Monday, March 28, 2011

TRU Deployed....Downtown?

Many reports coming in about a huge out-of-control "wilding" incident Saturday night. Anyone from the Central Control Group want to chime in here? We're hearing a few 10-1's were called along with dozens of arrests. Mostly juveniles coordinating on Facebook and other social sites.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

With our leaders aka politicians & judges will allow this to get worse, I even imagine a couple of coppers being fired for policing or preventing these wildings

3/28/2011 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not sure about this past weekend but TRU has been sending people downtown the last few weekends to address the wilding.

3/28/2011 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It happens with great frequency. The teens and gangbangers have made a routine of meeting around the el stop at Chicago and State. They hang in the McDonalds, then proceed to Michigan Ave to commit their crimes. They are robbing people, stealing from the stores and beating tourist. It gets very little media attention, cause "We don't want the tourist to find out." If a few of them are caught, they sit in the juvie room for a couple of hours and are released. They return the next day and commit the same crimes over and over. Just wait til the warm weathers comes and stays. They will have to start a Michigan Ave Special Detail. Then cops can work their off days for time and a half. This will have to be done to save Michigan Ave!

3/28/2011 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was cold as fuck sat night... can not wait till it warms up

3/28/2011 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the wilding incident is non other then the ????? Kids.

But of course we cant put that in the news!

3/28/2011 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about the M/2 guy and the tree branch incident in Grant Park? And they say it wasn't racially motivated?

3/28/2011 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truth is 018 and 001 are up for grabs. These "flash mobs" are taking over the downtown area! People wake up, you can't go downtown to a show, to a movie, to dinner with these youths going crazy on people. And Ricky G from 1st District says "these are not hate crimes???." Please ask yourself and any victim " what race was the victim?" and what race was the offender?" The Police Department Sucks. They have done nothing to protect us citizens because the City of Chicgo is in turmoil! God Bless our Police Officers and I hope they are safe tonight as they try to make it safe for all of us!

3/28/2011 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A 60 year old man was sodomized and beaten around Grant Park Saturday night. Wouldn't be surprised if that was the work of the savage. No better case than right to carry.

3/28/2011 02:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they beat up a homeless guy REAL bad. stripped him naked and sodomized him with a tree branch, he was found walking with only 1 sock on. the hospital removed wood from inside his rectum. was reported on news radio 780.

3/28/2011 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I saw something about this. Illinois needs to pass a carry law. It is ridiculous that people are not allowed to protect themselves.

3/28/2011 03:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Neville Chamberlain said...

What must we to to appease the roving bands of Scandanavian youth who pillage, plunder and wreak havoc?

What is a "flash mob"? Where is J-Fled to tell them to "knock it off"?

3/28/2011 04:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neville Chamberlain said...

What must we to to appease the roving bands of Scandanavian youth who pillage, plunder and wreak havoc?

What is a "flash mob"? Where is J-Fled to tell them to "knock it off"?

3/28/2011 04:06:00 AM

It surely must be roving bands of honor students from New Trier HS bound for Harvard & Yale doing these wilding incidents.

It certainly isn't the wonderful chillins from 003, 004, 005, 006 and 007th police districts. Why those kids are sitting home with their parents helping with homework.

3/28/2011 06:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A "flash mob", you nitwit, is a group of people who coordinate a song and dance routine an perform it in a public place without announcement other than to the actual performers. Its always safe and mostly entertaining. A group of shit head kids forming a pack to commit crimes is called...well I guess its just called a "mob"! Mostly evil, and if you're the victim, hardly entertaining

3/28/2011 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a Swede I must protest the gross smear on my ethnic heritage, It is the Finns doing this. It has been known for 1500 years they cannot hold their liquor and have a genetic fear of again being reduced to wearing reindeer hides for clothing. Alcohol + Finns + racks of warm clothing behind glass = frenzied berserkers.

Retired Sgt, only known Swedish Lutheran Republican in the old Detective Division.

3/28/2011 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about that Critical Mass group? Anyone look at those liberal assholes who are allowed to drive around the city at will on their bicycles on friday nights? They shutdown streets at a time causing people and traffic to be delayed. God forbid their is an emergenecy and personnel need to get down the block. It's absolute BS that is allowed to happen. So no wonder why juvies think they can go downtown and do what they want.

