Thursday, March 03, 2011

J-Fled Continues Tour of Lies

And the media continues the tongue bath:
  • A day after stepping down from the helm of the Chicago Police Department, Jody Weis said Wednesday it would be up to the people of Chicago to judge how well he did. But he thanked Mayor Richard M. Daley for giving him the “opportunity of a lifetime.”
Yeah, the opportunity to get nearly a million dollars for three years work, doing one job of the two he was hired to do, only comes around once in a blue moon. And to judge how well he did - he's talking financially, right?
  • “Mayor Daley could not have been more supportive,” Weis said. “He gave me an opportunity of a lifetime. He cashed in a lot of political capital to pull me out. He took a chance and hopefully history will show that we delivered on that.”
"...cashed in..." "...political capital..." Poor choice of words there. We can judge that by your W-2's we're sure.
  • Weis disputed that morale was a problem at the Police Department during the past three years, saying that the city could not have achieved the drop in crime that it saw in the past three years if officers were demoralized, especially with an under-staffed police force.
So finally, after three years, the official word is we're understaffed? How many exempts got shit canned because they spoke up at meetings and said "manpower is the issue." Wasn't it told to others that "manpower will not be an acceptable excuse for lack of numbers."

And now every media outlet is running J-Fled interviews.
Guess what the major theme is?
  • Weis disputed that morale was a problem at the Police Department during the past three years, saying that the city could not have achieved the drop in crime that it saw in the past three years if officers were demoralized, especially with an under-staffed police force.
  • But on his first day as a civilian, he contended the reports of bad morale on his watch were overblown.
  • "So my argument is to those who say morale is down, if morale is truly down, and the usual indicators are that people aren't performing, then how did the department achieve incredible success stories if everybody's demoralized?" said Weis.
It couldn't have anything to do with Chicago's population decline? The increasing response times that discourage victims from sticking around to report crime? The interminable wait on hold at 311 that further victimizes the victims? The reclassification and downgrading of crime that still results in the FBI not using Chicago crime statistics in their yearly reports?

But let's just settle this once and for all. Morale isn't down? Then we're sure the Department will finally release the "morale survey" from two-and-a-half years ago that never saw the light of day. The one that J-Fled said he'd resign over if it showed he was the cause of low morale. The one that cost a connected lieutenant her spot. Yeah, that survey.

Morale sucked. Any intelligent person could see that. J-Fled might be book smart, but he is a moron as far as connecting with the people he was supposed to lead. But morale being in the toilet doesn't stop people from still wanting to do the job they hired on to do. We've said it before - police work is a calling. We are going to do the best we can for the people who deserve it, and many times even for those who don't deserve it. We don't stop being cops because the boss is a moron. We step lighter, proactive policing suffers, numbers might fall, but most of us are still cops. And survivors.

Release the survey. Let's see how the "Gotta Run Kid" stacked up in the eyes of the rank-and-file. Or is this going to be yet another example of cowardice on the part of the Department, J-Fled and the media?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

read this coppers, as one. How many times did I and fellow coppers respond to jobs and chase offenders with guns, fly to a bar fight and then have to fight once on scene. Or just be polite and do a case report for a robbery victim tour the area and find the asshole? its called doing our job. Imagine how much better we could be with the right bosses?

3/03/2011 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weis's explanation at failure reminds me of the movie This is Spinal Tap where the main character tries to explain why no one wants to see the Band play anymore.

3/03/2011 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT-Hot off the presses-Rahm wants to tear down all promotional lists so he can arrange for his people to be put in place. Problem is that retesting will cost some money. He's looking at TIF money to pay for new hires and possibly new promotional exams. Also, he's looking at eliminating the test for Lieutenant and make it a resume process. Detective list will probably come down in its entirety. He wants dicks to do more with less and thinks they're underworked-his perception not mine. Lastly Sgt list may see one more big class from the list to handle retirements than that list will come down also. TIF money will be used to pay for new hires, possibly up to 300 this year. Once again, these ideas are being discussed by Rahm and his advisors. Lastly, Rottner has been asked to work as a civilian in the Department under Rahms administration. Nothing specific at this time. Rottner is considering it. Again, these are being discussed at this time. -from an inside non descript guy

3/03/2011 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It came to the point with Blagojevich that the camera crew just killed the lights and walked away -- followed closely afterwards by the reporter with the microphone.

