Friday, April 22, 2011

This is "Building Morale"?

It sure looks like Rahm is going to have his work cut out for him, publicly stating he's looking to "raise morale" on the Department and then have the following bullshit to have to wade through:
  • A list of superintendent candidates with more baggage than a charter flight to South America;
  • Another try by Anita Alvarez to boost her career and secure a federal judgeship by indicting police officers for crimes that couldn't and wouldn't be charged the same on a regular joe;
  • Thirteen hundred SPARs for reading and/or printing a report without any proof anyone except one person ever distributed it outside of approved channels;
  • And the newest rumor that J-Fled is sticking around town in hopes of landing the IPRA job under the new administration
16 May is going to be a very interesting start to the next four years.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll have to say one thing. J-Fled would be the perfect head of IPRA. A useless political puppet heading a useless, corrupt, political organization dedicated to trying to screw cops for liberal communist subversives.

4/22/2011 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Daley boys made Rahm and they will control him all the time he serves. Richie will be like the Wizard of Oooze having the Little Ballerina do whatever he wants. The same crap that has been going on for years will continue. The more things change the more they stay the same.

4/22/2011 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4 years or next 20

4/22/2011 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Building Moral - Talk is cheap. Watch to see if the actions match the talk. Right now it doesn't look like it does it?

Same as it ever was.

4/22/2011 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Either way, the WHO sung it best in “Won’t get fooled again”. It goes like this, and repeat after me:
“Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
Don't get fooled again
No, no!


Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss”

4/22/2011 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That newest rumor is news to me and im finally going to join the bandwagon and do only what's required. The hair gels could have my spot, I got a family to feed.

4/22/2011 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, don't forget the GPS chipped Stars being handed out or the palm readers that appear to be getting installed in the districts.

Nothing like the complete lack of respect by monitoring your every move, in and out of the station.

4/22/2011 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be surprised!
If they can get to everyone entertaining, and visiting this blog, these fucking assholes would!
Unreal! If they didn't want anyone to get access, they should come up with a program that automatically CLASSIFIES it, where it would then be non accessible. Oh Boy, just gave an idea for one of those police computer fucks to claim as their own. Oh well.

4/21/2011 02:24:00 PM

There already IS a box to check to make a report 'eyes only'.

4/22/2011 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perfect job for that police hating rat JFled!

4/22/2011 02:02:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Building Morale?

They're still desperately trying to prove they're the smartest people in the world.

The funny part is they've badly outsmarted themselves in seeking the destruction of CPD. Nobody has tapped them on the shoulder to tell them just yet...

We'll see how they handle the summer killin' season with a Police Department deep in self preservation mode.

"We command you to at least pretend to give a shit."

As we recall one W/C saying, "You guys are compelled to really give a shit, I'm not. The brass gives even less of a shit and the Superintendent even that much less."

...A joy to work for, that one.

The outgoing and incoming administrations have no compelling reason to act honorably and deal truthfully with the members of this Department.

Decency, honor and respect are strange concepts to the likes of 9 and a half, crime king shorty and that misshappen, traitorous impersonator of a former Police Superintendent.

(That fool wants to run IPRA? It'll only be a platform for his revenge on the blueshirts for walking his stupid ass to a standstill. You think coppers have dialed back on being proactive now? CPD would grind to a screeching halt. J-fled at IPRA and Alvarez as S.A.? That would be like double-dog daring coppers to REALLY not give a shit.)

The war on the men and women of CPD continues unabated.

4/22/2011 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word is NOBLE has somehow been able to secure a real gem of a spot for a LT. Commanding Officer of the helicopter unit and marine unit. Good luck ED may the step stool help lift to up higher and higher. A Friend.

4/22/2011 02:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn, that j-fled is a LOSER

4/22/2011 03:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of morale, what's Penny up to these days?

4/22/2011 04:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you/we need morale? Is this going to change who we are?

I remember this, and I take it to my grave...

Circa 1999-2000 I was a young patrolman in 009. I still lived at home and my "old man" was still on the job. There was an Emergency call(from the old timers, 10yrs on, it's gotta be legit!) which resulted in a 10-1 at 51st just east of Halsted.

Everyone rolled(Duece and 21) and we dealt with the problem.

Unkown to me, my Dad who was a dick (A1/VC) and on his way home (pv),was talking on the phone (giant cell phone)to my Mother. He told her verbatim, "Hon hold on, I think there is an Emergency! I gotta go!"

Do you know why? Why was he jerked up and ready to roll with 26yrs on?

Because he/we, are the Chicago Police.

That is a brotherhood that only few people can share.

It was the greatest feeling of pride, brotherhood, that anyone could ever have. I stood up next to my hero, and we were ready to take on the world!

I am The Chicago Police.....