3/28/2011 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like mountgreenwood on friday/sat night when there 50 strong in and around the parks egging and throwing shit at cars on 103/111th st's

3/28/2011 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They've got pictures of repeat offenders in 018. All offenders are from 002,003,004, and 006.

3/28/2011 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And it is only going to get worse!

This city is going the way of Detroit thanks to the politicians.

In years to come Shitcago will be a battleground where the savages do whatever they want and the police are forced, under threat of prosecution, to sit by and watch.

Thanks all you dummycrats!

3/28/2011 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in 018, yes SCC it is true about all the animals coming down and causing destruction, robberies, thefts,batteries etc.. Can't report the truth that the black punks are the criminals,and that is a HATE crime being put on the people,especially the tourists who vow to "never come back"! Watched an episode of when "animals attack" wow just like the scum that do the attacking on MICHIGAN AVE!

3/28/2011 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

100% C P S STUDENTS!!!!
So, when a police has to take one in custody and uses any force. This is what the media will call them CPS Students but will not say that's exactly who is terrorizing our Michigan Avenue.

3/28/2011 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous HATER said...





3/28/2011 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing a few Contact Cards and name checks wont solve.

Better yet...School absentees... GOLD!


What is the going rate for an early duck these days? Three of each?

3/28/2011 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michigan avenue is out of control after 4pm on saturdays. Imagine what the summer will bring. The shitbags know its a lot of soft white liberals and tourists down there and they make the easiest targets. Its also extremely busy in terms of pedestrian traffic with soo many places for them to duck and get away FAST. They do group(15 or more) shopliftings where they all steal shit from a store at the same time. Even if 2 or 3 get caught imagine what the rest get away with. They do the I Phone robberies as goofs are texting or dialing, they just snatch it and go. Next time you are on michigan ave, check out all of the hs age thugs wearing armani, hollister, etc. You think they PAID for that?

3/28/2011 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the greatest crime ever, I only hope it gets worse.

Some things must be seen to be believed. And believe me, by August, this city will believe.

3/28/2011 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They've started doing this in 011 too. No surprise

3/28/2011 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i guess knowing what a Hate Crime is wasn't on ricky sgt or lt
test for promotion

was he a merit cloutorious selected sgt and lt

3/28/2011 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tip # 7:
" The black strip on the back of a credit card (or any other plastic card with a dark strip, debit style issued funds, transit & phone cards, etc.) stores information on it in magnetic form. Thus if you place a credit card near a strong rare earth magnet it will change/damage this magnetic information making the strip unreadable."
There's alot of paper work and running around trying get those funds back on the cards thus making mobility limited.

This tip was brought to you by Citizens for Better Living.

3/28/2011 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, for one, think this is fantastic! You see, the City and CPD have both undertaken a wonderful social experiment: Take away police power in the name of civil rights and prove, once and for all, that nothing bad will happen. You sue the crap out of the city, hire a super that imprisons a cop and destroys morale, and this is what you get in return. OOPS! lol...YOU REAP WHAT YOU SEW.

3/28/2011 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh crystal ball, please tell what next weekend end does bring.

3/28/2011 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im a po in the 18th district strong arm robberies and victims of pickpockets will surpass 6000 this year.The victims are tourist and tax payers.Send out troups to the ghetto.

3/28/2011 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous B GETZ said...

Strong armed robberies and armed are out of control downtown,The media wont cover it cause the offenders have the same discription.

3/28/2011 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous get real said...

This year the 18th and 1st Dist will have 10,000 victims of robberies and pickpockets.How do you hide crime reclass the pickpocket victims into theft from building.

3/28/2011 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....but TRU has been sending people downtown the last few weekends to address the wilding.

3/28/2011 12:26:00 AM

bean bags for everyone?

3/28/2011 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was cold as fuck sat night... can not wait till it warms up

3/28/2011 12:34:00 AM

don't telegraph it.


3/28/2011 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Police Department Sucks. They have done nothing to protect us citizens because the City of Chicgo is in turmoil! God Bless our Police Officers and I hope they are safe tonight as they try to make it safe for all of us!

3/28/2011 01:30:00 AM

i make it safe for myself.