The man simply would not shut up.

This Weis is the same.

I suppose they will tire of him eventually.


Fly someplace warm and lay down and order some kind of drink that's made in a coconut shell and just leave us alone.



3/03/2011 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When's the Screaming Skull going? You know, Fire Marshall Bill.

One more thing!

I see the interim super sportin a goatee!

I thought the Skull outlawed the nefarious look! Oh well! Time to grow it back! If its good enough for the Super, its good enough for me.

Relax Bill. Hairline Creations can make one for you too!

3/03/2011 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's just clear this up. Morale IS down and has been for a while. If J-Fled wasn't such an idiot, he would admit that it's down and blame it on Daley, or Rahm trying to steal our pensions.

Oh, wait. Can't do that. That's a whole lot of ass that has to be kissed. Now explain how you fucked Cozzi but let Shortshanks' relatives get in a bar brawl (oh no, that's what out of control cops do off duty) and kill a guy and let that get buried.

Yeah, that's right. You can't explain it without admitting that you are a whore political hack piece of shit with no morality and no sense of justice. The reason you had to wear OUR uniform is that you wanted to pretend you were a cop knowing that a COP would HAVE to do something about that. You, as a fed piece of shit, are gutless and let it go.

People often ask how assholes like J-Fled can look themselves in the mirror. For them it's easy. They just don't care. But I bet when he looked himself in the mirror wearing OUR uniform, it burned him just a little bit knowing that he was a sell out piece of shit just posing for politicians and that the men and women who wear that same uniform do God's work every day.

Go and slither off, you gutter dwelling fuck, and know that you got away with stealing a paycheck from this city with the blessing of a master thief of a mayor. In the end, he let you go and the new thief didn't care to retain your sorry ass.

Every time you are out in public and hear cops talking, you'll know that you were never one and were just a whore like the politicians you served. You have no honor. And you know it. Hell, even the agents you worked with hated you for the slithering piece of shit you were.

Good bye and good riddance.

3/03/2011 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J-fled was despised by all but the few he or his minions took care of. How the media can stick their tongue up his ass the way they do is disgusting but that is their way of doing things. Find a story line and go with it with little regard for the truth if it doesn't fit the story. We worked in spite of J-fled because that is how we are.

Where is the morale survey? Is it shredded? Is there a copy around somewhere? Its old news now that he is gone but many would love to see it.

3/03/2011 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But on his first day as a civilian, he contended the reports of bad morale on his watch were overblown."


The only thing "overblown" is daley by J-Fled !!!

3/03/2011 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Fuck'n guy can't see the Forest for the Trees!

Lets S@@ how fast he gets a job now.

First off, who the Fuck would pay him 320K a year or even half that except for Daley who wanted someone from the FBI in his back pocket!

What organization knowing what they know now would take a chance to Hire him...but then again, not everyone reads the blog. The media sure covers his BS up enough!

3/03/2011 01:45:00 AM  
Anonymous JAFO said...

Is it a real drop in crime or is it just a drop in crime - reported???

Was crime really down or did events get downgraded when they were reported?

Did crime go down - or did the efforts of the police go down to stop crime? In other words, crime was allowed to run away - without any prevention and/or intervention.

These are the questions the media should be asking and not the typical fluff questions that the weak Chicago media is noted for.

J-Fled was a disgrace to the CPD. He is the Steve Bartman of Superintendents. If anyone dropped the ball for professionalism - he did.

3/03/2011 02:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true the masters masters masters was told he should of never been in the decision making process of the CPD? Bet ray ray is nervous but heck he's a Lt and a sell out anyway. Maybe he will start backstabbing masters next, then onto marky mark.

3/03/2011 02:42:00 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

he can say whatever he wants but he buried himself when he fucked billy cozzi----he didn't stand a chance after that--- I'm glad the asshole is gone, no dick and no balls......

