Thursday, March 03, 2011

Botched Case Just Got Worse

  • Cook County prosecutors say they relied heavily on two “unbiased witnesses” in deciding they couldn’t charge anyone in the death of David Koschman following a 2004 confrontation in the Rush Street area that involved Mayor Daley’s nephew and three friends.

    Now, one of those witnesses says prosecutors’ conclusion that Koschman “was the aggressor and had initiated the physical confrontation” is a “flat-out lie.”

    The witness — Michael Connolly, an information-technology manager who previously had been interviewed by the Chicago Police Department — came forward Wednesday after reading a statement from prosecutors in Monday’s Chicago Sun-Times.

Oops. This case smelled worse than a four-day-old roadkill on a warm summer day. And it just got worse. The State's Attorney's Office will take the bigger hit, but there's going to be plenty of blowback across the board.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can the Daley family live with themselves?

3/03/2011 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like I said in an earlier post...
Why are WE even commenting on this?
The States Attorney's Office approves,disapproves or requests additional interviews or investigation prior to approval or rejection of charges.
Let them wear the jacket. If the prosecutors "flat out lied" someone there should be held liable.
Anita would certainly prosecute the police if the shoe was on the other foot.

3/03/2011 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous 018th District said...

As long as we're on the subject: Do we still have to release Patrick without charging the next time he gets arrested?

3/03/2011 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I would just like to thank the guys that showed up to help this off-duty 015th ranger in Lincoln Park who tried to stop a burglary to auto. 19th district guys K.L, W.S, and Sgt. G.O. You guys were there in seconds and it helped especially after being gas'd by this savage and not being able to see anything. All you guys are stand up and If there is anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to reach out. Also to WC Capt. M.R who was there through the process. Thank you to all the 19th/23rd district guys, its great to know that no matter what happens in this piece of shit city coppers are still there for each other in times of need.

Thank You

3/03/2011 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With "Shortshanks" leaving and " Mortshanks" taking over,hopefully the wrong will be righted.

3/03/2011 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charge them now!!! Let a judge or jury sort out the pieces! This was a cover up from the get go. The common person would have been charged from the get go if it was the other way around. What utter shit these pricks get away with.

3/03/2011 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any dick who would cover for one of the Daley Crime Family might as well be a member of that Family, and I hope they all get hammered.

3/03/2011 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not a botched case. This happens every fucking day in Cook Co. The offenders were arrested. They were put in lineups. The case was presented to Felony Review. And charges were rejected by Darren OBrien.

It would be better if they only rejected charges because they were covering up for the mayor's nephew. The sad fact is that murder charges have been routinely rejected for more than a decade. The truth is that charges in this case were rejected, not because the offender was a somebody, but because the victim was a nobody. Unfortunately, damn near 99.9% of all victims are nobody.

The SA has been using Felony Review to keep down it's caseload and make sure that conviction rates for violent crimes are near 80%. Felony rev examines a case to look for problems, not to look for probable cause. If they find a problem, then they use it as a basis to reject charges.

Look at this case. The dicks obviously got Vanecko's name from his friends (guy and girl) left on the scene. Vanecko wasn't identified, but his ID is not pertinent to the case. The witnesses say the tallest guy in the group threw the punch. All of the guys in the group are known and Vanecko is the tallest.

In today's paper OBrien says he rejected charges because
no one ID'd Vanecko. Talk about a backwards way of looking at a case. OBrien didn't say that he couldn't prove that Vanecko threw the punch, he said no one ID'd Vanecko.

OBrien also says that some people said the victim was the aggressor, but self defense must be offered by the DEFENSE in a murder trial. The State doesn't have to prove that it wasn't self defense, they only have to counter that claim IF the defendant uses it as a defense to murder. By all accounts Vanecko did not give ANY statement, so no one can possibly know if he was acting in self defense.

The bottom line is that Vanecko punched or pushed the victim and the victim died as a result. Most witnesses say Vanecko was unreasonable in his response. Vanecko hasn't said anything. A jury is supposed to decide if Vanecko's actions were a reasonable response to self defense, not Darren OBrien.

I will bet that other murder charges in cases with very similar facts were rejected by Darren OBrien at least one
hundred times.

The Daley connection clouds the real story. The problem isn't that this victim was denied justice because the offender was connected. The problem is that MOST violent crime victims are denied justice because county prosecutors look for any reason, no matter how absurd, to deny them a day in court.

3/03/2011 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good. FK them. Especially Scott Cassiday. He was special pros back then and wanted to jam every cop he could thru lies and threats. Yet he would make sure politicians were cleared thru lies and threats. Prosecutorial misconduct.

3/03/2011 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha

3/03/2011 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago. Where you can get away with Vote Fraud, being here illegally, stealing from the treasury, bribery, and now, Murder.

3/03/2011 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/03/2011 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Do you have the feeling that this is the first publicly revealed nugget of extremely ugly shit regarding the ways and workings of Daley Inc.?


The Police have been screaming bloody murder for years about how these fuckers have completely gamed the system for their benefit and their benefit alone.

The rampant concerted, conspiratorial criminality that is the product of the multi-generational concentration of political power, privilege and clout concentrated in a few hands is what precipitated this grievous denial of justice.

Now that this has been revealed, Daley Inc. is orchestrating a full court media press to cynically divert and deflect attention.
Anything that can be done, will be done to keep this story off the front pages and away from being the gist of much chit-chat and inquiry by the public.

Take note of the spin and propaganda regarding j-fled's failed tenure here. We fund it absolutely hilarious how they harp on the wildly gyrating numbers and stats he uses to puff himself up in the face of the obvious.

If shit wasn't out of control on the streets, these hacks would not be compelled to take a pack of obvious lies and repeat them to the public over and again until they become truth.

"Weis reduced crime to it's lowest level since 1965!" Nothing but high school semantics and artful parsing of words sandwiching a bunch of bullshit.

Daley Inc. isn't too concerned...
CCSAO and SAO-IL are wholly owned subsidiaries and there will be NO meaningful investigation at the federal level because an agent of Daley Inc. is sitting in the seat of power at 1600 Pennsylvania Av.