3/28/2011 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they beat up a homeless guy REAL bad. stripped him naked and sodomized him with a tree branch, he was found walking with only 1 sock on. the hospital removed wood from inside his rectum. was reported on news radio 780.

ABC7 saying he wasn't actually homeless, but from Schiller Park. Funny how little press this got/is getting - barely a few sentences. No mention of any wilding or suspects. F'in media always wants to investigate the police but they under report when serious shit like this happens.

3/28/2011 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is ridiculous that people are not allowed to protect themselves.

3/28/2011 03:27:00 AM

it is ridiculous that people wait to be allowed to protect themselves.

3/28/2011 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/28/2011 04:06:00 AM:

Q: What must we to to appease the roving bands of Scandanavian youth who pillage, plunder and wreak havoc?

A: raw fish, lots and lots of raw fish.

Q: What is a "flash mob"?

A: an unpleasant surprise?

Q: Where is J-Fled to tell them to "knock it off"?

A: nobody gives a shit.

3/28/2011 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EB has to formulate a plan. Its all true. Bands of 6-10, m/1/14-21 yrs of age. Crossing the streets at will. Walking in packs in the middle of intersections, while traffic is moving, surrounding caucasian people, while they're walking. Touching grabbing the girls and woman, while their skinny jean boyfriends looks in terror.check out chicago/state, chicago/lasalle, state st.,michigan ave. On friday and saturday, or when theres an event near area. Called police, got tired of waiting for at least one squad car to pass. The group was way to big and kept moving. But who can blame the poor po's, for no department directives for the handling of these thugs and criminals. Fr.Flaeger, jesse jackson, farrakan, gator wallace, every store front reverend, the actions of the ASA's office, the politicians all know whats going on, but would be the first to Condemn any actions by the police. Good luck, God Bless and stay safe

3/28/2011 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A tree branch was inserted into his anus. M/1 in cusody who was just released from prison for other violent crimes.

3/28/2011 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous get real said...

Wait till a tourist gets robbed and beaten on Michigan ave and the story goes international the CPD Brass will say we had no idea of the thousands of robberys that happen downtown everyear.

3/28/2011 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe this is the CHANGE we were promised over two years ago?

3/28/2011 12:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After their wilding on the Ave. they slither back into the subway, where "by Accident" they leap in front of CTA trains pulling into the station....
Stranger things have happened...

3/28/2011 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

completely amazing how these P.O.S.'s are allowed to say and do what ever they want, they know it's the weekend and we are short handed. No supervision to stand behind and support men and women out there trying to keep it safe. Total B.S. once you lock up a juvy, now at 17yrs old, they sit in a room for a few hours and are then sent otw to repeat same crimes tomorrow. City does not care, Quinn does not care, why should we? thanks for the 2% raise then Quinn takes it away, thanks for the support citizens, you wanted this kind of city you got it, enjoy, shut up and pay your taxes!

3/28/2011 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have an idea. Let's dress up as tourists when off duty, and head down there and wait to be robbed. Time to start thinning the herd.

3/28/2011 01:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They beat up a homeless guy REAL bad. stripped him naked and sodomized him with a tree branch, he was found walking with only 1 sock on. The hospital removed wood from inside his rectum. was reported on news radio 780."

--3/28/2011 02:25:00 AM

Yes -- and I believe that they gave the man's name at least once, and said that he was from Schiller Park.

Would they broadcast the name of a female victim of a vicious sexual attack?

The word "homeless" makes all the difference.

Why are victims not described as "divorced" or "affluent" or self-employed" or whatever? Why the insistence on this?

Anyway, what with probably 30 M1s on 1 50-year-old M2, I'm sure this was a "random act."

3/28/2011 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Emanuel. Yo, Boss Hillard. We need K9s downtown, stat.

They be scairt a dogs.

3/28/2011 04:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comment from the CBS-2 news web site --

March 27, 2011 at 6:49 am | V. Avdic

"This is my grandfather’s brother that this happened to. He is actually in his 60s and a genocide survivor from Bosnia. He had just stepped out for a smoke when this happened. God have mercy on us all."

3/28/2011 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good news! Attempted murder charges in Forest Park attack on elderly

"MAYWOOD, Ill. (CBS) – Two men have been charged with beating and stomping a 71-year-old grandmother in a Forest Park grocery store parking lot.