3/03/2011 03:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey jody wuss, i'm gonna guess that shipping all those project rats out to the burbs had everything to do crime being down and nothing to do with your dumb-ass.

3/03/2011 04:33:00 AM  
Anonymous HATER said...

the media wantS gun registration info! SO POLICE OFFICERS HOUSES CAN BE ROBBED






3/03/2011 05:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not judging - just saying ....


Okay, so I am judging!!! but all-in-all HE GONE!!!!!

3/03/2011 05:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watching the debate on Chicago Tonight about Fled and the upcoming Supernintendo.

Let there be absolutely no doubt... On any side of the debate, the single most relevant Y factor in terms of articulating 'the voice of the rank and file' is what media reads on this blog.

Listening to those talking heads on TV have this discussion, it was abundantly clear that everything they were saying- from the topics to the terminology- was phrased in the context of what they had learned from the voices heard on SCC.

Thank you so, so much for what you do here.

3/03/2011 05:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only one word J-Fled....COZZI

3/03/2011 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody , maybe Kass, needs to push this issue. That morale survey was buried just like the Vanecko manslaughter debacle. I wonder if the morale survey has disssapeared like the whole Vanecko file.

3/03/2011 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stats can be scewed anyway the person inputting the data wants them to turn out, my yard stick is simple: Are the neighborhoods safer today then they were three years ago? The answer is no. Is the police department as an organization better off then we were three years ago? The answer is no.

3/03/2011 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget about the overtime based on activity. There are a lot of guys that never did a thing until the opportunity of OT came with just a little bit of activity or was it a quota?

3/03/2011 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tribune; Live sex toy demonstration held on NU campus.

For those of you that worried that J-Fled wouldn't find a job here in Chicago Relax. Northwestern has work for big dildo's. Just another cush job for him.

3/03/2011 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw an interview this morning where the asshole says he would like to be head of security for the NFL. You've got to be kidding.

3/03/2011 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JFled is Chicago's Charlie Sheen. STFU, your 15 minutes are up!

3/03/2011 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

didnt this jagg-off originally say he had nothing to do with cozzi? now in his pussy interviews he admits he did it stating he would not let us do anything illegal and not be punished. well, cozzi was already punished and did his suspension time and he still fucked with him. this asshole, massive forehead, dickface prick is a no good piece of shit! go the fuck away. far away!

3/03/2011 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no more tests for sergeants and lieutenants makes sense
cpd has the best and brightest captains and commanders , most never passed a promotional exam
lieutenants that passed exam are usually assigned to district patrol

tests tests cpd don't need no stinkin tests , tear all lists down

3/03/2011 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who will be the first to write Jfled the civilian a ticket?

3/03/2011 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even after this Prick is gone he still gives us much material to laugh about..
Moral was down now its up a little we as a police force kept doing our jobs because thats in us (( we just didnt do the BS and generate revenue for the city ))
I loved the fact your wife didnt want to be seen on camera with you..LMAO..Guess who

3/03/2011 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I received the invitation to do the morale survey, I threw it out due to low morale.

3/03/2011 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC-you nailed it. Working in a very close in SW suburb, working very closely with 022 & 008 district coppers, you could see it. The morale problem is as clear as the nose on one's face. BUT, you guys still did the job, and did it well. If we needed help, a call to the zone and we knew you'd have our backs. Hopefully you know the same.
What happens at CPD affects not only the city, it affects the suburbs too. We're glad to see Weis gone and hope you get the leader you need & deserve.

3/03/2011 09:29:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm not a cop but I was told about this blog by a cop buddy of mine. I respect and appriecate what you guys do, but all the complaining on here is a bit much

3/03/2011 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J fled sucks period. Get over it and move on. We are all grown men and women that were hired to do a job. Myself and others I know continued to do our job no matter who was in charge. People that were on the fence about working and people that were lazy used J fled as an excuse for being a dog ass. There is not one working poilice officer that was disciplined for doing POLICE WORK under Jfled. What happened to Cozzi was wrong and should never be forgiven but that still shouldn't preclude you from doing your job, I've noticed the same dog asses coming in with zeros since J fled has left. So my point is proven.

