Thursday, December 01, 2011

The Latest JibJab

Always good for a laugh:

We also added a link in the right hand toolbar that has all of the JibJab submissions for your enjoyment.



Anonymous The Jib Jabber said...


12/01/2011 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous The Jib Jabber said...

I submit, for your enjoyment...

Tree Slaughter

Feliz Navidad

A Farting Christmas Carol

Menorah Hora

Winter Wonderland

Hanukkah Rap

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

12/01/2011 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an ugly prick

12/01/2011 04:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sucks!

12/01/2011 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/01/2011 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a side note. For a lot of laughs and opinion of OWS protestors and the younger generations listen at this link. Copy & paste.

Very true and so funny.

Adam Carolla Breaks Down Occupy Movement: F-n Self-Entitled Monsters’

Some people have a way of breaking down an issue, laying it out in its simplest, most rudimentary form. Comic and podcaster Adam Carolla did just that recently when he unleashed what many conservatives will hail an acerbic yet painfully accurate debunking of the Occupy movement and its self-ascribed motivations. The nearly ten minute long lampooning of America’s new “f–king self-entitled monsters“ who ”think the world owes them a living” is peppered with very strong language, still, Carolla’s observations are worth listening through to the end...............

12/01/2011 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something totally unrelated to this:Commander of 007 deems it appropriate to have the watch commanders/lieutenants threaten po's with shorter furlos and denial of time off if they do not purchase a district Christmas party ticket. I guess nobody is buying tickets and thus he will lose some money he paid out of pocket. Gee, when you treat your officers like crap and your racism is blatantly on display then I guess nobody will support you and buy tickets. You reap what you sow.

12/01/2011 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gag, choke, vomit!

12/01/2011 12:41:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

it looked like a combination of robert plant, david lee roth, and gene simmons with a bad bad hair day--- party like a rockstar rahmbo, hoes all over and enough booger sugar to keep you on cloud nine for a month--- allah akbar...

12/01/2011 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/01/2011 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something totally unrelated to this:Commander of 007 deems it appropriate to have the watch commanders/lieutenants threaten po's with shorter furlos and denial of time off if they do not purchase a district Christmas party ticket. I guess nobody is buying tickets and thus he will lose some money he paid out of pocket. Gee, when you treat your officers like crap and your racism is blatantly on display then I guess nobody will support you and buy tickets. You reap what you sow.

12/01/2011 12:06:00 PM

How much shorter can they make our furlos now since we are only allowed our 14 day segment and 2 day extension for a total of 16 days(if manpower allows it).

12/01/2011 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

only 3 tickets sold on tne 3rd watch in 017, wonder why?? CAPT D.D. will be bringing her pets in to buy tickets along with her kissasses 1723 T.S. MANAGEMENT. the place is really shit because of CAPT. D.D.

12/01/2011 05:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something totally unrelated to this:Commander of 007 deems it appropriate to have the watch commanders/lieutenants threaten po's with shorter furlos and denial of time off if they do not purchase a district Christmas party ticket. I guess nobody is buying tickets and thus he will lose some money he paid out of pocket. Gee, when you treat your officers like crap and your racism is blatantly on display then I guess nobody will support you and buy tickets. You reap what you sow.

12/01/2011 12:06:00 PM

Here is something that you kids fail to realize.....the Christmas Party/RETIREMENT PARTY, is to honor the retirees. It is not about self-serving issues.
So buy your ticket to honor the guys/gals that worked their asses off for the past 20-30+ years. One day, God willing, you will be there also.

No one is forcing you to buy the tickets.

By the way, the Department only has to give you your entitled 14 day segment. Anything outside of those 14 days is called discretionary....a bonus.

Quit crying and grow up.

12/01/2011 05:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Give The People What They Want said...

Anonymous said...

12/01/2011 05:14:00 PM

Yet Hilarious!

