical ghetto religion, go to church on Sunday and do the devil's work the rest of the week.

3/04/2011 02:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The power of prayer."

--3/04/2011 12:06:00 AM

Took the words right out of my mouth.

From the pattern I've seen of "workplace incidents" -- they sometimes come back later -- she should be kept off the grounds and out of that station. I'm not kidding here -- if not her, then who?

She has made her own path -- I'm concerned about everyone else there.

I don't know how you secure a place that has the homeless assigned to the pod room, but it should be done. Her mess can get picked up and straightened out quickly by anyone with any sense, and that will be that.

3/04/2011 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor,Poor Penny.Over-promoted beyond her competence.There's still Nice spots for her in the CPD.A pay cut and a mop in her hand ,and everything will be fine.

3/04/2011 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Seems that she beat her child and left enough marks that the school called The DCFS HOTLINE."

Aggravated battery to a child, and if you want to double the bond throw in "with intent to do grave bodily harm."

People go to the penitentiary for this -- their feet hardly touch the ground from home door to cell door. Is she special?

Not only is she not special, as the commander of a police district she is in the extra-double-triple-should-have-known-better category -- and therefore should be made an example of.

Ms. Alvarez?

Yellow transfer suit, cuffs, belly chain, leg irons. One size fits all.

"Equal justice under the law," right?

3/04/2011 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations 011!!! You guys are too good to dealing with such Bullshit!! I say make 11-dub the new commander!!

3/04/2011 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT -- Hillard Tells Officers He Will Visit Every District


...and look at the troops lined up in the background. Crown caps, stars visible, chins up -- looks kind of like a police department all of a sudden!

3/04/2011 02:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is out genessa Lewis is in
Jarmusz is going to bomb and arson, Roy told to retire or be demoted and a LT from TRU or msf is going to 009, not sure of the name but saw what looked like sl or jl scribbled.

Who is taking over 002?

3/04/2011 02:58:00 PM  
Anonymous bright red 1958 plymouth fury said...

She even made me look competent. At least she didn't get the company car towed from Michigan Ave.

3/04/2011 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With her record, how can she be left in any supervisory rank? Terry here's your chance to make a statement to the rank and file, please make it.

3/04/2011 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shocking news I thought she was untouchable.

3/04/2011 03:11:00 PM  
Anonymous go 4 it! said...

Anonymous said...
I've had 2 complaints registered against me in the past year that were malicious and unwarranted by 2 separate CPD bosses. The first one came back unfounded and the 2nd one is a joke and should come back exonerated if things go the right way.

Solution: sue, brother. I did and got a nice settlement from Carroll.

The claim: abuse of the department's disciplinary process.

3/04/2011 03:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Every once in a while, I see tax money well spent -- Chicago is going to be among the first cities in the US to get the new super 3-D weather radar.

"[This is] expected to result in significant improvements in the estimation of precipitation rates, the ability to discriminate different precipitation types (i.e. rain vs. hail, mixed precipitation types in winter storms), and the identification of non-meteorological returns...for aviation concerns, with polarimetric radar, forecasters will be able to better discern areas of icing and other hazards such as birds. All these improvements will aid forecasters in the warning decision process..."

I'm delighted to say that, to the best of my knowledge, this development has absolutely nothing to do with Mayor Daley or any City agency; this is a Federal show, located in Romeoville. Let the little prick brag about the new bird hospital at the airport he destroyed in the middle of the night...

3/04/2011 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ding dong the Witch is dead!

3/04/2011 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i might go out and do the church dance tonight :)

good bye penny

3/04/2011 03:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Given, not earned. THAT'S the Chicago Way! This place sucks.

3/04/2011 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, Terry, but here's your first unpleasant duty. Please launch her to field lt on mids somewhere. Guaranteed, she can't handle it and she'll retire, thus the problem will FINALLY be solved.

Don't dump her family people and coppers with no time on the job, the CR #'s, and I guarantee she will ruin someone's life, put her in a clout unit and away from the non-clout.

