Thursday, March 03, 2011

Dump List?

We're sure everyone will want to contribute to this:
  • Word form 35th street is there is a possible list circulating around with some exempts names on it and its for them to be returning their gold braids for single LT. bars
    A few names on that list included Henney Penney - Rick Flair - A. C. (007). stay tuned for more
This would make some sense. Hillard can take the heat for removing some of the political liabilities left behind by J-Fled's incompetent promotions and pave the way for Rahm's promotions to what become existing vacancies.

However, most of those incompetent promotions came directly from City Hall in the first place, which is where the Hillard appointment came from. It would be interesting to see where Hillard's name came up and who proposed it - a Daley insider? Rahm's transition team? Washington DC? Who's actually running the show at the moment, especially if it's true Jackson and the Bartender turned down the interim label. Someone is sending a message that J-Fled's entire command staff is unworthy or untrusted to run the show for 10 weeks.



Anonymous Area 2 said...

DUMP Wysinger before they make him a merit promotion again!!!

What a BOX OF ROCKS!!!

3/03/2011 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Henny Penny was rumored to be bumpin' her gums how she could make more $$$ as a Lt or Cpt and how SHE might request a demotion herself...this just overheard third party so take it with a grain of salt.

3/03/2011 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a Former Tact Lt. from 005 who took a Leave of Absence to get experience as The Chief of Police Markham, and now he was all over the TV getting air time supporting Rahm for Mayor! Congrats soon to be 4 Star CPD W.I. !

3/03/2011 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terry might be a better Supt. the second time around. If he is smart (..a long shot..) he could actually have relatively free hand.

He obviously didn't NEED the job. Probably set financially. Looks like Daley/Rahm needed someone to come in and restore order...more than TH needed a job. So maybe he could have bargained for a little more leash.

But then, he didn't get to the top of the pile the first time by biting the feeding hand and thinking for himself. So it may all be for naught.

But one can hope.

3/03/2011 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as long as DTEB is around as a gold star, AC aint goin nowhere

3/03/2011 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Masters is still there.

3/03/2011 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillard will not promote or demote while he is in charge....

3/03/2011 01:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what will become of J-Fled's kiss ass policy group goofs? There's no way Hilliard will want them around wasting time and manpower.

3/03/2011 02:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Possibly a list? Sounds like too much of a rumor to give it any thought.

3/03/2011 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bye Judy Martin

3/03/2011 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what will become of J-Fled's kiss ass policy group goofs? There's no way Hilliard will want them around wasting time and manpower.

The people on the policy group went to special units months ago. narcotics, gang intelligence. they were taken care of. should go back to districts and do police work. too much time inside. but it's not what you know? it's who you blow?

3/03/2011 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Working officers are still bidding out of 007 due to Carothers' blatant racism and arrogance.

3/03/2011 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DTEB and Chucky have made no secret that he is going to be the next sup, and she will get her Gold Star.

I say they will both end up working the watch somewhere in A/1

3/03/2011 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what he will actually be allowed to do since he is only going to be there for a few months. Hope is great, but coppers tend to believe in hopeless ideas

3/03/2011 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TH will not demote or promote anyone while he is here.... he will make some changes like putting some Lt's Sgt's and PO's back in patrol and disolve some useless units... bye bye PAG

3/03/2011 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

more folks for the list: Goldbrick from Crystal Balls, the screaming skull...

3/03/2011 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bye Judy Martin

3/03/2011 06:45:00 AM

The only way it's "bye" to Judy Martin is if she either moves up or retires.

3/03/2011 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terry might be a better Supt. the second time around. If he is smart (..a long shot..) he could actually have relatively free hand.

He's 68 years old..he is nothing but a seat warmer until Rahm gets officially in and takes a good look see...

3/03/2011 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Does anyone know what will become of J-Fled's kiss ass policy group goofs? There's no way Hilliard will want them around wasting time and manpower.

3/03/2011 02:26:00 AM

Tactical Barbie went to Intelligence.

3/03/2011 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DUMP Wysinger before they make him a merit promotion again!!!

What a BOX OF ROCKS!!!

3/03/2011 12:29:00 AM

At least he actually did police work, which is more than I can say for 90% of our exempts.

Cops generally make better bosses than geniuses. Most geniuses who work for the CPD are fucking idiots.

3/03/2011 10:56:00 AM  
Blogger Ray said...

not true, wont happen. just throwing out names of people there.

3/03/2011 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Henny Penny was rumored to be bumpin' her gums how she could make more $$$ as a Lt or Cpt and how SHE might request a demotion herself...this just overheard third party so take it with a grain of salt.

yeah so when she is dumped she can say she requested it. yeah ok penny

3/03/2011 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a Former Tact Lt. from 005 who took a Leave of Absence to get experience as The Chief of Police Markham, and now he was all over the TV getting air time supporting Rahm for Mayor! Congrats soon to be 4 Star CPD W.I. !

3/03/2011 12:38:00 AM
I just spit my drink all over the couch. Erkel retired so bye bye. Now my side hurts just thinking about it. Will he triple promote TDubs if he does make supernintendo? Now I'm rolling on the floor.

3/03/2011 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about J.S. and her partner (always geting into it with dispatchers)C.W. in 025? What a joke...and the funny thing is EVERYONE knows it!! J.S. you gotttta get out while you can girl...