3/03/2011 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think J-Feds interviews are unwilling tributes to the men and women of the CPD .We continued to do an outstanding job even tho we were continually facing everyday obstacles from a mayor and supt you never gave credit and were only concerned with their own image. Congrats to the men and women of the C.p.d. You never let the city down.

3/03/2011 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the police department as an organization better off then we were three years ago? The answer is no.

3/03/2011 07:39:00 AM


3/03/2011 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jody's comments reflect who he really has been this whole time- NOT A COP! We work because we want to, not because of who or what the boss is. Please JP just leave this city and us alone. PS-we're only going to ask nicely once....because now the handcuffs are off (lol).

3/03/2011 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old Retired Guy Here;
In my opinion, the media in this town, works like this. As long as they can get an interview with a public person, who in news worthy, their job is done. It does not matter what they say. They have a very limited knowledge of the history of Chicago. Most grew up in the suburbs, if that close, they do not have the feel of the city. They would not dare ask a hard question, if they could think of one, to anybody. They fear being excluded from the news click.
The mayor has done an excellent job of controlling the media. Truth is you have to look at SCC to get any real insight as to what the true stories are in this town.

3/03/2011 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did all of the reporters in this town leave? Why won't they ask the tough questions?

3/03/2011 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous An Old Sergeant said...

"The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones. So let it be with Caesar." William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act 3, Scene ii

So let it be with Jody Weis. The evil and lies live after the inglorious departure and, methinks, may live on for decades. Some of the evil can never be undone. Ask any copper. Ask Bill Cozzi.

And is there any good which has come of it? What good thing can be interred with the bones? If anything, that he will no longer be able to do more evil.

3/03/2011 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tribune; Live sex toy demonstration held on NU campus.

For those of you that worried that J-Fled wouldn't find a job here in Chicago Relax. Northwestern has work for big dildo's. Just another cush job for him.

3/03/2011 07:44:00 AM


Awesome post. Note: no apostrophe in "dildo's." Should be "dildos."

3/03/2011 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Professor, I have a question. When an experiment fails, the scientists still get paid, go home and start over again. But what about the mice?

3/03/2011 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't blame the guy for trying on the CPD uniform. Feds need to shed their skin every now and then.

3/03/2011 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are the murder stats published in the Tribune on 2 March

2007 - 442 (Cline)
2008 - 513 (Weis yr 1)
2009 - 461 (Weis yr 2)
2010 - 436 (Weis yr 3)

Is that a significant reduction?

If the Tribune stats are correct, then, Weis had 71 more murders in 2008 than Cline had in 2007. Weis had 19 more in 2009 than Cline did in 2007. Weis finally had 6 fewer in 2010 than Cline did in 2007.

3/03/2011 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome post. Note: no apostrophe in "dildo's." Should be "dildos."

Thanks Professor. I'll try to let my anger subside before I post. I don't want to make anymore mistakes. I thought this blog was about the CHICAGO POLICE not the GRAMMAR POLICE. Asshat!

3/03/2011 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...


fibune and scum-times on line threads are so very full of posts complaining about The Police complaining...

Muthafuck that stupid noise! Even the Founding Fathers of this Republic complained...

...Until they were forced into a corner and had to take up arms.

Hmmmm... Is that the unspoken that has the powers that be and the public in general feeling uneasy?

The Police and like minded upright citizens possibly compelled to take up arms?

Hmmmm... We will have to genuflect on that one. heaven forbid it should come to pass but this city and this nation are at a crossroad with too many forces from within actively seeking to destroy them.

Since the censor monkeys are working overtime, we'll say it in a forum friendly to coppers who desire to exercise their rights and free men and citizens and not the second class citizens and lovable bop-bags and humble "public servants" (actually interpreted as "slaves") the public so wishes we were...

Fuck you... We'll complain if we want. If you don't like it then too damn bad. You complain about your bosses and we feel no compelling need to shit-talk you even if your complaining centers around the safety and well being of yourself, your co-workers and yes even the public.

We complain because the decent people of this city are being sold a bill of goods by the whore master politicians and their mistresses in the media.