"Kenny Hollyfield, 52, and Robert Mix, 53, were both charged with aggravated battery and aggravated battery to a senior citizen in the Feb. 11 attack. Hollyfield, who has been pinpointed as the primary assailant, was also charged with attempted first-degree murder and attempted robbery.

"Police say the men and a woman were stalking Christel Sanders of Oak Park [at] the Ultra Food Store at 7520 Roosevelt Rd. in Forest Park. When Sanders left the store around 6 p.m. and began loading grocery bags into her car, the men attacked her and tried to grab her purse, police said.

"When Sanders refused to surrender her purse, one of the men dragged her and knocked her down, then kicked and stomped her several times in the head, police said. Police said they think she was targeted because she was elderly and presumed as frail."


3/28/2011 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Channel 9 news -- the PERP is last known address "homeless shelter."

40-something years old Cortez Foster being held in the Grant Park attack...

I'll tell ya, I am getting tired of these Lithuanians running amok on our streets...

3/28/2011 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

covered briefly on ch7 news but not in-depth as usual. Rahm, can you let the truth out?

3/28/2011 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Hillard was disbanding units? Who will cover when shit hit's the fan? Tact teams?

Yeah right these are gang bangers not DPW's LOL LOL go get tact man!

3/28/2011 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since we have so many detectives in this city that we have not needed to promote any in over 2 years lets have them toss on blue outfits and handle it...

Then they can call themselves and say, "2205hrs for the paper, you got nothing kid" and "Stop calling us with this crap, no hospital over night stay, no agg batt"

victim is not a relative of the golden family, not news worthy move on.

3/28/2011 05:15:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

I wouldn't want to be one of the first who puts a hand on one of these skate board liberated youths who are just trying to cure cancer--- you put your paws on one of these little dipshits and you can kiss your job and pension bye bye....

3/28/2011 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in 018, yes SCC it is true about all the animals coming down and causing destruction, robberies, thefts,batteries etc.. Can't report the truth that the black punks are the criminals,and that is a HATE crime being put on the people,especially the tourists who vow to "never come back"! Watched an episode of when "animals attack" wow just like the scum that do the attacking on MICHIGAN AVE!

3/28/2011 08:49:0 AM

Report this to the mayor-elect and let him launch a plan to arrest and prosecute these animals.

3/28/2011 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous The Great Dane said...

The roving bands of marauding youth are NOT Scandanavian. As usual, it's those damn Amish.

3/28/2011 06:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What about that Critical Mass group? Anyone look at those liberal assholes who are allowed to drive around the city at will on their bicycles on friday nights? They shutdown streets at a time causing people and traffic to be delayed. God forbid their is an emergenecy and personnel need to get down the block. It's absolute BS that is allowed to happen. So no wonder why juvies think they can go downtown and do what they want."

--3/28/2011 08:01:00 AM

You were working on this in another thread already. The Chicago Police Department is so undermanned that, if you read this thread, you'll see that they are having trouble containing violent crime in the city. There are over 100,000 gang members here.

Critical Mass is not causing "wildings." Some people have been looting and burning and robbing and raping for decades before Critical Mass even existed.

I ride a bike, by the way, and am not especially fond of the C.M. crowd either, but they are not invading stores hundreds at a time, attacking people, going through Northwestern Memorial Hospital
and stealing patients' and staff's belongings, etc.

There are priorities. Some nuts on bicycles are 'way down the list.

How come all those people in cars that cause the vast traffic tie-ups you sit in every day aren't "assholes?"

"People and traffic" cause "people and traffic" to be "delayed" all the time. Get on your horn and just stay there until you have a coronary. "We got a call of a man slumped over the wheel..."

That's life in the big city.

3/28/2011 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kill'n crime... Rumor has it that an event and RD was pulled in 001 in which a Hate Crime occured in the course of a crime.

One of the savage youths yelled "Fuck the White Man" besides the theft a F/2 senior citizen was pushed down.

Understand that the Sgt ordered changes be made and basically got rid of any mention of race related criminal incidents.

3/28/2011 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ABC7 saying he wasn't actually homeless, but from Schiller Park. Funny how little press this got/is getting - barely a few sentences. No mention of any wilding or suspects. F'in media always wants to investigate the police but they under report when serious shit like this happens.