4/22/2011 04:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago Police Superintendent Test

1. Daley nephew kills kid + flees scene + alters his appearance =
A) Nothing
B) Nada
C) No charges
D) All of the above

2. CPD Sgt slaps piece of shit 3 times =
A) No pension
B) Fired
C) Prison
D) All of the above

3. CPD Officer smacks piece of shit + aggrees to 2 year susp =
A) Federal prison
B) Fired
C) J-fled fuck-over
D) All of the above

4. CPD white shirt with juice fucks-up =
A) Same as question #1
B) Number 1 answer
C) Pick D dummy
D) All of the above

4/22/2011 04:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was reading a comment on another post about the St. Judes parade. I became a Gold Star Member not by choice. There is no glamor in being one actually its horriable. When the funeral is all over everything becomes quiet. No one wants to bother you so the phone calls stop and so do the visitors. The feeling is nothing anyone should go through. I have attended St. Judes every year and when you (not your bosses) walk past the grand stand and look our way the lump in my throat and the tears in my eyes is overwhelming. I know you feel for me because you got out of the bed and walked to see me and showed respect to all of them that left us way too soon. I respect you more than you will ever know. Do not let anyone tell you not to go to St. Judes. Go because you want to. If you have an issue with it not being on Michigan ave well ask yourself this "wouldn't I go say goodbye no matter where my brother in blue was?" Stay strong and stay safe. A Gold Star Family Member

4/22/2011 05:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ED has no business commanding anything but his July party at his house. He was pissed that he didn't get the command spot in the deuce. Uncle Eugene dicided to put a pacifier in his mouth with the helicopter unit. That shit won't last. Sale more NOBLE tickets ED.

4/22/2011 05:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Palm readers for everyone very shortly!

4/22/2011 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll have to say one thing. J-Fled would be the perfect head of IPRA. A useless political puppet heading a useless, corrupt, political organization dedicated to trying to screw cops for liberal communist subversives.

4/22/2011 12:12:00 AM

No, thanks. Been there, done that, with JPWeis.

4/22/2011 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Jfed secures ANY position in city government in Chicago then it confirms that we're operating under consent decree (not an advertised one ) on the QT as a favor I'm sure to the Daley regime.

4/22/2011 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JFled can't be any worse than Ilana the police hater

4/22/2011 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J fled head of I Piss &Run Away im seeing it LIFM

4/22/2011 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm will never forget we endorsed Chico.

4/22/2011 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Decency, honor and respect are strange concepts to the likes of 9 and a half, crime king shorty and that misshappen, traitorous impersonator of a former Police Superintendent.

The war on the men and women of CPD continues unabated.

4/22/2011 02:04:00 AM

True, true, true! Tiny Dancer 9.5, Crime King Shorty and J-FLED the COWARD are void of decency, honor and respect.

4/22/2011 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing like the complete lack of respect by monitoring your every move, in and out of the station.

The problem is that there are many who need to be monitored. A few bad apples in the bunch spoil it for the rest.

4/22/2011 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
SCC, don't forget the GPS chipped Stars being handed out or the palm readers that appear to be getting installed in the districts. Nothing like the complete lack of respect by monitoring your every move, in and out of the station.
4/22/2011 01:47:00 AM

If you're worried about the stars get the patches sewn on genius. And leave your star at home.

4/22/2011 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they(dept.)can block you from visiting the SCC blog at work you would think they could block you(po's) from reading certain case reports-

4/22/2011 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Whatever, kid. Try not to get Rule 14'ed tonight, ok?

4/22/2011 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

4/22/2011 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 4.40am.............You're Fucking-A right on that.

4/22/2011 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least one in MSF is doing his best to build morale! SL is taking great steps in his Co to make sure his guys are happy. Says he's going to bring back the morale inducing parties. He says the other LT's have fucked up a good thing and he is going to do what he can to bring back morale. More cookouts this Summer too!
May be too late Lt, but I'm liking your new stance in MSF. Way to go!


4/22/2011 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Because he/we, are the Chicago Police.

That is a brotherhood that only few people can share.

It was the greatest feeling of pride, brotherhood, that anyone could ever have. I stood up next to my hero, and we were ready to take on the world!

I am The Chicago Police....."
Yes, you are. And as such, you are supposed to be seen as a role model.
Problem is, you "role models" break the law/rules just as much as anyone. Yet when you get caught, you whine that you are being treated unfairly!
Here's an idea - you want to uphold the laws & be seen as a role model, glad to have you as a cop...You violate the laws/rules, you get treated just like any other P.O.S.
Why is that so hard to understand?
They are not coming after you because you're cops, they are coming after you because some think they are above the laws/rules that we trust you to uphold.

4/22/2011 09:15:00 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

locking up felons, kick ass car chases, the endless craziness you encounter while on patrol, working for a good boss who told you that you did something real great or real stupid and then explained himself---- that was morale building--- watching coppers getting locked up, working for shit bosses, watching our manpower being whittled down--- morale killer--- daley, ballerino, possum head are all of the same ilk--- they tell you to charge but they never charged themselves....

4/22/2011 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares? I just answer my jobs, write paper and advise warrants.

