Friday, January 27, 2012

Crowd Dynamics

  • The easy passage through city council of greater restrictions on public protest last week caused some consternation, and confusion: is the city government trying to stifle protest or prevent street violence? Does increasing bureaucratic layers and tightening rules actually prevent a protest from becoming a riot? The old but ever-present shadow of 1968 continues to loom in advance of the G8 and NATO summits.

Also, you'd think this article might provoke a response from the media instead of them making up lies about the blog:

  • Jammers, pack your tents, muster up your courage and prepare for a big bang in Chicago this Spring. If we don’t stand up now and fight now for a different kind of future we may not have much of a future … so let’s live without dead time for a month in May and see what happens …
"big bang." "fight now." Seems at least as provocative as anything written here according to the media standards.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bang they will hear is a jail cell door.

1/27/2012 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today srill wated by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, then maybe you can hire the A team.

1/27/2012 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The old but ever-present shadow of 1968 continues to loom in advance of the G8 and NATO summits."

This is BS. There's nothing "looming".

We had the TABD, the DNC and several Bulls riots here and nothing on the scale of the '68 DNC occurred here.

The media consists of a bunch of idiots, trying to stir up trouble so that they have something to "report".

1/27/2012 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why arent thr burglary teams working g8

1/27/2012 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's interesting you link to that article, as it mentions that official and media demonizing of the protesters, and orders to use maximum force were part of the problem in 68. To quote the article: "Fringe material became fodder for police with an ear to the ground or an eye on the local paper. ...Frightened officials took their wildest fantasies literally; and the myth of the Yippie grew...the actions of a minority of CPD officers...stemmed from a lack of legitimacy assigned to the protesters"

So maybe assuming the worst about all the protesters in advance might make things worse and play into the Mayor's dangerous "anything goes" security plan.

Maybe if you guys tried to foster some mutual respect between cops and protesters, only the unrepentant thrill seekers would cause problems and the rest would isolate them.

Maybe reached on issues where you have common ground, like union rights and the mayor being a jerk., Point out rioting doesn't help the cause that cops are workers and human beings too; but to get people to respect that message you have to give respect as well. These kids have watched a lot of cop dramas which humanize cops and many will think twice if respect is requested in a respectful way. It may seem like more than these rowdy kids deserve, and you'd prefer to get respect without having to explain, but people tend to need persuasion. The protesters share many of your beefs, including distrust of the media. I've seen cops defuse several strident people with an appeal to common manners and decency. It may not reach the hardcore jerks, but it may get to the rest who really don't want a riot.

1/27/2012 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to see Walter Jaconson's Perspective, Channel 2 news from 1/26/2012. More Answers needed about Summit. He hit the nail on the head this time.!!

1/27/2012 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a cop but I read this blog pretty regularly. This is definitely something where police advice would be appreciated.

My wife works pretty much right on top of where this fucking G8 nightmare is going to be. The G8 protests in the past have been ugly enough, but I believe this one will be quite different, with the added momentum from the whole 'occupy' thing that sprung up over the past year.

Do you guys think this is a "GTFO of town" sort of deal, or just a "keep inside the house and avoid large gatherings" thing?

I have to admit, my first instinct is to just burn some vacation days and leave town but maybe I'm just being paranoid?

1/27/2012 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to know what is the bottom line of sworn police to these idiots running the city and CPD. Is it 13,500 / 12,500 / 11,500. Because going back to the days of Judy JFled he would state we have enough to do the job. Now being down another 1,000 since then BigMac states we are able to handle the job. I would like to know when does someone raise the red flag and say we need some help. The less ploice the more stress on the guys and gals working. This results in more CRs / accidents / unstable family life ect.... I am worried it may get to the point that the red flag will be raised to late and many will suffer from it!

1/27/2012 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With 50% of USA hoseholds receviving some sort of government subsidy and students who have completed college only to return home -- many don't see much of a future.

Nothing to lose -- no futures seen -- and a political force that only looks out for corporations is quite a formula for social unrest don't you think?

I mean like yeah..We're all pumped to work a shovel ready job to pay off a six figure student loan for the next 40 years and just take it right? Then after the 40 years have the political apparatus preach to us how we should of saved more and not lived beyond our means...and that we should not look for government handouts like medicare and/or social security or pensions....IN OUR SHOVEL-READY JOBS!

1/27/2012 02:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe how ill prepared our fucking department is to the mayhem in May that is upcoming. January is coming to an end and now we only have three months left. We don't have proper equipment and inadequate manpower.

1/27/2012 02:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the revolution will not be televised

1/27/2012 03:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

makes you wonder if rahmbo or anyone else in city hall or cpd really thought about this at all? did they forget seattle? or do they figure like they do for anything else that this is chicago and whatever i say goes, so no fighting?????

1/27/2012 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: SCC, you have to see the picture Kass recieved from someone of Emmanuel as the Rahmfather...classic, yet so true.

1/27/2012 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: I guess A/4 patrol dosent want XO AC downstairs. So they hid him upstairs with A/4 Dets. Careful A/4 hes wearing a wire

1/26/2012 05:57:00 PM

Umm maybe because he is assigned to the Area 4 Deputy Chiefs office.. Think or become educated before you type.

1/27/2012 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to admit, my first instinct is to just burn some vacation days and leave town but maybe I'm just being paranoid?

1/27/2012 01:15:00 AM
If you can, take a trip. Watch it on TV from somewhere else. The worst thing that could happen is you took a nice trip and nothing bad happened here.

1/27/2012 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the mff team will save us!!!!!!

1/27/2012 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are groups that are coming, and the police know they are coming, that come to create violence and damage. That is a fact. It's happened at every g8 that has been held. This will be on a larger scale because of the occupy movement. Despite what the city says, the Officers will tell they do not have the manpower to handle this and the rest of the city. They have not been trained or equipped. Their morale is in the toilet. I would not allow a loved one to go anywhere near downtown at that time. Plus there is a sox vs cubs game. They simply do not have the manpower and have yet to ask for assistance. And it has been deported the police will not use crowd control agents such as teAr gas. A recipe for disaster. YouTube the Black Bloc. They are coming.