You people in Patrol have to realize that all the facts are not released to the public when a case is under active investigation. Too many facts slipped to the media from a district desk truly screws up a detective's case and can place witnesses in danger. Serious cases are seriously being handled by the Detective Division, not ABC7 news.

3/28/2011 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can either dress as tourist and look to be the "victim" or simply go down there and record them as a civilian and watch them in action! Get your personal police radio and listen for the calls and go record. Animals.

3/28/2011 06:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Channel 9 news -- the PERP is last known address "homeless shelter."

40-something years old Cortez Foster being held in the Grant Park attack...

I'll tell ya, I am getting tired of these Lithuanians running amok on our streets...

3/28/2011 05:03:00 PM

Wow, you get WGN in New York? We don't say 'perp' here, guy.

3/28/2011 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"M/1 in custody [for Grant Park attack] who was just released from prison for other violent crimes."

--3/28/2011 12:13:00 PM

IDOC shows a M/1 Cortez Foster, paroled 5/14/2010, age 45, 6' 2", 262 pounds.

This is parole from a 20-year term for a 2000 armed robbery. It was his third bit for robbery, the first beginning in 1991.

3/28/2011 08:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago Breaking News picked this up --

Parolee Charged In Grant Park Beating

"A 45-year-old man on parole for armed robbery was charged today with robbing, beating and sexually assaulting a man in Grant Park last weekend.

"Cortez Foster was arrested Sunday in the Saturday morning assault near the park's General Logan monument in the 800 block of South Michigan Avenue, according to the Cook County state's attorney's office.

"Police said the victim, a 65-year-old Northwest suburban man, was assaulted with a tree branch.

"A passerby discovered the partially clad victim lying on the ground shortly after midnight Friday, police said.

"Officers arriving at the scene around 12:15 a.m. found the man, who was unable to speak but had gotten up and walked to the 700 block of South Michigan Avenue.

"The victim had facial injuries consistent with a beating, police said."


Uh, Mr. Mayor-Elect? This is the city you have inherited from your predecessor, who lost control of the high-rent core area of his city a long time ago. He probably didn't mention this to you.

You need lots of police with shotguns, police dogs, etc. down there right away.

....or are you going to keep your family safely in Washington, and screw everybody else?

3/28/2011 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have an idea. Let's dress up as tourists when off duty, and head down there and wait to be robbed. Time to start thinning the herd.

3/28/2011 01:21:00 PM

the idea has merit, but the posting of it is certifiably retarded.

maybe Chalkie should make a training vid.

3/28/2011 08:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After their wilding on the Ave. they slither back into the subway, where "by Accident" they leap in front of CTA trains pulling into the station....
Stranger things have happened...

3/28/2011 12:49:00 PM

somebody always has to spoil the surprise.

3/28/2011 08:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its worse than wilding. I heard a WLS radio report today a 65 yr old man from N/W suburbs was robbed, beaten and sodomized with a tree branch in Grant Park this past weekend. A woman interviewed on the news was surprised and said things like this don't happen here. I thought to myself, bullshit asshole. That and worse happen in Chicago all the time. I am about ready to pack my Glock 23 illegally when I HAVE to go to the City and I will simply take the hit and plead my case if you guys jamb me up. I would rather have it if I need it than have a tree branch stuck up my tail pipe by some shit head. I am serious. I used to carry a Beretta .380 in the 80's when crack came to Chicago and things were out of control in some of the neighborhoods I used to have to meet our customers. It is getting back to those days again. Man, I remember checking out a damaged townhouse in Pullman and I couldn't believe all the street dealing I saw just looking out the second floor window.

3/28/2011 09:32:00 PM  
Anonymous HATER said...




3/28/2011 09:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They got this Cortez Foster dead to rights on this one. TV reports that various of the victim's named belongings were found on Foster.

Foster was the "homeless man," living at the Pacific Garden Mission in between trips to prison.

Life without possibility of parole sounds about right.

3/28/2011 10:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Understand that the Sgt ordered changes be made and basically got rid of any mention of race related criminal incidents.