3/04/2011 04:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who has ever worked for this bitch knows how treacherous she is. I am certain there is celebrating going on in 011 tonite.

3/04/2011 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Numerous questions are asked. Is this common in the household? Is alcohol involved? What type of behavior did the teen display prior to the abuse occurring?"

--3/04/2011 07:40:00 AM

"Is the offender the commander of a police district?"

3/04/2011 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Commander of police setting forth such a good exammple of what we underlings are supposed to work for. She's the best they have to offer?

3/04/2011 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

come on a 16yr old- almost all kids at that age are punk
___________________________________How Fast do you think the department would go after a PO without clout? Would you hit your kid with a belt and leave marks or hit them hard enough to leave a mark, if so you need help. Discipline is one thing abuse is somrthing totally different. And all 16 year are not punks just the one who's parents could give a rats ass about them

3/04/2011 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Of course, we had to arrest her father right there in the station. It was a horrible scene..."

--3/04/2011 10:21:00 AM

Of course. But for police brass?

"We've even seen a previous exempt or two demoted over 'family issues.'"

Demotion! Imagine it.


3/04/2011 04:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Penny does what she does because she gets away with it.

3/04/2011 04:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im not even a cop but Im happy!!!!

3/04/2011 04:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Wait...didn't someone tell us that Trahanas was one of the "Best and the brightest"?

--3/04/2011 12:11:00 AM

Yeah, but I didn't hear the "above the law" part...

3/04/2011 04:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP Election Reslults?

3/04/2011 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, just what does a former police commander DO on this job?

3/04/2011 12:28:00 PM

They become Watch Commanders...just like "T-Dub" the wonder child from 5th District D/C to 8th District W/C. (Not sure if he is still there)

Yep, all legit.

3/04/2011 04:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/04/2011 12:28:00 PM

Very well said. I could not agree more.

3/04/2011 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 months in the 11. Never saw or met the lady.

3/04/2011 04:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please let it be JL he is a great guy.

3/04/2011 09:40:00 AM



3/04/2011 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now TAKE those Capt. BARS from her. A disgrace.

3/04/2011 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So, just what does a former police commander DO on this job?"

--3/04/2011 12:28:00 PM

Where does the "on this job" automatically come from?

Do you mean during incarceration, or after they serve their sentence and are walking around with a felony record so no one will hire them or even rent them an apartment?

This can be a problem. She's got family, though. To start with, they'll send her half a stack to get her set up with gym shoes and sweat suits and her own little color TV, and after that will come the max $50 a week for the commissary so she can have plenty of Slim Jims and sugar buns and hair care products. There'll be no degrading halfway house for her when she gets out, either.

She'll be welcomed with open arms -- discriminated against, victim of a "hit squad," and all that -- and can go back to preaching double-hard, with all that new street cred. Didn't Arenda Troutman have a fortune telling thing, vitamin sales, something like that on the side? Even Carol Moseley-Braun deals in some kind of cosmetics, or tries to.

I would not concern myself. It's her time to do, not yours or mine, and they've got B.E.T. on cable, hot pots, and lots of people to talk to and play cards with all day and all night.

She's in a much better position than many others, who are sleeping on the ground in Tunisia or something.

3/04/2011 05:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Buh-bye said...

And then God shit, and behold, he created Penny.

3/04/2011 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord for Second City Cop. It was the only way to get her removed from one of the best districts in the City of Chicago. It's a shame the politicians don't take the proper action when dealing with such a disgrace to our uniform.

3/04/2011 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the best thing that I've heard in like 50 hours.....

I wish there was a Morale O-Meter I could check....I wager it is rising!

3/04/2011 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a foil packet --


-- containing two more Alka-Seltzer for SCC. He's gonna need 'em again with all this excitement going on.

Heavy news day...

3/04/2011 05:54:00 PM  
Anonymous T-Dub is the man! said...