1/27/2012 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous troll hunter said...

1/27/2012 02:32:00 AM

The above comment is another ows troll

1/27/2012 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When chief Chicago cheerleader Jerry Roper of downtown chamber of commerce expresses deep concern about G8/NATO preparations in Chicago Suntimes article, unleashing fury of Mayor's Office, you KNOW that trouble is ahead. This guy's supposed to have the downtown highway interchange named after him, that's how deep his boosterism and City Hall-friendly he normally is. HE is saying: property owners and retailers: get boarding up material, get boarding up vendor, get extra security patrol, and stockpile food for employees/tenants. HE IS SAYING THAT EMPLOYERS SHOULD LET THEIR EMPLOYEES WORK FROM HOME THAT WEEK.

Anyone watch Carol Marin segment on G8/NATO earlier this week? Lori Healy and Felicia Davis looked like "two deer trapped in the headlights", spouting the usual blather about "Chicago is an international city" and "Chicago will greatly benefit from this conference". Clueless; soon to be scapegoats for this clusterfuck.

To previous poster re: safety for Chicagoans working downtown: yes, I'd say work from home that week.

1/27/2012 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets see if the FOP will take my recommendation and print the "Map of the Stars." Allowing the G8 protesters to go directly to the most celebrated thieves of the 20th century's homes. The list could be large. Daley, Weis,Rahm, 50 thieves, Madigan, Quinn, Obummer,every crooked excempt,Byrne,,,,,,,

1/27/2012 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And they said let's come may 1 2012. the whole month. will the brass or kiss ass. make plans to deal with them early no.

1/27/2012 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Home Run !! said...



It looks like Babe Ruth knocking one out of the fuckin' park!!!

1/27/2012 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@A-Team reference:

Thanks for bringing up some good memories of 80's t.v.! Awesome!

1/27/2012 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you guys think this is a "GTFO of town" sort of deal, or just a "keep inside the house and avoid large gatherings" thing?

I have to admit, my first instinct is to just burn some vacation days and leave town but maybe I'm just being paranoid?

1/27/2012 01:15:00 AM

Unless you own a business or a condo downtown, you are safe watching it unfold from the comforts of your home.

Property damage will be directed to businesses and the vehicles parked nearby.

Violence will be directed towards police

1/27/2012 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Slightly off topic, but I recently saw an article that mentions that a reporter went through the occupy wall street tent city at night with a thermal imager. Out of the hundreds of tents set up, only 3 were occupied overnight. Seems all the dirty hippies go home to mom and dad's house in the burbs every night and commute in to protest in the morning! Thought that was interesting...

1/27/2012 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to admit, my first instinct is to just burn some vacation days and leave town but maybe I'm just being paranoid?

Get a FOID, take a basic firearm class, all the gun ranges have them. Buy an appropriate pistol and or shotgun, maybe stay home from working in the loop, but don't be a pussy and abandon your house.

1/27/2012 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe if you guys tried to foster some mutual respect between cops and protesters, only the unrepentant thrill seekers would cause problems and the rest would isolate them.

Sounds like you've never had someone spit in your face. I don't have a problem with peaceful protesting. I take issue with having human excrement thrown on me. I also take issue with the lack of training, equipment, and manpower that only increases the chances I will literally eat a shit sandwich. Sounds like you probably have THEORIES about all kinds of social interaction with very little real world experience to back it up.

There are people that will be attending NATO/G8 who are desperate to cause mayhem. When the situation starts to go south you have the luxury of retreating to your coffeehouse to discuss your THEORIES. I will be stuck in the middle of the fray, outnumbered and poorly equipped.

1/27/2012 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hey asshat, I work a shovel at my job for the past 25 years. How many of you college types get b.s. degrees in poly sci., english, sociology, then wonder why you cant find work.

1/27/2012 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had the TABD, the DNC and several Bulls riots here and nothing on the scale of the '68 DNC occurred here.

OTJ for all of them. Nothing came close to 1968. The King riot was the worst.

1/27/2012 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just as you nowhere advocated covering police ID's, they nowhere advocate violence. Just the opposite, as they do use the term "Ghandian ferocity" which implied NON-violence. Right?

1/27/2012 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EVERYBODY, I mean everybody, will be spending time on the lines or will be downtown in May, there is no way they (the bosses) or we as a group, can get around that.

PREPARE your mind and body. Get on a treadmill and start building your stamina, your legs, your upper body and your core.

BDUs are a good idea, heavy leather boots are needed for protection and leg support. if you can swing turtle gear, get it.

Check the money box and use it for a nice treat over the summer.

In talking with the average taxpayer in my travels, they are on our side in this matter. They are wondering why Rahmmy would invite this kind of abuse to the City. Many of the, regret their Rahm vote, as much as they regret their Obama vote.

1/27/2012 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why arent thr burglary teams working g8

1/27/2012 12:53:00 AM

We have (4) incident teams in 003 and none have been to the 3 day training. I suspect that to change very quickly.

1/27/2012 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a cop but I read this blog pretty regularly. This is definitely something where police advice would be appreciated.

My wife works pretty much right on top of where this fucking G8 nightmare is going to be. The G8 protests in the past have been ugly enough, but I believe this one will be quite different, with the added momentum from the whole 'occupy' thing that sprung up over the past year.

Do you guys think this is a "GTFO of town" sort of deal, or just a "keep inside the house and avoid large gatherings" thing?

I have to admit, my first instinct is to just burn some vacation days and leave town but maybe I'm just being paranoid?

1/27/2012 01:15:00 AM

You're not being paranoid. Grab your wife and go somewhere peaceful for a week.

1/27/2012 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:10 am: "The Revolution will not be brought to you by the makers of the white tornado".Gil Scott-Heron

1/27/2012 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic: shame on the officers who responded to charter fitness yesterday in 022. I was embarrassed for your police skills or lack there of. Protect the homefront dog asses!