4/22/2011 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Truth Be Told, said...

Anonymous said...

... Do you know why? Why was he jerked up and ready to roll with 26yrs on?

Because he/we, are the Chicago Police.

That is a brotherhood that only few people can share.

It was the greatest feeling of pride, brotherhood, that anyone could ever have. I stood up next to my hero, and we were ready to take on the world!

I am The Chicago Police.....

4/22/2011 04:40:00 AM

Truth be told, the attitude hasn't changed much... at least not on the street when the fur is flying.

Guys have just found a place, (here on SCC), to whine and cry about every little thing that pisses them off. These rants used to be aired in the locker room, at roll call or with your partner while saving the city, but the blog allows them to really vent and do it anonymously. Don't take it so seriously.

4/22/2011 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to admit some of cpd believed Rahm ( a politician)
I will consider residency
want raise morale of cpd officers

wake up boys and girls

no more voting democratic
we couldn't even elect one of our own on the northside , he lost aldcreature spot bt 24 votes

4/22/2011 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That newest rumor is news to me and im finally going to join the bandwagon and do only what's required. The hair gels could have my spot, I got a family to feed.

4/22/2011 01:34:00 AM
That is what I have been doing for a longtime now. Want to keep the job, not get hurt chasing the animal why bother? As long as they stay in their own fucked up areas and don't roam let the biggest dog survive!

4/22/2011 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

48 years ago an "old timer" told me: "KID, YOU HAVE FRONT ROW SEATS TO THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH, SIT BACK AND ENJOY THE CIRCUS". Retired a few years now I wish all you young officers the best of luck.

4/22/2011 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

little earl got that spot huh. can he FLY

4/22/2011 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what we get when less than 40 percent of the electorate comes out on a cold day to vote, and then 20 percent of the electorate gets to choose our leaders.

it's time to move the elections to a different time of year.

4/22/2011 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was the greatest feeling of pride, brotherhood, that anyone could ever have. I stood up next to my hero, and we were ready to take on the world!

I am The Chicago Police.....

4/22/2011 04:40:00 AM

Great story and I think most will agree. You won't just stand there and let it burn if it's going on in front of you. The very sight of savages acting like the barbaric predators they are right in front of you will move you to action if you have any decency or sense of what's right.

There will, however, be a definite hold back on how far it can go before something is done, and that's just common sense in this environment of liberals screwing cops for anything they can.

4/22/2011 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT - Where's My Free Shit?

Today marks the first of five "shutdown days" for Cook County government designed to help close a huge budget deficit. This morning on Good Day Chicago (Fox Morning News) they were by one of the clinics interviewing people who were turned away for services. They were OUTRAGED! They were going to have to be inconvenienced AGAIN on another day to come down and get their FREE services. How unfair.

4/22/2011 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:

Do you/we need morale? Is this going to change who we are?

I remember this, and I take it to my grave...

Circa 1999-2000 I was a young patrolman in 009. I still lived at home and my "old man" was still on the job. There was an Emergency call(from the old timers, 10yrs on, it's gotta be legit!) which resulted in a 10-1 at 51st just east of Halsted.

Everyone rolled(Duece and 21) and we dealt with the problem.

Unkown to me, my Dad who was a dick (A1/VC) and on his way home (pv),was talking on the phone (giant cell phone)to my Mother. He told her verbatim, "Hon hold on, I think there is an Emergency! I gotta go!"

Do you know why? Why was he jerked up and ready to roll with 26yrs on?

Because he/we, are the Chicago Police.

That is a brotherhood that only few people can share.

It was the greatest feeling of pride, brotherhood, that anyone could ever have. I stood up next to my hero, and we were ready to take on the world!

I am The Chicago Police.....

4/22/2011 04:40:00 AM

U bring up a great memory for me. I was very young on the job with less than a year on when we got a call of people breaking into trains. We stopped one guy fitting the description and the fight was on. This was a big mf'r. We called for help and fought our asses off for the few minutes it took for them to get there but the first guy on scene saw us fighting and jumped out of the still moving car and came over and spear tackled the shithead and helped us cuff him. Then the whole neighborhood came out on us and the blue lights came flying in to help. It was a wild scene but maybe the most proud I've ever been to be the police. All these people were over there fighting for me and my partner, to get us out of there safe and home to our families. I loved being the police in those days. Would have taken a bullet for a lot of those guys on the watch.
Now, I'm just going through the motions. My whole goal is to not get sued or fired. That's the only thing u can do now. They're not looking to help you out of any jams anymore. They're trying to bury you!! It's not worth it. I don't have much pride in what I do anymore, but theres really no other way to work for this place. One small mistake out of clean 30 year career and they look to hang u. It's not worth it.

4/22/2011 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah well J-Fled said he was going to raise morale too and you see what that got us. At the Police-Fire boxing event, Rahm sat with fire and had nothing to do with police "people" whatsoever besides a dirty look or two. But then again, the fire dept does'nt have a website bashing his brains in either

4/22/2011 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 4:40 am. Gag me. A lot of red flags here. Still living at home, Dad is a dick with scanner in pv,
and all are watching way too much hollywood made tv shows.