We say again that heaven and earth along with a few precincts in the netherworld were moved to install "the hollow dude" as POTUS so as to provide the ultimate cover for the criminal acts of Daley Inc.

As things stand now, the victim of this crime and his surviving loved ones will be denied true justice.

Some unsuspecting, low level Daley Inc. flunky will be grabbed by the lapels and trotted out and made to ritualistically fall on their sword.

There will be much fanfare and media driven titillation not unlike a scene where back of the bus kabuki theater was t-boned on a rail crossing by the ass-clown circus train with a homicidal mime troup in the caboose...

Nothing but the ultimate distillation of the purest essence of fuckery.

In the meantime, The Police are still the enemy... Now that is ONE THING these fools will keep on the front burner. Let's govern ourselves accordingly.

...Stay safe.

3/03/2011 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen shit like this before. They will turn around and blame the police dept. wait and see.

3/03/2011 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there ever anything that the CCSAO doesn't fuck up?!

3/03/2011 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The victim's family should contact the US Attorney's Office and insist they impanel a grand jury to reveal the facts of this case and the violation of the victim's civil rights, and criminal cover up by the States Attorney's office.

And where is the missing file? Never seen before in this office's history.

Daley and his clan should all be indicted and thrown in jail.

3/03/2011 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just Silly, Silly I say.

Your family has blood on there hands and yet nobody cares except for a Mother missing her son.

3/03/2011 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assistant Cook County State’s Attorney Darren O’Brien


How many times were we denied felony charges by this guy,

Me things cuck gouide misspelled on purpose and pammy sleezeman should ask per FOIA the stats on CPD being denied felony charges?

Do I hear 90%, 80%, 70% come on boys and girls PSMV knocked down to CTTMV and the almighty UUW becoming a FAIL TO REGISTER.


3/03/2011 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOOOPPPS, you forgot about the witness.

3/03/2011 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to school with Koschman aNd he was about 5'3 at the tallest. You better believe he wasn't the aggressor. His mom is the sweetest lady and deserves some justice against Daley's spoiled ass nephew

3/03/2011 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This should be investigated by the FEDS and the detective assigned to the case also investigated for kick backs and see if any member of his family benefited in the way of a goverment job, promotion or some other form of compinsation from or directly or indirectly from the Daley's crime family.

3/03/2011 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there ever was a civil rights violation, this one is it. Yet no noise From Fitzgerald? You afraid of Obama, you pussy?

3/03/2011 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just look at the people who " handled" the case, dicks, etc.-- see if they have been taken care of as usual.

3/03/2011 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The President wasn't even a boy scout- Do you think he is one of us. Hell no.

3/03/2011 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crook County States Attorney's Office=CORRUPT.

3/03/2011 12:49:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

sorry, off topic--- scc please consider a blackhawks thread, they are smoking hot and toews was just named league first star for the month of february--- they just signed seabrook for 5 years and are ready for the playoff push--- a lot of coppers are big hawks fans--- just imagine the chaos if the bulls go all the way this year, a full blown riot in june with no police to control it, could get interesting--- all these alderman may have to strap on a gun and help out....

3/03/2011 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why didn't Jody call his fed boyfriends to investigate this civil rights violation??

3/03/2011 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big Thank You to the Alsip PD for conducting a search warrant in Mt. Greenwood. Arrested a piece of shit selling weed out of his rental house.

Thank You.

3/03/2011 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't ever forget, ASA's are nothing more than the bottom of the barrel lawyers in their law school classes. They were not good enough to be taken on by a law firm because they were not sharp enough or plain and simple at the bottom of their class so they joined the Crook County States Attorney's Office.

3/03/2011 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will all be blamed on the police. Forget the States Attorney's office, forget the mayor's nephew, forge the witnesses and blame the police. You have to love the media.

3/03/2011 01:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will be very interesting to see how far this goes. I hope this kid's mother gets justice, but I doubt she will. Just remember that Obama, Eric Holder and the rest of the Feds are in Daley's back pocket. Don't beleive me, then tell me who Obama's Chief of Staff is. For the unaware on this site it is none other than Vaneco's uncle, Bill Daley.

3/03/2011 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as we're on the subject: Do we still have to release Patrick without charging the next time he gets arrested?

Not if I arrest him.

3/03/2011 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic: Word from Fort Fellatio is that Hillard stepped in today and LIMITED SWORN COMPUTER ACCESS for Roman and Masters. I guess this is the hint/shove they both need that it may be time to move on. Don't forget the lights on your way out, fellahs!

3/03/2011 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe they (Daley) will buy him off too

3/03/2011 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Face it, SCC, this case was never going to get off the ground, not even with a helium filled blimp. Far too many people on the investigative side were willing to
run interference for Vanecko, and there actually is room for reasonable doubt as to who threw the sucker punch. Remember, Vanecko stood an earlier line up and wasn't picked out by witnesses. Everybody involved had a lot to drink that evening/morning.
This case was never going to be packaged properly to find a docket in the courts. It reminds me of the a line a actor said to Jack Nicholson in one of his best films when his lady gets shot up in a car: "C'mon Jack, it's Chinatown."

3/03/2011 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Connolly kid better be in hiding and out of the reach of the Daley Outfit.

Who the fuck would investigate an accident anyways? City PD...OWNED State AG...OWNED, Feds?...OWNED.

This kid better split and change his name.

3/03/2011 02:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daleys son Patrick is a bust out drunk who has been arrested in the 018th district and released without charges many times. Remember when Richy was taken to Northwestern hospital with injurys from a fall on a bicycle ,what really happened was he was beaten up by his drunken son.

3/03/2011 02:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FUCK Daley & his scumbag family! I hope this poor mother gets justice for her son

3/03/2011 02:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This happened in 2004, who was the Assistant State's Attorney? Hello, can u say Dev??? !!!!!!! Who was the DC and WC Area DC and Supervisors and Dicks? Just asking.

3/03/2011 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conspiracy charges across the board.