3/28/2011 06:20:00 PM

Name him in the narrative and that he ORDERED you to falsely reclassify the incident. If you don't, YOU could be the one getting jammed up somewhere down the road.

3/28/2011 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous "Old School" Dick said...

7:12 PM

I've spent most of my career in the Detective Division. When I discuss cases with fellow dicks, I use the monosyllables "perp" and "vic". However, if I'm writing a report, I use "offender" (3 syllables) and "victim" (2 syllables).

I never use the "politically correct" seven-syllable term "African-American" either. I opt for the perfectly respectful monosyllable "black".

May I have your approval, slick?

3/28/2011 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are priorities. Some nuts on bicycles are 'way down the list.

How come all those people in cars that cause the vast traffic tie-ups you sit in every day aren't "assholes?"

"People and traffic" cause "people and traffic" to be "delayed" all the time. Get on your horn and just stay there until you have a coronary. "We got a call of a man slumped over the wheel..."

That's life in the big city.

3/28/2011 06:15:00 PM

Motorists are not "assholes" because they get caught in traffic. Critical Mass members are assholes because they intentionally "cork" the intersections so motorists cannot get though.

Critical Mass is not just a bunch of misguided greenies protesting cars.
They are organized anarchists that enjoy their own version of "wilding". They are thugs that have been arrested for damaging property, beating senior citizens and carrying loaded handguns. These are facts.

We no longer have the time or manpower to deal with them. We have to deal with the urban "future rap artist". Critical Mass knows this and will continue to be a problem.

3/28/2011 10:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EB has to formulate a plan. Its all true. Bands of 6-10, m/1/14-21 yrs of age. Crossing the streets at will. Walking in packs in the middle of intersections, while traffic is moving, surrounding caucasian people, while they're walking. Touching grabbing the girls and woman, while their skinny jean boyfriends looks in terror.check out chicago/state, chicago/lasalle, state st.,michigan ave. On friday and saturday, or when theres an event near area. Called police, got tired of waiting for at least one squad car to pass. The group was way to big and kept moving. But who can blame the poor po's, for no department directives for the handling of these thugs and criminals. Fr.Flaeger, jesse jackson, farrakan, gator wallace, every store front reverend, the actions of the ASA's office, the politicians all know whats going on, but would be the first to Condemn any actions by the police. Good luck, God Bless and stay safe

Why does EB have to formulate a plan? Why doesn't the district commander or watch commander or tact lt or sergeants in the affected districts recognize the problem and formulate a plan of action?

And what the hell do you need a department directive for? Damnit, man up, use your brain and be the police.

3/28/2011 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thinking I need to go hang out on Michigan off duty on a weekend night to add some notches to my belt! I can carry and I'm a damn good shot!

3/28/2011 11:41:00 PM  
Blogger Rich Rostrom said...

The term "flash crowd" was coined by science fiction writer Larry Niven in a 1973 novella (called "Flash Crowd"). Niven was speculating on the possible consequences of cheap, convenient teleportation. What if one could get in a booth, dial a code, and be anywhere else instantly?

One possibility was that if any disorder broke out and was reported on TV/radio, vast numbers of looters and such could blink in, creating a "flash riot".

Niven's "flash crowd" was spontaneous, based on enhanced transportation as well as communication; that hasn't happened. Transportation hasn't changed very much.

On the other hand, communication has improved a lot. Thus the "flash crowds" of today are enabled by improved communications: cell phones, text messaging, the Internet. But they are almost always premeditated; people actually getting to the spot takes too long for a "spontaneous" crowd to form.

Just A Civilian (who's been reading science fiction for almost 50 years)

3/28/2011 11:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The animals are running wild! Be safe back each other up, it is going to be a long hot summer with rahmbo in the drivers seat!

3/28/2011 11:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A "flash mob", you nitwit..."

--3/28/2011 07:17:00 AM

Don't insult a person for not knowing a thirty-second old techno-trendy term -- in your own personal and extremely narrow interpretation, to boot.

"[It's a group of people who [use cell phones] to coordinate a song and dance routine an perform it in a public place without announcement other than to the actual performers..."

Is that what you call the bunch of idiots who swarmed the Lake Shore Drive mass casualty situation during the Groundhog Day blizzard -- not to help with blankets, hot drinks, or transportation, but to throw snowballs?