4/22/2011 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word is NOBLE has somehow been able to secure a real gem of a spot for a LT. Commanding Officer of the helicopter unit and marine unit. Good luck ED may the step stool help lift to up higher and higher. A Friend.

4/22/2011 02:08:00 AM

This is totally true! And totally against what that moron georgas tried to pull to get his guy in there! SG is totally seething that he hasn't been able to get his guy in that spot and has been plotting to get ED out, one way or another. Only hope is that SG will get bit on the ass and shown the door, hoepfully as a field lieutenant in a far south side district. SG another example of a worthless, back-stabbing, over-promoted POS!

4/22/2011 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Word is NOBLE has somehow been able to secure a real gem of a spot for a LT. Commanding Officer of the helicopter unit and marine unit. Good luck ED may the step stool help lift to up higher and higher. A Friend.

4/22/2011 02:08:00 AM


PLEASE don't tell me this is the infamous Errol D. from A/2! That guy is a useless moron! If the spot is going to a black Officer, it's a slap in the face to the numerous other black Officers who would be an asset to this unit, not this incompetent ass!

4/22/2011 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm makes Daley look great!! Answer, respond to calls and pull multiple evno's(park checks, el checks)..nothing more

4/22/2011 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/22/2011 02:04:00 AM

Anonymous said...Word is NOBLE has somehow been able to secure a real gem of a spot for a LT. Commanding Officer of the helicopter unit and marine unit. Good luck ED may the step stool help lift to up higher and higher. A Friend.

I'm not a big ED fan but if this spot is such a gem, whats the problem with another race finally having someone represented as c/o? You cant possibly believe all these years that the white c/o's didn't have clout to get the spot. Check out the ratio before you start throwing out the hate.

4/22/2011 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Denise Domagala's email She told me how her husband love to talk "police" Please drop him a line. We should make sure that he know WE NEVER FORGET.

4/21/2011 08:34:00 PM


This is from yesterdays "here come the SPAR's" topic. For those of you who haven't read it, please check it out. We know the city could care less about us but please let this family know WE ARE THERE FOR THEM. This was a horrible tragedy and could happen to any one of us on any given day.
Please let them know you care.
Thank You and BE SAFE!

4/22/2011 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC, you got a nice plug on channel 9 from Marcella Raymond. Keep up the great work !

4/22/2011 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please move along, nothing to see here....just a dead city..................

4/22/2011 12:16:00 PM  
Blogger Frustrated 50 said...

WGN Mid day news covered the 1300 SPARS and showed a picture of the SCC Blog.

4/22/2011 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD is screwed, period.

4/22/2011 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not impressed with any of the so called finalists. They all have baggage. Can't we get a real leader?!

4/22/2011 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The Daley boys made Rahm and they will control him all the time he serves. Richie will be like the Wizard of Oooze having the Little Ballerina do whatever he wants. The same crap that has been going on for years will continue. The more things change the more they stay the same.

4/22/2011 12:13:00 AM

100% Wrong! Rahm chased The midget off the 5th floor with threats of indictment for him and the family. The players will change but the game remains the same.

4/22/2011 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, don't forget the GPS chipped Stars being handed out or the palm readers that appear to be getting installed in the districts.
You my friend are a fool. You think they can fit a gps in your star? It's called an RFID. It's used to open doors and convey other info at close range ( the key cards have this technology).

4/22/2011 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 440, I felt that way at my MARINE CORPS graduation. I hope your father is enjoying retirement.

4/22/2011 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Next four years", you mean the next few decades right? Rahm is part of the machine and will rule as mayor for term after term after term until he decides to quit and then they will find another successor.

4/22/2011 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find that very hard to believe since the Mayor Elect Rahm E. had no intentions of extending this Idiot's Contract, and knew he had to go. So, I don't believe this for a second!

4/22/2011 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an example of "The Brotherhood" The sonof murdered Police Officer (ET) Michael Flisk was involved in a fight at Bourbon St. Just a fight, no big deal, no one injured, no one locked up. The kid tells a CPD Officer, sucking up on his half price meal out of the City, he is the son of a CPD Officer killed in the line of duty (the kid is also a member of the Gold Star Families). CPD Officer shouts, "I don't give a fuck who your father was". So much for the "Brotherhood" The CPD will stay fucked up as long as there are people like this employeed there.

4/22/2011 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Detective arrested for Indecent exposure?

4/22/2011 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I’m a Sergeant and agree that IAD has screwed up with the initiation of the SPARs. Someone jumped the gun and I bet this person was prompted meritoriously.

To disclose, I reviewed the arrest report, as I have done numerous times before. I review for personal growth for this job, absolutely, but never for personal use.