1/27/2012 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just heard an interview on WLS890 with Alderman Fioretti 2nd Ward and Don and Roma that Nine and a half may have paid people to attend a meeting concerning his proposal to close some schools. Evidently the paid individuals, most of whom were not from the area that was going to lose a school, got to the meeting and after listening to the arguments being made in favor to keeping the schools open, decided they didn't want to be there any longer. It was also suggested that they had been given prewritten scripts by someone involved in the school closings which the, lets call them "plants", refused to read in the open forum. If Rhambo is this conniving in a school closing meeting, what can we expect him to do during contract talks? This guy scares me on so many levels and his utter disregard for fair and honest discussion of any topic he wishes to control is immeasurable. Please SCC use your forum to further investigate and out this weasel before something bad happens to us.

1/27/2012 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous To the protester poster: said...

--01:11:00 AM It's interesting you link to that article--
I agree with you. I am a cop and want to ensure you that although we (cops) hate this protest stuff simply because it just a bunch of standing around babysitting because some in the past were unable to control themselves, there will be no cop fueled riot (No matter what the media says now or will infer in May). You are probably one of the more articulate individuals who are willing to rationally express their opinion here, probably more so than most cops, and I appreciate that. Most of the officers posting here are frustrated, make that very frustrated, with the City politicians (Not just the Mayor although he is the primary culprit) and with the upper management of the Police Department. Cops are in alignment with the protesters to the degree of common issues, union rights, the economy, health care, etc., but have been beaten down from within by those who were expected to be the structure.
I see that you intend to protest, and that your intent is a peaceful voice. Unfortunately, the City politicians do not want your voice to be heard and potentially offend or obstruct their personal and political agendas. Politicians have become the true enemy of this Country and we all will suffer until that is changed. That though will take much more than protest. You, as someone willing to get involved at the ground level should channel your efforts with your associates to work on that. But, right now, here in Chicago, you will be controlled by the politician and it will be done through use of the police department. They do not want you or your voice. There will be no police officers clubbing protesters; I will guarantee that, not even by the officers who are tired, hungry, frustrated and injured. There will be violence, you and I know that, but it will be caused by individuals or by groups who will be infiltrating the protesters and using them as cloaks for their violent intent. They will be here for violence, not change. I assure you that the peaceful protesters will be directed as necessary to the areas they will be allowed by those in the director’s chair, and as long as there is compliance, there will be no issue. There will also be a raucous clash with the violent offenders posing as protesters and there will be significant injury and property damage of monumental extent. We will be injured as well as the offenders, we know that going in, and that is why you read the frustration of police officers here on the blog. We are not the problem, nor are those with your intent. There is a common thread, and most officers do realize that. We are employed by the problem and in order to preserve our income and miniscule benefits (that are routinely violated) we have a job to do. It will be done, I guarantee to the minimum extent necessary, so as long as you act how you have expressed you will be acting, you will be treated with the respect and courtesy you deserve. By the nature of the job, police officers are reactive and mostly react to how the individual they are interacting with acts. From May 18th to the 22nd, everyone will be treated by the police with the respect and courtesy they deserve, weather a peaceful voice or an anarchist, arsonist or full blown assailant. Peace.

1/27/2012 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank Obama for the shape this country is in. 3x the debt that Bush had and growing.

1/27/2012 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is this Im hearing? The burglary teams are not working the G8 ? They work like tact teams in the area, why oh why are they not donning the turtle gear and heading to G8? anyone have anymore info?

1/27/2012 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bottom line...Take what little training they are giving us seriously. Get whatever gear you think you will need (I would rather have and not need it, than need it and not have it). And most importantly watch your six, and cover your partners back so that we don't get injured.
"They" are coming in May. There will be riots and mayhem. There will be peaceful protestors.
Stay Safe.

1/27/2012 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous 060708 said...

Anonymous said...
You have to see Walter Jaconson's Perspective, Channel 2 news from 1/26/2012. More Answers needed about Summit. He hit the nail on the head this time.!!

reply: I saw this skit from Walter Jacobson and it was nice to see this point of view being reported for a change. Keep digging Walter and pass on that same fire to your fellow media men.

1/27/2012 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the burglary teams should work G8 Nato!
The dept. is short handed and every little bit helps.

1/27/2012 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, but they didn't mention tape. Duct tape, scotch tape, tapeworm, etc., therefore the Media isn't interested.
Where will Bill Ayers be calling the shots with his Saul Alinsky play book, high atop City Hall ? Should that be a story?

1/27/2012 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kulbida splits us up off are car for an alledged allegation!SO MUCH FOR DUE PROCESS!TIME TO TALK TO A LAWYER!!

1/27/2012 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
the revolution will not be televised

It will be broadcast around the world anyway tv news is useless unless you want to learn to cook or find out who Paris Hilton is doing.

1/27/2012 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to know what is the bottom line of sworn police to these idiots running the city and CPD. Is it 13,500 / 12,500 / 11,500. Because going back to the days of Judy JFled he would state we have enough to do the job. Now being down another 1,000 since then BigMac states we are able to handle the job. I would like to know when does someone raise the red flag and say we need some help. The less ploice the more stress on the guys and gals working. This results in more CRs / accidents / unstable family life ect.... I am worried it may get to the point that the red flag will be raised to late and many will suffer from it!

I really do not know how to make my voice heard that we do not have enough people to do the job properly. We are short at every Civil Service rank, including dicks and ETs, etc.
I have not taken a day of medical in my career and currently am nursing a cold.
I am ready to start taking sick time. I do no not what else to do. I realize this will put a further burden on whoever shows up to work when I am sick, but I have reached my limit.
Retiring is not an option for me yet.

1/27/2012 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/27/2012 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send in the scoops!!!

1/27/2012 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No worries my brothers just was told crime is down and everything will be all good in May. You heard it here first. Now pass me me the Kool Aid. I sure do love me some Kool Aid.

1/27/2012 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1/27/2012 02:32:00 AM

Exactly, you demonize the corporations but talk about %50 on government assistance and shovel ready jobs. Only the government creates shovel ready jobs, the private sector creates jobs u went to school for.