Facebook bites. I live my life just fine without it, thank you. It was never necessary before and is not necessary now.

All you little trendies with the fluorescent streak in your hair and the eyebrow stud and the slitty little black glasses are just clones of each other, mere walking collections of consumer products and brand names with nothing inside to speak of.

Bo-ring. You are all so five minutes ago.

3/28/2011 11:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Attempted murder charges in Forest Park attack on elderly"

Yeah, in the 'burbs, that's an attempt murder. In the city, it's just a battery.

City folk have to have a higher tolerance.

3/29/2011 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Lithuanian grandma would kick your ass for saying that shit, not to mention she would take out a few of the wilding dogs too, Didelis Bebis!

3/29/2011 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It is ridiculous that people are not allowed to protect themselves.

3/28/2011 03:27:00 AM

it is ridiculous that people wait to be allowed to protect themselves.

3/28/2011 11:56:00 AM

My mechanic is on West Division Street…he’s been our family mechanic for over 20 years. Honest, Humble and GOOD…He and his staff were robbed a few years back and his wife was pistol whipped by 3 savages before they gave up any money.

When I go there, I only have a Louisville Slugger with me in the car because I don’t want to lose my job for getting a UUW if I should get stopped en route to his garage. Make sure we ALL show up at the Tuesday press conference, in Chicago, at which Illinois politicians willing to go on the record against RTC will be trotted out. Apparently that means Anita Alvarez, she of the famous “I think there should be a law that nobody can buy a gun” interview.

I’ll be there.

3/29/2011 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is absolutely absurd that the 018th district does not deploy their tact teams out to Michigan ave. Instead they follow these kids around like critical mass. Why don't they wolf pack and stop these damned kids and lock them up or at least contact card/Anov them. They walk around for hours and they are allowed to roam the streets until it blows up by state and chicago and they run down to the red line and jump the gates. But the tact teams are busy processing their panhandlers. Im just saying...

3/29/2011 03:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as if none of this was happening when Keating was in charge of CCG--now that Daley is leaving and keating is safe in some other made up BS job--we can start to admit that crime exists in CCG....robberies, thefts, batteries, burglary--probably even domestics, trespass, damage to property, car thefts

3/29/2011 04:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just bought a new purse which actually has a holster in it. Just reach in and pull the trigger if needed. Wish one of these punks would try some shit on me!

This city is sunk. Two more years and adios. I miss the old CPD, won't miss this one when I'm gone!

3/29/2011 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT re: CM: "The Chicago Police Department is so undermanned that..." Good reason they should not be tied up escorting cyclists riding en masse.

3/29/2011 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 018th District tac team does panhandlers and criminal trespass to state supported land offenders. They can't and won't do anything else.

3/29/2011 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is absolutely absurd that the 018th district does not deploy their tact teams out to Michigan ave. Instead they follow these kids around like critical mass. Why don't they wolf pack and stop these damned kids and lock them up or at least contact card/Anov them. They walk around for hours and they are allowed to roam the streets until it blows up by state and chicago and they run down to the red line and jump the gates. But the tact teams are busy processing their panhandlers. Im just saying...

3/29/2011 03:31:00 AM
Lock em up anov them? OK for what? Civil rights violation? bye pension! Fuck it the politicians wanted this now they got the welfare breeders in full force!

3/29/2011 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The homeless are as big, if not a bigger problem down in CCG, they are EVERYWHERE, they are extremely aggressive and opportunists, most repeat offenders that are dealt with on a regular basis, with no clear answer in sight; you lock them up, they usually dont show in court and get a warrant, you find them and lock them up again and the case is almost always SOL and they are right back out. Some of these guys have 200 arrests! when they get chased out of CCG they end up in 012 in greektown, taylor st. areas as well as 013 in west loop area. It's maddening...

3/29/2011 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you do not own firearms and large quantities of ammunition you are a victim.

3/29/2011 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous PillowTalk™ with Leo and Mary said...

"They will have to start a Michigan Ave Special Detail."

This wilding nonsense NEVER would have happened in the '80s when we were on the "crack" Michigan Ave detail. How times have changed.

3/29/2011 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thinking I need to go hang out on Michigan off duty on a weekend night to add some notches to my belt! I can carry and I'm a damn good shot!