I took two Sergeant promotional exams. Both exams had sections with completed case and arrest reports and participants were asked to review these documents and correct. There is no better approach then to review actual case and arrest reports. The last Sergeant promotional exam had a main question regarding the arrest of a PO for domestic battery and subsequent sub-questions regarding the processing of that arrest.

To tell officers not to review case and arrest reports is dim-witted. Our reports are consistently review by the courts. Should we also prevent Officers from reviewing US Supreme Courts, 7th Circuit, etc. decisions, particularly any decision which involves a case and/or arrest report from Chicago.

I remember when Asset forfeiture came to roll calls and explained the process of seizing money from suspects of drug dealing (no drugs recovered). Asset forfeiture provided a case report for guidance. That report helped when I handled those situations.

This is the problem with merit promotions. They didn’t make it on their own and then never took the time to improve themselves.

4/22/2011 03:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:40 am Nicely said! To all our CPD brothers Have a Blessed Easter to you and your families

4/22/2011 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to know what is going on with Sgt. Smith (AKA Gerstner) from 009/193 and the investigation regarding her driving the "SD" to do an aggravated battery. Alverez charges Sgt. Howard for protecting himself but this goof is still on the job collecting a check (although in callback) and seems to be immune to any prosecution. What gives?

4/22/2011 04:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@4:40 am...Thanks for your post. I enjoyed it.

Thoughts to share of my own...

Let me start off by saying that I Iove this job. There are certain aspects of this job that irritate me, but I still like being the Police.

My concern is that we seem to be turning on each other. Why do I say this? There are coppers, like myself, that still like to work. What I've noticed is the lack of backup because some coppers have the blue flu. You don't want to write paper, that's fine. But that's no reason to not patrol the streets and be available for your brothers and sisters in need.

It's getting crazier by the day out here. We need each other because this City doesn't have our back. The media loves it when we fall. Anita A wants the notoriety. Our mayor is a mystery and we have our doubts. We just have to stop shooting ourselves in the foot, so-to-speak.

When your brother or sister screws up, pull them to the side and have a talk with them. Let them know that it's unacceptable behavior and just uncool. We have to have each others back in all aspects of this job. We have to take care of each other so that we stop feeding the frenzy with bad publicity. Afterall, we are family. Right?

4/22/2011 04:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

President Shields throwing down the gauntlet regarding SCCs blogmaster...see FOPs website, Daily Updates.

The kid's got balls, gotta say that much. Nice change over the prior regime, thats for sure.

4/22/2011 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you honestly think that the ballerina is concerned about morale with any city department?
What you should be concerned about is Shields stealing your vote. How come there is no outrage over that?

4/22/2011 05:04:00 PM  
Anonymous In Case You Missed It said...

FYI - WGN Noon News had the blog on the screen today while discussing the 1300 officers SPARRED... you insignificant blog, you!

4/22/2011 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are not coming after you because you're cops, they are coming after you because some think they are above the laws/rules that we trust you to uphold.

4/22/2011 09:15:00 AM

i feel so much better now.


4/22/2011 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

deb kirby was the same yahoo that did nothing while sos went on a spree of roling home invasions. then she had the stones to take credit when suchocki &sherry were wrongly arrested. screw her!

4/22/2011 06:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When your brother or sister screws up, pull them to the side and have a talk with them. Let them know that it's unacceptable behavior and just uncool. We have to have each others back in all aspects of this job. We have to take care of each other so that we stop feeding the frenzy with bad publicity. Afterall, we are family. Right?

4/22/2011 04:14:00 PM

ya wanna pass that joint, or do you plan on eating the whole thing?

4/22/2011 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's time to move the elections to a different time of year.

4/22/2011 10:31:00 AM

what, and actually risk having a Democracy?

4/22/2011 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't take it so seriously.

4/22/2011 09:58:00 AM

i don't.


4/22/2011 07:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Whatever, kid. Try not to get Rule 14'ed tonight, ok?

4/22/2011 08:50:00 AM

i'll flip a coin.

4/22/2011 07:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

President Shields throwing down the gauntlet regarding SCCs blogmaster...see FOPs website, Daily Updates.

The kid's got balls, gotta say that much. Nice change over the prior regime, thats for sure.

4/22/2011 04:16:00 PM

but where are his brains?

4/22/2011 07:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Denise Domagala's email She told me how her husband love to talk "police" Please drop him a line. We should make sure that he know WE NEVER FORGET.

4/21/2011 08:34:00 PM

His name is Bernie, I think...If thats who im thinking of he was a great copper...!

4/22/2011 07:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to know what is going on with Sgt. Smith (AKA Gerstner) from 009/193 and the investigation regarding her driving the "SD" to do an aggravated battery. Alverez charges Sgt. Howard for protecting himself but this goof is still on the job collecting a check (although in callback) and seems to be immune to any prosecution. What gives?

4/22/2011 04:01:00 PM

Video is the difference. Not that hard to understand.