3/03/2011 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt that Hillard will make any moves in the next six or so weeks, but you never know. Limiting Master's and Roman's computer access, if true is a good start. Continue by launching Ernie Brown, Penny, Leo Schmitz and Carothers.

3/03/2011 02:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DUMP Wysinger before they make him a merit promotion again!!!

What a BOX OF ROCKS!!!

Cops generally make better bosses than geniuses. Most geniuses who work for the CPD are fucking idiots.


He is an arrogant bastard...
I over heard him yelling at a desk sergeant because he had no one that could wash his car.
Screw him.

3/03/2011 03:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know what will become of J-Fled's kiss ass policy group goofs? There's no way Hilliard will want them around wasting time and manpower.

3/03/2011 02:26:00 AM

Tactical Barbie went to Intelligence.

3/03/2011 10:39:00 AM

I heard another female was added to the policy group? Any ideas?

3/03/2011 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Kushner for Supt.

3/03/2011 05:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a prediction.
Director Goldstein of the "I CANT PREDICT A BOWEL MOVEMENT GROUP" will be hitting the streets again on 011 on midnights.

Hillard should dump him right back to his rank. A PPO.

3/03/2011 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is the goof on 2nd in 011 that argues with the dispatchers left and right and takes 45 minutes after roll call to prep himself be ready to take in calls.
give up. CW

3/03/2011 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

However, most of those incompetent promotions came directly from City Hall in the first place, which is where the Hillard appointment came from.

Um...isn't city hall where EVERY superintendent"s appointment comes from?

3/03/2011 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Area 2 said...
DUMP Wysinger before they make him a merit promotion again!!!

What a BOX OF ROCKS!!!

3/03/2011 12:29:00 AM

I would rather see Wysinger on any scene than 99 percent of the exempts on this department. He came up through the ranks and is still a cop. He is intelligent and still a cop. He treats the blue shirts with nothing but respect. Wysinger as the Superintendent would be one hell of a plus for everybody. You must be a know nothing dogass in A2.

3/03/2011 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a Former Tact Lt. from 005who took a Leave of Absence to get experience as The Chief of Police Markham, and now he was all over the TV getting air time supporting Rahm for Mayor! Congrats soon to be 4 Star CPD W.I. !

Call the guys in Markham and find out what they thought of W.I. Why did he leave there? What did he take with him that a professional chief should have left there? The more you know, the less his chances are. Baggage, baggage and more baggage.

3/03/2011 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Hillard's security company is doing the new recruit background checks. Isn't that a conflict of interest or violation of ethics?

3/03/2011 09:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dump D Alexander hes a MORAN

3/03/2011 09:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got some inside scoop that there is a BIG scandal brewing with Henny-Penny! This one might actually cost her the gold star! Remember, you heard it at SCC first!

3/03/2011 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Area 2 said...

I would rather see Wysinger on any scene than 99 percent of the exempts on this department. He came up through the ranks and is still a cop. He is intelligent and still a cop. He treats the blue shirts with nothing but respect. Wysinger as the Superintendent would be one hell of a plus for everybody. You must be a know nothing dogass in A2.


O K AL..

Thanks for taking the time to write in between making your phone calls to get yourself and your merit-sergeant wife some more MERIT promotions.

4 merit promotions in just 10 years?

If I am a dogass you are my inspiration not to do a fuckin' thing on this job.

By the way.. when you threaten people to get your car washed you are a very POOR boss at that.

3/04/2011 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about J.S. and her partner (always geting into it with dispatchers)C.W. in 025? What a joke...and the funny thing is EVERYONE knows it!! J.S. you gotttta get out while you can girl...

3/03/2011 02:18:00 PM

He's a daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! Glad I got out of 025...

3/05/2011 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Bill Kushner , GOOD PICK

3/05/2011 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a Former Tact Lt. from 005 who took a Leave of Absence to get experience as The Chief of Police Markham, and now he was all over the TV getting air time supporting Rahm for Mayor! Congrats soon to be 4 Star CPD W.I. !

No l.o.a. dummy, he retired to take the spot.

3/05/2011 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
There is a Former Tact Lt. from 005 who took a Leave of Absence to get experience as The Chief of Police Markham, and now he was all over the TV getting air time supporting Rahm for Mayor! Congrats soon to be 4 Star CPD W.I. !

3/03/2011 12:38:00 AM

Too much prostitute baggage. His time in 011 and Public Housing is emcompassed with way to much legal baggage that show his morals. No way would anyone touch him. Markahm only did because half of the department including his 2nd in Command had his same kind of baggage. Things are not always what they seem!

3/06/2011 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Henny Penny was rumored to be bumpin' her gums how she could make more $$$ as a Lt or Cpt and how SHE might request a demotion herself...this just overheard third party so take it with a grain of salt.

3/03/2011 12:31:00 AM

Its the truth so get over it! She will make way more money and have a normal life. She was stupid for taking the job in the first place! Any Lt. or Captain will be a fool to take the job. Only so many can ever move up. You make way more money and have 90% less stress. WTF

3/06/2011 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With Henny Penny it's all about power. Don't you think she knew that she would be actually getting a pay cut by being a DC. Of course she did. She wanted the title. If my memory serve me right, didn't her ex boyfried the mailman tell her he wanted her to give up the spot, which started the whole saga? She heard thru the grapevine she was on the dump list.

3/12/2011 04:52:00 PM  

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