They become Watch Commanders...just like "T-Dub" the wonder child from 5th District D/C to 8th District W/C. (Not sure if he is still there)

Yep, all legit

whoa, leave T-Dub out of this. I was worried after he got bounced from true to WC in 008 third watch but he has been a FANTASTIC watch commander in 008. He has never given anyone any problems, keeps to himself and takes care of people. He is very fair and has treated us on the watch pretty damn good. Ive worked for alot of different bosses and he is one of the better ones.... maybe when he was a commander he was different but he seems to be a very good man... I enjoy working for him

3/04/2011 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NBC 5 is on the story...

3/04/2011 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, just what does a former police commander DO on this job?
Just ask Lucio (aka Wayne Newton) Matinez

3/04/2011 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Congratulations 011!!! You guys are too good to dealing with such Bullshit!! I say make 11-dub the new commander!!
Too Good? Yeah ok!
So, what's going to happen to those who were all up in Henny Penny Ass?
fucking ass kissers. especially that sourpuss of a 2nd watch desk crew.

3/04/2011 06:05:00 PM  
Anonymous The Rev. Ibeein Dumped said...

Spares de Rahm and you spoils 'de child.

Amen. And he done pulled up all 'de grass an' de stars in de sky, he done breaved on it hard, an it become de truff. And so it be written, renounce dem shiny leaves an' puts on dem bars once mo' on de mids.

Can I gets a witness?

3/04/2011 06:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/04/2011 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!!!

3/04/2011 06:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back ERIC WASHINGTON!!!!!!!!!

3/04/2011 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Heads up--

Retired police officer reported missing

Staff report

6:07 p.m. CST, March 4, 2011

Officials have issued a missing person alert for a retired Chicago police sergeant with severe dementia and cancer.

Eldge Walton, 74, was last seen leaving his home on foot near the 9200 block of South Blackstone at 10:30 a.m. today, police said. He is not driving, according to the alert.

Walton was last seen wearing a Chicago police dress shirt, uniform coat, dark blue police uniform pants and a turquoise sweater under his coat, according to the alert. He was also wearing a blue White Sox knit cap and blue gym shoes.

While officials said he may have also had his retired police star with him, his wife told police that he did not have a weapon, according to the alert.

It was not known if he had identification with him, police said.

Walton is described as African American with a medium complexion, 6-feet tall, 158 pounds, brown eyes and gray hair along with a beard and mustache.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Calumet Area Special Victims Unit at 312-747-8274.


Thanks to CBN.

3/04/2011 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa, leave T-Dub out of this. I was worried after he got bounced from true to WC in 008 third watch but he has been a FANTASTIC watch commander in 008. He has never given anyone any problems, keeps to himself and takes care of people. He is very fair and has treated us on the watch pretty damn good. Ive worked for alot of different bosses and he is one of the better ones.... maybe when he was a commander he was different but he seems to be a very good man... I enjoy working for him

Capt TW is a piece of SHI%!

3/04/2011 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the news got a hold of this story....

3/04/2011 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of the Captain Rank all together it's a waste of money.

3/04/2011 07:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They said they are closing Koschman’s 2004 homicide case without asking the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office to charge anyone because they concluded the punch was thrown in self-defense.

Police reports made public Friday black out the name of the man who detectives concluded threw the lone punch at Koschman. But the descriptions they provided and accounts given by witnesses to the Chicago Sun-Times make clear it was Richard J. “R.J.” Vanecko, a nephew of Mayor Daley and White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley.

3/04/2011 07:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who has ever worked for this bitch knows how treacherous she is. I am certain there is celebrating going on in 011 tonite.

Not "Anyone". Strangely enough, several po's followed her to 011 from 007. They all got cheese spots too. Like the guy with barely 7 years on the job who's assigned to a school car, when he rightfully shouldn't even be on 2nd watch. Or the guy who recently came from 007 and somehow got assigned one of the most coveted posts in 011 (Madison n Pulaski 1181) car. Those posts have always been pasts down to FILLMORE VETERANS...po's who've done their ENTIRE CAREERS in 011. Not Johnny come latelies to the district. Apparently, Penny said "Fuck us, and our silly ass 011 district traditions!" She took care of her folks who followed her from 007.
Even those of us who gave her a chance are dancing in celebration at this news.
And Eric Washington was shit-canned for this chick? Really?
"Earned not Given"
Yeah, Penny. You earned the loss of your command.
Please, Please, Oh Lawd, Please! Send us G. Lewis. She's 011 born and bred. Bring her back home!