3/03/2011 02:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From what I read, part of the reason Vanecko was not Id'd in the line-up is because the line-up was conducted a month after the incident and he shved his head prior to said line-up.

3/03/2011 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley's, Kennedy's the justice is all the same,

3/03/2011 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Botched case my ass. After he and Daley ran off like rats, Vanecko (et al) were "allowed time" to retain counsel and RJ to shave his head for a lineup. Love to see those photos. A/3 had no intention of pressing a case, but then again it's just par for A/3 elite. Too bad, lots of good Dets there.
Leaving it to Alvarez and be assured more cover up, still can't find those case files?
JPUD done R-U-N-N-O-F-T amidst another "scandal".

3/03/2011 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous HATER said...






3/03/2011 02:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as we're on the subject: Do we still have to release Patrick without charging the next time he gets arrested?

I heard there was tape ???????? where is it.

3/03/2011 03:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Scott Cassidy, you blew this one. I can now see why Sheriff Tom DART made you Chief of Investigations for the Sheriffs Police.

Whatta joke!

3/03/2011 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Masters still stealing oxygen at 35th and Michigan or is he gone?
You won't get that fresh feeling from the cleanse until both JFled and Masters are gone!

3/03/2011 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of BOTCHED decisions. Looks like 011 will be getting a new commander rather soon. Fresh off her 30 day suspension, and being named on that Dump list. Seems Henny Penny has gone and stepped in it again...

Seems that she beat her child and left enough marks that the school called The DCFS HOTLINE. Where is she gonna get locked up this time? A/3?

3/03/2011 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sources are saying that this case is gonna blow-up real bad. HMM the detectives who handled the case originally are all retired, and the "LEAD" detective is where?

Hey Lisa...Pick-up the phone cause the US Attorney Generals office wants to talk to you.

3/03/2011 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better start cleaning that Stinson star lil V because pretty soon you'll be given a choice; syrup or jelly.

3/03/2011 04:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: What has the afternoon dispatcher on Zone 4 been smoking? I'm just asking so she can save me some for retirement.

3/03/2011 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta wonder if the CPD folks personally involved in this have yet lawyered up or made peace with their God.

On the one hand, you have the nephew of the POTUS's Chief of Staff getting away with murder under the watch of a police department controlled by another uncle and a state's attorney's office formerly run by the other uncle. On the other hand, you have a national election next year, and an AWFUL lot of hay that can be made out of this by anyone looking for reasons to criticize the POTUS or those around him.

Gotta love those here saying that it was all legit because there was a line-up. Boys, you need to read those articles and see what they say. Did you wait weeks or a month to investigate the event and carry out a line-up? That's what the articles say. Did you start your investigations with the same conclusion that O'Brien was pushing today? That's what the articles say. Do you have records to prove this woman a liar? Somehow these were "lost"?

Lawyers boys and girls. You needs lawyers for this one.

3/03/2011 04:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Did anyone catch Glenn Beck today??

He is talking about police officers should call up their unions and ask WTF??

He is especially talking about Chicago Police Officers.

He continues on and on.....

His ramblings went for the entire show!

If anyone caught his show today...can someone make sense of what he was talking about?

3/03/2011 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't say I blame the SA for not going forward. Based on the story it is doubtful a jury would ever convict.

As much as Daley and some of his family belongs in jail, this was not the case where it was going to happen. It does not matter much that the supposed perpetrator was a Daley relative of not. Dubious cases should not be prosecuted.

There are just too many cases in the system to be adding one that is likely to be lost.

3/03/2011 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it involved a copper, a broomstick would have been shoved up their ass and it would have been broken off.

3/03/2011 04:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC ... But Important

Rahmbo goes to back to Washinton to see Obama...

Thank the Mesiah for his backing

it would be nice if he were to bring back Bill Cozzi with a Full Presidenial Pardon.

Also heard that the rape 2004 conviction of Sergeant John Heard(sp?) was REVERSED by the Illinois Court of Appeals.

3/03/2011 04:37:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The detectives found the people involved, interviewed, did lineups and presented the case to the ASA who rejected charges, tell me what else were they supposed to do? And to the asshole who thinks that the detective got a kickback we wanted this little asshole charged badly so KMA.

3/03/2011 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous ex-630 said...

The guys worked this case hard to get charges but it is what it is. Why all know what happened but knowing and proving it is way different especially with the CCSA office who will only approve slam dunks.

3/03/2011 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that the Alsip PD had to raid a house in Mt. Greenwood for selling weed? Where was 022 Tact, and our gang and narcotics units, and why couldn't they find this place?

3/03/2011 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic: Word from Fort Fellatio is that Hillard stepped in today and LIMITED SWORN COMPUTER ACCESS for Roman and Masters. I guess this is the hint/shove they both need that it may be time to move on. Don't forget the lights on your way out, fellahs!

Ha, Highly unlikely. Roman was pretty much hillards right hand man and clines right hand man while they were in charge. Bob Roman and hillard were pretty much best friends while they worked together at 35th street. roman has been the supt's man at 35th street since matt rodriguez was there. Im gonna feel extremly confident in calling the story about roman 100% bullsh*t and I thought masters already left???

3/03/2011 04:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look what may be coming:

3/03/2011 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

How can the Daley family live with themselves?

3/03/2011 09:09:00 AM

Better than me having to live with them.

3/03/2011 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

next time you are speaking with a copper from anywhere more than 50 miles away from crook co. explaine felony denial (review) to 'em. The look of w.t.f is great.