4/22/2011 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every time I read this blog I am amazed at the idiotic things that the politicians and the command officers of CPD do that negatively affect the blue shirts. It's not that hard to run a department well and as a result, morale will naturally rise. Give the officers the equipment and training that they need to perform their jobs properly and safely, back them up when ridiculous complaints are brought by ghetto thugs, don't micromanage, promote qualified individuals, don't listen to store front reverends and discipline officers swiftly and fairly when they screw up. See how easy that was?

4/22/2011 07:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Here's an example of "The Brotherhood" The sonof murdered Police Officer (ET) Michael Flisk was involved in a fight at Bourbon St. Just a fight, no big deal, no one injured, no one locked up. The kid tells a CPD Officer, sucking up on his half price meal out of the City, he is the son of a CPD Officer killed in the line of duty (the kid is also a member of the Gold Star Families). CPD Officer shouts, "I don't give a fuck who your father was". So much for the "Brotherhood" The CPD will stay fucked up as long as there are people like this employeed there.

4/22/2011 02:19:00 PM

There has always been people like that employed here.

4/22/2011 07:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

SCC, don't forget the GPS chipped Stars being handed out or the palm readers that appear to be getting installed in the districts.
You my friend are a fool. You think they can fit a gps in your star? It's called an RFID. It's used to open doors and convey other info at close range ( the key cards have this technology).

4/22/2011 01:24:00 PM

Oh they can get GPS in those stars, and voice recorders and transmitters too so they can record everything you say. And thought readers too, yup, they have those in there too, a guy who knows a guy told me.

But they won't record me because I have my tin foil liner on under my wig. I outsmarted them all right, real good high tensel strength tin foil too, that will block all the thought waves. I've got it all figured out.

4/22/2011 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The kid is a goof. If he really doesn't know why SCC is anonymous he is an idiot if he does he is a ballerino plant.

4/22/2011 08:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

President Shields throwing down the gauntlet regarding SCCs blogmaster...see FOPs website, Daily Updates.

The kid's got balls, gotta say that much. Nice change over the prior regime, thats for sure.

4/22/2011 04:16:00 PM

"The kid's got balls". You got to be kidding me. This is the same piece of work who pimped himself on the blog to push his election. He even had one of his losing canidates Glen P on here defending the lies given during the election.

Beware! What's good for shields one day is not the next. He will be the same when it comes to union issues.

I thought Gorman and Saul were to handle shootings but now they are not? Another flip from his campaign.

4/22/2011 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic:

You heard it here first.

Obama's 'drug czar' (Polish guy) will be next Supt.
Look for Kirby to be the 1st Deputy ('the whip').
Look for Wysinger to move up after the first two are
in place. Williams will remain where he is, or be forced to retire. Let's just hope that if that should happen to Williams that Alexander isn't promoted further up his chain of incompetence.

4/22/2011 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! More Kool-Aid!!!!

Mmmmmm! Grape!

I feel so much better now!

4/22/2011 08:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frank Main said on WLS-AM that the Newark NJ Police Director, former #3 guy in NYPD is going to be our next Supe.

Read the article I got from a buddy of mine who is a copper in Newark.
From Rockland addition of Journal news

NYPD brass gets summons

(Original Publication: February 25, 2005)

A New York City deputy police commissioner from West Nyack won't face a departmental review for a Palisades Interstate Parkway summons he received in New Jersey when police said he tried to get an officer to dismiss a parking ticket his daughter had just received.

Garry McCarthy, was given a summons for obstructing vehicle and pedestrian traffic; his wife, Regina McCarthy, was given a summons for making unreasonable noises; his 18-year-old daughter, Kyla, received a ticket for illegally parking in a handicapped spot.

Regina McCarthy declined comment on the incident yesterday.
Palisades Parkway Police Detective Lt. Nelson Pagan yesterday gave the following account

About 11:20 p.m., officers were writing tickets at the Sunoco station on the PIP's northbound side. Kyla McCarthy's car was one of several parked in handicapped spots with no placards indicating that the drivers were allowed to be there.

"She apparently cell phoned her father, who was on his way home," Pagan said, adding that Regina McCarthy was traveling with her husband.

"They pulled into the gas station and he confronted the officer about his daughter receiving a ticket. The situation escalated verbally. Then his wife chimed in."

By 11:50 p.m., the McCarthys had been given their summonses and released.

They were not arrested nor were they handcuffed, as had been reported in other accounts, Pagan said.

The family is due in court May 10 in Alpine, N.J., and face individual fines that range from $30 to $150, Pagan said.
So much for a man who is supposed to show the utmost integrity. Especially since NYPD is trying to discipline 400 coppers for doing the same thing in Bronx Precincts.

My guy also told me that after McC became Newark PD's #1, he tried to get the police agency that ticketed him disbanded under the guise of cost cutting and redundency.

4/22/2011 09:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wondering if SCC could help make this video viral. I'm not shocked that most have yet to see this video but this is a hate crime at its finest, a black on white crime which gets no publicity. Girl beaten until she is seizuring. Straight from Drudge Report

4/22/2011 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, and how many "cops" voted for these bums. We've got to be smarter.