3/04/2011 07:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And then the LORD said let her go and she was allowed to go. So it was written so it was done.

3/04/2011 07:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you missed sending penny packing Terry because she did it herself. Don't miss the chance to send the Commander of 14 packing while you get the chance.

3/04/2011 07:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a retired veteran of 3O years who left 8 yrs ago, I read with dismay the story of the alleged Det getting 200 k from the dept. I worked in 007,005 and traffic and I can't tell you how many times I stopped coppers, not Caucasian, who wanted confrontations or looked for an excuse for one, who would actually waited till I was putting Pen to the ticket b4 they finally produced cPd I.D. Tell me why?? Isn't this a brotherhood of blue. To the majority it Is but why do some push the envelope to the limit. When i called a sgt then there tone changed. This is absolute unadulterated b.s. Castle rock petite verdot 2007. White wine for christy. Tnks .loveBased on experience those coppers in 11where screwed. Forgot the pOlitical crap. I can't even say what I really wanna say because it won't get Posted. I bet a penny to a dollar that b.s. From other those other coppera is worse now! Be safe all. And I mean all!

3/04/2011 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put her in the ring with "Tactical Barbie" and let them go at it....

3/04/2011 07:13:00 AM

That would be an unfair fight! Tact Barbie has never done a thing and Penny has a history of fighting!

3/04/2011 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet all those recent bidders to 011 are jumping for joy!!!

3/04/2011 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My life in the CPD just keeps getting better and better. Since Tuesday, I haven't cried so many tears of joy since the first time I got laid.


3/04/2011 08:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god u think things are f 'Ed up here. The St. Petersburg fla police chief has been fired. He didn't attend the funerals of his 3 murdered officers in the last month but went to the shooters funerals. Good God WTF.

3/04/2011 08:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just one question, any of her promotions not merit ????? that be a great story... can that be a FOI request ???

3/04/2011 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, her daughter should be in protective custody. Henny Penny just lost her job over this shit and she could let loose a whole lot more whoop ass on that kid for retribution.

3/04/2011 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she should have never been promoted; and...whoever promoted her should also be bounced (oh, wait); in addition, whoever recommended her should also go...

3/04/2011 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, just what does a former police commander DO on this job?


ask Mike Alexander in 022. He stood up to an aldercreature in 003, got dumped back to Lt then made Capt and now has the 3rd watch in 022. He got fucked then, but is better off today.

3/04/2011 09:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, just what does a former police commander DO on this job?

3/04/2011 12:28:00 PM


Start learning how to use a mop and a floor buffer.

3/04/2011 09:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Hillard is on the job isn't he! That was quick. Her screw up fell right into his hands at just the right time. Serendipity.

3/04/2011 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last March was the episode with the boydriend. This march, the daughter, If she stays on the job, what will next March bring? Too scary to think about.

3/04/2011 09:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just spoke to an 011th dist PO who said that Penny stepped down voluntarily for "Family Reasons" and that there is no "Ccting" CMDR as of yet. In addition there is Rumor that she might Only be taking an Extended Furlough.

Lets Hope Not, for those in 011!

3/04/2011 09:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And then God shit, and behold, he created Penny.

3/04/2011 05:46:00 PM

I thought he spit?

3/04/2011 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha Channel 5 said "bloggers have given her the nickname Henny Penny".

3/04/2011 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous KMA 1999 said...

When you are the lead story on the 10pm news your are either a hero,dead or fucked. She was the lead and she is fucked. Congrats to all you hardworking officers in 011.