3/03/2011 04:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do I hear 90%, 80%, 70% come on boys and girls PSMV knocked down to CTTMV and the almighty UUW becoming a FAIL TO REGISTER.

are you serious?? I have only once been denied a UUW charge by felony review and it should have been rejected. Ive be denied a few hot cars and even I knew that those were not felony cases. Where are you getting 90 or 80 or even 30 percent of your cases denied for felony approval?? what the hell kind of cases do you bring in? Who do you write your paper? do you articulate nothing in your reports or explain yourself clearly and precisly as to convey all of the IMPORTANT facts of the case that would make the arrest a felony??? Im just wondering, because I usually like to read the statute front to back for the charge im seeking then make sure ALL of those elements are clearly indicated and present in my case/arrest report.... Maybe your problem isnt the ASA at felony review, maybe its your own reporting.... I call felony review about a half a dozen times a month and barely ever have any trouble with them.. always helpful in writing search warrants and approving charges... just sayin

3/03/2011 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, please post this!
You will not believe who the FOP is standing shoulder to shoulder with in regards to the whole Wisconsin protest! Please watch today's Glen Beck show! DVR IT! Every police officer and families need to watch this episode! I will tell you that it involves the FOP and Van Jones/AFL-CIO. Please watch!

3/03/2011 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC-regarding Glen Beck show, I forgot to mention the show originally aired at 4pm but a re-broadcast is aired at 1am on Fox cable network.

3/03/2011 05:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

News Flash. Just saw on the Sun Times on line that John Herman's conviction for CSA was overturned, and a new trial orderd. Herman was a big time goof, but no way did he deserve 25 years for what he is alleged to have did. If he walks, I hope he is smart enough to keep little john in his pants from now on.

3/03/2011 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another example of "the motion to fix".

3/03/2011 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Mette went to prison for defending himself against a drunk assailant and vanecko gets away with killing this young man. Daley Crime Inc. is worse than the mafia.

3/03/2011 05:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, What next? These Daleys are about fighting and money like the Kennedys are about power and pussy Maybe there is an Irish Mob Man, am I glad I'm Polish.

3/03/2011 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since ALL Major Felonois Law Enforcement Agencies, and the Feds, are Corrupt, who's left to investigate and find out the truth on this homicide?

3/03/2011 05:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How can the Daley family live with themselves?"

Huge egos, a sense entitlement and the belief that they are better & smarter than you and I.

3/03/2011 06:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Another Police officer Not guilty said...

why is this not bigger news?? Scc, I reccomend a thread about this since this guy was thrown in the sh*tter and his "victim" was given 1.5 million dollars in a city settlement. Now the illinois appelate court UNANIMOUSLY says that there is zero possibility that a guilty verdict should have ever been entered... hmmmmm, looks like more grandstanding from the cook county states attorneys office and a police hating judge... I would have to say that it didnt help this guys case that it went to trial just as the whole SOS thing came around. Here is the report from channel 7 news today.

3/03/2011 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got nothing kid, simple battery, ASA notified 1040hrs for the paper...

And now they don't even have to give us a name? Interesting process.

3/03/2011 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it was a off duty police officer or a on duty police officer he would be in jail..lie lie lie because it was Daleys kin no charges..right cooter

3/03/2011 06:25:00 PM  
Blogger dumpdaley said...

Is it true that R J Vanecko was not even there that night? He is only 6'0" not 6'3". He is the fall guy. He stood in the line up knowing he would not be identified because he wasn't there. Was the real murderer PATRICK DALEY? Is that why he joined the Army?
Anyone from the bodyguard detail want to tell the truth? The word in Bridgeport is that it was the mayor's son.
Jimmie Keating? Calling Jimmie Keating. Be the real police. Do the right thing.

3/03/2011 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny was this brought out by liberal-commie-socialist media a few weeks before shanks leaves office.
He had them in his pocket...coininky-dink? I say no.

While Vanecko is in the spotlight on a MURDER investigation, will the media do a full "front-page" story on his pocketing over 25 million of our pension money to play with under the guise of "development" and uncle shanks "didn't know nuthin about it?"
All I can say is TERM LIMITS so the citizens of Chicago (esp. those non-Daley voters) don't have to endure a 20 year plus tenure of stealing and cover-ups.

3/03/2011 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big Thank You to the Alsip PD for conducting a search warrant in Mt. Greenwood. Arrested a piece of shit selling weed out of his rental house.

Thank You.

3/03/2011 01:25:00 PM

Aunt Bea again???? Say it ain't so!

3/03/2011 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mobsters running the City and the fbi running scared, maybe we should call in the UN or something.

3/03/2011 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the key rule of thumb used by the CCSAO. It's never 'their' problem, until the case is charged.

"Continuing Investigation" is just a polite way, in many (not all) cases of simply saying "Detective, you ain't ever getting this one charged".

"Mutual combatants" or "Initial aggressor" are a few more tricks up their sleeve. Why charge a case you're not guaranteed to win. We can't have those negative "stats" lingering around when Election Day approaches, can we?

Why don't our BIS Gold stars work to get rid of Felony Review, instead of kissing their asses by videotaping witnesses. Anudder blunder by a Gold Star in a cush Area.

3/03/2011 06:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody in that group saw what went down.....KARMA will surely come around if you stay silent.

3/03/2011 07:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darren O'brien..that says it all.

3/03/2011 07:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Patrick still has his place in Moscow. Daddy might need a place to lay low if shit like this keeps floating up in the toilet known as Chicago.

3/03/2011 07:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vanecko is a 6'3 bully.Lil Man Daley is a 5'4 bully who the media is absolutely terrified of.

3/03/2011 07:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Why didn't Jody call his fed boyfriends to investigate this civil rights violation??

3/03/2011 01:24:00 PM

He would have if there had been video and a cop had anything to do with it.

3/03/2011 07:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"he was about 5'3 at the tallest. You better believe he wasn't the aggressor."

Yeh because we all know people under the average height by 3 inches never get drunk and grow bar muscles, not saying he was or wasn;t the aggressor here, but his height doesn;t mean he wasn't. I'd rather fight a 6 foot 3 guy and punch him in the balls anyday than a napolean complexed fireplug.

Which leaves me with this bit of advice from an old-timer: If you are served and perhaps over-served, if you don;t want to do yourself a favor and walk away from a shithead, do the other guy (RO, SGT) a favor and walk away because he is going to have to maybe take care of your crap.

3/03/2011 07:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the FBI should be starting a Civil Rights investigation any day now.

3/03/2011 07:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know there is no statute of limitations on murder, but what about manslaughter?

I don't think what occurred could support murder charges, and it appears to much time has passed to bring manslaughter charges, regardless of the circumstances surrounding the failure to bring them initially.