1/27/2012 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wish we had more judges like this one in FL


1/27/2012 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a You Tube video on it:

1/27/2012 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got this second hand. Second tier officers (1w) were told to get turtle gear for their personal protection. Our regular uniforms are not fireproof. Per Kirby those quarterly checks are to be used for uniforms, so officers should buy their own turtle gear.
What's the truth? Is the turtle gear fireproof? What have first tier officers (3w) been told? There was no turtle gear when I started on this job.

1/27/2012 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a cop but I read this blog pretty regularly. This is definitely something where police advice would be appreciated.

My wife works pretty much right on top of where this fucking G8 nightmare is going to be. The G8 protests in the past have been ugly enough, but I believe this one will be quite different, with the added momentum from the whole 'occupy' thing that sprung up over the past year.

Do you guys think this is a "GTFO of town" sort of deal, or just a "keep inside the house and avoid large gatherings" thing?

I have to admit, my first instinct is to just burn some vacation days and leave town but maybe I'm just being paranoid?
My wife works downtown and she requested the week of the summit, I think staying away from the downtown area would be wise, leaving town may be too much. I told all my friends and family to stay away from the downtown area. Don't use the trains or highways near or in the loop. Hope it helped.

1/27/2012 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting article on Huffington Post... it quotes SCC

1/27/2012 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the blogger about respecting the protesters. I would rather have them fear me then respecting me! If you look at nature, animals who cannot speak, survive by survival of the fittest, same principle here. there will be no talking to an anarchist just actions, violent actions and when i'm stuck on the front lines I WANT THEM TO FEAR ME AND THEY WILL FEAR ME IF THEY TRY TO HARM ME OR MY TEAM! property is property thats what insurance is for. but attack us and you will be saying hello to a Doctor at County Hospital!

1/27/2012 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you think the bulls riots weren't comparable to 1968 you obviously weren't on the south or west sides.

1/27/2012 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of these protesters are protesting issues that concern us the police as well. Hell, if I was working I would be down there marching with them.
Advice to the protesters,police your ranks and keep it peaceful and you won't have any problems with the police.

1/27/2012 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With 50% of USA hoseholds receviving some sort of government subsidy and students who have completed college only to return home -- many don't see much of a future.

Nothing to lose -- no futures seen -- and a political force that only looks out for corporations is quite a formula for social unrest don't you think?

I mean like yeah..We're all pumped to work a shovel ready job to pay off a six figure student loan for the next 40 years and just take it right? Then after the 40 years have the political apparatus preach to us how we should of saved more and not lived beyond our means...and that we should not look for government handouts like medicare and/or social security or pensions....IN OUR SHOVEL-READY JOBS!


Ok college grad, sociology major, Do you know what people call a shovel ready jobs here in the US "opportunity" . Its called not buying an I-Phone, not partying every weekend, and spending less while saving your money. But you have two working parents and a college degree with a home-food, shelter, fear from violence, sorry if the po po might lock you up for an already illegal substance named cannabis. Grow up.

1/27/2012 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC-Went to commander Kupczyk wake last night,great turn out,good family,everybody being supportive and showing respect and then 008 tac JF shows up in jeans and gym shoes,you kidding me,besides embarrassing himself,his sgt. and his Lt,he showed no respect for Kup or his family,all that was missing was his Big Gulp drink,the only other people wearing jeans were on duty tac teams and DUDE walking down western to go buy a 40oz,JF u seemed more concerned with the gel in your hair,why don't you just bid out now,you showed no respect at the wake of a great boss and great man,its clear you have no class.And yes I work in 008 and unlike you have respect and showed class to Kup's family.

1/27/2012 01:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic.
R.I.P. KUP Terrific send off for a GENTLEMAN. You will be sorely missed.

The "mens'"

1/27/2012 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember that when we post here that the site is monitored by a lot of people like nutjob Andy Thayer. Since they will not get close to McCormick place I might suggest two other sites to protest at which are made up of the top 1% of the top 1%:

The Commercial Club of Chicago
21 S. Clark Street
Suite 4301


The Civic Federation
177 N. State St., Suite 400
Ask for Lawrence Msall - president


1/27/2012 02:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

#OccupyChicago has a Facebook page where they are trying to recruit people to come and goad the Police into a 68 repeat.

I'm stocking up on OC and Zip Cuffs on the off chance I get detailed to work downtown near the site.

1/27/2012 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry Rahm and McNutty says everything is gonna be just peachy keen. They're smarter than us you know.

1/27/2012 02:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had the g8training today and i am fully prepared for May because Im retiring in april

1/27/2012 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The protesters share many of your beefs, including distrust of the media. I've seen cops defuse several strident people with an appeal to common manners and decency. It may not reach the hardcore jerks, but it may get to the rest who really don't want a riot.

1/27/2012 01:11:00 AM

Shut your pie hole you filthy hippie.

1/27/2012 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The revolution doen't need to be on tv when you have billions on the internet. I for one WILL be posting myself. Im a kid from the city streets not some suburb you come after me I'll come back at you my job be damned.

1/27/2012 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While many laughed off Occupy Wall Street and predicted it would not last, the puppet masters have made their next move. We now have the evidence to prove that the early phase of the movement was nothing more than a staging period to build an infrastructure that will culminate in a massive occupation of Chicago this May.

Found this on Twitter. You know OC is watching us.

1/27/2012 03:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a cop but I read this blog pretty regularly. This is definitely something where police advice would be appreciated.

My wife works pretty much right on top of where this fucking G8 nightmare is going to be. The G8 protests in the past have been ugly enough, but I believe this one will be quite different, with the added momentum from the whole 'occupy' thing that sprung up over the past year.

Do you guys think this is a "GTFO of town" sort of deal, or just a "keep inside the house and avoid large gatherings" thing?

I have to admit, my first instinct is to just burn some vacation days and leave town but maybe I'm just being paranoid?