4/22/2011 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Next four years", you mean the next few decades right? Rahm is part of the machine and will rule as mayor for term after term after term until he decides to quit and then they will find another successor.

4/22/2011 01:50:00 PM

SO wrong. He's an overachiever. He wants to be President.

4/22/2011 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uilding Moral - Talk is cheap. Watch to see if the actions match the talk.

What are you going to do about it. Punk.

4/22/2011 10:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The word on the street is the stuff leaked to the media was stuff only a BOSS can print up or access. Anyone know any info?

4/22/2011 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

100% Wrong! Rahm chased The midget off the 5th floor with threats of indictment for him and the family. The players will change but the game remains the same.

I dont know who your resources are but you are wrong!
The midgetS had been planing this chess move for a year long



Wake up and smell the coffee kid
Im sure you are some of the few that voted for stubby

4/22/2011 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kirby as 1st Dep would bring the CPD crashing down harder and further then Jodi ever have done.

4/22/2011 10:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much manpower and what is the cost of this investigation? Number of hours multiplied by number of personnel multiplied by hourly salary? As a taxpayer I want to know, and all for what??

4/22/2011 10:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1,300 SPARS will be issued because of incompetent leaders that need a distraction from their failed systems and security measures they've created.

Let's face it.

Data in a computer system can be locked down on an individual basis with access denied to anyone.

If they did not want you to have access to that database then the access should be taken away.

Highly sensitive data should not go into a database that thousands of people have access to. You might just as well post it on a public bulletin board. What's the matter with these people can't they think?

This is a management failure that is being turned into a political football to save face for THEIR failures.

If you did not want people looking at the data you should of protected it in the database better. Plain and simple.

Everyone's on the defensive and it's b.s.

It's the system that is a failure.

You take this one and how do you know if you're really authorized to look at anything in that database?

Either you are or you're not -- which is it right?

4/22/2011 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aren't case reports and arrest reports a matter of public record? If so, what can they do to anyone who looked up a "public record"?

4/22/2011 11:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Palm readers for everyone very shortly!

4/22/2011 06:38:00 AM

Isn't that the chrystal ball unit?

4/23/2011 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The McDonald's beat down video of the blacks who beat a white girl until she has a seizure was taken down. Shaved has it up. Watch the video.

4/23/2011 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Wondering if SCC could help make this video viral. I'm not shocked that most have yet to see this video but this is a hate crime at its finest, a black on white crime which gets no publicity. Girl beaten until she is seizuring. Straight from Drudge Report
Where is the outrage from Al, Jesse, the Huffington Post, the mainstream media, the Southern Poverty Justice people?

4/23/2011 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, please say a prayer that Gene Williams is not our next Superintendent. The national leader of N.O.B.L.E will drown our department.

4/23/2011 02:56:00 AM  
Anonymous wojo said...

Denise Domagala is the wife of Bernie Domagala formerly assigned to gang crimes south and a member of HBT who was shot in the head during an HBT standoff. He is still very much the Police at heart,and Denise did a wonderful job sticking by his side and raising two sons.

4/23/2011 03:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is this guy about

4/23/2011 04:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, 9:15am, you just don't seem to get it. We do not disagree with coppers getting punished. Nobody likes the Callaghans or the Abattes here anymore than you do. They should have never been allowed on this job to begin with. What we object to is the way coppers are prosecuted and the extent. Take Sgt. Howard for eample. That man has been on this job for over twenty four years. I'd be willing to bet that during those twenty four years hs has done more good, returned more to society than one thousand regular Joes yet he defends himself against a REAL POS and look what happens. A felony charge. That means his entire life is ruined for as you might say "a mistake". All the good he has done in those twentyfour years means nothing. Gone, out the window. Same thing with Bill Cozzi. Bill once worked for me. You will never meet a nicer guy, a harder worker or a more honest guy thn Bill Cozzi. Another one that returned more to socity or did more good than most people. Yet he makes ONE mistake and where does all that hard work INCLUDING two tours of duty serving his country in Iraq get him? A jail cell.Is that right? I say no. And so would you if you were honest. The "system" goes after coppers for almost everything yet it ignores the same type of behavior commited by others. Try to get a regular Joe charged with agg battery on a public way and see what happens. I'll tell you what will happen. Nothing. Yet a copper slaps a CRIMINAL a few times and he gets a felony charged. It ain't right.

4/23/2011 04:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, please say a prayer that Gene Williams is not our next Superintendent. The national leader of N.O.B.L.E will drown our department.

PLEASE get your facts straight. Williams is president only of the Chicago chapter, NOT the national.
It's ok for latinos, Irish, Italians and Greeks to form
and support their organizations within the LE community. Only when blacks attempt to do the
same does the panic begin. There have been other
members of N.O.B.L.E. who have been past Supts.,
such as Fred Rice, Leroy Martin, and Terry Hillard.
Now go shit your pants.