3/04/2011 10:32:00 PM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

Is this the same woman who was in that church video???????? YIKES

3/04/2011 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Congratulations 011!!! You guys are too good to dealing with such Bullshit!! I say make 11-dub the new commander!!


You mean the bipolar and otherwise mentally unstable Sgt who recently publicly threatened to shoot a police officer in the 11th district station? The Sgt that was kissing Penny's ass, unsuccessfully vying for a merit promotion? The Sgt that got dumped from MSF the same day that he was accepted? He's a nice enough guy about half of the time when he's on his meds. Let's just leave him where he is so that when he does finally snap, it might not make international news.

3/04/2011 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't dump her family people and coppers with no time on the job, the CR #'s, and I guarantee she will ruin someone's life, put her in a clout unit and away from the non-clout.

3/04/2011 04:14:00 PM
The above post is the primary example of why you should just say no to drugs.

3/04/2011 11:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I've had 2 complaints registered against me in the past year that were malicious and unwarranted by 2 separate CPD bosses. The first one came back unfounded and the 2nd one is a joke and should come back exonerated if things go the right way.

Solution: sue, brother. I did and got a nice settlement from Carroll.

The claim: abuse of the department's disciplinary process.

I'm going to, after the outcome of the pending CR comes down. Any ideas on lawyers? I heard Paul Geiger is good.

3/04/2011 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NBC mentioned SCC twice tonight, now they seem to get their news from here......Daily drop the leash on th emedia? at least till Rahmb'o gets back.

3/04/2011 11:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What has happened to this department when we sue each other because our feelings are hurt? That detective should go hide in a shell. Don't we have enough problems with the citizens? I am sure the detective was not without fault.

3/04/2011 11:51:00 AM

I know the detective and one of the P.O.'s involved. VH is a very quiet guy. He was in front of his house, talking to some of the guys from the neighborhood. The tact guys see a bunch of Black men and automatically assume there's something illegal going on.

When you approach a situation in high gear, things are gonna go to shit fast. I'm sure harsh words were exchanged, but VH recognized several of the guys and told them he worked in A/4 and sees them almost every day. Maybe he purposely told them he didn't have his ID, just to see how far they'd go. Or, maybe he didn't realize it was in his pocket. Regardless, you can't go into someone's home without a warrant. Since he had a holster on, I'm guessing that looking for his ID wasn't the real reason they wanted to go into his house.

Once they found his ID, this should have been over with. And shame on the tact guys if they didn't find it until after they were in the station...can anyone say "poor search?"

Once in 011, the on-duty SVU sergeant came down to the tact office to verify that VH worked upstairs, but these guys still refused to release him. I believe the WC finally RWOC'd him, but only after being brought into the station, handcuffed, in front of people who knew him!

As someone else said, once his ID is verified, cut him loose, apologize (or not) and deal with it administratively. Shame on them for being too stubborn to end things right there. Instead of VH possibly taking some suspension time, now they all have to pony up $15K. That's an expensive lesson to learn.

Another thing one has to wonder, did it really take 6 people to arrest one person? There was no allegation of brutality, no TRR, nothing. So what do we have hear? Paper jumping. That shit will get you everytime. Remember the guys in 020 years ago?

3/04/2011 11:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if Rahm wants transparency, and excellence in city government, particularly in the CPD, eliminate the bullshit! eliminate the politics.. of race, ethnicity, gender, family, friendship, Democratic organization, City Hall, internal and external influences...

3/04/2011 11:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seiser for commander of 011

3/05/2011 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she grew up in k-town. actualy had a good childhood. her parents were VERY OVER PROTECTIVE of her. She was treated as if she could do no wrong and the earth stopped for her. her second oldest brother would beat her every chance he got out of jealously and not wanting to look after her if her parents werent home. after she joined the departmet she changed. her and ex-husband adopted both children. the teenager when she was 3-4 years old. the teenager does have a history of abuse in her background before penny adopted her. she was made to sleep on the floor in a corner as a young child and suffered physical abuse (beatings). Penny has always felt the need to look down on other people and to attempt to have total command. how ironic.