1/27/2012 01:15:00 AM

I highly doubt that NatoGate is coming into the neighborhoods. If you live along the lakefront, or in one or eighteen, I'd be looking to visit old friends in another city for that week.

That being said, Mrs. Obama is looking for 'large venues' across Chicago, according to the news, to host events for delegates. If one of those 'large venues' happens to be in your neighborhood, you might see some protests transferred there temporarily.

Me? Newly retired, I had planned a trip to London that week. I'm now staying home, keeping an eye on the house. I think the local criminals are going to look at this as an opportunity to hit the neighborhoods while the majority of the beat cops are detailed to this mess Rahm has brought upon us.

1/27/2012 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous NoBama 2012 said...

Dear Deadbeats,
Vote for obama again and your future, along with Americas WILL be different, and I guara-fuckin-tee, it won't be much of a future under socialism.
Ask anyone from Eastern Europe, Poles, Czechs, East Germans, Hungry.
Ask someone from Greece, Italy or France, they'll tell ya'.

1/27/2012 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Pretty much sums up any Democrat controlled city/state. Written by an ex-Chicago Cop.

1/27/2012 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT, but related to the officer bitten post. This report was on the Huffington Post yesterday:

'Policing Chicago Schools': Report Suggests In-School Officers Put Teens On Road To Prison

ACLU involved, of course.

Why don't we ask for volunteers from the ACLU to police the schools in the ways they see fit???

1/27/2012 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Their call to action includes comments about the "Chicago Seven."

Aren't those guys all Obama's pals?

Is Abby Hoffman dead?

1/27/2012 04:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abbie Hoffman, the clown prince of radical protest whose life and death seemed a synonym for the 1960's, committed suicide with a huge dose of barbiturates, a Pennsylvania coroner ruled yesterday.

Although friends and family knew that Mr. Hoffman, who was 52 years old, was a chronic manic depressive, most maintained to the last that he had the illness under control and even planned to write a book about it.


Maybe all the protesters just need some meds!

1/27/2012 04:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm not a cop but I read this blog pretty regularly. This is definitely something where police advice would be appreciated.

My wife works pretty much right on top of where this fucking G8 nightmare is going to be. The G8 protests in the past have been ugly enough, but I believe this one will be quite different, with the added momentum from the whole 'occupy' thing that sprung up over the past year.

Do you guys think this is a "GTFO of town" sort of deal, or just a "keep inside the house and avoid large gatherings" thing?

I have to admit, my first instinct is to just burn some vacation days and leave town but maybe I'm just being paranoid?

1/27/2012 01:15:00 AM

Stay away from downtown.

1/27/2012 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a cop but I read this blog pretty regularly. This is definitely something where police advice would be appreciated.
I think your wife should take some vacation days. Or maybe she could work from home that week? It's going to be mayhem with street closings, no parking, overloaded public transportation.

I remember the Detroit riots. Nobody could be out after dark.

1/27/2012 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to Mary Ann Ahern for the story about our lack of equipment. We are sacrificial lambs that need to be more proactive about our plight. When 2/3 of the Dept doesn't even have gas masks,that is disgusting.

1/27/2012 04:45:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

Just as you nowhere advocated covering police ID's, they nowhere advocate violence. Just the opposite, as they do use the term "Ghandian ferocity" which implied NON-violence. Right?

Ummm, duh? Did you figure that out all on your own? Now do you see the double standards?

1/27/2012 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just FYI. I know many dont like the new supt(most of which are people who have never met him) but I met him for the first time today at Commander Kups funeral. He was personable and talked to alot of blue shirts just shootin the breeze. He gave a Dynamite speech at the eulogy for Kup and ended with announcing that he is promoting kup to deputy chief. He then presented the family with a deputy chief dress baton. So from here on out we dont remember Commander John Kupczyk but Deputy Chief John Kupczyk. A very classy move on behalf of the supt and the department. Its been a long time since Ive seen anything good out of this shitty department but today it was nice to see. Kup, rest in peace.

1/27/2012 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm not a cop but I read this blog pretty regularly. This is definitely something where police advice would be appreciated.

My wife works pretty much right on top of where this fucking G8 nightmare is going to be. The G8 protests in the past have been ugly enough, but I believe this one will be quite different, with the added momentum from the whole 'occupy' thing that sprung up over the past year.

Do you guys think this is a "GTFO of town" sort of deal, or just a "keep inside the house and avoid large gatherings" thing?

I have to admit, my first instinct is to just burn some vacation days and leave town but maybe I'm just being paranoid?

1/27/2012 01:15:00 AM


No worries...

We have a crack Inspector Staff led by Cpt. C. White!

She will cite all the wrongdoers and note all shortcomings and nip the positive morale in the ass, all for the good of society and the City of Chicago!

Oh and she will address the general public in this endeavor as well somewhere along the way I am sure!

1/27/2012 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Do you guys think this is a "GTFO of town" sort of deal, or just a "keep inside the house and avoid large gatherings" thing?

I have to admit, my first instinct is to just burn some vacation days and leave town but maybe I'm just being paranoid?

If you stay and nothing happens, Great!!! If something does happen than you will be haunted by your decisions. If you can take time than go to Key West and scuba dive and watch the melee on TV. Trust me
after the Bulls Riots, freaknic near Cumberland and Irving PK, 2008 taste of Chicago, and the present occupy, Hmmmm, They took my ability to be off in May, Good Citizen stay at home.

1/27/2012 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

suggestion....anyone who works downtown, or near McCormick Place.....during the G8/Nato Summit times, get the hell out....

1/27/2012 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:02 I'll tell you what to do. Quit whining and go to work. You are right, taking sick time off will burden your fellow officers, so why the hell would you do that.
Stop worrying about May, everything will work out. If you are freaking out this much about G8, maybe early retirement would be a great option, I'm sure they will find another person to replace you in the front office

1/27/2012 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bottom line, you have it straight, G8 is coming in May, and like you I'm preparing myself, not giving it another thought until May because not matter how much you worry, nothing will change and all this time complaining could be used for something useful

1/27/2012 06:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Link to the 1968 MLK riots in Chicago Filmed by the CFD

1/27/2012 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Link to 1968 Democratic convention Take a look

1/27/2012 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As my good friend Chicken Little said

"The Sky is falling, the sky is falling"

How about we just pull up our bootstraps, do the job and move on to the next alleged catastrophe.