This will go nowhere, except maybe in a civil trial.

3/03/2011 08:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this a botched case also?,0,1572468.story

3/03/2011 08:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic the Enforcers start their season Saturday out in Vegas good luck guys.

3/03/2011 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of botched cases, John Hermans cas got overturned. The whore he was playingnhide the sienna with whilemon duty gets to keep the 1.5 million shengot from the city in her civil suit.that's one expensive piece of ass. How many new police hires would that have paid for in a year. Congrats!

3/03/2011 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Connelly is one brave man.
Hopefully, he does not own propery or live in the City. It will be harder for them to get to him.

3/03/2011 09:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big Thank You to the Alsip PD for conducting a search warrant in Mt. Greenwood. Arrested a piece of shit selling weed out of his rental house.

Dont need the exact address if you dont want to give it but what block was it on??

3/03/2011 09:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the same CCASA you're talking abuot?

A misdemeanor charge against a prominent Cook County prosecutor was dropped Thursday in Will County Circuit Court. Scott Cassidy, 49, of Orland Park, director of special prosecutions for the Cook County state's attorney's office, was arrested Sept. 14 on a charge of criminal trespassing after he allegedly became belligerent at the Empress Casino in Joliet. "I will own you Joliet hillbillies!" he reportedly told arresting officers.

3/03/2011 09:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This should be investigated by the FEDS and the detective assigned to the case also investigated for kick backs and see if any member of his family benefited in the way of a goverment job, promotion or some other form of compinsation from or directly or indirectly from the Daley's crime family.

3/03/2011 11:52:00 AM

Are You Serious? With osamabamas corrupt Comrade and racist Eric Holder running the Injustice Department? Right, Einstein...

ARE You TOTALLY Stupid? With osamabvama in the Fright House and his corrupt racist Eric Holder running the InJustice Department? Get a clue, Einstein

3/03/2011 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) On news rahmbo is going to DC tomorrow for a "private" meeting with barry obama! Lets hope he brings back a truckload of cash and permission to have pat fitzgerald go after the crime family!

3/03/2011 10:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) How stupid can some coppers be!
Locking up a copper wtf assholes?,0,1300414.story

3/03/2011 10:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to school with Koschman aNd he was about 5'3 at the tallest. You better believe he wasn't the aggressor.
3/03/2011 11:50:00 AM

That's kind of asinine. Every short guy I Know has a severe Napoleon complex. I don't know what happened that night, but saying he's short so he wasn't the problem is pretty, er, shortsighted.

Let's not forget, as ruled by the Judge in the Jefferson Tap incident, there is such a thing as "fighting words" and sometimes a loudmouth needs a punch in the snout to set him straight.

I'm not for Daley shithead nephew on this, but I'm also not ready to hang him just because of who he is. Could have been any one of us. I'm certain no one thinks one punch will end a life, especially with a chihuahua nipping at their heels.

3/03/2011 10:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darren O'Brien was and is a piece of shit; a psuedo-ASA in public defender clothing. I was a detective for a long time and I will say that he was the most incompetent attorney that I ever had to deal with, and I dealt with a lot of them.

This asshole would go out of his way to turn a witness into a non-cooperating, hostile individual just so he could reject charges or continue the investigation.

I could go on, but the more I think of this ass clown the more pissed I get.

Fuck you, O'Brien.

3/03/2011 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is with A/3, first they have to have A/1 handle a police shooting in there own area. Now they stick it to A/5 having them re-investigate a A/3 political mess. Hopefully no dicks from A/5 get jammed up because A/3 can't handle there own shit.

3/03/2011 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Richard ask John for a portion of his 20 Million he made in 2010, being teh CEO of Chase that cut the deal for the meters

3/03/2011 11:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This case is a prime example on how one can manipulate crime stats wrt homicides.

3/03/2011 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Is it true that R J Vanecko was not even there that night? He is only 6'0" not 6'3". He is the fall guy. He stood in the line up knowing he would not be identified because he wasn't there. Was the real murderer PATRICK DALEY? Is that why he joined the Army?
Anyone from the bodyguard detail want to tell the truth? The word in Bridgeport is that it was the mayor's son.
Jimmie Keating? Calling Jimmie Keating. Be the real police. Do the right thing."

This is the story I heard also. Former Dic now Sgt. related the same story, that is was Patrick. Hence, he was shipped off to the Army and could possibly be the reason he is hiding out in Russia. As far as the mayors detail? I'm sure some of them know exactly what happened. I'd like to see a Federal investigation of this and everyone who had a hand in covering it up should be indicted.

3/03/2011 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't say I blame the SA for not going forward. Based on the story it is doubtful a jury would ever convict.

As much as Daley and some of his family belongs in jail, this was not the case where it was going to happen. It does not matter much that the supposed perpetrator was a Daley relative of not. Dubious cases should not be prosecuted.

There are just too many cases in the system to be adding one that is likely to be lost.
Wow! Are you fucking kidding me! This is a homicide you jag off, with a mother wonder where justice has gone in this world for her murdered son. It should not be decided by a handful of hacks, it should be decided by a jury. That is our system of justice. If he is found not guilty then so be it. You're worried about to many cases in the system so don't add this one because it might be lost? Human life asshole is more important than your bullshit conviction rate that you roll out at election time! Remember who the states attorney was that ran for mayor a d won pushing his class x conviction rate? You're an asshole! To the victim's mother , family and friends I'm sorry you had to go through this.

3/03/2011 11:39:00 PM  
Anonymous HATER said...

darren obrien been around a long time!






3/03/2011 11:43:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

john herman may be guilty of exercising poor judgment but he is not a rapist--- does this mean he gets to come back on the job--- your first big decision terry...

3/04/2011 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh this is just one big misunderstanding. In no way was there a cover up or special treatment for a member of the Daley crime family. That would be just sily silly silly to think that there was a cover up. And of course Daley knew nothing about any of this. And there was nothing shaddy about the other friends of Daley that "killed themselves" too.