We complain because it is obvious to us that we are being portrayed as the enemy out of politics and spite.

These people have the nerve to admit trolling this site then complain that we're complaining?

Squeaky wheel gets even a little oil every now and then...

LOLZ at j-fled ballyhooing crime being down... High school semantics and artful parsing of words being used to sandwich donkey dung.


The REPORTING OF CRIME is what has fallen through the floor!

The ongoing conspiracy to mask/reclassify/hide categories of crime is used to artificially depress the overall numbers.

j-fled's numbers don't mean shit with unknown constants and drunkenly staggering variables equating a donkey dung product.

People are so simple minded as to to take j-fled's shit-spray on two stone tablets as an article of faith... Policemen know better.

Maybe that's why The Police are the enemy?

3/03/2011 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is he still talking?
He should be strapping his freak-show tent to the back of his Hyundai and getting the f*ck out of here.

3/03/2011 04:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ steve:
03/03/2011 09:46:00 AM

So... You feel it necessary to come to another man's "house" to complain about him complaining about things that affect the well being, safety and quality of life of himself, his comrades and others?

Honestly... Are you that self important?

We hope your cop friend takes time to school you on what's really going on. It takes a certain level of discernment, cynicism, thick skin and insight for a civilian to wrap their heads around what goes on here. Maybe you're up to the task? Maybe you have the taint of preconceived notions. Of course you've had it easy and never complained about incompetent bosses, job related politics and the like?

Your criticism is off base, but enjoy the show.

3/03/2011 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

@ 01:57:00 PM

Now if we can just get our hands on the number of homicides reclassified as "death investigations" during the sum total of the yellow-streaked coward's failed tenure here.

That would be pivotal and the stepping stone to revealing to the world how full of shit he really is.

They lived by the sword of cooked stats and re-classification of index crime... They will be undone and meet their doom by the same sword.

3/03/2011 04:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a cop but I was told about this blog by a cop buddy of mine. I respect and appriecate what you guys do, but all the complaining on here is a bit much

3/03/2011 09:46:00 AM

i m sure no more different then any other company..except we have 10,000 employees that can t stand the boss.I m sure u bitch al the times over a couple f drinks

3/03/2011 06:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw an interview this morning where the asshole says he would like to be head of security for the NFL. You've got to be kidding.

3/03/2011 07:53:00 AM

Rumor has it he put in his resume for that job awhile back. He's really campaigning for himself via the oh-so-dumb media. snore.

3/03/2011 07:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are the murder stats published in the Tribune on 2 March

2007 - 442 (Cline)
2008 - 513 (Weis yr 1)
2009 - 461 (Weis yr 2)
2010 - 436 (Weis yr 3)

Is that a significant reduction?

If the Tribune stats are correct, then, Weis had 71 more murders in 2008 than Cline had in 2007. Weis had 19 more in 2009 than Cline did in 2007. Weis finally had 6 fewer in 2010 than Cline did in 2007.

3/03/2011 01:57:00 PM

WOW! A big SIX...i'm betting the numbers were fudged, know "death investigation" instead of homicide. Does the media know if three people were killed in one incident it is counted as ONE, not THREE. Ten gangbangers could get killed in one massive incident and that's counted as only one gangbanger.

3/03/2011 07:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Weis disputed that morale was a problem at the Police Department during the past three years ..."

If the media trolls SCC as often as suspected, invite them search the SCC archives, they'll find a plethora of postings over the last 3yrs in regards to low morale.

I double dog dare em :)

3/03/2011 08:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about this for an explaination of how crime went down while morale was in the shitter...We are cops, the police, and we have sworn an oath to enforce the law and protect the citizens of this city. We do that inspite of the pathetic leadership, and lousy treatment from the city, mayor, and superintendant. There is your reason, you POS, plain and simple...because WE ARE THE POLICE!!!!!!!

3/03/2011 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fledster going to be on Roe and Roeper on 890 WLS-AM Friday Afternooon, they are heavilly promoting it.

3/03/2011 09:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw an interview this morning where the asshole says he would like to be head of security for the NFL. You've got to be kidding.