1/27/2012 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did the City and Exempts, ever think about the Chicago Cubs are in town against the Philly Phillies [an excellent team] and the Crosstown Classic against the Chicago White Sox, during the same week of the G-8!

About 50,000 people a day [fans as well as workers], for a week in Wrigleyville/019 District with NO MANPOWER while the "Mayhem G-8" is going on!

This City is run by BOZOS!

ANYONE?! Buehler?! CRICKETS!!!!

1/27/2012 06:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have (4) incident teams in 003 and none have been to the 3 day training. I suspect that to change very quickly.

1/27/2012 09:06:00 AM

But they plan on sending the recruits that are in training at the Academy to the three day FFO!

1/27/2012 07:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jody the gump got rid of all the real bosses who knew how to handle major events and replaced them with chicken shit merit bosses who never done any meriting of their own except to kiss an ass.
The last major national events, World Cup Soccer and the Democratic convention in the early 90s. Both were handled very well but, now you have the merit bosses that replaced the much smarter seasoned officer and a major reduction in personel (mostly the older and wiser police officers)all this thanks to the Democratic pols and their task master Jody Weise. Good luck Chicago. You always thought that there would be enough people around to cover the dumb ass merit boys. This will be interesting

1/27/2012 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kulbida splits us up off are car for an alledged allegation!SO MUCH FOR DUE PROCESS!TIME TO TALK TO A LAWYER!!

Talk to a lawyer for being moved off of a car...lmao
What a crying baby. And since when is it your car anyway? What a mush..Let me guess, you are done doing anything now right superstar?

1/27/2012 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

was there during bulls riots. biggest difference? we had some real leaders that we could respect.

1/27/2012 07:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm is known to say never let a crisis go to waste. This May, he seems to be creating a crisis. What does Rahm and Obama have planned when the city explodes?

1/27/2012 07:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kulbida splits us up off are car for an alledged allegation!SO MUCH FOR DUE PROCESS!TIME TO TALK TO A LAWYER!!

YOU are an idiot! Show me where it says that you are contractually or any other way, guaranteed who you work with. Now I see why they broke you guys up, off of "are" car.

1/27/2012 08:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Cool Hand Luke said...

"What's the truth? Is the turtle gear fireproof?"

Turtles are fireproof, if that helps.

1/27/2012 08:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In the shadow of 1968," give me a fucking break! The vast majority of coppers on this job weren't even born then!

I don't even think there is an officer from 1968 is still on the job, since they would have had to been about 19 or 20 years old when they started.

Why don't you just say, "In the shadow of the St. Valentine's Day massacre" or "in the shadow of the Haymarket riots," or "in the shadow of Mrs. O'Leary's cow?"

Who the fuck writes this crap and what stupid ass editor lets this shit through?

Evidently, the media and other journalists still writes not "in the shadow of Hearst's yellow journalism, but in the bright sun light of yellow journalism!"

Could you imagine the real good a new outlet could do if they were honest and unbiased?

So, fuck them. Let the city burn boys and girls. Do not risk being sued over false or contrived complaints if you take action. What can they do to you if you "just hold the line" and move that line backwards so there are no injuries to persons who are present?

1/27/2012 08:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always better to be feared than respected in the police business. Get better results.

1/27/2012 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say, ICE CREAM! Let the City of Chicago buy all of the protesters ice cream. I would suggest the three regular flavors of chocolate, strawberry and vanilla, plus a flavor of the day. I do hope on one day they can get chocolate chip cookie dough, because that is my favorite. Everyone gets two scoops in a waffle cone.

1/27/2012 08:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lets see if the FOP will take my recommendation and print the "Map of the Stars." Allowing the G8 protesters to go directly to the most celebrated thieves of the 20th century's homes. The list could be large. Daley, Weis,Rahm, 50 thieves, Madigan, Quinn, Obummer,every crooked excempt,Byrne,,,,,,,

1/27/2012 08:00:00 AM

Great Idea ! Some Coppers should rent a bust and give tours, with half hour long stops in front of all Chicago Politicians homes, including mayor, Aldermen, ETC.

1/27/2012 09:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the person wishing to know why Burglary Teams are not working G8, It is above your pay grade to concern yourself with such things, so GO MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUISNESS.

1/27/2012 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cook really great chili (not to boast) I'm going to add some extra beans to it and make a huge batch and feed it to everyone working G8.

1/27/2012 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bottom line, you have it straight, G8 is coming in May, and like you I'm preparing myself, not giving it another thought until May because not matter how much you worry, nothing will change and all this time complaining could be used for something useful

1/27/2012 06:26:00 PM...........................................Like trying to develop a hernia before the riots?

1/27/2012 09:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

1/27/2012 11:06:00 AM
Das gift ! Das gift!

1/27/2012 10:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that can even if NOT in the loop area Get Out of Dodge.. Why take the chance..? My family will be leaving town to stay with me.. no one is assured it will be contained to the loop area.. at least no common folk..

1/27/2012 11:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word is Commander of Special Functions is becoming next Street Deputy.

1/27/2012 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As my good friend Chicken Little said

"The Sky is falling, the sky is falling"

How about we just pull up our bootstraps, do the job and move on to the next alleged catastrophe.

1/27/2012 06:47:00 PM

Exactly. I just don't see what the big deal is. We will be fine. Everything is going to be alright.

1/27/2012 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the person wishing to know why Burglary Teams are not working G8

1/27/2012 11:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: I guess A/4 patrol dosent want XO AC downstairs. So they hid him upstairs with A/4 Dets. Careful A/4 hes wearing a wire

1/26/2012 05:57:00 PM

Umm maybe because he is assigned to the Area 4 Deputy Chiefs office.. Think or become educated before you type.

he is assigned to the dep chief of patrols office, which is on the first floor. So by sending him upstairs it shows they dont want him around.
Forget the education just have a nice big cup of STFU!!!