How awefull it has to be to be a victim or have a friend or family member be a victim of someone connected to a Daley. There will be nothing done.

3/04/2011 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why is it that the Alsip PD had to raid a house in Mt. Greenwood for selling weed? Where was 022 Tact, and our gang and narcotics units, and why couldn't they find this place?

3/03/2011 04:49:00 PM

You are either not the police or just not that bright. I'm guessing the latter. Maybe Alsip PD made a pinch and flipped the guy and he gave up the Mt. Greenwood address. That's how it usually works. There wasn't a sign in front yard saying, "We sell weed in here." Not everyone has x-ray vision like you.

3/04/2011 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After seeing the victims friend interview NBC 5 skype interview , the new witness testimony is very suspect. Just saying

3/04/2011 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a drunken fight on Rush St. Nobody tried to kill anyone but it happened and was an accident. If this happened to any of us we would be praying that this blew over.

3/04/2011 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all you hard chargers blaming O'Brien for not charging this case: You are wrong, he is right. Both witnesses for the victim were highly intoxicated, as were Vanecko's buddies. Neither of the victim's friends could identify anyone, so how could a murder charge ever hold up in court? Had one of the witnesses identified Vanecko he would have been charged, plain and simple. As much as it sucks that asshole Vanecko wasn't charged, that's the way it goes when witnesses cannot identify the offender. How in the world would the state present this case in court: Well we don't have anyone who can identify Vanecko as the offender, but we fairly certain he did punch the victim. So were asking you to find him guilty....Come on use your heads and not your emotions on this one and cut O'brien some slack.

3/04/2011 03:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that R J Vanecko was not even there that night? He is only 6'0" not 6'3". He is the fall guy. He stood in the line up knowing he would not be identified because he wasn't there. Was the real murderer PATRICK DALEY? Is that why he joined the Army?
Anyone from the bodyguard detail want to tell the truth? The word in Bridgeport is that it was the mayor's son.
Jimmie Keating? Calling Jimmie Keating. Be the real police. Do the right thing.

3/03/2011 06:36:00 PM

Are you kidding?
Who alters their appearance (shaved head) before a lineup?

3/04/2011 03:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all you hard chargers blaming O'Brien for not charging this case: You are wrong, he is right. Both witnesses for the victim were highly intoxicated, as were Vanecko's buddies. Neither of the victim's friends could identify anyone, so how could a murder charge ever hold up in court? Had one of the witnesses identified Vanecko he would have been charged, plain and simple. As much as it sucks that asshole Vanecko wasn't charged, that's the way it goes when witnesses cannot identify the offender. How in the world would the state present this case in court: Well we don't have anyone who can identify Vanecko as the offender, but we fairly certain he did punch the victim. So were asking you to find him guilty....Come on use your heads and not your emotions on this one and cut O'brien some slack.

3/04/2011 03:07:00 AM

Will you be telling this to John Herman? You sent a man to prison on an allegation alone. I pray for you.

3/04/2011 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 3/03/2011 04:49:00 PM;....

I sure hope the fuk you're not the police. Because if you are, PLEASE QUIT!
You question why Alsip P.D. did a warrant on a house in Mt. Greenwood and we didn't know? Hey superstar, the suburbs do warrants and arrests in the city all the time. Just like our guys do in the burbs. Do you have any idea how big 2211 is? It's bigger than most suburbs! Think something can't "fly under the radar" for a while undetected? DUH! Ever hear of someone flipping? DUH! And why would they let Chicago know? Maybe it was a coppers or other city workers kid and maybe they didn't want to jeopardize their case and risk "someone" (aka, some of our bigmouths!)leaking it? DUH! Please, go back to the academy for a few years!

Thanks Alsip P.D. for taking down a POS in our neighborhood. I'd be happy to buy you guys a few cold ones whenever you're in town. Stay safe brothers.

3/04/2011 06:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT) How stupid can some coppers be!
Locking up a copper wtf assholes?,0,1300414.story

Really, know the whole story before you comment on it. I wasn't there, you weren't there, but this sounds like typical ghetto lottery BS. The fact that the coppers involved got hit with punitive over it makes me sick. maybe the detective who claimed "false arrest" should act in a more appropriate way when a crime is being investigated.

3/04/2011 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Is it true that R J Vanecko was not even there that night? He is only 6'0" not 6'3". He is the fall guy. He stood in the line up knowing he would not be identified because he wasn't there. Was the real murderer PATRICK DALEY? Is that why he joined the Army?
Anyone from the bodyguard detail want to tell the truth? The word in Bridgeport is that it was the mayor's son.
Jimmie Keating? Calling Jimmie Keating. Be the real police. Do the right thing."

This is the story I heard also. Former Dic now Sgt. related the same story, that is was Patrick. Hence, he was shipped off to the Army and could possibly be the reason he is hiding out in Russia. As far as the mayors detail? I'm sure some of them know exactly what happened. I'd like to see a Federal investigation of this and everyone who had a hand in covering it up should be indicted.

3/03/2011 11:27:00 PM

You realize that you are implying that all the Daley side who were involved with this lied about Daley being there at all.

Two did run away, however, Ms. Higgins and her husband wouldn't lie, would they?

3/04/2011 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daleys son Patrick is a bust out drunk who has been arrested in the 018th district and released without charges many times. Remember when Richy was taken to Northwestern hospital with injurys from a fall on a bicycle ,what really happened was he was beaten up by his drunken son.

3/03/2011 02:29:00 PM

If true, Daley has nobody to blame but himself. He should have put the kid in treatment at the onset of his drinking history or cut him loose from the family connections. The kid would have burnt out by now and no favors would have been used up on someone who is going to crash and burn eventually anyway.

There's one in every family. You enable an addict, you empower them.

3/04/2011 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the same CCASA you're talking abuot?

A misdemeanor charge against a prominent Cook County prosecutor was dropped Thursday in Will County Circuit Court. Scott Cassidy, 49, of Orland Park, director of special prosecutions for the Cook County state's attorney's office, was arrested Sept. 14 on a charge of criminal trespassing after he allegedly became belligerent at the Empress Casino in Joliet. "I will own you Joliet hillbillies!" he reportedly told arresting officers.