3/28/2011 11:41:00 PM

Nothing like contributing to the future case against you or someone else. SHATTUP ALREADY!

3/29/2011 01:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Name him in the narrative and that he ORDERED you to falsely reclassify the incident. If you don't, YOU could be the one getting jammed up somewhere down the road.

3/28/2011 10:25:00 PM

And why it got to be a he? We gots plenty of hers and everything between them two. We the CPD-21st Century Edition!

3/29/2011 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"My Lithuanian grandma would kick your ass for saying that shit, not to mention she would take out a few of the wilding dogs too, Didelis Bebis!"

--3/29/2011 01:14:00 AM

You mean "Cortez" ISN'T a Lithuanian name? I stand corrected -- or rather, I lay bleeding from Grandma's lightning-like moves with that rolling pin.

Lietuva, Tėvyne mūsų,
Tu didvyrių žeme...

3/29/2011 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is absolutely absurd that the 018th district does not deploy their tact teams out to Michigan ave. Instead they follow these kids around like critical mass. Why don't they wolf pack and stop these damned kids and lock them up or at least contact card/Anov them. They walk around for hours and they are allowed to roam the streets until it blows up by state and chicago and they run down to the red line and jump the gates. But the tact teams are busy processing their panhandlers. Im just saying...

3/29/2011 03:31:00 AM
Lock em up anov them? OK for what? Civil rights violation? bye pension! Fuck it the politicians wanted this now they got the welfare breeders in full force!

If people on an 18th District Tac team were/are afraid to lock these cocksuckers up or anov them because they are afraid of a civil rights violation beef maybe they should be selling used cars instead of being the police. It makes me glad that I'm retired when I hear such balless shit. It's no wonder that the fucking city is in such shit shape. Is it just the 18th District is the whole city gone?

3/29/2011 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mostly juveniles coordinating on Facebook and other social sites.

juvenile delinquents.

if that's not too politically incorrect.

and even if it is.

3/29/2011 09:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life without possibility of parole sounds about right.

3/28/2011 10:12:00 PM

parole without the possibility of life sounds better.

3/29/2011 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's maddening...

3/29/2011 09:00:00 AM

half measures generally are.

3/29/2011 09:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I discuss cases with fellow dicks, I use the monosyllables "perp" and "vic".

Using "perp" is like putting catsup on your hot dog.

3/29/2011 09:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Save yourself some time and just call the bike group Critical Massholes instead.

3/30/2011 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lock em up anov them? OK for what? Civil rights violation? bye pension! Fuck it the politicians wanted this now they got the welfare breeders in full force!

This is exactly what I'm talking about. People that are either scared or have no clue how to look for any little mistake to lock someone up, even if you have to get pimpy on them i.e. obstruction of traffic by non-motorist when these kids run through the streets or cross and violate crosswalk signs and nearly cause traffic crashes. Come on, there are tons of MCC's you can get them for. Some guys just need to grow a pair of balls or go find another job. Someone needs to step up and start challenging these savages...I guess 018th dist tact isn't up to it.

What if that was on of your loved ones that got severely beaten for a hundred bucks and a cell phone while shopping on the mag mile? Then would it be important?

3/30/2011 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to start deploying people who are willing to do a little work. The 018th district is in a backlog all summer long because you got guys sitting on parkers and other paper jobs for over 1hr and won't clear. CCG Dist. supervisors should man up and start treating those dog asses like, well you know dogs. Too many guys and gals on the job nowadays who only care about cashing their checks but won't earn a dime of it. Afraid of getting a CR...

3/30/2011 02:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

half measures generally are.

Half measures? well what's the answer, as I said they've been locked up hundreds of times, anoved to death etc, always BFW on their court dates, and then SOL when they actually do show up. What's the answer?????

3/30/2011 02:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the answer?????

3/30/2011 02:32:00 AM

you already know.


3/30/2011 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My wife visited Chicago a year ago and enjoyed the night club that played up the gangsters of the Thirties. She wanted to go there again with her friends and their husbands. I shared the stories I have read on here, and she didn't want to go back anymore. I will not go to Chicago, and I won't let her spend money to go back there. Kill a few hundred gangsters and we may reconsider, but I doubt it.

3/30/2011 11:43:00 PM  

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