1/27/2012 11:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure promoting KUP to DC was a nice gesture, but maybe letting the officers assigned to the Honor Guard do what they are trained for would have been nicer. Luckily a few members of the honor guard, on their own time, gave a quick course to the 8th district guys. The 8th district officers did a great job..

1/27/2012 11:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Idea ! Some Coppers should rent a bust and give tours, with half hour long stops in front of all Chicago Politicians homes, including mayor, Aldermen, ETC.

1/27/2012 09:04:00 PM

So many straight-lines, so little time.

1/28/2012 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just FYI. I know many dont like the new supt(most of which are people who have never met him) but I met him for the first time today at Commander Kups funeral. He was personable and talked to alot of blue shirts just shootin the breeze. He gave a Dynamite speech at the eulogy for Kup and ended with announcing that he is promoting kup to deputy chief. He then presented the family with a deputy chief dress baton. So from here on out we dont remember Commander John Kupczyk but Deputy Chief John Kupczyk. A very classy move on behalf of the supt and the department. Its been a long time since Ive seen anything good out of this shitty department but today it was nice to see. Kup, rest in peace.

1/27/2012 05:55:00 PM

It's an NYPD tradition. Don't be so easily snowed. Yes, it's a nice touch, but it cost him nothing and it bought him a ton of misplaced good will. Don't drink the kool aid.

1/28/2012 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fr. Brandt (sp) new Cpd chaplain was excellent today at St Rita giving the mass He mentioned Scc and how he reads the blog all the time and how if it's " on the blog, it's gotta be true!" he also gave a shot to the super on Comstat thanks Fr for being there for us we appreciate you so much thankful Policeman

1/28/2012 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
To the person wishing to know why Burglary Teams are not working G8, It is above your pay grade to concern yourself with such things, so GO MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUISNESS.

1/27/2012 09:24:00 PM

The burglary teams SHOULD be working G8!!!
Your obviously on the burglary team and you are probably scared to work g8 nato!!!

1/28/2012 03:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
why arent thr burglary teams working g8

1/27/2012 12:53:00 AM

We have (4) incident teams in 003 and none have been to the 3 day training. I suspect that to change very quickly.

1/27/2012 09:06:00 AM

please !! we need all the help we can get!!!

1/28/2012 03:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure promoting KUP to DC was a nice gesture, but maybe letting the officers assigned to the Honor Guard do what they are trained for would have been nicer. Luckily a few members of the honor guard, on their own time, gave a quick course to the 8th district guys. The 8th district officers did a great job..

1/27/2012 11:41:00 PM
The Captain in 8 wanted volunteers for honor guard. It was not a "department" funeral or wake because it wasnt a "line of duty death" so they couldn't use the actual cpd honor guard. The captain just wanted volunteers to do honor guard as a sign of respect for our Commander. Don't take it so personally.

1/28/2012 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

While many laughed off Occupy Wall Street and predicted it would not last, the puppet masters have made their next move. We now have the evidence to prove that the early phase of the movement was nothing more than a staging period to build an infrastructure that will culminate in a massive occupation of Chicago this May.

Found this on Twitter. You know OC is watching us.

1/27/2012 03:48:00 PM

It was reported that Occupy Chicago has rented space in the huge building by the river at 500 w. Cermak rd. They are planning to use it to conduct meetings.

1/28/2012 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word on the street is that the thugs, knowing that a huge number of cops are going to be downtown during NATO week and that those still in the Districts are working extended hours and will be tired, are going to go nuts in the neighborhoods, particularly in Copland up north in Edison and Norwood Parks. I had one guy laugh and tell me to "watch out, we are coming to your hood" when we were talking about G8/NATO.

Be ready guys. Teach the wife how to handle your rifle or pistol.

1/28/2012 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be protecting my store with both of my Colt 6920s.I have a Beta-Mag for each for any mass wave attacks and 20 pre-charged mags for each gun.
Other trusted employees will have personal side arms and act as bullet bitches,reloading mags between assaults.

1/28/2012 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the person wishing to know why Burglary Teams are not working G8, It is above your pay grade to concern yourself with such things, so GO MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUISNESS.

1/27/2012 09:24:00 PM

I know exactly which merit sergeant typed this...

1/28/2012 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to admit, my first instinct is to just burn some vacation days and leave town but maybe I'm just being paranoid?


If nothing else it will be inconvenient for you. I would make plans to be elsewhere if you can arrange it.

1/28/2012 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's an NYPD tradition. Don't be so easily snowed. Yes, it's a nice touch, but it cost him nothing and it bought him a ton of misplaced good will. Don't drink the kool aid.

Ramsey did the same thing in Philly - about 4 years ago

1/28/2012 11:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
just FYI. I know many dont like the new supt(most of which are people who have never met him) but I met him for the first time today at Commander Kups funeral. He was personable and talked to alot of blue shirts just shootin the breeze. He gave a Dynamite speech at the eulogy for Kup and ended with announcing that he is promoting kup to deputy chief. He then presented the family with a deputy chief dress baton. So from here on out we dont remember Commander John Kupczyk but Deputy Chief John Kupczyk. A very classy move on behalf of the supt and the department. Its been a long time since Ive seen anything good out of this shitty department but today it was nice to see. Kup, rest in peace.

1/27/2012 05:55:00 PM

It's an NYPD tradition. Don't be so easily snowed. Yes, it's a nice touch, but it cost him nothing and it bought him a ton of misplaced good will. Don't drink the kool aid.

1/28/2012 12:51:00 AM

No one's drinking any Kool Aid. When the guy is wrong, we jump all over him. If he does something good, whether it cost him anything or not, we question his motives. Can't have it both ways, moron.

1/28/2012 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kulbida probably dumped you after reading one of your reports Jethro.