3/03/2011 09:50:00 PM

Beer muscles?

3/04/2011 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disbar O'Brien.

3/04/2011 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the prosecutors "flat out lied" someone there should be held liable.

In a perfect world, yes that would happen. But it won't. Unless the media keeps this story alive, Anita will bury it.

3/04/2011 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just sayin

3/03/2011 04:57:00 PM


3/04/2011 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a drunken fight on Rush St. Nobody tried to kill anyone but it happened and was an accident. If this happened to any of us we would be praying that this blew over.

3/04/2011 01:34:00 AM

You are a piece of shit. Go back and lick Daley's ass some more.

3/04/2011 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The attorney representing R.J. is Terry Gillespie-who is good buddy with the the Connolly (of counsel) Ekl and Williams firm. Mr. Connolly was special prosecutor for Shanks back in the day. I just can't figure out the Michael Connolly testimony, since I was part of the Connolly family for a while, I never heard of him. Maybe it is a coincidence in name.

3/04/2011 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which leaves me with this bit of advice from an old-timer: If you are served and perhaps over-served, if you don;t want to do yourself a favor and walk away from a shithead, do the other guy (RO, SGT) a favor and walk away because he is going to have to maybe take care of your crap.

3/03/2011 07:40:00 PM

Nah keep your advice to yourself...thanks

3/04/2011 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Daley connection clouds the real story. The problem isn't that this victim was denied justice because the offender was connected. The problem is that MOST violent crime victims are denied justice because county prosecutors look for any reason, no matter how absurd, to deny them a day in court.

3/03/2011 10:38:00 AM

Good post and just a regular day in the life of the Cook County States Attorney's Office. They deny charges on everything unless it is a slam dunk winner. If Police had this option, NO ONE WOULD GET ARRESTED! But the judges and lawyers like to go home early with a short day.

Of course, if it was a Police Officer - charges approved even if there is a very shaky case. Nothing gets good press like a copper in trouble. I can live with that, we should be squeaky clean. What's good for the should play that way across the board.

And you wonder why we are unhappy?

3/04/2011 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all you hard chargers blaming O'Brien for not charging this case: You are wrong, he is right. Both witnesses for the victim were highly intoxicated, as were Vanecko's buddies. Neither of the victim's friends could identify anyone, so how could a murder charge ever hold up in court? Had one of the witnesses identified Vanecko he would have been charged, plain and simple. As much as it sucks that asshole Vanecko wasn't charged, that's the way it goes when witnesses cannot identify the offender. How in the world would the state present this case in court: Well we don't have anyone who can identify Vanecko as the offender, but we fairly certain he did punch the victim. So were asking you to find him guilty....Come on use your heads and not your emotions on this one and cut O'brien some slack.

3/04/2011 03:07:00 AM

How did the police ever find out that Vanecko was there?

I suspect that Vanecko was identified by his friends who were left on scene. In that case the testimony of those friends is sufficient to identify Vanecko.

This is the problem when you work in this department. You repeatedly see ASAs make these decisions and begin to think that this is normal. The ASAs would have you believe that the only way to convict a criminal is to have an eyeball witness. This is not true and most homicides occur with no witnesses. In Cook Co that means most crimes are never charged, but in every other county in the country prosecutors build circumstancial cases and charge these offenders.

This is the most violent county in the country and there is a reason for that. It is because violent offenders are routinely released into the public.

What happens in this county is not right. There is absolutely no commitment from the SA office to justice. The only commitment is to politics and reelection. It has been that way for more than forty years and too many cops and too many ASAs now believe that it is normal. It's not normal.

This case would be charged in any county in this country, except of course this one.

3/04/2011 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Are you fucking kidding me! This is a homicide you jag off, with a mother wonder where justice has gone in this world for her murdered son. It should not be decided by a handful of hacks, it should be decided by a jury. That is our system of justice. If he is found not guilty then so be it. You're worried about to many cases in the system so don't add this one because it might be lost? Human life asshole is more important than your bullshit conviction rate that you roll out at election time! Remember who the states attorney was that ran for mayor a d won pushing his class x conviction rate? You're an asshole!"

Get a clue, Sir. You can't charge a murder with insuffiecent evidence to convict. The standard is a reasonable probabality of conviction, not "Something really bad happened and the suspect is an asshole" The jury or judge will be looking for "proof beyond a reasonable doubt"
It's not about conviction rates, it's about only charging cases that have a chance of being proved.

3/04/2011 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do I hear 90%, 80%, 70% come on boys and girls PSMV knocked down to CTTMV and the almighty UUW becoming a FAIL TO REGISTER.

are you serious?? I have only once been denied a UUW charge by felony review and it should have been rejected. Ive be denied a few hot cars and even I knew that those were not felony cases. Where are you getting 90 or 80 or even 30 percent of your cases denied for felony approval?? what the hell kind of cases do you bring in? Who do you write your paper? do you articulate nothing in your reports or explain yourself clearly and precisly as to convey all of the IMPORTANT facts of the case that would make the arrest a felony??? Im just wondering, because I usually like to read the statute front to back for the charge im seeking then make sure ALL of those elements are clearly indicated and present in my case/arrest report.... Maybe your problem isnt the ASA at felony review, maybe its your own reporting.... I call felony review about a half a dozen times a month and barely ever have any trouble with them.. always helpful in writing search warrants and approving charges... just sayin

3/03/2011 04:57:00 PM

The difference is that the first cop is telling Felony Review the truth. You on the other hand are simply conjuring up facts that fit into the statute you're seeking to charge.

You can color it up anyway you want. Anyone who has actually worked in the ghetto knows the game. You are not the supercop you think you are. You are only playing into Felony Reviews game and giving them the cases they want instead of the cases as they are.

I can only tell you that you are making a mistake.

3/04/2011 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Vanecko's, Patrick Daley, James Keating, Shortshanks- MURDER, GRANDY LARCENY, so many charges, so much time passing... C'mon FITZGERALD, grow a SET you PUSSY- take them down!