They ought to hire him as a test dummy for side effects of concussions. On second thought never mind where would the find a helmet to cover that huge noggin of his?

3/03/2011 09:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger steve said...

I'm not a cop but I was told about this blog by a cop buddy of mine. I respect and appriecate what you guys do, but all the complaining on here is a bit much

3/03/2011 09:46:00 AM


3/03/2011 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was at TLO meeting today. more dumped from HQ- Ernie's brother SH & JR. TLO expert JLO Long gone. Why dump the real deal. The brain drain continues.

3/03/2011 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a cop but I was told about this blog by a cop buddy of mine. I respect and appriecate what you guys do, but all the complaining on here is a bit much

3/03/2011 09:46:00 AM
It must be truly overwhelming for your delicate psyche. I suggest you stop visiting this blog immediately.

3/03/2011 11:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw an interview this morning where the asshole says he would like to be head of security for the NFL. You've got to be kidding.

3/03/2011 07:53:00 AM

Rumor has it he put in his resume for that job awhile back. He's really campaigning for himself via the oh-so-dumb media. snore.

3/03/2011 07:21:00 PM

Oh don't knock him. SP is his friend and SP is head of security for the Bears at Soldier field. Maybe he is helping his buddy out. Nothing wrong with that.

3/03/2011 11:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a cop but I was told about this blog by a cop buddy of mine. I respect and appriecate what you guys do, but all the complaining on here is a bit much
We're blowing off steam. I don't know what your job is, but I sincerely hope you are happy in what ever you do. Day in and day out dealing with the scum of the earth then watching incompetence rule our dept. and second guess our decisions. Like I said, blowing off some steam.

3/04/2011 12:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Or just be polite and do a case report for a robbery victim, tour the area and find the asshole?

--3/03/2011 12:47:00 AM

...and drive back over with the jerk cuffed up, pull over by the victim, pop the dome light on.



"It's called doing our job. Imagine how much better we could be with the right bosses?"

You said it all...

3/04/2011 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"J-Fled Continues Tour of Lies, Police Pick Up Tempo on Tour of Duty."

025 -- CD car -- silver, white strobes in front -- had two on the hood at Grand/Austin tonight. Good for you; I t'ink were gonna get more of that.

Thanks. Stay safe.

3/04/2011 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fledster going to be on Roe and Roeper on 890 WLS-AM Friday Afternooon, they are heavilly promoting it."

--3/03/2011 09:01:00 PM

I am heavily ignoring it. Big day for Conn, though -- so many of his shows are derived from "what I saw on TV last night."

3/04/2011 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is he still here?

3/06/2011 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous noone90210 said...

As shown below, some/most(?) suburbanites believe J-Fled's lies:

Weis' future

I am genuinely saddened by the departure of Jody Weis from the Chicago Police Department. However, it was an absolute certainty. No public servant in my memory has been more openly reviled by both the press and members of the Chicago City Council, not to mention rank-and-file members of the force he attempted to lead. Weis showed the ultimate temerity: He did not come up through the ranks and, therefore, as an outsider, was assailed before he even put on a uniform. He is not a "Chicago Guy"; even worse, coming from the FBI, he was not to be trusted. I am so glad the late O.W. Wilson had the unquestioned backing of a much stronger administration. He rebuilt a scandal-torn department in a state of disorganization that was the shame of the city. Thank you for at least trying, Mr. Weis. May your future be a bit more serene and secure.

— Donald M. Rubins, Park Forest

Weis' leadership

I was disappointed to hear that Jody Weis lost his job. He exhibited courageous and innovative leadership that improved results in an environment where the status quo typically rules. Crime is down significantly under his leadership, and complaints about police officers is down nearly 40 percent. I was genuinely hopeful that we would see merit-based decisions from our new mayor.

Chalk up another one for the powerful trade unions of Illinois that punish anyone who threatens their stranglehold with bold leadership, and who dares to differentiate between good and poor performers.

— Jude Rake, Libertyville

Source: Chicago Tribune, Sunday, March 6, 2011

Suburban Fools

3/09/2011 04:54:00 AM  

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