4/23/2011 05:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic:

You heard it here first.

Obama's 'drug czar' (Polish guy) will be next Supt.
Look for Kirby to be the 1st Deputy ('the whip').
Look for Wysinger to move up after the first two are

First of all, 'Kerlikowske' is not Polish. It's NOT Kerlikow-ski.
Actually he's Irish!
His name used to be... O'Kerlikowske but his kids had trouble spelling apostrophe so he dropped the 'O.'

4/23/2011 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is this guy about

4/23/2011 04:21:00 AM

Al has had the rails greased for him for a long while. It's easy to be a "nice guy" when you are on top.

His handlers blew it when they gave him the Lambert Tree for popping off a round after visiting his mother back in the old neighborhood.

Al took the Department's top award at the expense of some one else who deserved it. That was unconscionable and should not EVER be forgotten.

4/23/2011 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that the infamous "KB -now in 023" filed a grievance for being dumped from Intelligence?

4/23/2011 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Wondering if SCC could help make this video viral. I'm not shocked that most have yet to see this video but this is a hate crime at its finest, a black on white crime which gets no publicity. Girl beaten until she is seizuring. Straight from Drudge Report
Where is the outrage from Al, Jesse, the Huffington Post, the mainstream media, the Southern Poverty Justice people?

4/23/2011 01:00:00 AM

Hmm maybe that white "girl" got beat up because she, I mean he was a man in the woman's bathroom. Yes he was a dude dressed in women's clothes. When they asked him to leave the bathroom and use the men's he got confrontational and got his ass kicked. If my kid/wife was in that bathroom and a person who hasn't gone through the sexual re-identification or transgendered surgery was in there I'd kick their ass!! I'm all for gay and transgendered rights but come on use the bathroom of your current sexual gender not what you're dressed up as for that day. It's funny how we as the police complain that they only show part of a video without giving the whole narrative about what transpired first but yet you all are ready to have them convicted of a hate crime.

4/23/2011 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just watched the white girl who got the beat down from all those black girls.

If that was a black girl getting beat by white girls, the rev's and all the play pretend preachers would be up in arms. Obrama would be slurring his crap as well. As would Jesse jackson.

It would be all over the news. I am a white male. I will not vote ever agian until I am given a link card and a full free ride for my kid to go to college. I want I want I want. Hey it works for these do nothings, why not have it work for me?

4/23/2011 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
deb kirby was the same yahoo that did nothing while sos went on a spree of roling home invasions. then she had the stones to take credit when suchocki &sherry were wrongly arrested. screw her!

4/22/2011 06:17:00 PM

YES, but her and Rahm have things in common, Gray hair, ballet lessons, and PMS...

4/23/2011 03:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rahms' new nickname-----nine fingers

4/23/2011 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

out of sarcasm I posted ( that didnt get posted )when asked about 4 references for this top position : Obama, Clinton, Rezko, etc. I was'nt far off was I

4/23/2011 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that the infamous "KB -now in 023" filed a grievance for being dumped from Intelligence?

4/23/2011 10:01:00 AM

Who the fuck cares???

4/23/2011 08:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that the infamous "KB -now in 023" filed a grievance for being dumped from Intelligence?

4/23/2011 10:01:00 AM

Who the fuck cares???
Meahler Meahler Meahler

While no fan of KB Mikey Meahler just can't escape the fact that controversey follows you wherever you go! Another Morale builder BS Gold Star -not the po po

4/23/2011 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rahms' new nickname-----nine fingers

4/23/2011 06:51:00 PM

We've been through all of this nickname stuff already. Where have you been?

It's Lord Rahmbo Tiny Dancer 9.5, or LRTD 9.5, or just 9.5, for short, because he has visions of grandeur, he'll use a bazooka to vanquish you, he's short in physical stature, he's a trained dancer and he's short of ten fingers, but has more than nine.

4/24/2011 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Daley Boyz didn't make Rahm. Just the evil Daley. The whole world is about to discover who the evil one is.

4/26/2011 10:34:00 AM  
Blogger paddyo'chare said...

I'll tell you one thing. I see a Guiness World Book of Records in our future. With all those spars! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

4/27/2011 06:51:00 AM  
Blogger paddyo'chare said...

I'm only going to explain this one time and then I want that to be the END of it. You are police. Highly intelligent, professionally and extensively trained police officers. Drop the fairy tale. Do you really think that anything needed to be "leaked" to the media when we are talking about a marked blue and white police tahoe traveling down a busy Chicago thoroughfare with a female bouncing up and down on the lap of a male with a Chgo police uniform shirt on and another person with a Chgo police uniform on? Is it that you think perhaps the cameras on the cell phones of the hundreds of people they passed were disabled by the GPS units in their secret and magical stars? The only leak in that case went down a pair of 50/50 navy blue, polyester pants. That is all.

4/27/2011 07:14:00 AM  

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