3/04/2011 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know there is no statute of limitations on murder, but what about manslaughter?

I don't think what occurred could support murder charges, and it appears to much time has passed to bring manslaughter charges, regardless of the circumstances surrounding the failure to bring them initially.

FYI, Just for the record, there is NO statute of limitations on... Treason, Arson, Murder, Forgery AND Manslaughter.

3/04/2011 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Herman won't be coming back to the job should he obtain his freedom. He lied about what happened
(dna on his baton) that night, and I'm sure charges of
official misconduct and falsifying reports (rule 14)
will keep him unemployed, but free. Nor should
anyone want his sorry ass back for conducting himself in such a manner while on duty.

3/04/2011 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big Thank You to the Alsip PD for conducting a search warrant in Mt. Greenwood. Arrested a piece of shit selling weed out of his rental house.

Dont need the exact address if you dont want to give it but what block was it on??

3/03/2011 09:28:00 PM
Mt. Greenwood residents would like to know.

3/04/2011 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is with A/3, first they have to have A/1 handle a police shooting in there own area. Now they stick it to A/5 having them re-investigate a A/3 political mess. Hopefully no dicks from A/5 get jammed up because A/3 can't handle there own shit.

3/03/2011 11:07:00 PM

Worked in 3,4,5. All the dicks are about the same. It's the bosses. When they get involved in a case it goes to shit. That's for any area.

3/04/2011 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Did anyone catch Glenn Beck today??

He is talking about police officers should call up their unions and ask WTF??

He is especially talking about Chicago Police Officers.

He continues on and on.....

His ramblings went for the entire show!

If anyone caught his show today...can someone make sense of what he was talking about?

3/03/2011 04:21:00 PM

I'm just worried about the fact that you were watching Glenn Beck.

009 midnights

3/04/2011 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who alters their appearance (shaved head) before a lineup?

3/04/2011 03:46:00 AM

cut me some slack, will ya, i needed a haircut.

Nick Nolte

3/04/2011 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/04/2011 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Why is it that the Alsip PD had to raid a house in Mt. Greenwood for selling weed? Where was 022 Tact, and our gang and narcotics units, and why couldn't they find this place?

3/03/2011 04:49:00 PM

You are either not the police or just not that bright. I'm guessing the latter. Maybe Alsip PD made a pinch and flipped the guy and he gave up the Mt. Greenwood address. That's how it usually works. There wasn't a sign in front yard saying, "We sell weed in here." Not everyone has x-ray vision like you."

3/04/2011 12:16:00 AM

Why are coppers still making weed arrests? It's a waste of manpower and does nothing to make society any safer. Concentrate the limited police manpower that we have on locking up violent assholes that prey on innocent citizens instead.

3/04/2011 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No sign on the front lawn advertising drugs for sale....

Years ago in Fillmore, tact team went to a dope house only to find the door closed with a sign that said, "We down. Be back soon with mo stuff"

3/04/2011 02:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've known Darren O'Brien for 38years......a truly honest individual. He would have quit the State's Attorneys office before being politically pressured to make a decision that was not lawful!

3/04/2011 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hereby move that hereinafter, Richard J. Vanecko henceforth be referred to as Richard J. Vanecko-Skakel

3/04/2011 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can the Daley family live with themselves?

3/03/2011 09:09:00 AM
The families of Stalin, Mao and Saddam Hussein don't seem to have too many regrets... other than not being in charge anymore.

3/04/2011 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI, Just for the record, there is NO statute of limitations on... Treason, Arson, Murder, Forgery AND Manslaughter.

3/04/2011 10:32:00 AM

Are you sure about that? Because I just checked the statutes, and it appears that the statute of limitation on a manslaughter charge is 3 years.


3/04/2011 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

009 midnights , go back to your sleeping hole in the old stockyards you know it all.

3/04/2011 06:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Thomas Sullivan Magnum said...

For all you O'Brien haters - bring it on. I have rarely seen eye to eye with the man, but Darren is probably one of the smartest and most ethical attorneys in the SAO. He is nobody's fool and would not have hesitated to charge the case if the evidence was there. Say what you will about him, but he knows the law inside and out. He also knows when a case will stand up in court on its own two legs and when it will fall flat on its face like a drunken sailor, as this case would have done with intoxicated witnesses who couldn't corroborate each other or make a positive ID.

Unfortunately, SA Anita Alvarez will be letting O'Brien twist out in the wind on this one. See, Anita's chief of staff, Dan Kirk, has had it in for Darren for years, ever since Kirk was a front line ASA on Felony Review (nearly a decade ago) and Darren and several other bosses rightfully "bricked" Kirk and held back his being promoted because he was an idiot. Kirk shortly thereafter left the SAO and worked at a hack lawfirm before becoming SA Alvarez's lap-dog/campaign chairman and subsequently her Chief of Staff. Ever since being bricked, Kirk has had it in for O'Brien - as was evidenced by Darren being demoted from head of First Municipal (under SA Devine) back to being an ASA in a windowless office in the post-conviction unit under SA Alvarez, where his talents are being wasted. Good to know that pettiness and politics are still alive in the SAO. Shame on you SA Alvarez and shame on you Dan Kirk for being a vindictive POS.

3/05/2011 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure about that? Because I just checked the statutes, and it appears that the statute of limitation on a manslaughter charge is 3 years.


720ILCS 5/3-5
No statute of limitations

3/05/2011 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....and shame on you Dan Kirk for being a vindictive POS.

3/05/2011 12:41:00 AM

i yam what i yam.

3/05/2011 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nah keep your advice to yourself...thanks"

Hopefully you are being sarcastic, one of the things with professional courtesy is it goes both ways, you don't put someone in a place to be jammed up just cause you want to eb a drunken asshole.

3/06/2011 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous noone90210 said...

How can the Daley family live with themselves?

Like the Kennedys, the Daleys have NO morals.

3/07/2011 03:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always knew that there were hidden stories about Patrick out there. And, I am sure many others about the daley family will surface in the coming years.

3/12/2011 03:08:00 PM  

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