12/01/2011 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something totally unrelated to this:Commander of 007 deems it appropriate to have the watch commanders/lieutenants threaten po's with shorter furlos and denial of time off if they do not purchase a district Christmas party ticket. I guess nobody is buying tickets and thus he will lose some money he paid out of pocket. Gee, when you treat your officers like crap and your racism is blatantly on display then I guess nobody will support you and buy tickets. You reap what you sow.

The holiday party is going to be great! The food at sox park is excellent and well probably get a free cpd cup or something. Just buy a ticket and we will all have a splendid time!

Love, Joe

12/01/2011 11:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I would rather go to a private party for the retiree, if I actually liked them..If no party planned, then take them out to dinner with some coworkers..The district party is suck-ass and I haven't wanted to go to one since the 80's when I had bosses I liked.

12/02/2011 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/01/2011 12:06:00 PM

How much shorter can they make our furlos now since we are only allowed our 14 day segment and 2 day extension for a total of 16 days(if manpower allows it).

12/01/2011 05:20:00 PM

WOW, that really sucks office. Too bad you do not have working day furlough - yet. Best thing going. When planned and picked correctly, you get a lot of time off. I just had 25 days of November off and it was great.

12/02/2011 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He looks like some chick. I just can't place her. In the name of god, I hope I haven't dated this man.

12/03/2011 09:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
As a side note. For a lot of laughs and opinion of OWS protestors and the younger generations listen at this link. Copy & paste.

Very true and so funny.

Adam Carolla Breaks Down Occupy Movement: F-n Self-Entitled Monsters’

Some people have a way of breaking down an issue, laying it out in its simplest, most rudimentary form. Comic and podcaster Adam Carolla did just that recently when he unleashed what many conservatives will hail an acerbic yet painfully accurate debunking of the Occupy movement and its self-ascribed motivations. The nearly ten minute long lampooning of America’s new “f–king self-entitled monsters“ who ”think the world owes them a living” is peppered with very strong language, still, Carolla’s observations are worth listening through to the end...............

Ok. I get it. Your angry you have to deal with the OWS protestors. There are many unknown threats to security and safety that will and are dwelling among them. We get that, but let’s not forget the end goal of these people.

At this point it’s not about the taxes, which is Adam Corolla’s case along with most high ranking democrats, but it is ultimately people Nation Wide, middle class working people, tired of getting screwed by the banks, big business and corruption within our government.

Have you tried to apply for a loan, mortgage, or sell or buy a place lately? Everything is underwater. This is not the 60’s where the protestors are hippies chanting peace love dope, they are asking for paid employment. There are 7 national conglomerates that basically run the world, this is a fact. They control the media, and all other sources in which to spread information.

I am all for hard work and earning your keep, but many people are getting screwed or bullied by bosses into shabby, or in this line of work, unsafe and undermanned working conditions.

If you scare enough people into thinking “At least I have a job” the one percent wins. They now have lemmings that will do what they are told, or fire them unlawfully in most cases, and hire another one who will bend over even further.

Let’s talk about the 1% in terms of Daley %. How many of his people ever worked for what they got? . .
I can’t name one either.

Let’s talk about people who were handed shit they do not deserve because of political clout (Money=power and voice). Ron da da don don don Huberman… He worked for every position he had right? CPD/CTA/CPS what other job that has an acronym with a capitol C in front of it could we have given him.

The Daley power was created by bullying and making under the table deals with high ranking low profile contractors and vendors.

All city agencies police themselves and their people. Period. No accountability to citizens or honor that comes with the mostly unearned positions within city brass.

The 99% is asking for a voice that people have to come to THIS WEBSITE for because they know if they went to anyone in house with these issues, they would be swept under numerous rugs, and you would be shining shoes the next day.

How many times do you see the following words in blog posts:
Clout, corruption, stupidity, manpower, crap, laws…

“Where are the Feds”- we need feds to investigate Chicago’s level of shit? We do. And it has to be really bad for them to step in. Sad and true!

“Where is the media” – Mostly in the city pocket- story doest break, nothing gets done. True!

We are the 99%. Like it or not Adam Corolla. How much did you make last year? After the man show, what else have you done? … Asshole.

12/03/2011 11:38:00 PM  

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