Typical new age meathead P. O. I'm sure you're sporting the jazz patch and full sleeve tattoo but can't write yourself out of a paper bag

1/28/2012 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just FYI. I know many dont like the new supt(most of which are people who have never met him) but I met him for the first time today at Commander Kups funeral. He was personable and talked to alot of blue shirts just shootin the breeze. He gave a Dynamite speech at the eulogy for Kup and ended with announcing that he is promoting kup to deputy chief. He then presented the family with a deputy chief dress baton. So from here on out we dont remember Commander John Kupczyk but Deputy Chief John Kupczyk. A very classy move on behalf of the supt and the department. Its been a long time since Ive seen anything good out of this shitty department but today it was nice to see. Kup, rest in peace.

1/27/2012 05:55:00 PM

It's an NYPD tradition. Don't be so easily snowed. Yes, it's a nice touch, but it cost him nothing and it bought him a ton of misplaced good will. Don't drink the kool aid.

Nah, i thinks its a great tradition to be started here. I think it is a great thing Gmac did. I understand you hate this department and are bitter for no reason(you most likely have never been in trouble but hate it anyway) but I think it was a good move. I worked for and with kup for almost 11 years. I dont care if it didnt give him anything or cost him anything its the fact that it got done and it got done for Kups family... Thats what I care about. Take your bitterness and sour attitude and tell all the ppo's at roll call how awesome you Use to be back in the day but now you dont do nothing.. stroke.

1/28/2012 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

. I had one guy laugh and tell me to "watch out, we are coming to your hood" when we were talking about G8/NATO.
1/28/2012 06:49:00 AM

They just might run into an armed civilian patrol. Armed with revolvers, double barrel shotties and supplemental license plates. Dude knows how to be violent in a stupid way. We know how to do it with a little style.

1/28/2012 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's an NYPD tradition. Don't be so easily snowed. Yes, it's a nice touch, but it cost him nothing and it bought him a ton of misplaced good will. Don't drink the kool aid.

1/28/2012 12:51:00 AM

No one's drinking any Kool Aid. When the guy is wrong, we jump all over him. If he does something good, whether it cost him anything or not, we question his motives. Can't have it both ways, moron.

1/28/2012 11:59:00 AM

I'm not a moron. I'm also not as bitter as most who post here.

You seem to have missed the line about it being a nice touch. You also missed the part about it being an NYPD tradition (therefore, one can assume he is accustomed to doing this).

I did not deny it was a good thing. However, one well-placed sentence does not instantly buy my loyalty. Nor should it buy yours.

Kup was about to be promoted this week, so this was nothing more or less than the right thing to do. It doesn't earn McCarthy a ticker tape parade and it shouldn't earn him posts of praise.

1/28/2012 07:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


- Riot police arrested more than 100 anti-Wall Street protesters during a series of clashes in the streets of Oakland on Saturday that saw officers in riot gear firing tear gas at activists who tried to take over a shuttered convention center.

Three officers were injured during the running confrontations, which police said first erupted when the crowd began destroying construction equipment and tearing down fencing at the Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center in downtown Oakland in the early afternoon.

"Officers were pelted with bottles, metal pipe, rocks, spray cans, improvised explosive devices and burning flares," the Oakland Police Department said in a statement. "Oakland Police Department deployed smoke and tear gas."

Occupy Protesters Using I.E.D.s?

1/28/2012 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude knows how to be violent in a stupid way. We know how to do it with a little style.

1/28/2012 04:27:00 PM

wax on, wax off, grasshopper.


1/28/2012 11:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be protecting my store with both of my Colt 6920s.I have a Beta-Mag for each for any mass wave attacks and 20 pre-charged mags for each gun.
Other trusted employees will have personal side arms and act as bullet bitches,reloading mags between assaults.

1/28/2012 08:45:00 AM

there is no such thing as a trusted employee.

1/28/2012 11:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be ready guys. Teach the wife how to handle your rifle or pistol.

1/28/2012 06:49:00 AM

not gonna happen.

you've never met my wife.

1/28/2012 11:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Per Kirby those quarterly checks are to be used for uniforms, so officers should buy their own turtle gear.

He's wrong. Just trying to scare you into spending your own money.

1/29/2012 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry Rahm and McNutty says everything is gonna be just peachy keen. They're smarter than us you know.

1/27/2012 02:56:00 PM

McStreetlight just doesn't care. He's got his cash, if all goes to hell he will leave. That's it. End of story. He has no roots here. He'll put the fault on someone or something else and that's it.

1/29/2012 06:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a cop...........but they're paying me to be one.

1/29/2012 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In the shadow of 1968," give me a fucking break! The vast majority of coppers on this job weren't even born then!
But 1968 is still the problem. People have not forgotten that disaster.

This time though, there will be lots of cameras videoing everything. And the courts have reduced, at least somewhat, the deference they have traditionally given to police use of force.

The random use of force by police that occurred in 1968 will likely not be acceptable this time around. Appropriate use of force won't be a problem.

Only a tiny fraction of the protestors are there to instigate violence. Using force against the non-violent protestors is going to make things far worse and may well start something that cannot be contained.

No one is going to care if the few protestors engaging in violence get what is coming to them.

Look at what has happened in other cities in the US that have had these meetings going on. The protests have mostly been nuisances, especially compared to what has happened overseas.

1/29/2012 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Per Kirby those quarterly checks are to be used for uniforms, so officers should buy their own turtle gear.

He's wrong. Just trying to scare you into spending your own money.

1/29/2012 06:00:00 AM
He's a she.
And, uniform checks are to be used for uniform items, whether it be replacement items, guns or turtle gear. But, turtle gear is OPTIONAL; no one can make you buy it.

1/30/2012 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1/29/2012 06:00:00 AM
He's a she.
And, uniform checks are to be used for uniform items, whether it be replacement items, guns or turtle gear. But, turtle gear is OPTIONAL; no one can make you buy it.

1/30/2012 01:19:00 AM

Correct.....City has to Provide First Issue for all new or required never before issued gear.

Read the has useful information in it.

1/30/2012 07:44:00 PM  

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