3/05/2011 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one noticed the detective who will get money from fellow officers due a false arrest lawsuit?

3/04/2011 12:16:00 AM

This is the danger when you only kind of know what your doing. As simple as it is, too many cops fuck up their paper because they watch too much TV and they only understand the law by using some run down legal phrases.

For example,
He was cuffed for his protection and my protection.

He was brought to the station "for investigation."

He was held until I could verify his identity.

I stopped him when he was loitering in an area known for narcotics sales and/or gang activity.

All of these phrases are used every day and each and every one of them is completely illegal.

People can only be stopped if there is a reason why you believe they are, have, or will break the law. Loitering in a bad place is no reason to stop someone.

Seeing someone with a gun is a good reason to stop someone, but the minute you realize he did not break the law, you must let him go.

People are either under arrest or they are free to go. Once you move a person from one place to another, they have been arrested.

The thirty minute dope investigation, while you search for the pack is completely illegal.

The arrested asshole cop was definitely the cause of this nonsense, but if you can't legally explain what you are doing, then why the hell are you doing it. The officers couldn't explain why he was brought to the station because there is no legal reason for bringing him to station.

Here is how this should have been handled. They should have let him go when they found his identification. They should have contact carded felon A, B, and C who were with him. They should have called the sergeant to the scene and they should have obtained a CR number for his failure to properly identify himself, for not cooperating with an investigation, and for probably hanging out with felons.

But cops are not satisfied with simply getting a CR number on an ass who fronted them off, so they tried to lock him up and now they're out 15 grand each.

The lesson is to stop trying to dig up arrests in the ghetto through bogus "gang meeting stops.". Stop grabbing dude because you think "he's dirty.". Nobody gives a shit. Of course he's dirty, he lives in the ghetto, he's hanging out with other dirty scoundrels. Who cares?

Just stop people who you see breaking the law, then arrest or ticket them for the law they broke. Search people who are under arrest. Stop one rock patdowns for "loiterers".

All this scrounging around for guns and dope, all the questionable legal positions you put yourself in looking for this shit, all these long searches through garbaged filled lots. Just stop it.

You'll find out over time that it's not only not worth it, it's beneath you.

3/04/2011 12:28:00 PM

SCC, you should put this post up in BOLD-Fucking-FACE print. These coppers were up against a smarter, more seasoned, adversary. Even the dumbest dick can usually present himself as more credible than a ghetto-warrior copper who's made so so many dope pinches. Think about it, YOU are only experienced in prima facie felonies...your scope is very limited. That goes for all the tact robocops that love to pat themselves on the back after a shit arrest or search warrant with the *wink wink* located contraband. STOP reaching! If it's a good case, don't add shit to it! If it's a shit case, learn to be more credible *wink wink*! DO NOT be afraid or TOO proud to admit you know SHIT! Stop, ask and heed advice from a smarter, more seasoned copper.

3/05/2011 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a shame it takes something like this to get these idots launched. I hope they get rid of all the dead weight gold braids.

3/05/2011 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From NBC local --


Now to Chicago Breaking News --

Harrison Police District Commander Steps Down

11:42 p.m. CST, March 4, 2011

"A Chicago police commander relinquished her post Friday amid an investigation into her conduct, officials said.

Penelope Trahanas, who was the commander of the Harrison police district on the West Side, will return to her rank of captain.

"Her move comes during an open investigation by the Independent Police Review Authority, an agency that probes allegations of misconduct by Chicago police officers.

"Neither police nor the IPRA would say what she’s accused of, but she will remain on active duty, according to a law enforcement source.

"Trahanas also was charged last May with misdemeanor telephone harassment of her ex-boyfriend, also a Chicago officer, and had been relieved of her police powers temporarily pending internal reviews. The former boyfriend, Matthew Jackson, filed an order of protection against Trahanas.

"The protection order was later dropped and she was eventually acquitted of the harassment charge, and reinstated as the Harrison district commander.

"She could not be reached for comment late Friday."


...and tomorrow's another day.

3/05/2011 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A poster was looking for a good cop laywer. This guy is pretty good (he represents my son):

Patrick J. Walsh, Esq.
10 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1420
Chicago, Illinois 60603
(312) 782-9464
Atty. No. 42483

Good luck with whatever you have going on!

3/05/2011 03:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Penny does what she does because she gets away with it."

--3/04/2011 04:29:00 PM

...and the police exist to prevent such behavior.


3/05/2011 03:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he purposely told them he didn't have his ID, just to see how far they'd go. - that says it all there. If he did that he is an ass, just looking to make a buck at the expense of other officers. this job HAS changed.

3/05/2011 04:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another thing one has to wonder, did it really take 6 people to arrest one person? There was no allegation of brutality, no TRR, nothing. So what do we have hear? Paper jumping. That shit will get you everytime. Remember the guys in 020 years ago?

I am an officer and I once went into 005 off-duty to make a report and was threatened with arrest because I asked the female officer taking the report why she was so rude.

Before I was on the job, an officer tried to arrest me after I flagged him down after I locked my keys in the car.

Several months ago, a junior officer told me that the reason he locked someone up, was because if the police showed up, "someone was going to jail".

The culture of false arrest is not as pervasive as it used to be, but if you think it does not still exist, you are fooling yourselves.

3/05/2011 04:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm! The allegations are out there already.

CR investigation, riding on the DCFS charges should be sustained.

A recommendation for Separation should follow. Especially considering her past disciplinary history. Supt signs off, and buh bye.

While she is sitting in the call back unit, of course.

3/05/2011 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Dr. Phil said...

The culture of false arrest is not as pervasive as it used to be, but if you think it does not still exist, you are fooling yourselves.

3/05/2011 04:29:00 AM

How many times have the Police 'tried' to arrest you?!

Did you ever think "Gee, maybe there is something wrong with my personality? Maybe I am an asshole?"

3/05/2011 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first words out of your mouth should be "I'm a Police Officer and I work _______". If that is not the first thing you say, you are an asshole and you get what you deserve, period.

3/05/2011 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I've had 2 complaints registered against me in the past year that were malicious and unwarranted by 2 separate CPD bosses. The first one came back unfounded and the 2nd one is a joke and should come back exonerated if things go the right way.

Solution: sue, brother. I did and got a nice settlement from Carroll.


I'm sure the bosses were just bored and said 'let's pick on you for fun'. This is America, home of the lawsuit for anything. That's what I pay my taxes for. Thanks for coming on a public blog and showing us what you are made of.

3/05/2011 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/05/2011 04:29:00 AM
I have never had any of those problems. Maybe you are just an asshole.

3/05/2011 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Bullshit. Plenty of us made it without help. Sour grapes.

3/04/2011 12:19:00 PM


I laughed so hard I almost fell out my chair!!!

"Without help" my ass! How many "double secret" "invite only" study groups were you invited to???

And riddle me this, Legit Man: Did you get your test returned to you graded??? No. No one did.


They're always gonna let a handful of "legit" folks make it through, but the fix is in for the chosen ones. Always has been, always will be.

3/05/2011 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous SCC Fan said...

Just stop people who you see breaking the law, then arrest or ticket them for the law they broke. Search people who are under arrest. Stop one rock patdowns for "loiterers".

All this scrounging around for guns and dope, all the questionable legal positions you put yourself in looking for this shit, all these long searches through garbage filled lots. Just stop it.

You'll find out over time that it's not only not worth it, it's beneath you.

3/04/2011 12:28:00 PM

This is seriously the best advice ever given that most coppers under 35 will completely ignore.

I look back at my early years and think of the risks I took to bring in a head every night. I am lucky nothing serious ever happened to me. My whole outlook on this job changed when I got a little older and had kids of my own.

Overtime doesn't mean much if you end up paying it back punitively.

3/05/2011 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Henny Penny did the weasal (weis-al) maneuver...."you can't fire me, I quit!" ha!

3/05/2011 10:50:00 AM  

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